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22,975-990 (1993)



Deparimeni of Consiruciion Engineering, National Taiwan Insiiture of Technology. P.O. Box 90-130,43, Seciion 4 , Keelung Rd. Taipei,
Taiwan, R.O.C.

A tuned-mass damper is a small damped spring-mass system which vibrates in resonance with the main structure to
which it is attached so as to be able to dissipate vibration energy and reduce the structural response. In this paper, explicit
forms of Green’s function for the transient response of main structures equipped with the tuned-mass damper and
subjected to support excitation are derived by perturbation techniques and provide an insight into the characteristics of
the damper. It is found that there exists a critical damping level for the tuned-mass damper. If the damper damping is
higher than this critical damping level, increasing the damper damping will enhance the structural response. When the
damper damping is below this critical value, something called ‘beat phenomenon’ occurs where the structure will have
a smaller response in the first beat cycle, but have a higher rebound in the following beat cycles.

A tuned-mass damper is a small damped spring-mass system used as a means to reduce the vibration of
main structures to which the tuned-mass dampers are attached. The natural frequency of the damper is tuned
to a frequency near the natural frequency of the main structure. The vibration of the main structure causes
the damper to vibrate in resonance. Because the light mass of the damper vibrates much more violently than
the heavy mass of the main structure, the vibration energy dissipated through the damping in the tuned-mass
damper is more pronounced than the dissipation through the damping in the main structure.
There is an extensive study on the dynamic characteristics of the tuned-mass dampers attached to
structures subjected to harmonic or white-noise random ~ i b r a t i o n . ~For
- ~ the transient
response of the structures subjected to the deterministic time-history excitation, many studies were carried
out using the numerical simulation approach.6* In this paper, the transient response of structures subjected
to short-impulse support excitation, Green’s function of general support excitation, will be derived through
an analytical approach. The analytical solution of Green’s function can provide an insight into the dynamic
characteristics of the tuned-mass damper in the transient response.
For this paper, the structure will be represented as a single-degree-of-freedom model. A tuned-mass
damper attached to a main structure generates a two-degree-of-freedom system in which the damper mass is
much smaller than the main mass. It has been shown that the classical mode method is not accurate in
solving the transient response of light attachments to structures.* The complex mode method is an exact
approach but requires solving a quartic equation to find four compex eigenvalues. Recognizing that the ratio
of the damper mass to the main mass is small and that the natural frequency of the damper is very close to
that of the main structure, a perturbation technique will be applied to solve the quartic equation and to
derive the explicit form of Green’s function for the transient response of the main mass.

‘Associate Professor.

0098-8847/93/110975- 16$13*00 Received 22 October 1992

0 1993 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Revised 4 March 1993
976 H.-C. TSAl


The equations of motion for a system of n degrees of freedom excited by a ground acceleration, ii,, is denoted
Mu + Ci + Ku = - Mrii, (1)
and can be reformulated into a first-order 2n-dimensional system of equations’
A+ + BV= - FU, (2)
in which
O M -M 0

The associated eigenproblem equation is of order 2n and can be expressed as

BYi = - piAYi or DYi = -Yi (4)


and pi and Yi are the ith eigenvalue and eigenvector. Since matrices A and B are symmetric but not
positive-definite, pi and Yi will be complex in value and occur in conjugate pairs. The eigenvalues can be
expressed in terms of undamped modal frequencies, oi, and damping ratios, ti:l o
p2i- =- timi + iwi ,/‘-I; pZi= - r.w.
1 Jm
1 - ioi (6)
According to the definition of v in equation (3), the eigenvectors Yi can be further simplified as

where mi is the eigenvector corresponding to the displacement components.

Equation (2) can be decoupled to 2n independent modal equations by applying the orthogonal properties
of the eigenvectors, namely,
Y’AYj = 0, YFBYj = 0 (8)
for p i # pj and the transformation
v= 1 ZiYi

where Zi are the generalized co-ordinates. The ith modal equation has a form as
Zi- piZi = - N.ii

in which N i is the participation factor defined as

The general solution of equation (10) is the integral


and the displacement vector can be found by the combination of all modes
2n 2n

N i and
u= 1 ZiU+ = - 1 NiU+
i=l i= 1 ia ePi(r-r)iig(z)dz

mi are complex and occur in conjugate pairs. If their products are expressed as

the displacement vector can be simplified as

u = i = 1 jIe-ciol(t-T)(-a i c o s [ w i , / m ( t - 2)] +bisin[wi,/m(t - z)])ii,(z)d~ (15)

A schematic diagram ofa tuned-mass damper mounted on a main structure is shown in Figure 1 where the
main structure is simplified as a lumped mass mp,with stiffness k,, and damping cp.The tuned-mass damper
has mass m,,stiffness k,, and damping c,. Let up represent the displacement of the main mass relative to the
ground and us be that of the tuned-mass damper. The equation of motion for the system excited by the
ground acceleration, ii,, can be expressed as

The matrix D defined in equation ( 5 ) becomes

D = [ - 1/w;
- w;
- Y/w;
- (l/wf) - ( Y / o ; )
- 2tp/w,
(2tS/%) - (2t,/wp)
- 2t,/o,
] (17)

where wp = d a and w, = Jk,/m, are the natural frequencies of the main mass and the tuned-mass
damper, respectively, and 5, = c,/20pm, and 5, = c,/2w,m, are their associated damping ratios. Another

Figure 1 . Tuned-mass damper mounted on main structure

978 H.-C. TSAI

parameter, y = rns/rnp,is the ratio of the damper mass to the main mass. The eigenvalues pi are found by
solving the characteristic equation

det D - - I

where I is a 4 x 4 unit matrix. The above equation can be expanded to be a quartic equation

in which 1 = o p / p iis the variable to be solved. The closed forms for the roots of this quartic equation cannot
be solved exactly. A perturbation approach will be applied to find the major terms of A.


In order to utilize perturbation principles, the relative order of magnitude of each parameter must be
established. The ratio of the damper mass to the main mass, y, is a small non-dimensional quantity.
Neglecting its higher-order terms will not seriously affect the accuracy for engineering applications. It is
assumed that tpbe of order and the difference between the damping ratios of the damper and the main
system, denoted as
td =5s -tp
is of order A,too. The non-dimensional parameter defined as
2(w, - w,)
u p +a s
represents the frequency difference between the damper and the main structure. The natural frequency of the
tuned-mass damper is very close to the natural frequency of the main structure, so that B is assumed to be of
order y.
There are two pairs of conjugate roots in equation (19). A quartic equation, which roots are A = a f ib and
1 = c & id, must have a form as
A4 -2 +
( ~ c)A3 + ( R + S + 4~c)A’- ~ ( R +c S U ) +~ RS = 0 (22)
where R = a’ + b2 and S = c2 + dZ.If a ib and c f id are also the roots of equation (19), the coefficients in
equation (22) must be equal to the respective coefficients in equation (19). That is,

where a, c, R and S are the unknowns to solve.

Using the perturbation technique, the unknown can be assumed to contain the following major terms:

R % Ro + Rl/2 + R1 + R3/2 (29)

s SO + + s1 +
s]/2 S3/2 (30)
in which the term with the subscript n means that term is of order y". In parallel, the right-hand sides of
equations (23)-(26) can also be approximately expressed as the summation of the terms corresponding to the
lower orders of y. For example,

where the higher-order terms of 8 have been neglected.

By equating the same order terms on both sides of equation (23), one can generate the following equations:
a0 + co = 0 (32)

ROS3/2 + R1/2S1 + R1S1/2 + R3/2S0 = 0 (47)

obtained from equation (26). These simultaneous equations are used to solve the major terms of the
unknown. The usefulness of the perturbation analysis becomes clear. The original quartic equation has been
reduced to a set of simultaneous equations.
Solving the simultaneous equations leads to the following results:
980 H.-C. TSAI

for y > tJd2 and

for y c [f. Although the unknowns in equations (27)-(30) have been defined up to the order of y 3 1 2 , the
highest order of the unknown that can be solved is y. To increase the accuracy of solution, higher-order terms
must be included, but with the result that the derivation will become more complicated.

The other eigenvalues, p 2 and p4, are the conjugates of p1 and p 3 , respectively. Because the denominator of
6 is ,/-, the above-mentioned solutions are not valid for the case of y = ti. The perturbation analysis
treats Jm as a quantity having the same magnitude order of & so that the magnitude of 6 is restricted
to be of order y. When the magnitude of ,/- is smaller than the order of A, the magnitude of 6 is no
longer of order y and the perturbation results become incorrect. This problem can be solved by neglecting the
term 6. Neglecting the term 6 makes the above perturbation results be suitable for the case of y being very
close to tf, but the results will be less accurate. The eigenvalues derived here are different from previously
published papers which studied the equipment-structure system''*l2 where 8 is set to be of order A.
The complex eigenvectors corresponding to the displacement components can be solved from
(p?M + pic + K)@i = 0 (61)
If y > t;,

1 I

and if y c ti,

I 1 I


In the above eigenvectors, the component corresponding to the displacement of the main mass is normalized
to be unit. The lowest magnitude order of the damper component is of order y - ' I 2 . Compared with the
deformation of the main mass, the deformation of the damper will be relatively large in vibration.
To investigate the accuracy of the perturbation method, the complex eigenvalues and eigenvectors
computed by the equations derived above are compared in Tables I and I1 with exact results, which were
solved directly from equation (4) using an eigensystem solver for general mat rice^.'^ Small parameters are
used in Table I. They are y = 0.01, tP = 0.02, /?= 0.01 and &, = 0-05 and 0.15 representing the conditions
y > and y < ti, respectively. Table I1 uses larger parameters, which are y = 0.05, tp= 0.05, = 0.04 and
&, = 0.15 and 035. Although the larger parameters are expected to have larger errors, these tables show that
the errors are small and the perturbed results have good agreement with the exact solutions.

After the major terms of the complex eigensolutions are obtained, the perturbation technique is applied to
find the major terms of modal frequencies and damping ratios defined in equation (6). For y > t:, the modal

Table 1. Perturbation errors of eigensolutions for small parameters: y = 0.01, 5 , = 0.02,

fi = 0.01, (a) rd= 0.05 and (b) td = 0.15
Real part Imaginary part

Percentage Percentage
Exact Pertur error Exact Pertur error

(a) Y > 5:
PllOp - 0.0419 - 0.0419 0.1 0.9521 0.9516 0.1
P3/0P - 0.0481 - 0.0481 0.1 1.038 1.038 00
a1.2 9.871 9.8 10 0.6 - 5.486 - 5.404 1.5
@3.2 - 7.568 - 7.510 0.8 - 4.719 - 4.596 2.6
(b) Y < 5:
PlIWP - 0.0386 - 0.0391 1.4 0.9934 0.9933 0.0
PdOp - 0.1514 - 01509 0.3 0.9843 09845 0.0
a1.2 1.027 1.030 0.2 - 3.825 - 3.820 0.1
@3.2 - 3'217 - 3.130 2.7 - 26.34 - 26.18 0.6
982 H.-C. TSAl

Table 11. Perturbation errors of eigensolutions for large parameters: y = 0.05, (, = 005,
fi = 0.04, (a) ld = 0.15 and (b) l d = 0.35
Real part Imaginary part

Percentage Percentage
Exact Pertur error Exact Pertur error

(a) Y >
PIIWP - 0.1042 - 0.1026 1.6 0.8989 0.8927 0.7
P~Jw~ - 0.1475 - 0.1474 0.1 1.051 1.059 0.7
@l,Z 4.032 4.017 0.4 - 3.394 - 3.249 4.3
83.2 - 2.683 - 2.617 2.5 - 3.017 - 2.751 8.8
(b) Y < l:
PIIWP - 0.0840 - 0.0904 7.6 0.9670 0.9648 0.2
P&P - 0.3695 - 0'3596 2.6 0.9183 0.9265 0-9
81.2 1.087 1.100 1.2 - 1.608 - 1.615 0.4
83.2 - 4.522 - 4.100 9.3 - 12.26 - 12.39 1 .o

frequencies are
0 1 x w,[1 - +Jq
+ b(- 48 + Y - 531
0 2 x wp[l + tJ?j + b(- 48 + Y - 531

The damping ratios for y > ti are

and for y < tf are

t 2 !% (5, + i t d ) + iJE -y (74)

Here, w 1 and t1are derived from the first conjugate pair of the eigenvalues and will be referred henceforth as
the natural frequency and damping ratio of the first mode. w2 and t2,derived from the second conjugate pair,
will be referred to as the natural frequency and damping ratio of the second mode.
The above-mentioned equations reveals that the values of mi fluctuate around the frequency w,(l - 0.58)
and the values of ti fluctuate around tP + O.5td, the average of the structural damping and the damper
damping. The curves of ( w i / w , ) 0.58 and ti - (5, + 0.55,) for the two modes are plotted, respectively, in
Figures 2 and 3 as functions of (d. The other parameters used in the generation of these curves are y = 0.01,
tP = 0.02 and 8 = 0.01. The exact curves computed from the eigensolver are also shown in the figures.
Excepting the portions near t d = &where the perturbation results are not defined, the perturbation curves
------ exactperturbation I


-c 1 . 0 0



0 . 9 4 , " " " 1 1 , , " " I l l l l ; l r l l l l l l l

0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15

Figure 2. Variation of modal frequencies with damper damping ( y = 0.01, tp= 0.02 and B = 0.01)

0.06 -- -exact
------ perturbation
0.04 -
0.82 --

I -
c-0.82 --
-0.04 --
-0.06 I ' I " ' " " ' " " ' " " ' ~
0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15

Figure 3. Variation of modal damping ratios with damper damping ( y = 0.01, tp= 0.02 and /3 = 0.01)

are almost identical with the exact curves. These two figures reveal that the differences between the two
modes for the frequency and damping change sharply as t d crosses the point, t d = When t d < the J. &,
tuned-mass damper causes the vibration system to have two distinct modal frequencies but with almost the
same amount of modal damping. When t,, > &,
the frequencies of two vibration modes are very close, but
each mode has a quite different amount of damping.
By substituting the eigenvectors in equations (62)-(65) intO equation (1l), one can find the participation
factor, Ni.Let pi be the component corresponding to the main structure in the vector ai and vi be the same
984 H.-C. TSAI

component in bi. Since the components of the main structure in the eigenvectors shown in equations (62)-(65)
have been normalized to unity, it is known from the definition of ai and bi in equation (14) that pi and vi are
the real part and imaginary part of 2 N 2 i - 1 , respectively. When y > ti, the major terms of pi are

When y < 5112, they are

The major terms of vi for y > 5: are

and for y < are

The variations of pi and vi with t d for the two modes are plotted in Figures 4 and 5, respectively, in which the
values of parameters are the same as those used in Figures 2 and 3. The perturbation results fit very well with
the exact solutions except in the region near t d = When t d <A. &,
the values of vi of the two modes are
very close and approximately equal to - 05/wp. When r d > J,
the magnitudes of pi of the two modes are of
order y and approximately equal to zero.

Following equation (15), the displacement of the main mass can be reduced to

up = ~ ~ e - c @ i ( t - rpicas
) ( - [oiJ=(t - r)] + visin [oi,/=(t - r)])u,(r)dc (83)
i= 1

which can be simply expressed as

up = J G(t - r)ii,(r)dz

where G ( t )is Green’s function of up. The damping ratio ti in the exponential term of equation (83) represents
the decay rate of vibration. When y > ti, the damping ratios of the two modes are almost the same and the
vibrations of the two modes have the same order of magnitude. In contrast, when y < ti, one of the damping
ratios is lower than the average damping, and the other one is higher so that only the mode with the lower

2.4 -
- -
--_--- exact ,
- perturbation I I

0.0 --

-0.8 --
-1.6 --
- I 1
II 1
-2.4 1 1 1 1 I I I I 1 1 I I I I I I I I I'I" I I I I I I I 1 1
0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15
I d

Figure 4. Variation of real part of participation factors with damper damping (7 = 0.01, rp= 0.02 and p = 0.01)

1.9 -- -exact
0.7 --
?. - 0 . 5 I-
-1.7 --
- I :
-2.9 I I I 1 I I I I 1 I I I I 1 I I I 1 1 ' 1 I I I I I I I 1 I I
0.00 0.05 0.10 0.1 5
I d

Figure 5. Variation of imaginary part of participation factors with damper damping ( y = 001, cp = 0.02 and = 0.QI)

damping ratio is dominant in the vibration. This phenomenon can be proved using the exact curves of
Green's function and the components of two modes shown in Figure 6 for y > ti and Figure 7 for y < The c.
parameters used in these figures are wp = 0.5 Hz,y = 0.01, 5, = 0.02, /?= 0.01 and td= 0.05 or 012.
Green's function G ( t )can be derived approximately from the perturbed solutions of ti,mi, p iand v i . When
Y >ti,
986 H.-C. TSAI

0.32 -- -___-_
- - - mode 1
mode 2
- combined

0 2 4 6 8 10
Time, t
Figure 6. Green's function and its components of two modes for y > ( y = 0.01, 5, = 0.02, B = 0.01 and 5d = 0.05)

- - - mode 1
- mode 2

.-0 0.00


Figure 7. Green's function and its components of two modes for y < ( y = 0.01, 5, = 0.02, B = 001 and rd= 0.12)

This equation indicates that G ( t ) decays with damping ratio tp td/2, and has beats with the frequency
0 5 w p , / 3 . The exact curves of G ( t )for different t d smaller than &
are plotted in Figure 8 and show the
same result. The values of the other parameters used in Figure 8 are the same as those used in Figure 6. These
curves also show that the lower damping has smaller amplitudes in the first beat but has larger rebounds in
latter beats. Because lower damping causes a higher beat frequency, the amplitudes in the first beat decay
faster for the lower damping case. Green's functions of t d = 0-05 and (d = &
= 0.1 are compared in Figure
9 which shows that the curve of t d = & does not have the beat phenomenon. In the amplitude-
diminishing zone between the beats, the curve of t d < &has a smaller response than the curve of t d = &.


0.1 6

t; 0.00

L3 -0.16


Figure 8. Green's functions for damper dampings smaller than critical damping (7 = 0.01, tp= 0.02 and b = 0.01)


0.1 6

.-t;0 0.00



Figure 9. Comparison of Green's functions for damper dampings equal to and smaller than critical damping ( y = 0.01,&, = 0.02 and
p = 0.01)

When y < ti, the perturbed solution of Green's function is

This equation is similar to equation (85) except that the last term has changed from sin to sinh. The beats no
longer exist and the decay becomes slower because the magnitude of the sinh term grows with time. This can
be proved from the exact curves of G ( t )plotted in Figure 10 for t d greater than J,
where the values of the
988 H.-C. TSAI

other parameters are the same as those used in Figure 7. Also shown in this figure is the curve of
<d = & = 0.1. These curves indicates that <d = is a critical value, greater than which the beat &
phenomenon no longer exists and the higher damping has a slower decay.
The effectiveness of the tuned-mass damper is shown in Figure 11 where Green's function having the
damper with <d = 005 is compared with Green's function without the damper defined as14


3 0.00
.4- v""-
" -0.16

-0.32 I l l 1 I I I I I ~ l l l l l l l l l ~ l l l " l l l l ~ l l l l l " l l ~

0 10 20 30 40
lime, t
Figure 10. Comparison of Green's functions for damper dampings larger than and equal to critical damping ( y = 0.01, 5, = 0.02 and
fi = 0.01)

------ without damper

- with damper, .+=0.05

-0.32 ' [ ~ , [ ~ [ [ ~ ~ , [ ~ " " " [ , l l [ ~ ~ l l [ l , l l l l l l l l l ~
0 10 20 30 40
Time. t
Figure 1 1 . Green's functions for structures with damper and without damper (a,= 0.5 Hz,y = Q01, &, = 0.02 and fi = 0.01)

The system parameters used in the figure are up= 0-5 Hz, 5, = 0.02, y = 0.01 and /I
= 0.01. The tuned-mass
damper makes Green’s function decay faster because the exponential term in equation (85) contains the
factor 5, + O.5td. When the damping of the damper is the same as the structural damping, that is (,, = 0,
Green’s function shown in Figure 12 has a rebound in the second beat which reaches the same height as the
curve without the damper. If td becomes negative, the damper has the reverse effect on the structural
response. Figure 13 shows that the damper having the damping ratio smaller than the structural damping,
td= - 0.01, will magnify Green’s function in the latter beats.

------ without damper
-with damper, t p O .

0.1 6

.-%0C 0.00
C9 -0.16

0 10 20 30 40
Time, t
Figure 12. Green’s function for damper damping equal to structural damping (ap= 0.5 Hz,y = 0.01, 5, = 0.02 and B = 0.01)

---_-- without damper
-with damper, t p - 0 . 0 1

v\/ ’/ li v tj v

-0.32 ’ I I I ~ ~ I I I I ~ I I I I I I I I I ~ I ~ I I I ~ I I ~ ~ ~ I I I I ~ I I I ~
0 10 20 30 40
Time, t

Figure 13. Green’s function for damper damping smaller than structural damping (0, = 0.5 Hz,y = 0.01, = 0.02 and B = 0.01)
990 H.-C. TSAl

Green’s function of main structures equipped with tuned-mass dampers and subjected to support excitation
has been investigated. The system has been simplified to a two-degree-of-freedom system and solved by the
complex mode method. Recognizing that the ratio of the damper mass to the main mass is small and that the
natural frequency of the damper is very close to that of the main structure, the explicit form of Green’s
function for the transient response of the main structure has been derived using a perturbation technique and
thereby provides an insight into the dynamic characteristics of the damper.
Green’s function shows that there exists a critical damping level for the tuned-mass damper, which is equal
to 5, + &. When the damper damping is larger than this critical value, increasing damping in the damper
will enhance the response of the structure. When the damper damping is smaller than this critical value, the
response displays beat phenomena and will decay with a rate equal to (5, + 5J2. The damper with lighter
damping will have a smaller response in the first beat cycle, but have a higher rebound in the following beat


The research work reported in this paper was supported by the National Science Council, Republic of China,
under Grant No. NSC 80-0410-E011-02. This support is greatly appreciated.

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