Midterm Exam Research 2 PDF

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region I
Narvacan, Ilocos Sur


NAME: _______________________________ YR/SEC: _________________ DATE: ______________ SCORE: __________
I. MULTIPLE CHOICE: Read the test item carefully and write the letter of the correct answer on a SEPARATE SHEET of paper.
____1. A learning process that motivates you to obtain knowledge or information about people, things, places, or events.
A. Inquiry B. Research C. Investigation D. Study
____2. Some think of quantitative research as complex because of its use of _________.
A) Hypotheses B) numerical data C) factual data D) theories
____3. It is a scientific, experimental, or inductive manner of thinking.
A) Research B) inquiry C) investigation D) survey
____4. A type of research that describe and measure the level of occurrences on the basis of numbers and calculations. A)
Qualitative B) quantitative C) descriptive D) historical
____5. Which is not a question answered by quantitative research?
A) How many? B) How? C)When? D) What?
____6. Which among the following variables are common in quantitative research?
A) Extraneous, confounding B) independent, dependent C) participant, situational D) constant, latent
____7. A quantitative research presents research findings in this manner:
A) Many prefer to study with textbooks. C) Perhaps, 30% consider textbook unnecessary in their studies.
B) Students find textbooks indispensable or necessary. D)Out of 100 college students, 90 find textbooks beneficial to their studies.
____8. People inclined to doing a quantitative research wants to discover truth in __________.
A) An exact manner B) a careful way C) an indirect way D) a personal way
____9. Which of the following is a philosophical assumption of quantitative researchers?
A) The initial ambiguity that occurs in a study is desirable.
B) The purpose of educational research is to explain and be able to predict relationships. The ultimate goal is the
development of laws that make prediction possible.
C) Research investigations produce alternative visions of what the world is like.
D) It is impossible for the researcher to stand apart from the individuals he or she is studying.
____10. Observational bias occurs when an observer:
A) Is subjected to biased treatment by the research participants. C) Is conducting a double-blind study.
B) Is distracted and fails to notice key aspects of the study. D) Sees what they want to see.
____11. A type of quantitative research in which finding truths about a subject is by describing the collected data about such
subject and determining their relationships or connections with one another
A) Experimental B) Descriptive C) Non-experimental D) Historical
____12. A quantitative research that treats or deals with the object or subject of the research in a definite or exact manner and
determines the extent of the effects or influence of the treatment on the object/subject, then discovers the causes of
such effects. A) Experimental B) Descriptive C) Non-experimental D) Historical
____13. _____ and _____ should be taken into account when considering a new research problem.
A) Time; Cost B) Attention; Participants C) Time; Attention D) Cost; Participants
____14. Which of the following is the most important thing for a researcher to consider when deciding on a research topic?
A) How they feel about the topic. C) If they have adequate resources to research the topic.
B) If the topic is researchable. D) How many research journals will want to publish an article on the topic.
____15. A student is feeling overwhelmed trying to decide on a problem to research. How should she proceed?
A) Write down topics she is interested in. C) Abandon the concept of research altogether.
B) Copy the work of others. D) Focus on completing the literature review before deciding on a research problem.
____16. A student is writing a research question. What should his first step be?
A) Specifying what the question is about. C) Formulating a hypothesis.
B) Indicating where the research funding is coming from. D) Ensuring their ideas are researchable.
____17. Which of the following is NOT a reason why formulating a research question is one of the first steps in a research project?
A) It helps refine what is being researched. C) It helps the researcher formulate and identify important aspects of their research.
B) It helps lay the groundwork for the research. D) It helps in choosing a topic for research.
____18. Your research question is: 'What is the effect of television viewing on Filipinos?' What is the PROBABLE reason that this
question would need some revision?
A) The question does not lend itself to research easily. C) The question is too narrowly focused.
B) The question does not center on specific concerns or issues. D) The question is too broadly focused.
____19. Starting off with a research question provides a researcher with:
A) A strong foundation and a question to answer C) Their null hypothesis
B) Their hypothesis D) Accurate information about how to accomplish the experiment
____20. A hypothesis is:
A) A research question B) A description of an event C) An educated prediction D) A psychological diagnosis
____21. A literature review is best defined as:
A) Doing an internet search on a topic and looking through the results.
B) The process of studying published research.
C) The process of studying published research and the written review outlining what literature was reviewed.
D) The written component of a research project that discusses the existing research the researcher reviewed.
____22. Why does a researcher conduct a literature review?
A) To familiarize themselves with the field. C) They are paid to review it.
B) They are required to by other researchers. D) To reproduce existing research.
____23. If you are studying a specialized topic, like 'Common symptoms of mentally ill children', but search for something broad,
like 'Psychology of children', you are likely to find:
A) A large amount of relevant articles. C) A large amount of non-relevant articles.
B) A small amount of relevant articles. D) A small amount of non-relevant articles.
____24. A literature review is a written summary of the findings of a literature ________
A) Search B) review C) proposal D) assessment
____25. There are three key aspects to a literature review: summarizing, synthesizing and ______________
A) Referencing B) citing C) paraphrasing D) evaluating
____26. Your literature review is _________
A) a list of all the work published on your topic and who argues what. C) a collection of stories about your topic
B) a list of accomplishments of several authors D) a collection of data of the researcher
____27. There are different ways to organize your literature review. Which among the following applies in organizing your
literature review? A) Chronologically B) Thematically C) Methodologically D) Systematically
____28. Which of the following are data collection methods?
A) Survey B) Watching TV C) Searching on Google D) Observation
____29. Designing a research is thinking ______________
A) Critically B) skillfully C) literally D) imaginatively
____30. When designing research, you need to see your research process in your______.
A) Paper B) mind C) library D) book
____31. Preparing in your mind how to find answers to your research questions is ________________.
A) Deciding on your research topic B) Controlling your emotions C) Designing your research D)Asking research questions
____32. These are aspects of your research: research objectives, topic, questions, hypotheses, and methodology, you come to
think of quantitative research design __________.
A) Before finalizing your mind on these aspects of your research C) As you formulate hypotheses about these parts
B) After thinking of these aspects of your research D) As you ponder on your research problem
____33. Central to experimental design is analyzing relationships that are
A) Specific B) causal C) hypothetical D) stable
____34. A quantitative research design that is equated with qualitative design is ___________.
A) True experimental B) semi experimental C) non- experimental D) quasi-experimental
____35. Quantitative research designs are true for all experimental designs except the aspect on _________.
A) Subject selection B) variable relationships C) treatment application D) variable control
____36. A quantitative research design that makes you behave as a scientist is ________.
A) Survey research B) case study C) experimental design D) correlative study
____37. A characteristic of research in which the footnotes, notes and bibliographical entries should honestly and appropriately
documented or acknowledged. A) accuracy B) objectiveness C) timeliness D) relevance
____38. A characteristic of research which is concerned with facts, not with ere opinions arising from assumptions,
generalization, predictions, or conclusions. A) accuracy B) objectiveness C)timely D. relevant
____39. If the research you work on is fresh, new and interesting to the present society, we can say that it is ________.
A) accurate B) objective C) timely D) relevant
____40. If the topic is instrumental in improving society or in solving problems affecting the lives of people in a community, it is
_________. A) accurate B. objective C. timely D. relevant
____41. In research, the central point of discoveries should be expressed in simple, direct, concise, and correct language. This
shows _______. A) clarity B. objectiveness C. timeliness D. relevance
____42. If the research takes place in an organized or orderly manner, it is ________.
A. accurate B. systematic C. timely D. relevant
____43. Which among the following is a purpose of research?
A) To learn how to summarize information C) To learn how to ask questions
B) To learn how to manipulate data D) To have an in-depth knowledge of something
____44. Which among the following is a characteristic of quantitative research?
A) Human understanding and interpretation C) Multiple research approaches and methods
B) Active, powerful, and forceful D) Systematic, objective, and precise
____45. SMARTC means ____________
A) Specific, meaningful, attainable, realistic, time-bound, challenging
B) Specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, time-bound, challenging
C) Specific, meaningful, attainable, resourceful, time-bound, challenging
D) Specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, trustworthy, challenging
____46. A study designed to depict the participants in an accurate way
A) Correlational study B) Descriptive research C) Quasi-Experimental research D) Experimental research
____47. A research that applies systematic empirical investigation of observable phenomena via statistical, mathematical or
computational techniques.
A) Qualitative research B) quantitative research C) descriptive research D) Experimental research
____48. Research is asking a question and _____________________________
A) writing a research paper B) finding out answer C) computing data D) experimenting
____49. Quantitative method of research in which you have 2 or more quantitative variables from the same group of subjects,
& you are trying to determine if there is a relationship
A) Correlational study B) Descriptive research C) Quasi-Experimental research D) Experimental research
____50. Quantitative research is important because it is reliable and ________________
A) special B) objective C) bias D) descriptive
____51. Quantitative research is generally made using scientific methods. Which among the following is an example of
scientific method?
A) The generation of models, theories and hypothesis C) collection of empirical data
B) Experimentation D) all of these
____52. Inquiry is ___________________________
A) Asking answers B) asking questions C) asking directions D) asking steps
____53. Quantitative research uses statistics to generalize a ________________
A) problem B) results C) answers D) conclusion
____54. Quantitative research is less detailed compared to _____________ research
A) Qualitative research B) quantitative research C) descriptive research D) Experimental research
____55. A software package used for logical batched and non-batched statistical analysis
____56. The most widely used branch of mathematics in quantitative research outside of the physical sciences, and also finds
applications within the physical sciences
A) Trigonometry B) Calculus C) Statistics D) Algebra
____57. SPSS stand for ___________________________
A) Statistical Package for the Special Science C) Statistical Package for the Social Science
B) Statistical Package for the Statistical Science D) Statistical Package for the Systematical Science
____58. A research design which involves selecting groups, upon which a variable is tested, without any random pre-selection
A) Correlational study B) Descriptive research C) Quasi-Experimental research D) Experimental research
____59. It is a collection of research designs which use manipulation and controlled testing to understand causal processes.
A) Correlational study B) Descriptive research C) Quasi-Experimental research D) Experimental research
B) Quantitative research tests theories or _______________
A) Data B) hypothesis C) results D) instruments

@@@@@GOOD LUCK@@@@@

Prepared by:

Master Teacher II

Submitted to:

Assistant Principal II

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