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Spectrum Analyzer

A spectrum analyzer is an essential measurement tool for an engineer and technician to study
signals in real time. This is particularly of high importance while testing and debugging systems
specially communication systems. At the most basic level, the spectrum analyzer can be
described as a frequency-selective, peak-responding voltmeter calibrated to display the r.m.s
value of a sine wave. It is important to understand that the spectrum analyzer is not a power
meter, even though it can be used to display power directly. As long as we know some value of
a sine wave (for example, peak or average) and know the resistance across which we measure
this value, we can calibrate our voltmeter to indicate power. With the advent of
digitaltechnology, modern spectrum analyzers have been given many more capabilities.

Fig. 1 Front panel view of GW InstekGSP-827 Spectrum Analyzer


Qty Equipment

1 Spectrum Analyzer
1 Function Generator
1 Connector cable
1 RF Adaptor set
Task#1To observe single tone signal on a spectrum analyzer.

 80 kHz sinusoid

 Start freq = 26 kHz , stop freq= 136kHz

Amplitude of the peak:-47.1dbm

By adjusting the start and stop frequency, we can display the signal spectrum using spectrum

Task#2To use the marker function of the spectrum analyzer

 80 kHz Square wave

 Start freq = 5 kHz , stop freq= 1.5MHz

Put markers on the first 5 peaks of harmonics constituting the input signal
Frequencies and amplitude of each peak are shown:

Markers are used to measure accurate amplitude and frequency of signal. There are total 10

Task#3To use Resolution Bandwidth (RBW) function

 80 kHz sinusoid
RBW = 300 kHz :
RBW=30 kHz :
RBW=3 kHz :

As, we increase the radio band width, sweep time decreases, we get fast response but
resolution of spectrum analyzer gets poor.

Task#4To use To use Video Bandwidth (VBW) function

 80 kHz sinusoid
Lowest value of VBW:
Highest value of VBW:

By decreasing the value of VBW, we get smoother wave.This reduces the level of noise. Using
this technique the spectrum analyzer can display the latest acquisition with the noise as well as
the averaged signal, so observing the effect of the averaging. When the desired level of noise
reduction is achieved we can view the shape of the averaged signal and make measurements.
Task#5 To use sweep time function

 80 kHz sinusoid

 RBW=3kHz

Calculate sweep time for three arbitrary different values of span according to the formula

where k=2.5
Find error between the theoretical value of sweep time and measured value of sweep time.

Span=500KHz sweep time=0.13 second

sweep time=500 nano second

error=calculated–measured=0.12 seconds

Span=1MHz sweep time=0.27 second

sweep time=1 second

error=measured-calculated=0.73 seconds

Span=5MHz sweep time=1.38

sweep time=3.5 seconds

error=measured-calculated=2.12 seconds
By increasing the value of span, sweep time increases. We get slow response, but resolution
gets better. Amplitude of noise decreases.

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