A Stupid Picture

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The stupid picture

(Mikan is 12 by this time.)

Everyone was sad. Mikan was leaving today. She was going to transfer to train he
r alices. Everyone was emotional (except for Natsume). Ruka was depressed for hi
s crush was leaving. Anna and the rest were depressed for their friend was leavi
ng. Mikan's limo left. That was the last time they heard of her. Mikan Sakura.
6 years later
"Hey guys, did you hear?" Koko asked.
"What?" Anna asked.
"Mikan's going back!" Koko yelled.
"What? Where? When?" People started asking him.
"Chill, man don't know! Just heard it you know. But I think it was today." Koko
"Better check it out." Hotaru said.
Hotaru brought out her laptop to search her CCTVs. Luckily, she saw a limo arriv
Everyone went out of the room and went to the parking lot.
There they saw a brunette walking out, with a 1 year old boy in her arms.
"Mikan!" The twins yelled.
"Ohayo." Mikan's oh-so-gentle voice said.
"Mikan, who's that boy?" Hotaru asked as she pointed out to the kid she is carry
"Oh, this is Takaaki. My son." Mikan said.
"Did I hear right? Your son?" Sumire asked.
"Yeah, it's a long story how I got pregnant. But anyways, how are you guys?" Mik
an asked.
"Are you sure about this Mitsuki?" A girl named Natsuki asked.
"Yes, now put the alice stone inside the machine." Mitsuki said.
"If you say so." Natsuki said.
"Okay, you kids ready?" A woman in her 30s asked.
"Yes auntie!" The girls yelled.
"Here we go." The woman said.
The woman pressed some buttons on a photo printer. Suddenly, it started to print
a photo.
Suddenly, there was light from the photo.
Back to Mikan
"What's happening?" Nonoko asked.
Everyone saw a light that sucked all of them. Mikan, her friends, teachers and c
Everything went black and the first thing they saw was a living room.
"Mitsuki, Natsuki, did you girls do something?" A woman asked.
"Auntie, it was Mitsuki who did it." Natsuki said.
"No, it was you." Mitsuki barked.
Everyone watched as they saw two girls, one with raven hair, the other brunette
hair, talking to a woman around 30 with raven hair.
She looks like
"Auntie Hotaru, Mitsuki did it. She used her alice." Natsuki said.
"Auntie Hotaru? What the heck is going on?" Koko asked.
"We went to the future. 14 years to the future to be exact. What you see in fron
t of you is a 32-year old Hotaru, with some children." Mikan explained.
(I'm just gonna put the age of the person saying it. Mikan's group is 18. Older
Hotaru is 32.)
"So, this is a bother." Hotaru(32) said.
Hotaru(32) brought out her phone and started texting some people. Minute later,
Anna(32), Nonoko(32), Sumire(32), and Misaki(35) arrived.
"What's the emergency Hotaru?" Anna(32) asked.
Hotaru(32) just pointed to Mikan(18) and the rest.
"OMG! What are we gonna do?" Nonoko(32) asked.
"Call them!" Sumire(32) said.
They called some people. Minutes later, Koko(32), Yuu(32), Mochu(32), Tsubasa(35
) arrived.
Same thing happened. They were shocked. They had to do something.
"I'm home!" A man yelled.
"Uh oh, that's dad." The twins said.
A man in a business suit arrived, and it was
"Why the heck are you all here? At my house!" Natsume(32) yelled.
"Your daughters caused trouble." Hotaru(32) said as she pointed to Mikan(18)'s g
"Ayiyi You kids are lucky that your mother comes home from Europe next week. We s
till have 7 days to fix this." Natsume(32) said.
Suddenly, they hear a Ferrari's horn.
"Wait, there's no other horn than " Natsuki said.
"Mom!" Mitsuki yelled.
"Uh oh." Mitsuki said.
"I'm home!" A woman yelled.
"Welcome back mistress." The butler said.
"Thank you. How's everything?" The woman asked.
They started talking. After that the woman went to the living room.
"Hey, I'm back from Europe!" The woman yelled as she entered the room. It was a
blonde haired girl. She kissed Natsume on the cheek.
"Hey, why are you guys here?" The woman asked pointing to Anna(32)'s group. She
pushed them and saw the 18 year olds.
"Okay, this is so funny. Whoever's using their alice stop it. Oh wait, not an al
ice. A trick by Mitsuki and Natsuki. We'll get them back by December. Going to u
se the Academy. I'll get them back." The woman stated.
"Seriously Mikan, you should stop using your alice." Koko(32) stated.
"Hey mom. We're sorry, anyway, what happened to your hair?" Natsuki said.
"Oh." Mikan(32) removed her eyeglasses revealing her eyes.
"My friend dared me to dye my hair, and it should wear off right about now." Mika
n(32) said as her hair turned from blonde to brunette.
"How did you do that?" Mitsuki asked.
"Oh, I used a product of Madame Debouche." Mikan(32) said.
And that's how they got to the future. All because of a stupid picture.
And that's how they got to the future. All because of a stupid picture.
"Hey, how are we gonna get them back?" Koko(32) asked.
"Have you read your history? Better check it out you know " Mikan(32) said.
Mikan(32) snapped her fingers and a CD appeared. She placed the CD on the DVD pl
ayer and played it.
The CD stated that every New Year's Eve, when you are in the Central Town Plaza,
and you're in the center, you get to be teleported anywhere in the academy when
the clock strikes 12.
"But that won't get them back, right?" Yuu(32) asked.
"It would. The pillars in the plaza have teleportation alice stones inside, we n
eed to replace some stones with time traveling to the present alice stones." Mik
an(32) stated.
"Okay, that would work." Nonoko(32) asked.
Suddenly, they heard a baby cry.
"Shoot, Taka's crying." Mikan(32) said.
"Here, Taka. Why's Taka crying?" Mikan(18) said.
" Mimi, baba " Taka(01) said.
"Umm, I need a room." Mikan(18) said.
Mikan(32) summoned a dog and commanded it to take Mikan(18) to a room.
"Why does she need a room? Can't she do it here?" Koko asked.
"Baka, you don't know what she'll do." Mikan(32) said.
"Why? What will she do?" Sumire(18) asked.
"She's going to feed Taka." Mikan(32) said.
"Well, can't she feed him here?" Ruka(18) asked.
The 32 year olds slapped their foreheads.
"What?" Ruka(18) asked.
"Ruka, I don't know that your younger self was denser than me." Mikan(32) said.
"Why?" Mochu(18) asked.
"Taka's still 1. He feeds on breastfeeding. Do you want my younger self to breas
tfeed in front of you, perverts?" Mikan(32) asked.
"Nooo " Everyone said.
"Good. I thought you won't understand." Mikan(32) said.
"But mom, how did you know?" Mitsuki asked.
"Hello, that was your brother. When he cries and says 'baba' it means milk." Mik
an(32) said.
"Oh." Mitsuki said.
"The hell?" A 15-year old said.
"Hey, nii-chan!" Mitsuki said.
"Tch." The boy replied.
"We're done." Mikan(18) said as she entered the room with Taka(01).
"Nii-chan, aren't you going to ask anything?" Mitsuki asked.
"No, of course, Taka's not that dumb. ALICE " Natsuki said.
Taka(15) took Taka(01) from Mikan(18) and went to his room.
"Wow, they reunite " Tsubasa(35) said.
Suddenly, a phone rang.
"Excuse me for a moment." Mikan(32) said.
Mikan(32) answered the phone.
"Buenos Dias, Senior!" Mikan(32) said.
"What did she say?" Mochu(18) asked.
"Well, mom's currently speaking Spanish." Mitsuki said.
"Why?" Koko(18) asked.
"It's part of her job. She has to know every language around the world." Mitsuki
"What's her job?" Anna(18) asked.
"She's the accountant and treasurer of every Gakuen Alice around the world. She'
s also the High school Principal for Japan. And the Treasurer of WAO." Mitsuki s
"WAO?" Nonoko(18) asked.
"That stands for World Alice Organization." Mitsuki said.
"Si. Si. Comprendo. Si. Muchas Gracias Senior!" Mikan(32) said. She put down her
phone and suddenly, it rang again. And she answered it.
"Excuse me. Magandang Gabi. Bakit? Ano? Saan? Oo. Oo. Hindi. Sige, Bye." Mikan(3
2) said as she put down her phone.
"What language was that?" Sumire(18) asked.
"That's Filipino." Mikan(18) said.
"Who would have thought that Polka will be an accountant if she fails Math." Nat
sume stated.
"Excuse me, Natsume. Math, happens to be one of my expertise and majors. You cou
ld even ask my older self." Mikan(18) answered.
"The hell is wrong with you? You come back so different. And with a son!" Natsum
e(18) said.
"Yeah, Natsume's right, Mikan. Explain to us what happened." Sumire(18) said.
"Fine." Mikan(18) replied.
Most of you can't wait to find out who's Taka's father, so here you go!
"Who would have thought that Polka will be an accountant if she fails Math." Nat
sume stated.
"Excuse me, Natsume. Math, happens to be one of my expertise and majors. You cou
ld even ask my older self." Mikan(18) answered.
"The hell is wrong with you? You come back so different. And with a son!" Natsum
e(18) said.
"Yeah, Natsume's right, Mikan. Explain to us what happened." Sumire(18) said.
"Fine." Mikan(18) replied.
End of Flashback.
Mikan(18) summoned a dog that looked like what Mikan(32) summoned a while ago.
"Here, Cutie " Mikan(18) said.
"Disperse!" Mikan(18) said.
The dog turned into a human being. (Which looks like Amamiya Sayuri of Tokimeki
Memorial Only Love).
"Now, this CD will explain everything. Do not interrupt. Face your grave if you
will." Mikan(18) said.
This statement sent shivers to everyone.
"Sayuri, you know what to do." Mikan(18) said.
"Yes, Master." Sayuri(18) said.
The CD was played.
Mikan(17) was walking to her room, suddenly, Professor Snape(let's pretend he's
the Dangerous Ability Teacher in England).
"Princess, I have a special mission for you. Everything is in this folder. Do it
." Professor Snape said.
"Yes, Professor." Mikan said.
She went to her room and opened the folder.
Place: Tokyo, Japan
Date: June 1,2008
Mission Duration: 1 week
Objective: Assassinate last AAO branch alive.
New physical appearance
New personality
New name
Default alice
Do not inform anyone your mission, or that you're Sakura Mikan.
Do not choose Nullification and stealing as default.
Avoid to blow your cover.
"Okay, so this is it. Quite easy. Summon!" Mikan(17) said.
Cutie appeared and Mikan(17) transformed her to Sayuri.
"Sayuri, another mission. I will use your appearance, personality and name again
. But for my default alice, it would be elemental. Let's get ready." Mikan(17) o
Tokyo, Japan:
"Good morning class, we have a new transfer student from England. She'll stay he
re for a week." Naru-sensei said.
"Good morning everyone, my name is Amamiya Sayuri. Elemental Alice. Special star
." Mikan/Sayuri(17) said.
Sayuri(17) was in a rescue mission with Natsume(17). Her code name is Shiiro Nek
o. Sayuri left Natsume after talking with Persona. Natsume followed her, and to
his surprise he saw Mikan(17) in Sayuri's room.
"Mikan." Natsume said.
"Na-natsume?" Mikan said.
Natsume hugged Mikan and after that something happened between them.
The mission was a success. Mikan returned to England. But when she got there, sh
e suddenly fainted.
She found out that she got pregnant with her one night stand with Natsume. And t
hat's how she got pregnant.
End of CD.
Everyone was speechless. It's because they were shocked at everything.
"Hey, how come I don't remember that?" Natsume(18) asked.
"It's because I left you a curse. If you got me pregnant, you will remember it i
f the child recognizes you as his/her father. If not, you'll remember it if some
thing happened between us again." Mikan(18) said.
"So this means he's not my step-son in the future?" Natsume(18) asked.
"Duh. Now, if you're so desperate to remember, then make Taka recognize you as h
is father." Mikan(18) said.
"Sayuri, you may go now." Mikan(18) said.
"Yes, master." Sayuri(18) said.
Suddenly, the Taka(01) and Taka(15) came. Taka(01) yelled, "Mimii!"
Then, they heard a bell ring.
"Dare's done, ugly. Now I don't have to act like you." Natsuki said.
"No fair!" Mitsuki said.
"Tch." Natsuki said.
Taka(01) saw Natsume(18) and yelled, "Dada!"
Uh oh. Mikan(18) thought.
"I guess his future self told him some stuff." Mikan(18) said as she looked at T
Natsume(18) was shocked. He fainted.
As Natsume fainted, he started to remember everything that happened. When he wok
e up, he said to Mikan(18).
"Who would have thought you won't grow flat chested."
Grrr Mikan(18) and (32) thought.
As Natsume fainted, he started to remember everything that happened. When he wok
e up, he said to Mikan(18).
"Who would have thought you won't grow flat chested."
Grrr Mikan(18) and (32) thought.
End of Flashback.
With Natsume(18)'s statement, everyone looked at Mikan(18).
They noticed that she looked like a fashion model. The dress she was wearing hug
ged her curves perfectly. She has the curviest curves you would ever see.
Mikan(18)'s vein popped on her head, and everyone felt a smack on their heads.
"What was that for?" Everyone yelled.
"Well, why won't I explain it? First, someone thinks that my body is not a body
of an 18 year old. Second, you have perverted thoughts. Third, you're comparing
my body with someone else's." Mikan(18) said.
How the heck did she know? Everyone thought.
"Hey, polka, are you sure that you're body is natural?" Natsume(18) said.
He just received another smack on the head.
"Of course it's real, I could confirm it." Natsume(32) said.
"Really? How?" Natsume(18) asked.
"Look, I've seen it loads of times. Plus, her body is natural you know. It feels
so real you know, because it is. Try it yourself man." Natsume(32) said.
Veins popped on Mikan(18) and (32)'s heads. Both Natsume (18) and (32) received
another smack on the head.
The 7 things I like about you
Your hair
Your eyes
Your old Levi's
When we kiss I'm hypnotized
You made me laugh, you made me cry
But I guess that's both I'd have to buy
Your hands in mine when we're intertwined everything's alright
I want to be with the one I know
And the 7th thing I like the most that you do
You make me love you
"Yeah, hello Miles." Mikan(18) said as she answered her phone.
She left everyone for a while as she looked out the window.
Mikan(18)'s conversation
Author's note: All celebs and characters added, let's just say Mikan met them wh
en she transferred. They are also alices.
Mikan: Yeah, I just got here.
Miley: We just called before school.
Mikan: We? You mean they're there?
Miley: Yeah, here.
Lily: Hey Miki!
Oliver: Hi Mimi.
Jackson: Yo Mikster!
Robbie: Hey Mikan.
Mikan: Hey guys.
Miley: Hey, before class, can we ask a favor?
Mikan: Yeah, what?
Miley: Play 20 Questions. Hard type.
Mikan: Okay.
Miley: First question. We have definitions of crush right? Of the 5 types of cru
shes there are, give your examples.
Mikan: Well, for the innocent crush, it's on Harry Potter. On the crush because
he's cute and talented, it's on David Archuleta. And for the crush because I'm i
n love and madly in love is You-Know-Who.
The 7 things I like about you
Your hair
Your eyes
Your old Levi's
When we kiss I'm hypnotized
You made me laugh, you made me cry
But I guess that's both I'd have to buy
Your hands in mine when we're intertwined everything's alright
I want to be with the one I know
And the 7th thing I like the most that you do
You make me love you
"Yeah, hello Miles." Mikan(18) said as she answered her phone.
She left everyone for a while as she looked out the window.
Mikan(18)'s conversation
Author's note: All celebs and characters added, let's just say Mikan met them wh
en she transferred. They are also alices.
Mikan: Yeah, I just got here.
Miley: We just called before school.
Mikan: We? You mean they're there?
Miley: Yeah, here.
Lily: Hey Miki!
Oliver: Hi Mimi.
Jackson: Yo Mikster!
Robbie: Hey Mikan.
Mikan: Hey guys.
Miley: Hey, before class, can we ask a favor?
Mikan: Yeah, what?
Miley: Play 20 Questions. Hard type.
Mikan: Okay.
Miley: First question. We have definitions of crush right? Of the 5 types of cru
shes there are, give your examples.
Mikan: Well, for the innocent crush, it's on Harry Potter. On the crush because
he's cute and talented, it's on David Archuleta. And for the crush because I'm i
n love and madly in love is You-Know-Who.
End of flashback.
(I'll not place 20 Questions I'll just place whatever I thought of.)
Mikan: Ideal guy? Well, unique, hot and rare.
Miley: Favorite romance novel.
Mikan: Romeo and Juliet.
Miley: How do you want You-Know-Who to propose?
Mikan: Eh? (blush) Well, I want his proposal to be original and unique. He won't
say the same lines like, Will you marry me or Marry me. Something original.
Miley: What's your dream wedding like?
Mikan: Uh Uh (blush) Well, simple but fabulous. Romantic and original. I would wea
r this dress that has white with pink, blue and yellow sequins. There would be b
eads. I would wear whatever accessories he gave me. And he would wear a black tu
x. And all of the important people in our lives will be there.
Miley: If you could make your own wedding vows, what would it be?
Mikan: I, Mikan Sakura, give you this ring, to show you my promise that I would
remain loyal to you. I would never leave your side, and I love you for eternity
and until the end of time. May heaven and everyone here be witness of my promise
. (Sorry, can't think of anything else.)
Miley: Dream honeymoon.
Mikan: What the? Umm (blush) Maybe in Puerto Princessa or Italy, and definitely w
ill last for a month.
Miley: Describe your future family.
Mikan: It's all up to the guy. That's it.
Miley: Okay, well school starts soon. See ya.
Mikan: Bye.
End of phonecall.
Mikan(18) turned around and saw everyone.
I forgot they're here. She thought.
"How are you getting phone calls when you're in the future?" Hotaru(18) asked.
"Well, let me explain:
When I was in Egypt, someone was using an ancient artifact to destroy the world.
I was given a mission to travel back in time and change the part where this guy
took this artifact. I upgraded my phone. And now, it has the ability to contact
anyone even if I'm in the past or future.
That's what happened." Mikan(18).
"Oh." Everyone said.
"Anymore questions?" Mikan(18) said.
"You said math and accounting was one of your majors. You're not yet in college.
Explain." Natsume(18) said.
"You'll know, soon." Natsume(32) said.
"Mikan-chan, how have you been in U.S." Yuka asked.
"I have been fine, mom. I just get frustrated everyday." Mikan(18) said.
"Oh, because of that fan club right? It's alright dear." Yuka said.
"No, it isn't. My niece will not be stomped over by those guys." Principal Kazu
"Fine, already. I just can't believe the fact that everywhere I transfer, people
go crazy you know." Mikan(18) said.
"Just like your parents." Narumi said as he butted in.
Night time, Bedroom of Mikan(32) and Natsume(32)
Mikan(32) was typing on her laptop. Natsume(32) was on the bed, reading in his m
anga. (He still does read them, believe me.)
As she was done, she went to bed and kissed Natsume(32)'s cheek.
"Night." She said.
"Hn." He said.
He put down his manga and turned of the light. He went to Mikan(32) and kissed h
er on the lips.
"You really missed me, didn't you?" She said.
"Yeah, thank God you got back earlier." He said.
"That's sweet. Well, why don't you show me how much you missed me?" She said.
He smirked at this.

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