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JENJANG : Strata Satu (S1)

SKS Semester
No Kode MK Nama Mata Kuliah
T 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Mata Kuliah Umum (MKU)
1 MKU 0001 Pendidikan Agama 2 √
2 MKU 0002 Pendidkan Kewarganegaraan 2 √
3 MKU 0003 Kemampuan Berbahasa Indonesia 2 √
Jumlah SKS MKU 6
Mata Kuliah Keilmuan Dan Keterampilan (MKK)
1 ING 1001 Filsafat Ilmu 2 √
2 ING 1002 Listening for General Communication 3 √
3 ING 1003 Listening in Professional Context 3 √
4 ING 1004 Listening for Academic Purposes 3 √
5 ING 1005 Speaking for General Communication 3 √
6 ING 1006 Speaking in Professional Contexts 3 √
7 ING 1007 Speaking in Academic Contexts 3 √
8 ING 1008 Reading for General Communication 3 √
9 ING 1009 Reading for Literary Appreciation 3 √
10 ING 1010 Reading for Academic Purposes 3 √
11 ING 1011 Writing for Personal Communication 3 √
12 ING 1012 Writing in Professional Contexts 3 √
13 ING 1013 Writing for Academic Assignments 3 √
14 ING 1014 Basic Communicative Grammar Skills 3 √
15 ING 1015 Intermediate Communicative Grammar √
Skills 3
16 ING 1016 Advanced Communicative Grammar Skills 3 √
17 ING 1017 Pronunciation Skills 3 √
18 ING 1018 Introduction to Linguistics 2 √
19 ING 1019 Introduction to Translating-Interpreting 3 √
20 ING 1020 Introduction to English Literature 2 √
21 ING 1021 English for Instructional Purposes 3 √
22 ING 1022 Cross Cultural Understanding 3 √
23 ING 1023 Sociolinguistics in Educational Context 2 √
24 ING 1024 English Curriculum Development 3 √
25 ING 1025 English Instructional Development 3 √
26 ING 1026 Semantics and Pragmatics 2 √
27 ING 1027 Statistics for Language Teaching 3 √
28 ING 1028 Language Teaching and Learning Research 3 √
29 ING 1029 English Learning Test Development 3 √
30 ING 1030 Psycholinguistics for Language Teachers 2 √
31 ING 1031 Proposal and Scientific Article Writing 3 √
32 ING 1032 Seminar on Language Teaching 2 √
33 ING 1033 Skripsi 6 √
Jumlah SKS MKK 95
Mata Kuliah Pilihan/Kosentrasi
English Languge Teaching
1 ING 1101 English Language Teaching Analysis*) 2 √
2 ING 1102 English Language Teaching Research
2 √
3 ING 1103 English Language Teaching Program
2 √
1 ING 1201 Introduction to Functional Grammar*) 2 √
2 ING 1202 Theory and Practice of Linguistics
2 √
3 ING 1203 Sttistics for Linguistics*) 2 √
English for Business
1 ING 1301 Discourse of Business English*) 2 √
2 ING 1302 Interprenting on Business Communication*) 2 √
3 ING 1303 Program Development of Business
2 √
1 ING 1401 Linguistics for Translators and
2 √
2 ING 1402 Translating*) 2 √
3 ING 1403 Interprenting*) 2 √
Wajib Pilih 1 Paket (6 SKS)
Mata Kuliah Dasar Kependidikan MKDK)
1 DAK 0001 Pengantar Pendidikan 3 √
2 DAK 0002 Perkembangan Peserta Didik 3 √
3 DAK 0003 Profesi Kependidikan 3 √
4 DAK 0004 Administrasi Pendidikan 3 √
Jumlah SKS MKDK 12
Mata Kuliah Ketrampilan Proses Pembelajaran
1 KPP 0001 Media Pengajaran 3 √
2 KPP 0002 Strategi Belajar Mengajar 3 √
3 KPP 0003 Evaluasi Pengajaran 2 √
4 KPP 0004 Perencanaan Pengajaran 3 √
5 KPP 0005 Telaah Kurikulum dan Buku Teks 2 √
6 KPP 0006 Micro Teaching 3 √
7 KPP 0007 PL Kependidikan 4 √
Jumlah SKS KPP 20
Mata Kuliah Institusi (MKI)
1 MKI 0001 Ilmu Kelaman Dasar 2 √
2 MKI 0002 Ilmu Sosial Budaya Dasar 2 √
3 MKI 0004 Kewirausahaan 2 √
4 MKI 0005 Magang 1 √
5 MKI 0006 Mitigasi Bencana 1 √
Jumlah SKS MKI 8
Jumlah Total SKS 147
Semester 1 (Satu)
No Kode MK Nama Mata Kuliah SKS
1. MKU 0001 Pendidikan Agama 2
2. MKU 0003 Kemampuan Berbahasa Indonesia 2
3. DAK 0001 Pengantar Pendidikan 3
4. MKI 0001 Ilmu Kelaman Dasar 2
5. ING 1002 Listening for General Communication 3
6. ING 1005 Speaking for General Communication 3
7. ING 1008 Reading for General Communication 3
8. ING 1014 Basic Communicative Grammar Skills 3
Total SKS 21

Semester 2 (Dua)
No Kode MK Nama Mata Kuliah SKS
1. MKU 0002 Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan 2
2. DAK 0002 Perkembangan Peserta Didik 3
3. KPP 0002 Strategi Belajar Mengajar 3
4. ING 1003 Listening in Professional Context 3
5. ING 1006 Speaking in Professional Contexts 3
6. ING 1009 Reading for Literary Appreciation 3
7. ING 1011 Writing for Personal Communication 3
8. ING 1015 Intermediate Communicative Grammar Skills 3
Total SKS 23

Semester 3 (Tiga)
No Kode MK Nama Mata Kuliah SKS
1. DAK 0003 Profesi Pendidikan 3
2. KPP 0001 Media Pengajaran 3
3. MKI 0002 Ilmu Kelaman Dasar 2
4. ING 1004 Listening for Academic Purposes 3
5. ING 1007 Speaking in Academic Contexts 3
6. ING 1010 Reading for Academic Purposes 3
7. ING 1012 Writing in Professional Contexts 3
8. ING 1016 Advanced Communicative Grammar Skills 3
Total SKS 23

Semester 4(Empat)
No Kode MK Nama Mata Kuliah SKS
1. DAK 0004 Administrasi Pendidikan 3
2. KPP 0003 Evaluasi Pengajaran 2
3. KPP 0004 Perencanaan Pengajaran 3
4. MKI 0004 Kewirausahaan 2
5. ING 1013 Writing for Academic Assignments 3
6. ING 1017 Pronunciation Skills 3
7. ING 1018 Introduction to Linguistics 2
8. ING 1019 Introduction to Translating-Interpreting 3
9. ING 1020 Introduction to English Literature 2
Total SKS 23
Semester 5 (Lima)
No Kode MK Nama Mata Kuliah SKS
1. KPP 0005 Telaah Kurikulum dan Buku Teks 2
2. MKI 0006 Mitigasi Bencana 1
3. ING 1001 Filsafat Ilmu 2
4. ING 1021 English for Instructional Purposes 3
5. ING 1022 Cross Cultural Understanding 3
6. ING 1023 Sociolinguistics in Educational Context 2
7. ING 1024 English Curriculum Development 3
8. ING 1025 English Instructional Development 3
ING 1101 English Language Teaching Analysis*) 2
ING 1201 Introduction to Functional Grammar*) 2
ING 1301 Discourse of Business English*) 2
ING 1401 Linguistics for Translators and Interpreters*) 2
Total SKS 21
Catt : *) Pilih 1 Mata Kuliah Pilihan/Kosentrasi

Semester 6 (Enam)
No Kode MK Nama Mata Kuliah SKS
1. KPP 0006 Micro Teaching 3
2. MKI 0005 Magang 1
3. ING 1026 Semantics and Pragmatics 2
4. ING 1027 Statistics for Language Teaching 3
5. ING 1028 Language Teaching and Learning Research 3
6. ING 1029 English Learning Test Development 3
ING 1102 English Language Teaching Research Methodology*) 2
ING 1202 Theory and Practice of Linguistics Research*) 2
ING 1302 Interprenting on Business Communication*) 2
ING 1402 Translating*) 2
Total SKS 17
Catt : *) Pilih 1 Mata Kuliah Pilihan/Kosentrasi sesuai pilihan semester sebelumnya

Semester 7 (Tujuh)
No Kode MK Nama Mata Kuliah SKS
1. KPP 007 PL Pendidikan 4
2. ING 1030 Psycholinguistics for Language Teachers 2
3. ING 1031 Proposal and Scientific Article Writing 3
4. ING 1032 Seminar on Language Teaching 2
ING 1103 English Language Teaching Program Development*) 2
ING 1203 Sttistics for Linguistics*) 2
5. ING 1303 Program Development of Business English*) 2
ING 1403 Interprenting*) 2
Total SKS 13
Catt : *) Pilih 1 Mata Kuliah Pilihan/Kosentrasi sesuai pilihan semester sebelumnya

Semester 8 (Delapan)
No Kode MK Nama Mata Kuliah SKS
1. ING 1033 Skripsi 6
Total SKS 6

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