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Introduction to the Philosophy of Human

Person Philosophy is derived from the Greek words “philos” and “sophia” which literally means “love of
wisdom”. Philosophy is defined as a science that studies beings in their ultimate causes, reasons, and principles
through the aid of human reason alone. In other words, philosophy is concerned with and reason and principles
that account for everything that exist. Philosophy begins with a sense of wonder. Human being wonders at God,
the world and his/her very being.
Basic questions in philosophy are:
 What is the origin of the world, of everything that exists?
 Why do these things exist, rather than not exist at all?
 What is the meaning and purpose of life? Why do we need to suffer?

Philosophy uses reason as a tool which can be expressed in many forms such as the ability to reflect
question, articulate one’s thoughts and analyze certain phenomenon or events. In short, philosophy understand
things in a critical and logical manner. Philosophers differ in their basic understanding of philosophy. For
example, Karlee Espers, a famous German existential philosopher, understand philosophy as a discipline in
which questions are more important than answers because answers themselves will in turn becomes questions.


1. Metaphysics 2. Epistemology 3. Logic 4. Ethics

Metaphysics comes from the Greek words meta (beyond and after) and physica (physical or in nature).
Hence, etymological speaking metaphysics means the study of things beyond the physical. According to
Aristotle, metaphysics is the first philosophy. Originally the Greek word metaphysical which literally means
after physics actually designated that part of Aristotle works which comes after those chapters that dealth with
physics. Over time, metaphysics has been understood as the study of that which exists beyond the physical.

Metaphysics is subdivided by two: general metaphysics and special metaphysics. General metaphysics
is also referred to as ontology and under the special metaphysics are cosmology, psychology or anthropology
and natural theology or theodicy.

General metaphysics is also known as ontology, which divided from the two Greek words onto,
which means being or that everything that exists, and logos which means knowledge or study. However,
the term logos in ancient Greek scholarship have different connotations. Heralclitus, a Greek
philosopher, understand logos as reason or the underlying reason of all that is. In other words, ontology
studies the first principles are the essence of all things.

Basic questions in ontology:

 What is the meaning and nature of reality?
 What is the underlying principle of all that exist?

Special metaphysics includes cosmology, psychology or anthropology and natural theology or

theodicy. Cosmology comes from the ancient Greek word kosmos which means the worlds and logos (study),
which studies the world or the universe including its origin dynamics and characteristics as well as the laws
that govern its order \.
Basic questions in cosmology:
 What is the origin of the world?
 What is the basic material of which the world is formed?
 Does the world and universe are infinite?
Psychology derived from the two Greek words psyche (soul or mind) and logos (study) which
studies the soul or mind. Psychology study the nature and dynamic of the human person as a whole with
emphasis on the way the person’s mind function and the way a person behaves.
Basic questions in psychology:
 What is the nature of human person?
 Is there such thing as human nature?
 What is the meaning and purpose of life?

Theodicy/Natural Theology is originated from the Greek word theos which means GOD. It was
coined by the famous 18th century German Philosopher named Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz in his 1970 work
titled Theodicy. Specifically, theodicy is concerned with a justification of the goodness of God in the face of
the existence of evil in the world.
Basic questions in theodicy:
 Is there a God?
 What and who is God if he exists at all?
 Does a belief in God is necessary?

Epistemology derived from the Greek words episteme (knowledge) and logos (study) which formally
defined as the study of the nature and scope of knowledge and justified belief. Specifically, it analyzes the nature
of knowledge and how it relates to similar notions such as truth, belief, and justification.

Basic questions:
 What is knowledge?
 How is knowledge acquired?
 What are the structures and limits of knowledge?

Logic comes from the Greek word logos (reasons). Logic is the science of correct thinking or the study
of the principles in criteria of valid argument. More specifically, logic attempts to distinguish sound/good
reasoning from unsound/bad reasoning.

Basic questions:
 What distinguishes a good argument from a bad one?
 How can we detect fallacy in argument?
 What are the types of logic?

Ethics derived from the Greek word ethos which means custom or habit. Ethics is the morality of human
actions. Therefore, ethics is how human persons ought to act and the search for a definition of a right conduct,
and good life. It is important to understand that ethics is not the same with morality, this is because ethics denotes
the theory of right action and the greater good while morality indicates practice that is the rightness or wrongness
of a human action.

Basic questions:
 What makes a right conduct right?
 What is a good life, and can we attain it?
 What do people think is right?
Philosophy of human person could be roughly understood as an attempt to unify disparate ways of understanding
behavior of humans as both creatures of their social environments and creators of their own values. Philosophy
of Human Person as that branch of philosophy which concerns itself with trying to respond to those deepest and
perennial questions about human beings - questions that have plagued humans ever since history began.

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