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In Re: Criminal Complaints Robert Bozgoz and Margaret Sue Bozgoz

Case Nos 0D00398762; 0602SP; 007732019


1. I am a former Assistant State Attorney and a professional Courtroom

videographer with career training in media including, but not limited to,
writing for the daily newspaper Indianapolis Star and co-editing the Cincinnati
Edition of a State-wide newspaper, the Call & Post.

2. I have run at least 200 courtroom videos going back to 1998 when I used to
run video of my own successful Civil Rights Trials, including but not limited
to State v. Jerry Doyle (RIP). See 2:08 of this video:

KingCast & Luis Alcalde Esq Reflect on MLK Day and Black History Month

3. I fear no one and no thing. I will bear no compunction to do what I have to do

to protect vigorous exercise of the Fourth Estate and the First Amendment to
the United States Constitution.

4. I have won every First Amendment/Media case in which a Complaining Party

claimed that I overstepped First Amendment Bounds by stalking or

5. I have successfully sued for Defamation against American Tower Corporation
after they robbed my trainees of their rightful wages and I reported them to the
Department of Labor (Appendix A):

6. L have successfully sued for Defamation against a certain law firm who
falsely accused me of issuing a Death Threat against them (Appendix A)
WD Washington (Seattle) Case No. C16-0397JLR.

8. As noted in the video identified at para. 9 I resolutely defeated a NH NAACP

President who lied about my conduct and attempted to claim that I was guilty
of criminal harassment (Appendix A);

9. I have successfully sued for Defamation against a certain dog kennel after
they were accused of cruelty to animals for using a whiffle ball bat to
discipline dogs because they accused me of threatening conduct when in
actuality they lied to 911 and I have the tapes to prove it;

10. I used materials in the public fora prior prior to any Order of the Court against
the Bozgoz family to produce the video:

VA Must Fire Voncelle James Stop Abusing Your Staff and Innocent

11. My legal research indicates that I am a journalist entitled to source

confidentiality anyway and if that is challenged in any way I will proceed
toward the United State Supreme Court with all deliberate speed;

12. My research indicates that Voncelle James has lied repeatedly in the process
involving her TRO against the Bozgoz family (i.e. that Margaret Sue Bozgoz
was present (and with likely weapons I might add) at her home on 6 June
2019 and she has most definitely lied about my conduct by stating that I
produced a video that directed or incited anyone to harass her;

13. She also lied about her claim that I published her address as well;

14. I will continue to expose the lies that Voncelle James has set forth by her own
hand and by her own mouth and that includes false accusations that I
published her address;

15. In my not-so-humble-but-educated opinion, lying about my actions Ms. James

is engaging in Abuse of Process against the Bozgoz family, and as my
connections and initiatives gain hold in the motion picture industry I will bear
no compunction to share my views on this matter, as I am fully entitled to do.



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