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3.1 Research Design

In solving a problem and the steps to find out how the research should be

done by means of using research methods. The research method is a technique or how

to seek, obtain, collect or record data for the purposes of preparing a scientific paper

and then analyze the factors associated with problem issues so that there will be a

truth data be obtained.

The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative method. According

to I Made Wirartha (2006:155) descriptive qualitative method is a method to analyze,

describe, and summarize the various conditions, situations are various data collected

in the form of results or observations about studied problems that occur in the field."

Called qualitative because of the nature of the data collected qualitative and

not patterned using measurement tools. The main source of data in qualitative

research is the words or actions.

3.2. Source of the Data.

Primary Data is Data which you collected by means of yourself or one

organization for the purpose of method with reference to research in

observation interview. In this research, the writer has collected Primary data

from the movie and the script dialogue.


Secondary Data is Data you have collected and unity by means of other

organization or group, that is usually along the lines of documentary. In this research,

the writer collect the data from websites that relate to this research, previous research

and from the journal that relate to my scientific research.

According Suharsmi Arikunto (2006:129) argues that the source of the data in

the study is the subject of where the data can be obtained. As the source of data, the

writer used The Perks of Being Wallflower movie as the main data. This movie was is

a 2012 American coming-of-age teen drama film written and directed by Stephen

Chobsky. This movie was released on September 21, 2012 in USA, 103 minutes


Meanwhile, to complement the data and theories, the writer used some books

and internet which are related to the topic.


3.3. Data Collection

The data collection techniques are:

1. Watching The Perks of Being Wallflower movie and paying attention to the plot.

2. Watching The Perks of Being Wallflower movie again and paying attention to the

character, especially the main character.

3. Paying attention to the dialogues proposed by the characters in the film and the

dialogues which refers to the main character.

4. Noting any changes that occur in the character of the main character is based on

the AIETA theory by Roger.

3.4. Data Analysis

In analyzing data, the writer uses the following procedures:

1. Classifying data using the theory of changing (AIETA) by Everett Rogers:

Awareness, Interest, Evaluation, Trial and Adoption.

2. Analyzing the data of the dialogues that said by the main character and the other

characters that related to the main character and clarify how a main character

changes by looking at the main character dialogues and physical changes that


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