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Section 1. The Congress shall give highest priority to the

Article II enactment of measures that protect and enhance the right of
Section 9. The State shall promote a just and dynamic all the people to human dignity, reduce social, economic,
social order that will ensure the prosperity and and political inequalities, and remove cultural inequities by
independence of the nation and free the people from poverty equitably diffusing wealth and political power for the
through policies that provide adequate social services, common good. To this end, the State shall regulate the
promote full employment, a rising standard of living, and an acquisition, ownership, use, and disposition of property and
improved quality of life for all. Section 10. The State shall its increments.
promote social justice in all phases of national development. Section 2. The promotion of social justice shall include
Section 11. The State values the dignity of every human person and the commitment to create economic opportunities based on
guarantees full respect for human rights. freedom of initiative and self-reliance.
Section 13. The State recognizes the vital role of the
youth in nation-building and shall promote and protect their LABOR
physical, moral, spiritual, intellectual, and social well-being.
It shall inculcate in the youth patriotism and nationalism,
and encourage their involvement in public and civic affairs. Sec. 3. “The state shall afford full protection to labor,
Section 14. The State recognizes the role of women in local and overseas, organized and unorganized, and promote
nationbuilding, and shall ensure the fundamental equality full employment and equality of employment opportunities
before the law of women and men. for all. It shall guarantee the rights of all workers to self-
Section 18. The State affirms labor as a primary social organization, collective bargaining and negotiations, and
economic force. It shall protect the rights of workers and peaceful concerted activities, including the right to strike in
promote their welfare. accordance with law. They shall be entitled to security of
Section 20. The State recognizes the indispensable role of tenure, humane conditions of work, and a living wage. They
the private sector, encourages private enterprise, and shall also participate in policy and decision-making
provides incentives to needed investments. processes affecting their rights and benefits as may be
Article III provided by law.
Section 1. No person shall be deprived of life, liberty, or “The State shall promote the principle of shared
property without due process of law, nor shall any person be responsibility between workers and employers and the
denied the equal protection of the laws. preferential use of voluntary modes in setting disputes,
Section 4. No law shall be passed abridging the freedom including conciliation, and shall enforce their mutual
of speech, of expression, or of the press, or the right of the compliance therewith to foster industrial peace.
people peaceably to assemble and petition the government “The State shall regulate the relations between workers
for redress of grievances. and employers, recognizing the right of labor to its just share
Section 8. The right of the people, including those in the fruits of production and the right of enterprises to
employed in the public and private sectors, to form unions, reasonable returns on investments, and to expansion and
associations, or societies for purposes not contrary to law growth.” (Section
shall not be abridged. 3 (Labor), Article XIII [Social Justice and Human Rights] of the 1987).

ARTICLE XIII -- SOCIAL JUSTICE AND HUMAN RIGHTS The Rights of Labor Guaranteed by the Constitution (Sec. 3, Art.

XIII) and a living wage. They shall also participate in policy and
1. full protection to labor; decision-making processes affecting their rights and benefits
as may be provided by law.
2. promotion of full employment and equality of employment The State shall promote the principle of shared responsibility
opportunity to all; between workers and employers and the preferential use of
voluntary modes in settling disputes, including conciliation,
3. guarantee of right of workers to self-organization;
and shall enforce their mutual compliance therewith to
4. collective bargaining and negotiations; foster industrial peace.
The State shall regulate the relations between workers and
5. right to peaceful concerted activities including the right to strike in employers, recognizing the right of labor to its just share in
accordance with law; the fruits of production and the right of enterprises to
reasonable returns on investments, and to expansion and
6. right to security of tenure; growth.
7. right to human conditions of work;

8. right to participate in policy and decision-making affecting their

Article II, Section 18
rights and benefIts.
“The State affirms labor as a primary social economic force. It
4. WOMEN shall protect the rights of workers and promote their welfare.”

Section 14. The State shall protect working women by Article XIII, Section 3
providing safe and healthful working conditions, taking into “The State shall afford full protection to labor.” (par. 1)
account their maternal functions, and such facilities and “It shall guarantee the rights of all workers to:
opportunities that will enhance their welfare and enable a. Self-organization
them to realize their full potential in the service of the b. collective bargaining and negotiations
nation. c. peaceful concerted activities including the right to
strike in accordance with law
Article II, Section 18 of the 1987 Constitution provides d. Security of tenure
that “The State affirms labor as a primary social economic e. humane conditions of work
force. It shall protect the rights of workers and promote their f. living wage
welfare.” Article XIII, Section 3 of the 1987 Constitution g. participate in policy and decision-making process
provides that affecting their rights and benefits as may be provided
“The State shall afford full protection to labor, local and by law.” (par.2)
overseas, organized and unorganized, and promote full “The State shall promote the principle of shared responsibility between
employment and equality of employment opportunities for workers and employers.” (par. 3)
all. “The State shall regulate the relations between workers and
It shall guarantee the rights of all workers to self- employers.” (par. 4)
organizations, and peaceful concerted activities, including
the right to strike in accordance with law. They shall be
entitled to security of tenure, humane conditions of work,
The age-old rule governing the relation between labor and
capital, or management and employee of a "fair day's wage 1. FOUR FOLD TEST
for a fair day's labor" remains as the basic factor in In determining whether a given set of circumstances
determining employees' wages. If there is no work performed
constitute or exhibit an employer-employee relationship, the
by the employee there can be no wage or pay unless, of
accepted rule is that the elements or circumstances relating
course, the laborer was able, willing and ready to work but
to the following matters shall be examined and considered:
was illegally locked out, suspended or dismissed, or
a. selection and engagement of the employees
otherwise illegally prevented from working (Caltex Refinery
b. payment of wages
Employees Association [CREA] vs. Brillantes, 279 SCRA
c. power of dismissal
d. power to control the employees’ conduct

2. RULE-MAKING POWER 2. The “control test” is the most crucial and determinative indication
It is true that police power is the domain of the of the presence or absence of an employer-employee relationship.
legislature, but it does not mean that such an authority may Absence of such despite the presence of the other three
not be lawfully delegated. The Labor Code itself vests the elements will not suffice for the relationship to exist.
Department of Labor and Employment with rule-making
powers in the enforcement whereof. Not every form of control will have the effect of establishing an
(PASEI vs. Drilon, June 30, 1988) employer-employee relationship. A line should be drawn between:
a. Rules that merely serves as guidelines, which only
the result. In such case, no employer-employee relationship exist.
In interpreting the Constitution’s protection to labor
b. Rules that fix the methodology and bind or restrict the
and social justice provisions and the labor laws and rules
party hired to the use of such means of methods. These
and regulations implementing the Constitutional mandate,
address both the result and means employed to achieve
the SC adopts the liberal approach which favors the exercise
it and hence, employeremployee relationship exist.
of labor rights. (Meralco vs. NLRC, G.R. No. 78763. Jul.12,
While the Constitution is committed to the policy of 3. Cases where employer-employee relationship EXISTS:
social justice and the protection of the working class, it
should not be supposed that every labor dispute shall be a. Jeepney drivers on boundary system (Martinez vs.
automatically resolved in favor of labor. It is mandated that NLRC, 272 SCRA 793)
there be equal protection and respect not only the laborer’s b. Drivers or helpers of salesman (Alhambra Industries
side but also the management and/or employer’s side. The vs.
law, in protecting the rights of the laborer, authorizes neither CIR, 355 SCRA 553)
oppression nor self-destruction of the employer. (Colgate
c. Handicraft workers on “pakyaw system” (Dy Keh Beng
Palmolive Philippines vs Ople, G.R. No. 73681. June
vs. Int’l. Labor, 90 SCRA 161)

d. Musicians who were engaged by musical director for right to self-organization (Philtranco Service Enterprises
background music in making of movies (LVN vs. Phil. vs. Bureau of Labor Relations, 239 SCRA 508).
Musicians Guild, 1 SCRA 132) However, the rule is not without exception. The exclusion of
e. Tailors, pressers and stitchers in COD tailoring the subject employees from the rank and file bargaining unit
department (Rosario Bros vs. Ople) and the CBA is definitely a “compelling reason” for it
completely deprived them of the chance to bargain
collectively with their employer, and are, thus left with no
4. Cases where employer-employee DOES NOT EXIST:
recourse but to group themselves into a separate and
distinct bargaining unit and form their own organization.
a. Insurance company vis-à-vis commission agents
Life vs. NLRC, 179 SCRA 459)
b. Company vs. Collecting agents on commission basis
(Singer Sewing Machine vs. Drilon, 193 SCRA 1. Probationary employment exists where the
270) employee, upon his engagement is made to undergo a
c. Softdrinks company vs. independent contractors selling trial period during which the employer determines his
softdrinks (Mafinco vs. Ople, 70 SCRA 139) fitness to qualify for regular employment based on
d. Shoe shine boys (Besa vs. Trejano, 146 SCRA 501) reasonable standards made known to him at the time
e. TV anchors and radio broadcasters and columnists of of his engagement (Art 282, LC).
2. In all cases involving employees on probationary
1. LAST IN, FIRST OUT RULE (LIFO RULE) status, the employer shall make known to the
employee at the time he is hired, the standards by
which he will qualify as a regular employee (A.M.
What is contemplated in the rule is that when there are two Oreta & Co., Inc. vs. NLRC). As a general rule, in the
or more employees occupying the same position in the event the employer neglects or fails to inform the
company affected by the retrenchment program, the last one employee at the time of engagement the standard for
employed will necessarily be the first one to go. him to qualify as a regular employee, he cannot be
In the absence of a CBA provision, the rule yields to the terminated for failure to comply with the criteria for
sound exercise of management prerogatives (De La Salle regularship. The employee concerned can only be
University vs. De La Salle University Employees removed for just or authorized causes.

3. A probationary employee may be terminated on two


As a general rule, there should only be one union in one a. for just cause
employer unit. The proliferations of unions in one employer b. when he fails to qualify as a regular employee
unit should be discouraged unless there are compelling in accordance with reasonable standards
reasons which would deny a certain class of employees the made known by the employer to the employee
at the time of his engagement

Criteria for fixed term employment contracts so that
the same will not circumvent security of tenure (Phil.
4. An employee who is allowed to work after a
National Oil Company-Energy Development Corp. vs.
probationary period shall be considered a regular
NLRC,, 239 SCRA 272):
employee (Art.281, LC). However, the employer and
employee may, by agreement, extend the 1) The fixed period of employment was
probationary period of employment beyond six (6) knowingly and voluntarily agreed upon by the
months (Mariwasa Manufacturing, Inc. vs. parties, without any force, duress or improper
Leogardo). pressure being brought to bear upon the
employee and absent any other
Voluntary Resignation, ONCE ACCEPTED, cannot be
circumstances vitiating his consent; or
withdrawn without the consent of the employer.
2) It satisfactorily appears that the employer and
employee dealt with each other on more or less
equal terms with no moral dominance
KINDS OF EMPLOYMENT whatever being exercised by the former on the

An employee is deemed to be regular where he has been 3. PROJECT EMPLOYMENT
engaged to perform activities which are usually necessary or It is one wherein the employee is assigned to carry out a
desirable in the usual business or trade of the employer, the “specific project or undertaking,” the duration and scope of
provisions of written agreement to the contrary which were specified at the time the employees were engaged
notwithstanding and regardless of the oral agreement of the for that project.
parties (Art. 280, LC)
The primary standard is the reasonable connection 2 Distinguishable Types of Project Activities (ALU-
between the particular activity performed by the TUCP vs. NLRC, 234 SCRA 328):
employee in relation to the usual business or trade of 1. A particular job or undertaking that is
the employer. The test is whether the former is usually WITHIN THE REGULAR OR USUAL BUSINESS of the
necessary or desirable in the usual business or trade of employer company, but which is DISTINCT and
the employer. The connection can be determined by SEPARATE, and IDENTIFIABLE as such, from the
considering the nature of the work performed and its other undertakings of the company. Such job or
relation to the scheme of the particular business or trade undertaking begins and ends at determined or
in its entirety. determinable times.
e.g. A construction company which has construction
projects in Manila, Mandaluyong and Baguio.

2. A particular job or undertaking that is

It is a contract of employment for a definite period which corporation. Such a job or undertaking must also be
terminates by its own terms at the end of such period (Brent IDENTIFIABLY SEPARATE and DISTINCT from the
School vs. Zamora, 181 SCRA 702). regular business. The job or undertaking also begins
and ends at determined or determinable times.

e.g. A steel-making company undertakes projects related 1. Labor-only contracting
to breeding and production of fish or cultivation of vegetables. 1) the person supplying workers to an employer does
not have substantial capital or investment in the
form of tools, equipment, machineries, work
General Rule: LENGTH OF SERVICE is not controlling in project
premises, among others; and
employment (Hilario Rada vs. NLRC, 205 SCRA 69).
2) the workers recruited and placed by such person are
Exception: Although the work to be performed is only
performing activities which are directly related to the
for a SPECIFIC PROJECT or SEASONAL, where a person
principal business of such employer (Baguio,
thus engaged has been performing the job for at least one
vs. NLRC, et al., 202
year, even if the performance is not continuous or is merely
SCRA 465)
intermittent, the law deems the REPEATED and
sufficient to indicate the necessity or desirability of that 2. Job Contracting
activity to the business or trade of the employer. 1) the contractor caries on an independent business
The employment of such person is also then deemed to be and undertakes the contract work on his own
REGULAR WITH RESPECT TO SUCH ACTIVITY and WHILE account and under his own responsibility according
SUCH ACTIVITY EXISTS (Magsalin, vs. National to his own manner and method, free from the control
Organization of Working Men, et al., May 9, 2003). and direction of his employer or principal in all
matters connected with the performance of the work
except as to the results thereof; and
2) the contractor has substantial capital or investment
Seasonal workers are those who are called to work from
in the form of tools, equipment, machineries, work
time to time according to the occurrence of varying need
premises, and other materials which are necessary in
during a season, and are laid off after completion of the
the conduct of his business.
required phase of work.
 Seasonal workers who works for more than one season are
deemed to have acquired regular employment. 3. What is the effect of a finding that a contractor is a labor-only
 Seasonal workers during the off season are merely considered contractor?
on leave. A finding that a contractor is “LABOR-ONLY” contractor is
 They are also entitled to separation pay. equivalent to declaring that there is an employer-employee
relationship between the principal and employees of the
laboronly contractor.
In such cases, the person or intermediary shall be
It is one wherein an employee is engaged to perform
considered merely as an agent of the employer, who shall be
activities which are not necessary or desirable in the usual
responsible to the workers for a more comprehensive
trade or business of the employer.
purpose, not only for unpaid wages but for all claims under
the Labor Code and ancillary Laws (San Miguel Corp. vs.
Pre-week in Labor Law and Social Legislation - JOBL NOTES MAERC Integrated Service, Inc., et al., G.R. No. 144672,
July 10, 2003).
JOB CONTRACTING AND LABOR-ONLY CONTRACTING In contrast, the liability of a principal in
LEGITIMATE JOB CONTRACTING is for a limited purpose,
where he becomes jointly and severally liable with the job

contractor only for the payment of the employees’ wages but by an employee fall within the ambit of management
subject to reimbursement from the independent job prerogative. The purpose is no different from that of
contractor. preventive suspension which management could
validly impose as disciplinary measure for the
protection of the company’s property pending
4. What is the effect for failure of owner of project to require the
investigation of any malfeasance or misfeasance
contractor to post bond?
committed by the employee (Consolidated Food
The owner of the project must answer for whatever liabilities
Corp. vs. NLRC, 315 SCRA 129).
the contractor may have incurred to his employees; without
prejudice on the part of the project owner to seek
reimbursement from the contractor. (Baguio, et al. vs. 3. When is there constructive dismissal?
NLRC) A transfer amounts to constructive dismissal when the
transfer is unreasonable, inconvenient, or prejudicial to the
employee, and involves a demotion in rank or diminution of
salaries, benefits and other privileges.

1. What are included in the term “management prerogatives?

4. Management is at liberty, absent any malice on its part, to abolish
a. right to CONDUCT business positions which it deems no longer necessary.
b. right to PRESCRIBE RULES • It is management prerogative to merge job functions
c. right to SELECT and HIRE employees in line with streamlining of the company to cut costs
d. right to TERMINATE employees even if an employee would thereby lose his
e. right to FAIR RETURN OF INVESTMENT and EXPANSION employment due to abolition of his position.
of business
• Labor laws discourage interference with an
employer’s judgment in the conduct of his business.
2. Transfer of Employees
• As a general rule, the employer has the inherent right
5. Limitations in the exercise of management prerogatives:
to transfer or assign an employee subject only to the
1) imposed by LAW
condition that it not be motivated by 1)
2) provisions in the COLLECTIVE BARGAINING
discrimination or 2) bad faith (PT&T vs. Laplana,
199 SCRA 485).
3) general principles of FAIR PLAY and JUSTICE
• An employee’s right to security of tenure does not
give him such vested right in his position as would
deprive the company of its prerogative to change his
assignment or transfer him. It is the prerogative of RIGHT TO SELF-ORGANIZATION
management to transfer an employee where he can
be most useful to the company (Blue Dairy
Corporation vs. NLRC, 314 SCRA 401). 1. What is the rationale for unionization?
• Transfer, even if due to promotion, cannot be done The interest of the individual worker can better be protected
without employee’s consent. on the whole by a strong union aware of its moral and legal
obligations to represent the rank-and-file faithfully, and
• Re-assignment pending administrative
investigations of irregularities allegedly committed

secure for them the best wages and working terms and of all the workers in the appropriate collective
conditions. bargaining unit.

2. Right to join union includes “right not to join” b) Re-run is held in two
(Victorino vs. Elizalde Rope Workers, 59 SCRA 54) instances: 1) if one receives a plurality of vote
Corollary to the right to join is the prerogative not to join, and the remaining choices results in a tie; 2)
affiliate with or assist a labor union. Therefore, to become a if all choices received the same number of
union member, an employee must, as a rule, not only signify votes; while Run-off takes place between the
the intent to become one, but also take some positive steps unions who received the two highest number
to realize the intent. of votes where not one of the unions obtained
the majority of the valid votes cast, provided
the total union votes is at least 50% of the
3. Employees who CANNOT form, join or assist labor
votes cast.
a. Managerial employees
b. Confidential employees c) In Contract Bar Rule,
c. Government employees, including GOCCs with original certification election can only be entertained
charter during the FREEDOM PERIOD, within 60
d. employees who are MEMBERS of a cooperative days prior to the expiry date of the 5th year of
e. employees of International Organizations or Specialized the CBA. In Certification Year or One-year
Agencies which are registered with the United Nations ban rule, no certification election may be held
and which enjoy diplomatic immunity within 1 year from the DATE OF THE
f. Aliens without valid working permits; or Aliens with ISSUANCE OF A FINAL
valid working permits but are nationals of a country CERTIFICATION ELECTION RESULT. And the Deadlock
which do not grant Filipinos to exercise the right of Bar Rule simply provided that a petition for certification
self-organization and to join or assist labor election can only be entertained if there is NO PENDING
4. a) Distinguish Certification Election from Consent Election
b) Distinguish Re-run election from Run-off election
c) Distinguish Contract Bar Rule, Certification Year Rule and 5. ROLE OF THE EMPLOYER IN A CERTIFICATION ELECTION
Deadlock Bar Rule General rule: The employer is NOT A PARTY in a certification
election, which activity is the sole concern of workers.
Exception: Where the employer has to FILE A PETITION
a) Certification election is the
process of determining the sole and exclusive
because it was requested to bargain collectively. Even then,
bargaining agent of the employees in an
it becomes a neutral bystander.
appropriate bargaining unit for purposes of
Exception to the exception: In the event a union files a
collective bargaining while Consent Election
petition for certification election when it is precluded from
is an agreed one, the purpose being merely to
doing so due to any of the following reasons: 1) CONTRACT
determine the issue of majority representation

YEAR RULE, the employer can nevertheless actively No. After a certificate of registration is issued to a union,
participate in the proceedings and oppose the petition for its legal personality cannot be subject to collateral attack. It
certification election. may be questioned only in an independent petition for
cancellation (Tagaytay Highlands International Golf
Club, Inc. vs. Tagaytay Highlands Employees Union-
6. What are the mandatory requirements for a local or chapter to
PTGWO, G.R. No. 142000, January 22, 2003).
become a legitimate labor organization?
General rule: A local or chapter shall enjoy Book V
rights as a legitimate labor organization only upon 9. What is the SUBSTITUTIONARY DOCTRINE?
submission of the following to the Bureau of Labor Relations It is a principle in labor law which states that even during
(BLR) the effectivity of a collective bargaining agreement executed
a) a charter certificate, within 30 days from its between the employer and employees thru their agent, the
issuance by the labor federation or national employees can change said agent BUT THE CONTRACT
b) the constitution and by-laws, a statement on The principle applies to a situation when there occurs a shift
the set of officers, and the books of accounts, in employees’ union allegiance after the execution of a
all of which are certified under oath by the collective bargaining contract.
secretary or treasurer, as the case may be, of
such local or chapter, and attested to by its COLLECTIVE BARGAINING
Exception: ESTOPPEL (ALU vs. Quisumbing, 305 SCRA
762). A party is estopped from challenging the personality of an 1. What is Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA)?
unregistered local union as the holding of the certification election was It refers to a contract executed upon request of either the
“by agreement of the parties.” Hence, it thereby acknowledged the employer or the exclusive bargaining representative
LEGAL EXISTENCE of the unregistered local union by entering into incorporating the agreement reached after negotiations with
such an agreement. respect to wages, hours of work and all other terms and
conditions of employment.
7. Whether or not a petition to cancel/revoke registration is a
prejudicial question to the petition for certification election? 2. Mandatory aspects of bargaining:
No. An order to hold a certification election is proper despite a. Wages, hours of work and other terms and conditions of
the pendency of the petition for cancellation of the employment
registration certificate of the union. The rationale for this is b. CBA should not provide for benefits below the standard
that at the time the union filed its petition, it still had the prescribed by law, award or order.
legal personality to perform such act absent an order c. CBA should include the mandatory provisions such as
directing the cancellation (Pepsi Cola Products Phils. vs. grievance procedure, family planning, “no strike-no lockout”
Secretary of Labor, 312 SCRA 104). clause, cooperative scheme, Labor Management Council

8. Can the legitimacy of a labor union, which has been issued duly 3. What is the “duty to bargain collectively” under Art. 252 of the
issued a certificate of registration, be questioned in the certification LC?
election proceedings? It means the performance of a mutual obligation to meet
and convene promptly and expeditiously in good faith for the

purpose of negotiating an agreement with respect to wages, b. members of the rival union are not covered by such
hours of work and all other terms and conditions of arrangement.
employment, but such duty does not compel any party to
agree to a proposal or to make any concession.
SEMI-CLOSED SHOP AGREEMENT- has no requirement
for the employee to remain as member of the contracting
4. What is the effect for failure to exhaust all steps in the grievance union in good standing as a condition for continued
machinery? employment.
For failing to exhaust all the steps in the grievance
machinery and arbitration proceedings provided in the CBA,
B. UNION SHOP AGREEMENT -stipulation whereby any person
the notice of strike should be dismissed and the union
can be employed by the employer but once employed such
ordered to proceed with the grievance and arbitration
employee must, within a specific period, become a member
of the contracting union and remain as such in good
standing for continued employment for the duration of the
5. ULP in Collective Bargaining CBA [take note of the exceptions in the preceding number.]
a. Bargaining in bad faith
b. Refusal to bargain C. MAINTENANCE OF MEMBERSHIP CLAUSE - the agreement
c. Individual bargaining DOES NOT require non-members to join the contracting
d. Gross violation of CBA provisions union BUT provides that those who are members thereof at
the time of the execution of the CBA and those who may
6. DIFFERENT KINDS OF UNION SECURITY thereafter on their own volition become members must for
ARRANGEMENTS (EXCEPTIONS TO ULP ON INTERFERENCE the duration of the agreement maintain their membership in
ON THE EMPLOYEES’ EXERCISE OF THEIR RIGHT TO good standing as a condition for continued employment in
SELFORGANIZATION): the company for the duration of the CBA.
A. CLOSED-SHOP AGREEMENT - the employer undertakes not
to employ any individual who is not a member of the D. PREFERENTIAL SHOP AGREEMENT – an agreement
contracting union and the said individual once employed whereby the employer merely agrees to give preference to the
must, for the duration of the agreement, remain a member of members of the bargaining union in hiring, promotion or
the union in good standing as a condition for continued filing vacancies and retention in case of lay-off. The employer
employment. has the right to hire from the open market if union members
- does not have any retroactivity are not available.
- apply only to new hires

E. AGENCY SHOP AGREEMENT - an agreement whereby

employees must either join the union or pay to the union as
EXCEPTIONS: exclusive bargaining agent a sum equal to that paid by the
a. employees belonging to any religious sect which members. This is directed against “FREE RIDER”
prohibit affiliation of their members with any labor employees who benefit from union activities without
organization are not covered by such agreement—The contributing support to the union, to prevent a situation of
free exercise of religious belief is superior to contract non-union members enriching themselves at the expense of
rights (Victoriano vs. Elizalde Rope Workers). union members.

 Employee members of another/rival union are not pursuant to the strategy of the company designed to
considered free riders since when the union [agent] prevent an apparently lawful cause for their
bids to be the bargaining agent, it voluntarily dismissal (Visayan Bicycle Co. vs. National Labor
assumed the responsibility of representing all the Union, 14 SCRA 5)
employees in the appropriate bargaining unit.
3. Some cases of ULP of LABOR ORGANIZATIONS:
UNFAIR LABOR PRACTICE • Workers were reluctantly dismissed from
employment upon insistent demand by the union
(Salunga vs. Court of Industrial Relations, 21
1. What is the test to determine whether or not an employer is guilty
SCRA 216)
• Union demanded the dismissal from employment on
The test of whether an employer has interfered with and
the basis of the union security clause of the CBA
coerced employees is whether the employer has engaged
and the employer acceded by placing the employee
in conduct which it may reasonably be said tends to
on forced leave (Manila Mandarin Employee Union
interfere with the free exercise of employees’ rights to
vs. NLRC, 154 SCRA 368)
self-organization and it is not necessary that there be direct
• The strike was staged in violation of the existing CBA
evidence that any employee was in fact intimidated or
provisions on NO Strike/No Lockout Clause (Union
coerced by statements of threats of the employer if there is
of Filipino
reasonable interference that anti-union conduct of the
Employees vs. Nestle Philippines, 192 SCRA 396)
employer does have an adverse effect on self-organization
and collective bargaining. (De Leon vs. NLRC, 358 SCRA
274) 4. What is BOULWARISM?
It occurs when:
2. Some cases of ULP of EMPLOYERS: a. the employer directly bargains with the employee
disregarding the union.
• From the employer’s refusal to bargain, to their act
b. Employer submits its proposals and adopts a take it
of economic inducements resulting in the promotion
or leave it stand. This is not negotiation because the
of those who withdrew from the union, the use of
take it or leave it stand implies threat.
armed guards to prevent the organizers to come in
and the dismissal of union officials and members
(Hacienda Fatima vs. National Federation
Sugarcane Workers-Food and General Trade, STRIKES, LOCKOUT AND PICKETING
G.R. No. 149440)
• Where the workers were dismissed because they
refused to resign from a union and affiliate with a 1. “ASSUMPTION ORDER” OF THE SECRETARY, ITS LEGAL
rival union which was being aided and abetted by IMPLICATIONS
the Company (Development Under Art. 263(g) of the Labor Code, such assumption shall
Corporation vs. CIR, 80 SCRA 434) have the effect of automatically enjoining the intended or
impending strike or lockout as specified in the assumption
• Two union officers were provoked into a pre- order. If one had already taken place at the time of
arranged fight by two recently-hired employees, assumption, all striking or lockout employees shall
immediately return to work and the employer shall
immediately resume operations and re-admit all workers 1. Union officers who knowingly participate in an illegal strike;
under the same terms and conditions prevailing before the and
strike or lockout. The Secretary of Labor and Employment 2. Any striker/union member who knowingly participates in the
may seek the assistance of law enforcement agencies to commission of illegal acts during the strike.
ensure compliance with this provision as well as he may  Those union members who joined an illegal strike
issue to enforce the same. The mere issuance of an but have not committed any illegal act shall be
assumption order by the Secretary of Labor automatically reinstated but without any backwages.
carries with it a return to work order, even if the directive to
return to work is not expressly stated in the assumption
order. Those who violate the foregoing shall be subject to 4. DEFIANCE OF RETURN TO WORK ORDER IN A STRIKE CASE
disciplinary action or even criminal prosecution. WHICH IS UNDER ASSUMPTION OF JURISDICTION, ITS
Under Art. 264 of the Labor Code, no strike or lockout shall be
declared after the assumption of jurisdiction by the Secretary.
Power of Sec. of Labor is plenary and discretionary. (St. In the case of Telefunken Semiconductors Employees
Luke’s Medical Center vs. Torres, 29 June 1993) Union FFW v. CA, G.R. No. 143013-14, December 18,
2000, the Supreme Court held that the strike of the Union
cannot be viewed as anything but illegal for having been
2. TESTS IN DETERMINING THE LEGALITY OF A STRIKE staged in open and knowing defiance of the assumption and
a. Purpose Test (bargaining deadlock and/or return-to-work orders. The necessary consequence thereof are
unfair labor practice) also detailed by the Supreme Court in its various rulings. In
b. Compliance with Procedural and Marcopper Mining Corp. v. Brillantes (254 SCRA 595),
substantive requirements of law the High Tribunal stated in no uncertain terms that -
• notice of strike “by staging a strike after the assumption of
• 30/15-day cooling-off period jurisdiction or certification for arbitration, workers
• strike vote forfeited their right to be readmitted to work, having
• 7 – day strike ban abandoned their employment, and so could be validly
c. Means employed test - A strike may be legal
at its inception but eventually be declared
illegal if the strike is accompanied by violence 5. What are the grounds for declaration of strike?
which violence is widespread, pervasive and 1. deadlock in collective bargaining (ECONOMIC); and/or
adopted as a matter of policy and not merely 2. unfair labor practices (POLITICAL)
violence which is sporadic which normally
occur in a strike area.
6. What are considered ILLEGAL STRIKES?
A. SIT-DOWN STRIKE - is characterized by a temporary
The three tests must concur. Non-compliance with
work stoppage of workers who thereupon seize or
any of the aforementioned requisites renders the strike occupy property of the employer or refuse to vacate
illegal. the premises of the employer. ILLEGAL- amounts to

a criminal act because the employees trespass on the An innocent bystander”, who seeks to enjoin a labor strike,
premises of the employer. must satisfy the court that aside from the grounds specified
B. WILDCAT STRIKE- is a work stoppage that violates in Rule 58 of the Rules of Court, it is entirely different from,
the labor contract and is not authorized by the without any connection whatsoever to, either party to the
union. ILLEGAL- It is not valid because it fails to dispute and, therefore, its interests are totally foreign to the
comply with certain requirements of the law, to wit: context thereof (MFS Tire and Rubber, Inc. vs. CA).
notice of strike, vote, and report on strike vote.
workers of one company to make common cause with
other strikers of other companies, without demands 1. What are the JUST CAUSES FOR DISMISSAL?
or grievances of their own against the employer.
ILLEGAL - because there is no labor dispute between
the workers who are joining the strikers and the 1. Serious MISCONDUCT OR WILLFUL DISOBEDIENCE
latter’s employer. by the employee of the lawful orders of his employer
or representative in connection with his work;
D. SECONDARY STRIKES- are work stoppages of • Misconduct- transgression of some established and
workers of one company to exert pressure on their
definite rule of action, a forbidden act, a dereliction
employer so that the latter will in turn bring pressure
of duty, willful in character, and implies wrongful
upon the employer of another company with whom
another union has a labor dispute. ILLEGAL- intent and not mere error in judgment. (Dept. of
because there is no labor dispute involved. Labor Manual, Sec. 4353.01)
2. Gross and habitual NEGLECT by the employee of his duties;
E. “WELGA NG BAYAN” ILLEGAL because it is a 3. FRAUD OR WILLFUL BREACH by the employee of the trust
political strike and therefore there is neither a reposed in him by his employer or duly organized representative
bargaining deadlock nor any ULP. It is a political • Fraud must be committed against the employer or
rally. his representative and in connection with the
employee’s work. (Dept. of Labor Manual, Sec.
4353.01 [3])
7. General Rule: A strike staged by workers, inspired by good faith, member of his family or his duly authorized representative; and
DOES NOT automatically make the same illegal (PNOC • Conviction or prosecution is not required.
Dockyard and Engineering Corporation vs. NLRC, 5. Other causes ANALOGOUS to the foregoing.
291 SCRA 231). • A cause must be due to the voluntary or willful act
Exception: Good faith is NO LONGER A DEFENSE if no or omission of the employee. (Nadura v. Benguet
procedural compliance for valid strike (Grand Boulevard Consolidated, G.R. No. L-17780)

Hotel vs. Genuine Labor Organizations, G.R. No.


8. What is “INNOCENT BYSTANDER RULE”? 1. installation of labor-saving devices (AUTOMATION)

2. REDUNDANCY (superfluity in the performance of a 2. Inhuman and UNBEARABLE TREATMENT accorded
particular work) the employee by the employer or his representative;
 redundancy, for purposes of the Labor Code, exists 3. Commission of a CRIME OR OFFENSE by the
where the services of an employee are in excess of employer or his representative against the person of
what is reasonably demanded by the actual the employee or any of the immediate members of his
requirements of the enterprise. (Wiltshire File Co. family; and
Inc. vs. NLRC) 4. Other causes ANALOGOUS to any of the foregoing.
3. RETRENCHMENT to prevent losses (there is excess
of employees and employer wants to prevent financial
losses). Requirements:
(a) substantial losses which are not merely de minimis in extent;
(b) imminence of such substantial losses;
(c) retrenchment would effectively prevent the expected and Four possible situations under AGABON vs. NLRC,
additional losses; November 17, 2004:
(d) the alleged losses and expected losses must be proven by 1. If dismissal is for a just/authorized cause and due
sufficient and convincing evidence. process was observed- dismissal is valid and
4. closing or CESSATION OF OPERATION of the employer will not suffer any liability.
establishment or undertaking UNLESS the closing is 2. If dismissal is without just/authorized cause but due
for the purpose of circumventing the provisions of the process was observed – dismissal is illegal, apply Art
Labor Code. 279 regarding reinstatement and backwages.
5. DISEASE 3. If dismissal is without just/authorized cause and
a. the disease is incurable within 6 months and the without due process- dismissal is illegal, apply Art.
continued employment of the employee is 279 regarding reinstatement and backwages.
prohibited by law or prejudicial to his health as 4. Dismissal is for just/authorized cause but due
well as to the health of his coemployees process was not observed – Dismissal is valid.
b. with a certification from public heath officer that However, Sanctions must be imposed on the
the disease is incurable within 6 months despite employer. Such sanctions must be stiffer than that
due medication and treatment. imposed in Wenphil.

3. TERMINATION BY EMPLOYEE Under the WENPHIL DOCTRINE, if the services of the

WITHOUT JUST CAUSE- by serving a WRITTEN employee was terminated due to a just or authorized cause
NOTICE on the employer at least one month in advance. but the affected employee’s right to due process has been
The employer upon whom no such notice was served violated, the dismissal is legal but the employee is entitled to
may hold the employee liable for damages. damages by way of indemnification for the violation of the
WITH JUST CAUSE - An employee may put an end right.
to employment WITHOUT SERVING ANY NOTICE on the
employer for any of the following just causes: SERRANO vs. ISETANN et al. abandoned the Wenphil
1. SERIOUS INSULT by the employer or his doctrine and ruled that if the employee is dismissed under
representative on the hour and person of the just or authorized cause but the affected employee’s right to
employee; due process has been violated, his dismissal becomes

ineffectual. Therefore, the employee is entitled to backwages SUCH NATURE OR DEGREE AS TO
from the time he was dismissed until the determination of PRECLUDE
the justness of the cause of the dismissal. REINSTATEMENT (Dimabayao vs. NLRC, 303 SCRA 655).
It does not apply to ULP cases where the employee was
dismissed for union activities.
The case of AGABON vs. NLRC abandoned the Serrano
sanctions however must be stiffer than that imposed in 7. RETIREMENT (R.A 7641, approved on December 9, 1992 – it has a
Wenphil. retroactive effect being a curative social legislation)
The Court in the case of JAKA FOOD PROCESSING a) Compulsory – upon reaching 65 years of age;
CORP. vs. PACOT et al., March 28, 2005, said that “If the with at least 5 years of service
dismissal is based on a just cause under Article 282 but the b) Optional – upon reaching 60 years of age;
employer failed to comply with the notice requirement, the with at least 5
sanction to be imposed upon him should be tempered years of service; at the option of the employee
because the dismissal process was, in effect, initiated by an
act imputable to the employee; and
Components of Retirement Pay:
If the dismissal is based on an authorized cause under
a) 15 days based on the employee’s latest salary
Article 283 but the employer failed to comply with the notice
b) 1/12 of the 13th month pay
requirement, the sanction should be stiffer because the
c) cash equivalent of the 5 days service incentive leave
dismissal process was initiated by the employer’s exercise of
Computation: 22.5 days x number of years of service
his management prerogative.”
{22.5 days: 15 days plus 2.5 days
representing 1/12 of the 13th month pay
5. What is the TOTALITY OF INFRACTIONS DOCTRINE? plus 5 days of service incentive leave}
Where the employee has been found to have repeatedly
incurred several suspensions or warnings on account of
violations of company rules and regulations, the law
warrants their dismissal as akin to “HABITUAL
494) Original and exclusive jurisdiction to hear and decide, within 30
calendar days:
1. ULP cases;
2. TERMINATION disputes;
Strained relationship may be invoked ONLY AGAINST those cases that workers may file involving wages, rates of
EMPLOYEES WHOSE POSITIONS DEMAND TRUST AND pay, hours of work and other terms and conditions of
EMPLOYER 4. Claims for actual, moral, exemplary and other forms of
ARE OF DAMAGES arising from employer-employee relations;
this Code, including questions involving the legality of
strikes and lockouts;

6. Except claims for Employees Compensation, Social ADJUDICATORY FUNCTION under Art 129 of
Security, Medicare and maternity benefits, ALL OTHER the Labor Code over monetary claims of workers
CLAIMS ARISING FROM EMPLOYER- amounting to not more that P5,000.00
RELATIONS, including those of persons in 3. BUREAU OF LABOR RELATIONS
domestic or household service, involving an Original and exclusive
amount exceeding P5, 000.00 regardless of
1. INTRA- union conflicts
whether accompanies with a claim for
2. INTER- union conflicts
reinstatement; and
WORKERS under the Migrant Workers Act of 1995.
8. Claims of employees against GOCCs WITHOUT ORIGINAL
CHARTER and has been incorporated under the
Corporation Code. (Note: The parties may however, by agreement, settle
(NOTE: Although the provision speaks of EXCLUSIVE their differences by submitting their case to a voluntary
AND ORIGINAL JURISDICTION OF labor arbiters, the arbitrator rather than taking the case to the BLR.)
cases enumerated may instead be submitted to a
voluntary arbitrator by agreement of the parties 4. NATIONAL CONCILIATION AND MEDIATION BOARD
under Art. 262. The law prefers voluntary over (Absorbed the conciliation, mediation and voluntary
compulsory arbitration.) arbitration functions of the BLR.) Functions:
1. Formulate policies, etc. pertaining to effective mediation and
2. NLRC DIVISION Original and exclusive: conciliation of labor disputes.
1. Cases certified to it for compulsory arbitration by the 2. Perform preventive mediation and conciliation functions
Secretary of Labor under Art. 263 – CERTIFIED CASES; 3. Coordinate and maintain linkages with other sectors or
2. INJUNCTION CASES under Art. 218 and 264; AND institutions concerned with matters relative to the
3. CONTEMPT CASES prevention and settlement of labor disputes.
4. Formulate policies, etc, pertaining to the promotion of
cooperative and non-adversarial schemes, grievance
handling, voluntary arbitration and other voluntary modes of
dispute settlement.
5. Administer voluntary arbitration program
6. Provide counseling and preventive mediation assistance
7. Monitor and exercise technical supervision over Board
Exclusive appellate: programs implemented in the regional offices.
1. Cases DECIDED BY LABOR ARBITERS under 8. Perform such other functions as may be provided by law or
Art 217b of the Labor Code and Sec 10 RA 8012 assigned by the Secretary of Labor.
(Migrant Workers Act); and
OF DOLE IN THE EXERCISE OF ITS 1. Interpretation and implementation of CBA

2. Interpretation and enforcement of company personnel
Illegally dismissed employees are entitled to full
6. VOLUNTARY ARBITRATOR reimbursement of his placement fee with interest at 12% per
1. Unresolved grievances from the Grievance machinery: annum PLUS salary for whole unexpired portion of the OFWs
a. Interpretation and implementation of CBA employment contract (Gallant Maritime)
b. Interpretation and enforcement of company
personnel policies
2. Wage distortion issues arising from the application of any
wage orders in organized establishments
3. Unresolved grievances arising from the interpretation and Under Sec. 10 of the MWA of 1995, the liability of the
implementation of productivity incentive programs. 4. Other principal/employer and the recruitment/placement agency
labor disputes by agreement of the parties for any and all claims under this section shall be joint and


1. Hear, conciliate, and decide representation cases
2. Assist in the disposition of intra or inter-union disputes. Apprenticeship means practical training on the job
supplemented by related theoretical instruction.
Learnership refers to hiring of persons as trainees in semi-
skilled and other industrial occupations which are non-
apprenticeable and which may be learned through practical
Appeals from decisions of voluntary arbitrators may training on the job in a relatively short period of time which
be filed with the Court of Appeals, under Rule 43 of the shall not exceed 3 months. Handicapped workers are those
Revised Rules of Court. whose earning capacity is impaired by age or physical or
mental deficiency or injury, disease or illness.
9. How is an appeal perfected from the Labor Arbiter to the
An appeal to the NLRC is perfected once an appellant FILES Not less than 3 months practical Practical training on the job not to
training on the job but not more exceed 3 months.
APPEAL FEE and when a monetary award is involved, the latter POSTS
than 6months
AN APPEAL BOND or SUBMITS A SURETY BOND issued by a reputable
bonding company (Soliman Security Services vs. CONCEPT
CA, 384 SCRA 514).


Practical training on the job Hiring of persons as trainees in Precondition for filing action Not required
supplemented by related semi-skilled and other industrial
theoretical instruction occupations which are
nonapprenticeable and which may
be learned through practical 4. RULE ON HOLIDAYS
training on the job in a relatively
short period of time.
provided that
the employee:
No commitment to hire With commitment to employ the 1. worked,
learner as regular employee if he 2. was on leave with pay, or
desires upon completion of 3. was on authorized absence on the day prior
learnership to the regular holiday.


the employee must be present the day before the

scheduled regular holiday to be entitled to
compensation to both; otherwise, he must work on
Worker is not considered an Learner is considered regular
the first holiday to be entitled to holiday pay on the
employee employee after 2 months of second regular holiday. (Sec.10, Rule IV,
Book III, Implementing Rules)


training and dismissal is
without fault of learner
Highly skilled or technical Semi-skilled/industrial 200% of the basic wage.
industries & in industrial occupation (non- (NB: to give employee only 100% would reduce
the number of holidays under DO No. 3.) If worked:
occupation apprenticeable)
300% of the basic wage.
required for validity a. All time during which an employee is required to be on duty
or to be at a prescribed workplace;
EXHAUSTION OF ADM. REMEDIES IN CASE OF BREACH OF b. All time during which an employee is suffered or permitted
CONTRACT to work;
c. Rest periods of short duration during working hours;

d. Meal period of less than twenty (20) minutes, since it the its complete publication in at least one newspaper of
becomes only a rest period and is thus considered as work general circulation in the region.
time A wage Order issued by the Board may not be
e. The reasonable time to withdraw their wages from the bank disturbed for a period of 12 months from its effectivity and
facility if done during working hours, if payment of wages is no petition for wage increase shall be entertained during said
through banks, ATM or by check. period. EXCEPTION: When Congress itself issues a law
increasing wages.
The Court summarizes the principles relating to wage distortion,
Items of expense necessary for Constitute extra remuneration namely:
the laborer’s and his or special privileges or (a) The concept of wage distortion
family’s existence and benefits given to or received assumes an existing grouping or classification of
subsistence by the employees which establishes distinctions among
laborers over and above their such employees on some relevant or legitimate
ordinary earnings wages basis. This classification is reflected in a differing
wage rate for each of the existing classes of
Part of the wage Independent of the wage employees.
Deductible from the wage Not wage deductible (b) Wage distortions have often been the
result of governmentdecreed increases in
minimum wages. There are, however, other
LEGAL REQUIREMENTS BEFORE FACILITIES CAN BE DEDUCTED causes of wage distortions, like the merger of two
FROM WAGES companies (with differing classifications of
employees and different wage rates) where the
1. Proof must be shown that such facilities are customarily surviving company absorbs all the employees of
furnished by the trade; the dissolved corporation.
2. The provision of deductible facilities must be voluntarily (c) Should a wage distortion exist, there is
accepted in writing by the employee; and no legal requirement that, in the rectification of
3. The facilities must be charged at fair and reasonable value. that distortion by readjustment of the wage rates
of the differing classes of employees, the gap
which had previously or historically existed be
restored in precisely the same amount. In other
words, correction of a wage distortion may be
7. What is a WAGE ORDER? done by reestablishing a substantial or significant
An order issued by the Regional Tripartite Wages & gap (as distinguished from the historical gap)
Productivity Board whenever the conditions in the region so between the wage rates of the differing classes of
warrant after investigating and studying all pertinent facts employees.
and based on the standards and criteria prescribed by the The reestablishment of a significant difference in wage rates
LC, the Regional Board proceeds to determine whether to may be the result of resort to grievance procedures or
issue the same or not. It shall take effect after 15 days from collective negotiations (National Federation of Labor vs.

Having entered into an agreement with its employees,
an employer may not be allowed to renege on its obligation
under a collective bargaining agreement should, at the same
time, the law grant the employees the same or better terms
Power of the Sec. of Labor to compel employer to
and conditions of employment. Employee benefits derived
comply with labor standards upon finding of violations
from law are exclusive of benefits arrived at through
discovered in the course of the exercise of the visitorial negotiation and agreement unless otherwise provided by the
power. Among the powers are the power to: Issue agreement itself or by law. (Meycauayan College vs. Drilon,
Compliance Orders, issue Writs of Execution for the G.R. No. 81144, May 7, 1990).
enforcement of orders, order Work Stoppage/Suspension of
Operations, and conduct hearings within 24 hours.
13. Rules on 13th MONTH PAY
10. STIPULATION AGAINST MARRIAGE (ART. 136)  Additional income based on wage required by P.D.
It shall be unlawful for an employer: 851 which is equivalent to 1/12 of the total basic
1. to require as a condition for employment or continuation of salary earned by an employee within a calendar year.
employment that a woman employee shall not get married,  May be given anytime but not later than Dec. 24.
2. to stipulate expressly or tacitly that upon getting married a  Coverage: All rank-and-file employees regardless of
woman employee shall be deemed resigned or separated, their designation or employment status and
3. to actually dismiss, discharge, discriminate or otherwise irrespective of the method by which their wages are
prejudice a woman employee merely by reason of her marriage. paid, are entitled to this benefit, provided, that they
have worked for at least one (1) month during the
calendar year.
Article 136 is not intended to apply only to women employed
in ordinary occupations, or it should have categorically  It must always be in the form of legal tender. Free
expressed so. The sweeping intendment of the law, be it on rice, electricity cash and stock dividends, COLA are
special or ordinary occupations, is reflected in the whole text NOT proper substitutes for the 13th month pay.
and supported by Article 135 that speaks of  Difference of opinion on how to compute the 13 th
nondiscrimination on the employment of women. (Claudine month pay does not justify a strike.
de Castro Zialcita, et al. vs. PAL).  Note: 13th Month Pay is tax exempt.

11. CLASSIFICATION OF CERTAIN WOMEN WORKERS Under Art. 14. Is there a need for employment permit as a condition for
138, “Any woman who is permitted or suffered to work, with or employment of aliens?
without compensation in any nightclub, cocktail lounge, massage Generally, no. Article 40 of the LC which requires
clinic, bar or other similar establishment, under the effective employment permit refers to NON-RESIDENT ALIENS. The
control and supervision of the employer for a substantial period of employment permit is required for entry into the country for
time as determined by the Secretary of Labor shall be considered employment purposes and is issued after a non-
as an employee of such establishment for purposes of labor determination of the non-availability of a person in the
and social legislation.” Philippines who is competent, able and willing at the time of
application to perform the services for which the alien is
desired. A resident alien does not fall within the ambit of the

15. ILLEGAL RECRUITMENT b. Actors and actresses directors, scriptwriters and news
“Illegal recruitment shall mean any act of correspondents who do not fall within the definition of the
canvassing, enlisting, contracting, transporting, utilizing, term employee in Section 8 (d) of this Act
hiring or procuring workers and includes referring, contract c. Professional athletes, coaches, trainers, and jockeys
services, promising or advertising for employment abroad, d. Individual farmers and fishermen
whether for profit or not, when undertaken by a non-license
or non-holder of authority contemplated under Article 13(f) of Voluntary:
Presidential Decree No. 442, as amended, otherwise known 1. Spouses who devote full time to managing the
as the Labor Code of the Philippines: Provided, that any such household and family affairs, unless they are also
nonlicensee or non-holder who, in any manner, offers or engaged in other vocation or employment which is
promises for a fee employment abroad to two or more subject to mandatory coverage, may be covered by
persons shall be deemed so engaged. Illegal recruitment is the SSS on a voluntary basis.
deemed committed by a syndicate if carried out by a group
2. Filipinos recruited by foreign based employers for
of three (3) or more persons conspiring or confederating with
employment abroad may be covered by the SSS on a
one another. It is deemed committed in large scale if
voluntary basis
committed against three (3) or more persons individually or
3. Employees separated from employment may continue
as a group. (People vs. Dominga Corrales Fortuna)
to pay contributions to maintain his right to full
benefits (Sec. 11) 4. Self-employed with no income

Pre-week in Labor Law and Social Legislation - JOBL NOTES By Agreement:

Any foreign government, international organization, or
their wholly-owned instrumentality employing workers in the
NOTE: Maximum penalty shall be imposed if the person illegally
Philippines, may enter into an agreement with the Philippine
recruited is less than 18 years of age or committed by a non-
licensee or non-holder of authority. government for the inclusion of such employees in the SSS
except those already covered by their respective civil service
retirement systems (Sec.8 (j (4), RA 8282).

 Employer: It shall take effect on the first day of his
1. SSS, COVERAGE: operation
 Employee: On the day of his employment
1. Compulsory upon all employees not over 60 years of age
 Self-employed: It shall take effect upon his registration with
and their employers
2. In case of domestic helpers, their monthly income should
not be less than one thousand pesos
3. Compulsory upon such self- employed persons as may be 2. GSIS, COMPULSORY MEMBERSHIP
determined by the Commission including but not limited Compulsory for all employees (as defined in Section 2
to the following (Sec 9-A): All self employed professionals (d) of GSIS Law) receiving compensation who have not
a. Partners and single proprietors reached the compulsory retirement age, irrespective of

employment status, EXCEPT MEMBERS OF THE ARMED 1. there is a valid election because a majority of
FORCES AND THE PNP, subject to the condition that they the eligible voters voted (1st majority)
must settle first their financial obligations with the GSIS and 2. the said election presented at least 3 choices
contractuals who have no employer and employee 3. not one of the choices obtained the majority
relationship with the agencies they serve. of the valid votes cast (2nd majority)
EXCEPT FOR THE MEMBERS OF THE JUDICIARY 4. total votes cast for the contending unions is
LIFE INSURANCE ONLY, all members of the GSIS shall have
life insurance, retirement and all other social security
5. the unions obtaining the two highest votes will
protection such as disability, survivorship, separation and
participate in the run-off, take note that “NO
unemployment benefits (Sec.
UNION” shall not be a choice in the run-off
3, RA 8291)
6. the union obtaining the majority of the total
votes cast shall be declared winner in the run-off
Child laborers are persons aged below 15, or from 15
to below 18 years, performing work or service that is Republic Act 9231, Sec. 3 (July 28, 2003), allows
hazardous or deleterious in nature, or exploitative, or a child below 15 years of age to work for not more than 20
unsupervised by the child’s parent or guardian, or that hours a week, provided: (a) that the work shall not be more
interferes with normal development, or deprives that child’s than 4 hours at any given day; (b) he does not work between
right to health and education. 8PM and 6AM of the following day; and (c) the work is not
However, not all children who work are engaged in hazardous or deleterious to his health or morals. A child 15
child labor. Work performed by any person below 15 years of years but below 18 years shall not work for more than 8
age is not considered child labor if it falls under allowable hours a day and in no case beyond 40 hours a week and he
situations under Republic Act No. 7658. Light work that is is not allowed to work from 10PM to 6AM.
occasional, legal and respects the child’s right to health and
education is not child labor.


A. Double majority rule: Before a labor union can
be declared a winner, a majority of the eligible BONUS: GUIDE TO CORRECT ANSWERS FOR THE 2013 BAR
voters must have cast their votes (include
spoiled ballots) and a majority of the valid votes
cast is for such union (exclude spoiled ballots CONSTITUTIONAL MANDATE.
but include challenged votes).
B. Run-off election is proper when:

“The state shall afford full protection to labor, local and 2. In case of doubt, labor laws and rules shall be
overseas, organized and unorganized, and promote full interpreted in favor of labor.
employment and equality of employment opportunities for
all. It shall guarantee the rights of all workers to self-
3. Labor Code applies to all workers, whether agricultural
organization, collective bargaining and negotiations, and
or non-agricultural.
peaceful concerted activities, including the right to strike in
accordance with law. They shall be entitled to security of
tenure, humane conditions of work, and a living wage. They 4. Applicability of Labor Code to government-owned or
shall also participate in policy and decision-making controlled corporations:
processes affecting their rights and benefits as may be - When created with original or special charter – Civil
provided by law. Service laws, rules and regulations;
- When created under the Corporation Code applies.
“The State shall promote the principle of shared
responsibility between workers and employers and the RECRUITMENT AND PLACEMENT OF WORKERS
preferential use of voluntary modes in setting disputes,
including conciliation, and shall enforce their mutual 1. Relevant law – Migrant Workers and Overseas
compliance therewith to foster industrial peace. Filipinos
Act of 1995 (R. A. No. 8042 as recently amended by
“The State shall regulate the relations between workers Rep. Act No. 10022 )
and employers, recognizing the right of labor to its just share 2. Free placement services by public employment offices
in the fruits of production and the right of enterprises to for domestic/overseas work.
reasonable returns on investments, and to expansion and
growth.” (Section Entities authorized to engage in recruitment and placement
3 (Labor), Article XIII [Social Justice and Human Rights] of the a. public employment offices;
1987). b. Philippine Overseas Employment Administration
Declaration of basic principles. c. Private recruitment entities;
d. Private employment agencies;
e. Shipping or manning agents or representatives;
The State shall afford protection to labor, promote full f. Such other persons or entities as may be authorized by the
employment, ensure equal work opportunities regardless of Secretary of Labor and Employment; and
sex, race or creed and regulate the relations between workers g. Construction contractors.
and employers. The State shall assure the rights of workers
to selforganization, collective bargaining, security of tenure,
and just and humane conditions of work. Money claims of OFW’s – jurisdiction and appeal
1. Jurisdiction over money claims of OFW’s is vested
with Labor Arbiters of the NLRC and not with
1. Labor contracts are not ordinary contracts as the POEA (Sec. 10 , R. A. No. 8042, as amended by
relation between capital and labor is impressed with Rep. Act No. 10022 ).
public interest.

2. Decisions of Labor Arbiters on money claims of a. First element: recruitment and placement
OFW’s are appealable to NLRC. activities.

Liability of local recruitment agency and foreign principal Any act of canvassing, enlisting, contracting,
transporting, utilizing, hiring, or procuring workers and
includes referring, contract services, promising or
1. Local Agency is solidarily liable with foreign principal.
advertising for employment abroad, whether from profit or
2. Severance of relations between local agent and foreign
not, when undertaken by a nonlicensee or non-holder of
principal does not affect liability of local recruiter.
authority: Provided, That any such licensee or non-holder
who, in any manner, offers or promises for a fee employment
Claims for Death and other Benefits abroad to two or more persons shall be deemed as engaged
1. Labor Arbiters have jurisdiction over claims for in such act.
death, disability and other benefits arising from
b. Second element: Non-licensee or non-holder of
2. Basis of compensation for death generally is
authority – means any person, corporation or
whichever is greater between Philippine law or
entity which has not been issued a valid
foreign law.
license or authority to engage in recruitment
3. Work-connection is required. and placement by the Secretary of Labor and
Employment, or whose license or authority
Disciplinary Action Cases [POEA retains jurisdiction over has been suspended, revoked or canceled by
disciplinary action cases] the POEA or the Secretary of Labor and
1. Employers, as a general rule, cannot directly Note:
hire workers for overseas employment, except i. Mere impression that recruiter is capable of providing
through authorized entities (see enumeration work abroad is sufficient.
above). i. “Referral” of recruits also constitutes
2. Rationale for the ban is to ensure full regulation recruitment activity.
of employment in order to avoid exploitation. ii. Absence of receipt to prove payment is not
3. Non-resident foreign corporation directly hiring essential to prove recruitment. iii. Only one
Filipino workers is doing business in the (1) person recruited is sufficient to constitute
Philippines and may be sued in the Philippines. recruitment.
iv. Non-prosecution of another suspect is not material.
Illegal recruitment –
1. Illegal recruitment under Article 38 applies to both local 4. Illegal recruitment, when considered economic
and overseas employment. sabotage – when the commission thereof is
2. Illegal recruitment- may be committed by any person attended by the qualifying circumstances as
whether licensees or non-licensees or holders or follows:
nonholders of authority.
3. Elements of illegal recruitment:
a. By a syndicate – if carried out by a group of 3 c. possess vocational aptitude and capacity for
or more persons conspiring and confederating the particular occupation as established
with one another; through appropriate tests; and
b. In large scale – if committed against 3 or more d. possess the ability to comprehend and follow
persons individually or as a group. oral and written instructions.
5. Prescriptive period of illegal recruitment cases – 4. Wage rate of apprentices – 75% of the statutory
Under Republic Act No. 8042 – Five (5) years minimum wage.
except illegal recruitment involving economic 5. Apprentices become regular employees if program is
sabotage which prescribes in 20 years. not approved by DOLE.
6. Ratio of theoretical instructions and on-the-job
Employment of non-resident aliens training – 100 hours of theoretical instructions for
every 1,000 hours of practical training on-the-job.
1. Non-resident aliens should secure Alien Employment
Registration Certificate (AERC).
2. There should be understudies. LEARNERS
3. Alien employee should not transfer to another job or charge 1. “Learners” is a person hired as a trainee in
his employer. industrial occupations which are non-
apprenticeable and which may be learned
through practical training on the job for a period
not exceeding three (3) months, whether or not
TRAINING AND EMPLOYMENT OF SPECIAL WORKERS: such practical training is supplemented by
theoretical instructions.
APPRENTICES 2. Pre-requisites before learners may be validly
1. Apprenticeship program to be implemented and employed:
administered by TESDA. a. when no experienced workers are available;
2. “Apprenticeship” means any training on the job b. the employment of learners is necessary to prevent
supplemented by related theoretical instruction involving curtailment of employment opportunities; and
apprenticeable occupations and trades as may be approved c. the employment does not create unfair competition in
by the Secretary of Labor and Employment. An “apprentice” terms of labor costs or impair or lower working
is a worker who is covered by a written apprenticeship standards.
agreement with an employer. 3. Wage rate of learners –75% of the statutory minimum wage.
3. Qualifications of apprentices:
a. be at least fifteen (15) years of age, provided HANDICAPPED WORKERS
those who are at least fifteen (15) years of age 1. Handicapped workers are those whose earning
but less than eighteen may be eligible for capacity is impaired:
apprenticeship only in non-hazardous a. by age; or
occupation; b. physical deficiency; or
b. be physically fit for the occupation in which c. mental deficiency; or
he desires to be trained; d. injury
2. If disability is not related to the work for which he
was hired, he should not be so considered as

handicapped worker. He may have a disability Article 95 - Right to service incentive leave; and Article
but since the same is not related to his work, he 96 - Service charges.
cannot be considered a handicapped worker
insofar as that particular work is concerned.
4. Existence of employer-employee relations is
3. Wage rate – 75% of the statutory minimum wage.
a. Employment relationship; contractual and
CONDITIONS OF EMPLOYMENT voluntary in nature.
1. Employees covered – applicable to all employees in all b. Existence of employment relationship is both a
establishments whether operated for profit or not. question of fact and law.
2. Employees not covered: 5. Test of employment relationship (there is no
a. Government employees; uniform test) but the four (4) elements of the
b. Managerial employees; employer-employee relationship are as follows:
c. Other officers or members of a managerial staff; (a) Selection and engagement of employee;
d. Domestic servants and persons in the personnel (b) Payment of wages;
service of another; (c) Power of dismissal; and
e. Workers paid by results; (d) Power of control (the most important test).
f. Non-agricultural field employer; 6. Quantum of evidence required to prove
g. Members of the family of the employer; employment relationship – mere substantial
evidence (e. g. I. D. card, Cash Vouchers for
salaries, inclusion in payroll, reporting to SSS).
3. More specially, the above excluded groups of
employees are not covered by the following
provisions of Title I, Book III of the Labor Code: Normal hours of work
1. “Normal” hours of work of employees SHALL NOT
EXCEED eight (8) hours per day.
Article 83 - Normal hours of work;
2. The phrase SHALL NOT EXCEED is the basis for
Article 84 - Hours worked;
parttime work in this country.
Article 85 - Meal periods; 3. “Work day” means consecutive-hour period which
Article 86 - Night shift differential; commences from the time the employee regularly starts
Article 87 - Overtime work; to work. It does not necessarily mean the
ordinary calendar day from 12:00 midnight
Article 88 - Undertime not offset by overtime; unless the employee starts to work at this
Article 89 - Emergency overtime work; unusual hour.
Article 90 - Computation of additional compensation; 4. “Work week” is a week consisting of 168 consecutive
hours or 7 consecutive 24-hour work days beginning at
Article 91 - Right to weekly rest period;
the same hour and on the same calendar day each
Article 92 - When employer may require work on a rest day; calendar week.
Article 93 - Compensation for the rest day, Sunday or 5. Reduction of eight-hour working day – not prohibited
by law provided there is no reduction in pay of
holiday work;
Article 94 - Right to holiday pay;

6. Shortening of work week – allowed provided employees the time effectively and gainfully for his own
voluntarily agree thereto; there is no diminution in pay; purpose.
and only on temporary duration. 6. Travel time:
7. Hours of work of part-time workers – payment of wage a. Travel from home to work – not compensable working time.
should be in proportion only to the hours worked. b. Travel that is all in the day’s work – compensable hours worked.
8. Hours of work of hospital and clinic personnel – The c. Travel away from home – compensable hours worked.
Supreme Court has voided Policy Instructions No. 54 7. Attendance in lectures, meetings, and training periods
in San Juan de Dios Hospital Employees Association vs. sanctioned by employer-considered hours worked.
NLRC (G. R> No. 12638683, Nov. 28, 1997). 8. Power interruptions or brown-outs, basic rules:
Consequently, the rule that hospital employees who - Brown-outs of short duration not exceeding
worked for only 40 hours/5 days in any given twenty (20) minutes – compensable hours
workweek should be compensated for full weekly wage worked.
for 7 days is no longer applicable. - Brown-outs running for more than twenty (20)
minutes may not be treated as hours worked
Home work provided any of the following conditions are
1. The following are the compensable hours worked: present:
a. The employees can leave their workplace
or go elsewhere whether within or without
a. All time during which an employee is required the work premises; or
to be on duty or to be at the employer’s b. The employees can use the time effectively
premises or to be at a prescribed workplace; for their own interest.
and 9. Attendance in CBA negotiations or grievance meeting –
b. All time during which an employee is suffered compensable hours worked.
or permitted to work. 10. Attendance in hearings in cases filed by employee – not
2. Coffee breaks and rest period of short duration – compensable hours worked.
considered compensable hours worked. 11. Participation in strikes – not compensable working time.
3. Waiting time – considered compensable if waiting
is an integral part of the employer’s work or he is
required or engaged by the employer to wait. Meal period
4. Sleeping while on duty is compensable if the 1. Every employee is entitled to not less than one (1)
nature of the employee’s work allows sleeping hour (or 60 minutes) time-off for regular meals.
without interrupting or prejudicing work or when Being timeoff, it is not compensable hours worked
there is an agreement between the employee and and employee is free to do anything he wants,
his employer to that effect. For example, a truck except to work. If he required to work while
helper may sleep after performing his task and eating, he should be compensated therefor.
while his truck is travelling on its way to its 2. If meal time is shortened to not less than twenty
assignment. But the same may not be done by (20) minutes – compensable hours worked. If
the driver. shortened to less than 20 minutes, it is
5. Working while on call – compensable if employee considered coffee break or rest period of short
is required to remain on call in the employer’s duration and, therefore, compensable.
premises or so close thereto that he cannot use

Night shift differential rate on said days or a total of 110% of 130%
1. Night shift differential is equivalent to 10% of of the applicable regular hourly rate.
employee’s regular wage for each hour of work
performed between 10:00 p.m. and a.m. of the Overtime work
following day.
1. Work rendered after normal eight (8) hours of
2. Night shift differential and overtime pay,
work is called overtime work.
distinguished. When the work of an employee falls
2. In computing overtime work, “regular wage” or
at nighttime, the receipt of overtime pay shall not
basic salary” means “cash” wage only without
preclude the right to receive night differential pay.
deduction for facilities provided by the employer.
The reason is, the payment of the night
3. “Premium pay” means the additional
differential pay is for the work done during the
compensation required by law for work performed
night; while the payment of the overtime pay is
within 8 hours on non-working days, such as rest
for work in excess of the regular eight (8) working
days and special days.
4. “Overtime pay” means the additional
3. Computation of Night Shift Differential Pay.
compensation for work performed beyond 8
a. Where night shift (10 p.m. to 6 a.m.) work is regular work.
hours. Every employee entitled to premium pay is
1. On an ordinary day: Plus 10% of the basic also entitled to the benefit of overtime pay.
hourly rate or a total of 110% of the basic
5. Illustrations on how overtime is computed:
hourly rate.
a. For ovetime work performed on an ordianry
2. On a rest day, special day or regular holiday:
day, the overtime pay is plus 25% of the basic
Plus 10% of the regular hourly rate on a rest
hourly work.
day, special day or regular holiday or a total of
b. For overtime work performed on a rest day or
110% of the regular hourly rate.
on a special day, the overtime pay is plus 30%
b. Where night shift (10 p.m. to 6a.m.) work is overtime work of the basic hourly rate which includes 30%
1. On an ordinary day: Plus 10% of the overtime additional compensation as provided in Article
hourly rate on an ordinary day or a total of 93 [a] of the Labor Code.
110% of the overtime hourly rate on an c. For overtime work performed on a rest day
ordinary day. which falls on a special day, the overtime pay
2. On a rest day or special day or regular is plus 30% of the basic hourly rate which
holiday: Plus 10% of the overtime hourly rate includes 50% additional compensation as
on a rest day or special day or regular provided in Article 93 [c] of the Labor Code.
holiday. d. For overtime work performed on a regular
b. For overtime work in the night shift. Since overtime work is holiday, the overtime pay is plus 30% of the
not usually eight (8) hours, the compensation for basic hourly rate which includes 100%
overtime night shift work is also computed on the basis additional compensation as provided in
of hourly rate. compensation.
1. On an ordinary day. Plus 10% of 125% of e. For overtime work performed on a rest day
basic hourly rate or a total of 110% of 125% which falls on a regular holiday, the overtime
of basic hourly rate. pay is plus 30% of the basic hourly rate which
2. On a rest day or special day or regular includes 160% additional compensation.
holiday. Plus 10% of 130% of regular hourly

where or quality of work is dependent
Undertime not offset by overtime
4. When employee refuses to render emergency
2. Undertime work on any particular day shall not
overtime work under any of the foregoing
be offset by overtime on any other day.
conditions, he may be dismissed on the ground of
3. Permission given to the employee to go on leave
insubordination or willful disobedience of the
on some other day of the week shall not exempt
lawful order of the employer.
the employer from paying the additional
compensation required by law such as overtime
pay or night shift differential pay. WEEKLY REST PERIODS
1. Every employer shall give his employees a rest period
of no less than 24 consecutive hours after every 6
Emergency overtime work
consecutive normal work days.
1. The general rule remains that no employee may be
2. If business is open on Sundays/holidays, rest day
compelled to render overtime work against his will.
may be scheduled on another day.
2. Exceptions when employee may be compelled to render
3. Preference of employee as to his rest day should be
overtime work:
respected if based on religious grounds.
a. When the country is at war or when any other
4. Waiver of compensation for work on rest days and
national or local emergency has been declared
holidays is not valid.
by the
National Assembly or the Chief Executive;
b. When overtime work is necessary to prevent When employer may require work on a rest day.
loss of life or property or in case of imminent a. In case of actual or impending
danger to public safety due to actual or emergencies cause by serious accident,
impending emergency in the locality caused fire, flood, typhoon, earthquake, epidemic
by serious accident, fire, floods, typhoons, or other disaster or calamity to prevent
earthquake, epidemic or other disasters or loss of life and property, or in case of force
calamities; majeure or imminent danger to public
c. When there is urgent work to be performed on safety;
machines, installations or equipment, or in b. In case of urgent work to be performed on
order to avoid serious loss or damage to the machineries, equipment, or installations,
employer or some other causes of similar to avoid serious loss which the employer
nature; would otherwise suffer;
d. When the work is necessary to prevent loss or c. In the event of abnormal pressure of work
damage to perishable goods. due to special circumstances, where the
e. When the completion or continuation of work employer cannot ordinarily be expected to
started before the 8th hour is necessary to resort to other measures;
prevent serious obstruction or prejudice to the d. To prevent serious loss of perishable
business or operations of the employer; and goods;
f. When overtime is necessary to avail of e. Where the nature of the work is such that
favorable weather or environmental conditions the employees have to work continuously
for seven (7) days in a week or more, as in

the case of the crew members of a vessel higher premium pay than that prescribed by law, the
complete a voyage and in other similar employer shall pay such higher rate.
cases; and
f. When the work is necessary to avail of
favorable weather or environmental
1. Holiday pay; meaning and purpose:
conditions where performance or equality
Holiday pay is a premium given to employees pursuant to law even
of work is dependent thereon.
if he is not suffered to work on a regular holiday.
- If worker did not work on regular holiday, he is entitled
Compensations for rest day, Sunday or holiday work to 100% of his basic pay;
a. Premium pay for work on scheduled rest day. A - If he worked, he is entitled to 200% thereof.
covered employee who is made or permitted to 2. List of regular holidays and special days:
work on his scheduled rest day shall be paid with
an additional compensation of at least thirty
A. Regular holidays.
percent (30%) of his regular wage.
New Year’s Day - January 1
b. Premium pay for work on Sunday when it is
employee’s rest day. Maundy Thursday - Movable date
A covered employee shall be entitled to such additional Good Friday - Movable date
compensation of thirty percent (30%) of his regular wage for Araw ng Kagitingan
work performed on a Sunday only when it is his established
rest day. [Bataan and Corregidor Day] - April 9
c. Premium pay for work performed on Sundays and Labor Day - May 1
holidays when employee has no regular workdays Independence Day - June 12
and no scheduled regular rest day.
National Heroes Day - Last Sunday of August
Where the nature of the work of the employee is such that he
has no regular workdays and no regular rest days can be Bonifacio Day - November 30
scheduled, he shall be paid an additional compensation of at Christmas Day - December 25
least thirty percent (30%) of his regular wage for work
Rizal Day - December 30
performed on Sundays and holidays.
d. Premium pay for work performed on special
holidays (now special days) which fall on Plus Eidl-Fer, a Muslim holiday at the end of Ramadan
employee’s scheduled rest day.
Work performed on any special holiday (now special day)
shall be paid with an additional compensation of at least B. Nationwide special days.
thirty percent (30%) of the regular wage of the employee.
Where such holiday work falls on the employee’s scheduled All Saint’s Day - November 1
rest day, he shall be entitled to additional compensation of at Last Day of the Year - December 31
least fifty percent (50%) of his regular wage. Plus Ninoy Aquino Day
e. Higher rate provided in agreements.
Where the collective bargaining agreement or other
3. Distinction between “regular holidays” and “special days”:
applicable employment contract stipulates the payment of

a. A covered employee who does not work c. Employees on leave while on SSS or
during regular holidays is paid 100% of employee’s compensation benefits –
his regular daily wage; while a covered Employers shall grant the same percentage of
employee who does not work during a the holiday pay as the benefit granted by
special day does not receive any competent authority in the form of employee’s
compensation under the principle of “no compensation or social security payment,
work, no pay.” whichever is higher, if they are not reporting
b. A covered employee who works during for work while on such benefits.
special days is paid 200% of his regular d. When the day preceding regular holiday is a
daily wage; while a covered employee who nonworking day or scheduled rest day –
works during special days is only paid an employees shall not be deemed to be on leave
additional compensation of not less than of absence on that day, in which case, he
30% of the basic pay or a total of 130% shall be entitled to the regular holiday pay if
and at least 50% over and above the basic he worked on the day immediately preceding
pay or a total of 150% if the worker is the non-working day or rest day.
permitted or suffered to work on special
days which fall on his scheduled rest day.
9. Rule in case of successive regular holidays – an
employee may not be paid for both holidays if he
4. “Special holidays” are now known as “special absents himself from work on the day
days.” immediately preceding the first holiday, unless he
5. Principle of “no work, no pay” applies to special works on the first holiday, in which case, he is
days but not to unworked regular holidays where entitled to his holiday pay on the second holiday.
the employees are always paid the equivalent of 10. Rule in case of two regular holidays falling on the
100% of their basic pay. same day (e. g., Araw ng Kagitingan and Good
6. Premium pay for work performed during special Friday falling on April 9, 1993) –if employee did
days – 30% on top of basic pay. not work: 200% of basic pay; If employee worked:
7. Premium pay for work performed during special 300% of basic pay.
days falling on scheduled rest day – 50% over and
above the basic pay. Service incentive leave
8. Effect of absences on entitlement to regular 1. Every covered employee who has rendered at least
holiday pay: one (1) year of service shall be entitled to a yearly
service incentive leave of five (5) days with pay.
a. Employees on leave of absence with pay – 2. Meaning of “one year of service” – service within
entitled to regular holiday pay. twelve (12) months, whether continuous or
b. Employees on leave of absence without pay on broken, reckoned from the date the employee
the day immediately preceding a regular started working, , including authorized absences
holiday may not be paid the required holiday and paid regular holidays, unless the number of
pay if he has not worked on such regular working days in the establishment as a matter of
holiday. practice or policy, or that provided in the
employment contract, is less than twelve (12)

months, in which case, said period shall be WAGES
considered as one (1) year for the purpose of 1. Attributes of wage:
determining entitlement to the service incentive
a. It is the renumeration or earnings, however
3. Service incentive leave is commutable to cash if
designated, for work done or to be done or for
unused at the end of the year.
services rendered or to be rendered.
4. The basis of computation of service incentive
b. It is capable of being expressed in terms of
leave is the salary rate at the date of commutation.
money, whether fixed or ascertained on a
5. Grant of vacation leave or sick leave may be
time, task, piece, or commission basis, or
considered substitute for service incentive leave.
other method of calculating the same;
(Note: there is no provision in the Labor Code
c. It is payable by an employer to an employee
granting vacation or sick leave).
under a written or unwritten contract of
employment for work done or to be done, or
Service charges for services rendered or to be rendered; and
1. Coverage – The rule on service charges applies d. It includes the fair and reasonable value, as
only to establishments collecting service charges, determined by the Secretary of Labor and
such as hotels, restaurants, lodging houses, night Employment, of board, lodging, or other
clubs, cocktail lounges, massage clinics, bars, facilities customarily furnished by the
casinos and gambling houses, and similar employer to the employee. “Fair and
enterprises, including those entities operating reasonable value” shall not include any profit
primarily as private subsidiaries of the to the employer, or to any person affiliated
government. It applies to all employees of covered with the employer.
employers, regardless of their positions, 2. “Wage”, “salary” and “pay”; distinction – they are
designation or employment status, and synonymous in meaning and usage.
irrespective of the method by which their wages 3. Commission – may or may not be treated as part of wage
are paid. depending on the circumstances.
2. Distribution of service charges (Percentage of 4. Actual work is the basis of claim for wages (No work, no
sharing): pay”).

a. eighty-five percent (85%) for the employees to Facilities

be distributed equally among them; and 1. “Facilities” shall include articles or services for
b. fifteen percent (15%) for the management to the benefit of the employee or his family but shall
answer for losses and breakages and not include tools of the trade or articles or
distribution to managerial employees. services primarily for the benefit of the employer
3. The P2,000.00 salary ceiling for entitlement or necessary to the conduct of the employer’s
thereto is no longer applicable. business.
4. The shares shall be distributed to employees not 2. Value of facilities – the fair and reasonable value
less often than once every 3 weeks or twice a of board, lodging and other facilities customarily
month at intervals not exceeding 16 days. furnished by an employer to his employees both
in agricultural and non-agricultural enterprises.

1. Bonus, not generally demandable.- bonus is an
amount granted and paid ex gratia to the
employee for his industry or loyalty, hence,
1. “Supplements” means extra renumeration or
generally not demandable or enforceable. If there
special privileges or benefits given to or received
is no profit, there should be no bonus. If profit is
by the laborers over and above their ordinary
reduced, bonus should likewise be reduced,
earnings or wages.
absent any agreement making such bonus part of
2. “Facilities” and “supplements”, distinction: The
the compensation of the employees.
benefit or privilege given to the employee which
2. Bonus; when demandable and enforceable. On the
constitutes an extra renumeration over and above
basis of equitable considerations, long practice,
his basic or ordinary earning or wage, is
agreement (e. g. CBA) and other peculiar
supplement; and when said benefit or privilege is
circumstances, bonus may become demandable
part of the laborer’s basic wage, it is a facility. The
and enforceable. Consequently, if bonus is given
criterion is not so much with the kind of the
as an additional compensation which the
benefit or item (food, lodging, bonus or sick leave)
employer agreed to give without any condition
given but its purpose. Thus, free meals supplied
such as success of business or more efficient or
by the ship operators to crew members, out of
more productive operation, it is deemed part of
necessity, cannot be considered as facilities but
wage or salary, hence, demandable.
supplements which could not be reduced having
3. Unlike 13th month pay, bonus may be forfeited in
been given not as a part of wages but as
case employee is found guilty of an administrative
necessary matter in the maintenance of the
health and efficiency of the crew personnel during
the voyage.
1. Rule on deductibility. – Facilities may be charged 13th month pay
to or deducted from wages. Supplements, on the
other hand, may not be so charged.
1. “Thirteenth-month pay” shall mean one twelfth
(1/12) of the basic salary of an employee within a
Gratuity and allowances. calendar year.
1. “Gratuity” is a gift given by the employer in 2. All rank-and-file employees are entitled to a 13 th-
appreciation of certain favors or services month pay regardless of the amount of basic
rendered. It is not part of wages since, strictly salary that they receive in a month and regardless
speaking, it is not intended as compensation for of their designation or employment status, and
actual work. It is further not demandable as a inspective of the method by which their wages are
matter of right. paid, provided that they have worked for at least
2. “Allowances” are not part of wages. Therefore, in one (1) month during a calendar year.
the computation of the amount of retirement and 3. Exempted employers –
other benefits, allowances shall not be included a. the government and any of its political
therein. subdivision, including government-owned and
controlled corporations, except those
corporations operating essentially as private
subsidiaries of the government.

b. Employers already paying their employees c. DOLE Philippines vs. Leogardo, et. al. case
13thmonth pay or more in a calendar year or – Yes
its equivalent at the time of this issuance. d. Brokenshire Memorial Hospital, Inc. vs.
c. Employers of household helpers and persons NLRC, et. al. case –No
in the personal service of another in relation e. United CMC Textile Workers union vs.
to such workers. Valenzuela, et. al. case – No
d. Employers of those are paid on purely f. Universal Corn Products vs. NLRC, et. al.
commission, boundary, or task basis, and case –
those who are paid a fixed amount for Yes
performing a specific work, irrespective of the g. FEU Employees Labor Union vs. FEU case
time consumed in the performance thereof, (involving transportation allowance which
except where the workers are paid on was treated as compliance with 13 th
piecerate basis in which case, the employer month pay)
shall be covered by the 13th month pay law h. Framanlis Farms, Inc. vs. Minister of Labor,
insofar as such workers are concerned. et. al. case – No
4. The term “its equivalent” shall include Christmas bonus, i. Kamaya Point Hotel vs. NLRC, et. al. case –
mid-year bonus, profit-sharing payments and other cash Yes
bonuses amounting to not less than 1/12 th of the basic j. UST Faculty Union vs. NLRC, et. al. case –
salary but shall not include cash and stock dividends, No
cost of living allowances and all other allowances
regularly enjoyed by the employee, as well as non-
monetary benefits. Where an employer pays less than No 14th month pay
1/12th of the employee’s basic salary, the employer shall There is no law mandating the payment of 14th-month pay.
pay the difference. It is, therefore, in the nature of a bonus which may not be
5. Time of payment. – The required 13th month pay shall be imposed upon the employer. It is a gratuity to which the
paid not later than December 24 of each year. recipient has no right to make a demand. Kamaya Point
6. 13th-month pay for employees with multiple employers. – Hotel vs. NLRC, et. al., G. R. No. 75289, August 31, 1989, 177
Government employees working part-time in a private SCRA 160).
enterprise, including private educational institutions, as
well as employees working in two or more private firms, MINIMUM WAGE
whether on full or part-time basis, are entitled to the Regional minimum wages
required 13th-month pay from their private employers 1. The minimum wage rates for agricultural and
regardless of their total earnings from each or all their nonagricultural workers and employees in every
employers. region shall be those prescribed by the Regional
7. 13th month pay is tax exempt (R. A. 7833). Tripartite Wages and Productivity Boards
8. May payment of bonus be credited as payment of (RTWPB) which shall in no case be lower than the
13thmonth pay? statutory minimum wage rates.
a. Marcopper Mining Corp. vs. Ople, et. al. 2. The term “statutory minimum wages” refers
case – No simply to the lowest basic wage rate fixed by law
b. NFSW vs. Ovejera, et. al. case – Yes that an employer can pay his workers.

3. The basis of the minimum wage rates prescribed from the bank which time shall be considered
by law shall be the normal working hours which as compensable hours worked if done during
shall not be more than eight (8) hours a day. working hours; and
d. the payment by check or through ATM Card is
with the written consent of the employees
Prohibition against elimination or diminution of benefits
concerned, if there is no collective agreement
This principle mandates that the reduction or diminution or
authorizing the payment of wages by bank
withdrawal by employers of any benefits, supplements or
payments as provided in existing laws, individual
agreements or collective bargaining agreements between
workers and employers or voluntary employer practice or Time of payment of wages
policy, is not allowed. 1. Time of payment; exception.- The general rule is,
wages shall be paid not less often than once every
two (2) weeks or twice a month at intervals not
PAYMENT OF WAGES: In what form, where, when and to
exceeding sixteen (16) days. No employer shall
should wages be paid>
make payment with less frequency than once a
month. The exception to above rule is when
Forms of payment of wages payment cannot be made with such regularity
1. Under the Civil Code, it is mandated that the due to force majeure or circumstances beyond the
laborer’s wages shall be paid in legal currency. employer’s control, in which case, the employer
Under the Labor Code and its implementing shall pay the wages immediately after such force
rules, as a general rule, wages shall be paid in majeure or circumstances have ceased.
legal tender and the use of tokens, promissory
notes; vouchers, coupons or any other form
Place of payment of wages
alleged to represent legal tender is prohibited
1. As a general rule, the place of payment shall be at or
even when expressly requested by the employee.
near the place of undertaking.
2. Exceptions:
2. Exceptions; payment by check or money order, or
through automatic teller machines (ATM card) or
a. When payment cannot be effected at or near
other similar electronic devices, provided the
the place of work by reason of the
following concur:
deterioration of peace and order conditions, or
by reason of actual or impending emergencies
a. there is a bank or other facility for caused by fire, flood, epidemic or other
encashment within a radius of one (1) calamity rendering payment thereat
kilometer from the workplace; impossible;
b. the employer or any of his agents or b. When the employer provides free
representatives does not receive any transportation to the employees back and
pecuniary benefit directly or indirectly from forth; and
the arrangement; c. Under any other analogous circumstances,
c. the employees are given reasonable time provided that the time spent by the employees
during banking hours to withdraw their wages

in collecting their wages shall be considered the arrangement is covered by a written
as compensable hours worked. contract.
3. Payment of wages in bars, massage clinics or - “Contractor” or “Subcontractor” refers to any
nightclubs is prohibited except in the case of person or entity engaged in a legitimate
employees thereof. contracting and subcontracting
4. Payment through banks – allowed in business arrangements.
and other entities with twenty five (25) or more - “Contractual employee” includes one employed
employees and located within one (1) kilometer by a contractor subcontractor to perform or
radius to a commercial, savings or rural bank. complete a job, work or service pursuant to
an arrangement between the latter and a
principal called “Contractor” or
Direct payment of wages
1. General rule: payment of wages shall be made
directly to the employee entitled thereto and to
nobody else. 2. Contracting or Subcontracting; definition.- It
2. Exceptions. refers to an arrangement whereby a principal
a. Where the employer is authorized in writing agrees to put out or farm out with a contractor or
by the employee to pay his wages to a member subcontractor the performance or completion of a
of his family; specific job, work or service within a definite or
b. Where payment to another person of any part predetermined period, regardless of whether such
of the employee’s wages is authorized by job, work or service is to be performed or
existing law, including payments for the completed within or outside the premises of the
insurance premiums of the employee and principal.
union dues where the right to check-off has 3. Contracting or Subcontracting; when legitimate.
been recognized by the employer in It shall be if the following circumstances concur:
accordance with a collective agreement or (i) The contractor or subcontractor carries on a
authorized in writing by the individual distinct and independent business and
employees concerned; or undertakes to perform the job, work or service
c. In case of death of the employee, in which on its own account and under its own
case, the same shall be paid to his heirs responsibility, according to its own manner
without necessity of intestate proceedings. and method, and free from the control and
directions of the principal in all matters
connected with the performance of the work
Contracting or subcontracting
except as to the results thereof;
1. Parties.- There are 3 parties: principal, the
(ii) The contractor or subcontractor has
contractor or subcontractor, and the workers
substantial capital or investment; and
engaged by the latter. The principal and the
(iii) The agreement between the principal and the
contractor or subcontractor may be a natural or
contractor or subcontractor assures the
jurisdictional person.
contractual employees’ entitlement to all labor
- “Principal” refers to any employer who puts
and occupational safety and health standards,
out or farms out a job, service, or work to a
free exercise of the right of self-organization,
contractor or subcontractor, whether or not

security of tenure, and social and welfare employee at the time of engagement. The phrase
benefits. “absent regular employees” includes those who
are serving suspensions or other disciplinary
measures not amounting to termination of
4. Permissible contracting or subcontracting
employment meted out by the principal but
The principal may engage the services of a contractor or subcontractor
excludes those on strike where all the formal
for the performance of any of the following:
requisites for the legality of the strike have been
(a) Works or services temporarily or occasionally
prima facie complied with based on the records
needed to meet abnormal increase in the
filed with the National Conciliation and
demand of products or services, provided that
Mediation Board. (Section 6, Rule VIIIA, Book III,
the normal production capacity or regular
Rules to Implement the Labor Code, as amended
workforce of the principal cannot reasonably
by Department Order No. 10, Series of 1997).
cope with such demands;
5. Prohibitions.
(b) Works or services temporarily or occasionally
The following are hereby declared prohibited for being contrary
needed by the principal for undertaking
to law or public policy:
requiring expert or highly technical personnel to
(a) Labor-only contracting;
improve the management or operations of an
enterprise; (b) Contracting out of work which will either
displace employees of the principal from their
(c) Services temporarily needed for the introduction
jobs or reduce their regular working hours;
or promotion of new products, only for the
duration of the introductory or promotional (c) Contracting out of work with a “cabo”. [A “cabo”
period; refers to a person or group of persons or to a
labor group which, in the guise of a labor
(d) Works and services not directly related or not
organization, supplies workers to an employer,
integral to the main business or operation of the
with or without any monetary or other
principal, including casual work, janitorial,
consideration whether in the capacity of an
security, landscaping, and messengerial services
agent of the employer or as an ostensible
and work not related to manufacturing processes
independent contractor.]
in manufacturing establishments;
(d) Taking undue advantage of the economic
(e) Services involving the public display of
situation or lack of bargaining strength of the
manufacturers’ products which do not involve
contractual employee, or undermining his
the act of selling or
security of tenure or basic rights, or
issuance of receipts or invoices;
circumventing the provisions or regular
(f) Specialized works involving the use of some
employment in any of the following instances:
particular, unusual or peculiar skills, expertise,
(i) In addition to his assigned function, requiring
tools or equipment the performance of whish is
the contractual employee to perform functions
beyond the competence of the regular workforce
which are currently being performed by the
or production capacity of the principal; and
regular employee of the principal or of the
(g) Unless a reliever system is in place among the
contractor or subcontractor;
regular workforce, substitute services for absent
(ii) Requiring him to sign as a precondition to
regular employees provided that the period of
employment or continued employment an
service shall be coextensive with the period of
antedated resignation letter; a blank payroll; a
absence and the same is made to the substitute
waiver of labor standards including minimum (i) is owned, managed or controlled by the principal; and (ii)
wages and social welfare benefits; or a operates solely for the principal owning, managing, or
quitclaim releasing the principal, contractor controlling it.
or subcontractor from any liability as to
payment of the future claims; and
A finding that a contractor is a “labor-only” contractor is
(iii) Requiring him to sign a contract fixing the
equivalent to a finding that there exists an employer-
period of employment to a term shorter than
employee relationship between the owner of the project and
the term of the contract between the principal
the employee of the “labor-only” contractor since that
and the contractor or subcontractor, unless
relationship is defined and prescribed by law itself.
the latter contract is divisible into phases for
which substantially different skills are
required and this is made known to the Indirect Employer; liability
employee at the time of engagement. 1. The principal is considered the indirect employer
(e) Contracting out of a job, work or service through of the workers supplied by independent
an inhouse agency as defined herein; contractor or subcontractor.
(f) Contracting out of a job, work or service directly 2. The nature of the liability of the principal is joint
related to the business or operation of the and solidarily with the contractor or
principal by reason of a strike or lockout whether subcontractor in case the latter failed to pay the
actual or imminent; and wages of the employees.
(g) Contracting out of a job, work or service when not
justified by the exigencies of the business and the Worker preference in case of bankruptcy
same results in the reduction or splitting of the 1. The right to perform given to workers under
bargaining unit. Article 110 cannot exist in any effective way prior
Labor-only contracting to the time of its presentation in distribution
There is “labor-only contracting” when contractor or proceedings. Article 110 applies only in case of
subcontractor merely recruits, supplies or places workers to bankruptcy or judicial liquidation of the employer.
perform a job, work or service for a principal and the 2. Judicial proceedings in rein is required for
following elements are present: creditors’ claims against debtors to become
(i) The contractor or subcontractor does not have substantial 3. To contend that Article 110 of the Labor Code is
capital or investment to actually perform a job, work or applicable also to extrajudicial proceedings would
service under its own account and responsibility; and be putting the worker in a better position than
(ii) The employees recruited, supplied or placed by such the State which could only assert its own prior
contractor or subcontractor are performing activities which preference in case of a judicial proceeding.
are directly related to the main business of the principal. 4. The right of preference as regards unpaid wages
recognized by Article 110 of the Labor Code does
not constitute a lien on the property of the
In-house agency
insolvent debtor in favor of the workers but a
Similarly prohibited under the law is the operation of an
right to a first preference in the discharge of the
“in-house agency” whereby a contractor or subcontractor is engaged in
funds of the judgment debtor.
the supply of labor which:

5. Article 110 of the Labor Code does not purport to proceedings for the recovery of wages, attorney’s
create a lien in favor of workers or employees for fees which exceed ten percent (10%) of the
unpaid wages upon all of the properties or upon amount of wages recovered.
any particular property owned by their employer. 3. The attorney’s fees may be awarded only when
Claims for unpaid wages do not, therefore, fall at the withholding of wages is declared unlawful.
all within the category of specially preferred 4. The basis of the 10% attorney’s fees is the
claims established under articles 2241 and 2242 amount of wages recovered. Should there be any
of the Civil Code, except to the extent that such other monetary awards given in the proceedings,
claims for unpaid wages are already covered by the same may not be assessed or subjected to the
Article 2241, number 6: “claims of laborers and 10% attorney’s fees.
other workers engaged in the construction,
reconstruction or repair of buildings, canals and
other works, upon said buildings, canals or other PROHIBITIONS REGARDING WAGES
works.” To the extent that claims for unpaid
wages fall outside the scope of Article 2241, Non-interference in disposal of wages
number 6 and 2242, number 3, they would come 1. Employers are not allowed to interfere in the disposal of
within the ambit of the category of ordinary wages of employees.
preferred credits under Article 2242.
6. Mortgage credit.- A mortgage credit id a special
preferred credit under Article 2241 of the Civil Wage deduction
Code while workers’ preference is an ordinary Deductions from the wages of the employees may be
preferred credit. made by the employer in any of the following cases:
7. Preference of taxes. In one case, it has held that a. When the deductions are authorized by law, (e. g.
there is no merit in the contention of the NLRC SSS, Pag-IBIG), including deductions for the
that taxes are also absolutely preferred claims insurance premiums advanced by the employer in
only with respect to movable and immovable behalf of the employee as well as union dues
properties on which they are due. The claim of where the right to check-off has been recognized
the government predicated on a tax lien is by the employer or authorized in writing by the
superior to the claim of a private litigant individual employee himself;
predicated on a judgment. Tthe tax lien attaches b. When the deductions are with the written
not only from the service of the warrant of authorization of the employees for payment to a
distraint property but from the time of the tax third person and the employer agrees to do so,
become due and payable. provided that the latter does not receive any
pecuniary, directly or indirectly, from the
Attorney’s fees c. Withholding tax mandated under the National
1. In cases of unlawful withholding of wages, the Internal
employer may be assessed attorney’s fees Revenue Code;
equivalent to ten percent (10%) of the amount of d. Withholding of wages because of employee’s debt
wages recovered. to the employer which is already due;
2. It shall be unlawful for any person to demand or
accept, in any judicial or administrative
e. Deductions made pursuant to a judgment against It shall be unlawful for an employer to refuse to pay
the worker under circumstances where the wages or reduce the wages and benefits, discharge or in any
may be the subject of attachment or execution manner discriminate against any employee who has filed any
but only for debts incurred for food, clothing, complaint institute any proceeding or has testified or is
shelter and medical attendance. about to testify in such proceedings.
f. When deductions from wages are ordered by the
False reporting
g. Deductions made for agency fee from non-union
It shall be unlawful for any person to make any statement,
members who accept the benefits under the CBA
report, or record filed or kept pursuant to the provisions of
negotiated by the bargaining union. This form of
this Code knowing such statement, report to be false in any
deduction does not require the written
material respect.
authorization of the non-union member.

Wage Order
Deposits for loss or damage
1. “Wage order” refers to the Order promulgated by
No employer shall require his worker to make deposits from
the Regional Tripartite Wages and Productivity
which deductions shall be made for the reimbursement of
Board (RTWPB) pursuant to its wage fixing
loss of or damage to tools, materials, or equipment supplied
by the employer, except when the employer is engaged in
2. Necessity for wage order.- Wherever conditions in
such trades, occupations or business where the practice of
a particular region so warrant, the RTWPB shall
making deductions or requiring deposits is a recognized one,
investigate and study all pertinent facts and
or is necessary or desirable as determined by the Secretary
based on the standards and criteria herein
of Labor and Employment in appropriate rules and
prescribed, shall proceed to determine whether a
Wage Order should be issued.
3. Affectivity of wage order.- Any Wage Order shall
Withholding of wages and kickbacks prohibited take effect after fifteen (15) days from its complete
It shall be unlawful for any person, directly or indirectly, to publication in at least one (1) newspaper of
withhold any amount from the wages of a worker or induce general circulation in the region.
him to give up any part of his wages by force, stealth, 4. Appeal to the National Wages and Productivity
intimidation, threat or by any other means whatsoever Commission.- Any party aggrieved by the Wage
without the worker’s consent. Order issued by the RTWPB may appeal such
order to the Commission within ten (10) calendar
days from the publication of such order. The filing
Deductions to ensure employment
of the appeal does not stay the order or suspend
It shall be unlawful to make any deduction from the wages
the affectivity thereof unless the person appealing
of any employee for the benefit of the employer or his
such order shall file with the Commission, an
representative or intermediary as consideration of a promise
undertaking with a surety or sureties satisfactory
of employment or retention in employment.
to the Commission for the payment to the
employees affected by the order of the
Retaliatory measures corresponding increase, in the event such order is

[b], the Regional Director of the Department of Labor and
Employment under Article 129 and the Labor Arbiter under
Standards/Criteria for minimum wage fixing
Article 217 of the Labor Code.
1. in the determination of regional minimum wages,
1. On the nature of the powers granted and proceedings.
the Regional Board shall, among other relevant
Article 128 [b] involves the exercise by the Secretary of
factors, consider the following: (a) The demand for
Labor and Employment or his duly authorized
living wages;
representatives, of the visitorial and enforcement powers
(b) Wage adjustment vis-à-vis the consumer price index;
provided therein.
(c) The cost of living and changes or increases therein;
(d) The needs of workers and their families;
(e) The need to induce industries to invest in the Article 129 involves the exercise by the Regional
countryside; Director of the Department of Labor and Employment or any
(f) Improvements in standards of living; of the duly authorized hearing officers of the Department, of
(g) The prevailing wage levels; adjudicatory powers over cases concerning recovery of
(h) Fair return of the capital invested and capacity to pay of wages, simple money claims and other benefits not
employers; exceeding P5,000.00 and not accompanied by any claim for
(i) Effects on employment generation and family income; reinstatement.
(j) The equitable distribution of income and wealth along Article 217 involves the exercise by the Labor Arbiter of
the imperatives of economic and social development. its quasi-judicial power to hear and decide claims involving
Wage distortion an amount exceeding P5,000.00 regardless of whether
“Wage distortion” is a situation where an increase in accompanied with a claim for reinstatement.
prescribed wage rates results in the elimination or severe
contraction of intentional quantitative differences in wage or
salary rates between among employee groups in an 2. On the person or officer granted the powers Article 128 [b]
establishment as to effectively obliterate the distinctions grants the power to specifically to the Secretary of Labor
embodied in such wage structure based on skills, length or and Employment or his duly authorized representative.
service, or other logical bases of differentiation.
The issue of whether or not a wage distortion exists is a The Regional Directors shall be the duly authorized
question of fact that is within the jurisdiction of the representatives of the Secretary of Labor and Employment in
quasijudicial tribunals. the administration and enforcement of labor standards
within their respective territorial jurisdictions. (Section 3,
ADMINISTRATION AND ENFORCEMENT Rule I, Rules on the Disposition of Labor Standards Cases in
the Regional Offices, September 16, 1987).

Distinctions between Article 128 (b), Article 129 and Article

217 Article 129 grants the power specifically to the Regional
Director of the Department of Labor and Employment or any
of the duly authorized hearing officers of the Department.
For purposes of clarification, the following are the major Article 217 grants the power specifically to the Labor Arbiters of
distinctions regarding the jurisdictions over money claims of the National Labor Relations Commission.
the Secretary of Labor and Employment under Article 128

3. On the subject matter. wages, simple money claims and other benefits. Here, it is
Article 128 [b] applies only to inspection cases involving the complainant who initiates the action.
findings of the labor employment and the enforcement
officers or industrial safety engineers regarding violations of Article 217 contemplates situations where a complaint is initiated by a
labor standards provisions of the Labor Code and other labor worker, whether agricultural or non-agricultural.
Here, it is the complainant who initiates the action.
5. On the existence of employer-employee relationship.
The term “labor standards” refers to the minimum Article 128 [b] is applicable only when the employer-employee
requirements prescribed by existing laws, rules and relationship still exists. In case the relationship no longer
regulations and other issuances relating to wages, hours of exists, claims for payment of monetary benefits fall within
work, cost of living allowances and other monetary and the exclusive and original jurisdiction of the Labor Arbiters.
welfare benefits, including those set by occupational safety Accordingly, if on the face of the complaint, it can be
and health standards. (Section 7, Rule 1, Rules on the ascertained that employeremployee relationship no longer
Disposition of Labor Standards Cases in the Regional Offices, exists, the case, whether or not accompanied by an
September 16, 1987). allegation of illegal dismissal, shall immediately be endorsed
by the Regional Director to the appropriate Branch of the
National Labor Relations Commission. (Section 3, Rule II,
Article 129 applies only to cases initiated by complaint
Rules on the Disposition of Labor Standards Cases in the
filed by any interested party involving the recovery of wages
Regional Offices, September 16, 1987).
and other monetary claims and benefits (including interest)
but the amount of which should not exceed P5,000.00 and
should not include a claim for reinstatement. Article 129 is applicable whether the employer-employee
relationship still exists or not for as long as the claim arose
from said relationship.
Article 217 applies only to cases of claims involving an
amount exceeding P5,000.00 whether or not accompanied
with a claim for reinstatement. Article 217 is applicable irrespective of whether or not the
employer-employee relationship still exists for as long as the
claim arose from said relationship.
4. On the party initiating the action.

6. On the remedy of appeal, how taken.

Article 128 [b] contemplates situations where the case for
violation of labor standards laws and other labor regulations, Article 128 [b] grants appeal from the order issued by the
arose from the routine inspection conducted by the labor duly authorized representative of the Secretary of Labor and
employment and enforcement officer or industrial safety Employment to the latter.
engineers of the Department of Labor and Employment, with
or without a complaint initiated by an interested party. Here, Article 129 grants appeal from the decision of the Regional
it is generally the Department of Labor and Employment Director or Hearing Officer to the National Labor Relations
which initiates the action. Commission.

Article 129 contemplates situations where there is a Article 217 grants appeal from the decision of the Labor Arbiter
complaint initiated by an interested party for recovery of to the National Labor Relations Commission.
7. On the reglementary period of appeal. 9. On the grounds for appeal.
Article 128 [b] does not specify the grounds for appeal. But
the Rules on the Disposition of Labor Standards Cases in the
Article 128 [b] prescribes no specific reglementary period
Regional Offices which was issued by the Secretary of Labor
for appeal. The law is silent on this matter. However, under the
and Employment on September 16, 1987, to implement
Rules on the Disposition of Labor Standards Cases in the
Article 128 [b] (prior to its amendment by Republic Act No.
Regional Offices promulgated on September16, 1987 by the
7730 on June 2, 1994), enumerates the following grounds:
Secretary of Labor and Employment, the reglementary period
is fixed at ten (10) calendar days from receipt of the order.
(Section 1, Rule IV, Rules on the Disposition of Labor a. there is a prima facie evidence of abuse of discretion on
Standards Cases in the Regional Offices, September 16, the part of the Regional Director;
1987). b. the Order was secured through fraud, coercion or graft
and corruption;
Article 129 prescribes the reglementary period of five (5) c. the appeal is made purely on questions of law; or
calendar days from receipt of a copy of the decision or d. serious errors in the findings of facts were committed
resolution, within which to perfect the appeal. which, if not corrected, would cause grave or
irreparable damage to the appellant.

Article 217 does not contain any provision on the

reglementary period for appeal. However, Article 223 Article 129 expressly makes reference to the grounds
prescribes the reglementary period of ten (10) calendar days provided in Article223 of the Labor Code as applicable to
from receipt of the decision, award or order of the Labor appeals brought under this Article.
Arbiter, within which to perfect appeal.
Article 217 does not contain the grounds but those
8. On requirement of posting of bond to mentioned in Article 223 are applicable to appeals from
perfect the appeal. Article 128 [b] requires that in case decisions, awards or orders of the Labor Arbiter.
the order subject of the appeal involves monetary
award, an appeal by the employer may be perfected 10. On period to decide appeal and finality of decisions.
only upon the posting of cash or surety bond issued Article 128 [b] does not prescribe the period within which to
by a reputable bonding company duly accredited by decide the appeal and when such decision will become final
the Secretary of Labor and Employment in the and executory. However, its implementing rules, while not
amount equivalent to the monetary award in the providing the period within which the decision should be
order appealed from. rendered, mention that the decisions, orders or resolutions
Article 129 is silent on the requirement of bond, hence, this is not of the Secretary of Labor and Employment shall become final
required to perfect the appeal. and executory after ten (10) calendar days from receipt
thereof. (Section 5, Rules on the Disposition of Labor
Article 129 does not embody the provision requiring posting Standards Cases in the Regional Office).
of bond to perfect the appeal but Article 223. A bond may
stay the execution of monetary awards but not the order of Article 129 mentions expressly that the NLRC should resolve
reinstatement which is executory even pending appeal. the appeal within ten (10) calendar days from the
submission of the last pleading required or allowed under its representatives/labot organizations and employers (R.A.
rules contrary to Article 223 which provides for twenty (20) 10151, signed into law on 21 June 2011).
calendar days. With respect to the finality of the decision on
the appealed case. Article 223 provides that the same shall
Art. 156. Health Assessment. – At their request, workers
be final and executory after ten (10) calendar days from
shall have the right to undergo a health assessment without
receipt thereof by the parties.
charge and to receive advice on how to reduce or avoid health
problems associated with their work:
Article 217 does not embody the provision on the period to
decide appealed cases or the period within which such (d) Before taking up an assignment as a night worker; (e) At
decision shall become final and executory. These matters are regular intervals during such an assignment; and
provided under Article 223 of the Labor Code.
(f) If they experience health problems during such an
assignment which are not caused by factors other
EMPLOYMENT OF WOMEN than the performance of night work.

With the exception of a finding of unfitness for night

THE LAW ON WORKING CONDITIONS FOR SPECIAL GROUP work, the findings of such assessments shall not be
transmitted to others without the workers’ consent and shall
not be used to their detriment. (R.A. 10151, signed into law
on 21 June 2011).
NOTE: Article 130 and 131 of the Labor Code, as amended
was replaced with the provisions on Nightworkers (Articles
Art. 157. Transfer. – Night workers who are certified as unfit
154 to
for night work, due to health reasons, shall be transferred,
161) pursuant to Rep. Act No. 10151, June, 2011
whenever practicable, to a similar job for which they are fit to
NEW: The provisions on night workers are: If such transfer to a similar job is not practicable, these
workers shall be granted the same benefits as other workers
Art. 154. Coverage. – This chapter shall apply to all persons who are unable to work, or to secure employment during such
who shall be employed or permitted or suffered to work at period.
night, except those employed in agriculture, stock raising, A night worker certified as temporarily unfit for night
fishing, maritime transport and inland navigation, during a work shall be given the same protection against dismissal or
period of not less than seven (7) consecutive hours, including notice of dismissal as other workers who are prevented from
the interval from midnight to five o’clock in the morning, to be working for reasons of health. (R.A. 10151, signed into law
determined by the Secretary of Labor and Employment, after on 21 June 2011).
consulting the workers’ representatives/labor orbanizations
and employers. Art. 158. Women Night Workers.- Measures shall be taken to
Night worker means any employed person whose work ensure that an alternative to night work is available to
requires performance of a substantial number of hours of womenworkers who would otherwise be called upon to
night work which exceeds a specific limit. This limit shall be perform such work:
fixed by the Secretary of Labor after consulting the worker’s

(c) Before and after childbirth, for a period of at least The provisions of this article shall not have the effect of
sixteen (16) weeks, which shall be divided reducing the protection and benefits connected with maternity
between the leave under existing laws. (R.A. 10151, signed into law on 21
time before and after childbirth; June 2011).
(d) For additional periods, in respect of which a
medical certificate is produced stating that said Art. 159. Compensation. – The compensation for night workers
additional periods are necessary for the health of in the form of working time, pay or similar benefits shall
the mother or child: recognize the exceptional nature of night work. (R.A. 10151,
 During pregnancy; signed into law on 21 June 2011).
 During a specified time beyond the
period, after childbirth is fixed pursuant
to subparagraph (a) above, the length Art. 160. Social Services. – Appropriate social services shall be
of which shall be determined by the provided for night workers and where necessary, for workers
DOLE after consulting the labor performing night work. (R.A. 10151, signed into law on 21
organizations and employers. June 2011).

During the periods referred to in this article: Art. 161. Night Work Schedules. – Before introducing work
(iii) A woman worker shall not be schedule requiring the services of night workers, the employer
dismissed or given notice of shall consult the workers’ representatives/labor organizations
dismissal, except for just or concerned on the details of such schedules and the forms of
authorized causes provided for in organizations of night work that are best adapted to the
this Code establishment and its personnel, as well as, on the
occupational health measures and social services which are
that are not connected with
required. In establishments employing night workers,
pregnancy, childbirth and childcare
consultation shall take place regularly. (R.A. 10151, signed
into law on 21 June 2011).
(iv) A woman worker shall not lose the
benefits regarding her status,
seniority, and access to promotion
which may attach to her regular Q: What are the different facilities that an employer must at
night work position. least furnish for his women employees?

Pregnant woman and nursing mothers may be allowed A: The Secretary of Labor may require employers to:
to work at night only if a competent physician, other than the
company physician, shall certify their fitness to render night
work, and specify, in the case of pregnant employees, the  Provide seats proper for women and permit them to
period of the pregnancy that they can safely work. use the seats when they are free from work or during
office hours provided the quality of the work will not
be compromised;
The measures referred to in this article may include
transfer to day work where this is possible, the provision of
social security benefits or an extension of maternity leave.
 Establish separate toilet rooms and lavatories for men The SSS shall immediately reimburse the employer of one
and women and provide at least a dressing room for hundred percent (100%) of the amount of maternity benefits
women; advanced to the employee by the employer upon receipt of
 Establish a nursery in the establishment; and satisfactory proof of such payment and legality thereof.
 Determine appropriate minimum age and other If an employee member should give birth or suffer
standards for retirement or termination in special miscarriage without the required contributions having been
occupations such as those of flight attendants and the remitted for her by her employer to the SSS, or without the
like. latter having been previously notified the employer of the time
of the pregnancy, the employer shall pay to the SSS damages
equivalent to the benefits which said employee would
THE MATERNITY LEAVE UNDER THE SSS LAW: otherwise have been entitled to.

Q: Discuss briefly the concept of Maternity Leave.

A: MATERNITY LEAVE- A female member, who need not

be legally married, who has paid for at least three (3) monthly Q: What are the different facilities that an employer must at
contributions in the 12-month period immediately preceding least furnish for his women employees?
the semester of her childbirth or miscarriage shall be paid a
daily maternity benefit equivalent to 100% of her average A: The Secretary of Labor may require employers to:
daily salary credit for 60 days or 78 days, in case of
caesarian delivery.
Maternity benefits provided herein shall be paid only 9. Provide seats proper for women and permit them to
use the seats when they are free from work or during
for the first four (4) deliveries or miscarriages;
office hours provided the quality of the work will not
Maternity benefits like other benefits granted by the SSS, are
be compromised;
granted in lieu of wages and therefore, may not be included in
10. Establish separate toilet rooms and lavatories for men
computing the employee’s 13th month pay for the calendar
and women and provide at least a dressing room for
11. Establish a nursery in the establishment; and
In order to be entitled to the SSS benefit, the female 12. Determine appropriate minimum age and other
employee should be employed at the time of the delivery, standards for retirement or termination in special
miscarriage, or abortion. occupations such as those of flight attendants and the
The employee shall have notified her employer of her like.
pregnancy and the probable date of her childbirth, which
notice shall be transmitted to the SSS in accordance with the
rules and regulations it may provide. THE MATERNITY LEAVE LAW
Full payment shall be advanced by the employer within
thirty (30) days from the filing of the maternity leave Q: Discuss briefly the concept of Maternity Leave.
Payment of daily maternity benefits have been received.

Q: Briefly discuss paternity leave.
A female member, who need not be legally married, who has
paid for at least three (3) monthly contributions in the A: It is a benefit grants paternity leave of 7 days with full
12month period immediately preceding the semester of her pay, consisting of basic salary, to all married male employees
childbirth or miscarriage shall be paid a daily maternity in the public and private sector.
benefit equivalent to 100% of her average daily salary credit Available only for the first 4 deliveries of the legitimate
for 60 days or 78 days, in case of caesarian delivery. spouse with whom the husband is cohabiting; the term
Maternity benefits provided herein shall be paid only delivery includes childbirth, miscarriage or abortion.
for the first four (4) deliveries or miscarriages; In the event that such leave was not availed of, said leave
Maternity benefits like other benefits granted by the SSS, are shall not be convertible to cash
granted in lieu of wages and therefore, may not be included in The purpose is to enable the husband to lend support to
computing the employee’s 13th month pay for the calendar his wife during the period of recovery and/ or in the nursing
year. of the newly born child.
In order to be entitled, the following conditions must be
In order to be entitled to the SSS benefit, the female met:
employee should be employed at the time of the delivery, 5. He is an employee at the time of the delivery of
miscarriage, or abortion. his child;
The employee shall have notified her employer of her 6. He is cohabiting with his spouse at the time
pregnancy and the probable date of her childbirth, which she gives birth or suffers a miscarriage;
notice shall be transmitted to the SSS in accordance with the 7. He has applied for paternity leave with his
rules and regulations it may provide. employer;
Full payment shall be advanced by the employer within 8. His wife has given birth or suffered a
thirty (30) days from the filing of the maternity leave miscarriage; the term wife refers to the lawful
application. wife which means the woman who is legally
Payment of daily maternity benefits have been received. married to the male employee concerned.
The SSS shall immediately reimburse the employer of one
hundred percent (100%) of the amount of maternity benefits The application must be made within a reasonable time
advanced to the employee by the employer upon receipt of from the expected date of delivery by the pregnant spouse
satisfactory proof of such payment and legality thereof. and within such period as may be provided by company rules
If an employee member should give birth or suffer & regulations or CBA. However, prior application for leave
miscarriage without the required contributions having been shall NOT be required in case of miscarriage.
remitted for her by her employer to the SSS, or without the
latter having been previously notified the employer of the time
Q: When is there discrimination based on sex?
of the pregnancy, the employer shall pay to the SSS damages
equivalent to the benefits which said employee would
otherwise have been entitled to. A: The following constitute acts of discrimination:
1. Payment of a lesser compensation for work of equal value.
2. Favoring a male employee over a female employee solely on
the account of their sexes.

Q: What is the law on prohibitions or stipulation against  To discharge any woman or child or any other
marriage? employee for having filed a complaint or having
testified or being about to testify under the Code;
A: Article 134 of the Labor Code as amended and
renumbered provides that it shall be unlawful for an Q: State the law on women working nightclubs and other
employer: similar establishments.

 to require as a condition for employment or A: Article 136 of the Labor Code as amended and renumbered
continuation of employment that a woman provides that any woman who is permitted to work or
employee shall not get married, suffered to work, with or without compensation, in any night
club, cocktail lounge, massage clinic, bar or similar
establishment, under the effective control or supervision of the
 to stipulate expressly or tacitly that upon getting
employer for a substantial period of time as determined by the
married a woman employee shall be deemed
Secretary of Labor, shall be considered as an employee of
resigned or separated
such establishment for purposes of labor and social
 to actually dismiss, discharge, discriminate or
otherwise prejudice a woman employee merely by Q: Briefly state the laws on employment of minors.
reason of her marriage.

A: As a general rule, no child below 15 shall be employed. The

Q: What are the prohibited acts of an employer with respect to exceptions to the rule are:
his female employees?
1. When the child works directly under the sole responsibility
of his/her parents or legal guardian who employs members of
A: The following constitute prohibited acts: his/her family only under the following conditions:
 To discharge any woman employed by him for the  employment does not endanger the child’s life,
purpose of preventing such woman from enjoying safety, health and morals;
the maternity leave, facilities and other benefits  employment does not impair the child’s normal
provided under the Code; development; and
 the parent/legal guardian provides the child with
 To discharge such woman employee on account of the primary and/or secondary education
her pregnancy, or while on leave or in confinement prescribed by DECS.
due to her pregnancy;
2. Where the child’s employment or participation in public
 To discharge or refuse the admission of such entertainment or information through cinema, theater, radio,
woman upon returning to her work for fear that or television is essential, provided that:
she may be pregnant;  employment does not involve advertisements or
commercials promoting alcoholic beverages,
intoxicating drinks, tobacco and its by-products or
exhibiting violence;
 There is a written contract approved by the DOLE; overtime, and there is additional compensation, the
and same is permissible.
 The conditions prescribed for the employment of h) They have the right to four days vacation each
minors {above stated} are met. month with pay. (If the helper does not ask for the
vacation, the number of vacation days cannot be
accumulated, she is entitled only to its monetary
Q: What are considered hazardous work places? equivalent.)
i) Funeral expenses must be paid by the employer if
A: The following are considered hazardous places: the househelper has no relatives with sufficient
means in the place where the head of the family
 where the nature of the work exposes the workers
j) Her termination must only be for a just cause.
to dangerous environmental elements,
contaminants or work conditions;
 where the workers are engaged in construction Upon the severance of the household service relationship, the
work, logging, fire-fighting, mining, quarrying, househelper may demand from the employer a written
blasting, stevedoring, dock work, deep-sea fishing, statement of the nature and duration of the service and his or
and mechanized farming; her efficiency and conduct as househelper.
 where the workers are engaged in the
manufacture or handling of explosives and other Q: Who are homeworkers?
pyrotechnic products;
4.where the workers use or are exposed to heavy or
powerdriven machinery or equipment; and A: Homeworkers are those who perform in or about his
5.where the workers use or are exposed to power-driven tools, home any processing of goods or materials, in whole or in
part, which have been furnished directly or indirectly by an
employer and thereafter to be returned to the latter.
Q: What are the rights of house helpers?
Q: Who are considered by law as the employers of these
A: a) They cannot be assigned to non-household homeworkers?
work b) They are entitled to reasonable
A: Any natural or artificial person who, for his own account or
c) They are entitled to be furnished lodging, food, and
benefit, or on behalf of any person residing outside the
medical attendance
Philippines, directly or indirectly, or through any employee,
d) If under 18 years old, she must be given an
agent, contractor, sub-contractor; or any other person:
opportunity for elementary education (the cost of
which shall be part of househelpers’ compensation)
e) The contract for household service shall not exceed (1) Delivers or causes to be delivered any goods or articles to be
2 years. (Renewable however from year to year) processed in or about a home and thereafter to be returned or
f) They are entitled to just and humane treatment to be disposed of or distributed in accordance with his
g) They must not to be required to work for more than direction; or
10 hours a day. If the househelper agrees to work (2) Sells any goods or articles for the purpose of having such
goods or articles processed in or about a home and then
repurchases them himself or through another after such 3. The maternity leave shall be paid by the employer
processing. only for the first four (4) deliveries by a woman
employee after the effectivity of this Code.

Paternity leave
Facilities for women
Every married employee in the private and public sectors
Employers are required to:
shall be entitled to paternity leave of 7 days (for each
(a) Provide seats proper for women and permit them
delivery) with full pay for the first 4 deliveries of the
to use such seats when they are free from work
legitimate spouse with whom he is cohabiting. If paternity
and during working hours, provided they can
leave is not availed of, it is not convertible to cash.
perform their duties in this position without
detriment to efficiency;
(b) To establish separate toilet rooms and lavatories Discrimination against woman prohibited
for men and women and provide at least a It shall be unlawful for any employer:
dressing room for women; (1) To deny any woman employee the benefits
(c) To establish a nursery in a workplace for the provided for in the law or to discharge any woman
benefit of the women employees therein; and employed by him for the purpose of preventing
(d) To determine appropriate minimum age and other her from enjoying any of the benefits provided
standards for retirement or termination in special under the Labor Code.
occupations such as those of flight attendants (2) To discharge such woman on account of her
and the like. pregnancy, or while on leave or in confinement
due to her pregnancy;
(3) To discharge or refuse the admission of such
Maternity leave benefits (Pregnant women, whether married
or not, are entitled) woman upon returning to her work for work of
equal value.
1. A female member who has paid at least 3
(4) To pay lesser compensation to a female employee
monthly contributions in the 12-month period
with respect to promotion, training opportunities,
immediately proceeding the semester of childbirth
study and scholarship grants solely on account of
or miscarriage shall be paid a daily maternity
their sexes.
benefit of 100% of her average daily salary credit
for 60 days or 78 days in case of caesarian
delivery. This payment of daily maternity benefit Stipulation against marriage
shall be a ___ to the recovery of sickness benefit It shall be unlawful for an employer to require as a condition
for the same compensable period. of employment or continuation of employment that a woman
2. The maternity leave shall be extended without employee shall not get married, or to stipulate expressly or
pay on account of illness medically certified to tacitly that upon getting married, a woman employee shall be
arise out of the pregnancy, delivery, abortion or deemed resigned or separated, or to actually dismiss,
miscarriage, which renders the woman unfit for discharge, discriminate or otherwise prejudice a woman
work, unless she has earned unused leave credits employee merely by reason of her marriage.
from which such extended leave may be charged.
Woman working in nightclubs, massage clinics, etc.

Any woman who is permitted or suffered to work, with or 1. “Househelper” or “domestic servant” shall refer to
without compensation, in any night club, cocktail lounge, any person, whether male or female, who renders
massage clinic, bar or similar establishments under the services in and about the employer’s home and
effective control or supervision of the employer for a which services are usually necessary or desirable
substantial period of time as determined by the Secretary of for the maintenance and enjoyment thereof, and
Labor and Employment, shall be considered as an employee ministers exclusively to the personal comfort and
of such establishment for purposes of labor and social enjoyment of the employer’s family.
legislation. 2. Household services include the services of family
They are considered regular employees of said drivers, cooks, nursemaids or family servants,
establishments except when the night club operator does not but not the services of laborers in a commercial
control nor direct the details and manner of their work in the or industrial enterprise.
entertainment of nightclub patrons and, having no fixed 3. The original contract of domestic service shall not
hours or work, they may come and go as they please. last for more than two (2) years but it may be
mutually renewed for such periods by the parties.
EMPLOYMENT OF MINORS 4. The minimum wage rates of househelpers shall be
the basic cash wages which shall be paid to the
1. prohibition against child discrimination.- No
househelpers in addition to lodging, food and
Employer shall discriminate against any person
medical attendance.
in respect to terms and conditions of employment
5. Time and manner of payment of wages.- Wages
on account of his age.
shall be paid directly to the househelper to whom
2. Relevant law: Republic Act No. 7610 – The Special
they are due at least once a month. No
Protection of Cild Against Child Abuse,
deductions therefrom shall be made by the
Exploitation and Discrimination Act.
employer unless authorized by the househelper
Minimum employment age.
himself or by existing laws.
1. No child below fifteen (15) years of age shall be
6. Assignment to non-household work. – No
employed, except when he works directly under
househelper shall be assigned to work in a
the sole responsibility of his parents or guardian,
commercial, industrial or agricultural enterprise
and his employment does not in any way interfere
at a wage or salary rate lower than that provided
with his schooling.
for agricultural or non-agricultural workers as
2. Any person between fifteen (15) and eighteen (18)
prescribed herein.
years of age may be employed for such number of
7. Opportunity for education. – If the househelper is
hours and such periods of the day as determined
under the age of eighteen (18) years, the employer
by the Secretary of Labor and Employment in
shall give him or her an opportunity for at least
appropriate regulations.
elementary education. The cost of education shall
3. The foregoing provisions shall in no case allow the
be part of the househelper’s compensation,
employment of a person below eighteen (18) years
unless there is a stipulation to the contrary.
of age in an undertaking which is hazardous or
8. Treatment of househelpers – just and humane
deleterious in nature as determined by the
manner and no physical violence.
Secretary of Labor and Employment.
9. The employer shall furnish the househelper, free
of charge, suitable and sanitary living quarters as
Employment of househelpers well as adequate food and medical attendance.

10. Indemnity for unjust termination of services.- If the employees. Examples: Books one to four of the Labor Code
period of household service is fixed, neither the as well as Book VI thereof which deals with working
employer nor the househelper may terminate the conditions, wages, hours of work, holiday pay and other
contract before the expiration of the term, except benefits, conditions of employment of women, minors,
for a just cause. If the househelper is unjustly househelpers, and homeworkers, medical and dental
dismissed, he or she shall be paid compensation services, occupational health and safety, termination of
already earned plus that for fifteen (15) days by employment and retirement.
way of indemnity. If the househelper leaves
without a justifiable reason, he or she shall forfeit
any unpaid salary due him or her not exceeding
fifteen (15) days.


1. An industrial homeworker is a worker who is
engaged in industrial homework, a system of Original and Exclusive Jurisdiction over the following:
production under which work for an employer or
contractor is carried out by a homeworker at 1. Unfair Labor practices;
his/her home. The materials may or may not be 2. Termination disputes;
furnished by the employer or contractor. 3. Cases that workers may file involving wages, rates of pay, hours
2. A field personnel is a non-agricultural employee of work and other terms and conditions of
who regularly performs his duties away from the employment, if accompanied with claim for reinstatement;
principal place of business or branch office of the 4. Claims for actual, moral, exemplary and other forms of damages
employer an whose actual hours or work in the arising from the from the employer—employee relations;
field cannot be determined with reasonable 5. Cases arising from any violation of Article 264 of this Code,
certainty. including questions involving the legality of strikes and lockouts;
\ and
6. Except claims for Employees’ Compensation, Social Security,
PART TWO Medicare and maternity benefits, all other claims arising from
LABOR RELATIONS LAW employer—employee relations, including those of persons in
domestic or household service, involving an amount exceeding
Labor Relations- refers to that part of labor law which five thousand pesos (P5, 000.00) regardless of whether
regulates the relations between employers and workers. accompanied with a claim for reinstatement.
Example: Book V’ of the Labor Code which deals with labor
organizations, collective bargaining, grievance machinery, Jurisdiction of NLRC
voluntary arbitration, conciliation and mediation, unfair The National Labor Relations Commission exercises two (2)
labor practices, strikes, picketing and lockout. kinds of jurisdiction: 1. original jurisdiction; and
2. exclusive appellate jurisdiction
Labor Standards- refers to that part of the labor law
which prescribe the minimum terms and conditions of
1. Original Jurisdiction
employment which the employer id required to grant to its

a. Injunction in ordinary labor disputes to enjoin or restrain salaries, leaves, 13th month pay, bonuses, etc.), damages
any actual threatened commission of any or all and attorney’s fees.
prohibi9ted or unlawful acts or to require the • Government Corporations.- Labor Arbiters have
performance of a particular act in any labor dispute jurisdiction over cases involving employees of
which, if not restrained or performed forthwith, may government-owned or controlled corporations without
cause grave or irreparable damage to any party. original charters (organized under the corporation code).
b. Injunction in strikes or lockouts under Article 264 of the They have no jurisdiction if entity has original charter.
Labor Code. • Immuned entities—Labor Arbiter have no jurisdiction
c. Certified labor disputes causing or likely to cause a strike over labor cases involving from suit. Exception: when
or lockout in an industry indispensable to the national said entities propriety activities (as distinguished from
interest, certified by the Secretary of Labor and governmental functions).
Employment for compulsory arbitration. • Ecclesiastical affairs. —Labor Arbiters have jurisdiction
over labor cases involving dismissal of priests and
religious ministers but not over purely ecclesiastical
2.Exclusive Appellate jurisdiction.
(such as excommunication). In Austria vs. Hon. NLRC,
a. All cases decided by the Labor Arbiters including
et. Al., G. R.No.124382, August 16,1999, it was held that
contempt cases.
the fact that a case involves the church and its religious
b. Cases decided by the DOLE Regional directors or his
minister does not ipso fact give the case religious
duly authorized Hearing Officers involving recovery of
significance. Simply stated, what is involved in an illegal
wages, simple money claims and other benefits not
dismissal case is the relationship of the church as an
exceeding P5, 000 and not accompanied by for
employee-a purely secular matter not related to the
practice of faith, worship or doctrines of the church, in
this case the minister was not excommunicated or
Distinction between jurisdiction of Labor Arbiters and NLRC. expelled from the membership of the church but was
terminated from employment based on the grounds cited
The NLRC has exclusive appellate jurisdiction over all in Article 282 of the Labor Code.
cases decided by the Labor Arbiters. The NLRC does not have
original jurisdiction over the cases over which Labor Arbiter Money claims under pars. (a), [3] and [6] of Article 217; classification.
has original and exclusive jurisdiction (see above
enumeration). If a claim does not fall within the exclusive
Money claims falling within the original jurisdiction of the Labor
original jurisdiction of the Labor Arbiter, the NLRC cannot
Arbiters may be classified as follows:
have appellate jurisdiction thereover.

1) any money claim, regardless of amount,, accompanied

• Intra-corporate disputes.-Labor Arbiters have no
with a claim for reinstatement (which presupposes from
jurisdiction over termination of corporate officers and
a termination case); or
stockholders which, under the law, is considered intra
2) any money claim, regardless of whether accompanied
corporate disputes. The Regional Trial Court (not SEC)
with a claim reinstatement,, exceeding the amount five
now have jurisdiction under R. A. 8799 (Securities
thousand pesos (P5,000.000) per claimant (which does
Regulations Act of 2000)). Jurisdiction of RTC includes
not necessarily involve termination employment)
adjudication on monetary claims (such as unpaid

Money claims cognizable by the DLOE Regional Directors and not
by Labor Arbiter: requisites.
All grievances which are settled or resolved within seven (7)
calendar days from the date of the submission for resolution
1. the claim must arise from employer—employee relationship; to the last step of the grievance machinery, shall
2. the claimant does not seek reinstatement; and automatically be referred to voluntary arbitration prescribed
3. the aggregate money claim each employee does not exceed P5, in the Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA).
• Cases cognizable by voluntary Arbitrator but filed with
Receivership or liquidation of business, effect on jurisdiction of Labor NLRC and DOLE Regional Offices.-They shall
Arbiter. immediately be disposed and referred to the Grievance
The jurisdiction conferred upon Labor Arbiters and the NLRC Machinery or Voluntary arbitration provided in the
would not be lost simply because the assets of a former Bargaining Agreement (CBA)
employer had been placed under receivership or liquidation. • Jurisdiction over any other labor disputes, irrespective of
the nature of the case, is vested on Voluntary Arbitrators
by agreement of the parties.
• Wage distortion cases.- Labor Arbiters have jurisdiction
over wage distortion cases only in unorganized
establishment, jurisdiction is vested with voluntary JURISDICTION OF BUREAU OFLABOR RELATIONS (BLR)
• Money claims OFW’s.- Labor Arbiters have jurisdiction Original and exclusive jurisdiction over the following:
over all monetary claims of overseas workers.
1. “ Inter-union disputes” or “ represented disputes”
• Strikes and Lockouts.-Labor Arbiters have jurisdiction
which refer to cases involving petition for certification
over legality of strikes and lockouts, except strikes and
election filed by a duly registered labor organization
lockouts in industries indispensable to the national
which is seeking to be recognized as the sole and
interest, in which case, either NLRC (in certified) or
exclusive bargaining agent of the rank-and-file
DOLE Secretary (in assumed cases) has jurisdiction.
employees in the appropriate bargaining unit of a
company, firm or establishment.
JURISDICTION OF VOLUNTARY ARBITRATORS 2. “Intra-union disputes” or “representation disputes”
Original and Exclusive jurisdiction over the which refer to disputes or grievances arising from any
following: violation or disagreement over any provision of the
constitution and-by laws of the union, including any
violation of the rights and conditions of union
1. all unresolved grievances arising from the
membership provided for in the Labor Code. 3. All
interpretation or implementation of the collective
disputes, grievances or problems arising from or
bargaining agreement after exhaustion of the
affecting labor-management relations in all
grievance procedure; and
workplaces, except those arising from interpretation
or implementation of the CBA which are subject of
2. all unresolved grievances arising grievances procedure and/or voluntary arbitration.
from the implementation or interpretation of {Note: The BLR has the following administrative functions: (1)
company personnel policies. registration of labor unions; (2) keeping of registry of labor

unions; and (3) maintenance and custody of CBA’s.] 6. Appeal from the decision of Labor Arbiter in direct contempt cases
APPEALS (5 calendar days).
7. When allowing the appeal “in interest of justice.”
APPEAL TO NLRC FROM DECISIONS OF LABOR ARBITERS 8. Allowing the appeal for other compelling reasons (due to typhoon
Four ((4) grounds for appeal: falling on the 10th day; or excusable negligence).
c. the 10 calendar day reglementary period to appeal is not extendible.
d. Motion for Reconsideration of Labor Arbiter’s decision is not
(a) If there is a prima facie evidence of abuse of discretion
on the pat of the labor Arbiter;
e. 10 calendar-day period so counted from receipt of decision by
(b) If the decision order or award secured through fraud
counsel of party.
coercion, including graft and corruption;
f. Failure to Appeal or perfect appeal within 10-calendar day
(c) If made purely on question of law; and
reglementary period will make the Labor Arbiter’s decision final and
(d) If serious errors in the finding of facts are raised
which would cause grave or irreparable damage or
g. Date of mailing is date filing.
injury to the appellant.
h. Receipt of one of two counsels is receipt by the party.
i. Effect of perfection of appeal-Labor Arbiter loses jurisdiction.
Requisites for perfection of Appeal. j. Lack of verification of the memorandum of appeal is not fatal nor
a. the appeal should be filed on a reglementary period; k. Failure to pay appeal docketing fee; not fatal to the validity of
b. the Memorandum of Appeal should be under oath; appeal.
c. payment of appeal fee; l. Submission of new or additional evidence on appeal may be allowed.
d. posting of cash surety bond, if judgment involves monetary award; m. New issues or change of theory on appeal is not allowed.
e. proof of service to the adverse party. • Reinstatement aspect of the Labor Arbiter’s decision.-It is
immediately executory even pending appeal. Such
Reglementary period- 10 calendar days. awards does not require a writ of execution. The
employer is dutybound to inform employee of
reinstatement (either in the payroll or in the position
a. Saturdays, Sundays and Legal Holidays included in reckoning 10- previously held or in a substantially equivalent position
day reglementary period. of no longer available, at the position of the employer)).
f. Exceptions to 10-day calendar day period rule. The remedy if employer refuses if reinstate is contempt.
The posting of bond does not stay reinstatement.
1. Appeal filed before the Vir-Jen case (G. R. Nos. 58011-12, July • Appeal involving monetary awards.
20,1982) at a time when the rule was 10 working days.
2. 10th day falling on a Saturday. a. No monetary award, no appeal bond required.
3. 10th day falling on a Sunday or Holiday. b. Cash or surety bond is required for perfection appeal from
4. Reliance on erroneous notice of decision. monetary award.
5. Appeal on the decision of Labor Arbiter on third—party claim (10 c. Real property bond may be posted in the lieu of cash of surety
working days). bond.

d. Bond should be posted within the 10-calendar day reglementary
e. Award of moral and exemplary damages and attorney’s fees,
excluded from computation of bond.
f. If bond is not genuine, appeal is not perfected.
g. Non-posting of bond will not perfect the appeal.
h. Remedy of employee in case employer failed to post bond is to
file a motion to dismiss the appeal.
i. Motion to reduce bond may be granted only in meritorious cases
such as when the monetary claims had already prescribed.
j. The filing of a motion to reduce bond does not stop the running
of the period to perfect appeal.
• Appeal from NLRC decision.-None. The only way to
elevate the case to the Court of Appeals (no longer to the
Supreme Court) is through the original civil action for
certiorari under rule 65 of the 1997 Rules of civil
procedure. A motion for reconsideration of the NLRC’s
decision is a requisite prior to filing of certiorari petition.
• Period which to file certiorari petition-60 days reckoned
from the receipt by party of the denial of the Motion for
petition for certiorari to the Court of Appeals (same rule as in
the case of NLRC).


(not a petition for certiorari) to the Court of Appeals.

NOTE: Book V Rules no longer allows a Motion for Reconsideration on

decisions rendered by the Voluntary


If rendered in its original jurisdiction—appeal is to the DOLE
Secretary. If rendered in its appellate jurisdiction-a petition
for certiorari to the Court of Appeals is the correct recourse.


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