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Introduction of the company

Junaid Jamshed was established in 2002. since then it has built credibility in the market as a

designer wear outlet for men and women with a unique range of products. Junaid Jamshed

helps people build an elegant image that is in sync with their cultural and social values.

Today we have 39 outlets in 15 cities of Pakistan.

JJ’s Core Values:

The distinct core values of Junaid Jamshed define the company. its products and its

customers: whether internal or external. Junaid Jamshed identifies strongly with indigenous

cultural values and traditional ethos produced in its products with sophistication.

Dying crafts from centuries past like gota and block print are being revived at Junaid

Jamshed to present a glorious local heritage to the world in an aesthetic package. Quality is

never compromised upon whether in a fabric. its cut or its stitching.

In fact attention is paid to the finer details such as nickel free buttons are used on all Kurtas

as nickel is not environmentally friendly. Similarly all Sherwin‘s are handmade to achieve

finesse. Imported thread of a finer quality and strength is used in all products which ensures

no puckering or tearing at the stitch.

Innovation is unbridled with the introduction of new products: abayas and fragrances in the

Pakistani market being a case in point.

Finally. J unaid Jamshed believes in unflinching integrity towards satisfying its customer.

Beyond the Horizon:

Junaid Jamshed has its eyes firmly on expanding to various cities nationally and

intemationally as well as diversifying its product range in line with market trends to become

a complete fashion stop for its clientele.

In the coming years. God willing. Junaid Jamshed will be a market leader in manufacturing

and retailing Pakistani specialist designer wear across the world.

Tools And Analysis

J unaid Jamshed® Brand Personality.

Junaid jamshed is a 27 year old urban and educated male. He comes from a good

family background. He has a caring . loving and family oriented personality. He is known to

be intelligent. efficient and good in giving advises to his family and friends. His culture and

values meter to him a lot. He is well traveled and takes interest in music too. His not afraid to

show he is proud of the culture he belongs to. He is social but has a few very close best

friends who he trusts. U is not very talkative person. Although he is confident. he is not likely

to talk about his feeling to every one he aspects a lot from the people around him and the

some times disappointed in his family and friends. He also tends to hold on feeling . things

and people. Loyalty is important to him in all relation ship its not easy for him to completely

forgive and forget some thing or someone. Although a good decision maker he can get a bit

dominating at times. Generally he is kind and courteous to others. He believes moving with

the time is important but you should not sacrifices your values and culture for it. He is very

highly protective oh his own self and family. He is good manger of money junaid jamshed is

conscious of his looks. clothes. home. and surroundings. Sophistication in all of these is

important to him. He is a determined person if he sets his eyes on something. He usually gets

success in his ideas. His interest includes family. friends, work. charitable work. pets.

gadgets. cars and culture.

Although he dose not pray regularly. religion s important to him. His star sign is cancer.

Brand Personality Framework.

According to the brand personality of Jennifer Aaker. junaid jamshed is competent.

He is reliable. intelligent and successful. He is hardworking. confident and has leadership


Dimensions Facets Traits

Sincerity Down-to-earth Down-to-earth. family-oriented. small-town

Honest Honest. sincere. real

Wholesome Wholesome. original

Cheerful Cheerful. sentimental. friendly

Excitement Daring Daring. trendy. exciting

Spirited Spirited. cool. young

Imaginative Imaginative. unique

Up-to-date Up-to—date. independent

Competence Reliable Reliable. hardworking. secure

Intelligent Intelligent. technical. corporate

Successful Successful. leader. confident

Sophistication Upper class Upper-class. glamorous. good looking

Charming Charming. feminine. smooth

Ru ggedness Outdoorsy Outdoorsy. masculine. westem

Tough Tough. rugged

SWOT analysis of Junaid Jamshaid


o Junaid Jamshed is giving value and satisfaction to the customers through good quality

outfits and at comparatively low prices than the competitors.

0 All the designs of Junaid Jamshed are completely on eastern fashion.

0 People adore .lunaid .lamshed also because of his popularity as a pop singer in the 1990‘s.

0 “‘5 outlets are located at those locations which are easily accessible to everyone.
0 Junaid Jamshed has established largest number of outlets in Pakistan.

0 Another strength is that the combinations and matching‘s of the groom wear and the

bridal wear would be easy for the customers.


0 Their promotion in the market is comparatively less than other brands.

0 They are not offering any kind of photo shoots for the promotion of their designs.

0 They are not arranging any kind of fashion shows.


0 People of Pakistan prefer eastem clothes and the major focus of the designer of J] is on

giving eastern touch to the outfits.

0 They have also opened some of their franchises in London too and that would be a good

opportunity for them to penetrate in international market.


0 The major threat for Junaid Jamshed is its competitors like Deepak Parwani. Maria B and


o All these designers are into the fashion market from a very long time and they have got

good experience and good market share of Bridal Collection so it would be difficult for

J unaid J amshed to attract people.

Current Marketing Situation

In this section there is a brief description about the market segmentation of the Junaid

Jamshed. its product review. a review on the competitors and then lastly a description on

how they are distributing its products in the market.

Market Review

Junaid lamshed has built credibility in the market as a designer wear outlet for men and

women with a unique range of products. Its target market includes the people who are brand

conscious and want quality seeker. They are more focusing on the casual wear. formal wear

and groom outfits. Customer needs comfort and quality designs which are in sync with the

season and latest fashion.

Product Review

The product line which Junaid Jamshed is offering includes Kurtas. un-sitched lawn. groom

wear. Naay Rang, kids wear. shoes bags. perfumes. abayas and formal wear. Along with that

J] is also handling a Travel agency with the name of Junaid Jamshed Pvt. Ltd Right now the

two products of Junaid Jamshed which are Kurtas and groom wear have got high market


BCG Matrix:

BC G matrix i-e Bouston Consulting Group matrix tells about the market growth and market
share of a company and also about the product lines of that company that whether it lies in

stars. question marks. cash cows or dogs. Ij W

ain‘t"; :u RELATIUE ”M1 SIMS

There would be two BCG matrixes. One "”35“" . .9 ”i"? ? I)

m . .' .. A .

determining the position of a company in m ..., ”in?“ QIST‘OEMRKS

BC G matrix with respect to the competitors. WE "‘ fl

this would be the external analysis. And GTEEI“ ‘ N n. quiwa ‘1 mi ...

other would be the internal analysis telling

about the position of the products of J unaid Jamshed.

Internal Analysis:

St_ars Question mark

Groom dress Embroidered


Law 129::

Kurtas Lawn Kids wear

External Analysis:

Stats W

Deepak Pamani lunaid Jamshed

cam M

Maria B Ameer Adnan

Competitive Review
Competitive review gives the idea about the company's competitors in the market. Company

tries to improve its performance by taking view about what the competitors are doing for the

same product. Junaid Jamshed would also be having a tough competition in the market

because many designers like HSY. Deepak Parwani and Maria B are already designing the

bridal. The competitive analysis of these designers is given below:

Deepak Parwani:

Deepak Parwani is a renounced designer in the Pakistan Fashion Industry. People really

prefer his designs and the quality of the products. The products lines which he is offering

include bridal wear. groom wear. party wear. casuals. sherwani along with the different

accessories. His outfits are comparatively higher in price then Junaid Jamshed for example

his bridal wear starts with the range 160.000 which are not affordable by many of the

common people.

Maria B:

Maria B has also got good market position in fashion industry not only in Pakistan but at

international level also. Her designs are fine and unique. The products lines which she is

offering are bridal wear. party wear. casual wear. bags. shoes and perfumes. The price range

is comparatively high as compared to the market. Her bridal wear prices are comparatively

high then Junaid .lamshed‘s.


Another competitor for J unaid Jamshed is HSY. He is a very well known designer of Pakistan

fashion industry at national and international level both. He offers a wide range of products

which includes bridal wear. groom wear. party and casual wear for both men and women.

Distribution Review

The distribution review gives the description of the distribution process and the outlets of

Junaid Jamshed. Junaid Jamshed is the first designer of Pakistan who has opened the largest
number of outlets within Pakistan. There are almost 47 outlets of Junaid Jamshed in [5

different cities of Pakistan. All these outlets are located at very good areas where there is a

tough competition between the designers and where mostly people prefer to go for shopping.

Like in Lahore the outlets are located at MM Alam road. DHA. Fotress and at link road. In

Islamabad the outlets is in the most popular market i-e Jinnah market. Junaid Jamshed

distribute its products only through these outlets other than that there is no franchise of Junaid

Jamshed in Pakistan.

Objectives and Issues


Objectives of a company helps its marketing managers to design strategies for the company

based on these goals and objectives. Each product line of a company has its separate

objectives and strategies. Our new product line of Bridal Wear has also got its own objectives

and related issues. Some of the issues are as follows:

0 To create value and satisfaction for the customers by offering them good quality of bridal


o Offering value added services to the product in order to make it more attractive for the


0 Attain good market share of the new product in the market.

0 Perform different promotions in order to increase the sales and profits of bridal wear

0 Increase the positioning of brand and increase the trust of people so that customer equity

would also increase.


The various macro environmental issues could be a hurdle for the company to attain the
stated objectives. Political Factor is one of the factors that could affect the sales of the

market. The main office. factory and management of Junaid Jamshed are in Karachi. These

days the political factors are not favorable. Every day some new problem arises due to which

the stock exchange is facing a severe decline and so as the business. Due to karfues company

has to close the factories and the offices which slowdown its sales.

Another factor which would effect is the economic factor. Now-a-days whole world is facing

recession due to which the prices have raised. income of the people have also lowered down

as a result the buying power of the customers have lowered down too. This has a very bad

impact on the whole economy of Pakistan and on individuals‘ business also.

Customer Driven Marketing Strategies


Segmentation is about dividing the market into smaller groups with distinct needs.

characteristics or behaviors who might require separate products or marketing mix.

1. Geographic:

Geographic segmentation is always based on the needs and wants of the customers. ”Hie

product should be easily available and accessible for the customers. In Lahore. from shopping

point of view the major area are MM Alam road and Fotress. So keeping in view the

convenience of the customer the product should be available in the outlets of J] at these


2. Demographic:

According to the demographic segmentation the following factors should be followed:

0 Income.
0 Gender.

0 Age.

The income of the person matters a lot for buying the bridal dress. As the bridal dress would

be launched by Junaid Jamshed so its prices would be comparatively high because of it‘s a

brand name. The product will focus more on the females. Age would also be an important

factor in designing the bridal dress.

3. Psychographic:

Now as in psychogrzphic segmentation. market is segmented on the basis of the social classes

of the society which is usually divided on the basis on economic condition of the person. And

as our product carries a brand name so it would be economical for the upper middle class and

higher class.

4. Behavioral:

ln behavioral segmentation market is segmented on the basis of the response and attitude of

the customers that at what time what product they need. Bridal dress would be segmented on

the occasional basis as the product is bought only on the occasion on wedding.

Target Market
A target market is a set of buyers sharing common needs or characteristics that the company

decides to serves.

Micro Marketing:

In micro marketing. customers are targeted on the basis of individual needs and wants which

include local marketing and individual marketing. In local marketing brands are promoted

according the needs of the customers in cities and stores. 50 for the promotion of our product

we will be using the same strategy of choosing the best main outlets of Junaid Jamshed in

different cities like Lahore and Karachi at initial level. It would also include individual

marketing in which the product i-e the bridal dress would be designed according to the

demand zmd wants of the customers. Customers can select any design and any color

combination other then the already designed outfits. So we would be focusing more on the

culture. demand. needs and wants of the customers.

Competitive Advantage:

Competitive advantage is an advantage over the competitors gained by the company. It could

include giving extra benefits. could be in terms of price and greater customer

value. Some of the competitive advantage which Junaid Jamshed gains over the competitors

is as follows:

1) The customers are completely satisfied for the amount they pay for buying any

product from J]. The managers of each outlet explain each and everything about the

product like the material of the fabric they use and other material for designing the
outfit so customers never feel that they are paying more and the outfit is not that much

up to the mark.

2) Another advantage which Junaid Jamshed gains is his own name. Many people liked

Junaid Jamshed a lot as a singer in the early 90‘s he had been one of the most popular

pop singer of Pakistan and gained lot of fame at that time.

3) Junaid Jamshed offer comparatively reasonable prices than the competitors.

4) All the outfits of U have got the eastern touch which is according to the culture of


New Product Development Process

In order to create successful new products. a company must understand its consumers.

markets and the competitors. They must develop those products that deliver superior value to

the customers. It must carry out strong new product development planning and set up a

systematic new product development process for finding and growing new products. For

developing our new product i-e the bridal wear we would also be following the different steps

of developing a product. The step-by-step procedure is as follows:

ldea Generation:

With the arrival of the new season Junaid Jamshed and his research and development team

thought of launching a new product which would be in accordance with the season and also

which is consistent with the customers wants. The systematic search was conducted in order

to find out the new product ideas. We analyzed the demands of the customers and the market.

After the analysis they came up with different idea about the different products. These

include the embroidered lawn which is seasonal. changes in the kids wear as its not gaining
much of the market share and customers attractions. Another idea about the new product was

of launching the bridal wear.

Idea screening:

After the generation of the different ideas the company has to choose one idea to work-upon

further. Different factors were considered while choosing one idea of new product. First of all

analyzing the embroidered lawn it was found out that already Junaid Jamshed is offering

simple lawn and its gaining much of the profit for the company so introducing the

embroidered lawn would not be that much profitable as the simple lawn is. Then thinking

about the kids wear it was concluded that already kids

wear is not making that much profit for the company and there are other many brand in kids

wear who are solely doing this business so investing in this would also not be that much

profitable for the company. The last idea left to ponder on was of bridal wear. This idea

seemed to be good for both the customers and also for the company. Groom wear of Junaid

Jamshed is having a good market share and people like his deigns and prefer buying his brand

so if we would launch bridal wear along with it then it would also be gaining a good market

share. And also the product is seasonal too. So finally the company decided to launch the

bridal wear of Junaid Jamshed.

Concept Development and Testing:

The next step in developing the new product is to define the product concept that is the

detailed view of the idea in terms of the customers. Through this the company actually finds

out that how attractive is the new product concept to customers. The product concept of

bridal wear could be defined as follows:

‘r It‘s a product which has a popular and strong brand name in the fashion world of Pakistan

i-e J unaid J amshed.

'r The product would be providing convenience to the customers in a way that they could

buy the groom wear and the bridal wear from one place which could save the time and

cost also.

> The designs would reveal the latest fashion which would be according to the culture of


As far as the testing of the new product in the market is concemed the company would be

launching some of its designs in the different exhibitions taking place in the Pakistan and

then they could assess about the product positioning in the market when it would be actually

launched in market.

Business Analysis:
The business attractiveness of the proposal should also be evaluated along with the evaluation

of customer needs and wants. It involves the review of the sales. costs and profit projections

for a new product to find out whether it satisfy the company‘s objectives and to find out that

how much profit it would gain because if the analysis

would show that the product would not generate any profit then it should be stopped at this

step. To find out the business analysis of our product we would see the sales of the groom

wear of J] as its already been launched in the market and has got good market share and also

its sales would be synchronized with the bridal wear because people would buy both the

products in the same season. It took about 2 to three years for Junaid Jamshed to get a good

market share with regards to the groom wear so the same would be expected for the bridal

wear as the competition is high in the market as every brand is trying to attain maximum

customer loyalty.

Product Development:

When it would be proved from every aspect that the product would be profitable for the

customers and as well as for the company then the product concept would be converted into

the physical product ensuring that the product idea can be turned into a workable product. At

this stage after the complete analysis the designing of the bridal dress would be started

ensuring that it would be a tough competition to the competitors.

Test Marketing:

For the testing of our product we would be using the strategy of standard test marketing in
which the company finds the small number of representative test cities, conduct full

marketing campaigns in these cities and evaluate the performance of the product in the

market. We would be launching the bridal wear initially only in two cities that are Lahore and

Karachi and we would be selecting some of its outlets in these two cities. After the testing of

a month or two we would get some idea about the response of the customers towards it and if

they need any more changes in it then we could carry out that easily.


Once we are done with the test marketing and it is confirmed that the customer are liking that

product and the product is lucratively accepted by the market then we would be introducing

the product in all the cities and the outlets of Junaid Jamshed.

Management of New Product Development:

New product development involves more than just going through the set of steps. Companies

must take holistic approach to manage this process. For the management of our product we

would be focusing on the customer centered new product development and team based new

product development.

Customer Centered New Product Development:

This approach for the management of the product focus more on solving the needs of the

customer and developing the product according to their wants which would be adding more

customer value and the element of satisfaction. Here at Junaid lamshed we would be
following this approach for the development of our product. We would be asking to our

customers that what designs they like and what color combinations they would want in the

bridal dress. The designer obviously use his own thoughts and innovation for designing the

bridal dress but with that he will also focus on that what do customers need.

Team Based New Product Development:

An approach of developing new products in which various company departments work

closely together. overlapping the steps in the product development process to save time and

increase the effectiveness. For the development of our product we would be following this

approach too. The designer. supplier. marketing and sales department would be working

together. The supplier interaction with the company is very necessary so that the designer

could make the dresses on time. In the same way the designer of the outfits must work closely

with the marketing department in order to find out that what designs their customers would

like. Therefore the complete product development is based on one team having different

people of different departments.

Product Life Cycle

Product Life Cycle shows the product‘s sales and profits over its lifetime. It involves five

distinct stages: product development. introduction. growth. maturity and decline.


After making the analysis of our company and its product‘s. results reveal that the right now

Juniad Jamshed is at the stage of maturity because it has received the acceptance of

customers in its early period when Juniad Jamshed came into market but now many other

designers have also joined the market with fresh ideas and there is going a tough competition
between the designers. Due to this the sales have lower down and so as the profit. In 2008 7%

sales have dropped down as compared to the previous years due to which from growth stage

it has come to the maturity stage. Junaid Jamshed has to spend a lot for making more

promotions in order to survive through this tough competition. These promotional expenses

have lowered down the net profits of the company also.

Bridal Wear:

Our new product is at introduction stage right now as the product would first be distributed

and then it would be made available for purchase. After the analysis of the sales and profits of

the previous products it is estimated that the product would reach to the growth stage in

almost one year as there is a tough competition in the bridal wear and in would take time to

penetrate into the market and achieve a good position in the market.


In order to take the bridal wear from intrmiuction stage to the growth stage the company

should offer product extension services and it should build awareness about the new product

to the mass market.

Introduction Maturlty

Bridal Wear Junaid Jamshed

Sales and profits “ales



‘ Pt‘ofis

Losses and Investment

Figure: Product Life Cycle

Q: How Junaid Jamshaid has got into this field of business?

Junaid Jamshed has been in the limelight for years. First for his music. then for his decision

to quit music and now for his fashion label I].

Junaid Jamshed was the most successful singer of his time along with his band mates in the

legendary Vital Signs. When he quit music, he tumed towards fashion designing and

currently his label I] has over 30 outlets all over Pakistan. Junaid never realised that he would

get so much success in both music and fashion. "It was never about success." he says as he

takes off his prayer cap and scratches his head. Junaid the man gives off a warm vibe.

Q: What was the first product that Junaid Jamshed has launched?

Junaid Jamshed started his boutique in 2002 and became a huge hit with in first couple of

years. Junaid Jamshed aslo known as J J or J. offers fit out 5 which depicts the traditional and

cultural values. Junaid Jamshed's boutique has built credibility in the market as a designer

wear outlet for men and women with a unique range of products. The J. products cater to

men. women and now children also. J. has established an image that is perfectly synchronized

with the Pakistani cultural and social values. The range of men wear includes formal kurtas.

shalwar kameez. kurtis. hand woven kurtas and chappals.

What are the different product lines of J]?

l. Kurtas

2. Sherwani

3. Bags

4. Footwear

5. Kids

6. Fragmces
7. Hajj & Ummarah

8. Nearang

Q: Have customers ever demanded for the launch of bridal dress from you?

Yes many time they demanded for the launch of bridal dress but still we have no plan for the

bridal dress.

Q: Who is supplying you the fabric and material for designing the clothes?

We have our own unit to produced fabric of potential quality. And they are totally handmade.

Q: Is there any outlet of I] which is outside Pakistan?

Yes we have two franchises.

l. J dot boutique opens in Abu Dhabi

2. Second in Sharjah‘s busy Zamzam market

And we were also planning for Bangladesh. India. Australia Company outlets.

What is the impression of 11's brand in international market?

In a short time span of time. Junaid Jamshed has built credibility in the local or international

market as a designer wear outlet for men and women with a unique range of products. J.

helps people build an elegant image that is in sync with their cultural and social values.

And intemationally j. is considered as Pakistani luxury brand.

From where you start your First setup?

Headquarters: Karachi
Founded: 2002

Flagship Store: Kurta Gali . Karachi

Approximately 34 outlets in 15 cities of Pakistan

When did you go for internationalization?

Alif Investments, a Dubai-based diversified business conglomerate. has opened the first J dot

boutique in Abu Dhabi at the upscale Al Wahda Mall, bringing the total number of boutiques

to three in just one year. In 2010. the first boutique was launched in Dubai's Meena bazaar

and the second in Sharjah.

Impact of internationalization on you organization?

There is no such effect we feel after internationalization because all those customer outside

the Pakistan were already purchasing out produd online but now they found it in there city.

Impact on organization work environment?

No such impact on organization work environment because they have their own setup.

You Competitors?

The major competitors for Junaid Jamshed is like Deepak Parwani. Maria B and HSY. All

these designers are into the fashion market from a very long time and they have got good

experience and good market share of Bridal Collection so it would be difficult for Junaid

J amshed to attract people.

What is you Tumover Ratio?

All the employees were happy with us there is a very very low tumover rate in our

What challenges you face during intemationalization?

There are no such problems we faced during internationalization. Because we have goodwill.

every one knows about Junaid J amshed.

Reasons of internationalization?

To take a part in international market and provide facility for out international customer in

the form of cost minimization.

Employee performance after internationalization?

There is no such effect on our employee performance after internationalization because our

every setup has it own work environment according to area controlled by head office in


Means of transport During intemationalization?

We use DHL for delivering our product from Pakistan to any other country.

In which countries your planning to go in future?

And we were also planning for Bangladesh, India. Australia Company outlets.

Is there any production unit other then Pakistan?

No there are just franchises and we are just exporting our products at our outlets or


Your hiring period?

In every season we recruit. (Ramzan to Ramza')

Who designs you dresses?

Indus Valley School of Art and Architecture (IVS) is our authorized designers.

What kind of environment you have in your organization?

We have purely Islamic culture in our organization. All the staff pray five times a day. and

respect each other‘s.

Dose internationalization effects your profits?

Not really, there is a very minute effect on our profit after internationalization.

Price packages are same in Pakistan or outside the Pakistan?

Yup is different according to location. But in Pakistan we have the same prices in all the

outlets. In Pakistan we have introduced royalty cards.

1. Silver Royalty Card. 7.5% off

2. Golden Royalty Card. 12.5% off

Your official web side?


lnternet’s references:


2. wwwaskcom



S. www.mariabcom




Book’s references:
I. "lntemational Business" by .

Company’s references:

1. Mr.Sohail Raza” SALES MANAGER" (MM Alam road outlet Lahore).

2. Arshad Malik "SALES AND MARKETING MANAGER" Karachi.

Contact number: 0321-2430672.

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