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The Qumran Calendar Says Christianity is Dead

© 2019 M. A. Hook

The Jubilee calendar that has been around since before Noah boarded the ark has
two aspects. First, it is a tracking system for daily life in its matrix of days, weeks,
months, years, decades, millennia, and its trip around Sirius, our sister star.

Then it also tracks human and animal life on this planet. Paleontologist are well
aware of the dinosaurs, wooly mammoths, and all the other fish and beasts that
existed during different geological epochs. Now we are finding fish that have been
extinct for thousands of years living in our oceans. Scientists are actively trying to
bring dinosaurs back through cloning and are searching for the DNA to use in their
experiments. If they ever realize that dinosaurs are birds, not mammals, they may
very well succeed. All the "old" life forms are coming back without the help of
humans simply because the forces that exist in space are changing to forms that
are conducive to their existence.

There is seldom any mention that these planetary forces also dictate the type of
human social order on earth. That includes religion, a new concept in the past
2,000 years. Before the word "religion" was coined and became common, what is
called religion today was called philosophy, and was considered a form of social
order based upon commonly accepted and practiced rules of daily life rather than a
focus on "God" or "the gods".

Those rules covered such mundane thinking patterns as how to treat you family,
your neighbors, strangers, even the animals and the land under your care. No one
cared where the rules came from, when they came into being, or whether they
were changeable, only that everyone in the immediate area practiced the same
pattern so that conflict was minimized. It was a "hello", "please" and "thank you"
world, not a giant monastery of "saints". It was a common social order designed to
guide daily living under peaceful conditions.

And it changed with every change of the Zodiac.

Written records only go back to the flood that happened during the days of Noah
about 4,000 years ago, so anything beyond that is conjecture and supposition.

The first era1 was one of the lesser gods, referred to commonly as the giants for
lack of confusion with the Creator, which is such an electrifying subject that there
are only nine references to the "Most High" in the entire Bible. It was a time of
Gilgamesh/Nimrod and the other personages that were considered so superior to

A Greek word naming the time under each sign of the Zodiac without specifying which sign
was the topic of conversation. The English equivalent is "age".

human beings that their rule was not questioned, as exposed in the fear of the
giant, Goliath, until David, his second cousin through their grandmothers, used his
knowledge of family secrets and removed him from the face of the earth. Which
brings up the point that all changes of the age involve violence among "common"
people and war between the nations that have ossified around the "old" social
order, and the "new" one that is laying the pattern for the future in every change of
era that we have known.

The most familiar change to Western civilization is the change from the age of
Taurus, the Bull, ossified in Egypt as the Apis culture, to that of Aries, the Ram,
ossified in Jerusalem and the temple that specialized in sacrificing rams. That
transition took place at the Exodus.

Remember the deaths of Jacob and his family. Joseph, who had become second
only to the Pharaoh in Egypt, was able to take Jacob's body back to Jerusalem for
burial, but there was such a bloody war between Egypt and Jacob's relatives in
Syria that Joseph had to take the entire Egyptian army as guards for the
procession. When Joseph died, it was impossible to take his body to Jerusalem for
burial. It was placed in a coffin in Egypt and kept until Moses took it with him in the
Exodus. This war carried over into the camp in the wilderness and exploded into
death when Moses went up to the mountain.

When the scheduled 40 days were completed and Moses failed to return from the
mountain, the members of the Apis social order rose up and demanded that a
golden calf be made so they could continue their social schedule of celebrations.

Moses had left 12 heads of the tribes in charge of the camp, including Miriam's
husband, Hur, and Aaron, Moses' brother. When Hur and the other 10 tribal
chieftains remained loyal to Moses and refused to allow the Apis culture to resume
their customs, the people slaughtered them and approached Aaron, who was a
professional goldsmith, and threatened him with the same end if he did not produce
this image for their use. He complied. Moses never faulted him for doing so.

When Moses and Joshua came back to the camp, they found the Apis followers
dancing naked around the golden calf and participating in all kinds of
licentiousness. The Levites answered Moses' call for followers and killed every man,
woman and child who was participating in this revelry, amounting to over 3,000
persons. This marked the end of the age of Apis/Taurus/the Bull, and the beginning
of the age of the Ram/Aries. Please note that this particular section of the Zodiac
has unevenly spaced amounts of time, unlike the calendar marks of days and
months. The Bull and the Ram have shorter periods of time than the fishes, which
follow and take up the distance of the entire Atlantic Ocean.

The fulcrum point of the transition from the Ram to the Fishes was 70 AD when the
temple was destroyed. There are also uneven amounts of time before and after the
fulcrum point, varying from 60 to 100 years, depending on subtle changes that
have no fixed time limits.

The height of the age of Pisces/Fishes was the 1800s when the greatest water
migration on record took place between England and New York, as reflected in the
sharing of the star in Andromeda's left breast between the belly of Pegasus and the
Northern Fish. Pegasus' hoof also shares a star with the Jug on Aquarius' shoulder,
while his head covers the area from the Great Lakes to Washington, D.C. and his
ears cover New England.

Pisces is the sign of the Christian religion. That particular branch of the Ram/temple
religion was founded by a Jewish teacher who instructed his followers to avoid
going to the "nations" (non-Israelites), but to go only to the tribes of Israel
scattered throughout every nation in the world in fulfillment of the promise to
Abraham that all nations would be blessed through him.

That brings us up to today and Aquarius, which is one of the shortest signs on the
ecliptic. This "age" won't last more than a few hundred years at best.

Most people make one critical mistake concerning Aquarius. They think that the
double squiggly icon representing it refers to water, but Aquarius is an air sign.
That squiggly represents electricity in the air - mobile phones, Tesla's electrical plug
into earth's electrical charge, and ultimately drawing electricity from open air. We
already have paint that can be put on a wall, attach an electrical appliance any
place on that wall, and run it, no dedicated outlet needed.

The big debate is, when did/will the era roll over from Pisces to Aquarius? It already
did. The fulcrum point was when Marconi's radio transmission from Italy was
received in New York in 1900. To prove this for yourself, get a good star program
like Stellarium or Cartes du Ciel, take a list of the stars in Aquarius and its three
sub-signs, Piscis Australis, Pegasus, or Cygnus, and find which one rises on the
Spring Equinox in the sign of Aquarius in Jerusalem. It will be on or around 1900
AD/CE. We are already in 2019 AD/CE, so the transition period is well clear of us by

What does all this mean?

It means that massive, full-scale war is inevitable, probably between the Christians
and another religion's area. It means that Christians will be persecuted out of
existence just as the Apis culture was extinguished. We are already seeing
congregations being nailed inside their churches and the buildings set on fire, which
has been happening in the United States for decades. We are going to see the
Christian religion being outlawed in most of the world as it already is in China. It
means that when the remnant of the 10 tribes returns to Israel, every other nation
on earth with throw all the Christians out, most nations paying their fare back to
Israel to make sure they are expelled. The ones who choose to stay despite orders
to leave will be executed. It will be open hunting season on believing Christians in
every nation except Israel, their original home. Jews will be considered a sub-set of
Christians and share in this exclusion.

But the time will be very short, then the age will transition into the sign of
Capricorn, which will last somewhat longer.

Capricorn has the head and belly of a goat, and a fish-tail that is twisted into a full
circle. The fish-tail encircles the Gulf of Mexico, with the tail taking the shape and
position of Cuba. The Goat represents a king, so kings will again be placed on
thrones across the nations. The trend of disenfranchising kings has already
reversed with several European nations having returned their kings to their throne.
Thailand and several other smaller nations have kings as well. This will swell into
the fashion of all nations having kings, including Israel.

Once kings - or dictators, which is an uncrowned king with unlimited authority - are
established, the trend toward subjugating other nations will re-emerge in an
attempt to "rule the world" in real terms. This trend will be fueled by the greatest
famine since the 1100-1200s BCE when all major nations disintegrated and major
populations simply disappeared. The only nation on earth that will have enough
water to grow annual crops will be Argentina.

Whenever a drought of this proportion occurs, the earth's crust dries out and
breaks open into deep cracks in mega-earthquakes. There will be at least three
major earthquakes that will level whole cities and cause the mountains to fall back
into the caverns under them, leveling the land and causing the trade winds to
change course. This will allow the rains to return to all parts of the earth, including
those that are now desert, and the earth will be renewed, life will revive, another
new social order will be established, and life will go on.

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