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Unload the stress off your shoulder with

these meditation steps:

In this high paced world, we all are running after the many things to
achieve the desired result. But in this hustle and bustle off life what
we are lacking behind is the most important part of our life. The
state of joy, happiness and most importantly, the relaxed state of
mind. Commonly termed as stress, this mental being is said to affect
almost everyone in this whole wide world. When people talk about
health, what they mean is physical health but to be a healthy person
has a balance of both physical and mental being. While food and
exercise helps you attain good physical health, meditation will aid in
proper mental health. Here’s a list of 6 easy steps you should
practise to destress your brain and have a relaxed peaceful state of
The initial step of mediation is you need to calm yourself down,
relaxed position. Sit in a quite atmosphere, comfortably and take
deep breathes. Feel each and every part of your body being relaxed.
Part by part, starting from your scalp to your toes.
1. Connection: Draw attention towards your consciousness,
imagine a white light surrounding you as a bubble, connecting
you to the entire universe. Have that feeling of oneness.
2. Gratitude: Recall 5-10 things, no matter big or small, you are
thankful for. While using all of your five senses, remind yourself
how beautiful they are and extend your gratitude towards it. By
doing so you’ll bring in more such happening moments in life.
3. Forgiveness: Imagine the person in front of you with whom you
might have argued or fought with. Ask for forgiveness for any
wrong you might have done to them, forgive them for any
misdeed performed by them. Experience that feeling of
forgiveness run through your entire body for we do not want
any sort of negative vibe around us.
4. Visualizing: with the help of all 5 senses, picturise the where
you want to see yourself three years from now. What do you
want to become and do in your life? While you imagine this,
say it to yourself you are ready to welcome this or something
even better than this in your life.
5. Daily Intention: Imagine the present day indulging yourself in
moments full of happiness, excitement and gratitude. Visualize
the end of the day and going to be peacefully or what we call a
good night sleep.
6. Blessing: Ask any superior power, it could be your inner
strength as well, for support, energy, luck and stability so that
you can achieve your dreams you’ve for yourself in the next 3
years. Sense this vibe of support and energy surrounding you.
After completing the six steps, slowly come out of your meditation
state by counting 1-5.
Although it might take some time to attain the desired state of
peacefulness via meditation, you have to at least start to reach

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