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4/29/2015 Day 2: Your Daily Routine for the Next 21 Days — 21 Days to Supercharge Your Chess by TheChessWorld.


21 Days to Supercharge Your Chess Day 2: Your Daily Routine for the Next 21 Days

Day 2: Your Daily Routine for the Next 21 Days
8% Supercharge Completed

Here is your homework that you should do after reading the chapter!

Master's Game: Position 2


Go through this master game, read all the comments and try to understand the basic ideas behind the moves. To
fully understand the game you might want to study it multiple times. For your convenience the PGN of this game is
attached below the diagram.­days­to­supercharge­your­chess/2­2/ 1/12
4/29/2015 Day 2: Your Daily Routine for the Next 21 Days — 21 Days to Supercharge Your Chess by

Look  at  the  following  position.

There  are  two  things  to  notice:
1.  black's  king  is  stuck  in  the
center  and  2.  white  has  an
isolated  d­pawn.  The  pawn  is
not  blockades  therefore  white
can sacrifice it to create a huge
pressure on the black's position.
1. d5 Nbd5 2. Bg5 Both black*s
knights  are  pinned  as  well  as
the  e6  pawn.  2...  Be7  3.  Bf6
Can  black  recapture  with  a
Bishop? 3... gf6 [3... Bf6 4. Nd5
Bd5  5.  Bd5  Winning  a  piece.] 
4. Nd5 Bd5 5. Bd5  ed5  6.  Nd4
White  have  created  a  weak,
isolated  pawn  for  Black  and
blockaded it with a knight. Black
is  a  pawn  up  but  positional
weaknesses,  inability  to  castle
<< < + > >>
and  presence  of  the  open  files

Download PGN of this exercise.­days­to­supercharge­your­chess/2­2/ 2/12
4/29/2015 Day 2: Your Daily Routine for the Next 21 Days — 21 Days to Supercharge Your Chess by

Tactics Lab: Homework 2


Here is your practical (tactical) exercises. Solving these problems is a very important part of the program on your
way to improve your game. Try solving them by looking on the diagram. If that is hard you can setup pieces on the
board and attempt again. Solutions are given at the end. Check them only after your complete/attempt all problems.

#7. Black to move and win­days­to­supercharge­your­chess/2­2/ 3/12
4/29/2015 Day 2: Your Daily Routine for the Next 21 Days — 21 Days to Supercharge Your Chess by

#8. White to move and win­days­to­supercharge­your­chess/2­2/ 4/12
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#9. Black to move and win­days­to­supercharge­your­chess/2­2/ 5/12
4/29/2015 Day 2: Your Daily Routine for the Next 21 Days — 21 Days to Supercharge Your Chess by

#10. Black to move and win­days­to­supercharge­your­chess/2­2/ 6/12
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#11. Black to move and win­days­to­supercharge­your­chess/2­2/ 7/12
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#12. White to move and win

Hide Solution

#7. 1… Rxd2+ 2. Qxd2 (2. Kxd2 Qf4+) 2… Rd8  0-1

#8. 1. Qc4  Rxc4 (1… Qxe8 2. Qg8#) 2. Rxf8# 1-0

#9. 1… Qb2 2. Rc2 (2. Qxb2 Rd1#) (2. Qe1 Qxc3 3. Qb1 Qb2 4. Qf1 Qc2) 2…Qb1+ 0-1

#10. 1… Qxg3+ 2. Rxg3 Rh1+ 3. Bf1 Rhxf1+ 4. Ke2 R7f2# 0-1

#11. 1… Rc1 2. Qxd2 (2. Qxc1 Qxe2+ 3. Kg1 Qf2#) 2… exd2  0-1­days­to­supercharge­your­chess/2­2/ 8/12
4/29/2015 Day 2: Your Daily Routine for the Next 21 Days — 21 Days to Supercharge Your Chess by

#12. 1. Re8  Kg7 (1… Rxe8 2. Qxf6#) (1… Qxc4 2. Qxf6+ Kg8 3. Qxf8#) 2. Rxf8 Kxf8 3. Qxf6+ Ke8 4. Bf7+ Kd7 5.
Qe6+ Kd8 6. Qe8# 1-0

Endgame Lab: Position 2

Here is your practical (tactical) exercises. Solving these problems is a very important part of the program on your
way to improve your game. Try solving them by looking on the diagram. If that is hard you can setup pieces on the
board and attempt again. Solutions are given at the end. Check them only after your complete/attempt all problems.­days­to­supercharge­your­chess/2­2/ 9/12
4/29/2015 Day 2: Your Daily Routine for the Next 21 Days — 21 Days to Supercharge Your Chess by

#2. White to move and win

Download PGN of this exercise.­days­to­supercharge­your­chess/2­2/ 10/12
4/29/2015 Day 2: Your Daily Routine for the Next 21 Days — 21 Days to Supercharge Your Chess by

1. Kf4! This is a very clever way
to avoid the 7th rank opposition.
[The  most  straightforward  way
of  playing  does  not  work  here
because  the  black  is  able  to
obtain the opposition on the 7th
rank,  which  leads  to  a  draw.
Remember  that  rule,  it  is  very
important. 1. d4 Kb3 2. Kf4 Kb4
3.  Kf5  Kb5  4.  Ke6  Kc6  5.  Ke5
Kc7 6.  Kd5  Kd7  At  this  point  it
is  a  draw  due  to  the  opposition
on  7th  rank  because  white
cannot make a progress without
pushing  the  pawn.  7.  Kc5  Kc7
8.  d5  Kd7  9.  d6  Kd8  10.  Kc6
Kc8  11.  d7  Kd8=  and  either
white loses a pawn or the game
ends with a stalemate.] 1... Kb3
2.  Ke5  Kc4  3.  d4  Kb5  4.  Kd5
<< < + > >>
Kb6  5.  Kd6+»  and  white  can

Great Job! That's it for today. You can move to the next lesson!

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