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25/9/2018 Example of Nut — SALOME Platform

Example of Nut
Example of Nut
This sample is known to work on the latest SALOME release.
The compatibility with previous versions of SALOME is not guaranteed, though the sample can work on old
versions also.

This exercise illustrates the use of Geometry and SMESH SALOME functionalities for building and meshing
the nut shape. Shape is built using Sketch, Transformations and Boolean operations,

Geometry functionalities used in exercise:

Basic – Create Point, Vector

Build – Face
Transformation – Extrusion, Revolution, Fillet, Chamfer
Boolean –Cut, Common
Import brep

Mesh functionalities used in exercise:

3D algorithm – Tetrahedron (Netgen), Hypothesis Max Element Volume

2D algorithm – Triangle (Mefisto), Hypothesis Max Element Area
1D algorithm – Wire discretization, Hypothesis Average Lengt

The sequence of actions is as follows:

Launch SALOME.
Create a new study.
Launch GEOM module.

Creation of a wire using the sketcher Sketch_1: (menu

New Entity/Basic/2D Sketch).
Validate using Apply after each line.)
First Point: 100 ; -57.7
Segment (Point - absolute): 100 ; 57.7
Segment (Point - absolute): 0 ; 115.47
Segment (Point - absolute): -100 ; 57.7
Segment (Point - absolute): -100 ; -57.7
Segment (Point - absolute): 0 ; -115.47
Sketch Closure. 1/4
25/9/2018 Example of Nut — SALOME Platform

Create a new Local coordinate system (menu New

Entity / Basic / Local Coordinate System) (First

select "X axis" direction Dx = 1

select "Y axis" direction Dz = 1

Creation of a second wire using the sketcher

Sketch_2: (menu New Entity/Basic/2D Sketch) Select
LocalCS_1 coordinate system. (Validate using Apply
after each line.)
X : 50 ; Y : 0
X : 80 ; Y : 0
X : 112 ; Y : 13
X : 112 ; Y : 48
X : 80 ; Y : 63
X : 80 ; Y : 90
X : 50 ; Y : 90

Sketch Closure.

Creation of a face: (menu New Entity/Build/Face).

Objects: Sketch_1
Apply = Face_1.
Objects: Sketch_2
Apply and Close = Face_2.

Creation of reference vector VZ: (menu New

2nd Vector Constructor: (0 ; 0 ; 10.)
Apply and Close. 2/4
25/9/2018 Example of Nut — SALOME Platform

Extrusion Extrusion_1: (menu New

Base: Face_1
Vector: VZ
Height: 100
Apply and Close.

Revolution Revolution_1: (menu New

Object: Face_2
Axis : VZ
Angle : 360°
Apply and Close.

Boolean Operation Common_1: (menu

Selected Objects: Extrusion_1, Revolution _1
Apply and Close.

Creation of Fillet Fillet_1: (menu Operations/Fillet

2nd Constructor: Fillet on Selected Edges
Main Object: Common_1
Selected edges: Common_1:28
Radius = 10.
Apply and Close.

Creation of Chamfer Chamfer_1: (menu

4th Constructor: Chamfer on selected edges
Main Object: Fillet_1
Selected edges: Common_1:115
D1 = 10, D2 = 10
Apply and Close.

Import a geometry: (menu File/Import). 3/4
25/9/2018 Example of Nut — SALOME Platform

Select Files of type *.brep

File is located at …\SAMPLES_SRC\Shapes\Brep
Select File name slots.brep

Boolean Operation Cut_1: (menu

Main Object: Chamfer_1
Tool Object: slots.brep_1

Detect Self-intersections = no

Apply and Close.

Construction of the mesh

Launch SMESH module.

Creation of Mesh_1 : (menu Mesh/Create Mesh)

Geometry : Cut_1
3D algorithm: Tetrahedron (Netgen)
3D hypothesis: MaxElementVolume = 50
2D algorithm: Triangle (Mefisto)
2D hypothesis: MaxElementArea = 20
1D algorithm: Wire Discretization
1D hypothesis: Local Length = 5
Apply and Close.

Compute Mesh_1 4/4

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