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Do not forget that Hungary is also a secret garden
of healing and wellness! The Romans were the first to fall
in love with Hungary, but certainly not the last… It is said
that wherever they went, they built, and where they built,
they bathed. Visitors are spoilt for choice not only in terms
of the wide range of wellness spas and
resorts, equipped according to the highest medical
standards, but also when it comes to accommodation –
there is something for all tastes and budgets.
Budapest is a city of spas and thermal baths, which cater
for both locals and tourists alike. The city is unique in
having so many thermal baths in one location and they
have become a huge attraction for visitors coming to the
city. In fact, they are some of the most popular attractions
for tourists coming to Budapest, and in many cases they are
also a must see. The city has had thermal baths ever since
the time of the Romans and they became even more
popular during the Turkish occupation.
Gellért Thermal Baths
Probably the most famous spa is the Gellért thermal baths,
located on the Buda side of the Danube. The building was
opened in 1918 and is built in the Art Nouveau style. There
are many different baths in the complex and many
different treatments. The hot springs contain many
minerals, which help in the treatment of many diseases,
from bone and joint illnesses to Asthma and other breathing
problems. The baths are also a good place to relax and hang
The complex also includes saunas and plunge pools and an
open-air swimming pool, which creates artificial waves in
every ten minutes. There is also a Finnish sauna with cold
pool and children's pool. So, the Gellert is the perfect place
to relax and to be pampered in luxurious
surroundings with a multitude of health and wellness
Rudas Baths
Budapest has more than 80 geothermal springs, and one of
the oldest and most historic of them is the Rudas Spa,
located at the foot of Gellert hill, close to Elizabeth Bridge.
Situated on the banks of the river Danube, on the Buda
side of the city, it is centrally located and is perfect
for exploring the city either on foot or by using public
transport. The building was constructed by the Ottoman
Turks dating back to the 16th century. During the week it is
men only, except on Tuesday when it is women only. At
weekends it is mixed and on Fridays and Saturdays.
The Széchenyi Baths
The Széchenyi Bath in Budapest is the largest medicinal
bath in Europe. Its water is supplied by two thermal
springs; their temperature is 74 ° to 77 °C (171 °F). The
complex is a Baroque building and has 3 outdoor and 15
indoor pools. The spa is located in the beautiful City Park
and is close to the Széchenyi Fürdő metro stop. The baths
are not far from Heroes Square and the museums, so you
can relax in the baths in the morning and explore the city
park in the afternoon.
healing - gyógyító
wherever - bárhol
to be spoilt - elkényeztetve lenni
equipped - felszerelt
budget - költségvetés
thermal baths - termálfürdő
to cater for - gondoskodik
attraction - látnivaló
Turkish occupation - török megszállás
treatment - kezelés, bánásmód
hot spring - hévíz, gyógyvíz
joint illness - ízületi betegség
to hang out - semmittevéssel tölti az időt
plunge pool - merülő fürdő
masseuse - masszőr
to be pampered - kényeztetve lenni
luxurious surrounding - luxus környezet
a multitude of - valaminek a sokasága
geothermal spring - termálforrás
to explore - felfedez
to date back to - visszanyúlik (időben)
to be supplied by - valamivel ellátva lenni

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