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Begining on March 20, spring is characterised by longer day
and the sun higher in the sky. Spring is known as the
season of rebirth and this is the season plants and trees take
root and grow leafy and green. Due to melting snow, the
seas and rivers are full. Rainfall is also heavy, often landing
to serious flood situations, which are most common in the
hilly areas. As the days grow longer, temperatures rise and
plants begin to bud and start their life cycles again.
Migrating animals move north and birds build nests, find
mates and start their breeding seasons. Most mammals also
give birth to their young at this time of the year.


Beginning on June 21, summer is the warmest season in the

Northern hemisphere. Summer is the season of heat, and
the plants and animals continue to grow and thrive in this
season. Plants grow and provide food for herbivores, who
gain weight and provide food for carnivores. Mammals and
birds raise their young. Insects go through their life cycles
and lay eggs. Summer is when all animals, including
humans, take advantage of the warmer weather to soak up
the sunshine and eat fresh foods. Humans grow the fresh
food we will eat all year.

Beginning on September 22, the temperatures gradually fall

and the noon sun appears lower in the sky. Autumn is the
ending of the year for plants, and this is the time most
crops are harvested to be stored for winter. Days continue
to grow shorter. Animals migrate south or prepare for
winter sleep called hibernation. Some animals grow warmer
fur or feathers and change colour to blend in with coming
snow. For many animals this is mating season. The foliage
of deciduous trees changes colour and we can admire
nature’s most stunning autumn display. In the Arctic, the
sun no longer rises above the horizon, leaving this area in
darkness for the next six months.


Beginning on December 21, the Northern Hemisphere

experiences our coldest season - winter. It's the time people
and the earth take a break to get ready for spring and
regrowth. This is the season of freezing cold temperatures,
snowfall, wind, and ice. Many animals hibernate or sleep a
lot to save energy. This helps them survive, because it takes
energy to stay warm and in winter there are fewer plants to
eat. In certain areas, there is extremely high precipitation in
the form of snowfall and some places remain permanently
covered with snow. In places where there are blizzards or
winter storms a lot of transportation problems are faced.
After December 21st the sun is already beginning to climb
higher in the sky each day and the days are slowly growing
the season of rebirth – az újjászületés évszaka
to take a root – gyökeret ereszteni
leafy – leveles melting snow – olvadó hó
rainfall – esőzés flood – árvíz
hilly – hegyes, hegyvidékes
to grow longer – hosszabbodni
to rise – növekszik, nő bud – rügy
life cycle – életciklus
migrating animals – vándorló állatok
breeding season - tenyészidő mammal – emlős
hemisphere – félteke heat – hőség, hő
to thrive – gyarapodni, nőni herbivore - növényevő
to gain weight – gyarapodni (súlyban)
carnivore - húsevő insect - rovar
to lay eggs – tojást rakni
to soak up the sunshine – magába szívni a napsütést
gradually – fokozatosan crops - termés
to be harvested – learatva lenni
to migrate – vándorolni, vonulni
hibernation – téli álom
to blend in with – beleolvadni a háttérbe
mating season – párosodási időszak
foliage – lomb(korona) deciduous tree – lombhullató fa
display – bemutatás, kiállítás
to experience – átélni, tapasztalni
freezing - fagyos snowfall - hóesés
to save energy – energiát spórolni
to survive - túlélni
precipitation - csapadék
permanently – tartósan, maradandóan
blizzard – hóvihar
Complete the sentences with the words in the table.

a. burns out f. water shortage k. freezes over

b. rebirth g. thanksgiving l. slush
c. temperate h. evergreens
d. birdsong i. storks
e. snowdrops j. heat wave

1.The first flowers of spring are the ………………………

2. Very rarely even Lake Balaton ………………. in winter.
3. Americans have a ……………………. feast after the
4. In some places the grass ………………….. in the
summer heat.
5. The ………………………… climate has four seasons.
6. Only ………………………… stay green during winter.
7. The elderly must be extra careful during the
8. In the spring parks are full of …………………………..
9. …………………. and swallows migrate to Africa in
10. Eggs are an ancient symbol of ……………………. in
11. In towns snow melts quickly, leaving …………. behid.
12. Summer heat causes ……………….. in certain areas.

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