Epistemologia Histórica e Interdisciplinaridade

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M A X - PLA N C K - I N S T I T U T F Ü R W I S S E N S C H A FT S G E S C H I C H T E

Max Planck Institu te for the History of Science

PREPRINT 2 (1994)

Jürgen Renn
Historical Epistemology and Interdisciplinarity
Historical Epistemology and Interdisciplinarity

The basic ideology of science is mastery of

nature, a basic component of modern society.
But that mastery must be mastered, by
philosophy and politics, which is to say, by
insight, activity and change.
Robert S. Cohen1

Jürgen Renn

The subject of interdisciplinarity concerns the

philosophy and the history of science in a twofold way: on the
one hand the emergence, the development, and the mutual
relationships between disciplines are, of course, one of the
central subjects of research in the history of science; on the
other hand philosophy and history of science are fields which
are themselves of an interdisciplinary nature. In fact, these
two aspects are also closely related to each other, as viewing
philosophy and history of science as forerunners of an
emerging interdisciplinary field may also serve to emphasize
the as yet immature character of our understanding of the
phenomenon of interdisciplinarity. A Festschrift dedicated to
Robert S. Cohen and his interests in the inseparable bonds
between the philosophy and history of science provides a
natural occasion to deal with both of these aspects: part one
of the following essay therefore discusses some features of
the development of historical epistemology as an
interdisciplinary field, while part two addresses the new
technological conditions under which this development takes
place today, including some sidelights on the impact of these
conditions on the future of interdisciplinary research in

1 See Cohen 1985, pp. 204-205.

2 The following sketch of the project of an historical epistemology is
largely based on discussions over the last years with Peter Damerow,
Gideon Freudenthal, Wolfgang Lefèvre, Peter McLaughlin and other
members of a research colloquium based at the Max-Planck-Institute
for Human Development and Educational Research in Berlin; see, e. g.,
Damerow, Freudenthal, McLaughlin, Renn 1991.


Since the emergence of scientific disciplines is a process

involving both social and cognitive factors, only an historical
theory of scientific cognition which comprises both the social
and the cognitive structures of science will be able to cope
with the challenge to our understanding of science that is
created by its growing interdisciplinary character. Such a
theory, which I would like to call "historical epistemology" -
following a suggestion by Marx Wartofsky3 - exists, however,
if at all, only in very rudimentary forms. In the following I
will first indicate some of the difficulties associated with the
emergence of such a theory and then attempt to outline some
of its general features, both on the basis of an analogy with
evolutionary biology.

Although it has by now become customary to speak of

the "philosophy and history of science" as if they were
already one field, the ordinary practice of research and
teaching is still far from corresponding to this nominal
unification. In spite of the efforts of Cohen and others (in the
Boston Colloquium and in the Boston Studies, to give just two
examples), and in spite of pathbreaking examples for
combined historical and philosophical studies (among the
earliest those of Feyerabend, Holton, Kuhn, and Lakatos), the
dichotomy between analysis and description, between a
philosophy of science that emphasizes ahistoric methodology
and metaphysics, and a history of science that is focused on
an account of particulars rather than on the explanation of
general structures, continues to dominate the academic
reality of these fields. It is hence by no means obvious that
philosophy and history of science are ready to give rise to an
historical epistemology which would need not only to add the
models and instruments of the social and cognitive sciences to
the traditional methodological arsenal of the philosophy and
history of science, but also seek a theoretical coherency that
goes beyond exploiting historical case studies in order to flesh
out preconceived philosophical opinions. This account of the
present situation may serve to illustrate how urgent it is to
seriously acknowledge the interdisciplinary character of the
task to build an historic theory of scientific knowledge.

3 See Wartofsky 1985.

Obviously, however, a well-posed question does not
guarantee a satisfactory answer, although the realization of
the interdisciplinary character of a question may well be a
necessary precondition for searching answers beyond long-
standing disciplinary entrenchments. But are there any
indications that such a search may be successful in the case of
historical epistemology? In the following, I will attempt to
answer this question by an historical analogy. The present
situation of science studies seems to be comparable to that of
biology before the advent of Darwin's theory of evolution. In
fact, just as science studies today, biology in the first half of
the nineteenth century was split into a variety of mutually
unrelated subdisciplines, from botany to zoology, from
morphology to paleontology. Darwin's theory of evolution
radically changed this situation by making it possible to
establish systematic conceptual links between "contextual"
factors such as the geographical distribution of the species
and "internalistic" factors such as the structures described by

From an analogy between pre-Darwinian biology and

present-day science studies we can first of all learn that the
opposition between contextualist and internalist approaches
in the philosophy and history of science may possibly be a
consequence only of our lack of understanding of the mutual
relationship between external and internal factors. But the
analogy may not only help to provide a diagnosis but perhaps
also suggest a therapy for improving our understanding of
this complex relationship. This hope has its basis in the fact
that the analogy does not just refer in general to a process of
conceptual integration starting from a variety of
heterogeneous subdisciplines but that it compares quite
specifically theories of development, biological on the one
hand, cognitive and social on the other. In fact, at least this
much seems to be certain: if it should be possible at all to
formulate a theory of scientific thinking in its
interdependence with other areas of human culture, then it
must be a developmental theory which does not separate
scientific from non-scientific thinking in any absolute way,
but which deals with the emergence of scientific thinking
within its cultural and social contexts. It is only in this
perspective that the tensions between the philosophy and

4 The analogy between historical epistemology and evolutionary

biology sketched in the following is based on the historical
assessment given of Darwin's discovery in Lefèvre 1984.
history of science, between internalism and contextualism,
between the essence and the appearance of science, between
its rational and its irrational moments can be conceivably
addressed within a single theoretical framework.

Let me now turn to a closer examination of the analogy

between a theory of the development of scientific thinking
and Darwin's account of the evolution of biological species:
which were the conditions that enabled Darwin to forge a
conceptual unity out of a bundle of mutually unrelated
pursuits? The historization of nature that is the hall-mark of
Darwin's achievement was in part based on an experiential
base that did not have an obvious bearing on the question of
the historical development of species, namely the practice of
breeding. Nevertheless, this practice did supply Darwin with
controllable experiences on the change of biological life forms
which he could exploit for a theory in which not man but
nature herself was to take on the role of the breeder. There is
indeed a comparable experiential base that can be made
fruitful for a developmental theory of scientific thinking in a
way similar to Darwin's use of breeding for an understanding
of biological development: studies of cognition in the widest
possible sense, including psychology, educational research,
and cognitive science.

This large field of study offers both a wealth of

empirical knowledge as well as a pool of theoretical models
which can be brought to fruition on a historical theory of
scientific thinking. That the full potential of this field for the
creation of an historical epistemology has so far not been
realized may be due to the fact that it is not sufficient to
simply transfer the results of laboratory studies into the field
of history. Just as it was the case during the emergence of the
biological theory of evolution, it is rather necessary to
elaborate a genuinely historical theory that will necessarily
challenge also many of the theoretical presuppositions
implicit in the laboratory studies.

Although the analogy with evolutionary biology does

certainly not provide a blue-print for an historical
epistemology, it may nevertheless help to formulate some of
the theoretical questions to be answered by such an
approach. For instance, in both cases mechanisms ensuring
the continuity of the development as well as its innovative
powers are required. An explanation of continuity in the
development of scientific thinking is suggested by noticing
that what hereditary transmission is to biology, tradition, and
in particular the transmission of artifacts from one generation
to the next, is to cultural evolution, comprising the history of

If the transmission of the material artifacts involved in

scientific thinking processes - understood in a wide sense so
as to include language, scientific formalisms and other means
of external representation - forms indeed the back-bone of
the social accumulation and tradition of knowledge, then this
development is necessarily a self-referential and thus
irrevocably historical process in the same sense that
biological development is. In other words, in both cases we
are not dealing with the autonomous development of
structures (life forms, forms of thinking) within an invariable
external context (the physical environment, nature) but
within a context that is itself defined by the development of
living or cognitive structures, as the case might be (natural
resources are shaped by the biological development, our
experience of nature as it is perceived by science is mediated
by material artifacts already endowed with cognitive

In biology, the explanation of structural innovation and

hence the explanation of the discontinuous aspects of
development refer to a steady and by itself continuous
process of the exploration of new life resources by the living
organisms. In the history of scientific thinking, a similar
explanation is required which replaces the still widely
accepted but essentially empty idea of the "spontaneous
generation" of new concepts. The steady exploration of
cultural resources, and in particular of the horizon of
possibilities offered by the instruments of science as they are
available in a given historical moment, should represent an
analogous process allowing to explain the emergence of the
new in scientific thinking.

In fact, the instruments of science - in the quite general

sense introduced above, that is, including any form of
external representation of thinking - appear to offer a
suitable basis for such an explanation as they open up - by
their very nature as parts of the material world - a range of
applications that is wider than that for which they were
originally intended. In other words, the knowledge that can
be acquired by the application of material means exceeds the
cognitive presuppositions necessary for their creation
(Hegel’s List der Vernunft). While the production and
tradition of these means can be studied using the traditional
methods of the historical sciences, the analysis of the
cognitive processes corresponding to the exploration of the
range of possibilities determined by these means should
refer, as I have pointed out above, to laboratory studies in a
similar way as the formulation of evolutionary biology had to
rely on the study of changing life forms in breeding.


The discussion in part one has emphasized the need for

integrating various disciplines in order to prepare the ground
for an historical epistemology. However, the question remains
as to how such an integration can actually be accomplished,
since it presupposes mastering an enormous array of
knowledge that is presently divided into disciplinary
structures that may well not correspond to the intellectual
structures emerging from a synthesis of this knowledge. It
may, for instance, be relevant to such a synthesis to
systematically compare - with the theoretical questions of an
historical epistemology in mind - historical developments in
physics, biology, and chemistry from early modern times
until today - but who could actually oversee a quantity of
knowledge that presently has to be subdivided into chunks
each corresponding to an entire academic career?

I would like to address this question by way of a brief

reflection on the historical development of the disciplinary
structure of science, in order to examine whether perhaps
some of the conditions of this development have changed or
are changing in such a way as to create more realistic
conditions for the synthesis mentioned above. The
disciplinary organization of science as we know it today is the
result of an historical development the onset of which can be
roughly dated to the end of the eighteenth century. This
development depended both on external conditions such as
the changing relationship between science and industrial
production and internal conditions such as the rapid
accumulation of knowledge and the stabilization of area-
specific knowledge structures. Furthermore, the emergence of
disciplines would have been impossible without the social
mechanisms mediating between the individual and the social
aspects of knowledge systems, such as the educational system
and scientific journals. While the genesis of disciplines
enhanced scientific productivity in an unprecedented way,
the negative aspects of disciplinary specialization can be
recognized already in the nineteenth century. They are
visible in the increasing difficulty to communicate knowledge
across disciplinary borders and in the failure of attempts to
create a scientific world view integrating the knowledge
produced by the various disciplines.

It now turns out, however, that precisely on the level of

the mechanisms which mediate between the individual and
the social aspects of knowledge systems, recent technical
developments of information processing have created the
preconditions for new forms of the integration of knowledge.
The electronic representation of knowledge - for instance in
the form of electronic texts - opens up quantitatively and
qualitatively new possibilities of access to knowledge which
will in the long run also change the social structure of its
organization and hence the disciplinary structure of science.
They thus provide a case in point for the role of scientific
instruments emphasized in part one. In fact, if human
thinking is conceived as a process to which the relationship
between mental structures and their culturally determined
external representations is crucial, then it becomes clear that
the introduction of electronic information processing may
affect the very nature of scientific thinking processes.

Some of these implications can be strikingly illustrated

by referring to the Perseus Project of Crane and
collaborators.5 By making not only texts of Greek literature
electronically available but also images of vases, of
archeological sites, maps etc. it furthers the interdisciplinary
study of Greek culture in a variety of ways. First of all, the
same electronic corpus of material provides access to
documents which are still primarily evaluated by different
disciplines, such as philology, archeology, or anthropology.
Secondly, the electronic access enables a scholar to gain an
overview over a much larger body of material in a much
shorter time than it has hitherto been possible. In other
words, the size of a "digestible unit" of information increases
dramatically, and hence for instance the time it takes to test a
working hypothesis on a large body of material. But perhaps

5 See Crane 1991 for penetrating reflections on the impact of the new
technologies on the humanities.
the most incisive innovation if compared to traditional forms
of the representation of knowledge lies in the "active"
character of the new forms of access. By transferring certain
mental operations such as searching, grammatical analysis, or
translation to the computer, problems which traditionally
presupposed a technical competence that could only be
acquired by a disciplinary training (such as mastery of the
grammar of the ancient Greek dialects) now become
intellectually accessible also to the non-specialist.

The example of the Perseus Project also demonstrates,

however, that the new possibilities created by the
technological development can only be used if they are
combined with new forms of the intellectual organization of
knowledge. In particular, only the integration of the source
material into an hypertext environment enables the user to
navigate through an otherwise overwhelming amount of
information. Whereas a text is an essentially linear
representation of non-linear intellectual structures, a
hypertext is a representation of such intellectual structures
which itself comprises non-linear features, although it may
ultimately also be based on the textual representation of
thinking. Almost every traditional book contains features of a
hypertext, even if still in a rudimentary form. A scholarly
edition, for instance, embeds primary sources into a
hypertext structure, which is realized by tables of content,
headnotes, footnotes, indexes, bibliographies etc.. A more
elaborate hypertext structure as it can be realized in an
electronic medium not only provides a network of internal
and external references to the sources, but it also allows to
overcome some of the basic limitations of access to a linear
text structure, limitations which become the more severe the
larger the body of information.

The revolutionary consequences of realizing hypertext

structures in a new medium can best be illustrated for the
example of an index. Because an electronic hypertext link is
not only a direction sign but also a vehicle, an electronic
index can be much more efficiently used as an actual access
to the text than its traditional counterpart because now
“browsing through an index” becomes a feasible way of
exploring a large text body. In fact, by way of an electronic
index, any part of a text can now be "linked" to any other,
semantically related part of the text. Conceptually even more
important, however, is the possibility of constructing much
more complex index structures than is presently customary.
A traditional index has a flat tree structure necessitating a
non-semantical ordering - alphabetical ordering - at the top
level. Queries by a scholar are, however, as a rule related to
semantic structures and must therefore first be mapped, in a
rather artificial way, onto this mechanical ordering. An
electronic index, on the other hand, may incorporate several
levels of a semantic hierarchy and thus directly represent
aspects of the conceptual organization of the knowledge to
which it provides access.

But let us return to our original question which - in the

light of our reflection on the technological conditions of the
organization of knowledge - now becomes the question as to
how these new technological developments may help to
prepare the knowledge base required for the emergence of
an historical epistemology.6 In fact it seems rather obvious
that the new information processing technologies radically
change the conditions of access to the sources of the history
of science. Traditional history of science still lacks the broad
base of standard editions, translations, textbooks etc. that are
the heritage of some of the more mature historical disciplines.
The creation of electronic archives will help to overcome the
difficulties related to the availability of primary material and
with them the phase in which history of science used to be a
field of idiosyncratic expertise, divided into Galileo studies,
Darwin studies, Einstein studies, etc.. In fact, by making a
broad array of primary sources easily available to every
interested scholar, electronic archives will bridge many of the
obstacles on the traditional route from the location of
documents in archives to their intellectual evaluation by the
scientific community at large. They will hence radically
change the nature of the sometimes narrow minded
disciplinary specialization within the history of science.

A broader text base is in fact a crucial condition for the

development of an historical epistemology, as this approach
depends on the evaluation of a larger set of source materials
than traditional chronological, biographical, or descriptive
accounts. The contextualist approach to the history of science,
for instance, confronts the history of science with new
qualities of documentary sources, such as visual images, and

6 For a discussion of the technical implementation of electronic

archives in the history of science as they are advocated in the
following, see Renn, Damerow, and Galluzzi 1992, prepared with the
assistance of Antonella Krige, Jochen Schneider, Martin Schreiber,
Martin Warnke, and others.
makes it necessary to take a broader selection of sources into
account than it has hitherto been customary. Pursuing
questions of the cognitive sciences within the history of
science, on the other hand, lays an increased emphasis on the
use of primary material such as drafts, sketchy calculations,
etc., which can be seen as immediate representations of
thinking processes. High quality electronic reproductions of
the originals will allow to study also those features of such
documents that might have been filtered away in a
traditional editorial process.

This shift towards archival raw material is, however,

associated with some potential drawbacks of an electronic
publication in comparison to, say, a traditional edition. Having
to confront electronic reproductions of originals rather than
traditionally edited texts requires, it seems, an increased
amount of expert knowledge on manuscripts, handwriting,
language etc., and possibly also the need for technical
knowledge that is usually only available to computer experts.
While these features may indeed counteract the potential of
electronic archives to further the development of
interdisciplinary competence, they can in fact be more than
compensated if the new technologies are not just considered
to be a new medium for reproducing sources but as a new
and powerful tool for structuring and communicating
scholarly information, as is illustrated by the example of the
Perseus Project.

In exploring these new intellectual possibilities

historical epistemology may even play a pioneering role for
the impact of the new technologies on the organization of
scientific knowledge in general. If electronic media will in the
not-too-distant future become the dominating carriers of
scientific communications, the question of how to structure
scientific knowledge within and across disciplines will
determine in a decisive way the use of the benefits of the
new technologies. In a sense, the history of scientific
disciplines would then return to its point of departure: while
the system of scientific disciplines once replaced traditional
models of knowledge classification,7 classificatory enterprises
would then take on again a central role in organizing a pool of
information whose internal connectivity will have rendered
largely obsolete the classical concept of a scientific discipline.

7 See Stichweh 1984.

In this context an historical epistemology may
contribute its share to the intellectual organization of
scientific knowledge, e. g. by identifying the cognitive models
shared by different branches of knowledge. As a side-effect,
historical epistemology might then also help to definitely
reverse the trend of the philosophy of science towards
content-independent methodology. This trend, which began
with early Neokantianism and continued with analytical
philosophy, may be understood as a response also to the
disciplinary specialization which shifted the perspective on
the unity of science from metaphysics to the realm of
methodological reflection. It becomes, however, more and
more obvious that it is not in this metatheoretical realm that
the problems of a synthesis of scientific knowledge can be
solved. As it turns out, these problems are no longer of a
purely academic dimension but a matter of the intellectual
and practical mastery of nature, a mastery without which the
very survival of the human species may be in danger.

To appear in:
Kostas Gavroglu et. al.
Festschrift in Honor of Robert S. Cohen
Boston Studies in Philosophy of Science

Cohen, Robert S. “Constraints on Science.” In A Portrait of

Twenty-five Years. Boston Colloquium for the Philosophy of
Science 1960-1985, ed. Robert S. Cohen and Marx W.
Wartofsky. 198-205. Dordrecht, Boston, Lancaster: D. Reidel
Publishing Company, 1985.

Crane, Gregory. “Composing Culture. The Authoring of an

Electronic Text.” Current Anthropology 32 (3, 1991).

Damerow, Peter, Freudenthal, Gideon, McLaughlin, Peter,

Renn, Jürgen. Exploring the Limits of Preclassical Mechanics.
New York: Springer Verlag, 1991.

Lefèvre, Wolfgang. Die Entstehung der biologischen

Evolutionstheorie. Frankfurt/M, Berlin, Wien: Ullstein, 1984.

Renn, Jürgen, Damerow, Peter, and Galluzzi, Paolo. The Galileo

Einstein Electronic Archives Project. NSF Grant Proposal,

Stichweh, Rudolf. Zur Entstehung des modernen Systems

wissenschaftlicher Disziplinen. Physik in Deutschland 1740 -
1890. Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp, 1984.

Wartofsky, Marx W. “Perception, Representation, and the

Forms of Action: Towards an Historical Epistemology.” In A
Portrait of Twenty-five Years. Boston Colloquium for the
Philosophy of Science 1960-1985, ed. Robert S. Cohen and
Marx W. Wartofsky. 215-237. Dordrecht, Boston, Lancaster: D.
Reidel Publishing Company, 1985.

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