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Compulsory Readings

General BOOKS: (GB)

Griffiths, Martin; Roach, Steven C. and Solomon, M. Scott. 2009. Fifty Key Thinkers in
International Relations (2nd edition), London: Routledge.
Krasner, Stephen D. 1999. Sovereignty: Organized Hypocrisy, Princeton: Princeton University
Carr, E. H. 2016. The Twenty Years' Crisis, 1919-1939: Reissued with a new preface from Michael
Cox, London: Palgrave
Bull, Hedley 2012. The Anarchical Society: A Study of Order in World Politics (4th ed.), New
York: Columbia University Press
Buzan, Barry. 2016. People, States and Fear: An Agenda for International Security Studies in the
Post-Cold War Era, Colchester: ECPR Press.
Art, Robert J and Jervis, Robert. 2012. International Politics: Enduring Concepts and
Contemporary Issues (11th ed.), New York: Pearson
Neumann, Iver B. and Waever, Ole. 1997. The Future of International Relations: Masters in the
Making, London: Routledge
Waltz, Kenneth N. 2001. Man, the State, and War (revised edition), New York: Columbia
University Press.

Introduction (section-1)
Hollis, Martin, and Smith, Steven. 1990. Explaining and Understanding International Relations,
Oxford: Clarendon Press.
Halliday, Fred. 2005. The Middle East in International Relations: Power, Politics and Ideology,
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Hobsbawm, Eric. 1996. The Age of Extremes: A History of the World 1914 – 1991, London:

Theories & concepts of IR (Section-2)

Singer, J. David. 1961. “The Level-of-Analysis Problem in International Relations,” World

Politics, 14(1), pp. 77-92.
Booth, Ken and Erskine, Toni (2016) International Relations Theory Today (2nd ed.), Cambridge:
Polity Press.
Gaddis, John. 1992/93. "International Relations Theory and the End of the Cold War."
International Security, 17 (3), pp. 5-58
Mearsheimer, J. John. 2018. Great Delusion: Liberal Dreams and International Realities. Yale:
Yale University Press,
Wiener, Antje. 2003. “Constructivism: The Limits of Bridging Gaps”, Journal of International
Relations and Development, 6(3), pp. 252-275
Checkel, Jeffery. 1998. “The Constructivist Turn in International Theory,” World Politics, 50(2),
pp. 324-348.
Waltz, Kenneth. 2000. “Structural Realism after the Cold War.” International Security 25 (1): 5-
Risse, Thomas. 2000. “Let’s Argue! Communicative Action in World Politics,” International
Organization, Vol. 54, No. 1 (Winter 2000).
Wendt, Alexander. 1999. Social Theory of International Politics, Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press
Albert, Mathias; Jacobson, David and Lapid, Yosef (eds.) 2001. Identities, Borders, Orders:
Rethinking International Relations Theory, Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.

European Union (Section-3)

Nelsen, Brent F. and Stubb, Alexander. 2014. The European Union: Readings on the Theory and
Practice of European Integration (4th ed.), London: Palgrave
Cini, Michelle and Borragán, Nieves Pérez-Solórzano (ed.) 2019. European Union Politics (6th
edition), Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Judt, Tony. 2006. Postwar: A History of Europe since 1945, London: Penguin Books
van Middelaar, L. 2013. The Passage to Europe: How a Continent Became a Union, New Haven
and London: Yale University Press
Wiener, Antje, Börzel, Tanja A. and Risse, Thomas (eds) 2019. European Integration Theory (3rd
edition), Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Moravcsik, Andrew. 1997. “Taking Preferences Seriously: A Liberal Theory of International
Politics.” International Organization, 51(4), pp. 513-53.
Aydin-Düzgit, Senem and Nathalie Tocci. 2015. Turkey and the European Union, London:


Power (Section-4)
Barnett, Michael, and Raymond Duvall. 2006. “Power in International Politics,” International
Organization 59(1), pp. 39-75.
Keohane, Robert O. and Nye, Joseph S. (2011) Power and Interdependence (4th ed.), Pearson.

Mearsheimer, J., John. 2014. The Tragedy of Great Power Politics (updated edition) New York:
Morgenthau, Hans J. 2005. Politics Among Nations: The Struggle for Power and Peace (7th ed.),
New York: Alfred A. Knopf

Wendt, Alexander. 1992. “Anarchy is What States Make of It,” The Social Construction of Power
Politics,” International Organization 46 (Spring) , pp. 391-425.

International organizations (Section-5)

March, James G., and Johan P. Olsen. 1998. “The Institutional Dynamics of International Political
Orders,” International Organization, 52 (Autumn 1998), pp. 943-969.
Barnett, Michael and Martha Finnemore. 1999. “The Politics, Power, and Pathologies of
International Organizations,” International Organization, 53 (4), pp. 699-732.
Karns, Margaret P., Mingst, Karen A. and Stiles, Kendall W. 2015. International Organizations:
The Politics and Process of Global Governance (3rd ed.), London: Lynne Rienner
Katzenstein, Peter J., Robert O. Keohane, and Stephen D. Krasner. 1998. “International
Organization and the Study of World Politics.” International Organization 52 (4), pp. 645–
Kratochwil, Friedrich, and John Gerard Ruggie. 1986. “International organization: a state of the art
INon an art of the state,” International Organization, 40(4), pp. 753-775.

Economy (Section-6)

Gilpin, Robert. 2001. Global Political Economy: Understanding the International Economic
Order, Princeton: Princeton University Press.
Strange, Susan. 2015. States and Markets, London: Bloomsbury

Norms (Section-7)

Hutchings, Kimberly. 2018. Global Ethics: An Introduction (2nd ed.), Cambridge: Polity Press
Finnemore, Martha, and Kathryn Sikkink. 1998. “International Norm Dynamics and Political
Change,” International Organization, 52 (Autumn), pp. 887-917.
Katzenstein, Peter J. (ed.) 1996. The Culture of National Security: Norms and Identity in World
Politics, New York: Columbia University Press

Foreign Policy (Section-8)

Smith, Steve, Amelia Hadfield and Tim Dunne. 2012. Foreign Policy: Theories, Actors and Cases
(2nd ed.), Oxford: Oxford University Press
Oran, Baskın (ed.) 2011. Turkish Foreign Policy: 1919 – 2006, Utah: University of Utah Press
Hale, William. 2013. Turkish Foreign Policy since 1774 (3rd ed.), Oxon: Routledge
Ambroese, Stephen E and Brinkley, Douglas, C. 2011. Rise to Globalism: American Foreign
Policy since 1938 (Ninth Revised Edition), London: Penguin Books.
Putnam, Robert. 1988. “Diplomacy and Domestic Politics: The Logic of Two-level Games,”
International Organization 42(3): 424-460.

Supplementary Readings

Acharya, Amitav. 2018. Constructing Global Order: Agency and Change in World Politics,
Cambridge: Cambridge University Pres.
Adler, Emanuel and Michael Barnett (eds.) 1998. Security Communities, Cambridge University
Buzan, Barry. 2014. An Introduction to the English School of International Relations, Cambridge:
Polity Press.
Buzan, Barry; Waever, Ole and De Wilde, Jaap. 1997. Security: A New Framework for Analysis,
London: Lynne Rienner Publishers.
Cox, Michael and Stokes, Doug. 2018. US Foreign Policy (3rd ed.), Oxford: Oxford Universiy
Finnemore, Martha. 1996. National Interests in International Society, Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell
University Press.
Haas, Ernst B. 2009. Beyond the Nation-State: Functionalism and International Organization,
ECPR Press.
Hill, Christopher. 2016. Foreign Policy in the Twenty-First Century, London: Palgrave.

Hobsbawm, Eric. 1996. The Age of Capital: 1848 - 1875, London: Vintage
Hobsbawm, Eric. 1996. The Age of Empire: 1875 - 1914, London: Vintage
Hobsbawm, Eric. 1996. The Age of Revolution: 1789 – 1848, London: Vintage
Hourani, Albert. 2010. A History of the Arab Peoples, Cambridge: Belknap Press.
Huntington, Samuel. 2011. The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order, New
York: Simon and Schuster.
Keohane, Robert O. (ed.) 1986. Neorealism and its Critics, New York: Columbia University Press.
Kösebalaban, Hasan. 2011. Turkish Foreign Policy: Islam, Nationalism and Globalization, New
York: Palgrave Macmillan
Kratochwil, Friedrich V. 1989. Rules, norms and decisions, Cambridge: Cambridge University
Onuf, Nicholas. 2012. World of Our Making: Rules and Rule in Social Theory and International
Relations, London: Routledge.
Pasha, Mustapha Kemal. 2017. Islam and International Relations: Fractured Worlds, Oxon:
Petito, Fabio and Hatzopoulos, Pavlos (eds.) 2003. Religion in International Relations: The Return
from Exile, Hampshire: Palgrave.
Reus-Smit, Christian. 2018. On Cultural Diversity: International Theory in World of Difference,
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Ruggie, John Gerard. 1998. Constructing the World Polity: Essays on International
Institutionalization, New York: Routledge.
Tickner, J. Ann. 2014. A Feminist Voyage through International Relations, Oxford: Oxford
University Press
Walzer, Michael. 2015. Just and Unjust Wars: A Moral Argument with Historical Illustrations (5th
Edition), New York: Basic Books.

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