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New Ulm Public Schools

Staff Development Handbook

New Ulm Public Schools

ISD 88
New Ulm, MN
Table of Contents
Philosophy and District Goals 2
Calendar of Professional Development Days 3
SD Committee and Contacts 4
Relicensure Information 5
Clock Hours Approval Form
District Supported Opportunity
SD Fact Sheet 11
Credit Approval Process
Reimbursable Expenses
Forms 13
SD Request Rubric

Staff Development Request Form

Curriculum Writing Request Form
New Teacher/Mentorship Program 18

Staff Development Philosophy

The philosophy of New Ulm Public Schools Staff Development is to provide a variety of
opportunities for all staff to continuously learn and grow. Professional development should be
focused around increasing staff capacity, creating opportunities for collaboration amongst staff
members, and seeks innovative avenues that cultivate individual student growth. It is each
individual’s responsibility to strive for professional growth. Our work is aligned with our district
and building goals.

District staff development committee members will serve as the main network of communication
between the district and buildings regarding professional development. This team will work
collaborative to ensure optimal opportunities are provided to staff during our designated staff
development days. The staff development team will present a yearly summary to the school

While the district provides time and resources for professional development, it is encouraged that
all professionals continue to grow and learn on their own.

District Goals

1. Increase student achievement 3% each year as measured using MCA data

a. Focused use of data to inform instruction
b. Educating all students at high levels
c. Continuous professional development and use of PLC’s
2. Personalization learning for all
a. Design student learning plans to meet individual student needs
b. Use of technology to transform instruction
c. Staff design individual learning plans within their growth plan
3. Build upon the confidence and support of the community
a. Focus on highlighting the positive accomplishments of students and staff.
b. Communicate effectively to and actively engage all stakeholders about programs
and offerings.
c. Further develop community and business partnerships to enhance curriculum and
d. Marketing and branding the district as an educational destination that meets the
needs of all students.

District Staff Development Team

Name Role Email

Jeff Bertrang Superintendent

Mark Bergmann HS Principal

Michelle Miller MS Principal

Adam Kluver JF Principal

Dawn Brown WLC Principal

Paul Henn Director of Learning Services

Michael Milbourn Director of Technology

Julie Hull JF Assistant Principal/Staff

Development Coordinator

Steph Berkner WLC Teacher

Meghan Swedberg WLC Teacher

Missy Hunter Jefferson Teacher

Shelly Schuck Jefferson Para

Barb Jensen MS Teacher

Christina Mattson MS Teacher

Wendy Tuttle MS Para

Shelly Boelter HS Teacher

Irina Soboleva SPED Teacher/Special

Services Coordinator

Christie Dewanz School Board Member

The staff development committee meets on the second Monday of each month at 3:30 p.m. in the
District Conference Room.

Teacher Relicensure Information

Information on teacher relicensing can be found on the Minnesota Department of
Education website:

In addition to 125 clock hours, teachers must include in their renewal requirements 1
hour of further preparation in each of the six areas required by Minnesota Statute:

1. Positive Behavior Intervention Strategies

2. Adapting Curriculum to Meet Minnesota Academic Standards
3. Reading Preparation
4. Identifying Mental Illness in Children/Suicide Prevention Best Practices
5. Technology
6. Instruction of English Language Learners

Finally, a Professional Reflection must be completed that includes evidence of

professional growth in best teaching practices.

Clock Hours may be submitted to the Continuing Education Committee for approval.
Your building rep will contact you at the end of each school year to submit building-
specific professional development hours.

Peter Engeldinger High School

Merry Northenscold Middle School

Deb Irmiter Middle School

Beth Sletta Jefferson/WLC

District Supported Relicensure Opportunity
I. Instructions to register as a NEW member
(already registered?...see the next page)
1. Go to
2. Top right hand corner: click on “ Register ” [only this first time as you register].
3. Complete the fields in all 3 columns.
In the first column [far left side]
Screen Name: initial of your first name and last name with no space
Email Address: you must use your school email
(if you do not have a school email, you may use a home email)
Birthday and Gender: enter information
Employment Status is: full time or part time
(select one:select part-time if substitute)
In the center column
Select Position (grab and hold the side slide bar to view all options)
The list is alphabetical. Paraprofessional is located in the middle of the
options. Click on job title
Select Age Level Served (if serving more than one grade level, just select one)
In the third column (far right side)
State: Minnesota
District/Coop: type in “new” select New Ulm Public School (008801)
Counties Served: Brown
Click on “ Save ”
Click “I agree” to the terms and conditions.
You are now registered. Please go to your email (the address you registered with) to look for an email
titled “Your New Account on”. See sample email below.

4. Log back into the site by clicking on the link in your email to change your password and set a
reminder question.
5. After registering, you will click on “ Sign In ” each time you access Infinitec.


1. In the search bar at the top of a new window on your computer Type: Infinitec
2. In the upper right hand corner, click on “Sign In”
3. Follow the prompts; enter Screen Name or Email Address and Password
4. Across the top will be options Select: “Online Classroom” at the top of the top of the page
5. Near the horizontal toolbar in the middle of the page (may need to scroll down to see it), you will
see “flow player”, “Play Video” and “Review Quiz Results”. Below that, you will see
AAC appears in the bar. Click on the up/down arrow. Slide the blue bar to the video category.
6. Select your desired video category. Video categories specific for certified staff relicensure are
shown as “Found in:…” on the Required Areas for License Renewal attachment.
7. The Videos are organized in alphabetical order. Select the desired video. After clicking on the
video, in the gray video box, you must click on the “ Play Video ” to the right of the gray screen.
Just clicking on the gray screen may not start the video.
8. After watching each video, take the quiz. After successfully passing each quiz, print off the

Requirement Areas for License Renewal

(Training video options through Infinitec can be found below. Credits must be earned in each
category. 125 credits need to be earned within 5 years from your most recent renewal date.)

Positive Behavior Intervention Strategies:

Found in: Commonly-Required Presentations
· Student Behavior: The Basics (1 Credit)
· Supporting Positive Behavior: Tips for Support Staff Working with Students with Special Needs
(.5 Credits)
Found in: Archived Webinars
· Key Strategies for Effective Behavior Management (1.75 Credits)
Found in: Behavior
· MN PBIS: Functional Behavior Assessments, Tier 2 (.75 Credits)
· MN PBIS: Functional Behavior Assessments, Tier 3 and Behavior Intervention Planning (.75
· MN PBIS: Review of Implementation Basics (1 Credit1)
· MN PBIS: School-wide PBIS Overview/What is PBIS? (1 Credit)
· MN PBIS: Sustainability (1.25 Credits)
· MN PBIS Presents: Engaging Youth in PBIS Individual Student Tier 1 (.5 Credits)
· MN PBIS Presents: Managing Escalating Behaviors – Individual Tier 2 (.5 Credits)
· MN PBIS Presents: SWPBIS Sustainability (.75 Credits)
· MN PBIS Presents: Tier 1 Individual Student (1.25 Credits)
· MN PBIS Presents: Tier III and Function Based Assessments (.5 Credits)
· MASA Presents: The Bird’s Eye View of PBIS (Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports)
(.5 Credits)

Accommodation, Modification, and Adaptation of Curriculum, Materials and Instruction

Found in: Access
· Mobile Devices in the Inclusive Classroom 01-Hardware, Access and Accessibility (1 Credit)

· Mobile Devices in the Inclusive Classroom 01-Apps, Software and the Cloud (1 Credit)
· Mobile Devices in the Inclusive Classroom 01-Implementation (1 Credit)
· Secondary Math Series (1) Overview of Recommendations of NCTM & Fostering Reasoning &
Sense-Making for All (1 Credit)
· Secondary Math Series (2) Providing Access to Learning Math by Minimizing Areas of Deficit
(.75 Credits)
· Secondary Math Series (3) Multiple Methods of Supporting Access Based Student Strengths
(1.25 Credits)
· Secondary Math Series (4) Case Study – UDL in Secondary Math (1 Credit)
Found in: Archived Webinars
· Digital Differentiation (1.25 Credits)
Found in: MN Teacher Licensure
· MASA Presents: RTI- Implementing a Multi-Tiered System of Supports (1.25 Credits)

Key Warning Signs of Early Onset Mental Illness in Children and Adolescents (including at
least one hour of Suicide Prevention)
Found in: Commonly-Required Presentations
· Suicide Prevention (.5 Credits)
· Suicide Prevention Among Teens (1.25 Credits)
Found in: Behavior
· MASA Presents: Concerns and Challenges of Mental Health in Education (1.25 Credits)
· MASA Presents: Suicide Prevention: QPR – Question, Persuade, Refer (Credit)
· Mental Health (.75 Credits)

Reading Preparation
Found in: Archived Webinars
· Free or Low Cost Strategies to Increase Reading & Writing (1.25 Credits)
· No Cost/Low Cost Technology Solutions for Struggling Readers (1 Credit)
Found in: MN Teacher Licensure
· MASA Present: You Can Make a Difference and You Know it: Evidence-Based Practice in
Reading (1.75 Credits)
Found in: Reading
· Comprehension Instruction (1 Credit)
· Learning While Laughing: Comprehension (1 Credit)
· Learning While Laughing: Decoding (1 Credit)
· Literacy 101 (.75 Credits)
· Locating and Creating Texts for Older Students Who Are Emerging Readers (1 Credit)
· Phonemic Awareness: Music and More (1 Credit)
· Phonemic Awareness: What Is It and Do I Need to Teach It? (.5 Credits)
· Phonics (.5 Credits)
· Poetry Power (1.25 Credits)
· Reading Assessment 1 (.75 Credits)
· Reading Assessment 2 (.75 Credits)
· Reading Assessment 3 (.75 Credits)
· Reading Instruction and Response to Intervention (.5 Credits)
· Singing into Literacy (1 Credit)
· Storybook Adaptations Made Easy (1 Credit)

· Technology Supports for Teaching Vocabulary (1.25 Credits)

Found in: Access
· Creating eBooks! (1 Credit)
· Mobile Devices in the Inclusive Classroom 01-Hardware, Access and Accessibility (1 Credit)
· Mobile Devices in the Inclusive Classroom 01-Apps, Software and the Cloud (1 Credit)
· Mobile Devices in the Inclusive Classroom 01-Implementation (1 Credit)
· Secondary Math Series (1) Overview of Recommendations of NCTM & Fostering Reasoning &
Sense-Making for All (1 Credit)
· Secondary Math Series (2) Providing Access to Learning Math by Minimizing Areas of Deficit
(.75 Credits)
· Secondary Math Series (3) Multiple Methods of Supporting Access Based Student Strengths
(1.25 Credits)
· Secondary Math Series (4) Case Study – UDL in Secondary Math (1 Credit)
Found in: Archived Webinars
· All Things Chrome (1) Google Apps for Education (GAFE) (1.25 Credits)
· All Things Chrome (2) Using Google and Chrome Supports as AT (1.25 Credits)
· All Things Chrome (3) Chrome Apps and Extensions (1.25 Credits)
· All Things Chrome (4) Chrome Supports for STEAM (1.25 Credits)
· All Things Chrome (5) Chrome Supports for Executive Function (1.25 Credits)
· All Things Chrome (6) Let’s Talk Chrome (1.25 Credits)
· Cool Tools for 21st Century Learners: Multimedia Mania (1.25 Credits)
· SAMR 1 Through the Lens of 21st Century Skills (1.25 Credits)
· SAMR 2 Design a Toolkit for Successful Tech Integration (1 Credit)
· SAMR 3 Through the Lens of Common Core Standards (1 Credit)

English Learners
Found in: English Learners
· EL 01 Shared Accountability for the Success of All English Learners (.75 Credits)
· EL 03a Understanding & Meeting the Learning Needs of EL SLIFE Part 1 paired with EL 03b
Understanding & Meeting the Learning Needs of EL SLIFE Part 2 (2 Credits)
· EL 04 Understanding & Implementing the MN English Language Development (WIDA ELD)
Standards Framework (.75 Credits)
· EL 05 Using Data & Implementation Frameworks to Improve Instruction & Instructional
Systems to Support the English Language Development & Academic Success of Els (.75
· EL 06 English Learners and Special Education (1.25 Credits)
· EL 07 Bilingual & Multilingual Seals & World Language Proficiency Certificate Legislation (1
Staff Development Fact Sheet

Credit Approval Process

For teachers only: please refer to your contract to view the post-secondary credit approval process.

Reimbursable Expenses

If available, the school van must be used for transportation for staff development travel. Contact Lori
Braun in the business office ( to reserve the school van. Private mileage
is only reimbursable when the school van is not available. Private transportation should be done
through carpool arrangements when possible. Carpooling will be required, exceptions on a case by
case basis. Mileage will be reimbursed to the driver from home or school, whichever is closer.

Commercial Transportation
Reimbursement is limited to economy or coach class fares, and employees are expected to use the
carrier offering the lowest fare reasonably available for the trip. No reimbursement will be made for
travel insurance.

Transportation Between Airport and Destination

Taxi or shuttle costs from the airport to the hotel or other site of school district business is
reimbursable. Employees are expected to use the lowest-cost means of transportation reasonably

Transportation at Destination
Taxi or public transportation costs while at the destination are reimbursable only if incurred by the
employee to carry out a specific assignment of official school district business.

If an employee uses a district-owned vehicle or has approval to use a private or rented vehicle,
reasonable parking costs shall be reimbursable.

Lodging expenses for professional development will be paid for by the district if the travel is greater
than 100 miles. No reimbursement will be made for additional costs due to other persons sharing the
lodging, unless such persons are other employees of the school district who are also on approved
school district business. No reimbursement will be made for services other than the lodging (e.g., in-
room movies, refreshments in the room for which charges are added to the bill, laundry or dry
cleaning services, telephone charges unless directly related to school district business, etc.) The
district will utilize the lowest cost lodging available that is safe and clean. It is expected that staff of
the same gender share rooms when attending the same conference or professional development

Employees may request lodging when a conference or professional development session lasts 2 or
more consecutive days or begins prior to 7:30 am.

Meal Costs
The documented expenses of meals while out of the district are reimbursable up to the limits set forth
below. If a meal is included in the registration cost of a conference or meeting, it is expected that the
employee will not request reimbursement if the employee chooses to eat the meal elsewhere. It is also
expected that if the employee could reasonably eat a meal at home or at work before leaving for or

after returning from an out-of-district trip, no reimbursement will be requested for that meal if the
employee chooses to eat the meal elsewhere. No reimbursement will be made for alcoholic beverages.
No reimbursement will be made for tips in excess of 15% of the cost of the meal.

The maximum reimbursable amount for meals are as follows:

Breakfast $12.00
Lunch $15.00
Supper $28.00

Refer to school policy 412 for more information regarding reimbursable expenses.

New Ulm Public Schools

Staff Development Request Rubric
Opportunity: ___________________________________________________
Educator: ___________________________________________________
Request Criteria 2 1 0

Summary of Opportunity Request is clearly Request is explained, but Request does not provide
explained with detailed further information is sufficient information
information provided. needed

Connection to Teacher Connection to teacher Connection to teacher No clear connection to
Evaluation and Student evaluation goals and evaluation goals and teacher evaluation goals
Learning student learning student learning and student learning /
/achievement is outlined /achievement is outlined achievement.
and clearly aligned. with little alignment.

Alignment to District Staff development is Staff development is Staff development is not

Improvement Goals clearly aligned with one somewhat aligned to one aligned to one of the
of the three district of the three district three district
improvement goals. improvement goals. improvement goals.

Plan for Sharing and Plan for sharing new Plan for sharing new No plan is provided to
Implementing New learning with colleagues learning is vague and share new learning.
Learning is clear, attainable and further information is
supports the integration needed.
of new learning into
instructional practice(s).

Impact of Learning New learning will impact New learning will impact New learning will impact
multiple educators and more than one educator. the individual.
will be shared and
sustained through PLCs
or other collegial work.

Prior Funding Requests Educator(s) participating Educator(s) participating Educator(s) participating

have not received have not received staff have received staff
previous staff development funding for development funding for
development funding for an opportunity in two opportunities in one year.
an opportunity in three years.
10 - 12 points Staff Development request meets criteria
7 - 9 points Staff Development request partially meets criteria - more information is needed
0 - 6 points Staff Development request does not meet criteria for approval

Must be checked before final approval can be provided:

_____ Staff Development Budget allows for funding
_____ Building Administrator Approval

Staff Development Approved: YES NO

Reason non approval:

New Ulm Public Schools Curriculum Writing Request Form

Curriculum Writing Project Title: _______________________________________________
Names and positions of all people involved in curriculum writing project:



Anticipated Outcomes:



Grade Level(s) Impacted: ________________________

Number of Hours Requesting: __________________

*A maximum of 20 hours may be requested for a new course and up to 10 hours for an existing
Location and dates of Curriculum Writing work: ____________________________________
Teacher Hours:

__________________ X __________________ = _____________________

# of Persons Hours per person Total Hours
Teachers will be compensated at the current curriculum writing rate of pay. ($24.50/hour)

Additional Comments about the project: _______________________________________


Submitted by: _____________________________________ Date: ________________

Approved by: _____________________________________ Date: ________________

Administrator or Supervisor


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