Technical Readout 3028

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Technical Readout 3028

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(Redirected from TRO:3028)

Not Canon!
The subject of this article does not contribute canonical content to the BattleTech universe, either because
it is not intended to or because it is not an official product.
See the article's section on Canonicity for details.

Technical Readout 3028: Know Thy Enemy

Product information
Type Technical Readout
Development Michael "Sigil" Todd
Primary writing Michael "Sigil" Todd
Pages 177
Cover artwork credited to Harebrained Schemes and Justin Kase (back cover edited Map)
Interior artwork Harebrained Schemes, Florian "SpOoky777" Mellies, Justin Kase
Illustrations Alex Iglesias, Justin Kase, Fernando "Odanan" Prado, Joel DuQue
Publication information
Publisher (Fan work)
Product code n/a
First published 2016
MSRP n/a
Era Succession Wars era
Agency ComStar
Universe Date 3028

The Technical Readout 3028, subtitled "Know Thy Enemy", is a fan-made PDF sourcebook for the 2018
BattleTech video game by Harebrained Schemes.
Said video game uses the MechWarrior Online (MWO) 'Mech models instead of the canonical classic
imagery, leading to sometimes substantial differences in the visual appearance of various 'Mech designs.
Technical Readout 3028 was originally intended to showcase these designs as they would appear in the
video game. However, the project outgrew that premise and included additional MWO-style 'Mechs,
derivative Stinger and Wasp models, the apocryphal Linesman, and the purely fan-fictional Jayhawker,
none of which appear in the game.

Technical Readout 3028 includes Design Quirks for all the 'Mechs it covers. Where available, Quirks were
taken from canonical sources but in many cases they are merely derived from the written descriptions of the

Since the initial release in November 2016, revised versions were published on 17 November 2017 and 08
August 2018 that reorganized the document and added some content (extra 'Mechs, vehicles and aerospace
units), but cut other content (such as the short story The Marik Gunfighter, the in-character lecture on "The
Medium Laser" and the "A Brief History of the IndustrialMech" appendix). Since each edition is meant to
replace earlier editions, this article only covers the most recent version of the document.

Being entirely fan-made, the document itself is not canonical.

The data provided for individual 'Mechs is broadly derived from canonical sources, but the flavor text
occasionally strays into fan fictional details or, in a few cases, purely invented information with little basis
in canonical fact. It adheres to the HBS depictions not only visually, but also follows HBS in any changes
they made to a given 'Mech such as changing rear-firing weapons to the forward firing arc.

There are also anachronisms for the 3028 timeframe. The inclusion of a Black Knight in Com Guards paint
scheme is also remarkable given that the design was thought extinct, and the very existence of the Com
Guards a closely guarded secret at the time.

Styled as an internal ComStar document dated 13 January 3028 according to its preface, Technical Readout
3028 includes:

 Introduction
 Light BattleMechs
o Flea
o Locust
o Wasp (Art by Fernando "Odanan" Prado, derived from work by Alex Iglesias)
o Stinger (Art by Justin Kase, derived from work by Alex Iglesias)
o Commando
o Javelin
o Spider
o UrbanMech
o Valkyrie (Art by Justin Kase, derived from work by Alex Iglesias)
o Firestarter
o Jenner
o Panther
 Medium BattleMechs
o Assassin
o Cicada
o Vulcan
o Blackjack
o Phoenix Hawk
o Vindicator
o Centurion
o Crab
o Enforcer
o Hunchback
o Trebuchet
o Griffin
o Kintaro
o Shadow Hawk
o Wolverine
 Heavy BattleMechs
o Champion
o Dragon
o Quickdraw
o Rifleman
o Catapult
o JagerMech
o Thunderbolt
o Archer
o Grasshopper
o Warhammer
o Black Knight
o Marauder
o Orion
 Assault BattleMechs
o Awesome
o Victor
o Zeus
o BattleMaster
o Stalker
o Cyclops
o Highlander
o Banshee
o Nightstar (NSR-10C; A non-canonical Succession Wars era downgrade of the Nightstar)
o Annihilator
o Atlas
o King Crab
o Marauder II
 New Designs and Prototypes
o Raven
o Wolfhound
o JHR-X0 Jayhawker (a supposed Succession Wars era prototype predecessor of the
Bushwacker; not canon)
o KPLT-K2 Katapult (this is effectively the CPLT-K2 Catapult, presented here as a
different 'Mech because of conflicting sources regarding the popular CPLT-K2's
availability in 3028; KPLT-K2 Katapult is the established designation from the German
edition of BattleTech)
o Cataphract
o Linesman (apocryphal predecessor to the Daboku/Mauler)
 Appendix A: Vehicles, IndustrialMechs, and AeroSpace Assets
o Swift Wind Scout Car'
o Armored Personnel Carrier'
o Mobile Headquarters'
o Scorpion Light Tank'
o Galleon Light Tank'
o Striker Light Tank'
o Bulldog Medium Tank'
o LRM / SRM Carrier'
o Manticore Heavy Tank'
o LDK-5C Loader King (Art by Justin Kase, derived from work by Alex Iglesias)
o Demolisher Heavy Tank'
o Schrek PPC Carrier'
o Mobile Long Tom Artillery'
o Leopard-class DropShip
o Gazelle-class DropShip
o Union-class DropShip
o Invader-class JumpShip
o Argo-class DropShip

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