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Division of Masbate


Tanque, Pio V. Corpus, Masbate

(Second Semester)
SY: 2018-2019
Directions: Read carefully each statement below. Write the LETTER of the correct answer.
1. What do we call the events in the story governed by the cause and effect relationship?
A. Plot C. Exciting moment
B. Exposition D. Dramatic Question
2. It refers the beginning information given by the writer in the story.
A. Plot C. Exciting moment
B. Exposition D. Dramatic Question
3. What do we call the highest level of the storyline since it represents the turning point that marks a
change of the main character?
A. Crisis Situation C. Climax
B. Falling Action D. Plot
4. It refers the response from the inciting moment.
A. Inciting Moment C. Plot
B. Exposition D. Dramatic Question
5. The following are the elements of creative nonfiction, EXCEPT
A. Inciting Moment C. Falling action
B. Exposition D. Theme
6. What do we call a narrative of a story that can be transformed into a film?
A. Inciting Moment C. Falling action
B. Exposition D. Plot Outline
7. When the problems, issues, or situation that the character needs to resolve through time, this is what we
call ______________.
A. Conflict C. Exposition
B. Outline D. Plot
8. Which of the following conflict shows one character having a grievance against another character?
A. One character against another conflict
B. A character or group against society conflict
C. A character against nature conflict
D. character against himself or herself conflict
9. The following are the types of conflict, EXCEPT
A. One character against another conflict
B. A character or group against society conflict
C. A character against the environment
D. character against himself or herself conflict
10. Which of the following conflict demonstrates a character that is against society’s values, ideas, norms,
culture, and values?
A. One character against another conflict
B. A character or group against society conflict
C. A character against nature conflict
D. character against himself or herself conflict
11. How would you compare direct characterization and indirect characterization?
A. Direct characterization informs the readers of what the character is like which can be
deciphered through the narrator while indirect characterization allows the readers to infer about
the character’s thoughts, actions, conversations, physical appearance.
B. Direct characterization allows the readers to infer about the character’s thoughts, actions,
conversations, physical appearance while indirect characterization informs the readers of what
the character is like which can be deciphered through the narrator.
C. Direct characterization allows the readers to infer about the character’s thoughts, actions,
conversations, physical appearance while indirect characterization informs the readers of what
the character is like which can be deciphered through the plot.
D. Direct characterization allows the readers to infer about the character’s thoughts, actions,
conversations, mental appearance while indirect characterization informs the readers of what the
character is like which can be deciphered through the narrator.
12. When then narrator uses the pronoun “you”. This is what we call ____________.
A. First Person Point of View C. Second Person Point of View
B. Third Person Point of View D. Alternating person
13. What do we call when the narrator conveys feelings, opinions, and thoughts to one or more characters?
A. Subjective Voice C. Objective Voice
B. Free Indirect Speech D. Omniscient Voice
14. Which of the following statement is TRUE free indirect speech?
A. Free indirect speech employs third-person limited and third person omniscient method.
B. Free indirect speech is a technique of presenting the character’s voice without inhibitions
using the third person narration.
C. Free indirect speech employs first-person limited and third person omniscient method.
D. Free indirect speech is a technique of presenting the character’s voice without inhibitions
using the second person narration.
15. What do we call the conversation between two or more characters in the story?
A. Inner Dialogue C. Outer Dialogue
B. dialogue D. Inner and Outer Dialogue

Directions: Read carefully the statement below. Write the transition markers to link the readers. Choose your
answer inside the box.

Adding Contrasting Clarifying Sequencing

Exemplifying Conceding a point Summing up

Endorsing Staring a logical conclusion

16. and
17. to summarize
18. clearly
19. to conclude
20. thus
21. naturally
22. in addition
23. moreover
24. by contrast
25. that is
26. to begin with
27. for instance
28. although
29. in particular
30. as a result
31. importantly
32. consequently
33. finally
34. despite this
35. hence
36. also
37. furthermore
40.for that reason

Directions: Read carefully the statement below. Supply transition markers to complete the sentence to link from
one aspect to the next.

41. Their answer was _________wrong.

A. clearly C. obviously
B. naturally D. importantly
42. _____________ I found my destiny.
A. Firstly C. Secondly
B. Finally D. Lastly
43. We _______ reached even ground after the long climb.
A. firstly C. secondly
B. finally D. lastly
44. This detergent is highly concentrated and _________ you will need to dilute it.
A. hence C. accordingly
B. thus D. for the reason
45. The new software should ____________the process.
A. that is C. in other words
B. simplify D. in effect to
46. Cats are said to be _________________ curious.
A. importantly C. in particular
B. hence D. naturally
47. Taxes were lowered, and ____________ complaints were fewer.
A. consequently C. finally
B. accordingly D. naturally
48. Two _____ two equals four.
A. also C. and
C. moreover D. in
49. He knew he could not win the election _________ than the present time.
A. therefore C. hence
B. consequently D. finally
50. Sheer ______ was the sole reason for her hurtful comments.
A. despite C. in spite
B. to conclude D. with

One book, one pen, one child, and one teacher can change the
-Malala Yousafzai

Prepared by:
Subject Teacher/T-III

Checked by:
SHS Coordinator/T-III

Reviewed by
Head Teacher-II


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