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Revolution 4.0: Industry vs. Agriculture in a Future

Development for SMEs
Ilaria Zambon 1,*, Massimo Cecchini 1, Gianluca Egidi 2, Maria Grazia Saporito 1,3
and Andrea Colantoni 1
1 Department of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences (DAFNE), Tuscia University, Via San Camillo de Lellis,
01100 Viterbo, Italy; (M.C.); (M.G.S.); (A.C.)
2 SEA TUSCIA, Tuscia University, Via San Camillo de Lellis, 01100 Viterbo, Italy;

3 Ministero Delle Politiche Agricole Alimentari e Forestali (MIPAAF), Via Venti Settembre 20,

00187 Rome, Italy

* Correspondence:; Tel.: +39-076-135-7356

Received: 21 November 2018; Accepted: 8 January 2019; Published: 11 January 2019

Abstract: The present review retraces the steps of the industrial and agriculture revolution that have
taken place up to the present day, giving ideas and considerations for the future. This paper analyses
the specific challenges facing agriculture along the farming supply chain to permit the operative
implementation of Industry 4.0 guidelines. The subsequent scientific value is an investigation of
how Industry 4.0 approaches can be improved and be pertinent to the agricultural sector. However,
industry is progressing at a much faster rate than agriculture. In fact, already today experts talk
about Industry 5.0. On the other hand, the 4.0 revolution in agriculture is still limited to a few
innovative firms. For this reason, this work deals with how technological development affects
different sectors (industry and agriculture) in different ways. In this innovative background, despite
the advantages of industry or agriculture 4.0 for large enterprises, small- and medium-sized
enterprises (SMEs) often face complications in such innovative processes due to the continuous
development in innovations and technologies. Policy makers should propose strategies, calls for
proposals with aim of supporting SMEs to invest on these technologies and making them more
competitive in the marketplace.

Keywords: agriculture 4.0; industry 4.0; SMEs; application research; supply chain; open source

1. Introduction
The Industry 4.0 approach permitted the creation of an environment in which all elements are
continuously and effortlessly linked together. All devices (e.g., CPS, cyber-physical systems) and
functionalities are addressed as services, which constantly communicate with each other, thus
achieving a high level of coordination [1–4]. In this way, the ability to coordinate activities is essential
for improved supply chain management, where optimization normally requires the contemplation
of many elements in constant competition with each other [5].
In this innovative background, despite the advantages of industry 4.0 for large enterprises, small
and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) often face complications in innovative processes due to the
continuous development in innovations and technologies [6]. Such condition makes it difficult to
monitor enterprises, increasing also the complexity of which these processes can be implemented
[7,8]. SMEs, such as industrial players, must work on improving their operations management (e.g.,
production control, planning and execution, operational performance measurement, and assessment)
[9,10] and meet more complex customer needs [11,12]. In fact, SMEs are firms known for their
flexibility and nearness to customers [13–16]. Their size ease communication and changes among

Processes 2019, 7, 36; doi: 10.3390/pr7010036

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employees, thereby enabling quicker reconfiguration in the event of change in demand. Though,
SMEs mostly have short-term strategies, which do not favor long-term investments, consequently
they end up weak on investment capacity and working performance [11,17], with high costs in respect
to large firms.
These innovations also affect small and medium farms, which must invest in advanced
technology to keep up with the evolution. Starting from the differences between traditional industry
and agriculture, there are already some critical and divergent aspects. Farming supply chains diverge
in numerous aspects from the industrial sector [18]. In agriculture, the flow of products, knowledge,
and information among agricultural stakeholders (productors and consumers) at each stage of the
agricultural processes, marketing, and consumption [19]. Such relations in the industrial sector take
place only in the presence of industrial districts [20,21]. Nevertheless, industry strongly manage its
supply chains based on quantitative methods compared to agriculture. In fact, experience-based
heuristic methods play a key role in agriculture where environmental exposure and stochastic events
contribute a high degree of supply chain uncertainty and a lack of predictability in rural activities
(e.g., soil and nutrient dynamics, photosynthesis activity or pest infestation) [18].
Existing approaches in agricultural supply chains try to take benefit of recent technologies
related to the digitalization era, such as precision farming, which makes use of positioning
technologies combined with the application of extra sensors and the collected data increasing the
yield [22,23]. Technological solutions deliver significant influences towards transforming the
challenges of agricultural supply chain management into opportunities. Simple technologies, e.g.,
Bluetooth, GPS (Global Positioning System), or RFID (radio frequency identification), combined with
the communication among operators and agricultural machinery at all levels of collaboration, make
it conceivable to create a self-optimizing agricultural supply chain structure [23]. Fixed in an
innovative agricultural management platform, these technologies can be easily organized and used
by all involved stakeholders without committing to major investments. However, a modern farm
produces data and, therefore, it requires interpreting them. Nevertheless, to digitalize the agriculture
business, new technologies and software cannot solve all trials of the digital transformation along the
supply chain [19,24–26]. Infrastructure, training and qualifications, an adequate structural and
legislative operating environment, and willingness to implement new technologies are also decisive
[19]. For Agriculture 4.0, a modern telecommunications infrastructure in rural areas is indispensable.
Furthermore, the ability to apply data along the agricultural supply chain will prove indispensable
for a fruitful revolution of existing agricultural processes towards farming during the Industry 4.0
period [27].
Given these traditional divergences, this work makes a reflection on the 4.0 era for industry and
agriculture, reflecting mainly on the efforts and opportunities that are available to SMEs, with recent
technological change. With the 4.0 revolution, the challenge is to rethink the current concept of the
supply chain in the different sectors and processes that can be managed both internally (e.g., vertical
integration of processes) and externally (e.g., horizontal integration of processes, in collaboration
with external partners along the entire supply chain, such as farmers, wholesalers, and retailers).
Furthermore, the specific challenges facing agriculture along the farming supply chain will be
explored following the Industry 4.0 guidelines. Industry 4.0 approaches can be improved and be
pertinent to the agricultural sector; however, industry is developing faster than agriculture since the
fact that already today experts talk about Industry 5.0. On the other hand, the 4.0 revolution in
agriculture is still limited to a few pioneering firms. For this reason, this review deals with how
technological development affects these two (different) economic sectors envisaging their future
advances and offering some potential suggestions.
The present work begins by explaining how the industrial sector has evolved over time, passing
from the first industrial revolution to the present-day. Nevertheless, this work aims to compare the
industrial revolution with the primary sector, viewing whether agriculture has been able to keep up
with the times. In this sense, a virtualization of an agro-food supply chain helps to understand how
current agricultural processes can be structured with new technologies. Furthermore, revolution
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from 4.0 to 5.0 in both industry and agriculture is dealt with, focusing on Agriculture 4.0 progress in
recent years.

2. Industrial Revolution
Digital technology offers innovative benefits for the economic business [19]. In industry, the first
revolution began around 1780 with the introduction of mechanical production plants powered by
liquid water or steam (Figure 1). The second industrial revolution was born 30 years later when the
first mechanical assembly line powered by electricity was built: the era of mass production had
begun. The third industrial revolution began in the late 1960s when the first programmable logic
controller (PLC) was built. From that moment on, it was possible to automate production using
electronics and information technology (IT) [28].
The fourth industrial revolution began in 2011 in Germany with a German government project
to promote deep computerization and conceptual innovation of production [29]. In these few years,
German firms (and not only) have transformed the theory (born during the Second World War) into
successful applications [30]. The fourth industrial revolution is today’s and makes use of cybernetics
[31–34]. The elimination of the separation among the physical and the virtual world is an essential
pattern of the Industry 4.0 [19]. The concept Industry 4.0 is a “collective” term that brings together
technologies and typical concepts of the “value chain” [35]. Industry 4.0 connects machines, work,
and systems in general through intelligent networks (as the Internet of things) [36,37], created along
the entire value chain, which can control themselves autonomously and each other [38,39].

Figure 1. From Industry 1.0 to 4.0. Source: own elaboration.

Based on these premises, the virtual object structure is linked to the Internet of Things (IoT)
concept. In industry, as also in agriculture, the IoT combines the concepts of “Internet” and “thing”,
which can be explained through some key features of the IoT, that are: interconnectivity, object-
related services, heterogeneity (due to varied devices in the IoT), dynamic changes (since device
status can change with dynamism), and high scalability (Table 1).
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Table 1. Key features of the IoT.

Everything can be interconnected with global information and

communication infrastructures.
The IoT can provide object-related services, within the limits defined by
objects such as privacy protection and semantic consistency between
physical and associated virtual objects.
Devices in the IoT are heterogeneous as they are based on different
Heterogeneity hardware platforms and networks. They can interact with other devices or
service platforms across different networks.
Device status can change dynamically, such as connection and/or
disconnection, as well as the context in which devices operate, including
Dynamic changes
location, speed, quantity of product, etc. The device’s status can also change
dynamically. The number of devices can also change dynamically.
The number of devices that need to be managed and that communicate with
High scalability
each other can be extremely large.

The IoT can therefore be semantically defined as a worldwide network (World Wide Network)
of uniquely addressable objects interconnected through standard communication protocols (Figure
2). Consequently, the Internet serves as a storage and communication infrastructure that contains a
virtual representation of things that connect relevant information with physical objects. Virtual
objects act as central object information hubs, combining and continuously updating data from a wide
range of sources. Virtual objects can be used to coordinate and control business processes remotely
via Internet.

Figure 2. Agriculture 4.0 and the Virtual Object Structure.

Cyber-security, cloud computing, big data, open source technology, and digital twins are some
of the most current concepts that were introduced by 4.0 revolution [2,31,35,40,41]. Highlighting the
application of the Industry 4.0, several governments proposed some advanced initiatives around the
world, e.g., the Nouvelle France Industrielle in France [42], the Made in China 2025 initiative [43],
and the Smart Manufacturing Leadership Coalition in USA [44,45].

3. Concept of Agriculture 4.0

Based on concepts such as Internet of Things, the Industry 4.0 in the primary sector is defined
Agriculture 4.0 (or Farming 4.0) and its methods have been examined in some rural areas
[19,28,46,47]. Correspondingly, revolutions in agriculture can be hypothesized, which have gone
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hand-in-hand with the innovations in the industrial sector in recent years. Agricultural technology
revolution started with Agriculture 1.0 with animal power; then the combustion engine defined
Agriculture 2.0, passing to Agriculture 3.0 in recent years with guidance systems and precision
farming, starting when military GPS-signals were made accessible for public use [23]. Nowadays,
Agriculture 4.0 farm activities are connected to the cloud. Though, following European agricultural
machinery in 2017, the next step with Agriculture 5.0 includes digitally-integrated enterprise, which
rely their production processes using robotics and some forms of artificial intelligence.
The Agriculture 4.0 evolution happens in parallel with comparable evolutions in the industrial
sector (Industry 4.0), based on an idea for future manufacturing. Agriculture 4.0, like to Industry 4.0,
stands for the combined internal and external interacting of farming operations, offering digital
information at all farm sectors and processes. Even in agriculture, as in the industrial sector, the 4.0
revolution represents a great opportunity to consider the variability and uncertainties that involve
the agri-food production chain [48–51]. Factories become smarter, more efficient, safer, and more
environmentally sustainable, due to the combination and integration of production technologies and
devices, information and communication systems, data and services in network infrastructures
[27,28]. A Smart Farm must be able to adapt autonomously and in real-time to these changes in order
to remain competitive on the market [26,52]. One of the primary needs to be met is a constant
communication between market and production, and within the business itself [24]. The
methodology used to effectively connect all the actors of this continuous and data-rich
communication [53] is that of virtualization (Figure 3).

Figure 3. Agriculture 4.0. Source: own elaboration.

Among the benefits, this recent rural revolution permits (i) to realize more efficient systems that
operate in conditions of greater safety both for the environment and operators, and (ii) to reduce the
operating costs of the processes, e.g., allowing the realization of more complex processes at equal
costs [23,54–58].

Virtualization of an Agro-Food Supply Chain

The virtual term is opposed to the real and physical terms. Virtualization allows to cancel some
important limits of physical reality: (i) place, since virtual representation does not require on-site
presence to observe, process, control and act accordingly; and (ii) time, since the representation of
real objects in a virtual world allows not only the historicization of data but, above all, to simulate
possible evolutions in the future and to imagine answers to extreme external stimuli to carry out
sensitivity tests (e.g., to verify the effects of sudden, even if temporary, machine downtime, lack of
raw materials caused by adverse local climatic events, etc. [59]) (Figure 4).
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Figure 4. Virtualization of a supply chain management through the Internet of Things (IoT). Source:
own elaboration.

Applying the same concepts to different realities, virtual reality permits to create virtual
environments with a virtual team (as a virtual work place where the actors of the production process
collaborate) and a virtual reality. It aims to create a virtual environment that must be perceived by
human beings as real through interfaces that allow to simulate visual, auditory, and tactile
experiences. In this sense, virtual organization emerges as dynamic organizational structures that
temporarily bring together resources from different organizations to better respond to business
opportunities. While virtual objects define physical entities, e.g., products and resources, which are
accompanied by a rich virtual counterpart, accessible at the global level, which connects all current
and historical relevant information, about the properties of the object itself, its origin, the sensory
context, etc.
The constituent elements are products (inputs, such as pesticides and fertilizers, mature
agricultural products, harvests, shipments and orders, packaging, any ingredients for processing)
that flow between transformations and actors (e.g., agricultural producers, product processors,
traders) (Figure 5). In the Internet of Things (IoT) all kinds of devices-smart objects-are connected and
interact with each other through local and global, often wireless network infrastructures [60–63].
Therefore, precision agriculture results to be the most recent discipline of this development as an
important driver for Big Data [23,26,64,65]. Radical changes in farm management can be expected
due to the access to clear information and decision-making abilities that before were not possible [66].
Consequently, farms have evolved, and each rural activity will transmit data via wireless transfer
technology [23,26,64,65].
The technical equipment of farms has reached today a comparable level to that of industries. The
developing use of data announces a digital agricultural revolution in agriculture driven by several
innovations [48,67]. Advances in robotics have permitted a greater automation [26,68] and the
decreasing cost of sensor technology has allowed farmers to monitor factors, e.g., soil proprieties and
animal movement in almost real-time circumstances [68]. Accessible and affordable computing
power in this condition has created new decision support tools (e.g., on-tractor dashboards and
mobile applications) for a better management practice [69–71]. Emerging Big Data analytical
platforms, e.g., cloud computing and machine learning algorithms, drive artificial intelligence [26,71–
74] and have supported a relevant growth in the volume, velocity, variety, and veracity of data
generated in agriculture [26,75,76]. Subsequently, agricultural data are quickly providing a main
driver not only of revolutions in output and the food chain, but also in environmental management
[67,75]. Agriculture 4.0 technologies refer to production systems that deploy robotics, sensors, and
Big Data analytics allowing farmers to manage their farms at detailed spatial and temporal scales
[26]. Though precision agricultural technologies have been in use for about a decade and normally
take the form of yield monitors in cropping systems and robotic milking parlors for dairy, the step of
innovation has picked up since the cost of sensors and robotics has fallen [67].
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Figure 5. Agriculture 4.0. Structure of a management system (FMS) by virtualization of an agri-food


Nevertheless, the high mobility of production facilities makes planning and control more
difficult since the surrounding conditions are not always clear, and communication is often
inconsistent due to the low availability and bandwidth of wireless connections. The wireless
technologies result to be the most convenient solution in terms of power consumption and
communication range in agriculture [23,26,64,65,76,77]. Particularly, narrowband-IoT (NB-IoT) is a
new IoT system constructed from existing Long-Term Evolution (LTE) functionalities [78]. The NB-
IoT enables the interconnection and communication among ordinary objects through many
applications in many domains, such as industry-focused applications (e.g., supply chain
management, transportation, and logistics) and environment-focused applications, such as in
agriculture activities [79]. The design goals of NB-IoT cover high coverage area, extended battery life
(about 10 years), high network size (52,000 devices/channel/cell), and low-cost devices [80]. In the
future, NB-IoT technologies will take place in agricultural applications due to low power
consumption and will be used when the agricultural information is to be communicated over long
distances [79].
Another key differentiator among agricultural and industrial supply chains is the amount of the
division of work (rationalization effects in the industrial production vs. the small division of
labor/workforce in a family environment in agriculture). Furthermore, employees in the industrial
sector are highly specialized in their skill levels, while farmers carry out a great variety of

4. Revolution from 4.0 to 5.0: Industry vs. Agriculture

Through a literature review, Industry 4.0 and Agriculture 4.0 appeared very recently in literature
(Figure 6). A wide-ranging literature, including proceedings paper, articles, editorial material, book
chapter, review, book) was carried out from a scientific database (Web of science) related to
knowledge sharing, transfer and flow. However, there is a gap among these two terms. Industry 4.0
is strongly cited from 2014, while Agriculture 4.0 is only recently quoted. The most examined
suggestions derived from the field of manufacturing e.g., details of the new production methods [80–
83], combination of firms, suppliers, and customers [34,84,85], logistics processes [86], lean
production [87,88], qualified workers [89], and new managerial practices [90]. Among these
contributions, Industry 4.0 also refers to SMEs [91] since Industry 4.0 characterizes a greater challenge
due to the reduced size and SMEs are also recognized in a different cluster of studies [92], while
recent articles on agriculture 4.0 dealt with digital transformation and environmental attention
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Figure 6. Number of scientific works published year-wise. Source: Own elaboration.

Less than a decade has passed since the literature started talking about Industry 4.0, which is
already moving towards the next revolution: Industry 5.0 [93–95]. While the current revolution
emphasizes the transformation of factories into intelligent IoT-enabled structures that use cognitive
processing and interconnection via cloud servers [37,40], Industry 5.0 focuses on the return of human
hands and minds to the industrial environment [93,96].
The transformation of the modern industry into a smart chain is the keystone of the industry of
the new millennium. No matter how quickly or slowly some firms implement the Industry 4.0 or 5.0
models, the basic principles will undoubtedly determine the world of production of the future [95]
Firms that properly implement these new principles will experience significant growth with the
capabilities provided by IoT devices, computer systems, and cognitive computing [97,98].
In a few years’ time, factory workers and robots may end up working together on the design
and sharing of workload across a variety of manufacturing processes [99–101]. While robots are
excellent for producing standard products in standardized processes in a high volume of production,
customizing each individual product can be a challenge where robots need to be guided [102].
Therefore, it is essential to maintain human contact within production processes. In production
processes, automation can only be exploited to its full potential when there is a spark of human
creativity that influences the processes: collaborative robots or “cobots”, working with people [103–
The major advances, expected from Industry 5.0, concern the interaction between machinery,
Iot, and people, which is expected to take production to new levels of speed and accuracy [103]. As
artificial intelligence improves, the interaction among computers, robots, and workers will eventually
become more significant [102,103]. As technological innovations become faster and faster, revolutions
could eventually follow one another in rapid succession over the next 10 years. While the first three
industrial revolutions took decades, today’s revolutions only last until industrial implementation is
complete [106].
The fourth industrial revolution allows firms to combine productivity and speed to respond to
the market, making the system more productive and competitive. It is evident that those, who do not
take this path, risk being excluded from global competition.

Agriculture 4.0 Progress

The first 4.0 project (“Fabbrica 4.0”) in Italy was launched by Confindustria (the largest national
association of industries) in 2014. The aim was to promote a better information on possibilities that
digitalization can offer to current industries. Additionally, the Minister of Economic Development
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has stated “Industry 4.0” as an area of strategic investment in a recent paper about the Italian situation
on the industrial digitalization.
A 5.0 revolution represents the immediate future in the industrial sector [94,103]. How far is
Agro-Food Industry from Industry 4.0 (and 5.0)? Digital investment in the agricultural sector in Italy
is still limited. In this context, the Smart AgriFood Observatory wants to become the reference point
in Italy, with the aim of understanding digital innovations (e.g., on process, infrastructure,
applications) that are transforming the agricultural and agri-food chain, unifying the main skills
needed (e.g., economic-management). Its aim is to convey the research results to decision makers,
offering (i) opportunities for meeting and discussion among stakeholders to promote dialogue and
innovation of value, and (ii) culture, spreading information and knowledge about digital innovation
in the supply chain. According to the findings of the Polytechnic of Milan with its Smart AgriFood
Observatory and the Rise Laboratory of the University of Brescia, there is a slight growth as several
small and medium-sized Italian firms are adapting 4.0 technologies. These firms are supported by
the innovative drive of about 500 international start-ups Smart AgriFood, born since 2011 and of
which 60 of them are Italian.
The fusion of precision agriculture and the Internet of farming leads to Agriculture 4.0 (or digital
agriculture), which interconnects different technologies aimed at improving yield and sustainability
of crops, increasing working conditions, and the quality of production and processing. Additionally,
the development of Agriculture 4.0 is good not only for farms but also for sustainable development
[27]. In fact, the cross-analysis of environmental, climatic, and cultural factors allows to establish the
irrigation and nutritive needs of the crops, to prevent pathologies, and to identify weeds before they
proliferate; consequently, it is possible to intervene in a targeted way, saving material and temporal
resources and carrying out more effective interventions, which have a positive impact on the quality
of the finished product.
The benefit is, therefore, both qualitative and quantitative. On the one hand, the farms achieve
a saving on production inputs of 30% with an increase in production of 20%, and on the other hand,
they have obtained products of higher quality without any residue of chemicals. Thanks to these
technologies, it is, in fact, possible to establish the most appropriate time for harvesting and manage
it, if necessary, in several phases, to capture the product at the most suitable time depending on the
use that will be made along the supply chain. It is precisely by exploiting these data along the supply
chain that the greatest value of Agriculture 4.0 is grasped. It is conceivable to trace and certify
products from the field to the processing industry, set up short supply chains, obtain products of the
highest quality, and create efficiency not only in the production processes, but also in those of the
exchange of goods and information among the different actors in the value chain.
Agriculture 5.0 predicts the attendance of autonomous systems in rural environments. With a
view to further technological development, advances in autonomous driving technology for cars,
including object detection capabilities through multi-camera systems, and radar and lidar
technology, have already reduced the cost of developing autonomous agricultural machinery [107–
109]. For some farmers, self-driving equipment is already a reality and is not limited to large
agricultural machinery. Robotic milking machines are widely used [102,110–112]; many of the field
operations can be automated, but the harvesting of horticultural crops and fruits in some
geographical areas, even in advanced countries, depends largely on manual labor [113]. There is also
interest in smaller tractors and robots working in groups in a swarm-like action. Development of an
integrated system with self-learning capabilities to achieve a high degree of autonomy in its functions
e.g., automatic course recognition and tracking of operational boundaries, autonomous driving in
safety and swarm-robotics [114]. The collaboration among several ground rovers and small air drones
with specialized roles and other agricultural vehicles that “talk” and collaborate with each other
while they are in constant communication [102].
A greater interaction with the environment passes not only through the sense of sight, but also
through the sense of touch, the real keystone to ensure a high adaptability of the machine to
environmental changes. The use of force sensors, for example, allows the latest generation of robots
to manipulate fragile objects or objects of variable shape. The manual operator transforms from a
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simple conductor of the plant to a conveyor of experience and knowledge. The use of virtual reality
is significant to be able to “immerse” completely in the simulated machine, both during the design
and programming, set-up and use phases.
By combining collaboration, artificial vision, touch, sensitivity and adding even a minimum of
decision-making skills, surprising results can be obtained following the trend towards increasingly
greater autonomy [114]. The latest generations of vision systems, for instance, not only have real-time
object tracking capabilities, but have already acquired classification and conceptualization
capabilities, so they are able to self-learn figures and objects, to distinguish them based on details by
placing them in different categories.

5. Discussion and Future Implications

The fourth industrial revolution allows firms to combine productivity and speed to respond to
the market, making their system more productive and competitive. However, those who do not take
this path risk being excluded from a worldwide competition.
Thanks to agriculture 4.0, many technologies make it possible to accomplish smart farms.
However, their acceptance by individual farmers depends on several additional factors, such as
usability and the identification of best practices. Both an agricultural and a farmer-centered approach
are needed. Only in this way will the concept of smart farming prove sustainable for the future. The
importance of a change in the mindset of farmers is crucial to activate an effective and sustainable
production system that will last in the long term [24,27]. Instead, these notions are the basis of a
competitive industry.
Considerable research effort has been spent on the development of models in the agricultural
sector. However, the application of innovative models to individual farms is limited, despite the
many advantages that smart agriculture could bring; the way in which these could be achieved within
the dimensions of productivity, profitability and sustainability remains unclear [24]. An adequate
structural and legislative operating environment through new technologies, training and
qualifications is decisive for Agriculture 4.0 [19] and a possible Agriculture 5.0. Policy makers need
to launch calls for proposals to further promote start-ups based on these technologies and even to
support SMEs to invest in these technologies (i) to keep up with the coming technological revolution,
and (ii) to be competitive and at the forefront of other economic realities [6]. Moreover, a training
process must be planned to lead to effective solutions for farms, responding to the needs and
interactions of the operating contexts of farmers. The ability to apply data along the agricultural
supply chain can permit a productive growth of existing agricultural processes towards innovative
By highlighting strategies to Industry 4.0 or Agriculture 4.0, it is indispensable for SME
managers to understand how approaching to innovation and which advantages can be derived [43].
Especially the positioning as user and/or provider strongly impact on SME business models. Several
restrictions concern methodology and findings, especially considering Agriculture 4.0. Revolution
4.0 offers a new background for studying the diffusion of economic boundaries, allowing future
researchers to deliver generalizable fallouts as to how firms transfer or extend their business models
from manufacturing to ICT (Information and Communications Technology), and vice versa [91].
The processes being pursued by industry are also influencing the food production process in
agriculture. Recent industrialization of the agricultural production process has led to major
environmental concerns, e.g., soil degradation, erosion, compaction, and pollution [115,116]. This
translates into a loss of soil quality and of the eco-systemic services that the soil has guaranteed us
over time [117–120]. Some evidence of this dramatic situation of soils can be found in different parts
of the world, offering some potential solutions [116,118–122]. Understanding how industrial
techniques are managing agriculture has resulted in soil degradation that should be updated. In this
sense, the 4.0 revolution should include not only technological innovation but also environmental
issues [121,122]. In this sense, United Nations objectives include economic sectors as both responsible
and useful actors for sustainable development [123]. Therefore, natural resources, e.g., soil, in the
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primary sector must be treated in accordance with sustainability criteria in order to advance towards
increasingly sophisticated technological development [124–127].

6. Conclusions
The recent debate about innovation reveal that the economic sectors differ among them. This
review permits to explore and reflect on the current state of art, comparing agriculture and industry.
While industry 4.0 is, today, very advanced, both from the scientific and research standpoint and
from the practical attitude, since many firms apply it, Agriculture 4.0 is still restricted and put off in
theory. Furthermore, the future of industry is progressing towards a 5.0 industry, while the primary
sector is still inadequate. The 4.0 revolution in agriculture is still limited to rare pioneering firms. For
this reason, this work suggests to policy makers and decision makers to invest on technological
progress and offer to all the economic sectors (e.g., industry and agriculture) different ways to
promote innovative and even sustainable development following United Nation Sustainable goals
[123]. In such a background, Industry or Agriculture 4.0 can offer numerous advantages for large
enterprises, while SMEs often face difficulties. For this, policy makers should offer policies or calls
for proposals, supporting a technological and advanced enlargement of SMEs [13–17,91], making
them more competitive in the marketplace.

Author Contributions: I.Z. and A.C. wrote the paper; M.C., M.G.S., and G.E. supervised the work; and I.Z. and
G.E. reviewed the article.

Funding: This research received no external funding.

Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.

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