1 Degil Zine Creative Space Eda Citra 2 Meranggas Creative Space Meranggas 3 Sirkam Seni & Literasi Eda Citra: 0813-7522-4036

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No Nama Komunitas Sub-Sektor PIC

1 Degil Zine Creative Space Eda Citra

2 Meranggas Creative Space meranggas
3 Sirkam Seni & Literasi Eda Citra: 0813-7522-4036

Ruang geliat seni

No Nama Keterangan Kontak
1 Rani Jambak Musik ranijambak
2 Dinez Lubis Musik & Literasi dinez_lubis
3 Aulia Riri Master of Ceremony
4 Anza Harahap Master of Ceremony
5 Cacink Master of Ceremony
6 Aziva Zahrianis Talent
7 Primawan Susanto Talent
8 Nisya Istifani Talent
9 Dewa D

No Nama Genre PIC
1 Lily Ayu Alternative Anza: 0812-6404-8469
2 Bintang Le Bleu Duo Eda Citra
3 Arunika 0813-6004-6134
4 Terminal Kuningan Farid: 0853-8583-8903
5 Psychotic Villager Albert: 0856-5817-0664
6 The Boxquitos Psychedelic 0812-6095-8986

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