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Pledge is a contract by virtue of which the debtor delivers Mortgaged.

Mortgaged. A pledge or mortgage executed by one who is not the owner

to the creditor or to a third person a movable (Art. 2094.) or of the property pledged or mortgaged is without legal existence and
document evidencing incorporeal rights (Art. 2095.) for the registration cannot validate it.
purpose of securing the fulfillment of a principal obligation with
the understanding that when the obligation is fulfilled, the thing delivered The effect of the alienation or the mortgage, with respect to the co-
shall be returned with all its fruits and accessions. owners, shall be limited to the portion which may be allotted to him in the
division upon the termination of the co-ownership.” Hence, a mortgage of
Necessity of delivery. — In addition to the said requisites, a conjugal property by
the thing pledged must be delivered to the creditor or to a third one of the spouses is valid only as to one-half (1/2) of the entire property.
person by common agreement. Without delivery there can be no pledge
because, precisely, in this delivery lies the security of the pledge. In a Article 2085 which requires that the mortgagor must have the free disposal
contract of mortgage, the mortgagor, as a general rule,retains the of the property or at least have legal authority to do so, does not apply
possession of the property mortgaged. where the property involved is registered under the torrens system. While
it is true that under Article 2085 it is essential that the mortgagor be the
A pledge or mortgage constituted by an impostor absolute owner of the property mortgaged, a mortgagee has the right to
is void and the pledgee or mortgagee in such a case acquires no right rely upon what appears in the certificate of title and does not have to
whatsoever in the property. inquire further.

A foreclosure sale, though essentially a forced sale, is still Example

a sale in accordance with Article 1458 of the Civil Code, under
which the mortgagor in default, the forced seller, becomes obliged to Facts: A deed of sale of ten lots was made by D (daughter)
transfer the ownership of the thing sold to the highest bidder who, in turn, in favor of R (mother) who mortgaged the same property to
is obliged to pay therefor the bid price in money or its equivalent. Being a E in whose favor a certificate of sale was issued by the sheriff
sale, the rule that the seller must be the owner of the thing sold also after foreclosure proceedings and sale at public auction of the
applies in a foreclosure sale. This is the reason why Article 2085 of the Civil property. D claims that the deed of sale in favor of R is a forgery. At the
Code, in providing for the essential requisites of the contract of mortgage time the mortgage was executed, E, in good faith, actually believed R to be
and pledge, requires, among other things, that the mortgagor or pledgor the owner, as evidenced by the
be the absolute owner of the thing pledged or mortgaged, in anticipation registration of the property in her name.
of a possible foreclosure sale should the mortgagor default in the payment
of the loan. Issue: Is the mortgage made by R in favor of E valid?

Future property. — Future property cannot be pledged or Held: Yes. “Even on the supposition that the sale was void,
the general rule that the direct result of a previous illegal contract cannot however, is required to exercise due care and prudence by making proper
be valid (on the theory that the spring cannot rise higher than its source) inquiry where the debtor borrows money and mortgages another person’s
cannot apply here for we are confronted with the functionings of the property to secure the loan without the consent of the latter and he is
Torrens System of Registration. The doctrine to follow is simple enough: A guilty of negligence if he relied solely on the representations made by the
fraudulent or forged document of sale may become the root of a valid title debtor.
if the certificate of title has already been transferred from the name of the
owner to the name of the forger or the name indicated by the forger.” Where mortgage gratuitous. — Where the contract of
mortgage (or pledge) is purely gratuitous, the same should be
E was a buyer (mortgagee) in good faith and for value at strictly construed. In accordance with Article 1378 of the Civil
the time the mortgage was executed. The fact that at the time Code, said contract should be so interpreted as to effect “the
of the foreclosure proceedings E may have already known of least transmission of rights or interests” as possible. (Buiser vs. Cabrera, 81
D’s claim is immaterial. A mortgagee has the right to rely on Phil. 669 [1948
what appears in the certificate of title and, in the absence of
anything to excite suspicion, he is under no obligation to look Liability for deficiency. — The pledgor or mortgagor who
beyond the certificate and investigate the title of the mortgagor pledged or mortgaged his property to guarantee an indebtedness of
appearing on the face of said certificate another person, without expressly assuming personal liability for such
debt, is not liable for the payment of any deficiency, should the property
“Free disposal of the property” means that the property not be sufficient to cover the debt. His liability extends only to the
must not be subject to any claim of a third person. property pledged or mortgaged. Should there be any deficiency, the
creditor has recourse on the principal debtor, the signatory to the principal
The only remedy given to the mortgagee or pledgee is to contract, who remains to be primarily bound.
have the security given sold at public auction and the proceeds of the sale
applied to the payment of the obligation secured by the mortgage or It has been held that an accommodation mortgagor as such is not in any
pledge. (Martinez vs. Phil. National Bank, 93 Phil. 765 [1953].) The pledgor way liable for the payment of the loan or principal obligation of the
remains the owner during the pendency of the pledge and prior to debtor/borrower. His liability extends only up to the loan value of his
foreclosure and sale. mortgaged property and not to the entire loan itself. Hence, he may
redeem his mortgaged property by paying only the winning bid price
Pledgor or mortgagor may be a third person thereof (plus interest and expenses thereon) at the public auction sale.
It is not necessary that the principal debtor should always be the pledgor
or mortgagor. (Art. 2085, par. 2.) ILLUSTRATIVE CASE:
Jewelry delivered to agent for sale on commission was pledged by him
Duty of mortgagee to make proper inquiry. — The creditor, without knowledge of owner to pawnshop which acted in good faith.
Facts: P (principal) brought action for replevin of certain
jewelry owned by her which she delivered for sale on Upon failure of the mortgagor to pay his obligation within
commission to A (agent), and pledged without her knowledge the required period, the remedy of the mortgagee is to foreclose the
by A in the pawnshop of B, who refused to deliver the said mortgage and if he wishes to secure a title to the mortgaged property, he
jewelry unless first redeemed. B acted in good faith in accepting the can buy it in the foreclosure sale. An action for consolidation of ownership
pledge. is an inappropriate remedy on the part of the mortgagee in equity.
(Montevirgen vs. Court of Appeals, 112 SCRA 641 [1982]; Vergara vs.
Issue: Has B the right to collect the sum loaned to A out of People, 450 SCRA 482 [2005]
the value of the said jewelry?
Prohibition against appropriation of property. — The pledgor’s or
No. The contract of pledge was null and void, since mortgagor’s default does not operate to vest in the
A was not the owner of the jewelry pledged. “Between the pledgee or mortgagee the ownership of the property for any
supposed good faith of B and the undisputed good faith of P, such effect is against public policy. The creditor in a contract of
the owner of the jewelry, neither law nor justice permit that the real security like pledge and mortgage, cannot appropriate to
latter, after being the victim of embezzlement, should have to himself without foreclosure the thing held as pledge or under
choose one of the two extremes of a dilemma, both of which mortgage, nor can he dispose of the same as owner.The prohibition
without legal ground or reason, are injurious and prejudicial to applies to an immovable which is the object of
his interests and rights, that is, she must either lose her jewelry or pay a the contract of antichresis.
large sum received by the embezzler as a loan from B, when P is not
related to the latter by any legal or contractual bond out of which legal A stipulation whereby the thing pledged or mortgaged or under antichresis
obligations arise. (Art. 2137.) shall automatically become the property of the creditor in the
event of nonpayment of the debt within the term fixed is known as pactum
The owner of personal property may recover the possession of the same commissorium or pacto commisorio which is forbidden by law and
from a pawnshop where another person had pledged it without authority declared null and void.
to do so.
Requisites. — There are two requisites or elements for
ART 2088 pactum commissorium to exist, namely:
(a) There should be a pledge, mortgage, or antichresis of
If the debtor fails to comply with the obligation at the time it property by way of security for the payment of the principal
falls due, the creditor is merely entitled to move for the sale of obligation; and
the thing pledged or mortgaged (Art. 2087.) with the formalities (b) There should be a stipulation for an automatic
required by law in order to collect the amount of his claim from appropriation by the creditor of the property in the event of
the proceeds. nonpayment of the obligation within the stipulated period.
It is immaterial that the questioned stipulation was voluntarily and the said property had never been occupied by the creditor (C). Neither
and freely entered into, pactum commissorium being void was there any contract of antichresis (see Art. 2132.) by reason of said
for being prohibited by law. contract of loan inasmuch as C has never been in possession thereof, nor
has he enjoyed the said property nor for one moment ever received its
EXAMPLE rents.
D borrowed money from C under the agreement that
if, at the expiration of the period stipulated, the sum loaned B and S agreed on the sale of trucks by the latter to
should not be paid, it would be understood that the house and the former. When B defaulted in the payment of the second
lot owned by D, be considered as absolutely sold to C for the and third installments, S fi led an action in court for specifi c
said sum. No payment was made by D within the time fixed.In view of the performance. The trial court rendered judgment for S and
refusal of D to deliver the property, C brought ordered B to pay the balance of his obligation and in case of
action to recover the property and rents from D. failure to do so, to execute a deed of assignment pursuant to
the judgment.
Issue: Is the contract in question in the nature of a pactum
commissorium? Issue: Is the deed of assignment in the nature of a pactum
Held: No. We have in this case a contract of loan and a
promise of sale of property, the price of which should be the Held: No. There was no contract of pledge or mortgage
amount loaned, if within a fixed period of time such amount entered into by the parties; nor a case of automatic appropriation
should not be paid by the debtor-vendor (D) of the property of the property by S because it took the intervention of the trial
to the creditor-vendee (C) of the same. The fact that the court to exact fulfi llment of the obligation, which by its very
parties have agreed at the same time, in such a manner that nature is “. . . anathema to the concept of pacto commissorio.”
the fulfillment of the promise of sale would depend upon the And even granting that the original agreement between the
nonpayment or return of the amount loaned, has not produced parties had the badges of pactum commissorium, the deed of
any change in the nature and legal conditions of either contract or any assignment does not suffer the same fate as it was executed
essential defect which would tend to nullify them. Pactum commissorium pursuant to a valid judgment as can be gleaned from its very
indicates the existence of the contracts of mortgage, or of pledge, or of terms and conditions
antichresis, none of
which has coincided in the loan in question. What is prohibited by Article 2088 in connection with pacto
commissorio is the automatic appropriation by the creditor of the
The property does not appear mortgaged. (see Art. 2125.) Said property thing pledged or mortgaged upon failure of the debtor to pay
could not be pledged, not being personal property, and notwithstanding his debt within the period agreed upon by virtue of authority or
the said double contract the debtor (D) continued in possession thereof right previously given the creditor
portion of credit - The exception is where there are several things
Permissible stipulations given in pledge or mortgage and each one of them guarantees
only a determinate portion of the credit. Actually it is not an exception
● Subsequent modification of original contract because in such a case, there would be as many pledges or mortgages as
● Subsequent voluntary cession of property. — The prohibition there are things given in pledge or mortgage.
does not include a subsequent voluntary act of the debtor making
cession of the property mortgaged in payment of the debt which EXAMPLES:
amounts in its legal effect to a novation of the original contract (1) A borrowed from B P20,000.00 and to guarantee
and to a voluntary sale of the said property for the amount of the payment, A pledged his diamond ring worth P15,000.00 and a
debt pair of earrings worth P5,000.00.
If A pays P15,000.00, he cannot ask for the return of the
● Promise to assign or sell ring because both the ring and the earrings are given to secure
● Authority to take possession of property upon foreclosure payment of the entire obligation of P20,000.00. This is because
the pledge is indivisible. B may cause the sale of either or both
for the payment of his credit. (see Art. 2112
ART. 2089 to ART. 2090
A mortgage, even if constituted on two or more
When several things are pledged or properties, is one and indivisible (Art. 2089.), that is, it cannot be
mortgaged to secure the same debt in its entirety, all of them are divided among the different properties, and the mortgagee has
liable for the totality of the debt and the creditor does not have the right to have the properties either or both, jointly or singly,
to divide his action by distributing the debt, among the various sold to satisfy his claim.
things pledged or mortgaged. Even when only a part of the debt
remains unpaid, all the things are liable for such balance Both remain distinct agreements, differing not only in the
subject matter of the contract, but also in the governing legal
provisions. The mortgagee, therefore, may legally foreclose
The debtor’s heir who has paid a part of the debt cannot ask for the the real estate mortgage extrajudicially and waive the chattel
proportionate extinction of the pledge or mortgage (par. 2.) nor can the mortgage foreclosure, and maintain instead a personal action for
creditor’s heir who has received his share of the debt return the pledge or the recovery of the unpaid balance of the credit. (Phil. Bank of
cancel the mortgage if the debt is not completely satisfied. Commerce vs. Macadaeg

Exceptions to rule of indivisibility ART. 2092

Where each one of several things guarantees determinate A promise to constitute a pledge or mortgage, if accepted,
gives rise only to a personal right binding upon the parties and
creates no real right in the property. In other words, what exists is Article 2096
only a right of action to compel the fulfillment of the promise but Contents of public instrument. — Even if all the essential
there is no pledge or mortgage yet. requisites provided in Articles 2085 and 2093 are present, the
contract of pledge is not effective against third persons unless
in addition to delivery of the thing pledged, it is embodied in
a public instrument (i.e., one attested and certified by a public
officer authorized by law to administer oath, such as a notary
public) wherein it shall appear the description of the thing
Chapter 2 PROVISIONS APPLICABLE ONLY TO PLEDGE pledged; and the date of the pledge.
A pledge is a real contract which requires delivery for its ART. 2097
perfection. (Art. 1316.) The pledgor retains his ownership of the thing pledged. He
may, therefore, sell the same provided the pledgee consents to
Constructive delivery. — It has been held, however, in an the sale. As soon as the pledgee gives his consent, the ownership
earlier case, that the symbolical transfer of the goods by means of of the thing pledged is transferred to the vendee subject to the
the delivery of the keys to the warehouse where the goods were rights of the pledgee, namely, that the thing sold may be alienated
stored was sufficient to show that the depositary appointed by to satisfy the obligation (Art. 2112.) and that the pledgee must
common consent of the parties was legally placed in possession continue in possession during the existence of the pledge. (Arts.
of the goods, since the owner, as pledgor, could no longer dispose 2093, 2098.) But the pledge would not bind or adversely affect
of the same, the pledgee being the only one authorized to do so third persons unless Article 2096 has been followed.
through the depositary and special agent who represented him.
ART. 2098
“In the very nature of things, a pledge (or chattel mortgage)
is confi ned and limited to personal property (Arts. 416, As has been stated, the possession of the pledgee constitutes
417.1) and it cannot be extended or made to apply to real prop- his security. Hence, the debtor cannot demand for its return until
erty.” (Pacifi c Commercial vs. National Bank, 49 Phil. 236 [1926].) the debt secured by it is paid. (see Art. 2105; see Serrano vs. Court
The movable must be within the commerce of men and susceptible of Appeals, 196 SCRA 107 [1991].) But the right of retention is
of possession. (Art. 2094.) limited only to the fulfillment of the principal obligation for
which the pledge was created.
Incorporeal rights evidenced by documents whether
negotiable or not may also be pledged. The document must be EXAMPLE:
delivered to the creditor; if negotiable, it must be indorsed in
favor of the creditor. (Art. 2095.)
D owes C P500.00. As security, D pledged his diamond ring. Later, D again apply such dividends to the interest, if any, owing him after
borrowed P200.00. C has a right to retain the thing until the P500.00 is six months. If none is owing him or insofar as the dividends
paid. But C cannot retain the thing until he has been paid the remaining may exceed the interest due, C shall credit it to the principal of
debt of P200.00. C’s right of retention is limited to the payment of the P1,000.00 when it matures.
P500.00 for which the ring was given in pledge.
Right of pledgor to ask that thing pledged be deposited.
ART. 2099 Having possession of the property, he In the following cases, the owner may ask that the thing
has the obligation to take care of the same with the diligence of a pledged be deposited judicially or extrajudicially:
good father of the family. (Art. 1163.) He is, however, entitled to (1) if the creditor uses the thing without authority;
reimbursement of the expenses incurred for its preservation. (2) if he misuses the thing in any other way; or
In case of the loss or deterioration of the thing pledged due to (3) if the thing is in danger of being lost or impaired because
fortuitous event, the pledgee cannot be held responsible but he of the negligence or willful act of the pledgee. (Art. 2106.)
is liable for loss or deterioration by reason of fraud, negligence,
delay or violation of the terms of the contract.
ART 2107 The following are the requisites for the application of Article
ART. 2102 2017:
The pledgee has no right to use the thing pledged or to (1) The pledgor has reasonable grounds to fear the destruction
appropriate the fruits thereof without the authority of the owner. or impairment of the thing pledged;
(Art. 2104; see Art. 1977.) But the pledgee can apply the fruits, (2) There is no fault on the part of the pledgee;
income, dividends, or interests earned or produced by the thing (3) The pledgor is offering in place of the thing, another thing
pledged to the payment of interest, if owing, and thereafter to the in pledge which is of the same kind and quality as the former;
principal of his credit. (see Art. 2132.) And
(4) The pledgee does not choose to exercise his right to cause
Unless there is a stipulation to the contrary, the interest the thing pledged to be sold at public auction.
and earnings of the right pledged and in case of animals, their
offsprings (see Art. 2127.), are included in the pledge. ART. 2108
The pledgee’s right to have the thing pledged sold at public
EXAMPLE: sale granted under the above article is superior to that given to
D borrowed from C P1,000.00 at 12% interest, with the pledgor to substitute the thing pledged under Article 2107.
certificates of stocks as security. The interest is payable six The law says the pledgor is given the right “without prejudice to
months after the execution of the contract. the right of the pledgee.” (Art. 2107.)
If the stocks earn dividends, the same shall also be subject
to the pledge if there is no stipulation to the contrary. C shall The sale must be a “public sale.” The pledgee shall keep the
proceeds of the sale as security for the fulfillment of the principal are as follows:
obligation. In other words, they shall belong to the pledgor. (1) The debt is due and unpaid;
(2) The sale must be at a public auction;
ART 2109 (3) There must be notice to the pledgor and owner, stating
Right of pledgee to demand substitute or immediate payment. the amount due; and
This article grants two remedies to the pledgee, in case he is (4) The sale must be made with the intervention of a notary
deceived as to the substance or quality of the thing pledged: public.
(1) to claim another thing in pledge; and
(2) to demand immediate payment of the principal obligation. Notification to the pledgor and the owner of the thing pledged is sufficient.
The remedies are alternative, that is, he is privileged to choose Only a notary public can conduct a public auction after proper notice is
only one and not both. sent to the pledgor and owner of the thing pledged. The sale is actually
extrajudicial in character without intervention by the courts.

The pledgee may appropriate the thing pledged if after

the first and second auctions, the thing is not sold. This is an
ART 2110 exception to the prohibition against pacto comisorio.
The pledge is extinguished if the object is returned by the pledgee, and this If the creditor appropriates the thing, it shall be considered
is true notwithstanding any stipulation that the pledge would as full payment for his entire claim. He is thus obliged to give an
continue although the pledgee is no longer in possession. acquittance for the same. The debtor is not entitled to the excess
The pledge is also extinguished by payment of the debt (see in case the value of the thing pledged is more than the principal
Art. 2105.), by renunciation or abandonment of the pledge (Art. obligation. (see Art. 2115.)
2111.), and by the sale of the thing pledged at public auction. (see
Art. 2115.) ART. 2113

ART. 2111 Effect of sale of thing pledged.

Renunciation or abandonment must be in writing to extinguish the pledge, The sale of the thing pledged extinguishes the principal obligation whether
and such renunciation is not conditioned upon the acceptance by the the price of the sale is more or less than the amount due.
pledgor or owner nor upon the return of the thing pledged. The waiver
transforms the pledgee into a depositary with the rights and (1) If the price of the sale is more than the amount due the
obligations of one. creditor, the debtor is not entitled to the excess unless the contrary
is provided.
ART. 2112 Right of pledgee to cause sale of thing pledged (2) In the same way, if the price of the sale is less, neither is the
The formalities required for such sale under the above article creditor entitled to recover the deficiency. A contrary stipulation
is void.

(a) The reason is to compel the creditor to hold an honest

public sale.
(b) Furthermore, the creditor should see to it, which he
usually does, that he loans only as much as he is likely to
realize at a public sale proceedings.

The creditor may sue on the principal obligation instead of

electing to sell the thing pledged, and in such case, he may recover
the deficiency from the debtor.

ART. 2117.
Under this article, a third person who has any right in or to
the thing pledged (as when the pledgor has contracted to sell it to
him) may pay the debt as soon as it becomes due and demandable
and the creditor cannot refuse to accept the payment.

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