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A Research Paper Presented to

The Faculty of Senior High School Department
University of Mindanao
Matina, Davao City

In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements

In RES 3S (Mixed Method Research 1)
4th Quarter, 2nd Semester, SY 2018-2019

Aeriel Blaze C.Villabito

Chamey Kayle C.Aya-ay
Christine Louise B.Nalugon
Honey Lieca F.Balolong
Leah mae Tangcalagan
Maurine Negrido

March 2019



MAURINE NEGRIDO in partial fulfillment of the requirements in RES 3S has been examined,
accepted and approved, and is hereby endorsed.


RES 3S Adviser


APPROVED by the committee on Oral Examination with a grade of PASSED.


Panel Member Panel Member

ACCEPTED in partial fulfillment of the requirements in RES 3S.


Principal- SHS Department


The Researcher wish to acknowledge his indebtedness by expressing his profound gratitude to all

those who ,in one –way or another ,helped in the accomplishment of this study .

Prof. Catherine De Loyola, faculty member of the University of Mindanao and the researcher

Coordinator to conduct the study; of. Daniel Carl R. Ganal, faculty member of the University of

Mindanao and the researcher Coordinator to conduct the study; and Prof ,Althea Ferraz, faculty

member of the University of Mindanao and the researcher Coordinator to conduct the study;

Prof. Marry Joy Vito, whose patience, guidance and expertise made the researcher to bring this

study a success and adviser for this research study ,for her valuable suggestion and untiring

support for the improvement of the content of this study .Almighty all God Almighty ,for the gift

of wisdom ,knowledge and Blessing which empowered the researcher with patience,

perservance and endurance that made this work a fulfillment.



Title Page i
Approval and Endorsement Sheet ii
Acknowledgement iii
Table of Contents iv-v
List of Tables vi
List of Figures vii
Abstract viii



Background of the Study 1

Statement of the Problem 2


Theoretical and Conceptual Framework 3

Significance of the Study 5

Scope and Limitations 6

Definition of Terms 7

Review of Related Literature 7


Research Design 14

Research Subject 15

Research Instrument 16

Data Gathering Procedure 17


Data Analysis Procedure 18


Ethical Considerations 20

Trustworthiness of the Study 21


Findings 23

Thematic Analysis 40

Conclusion 45

Recommendation 46



Appendix A: Letter to the Research Personnel

Letter to the Adviser

Letter to the Validators

Letter to the Principal to Conduct the Study

Letter to the Research Coordinator

Appendix B: Questionnaire

Appendix C: Interview Script

Appendix D: Validation Sheets

Appendix E: Reliability Result (Cronbach Alpha)

Appendix F: Informed Consent

Appendix G. Response Matrix

Appendix H: Grammarly Certificate

Appendix: J Turnitin Result



1 Demographic Profile according to gender

2 Statistical Data of the Respondents according to the


3 Statistical Data of the Respondents according to the


4 Statistical Data of the Respondents according to the


5 Statistical Data of the Respondents according to the

Learning Resources

6 Is there any Significant between technical vocational Capabilities

And Demographic profile.


1 The Conceptual Framework of the Variable of the Study

2 The Sequential Explanatory Design



Technical and Vocational is the type of education which equips the learner with the necessary

knowledge and specific skills with which to start work. It is believed that with adequate

implementation,constant evaluation and revitalization of technical and vocational capabilities

revitalization of the TVE programmed should be in tandem with the needs and aspirations of the

people in the community and the local industries so that communities could be develop, jobs

could be created and youths could be gainfully employed in order to raise the economy of the

nation. It is therefore pertinent to harness the potentials of this strong work force (the youth) to

boost the nation's economy through TVE programmed.Youth empowerment means

engaging the youth in meaningful social and economic activities that would help the youth gain

vital skills, responsibilities and confidence necessary to become productive.Teaching Learning is

most the schools is responsible for developing educational programs that reflect the

characteristics of the school’s community and intellectual, personal, physical, social and career

development of the students it serves through the teaching learning program all students are

expected to engage. Whereas,Assessment The school has an assessment system that is broad in

scope and appropriate to document student’s development. The result of assessment are used to

established a teaching learning program that reflects the strength, interest, and need of the

students and community; improve students’ performance and determine the degree to which the

school is successful in achieving its goals. This study was conducted examine the Technical

Vocational Capabilities of SHS. This Study used sequential explanatory design, a type of mixed

method that first collect and analyze quantitative data and after is qualitative data in
Two sequential stages within on study. Descriptive research design was examined. Our

respondents are from Home Economics students. The respondents for this study was 132 student

or quantitative research which is determined using Quota sampling, a survey was conducted by

using a questionnaire for information gathering. While for qualitative study we only have 5

respondents which is determined using quota sampling,an interview conducted by recording the

conversation for information gathering. T-test statistics and thematic analysis was applied to

investigate and analyzed the Technical Vocational Capabilities of SHS.

Keywords: Technical Vocational, Assessment, Teaching Learning.


Chapter 1

Background of the Study

The term specialized and professional aptitudes advancement (TVSD) Technical

Vocational skills Development alludes to the securing of information, viable competencies, skill

and states of mind essential to perform a certain exchange or occupation within the work

showcase. For the scope of this report, TVSD compares to the wide (UNESCO) United Nation

Education Scientific and Cultural Organization and (ILO) International Labor Organization

definition of specialized and professional instruction and preparing (TVET).

This purpose will attempt to determine effect of technical Vocational Capabilities at the

University of Mindanao .According to the NSO population census data .In 2000,youth

Unemployment was 22.8 percent and in 2010 it was 20 percent by in 2015 .Vocational Training

program is the most popular program among young unemployment is crucial for labor policy in


Additionally, these is the shortage of trained staff in some discipline and equipment and

physical facilities need to upgrade .Some of the problems in this sub-sector and lack of trained

staff. Everyone should have opportunity to receive vocational education. Article 14 of the charter

of fundamental right to have access for vocational and contributors of this modern institution,

teachers ,parents students should understand processes of school organization. The nature of

process and important dimension of student interaction , parents participants ,school and

transmission of knowledge .Furthermore, the basic statistics that observed for those who enrolled

in public it has enrolled 4,791,069 (79%)while the private it has enrolled 1,241,371 (21%) .The

total of enrolled almost 6,032,440 .


However to the idea of Crushman (2001) .every school in the country is focusing its

efforts towards the improvement students achievement in every content area and in every grade

level .Each day in school educators use diverse tool of school improvement to help make

progress for students .In the Philippines ,students ,also have a very clear expectation around the

value of technology as it relates to their future job or career and believe that developing good

technology skills are important for finding a good job in today’s economy and over two-thirds of

their parents and teacher holds that same value ( Salandanan,2000).

for the same reason Lapus (2007), the National Career Aptitude Examination is designed

to assess the abilities of the students which have been developed over the years. said examination

will also serve as a guide in choosing an appropriate career path after graduation. He added, that

the Department of Education desires to minimize ,the mismatch in career choice vi-a-via skills

and inclinations ,among high school students .However ,the results of NCAE revealed a high

Aptitude of students for technical vocational courses but if the students opted to enrolled there is

a prevailing problem that the schools may face such the number of teacher, availability of

classroom, instructional program and facilities.

The time period technical and vocational abilities improvement (TVSD) shows a go away

from a school-orientated approach and consists of non-formal programmes which may

additionally be delivered in the workplace, does not lead to formal qualifications and

encompasses coaching in the casual economy; TVSD is understood as the acquisition of

knowledge, practical competencies, information and attitudes quintessential to performing a sure

alternate or occupation int he labour market. The thought of TVSD is non-discriminatory with

regard to age, status, stage of life, kind of learning, training environment and stage of training.

Non-academic technical training and sensible coaching that boost the capabilities and knowledge

of apprentices (learners of trades or crafts) working in unique sectors of enterprise and trainees /

students skilled in different TVET Institutions (TVET Institutes, Centres & Schools). The TVET

is that phase of the education system that affords guides and training programmes associated to

employment with a view to enable the transition from Secondary Education to work for younger

trainees / students (social objective) and grant the labour market with in a position apprentices

(economic objective). The TVET is used as a complete time period referring to these aspects of

the academic manner involving, in addition to regular education, the study of applied sciences

and associated sciences, and the acquisition of awareness, knowledge, skills, and attitudes

concerning to occupations in a variety of sectors of monetary and social life.

Statement of the Problem

The purpose of this study was to examine the Technical Vocational Capabilities of Senior

High School Student in University Of Mindanao. To aim a good result of this research, the

researcher conducted the following specific objectives

1.What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of gender?

2. What are level of technical vocational capabilities of the students in terms of:


2.2 . assessment

2.3. service ;and

2.4.teaching learning?

3. s there any significant difference between technical vocational and Demographic

Profile ?

4.What are students definition of terms technical Vocational?

Hypotheses of the study

The hypothesis that there is no significant difference in the demographic profile technical

vocational capabilities will be tested at 0.05 level of significance.

Phase 2

Central Question:

How do senior high school students describe technical vocational ?

Sub- Question

Q1.How do you describe Technical Vocational Strand?

Q2.What are these Skills needed of technical vocational strand to be employed?

Q3.What are the reason of students default for employment?

Q4. How can you describe the ways to improve their skills?

Q 5. What other possible ways to improve their skills ?

Theoretical and Conceptual Framework

The Researcher used pragmatism as the conclusion of study

Pragmatists link the selection of approach on to the aim of and therefore the nature of the

analysis queries posed (Creswell 2003). analysis is usually multi-purpose and a “what works”

plan of action can enable the scientist to deal with queries that don't sit well inside a completely

quantitative or qualitative approach to style and methodology. Supporting this Darlington and

Scott (2002) note that essentially an excellent range of choices of whether or not to require a

quantitative or quantitative analysis approach ar primarily based not on philosophical

commitment however on a belief of a style and methodology being best suited to purpose. The

pragmatic paradigm as a collection of beliefs, illustrated higher than, arose as one paradigm

response to the controversy close the “paradigm wars” and therefore the emergence of mixed

ways and mixed models approaches. it's ism supported a rejection of the forced selection

between post positivism and artistic movement (Creswell 2003).

The pragmatic paradigm has what Tashakkori and Teddlie (1998) and Creswell (2003)

see as intuitive charm, permission to check are as that are of interest, grip ways that ar applicable

and victimization findings in a very positive manner harmonious with the worth system control

by the scientist (Creswell 2003). For these reasons it are often argued that the pragmatic

paradigm will adopted for the aim of social and management analysis endeavour as this can be

congruent with the mixed quantitative and qualitative approach taken inside the predisposition of

”practitioner-based” analysis.

The qualitative study was anchored on the theory of De Pear (1997) which stated that vocational

assessment can help parents and teachers to identify and plan for transition needs. This theory is

supported by the Following authors.

According to Grossman (2005). The Theory of action is a set of logically connected

statement that in the case connect the actions of the leaders with their consequences for quality

and performance in the organization .The statements might have to do with resource allocation

with the design and structure of professional development with the collegial networks etc.

Furthermore Bryk(2002) asserted that the theory of action is essential to the separation of

the practice from the person. it is to be stated in ordered to be shared to be judged.

for the same reason Kegan(2001)argued that in order for an organization to work

effectively in a performance based accountability system. Leadership has to exercise control over

resources allocation targeting time and money or developing knowledge and skill.

“Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and lifelong learning opportunity for


21st century workforce- technically competent ,innovative ,creative, knowledge based

with higher order thinking skills ,pursing lifelong learning opportunities and possessing desirable

work altitudes and value.

The vocational and technical education with two dimensional process within school and industry,

prepares and integrates the young people to the working life and helps them to produce value by

working .Vocational training supplies supplies the needed human power with skills and

knowledge to labour work market; motivates the economic recovery and influences the social

transformation as well (Seygili,Cihan,yavan,2006).

As Sezgin (2001)points out ,unemployment is the main factor .This problem can be

solved by the vocational education if capabilities of individual can be improved according to the

markets demands.

Hanushek and Wobman(2008) explored that vocational training plays necessary half in

developing skills assoiciated with jobs for specific occupation.


Malamud and pop-Eleches ,osei-owusu.Obinbim and Sam(2004)advocate on positive

impact of skills development through integrated community centre for employment

skills(ICCES)TVET in Africa country.

At the present ,TVET provides education and training opportunities to prepare students

and other clients for employment. It also address the skills training requirements of those who

are already in the labour market and would need to upgrade or develop new competencies to

enhance employability and improve productivity.

Sarason(2000)expressed that schools decision makes may fail to provide the right

mixed of technology and wiring to support networking and collaboration between classroom and

the larger community. They may fail to plan for the inventible obsolescence and necessary

upgrading of technology .When selecting hardware and software, they may rely too much on

vendor (or based)advice and may inappropriate choices. They may fail to provide on-going

training and technology support for both educators and students .They may fail to define oe

enforce security policies on frequent replacement or repair of equipment, copyright infringement

problems, or access to inappropriate files .The Literature's and Studies Substantiate the necessity

in the formulation of the framework and the underlying concepts in the conduct of the currents

investigation on technical vocation Capabilities at the University of Mindanao through this study

the technical vocational may look into greater equality on access on education without

compromising the equality of school services to support the educative process of the

stakeholders to fully realize their educational aspiration.

Technological training and development has become an important function of education

in recent years. Technological skills in today’s may have been relegated to levels particularly in

on –the-job training .However ,today is a professional must possess technological skills to

perform well in this profession.(Bryk,2002).

According to Grossman(2005).colleges capabilities square measure delineate as those underlying

characteristics that square measure causally associated with outstanding performance work

connected behaviour as well as skills associated data square measure visible. such characteristics

embraces social role, value and self –image that exist of aware or partially aware levels however

exert a vital influence on the capabilities that drive excellence in work roles.

The concept of Richley (2003) that the tools often cited by the school is involvement as a

key competent of schools improvement that idea has rarely included students and parents in the

process in the of making school improvement plan.He suggested that for the sake of the future of

education ,it is time for school to take action to consider stakeholders as partners in school


The Commission on Accreditation and school improvement (2003).presented a

framework for vocational school standards and criteria for accreditation that a school must

follow .There are 4 indicators of technical vocational assessment that must be presented to the

vocational school to meet the strands and they are follow: Teaching Learning, Assessment,

Service , Students.

Teaching Learning .The schools is responsible for developing educational programs that

reflect the characteristics of the schools community and intellectual , personal,physical,social and

career development of the students it serves through the teaching learning program all students

are expected to engage in rigorous and even more challenging educational pursuits at all schools

levels .The school program should be designed to “be ready” accommodated students of varying

levels of development ,prepare students to become productive citizens in a democratic society

and enable them to become self-directed learners (CASI,2003).

Assessment.The school has an assessment system that is broad in scope and appropriate to

document students development.The result of assessment are used to established a teaching

learning program that reflects the strength ,interest ,and need of the students and community;

improve students’ performance and determine the degree to which the school is successful in

achieving its goals.

This interest in new measure derives partly from the changes that area unit occurring in

vocational training .Educator and employers believe that the work world is ever-changing and

vocational training should adapt if its to serve students well. The changes within the geographic

point area unit advanced and not fully understood ,however most believe that future staff can

want integrated educational and line data, broad understanding of activity areas ,the power to

move creatively with their peers and higher –order psychological feature skills that enable them

to be versatile ,learn speedily ,and adapt to changing circumstances. As a result ,vocational

education must place larger target integrated learning ,crucial thinking skills and connection

between line and educational skills ,instead of memorization mastery of slender occupation –

specific skills that characterized vocational training within the past .This vision demands a

significant rethinking of the goals ,organization ,content and delivery of vocational training ,yet

because the manner during which students and programs area unit assessed.

Villareal (2007) explicit that the first purpose of school based assessment is you enhance

students learning and also the quality of teaching .He any explicit that assessment may be a

method that collects and evaluates proof so as to enhance teaching and learning through the

analysis of the program and also the students progress. sensible quality ,wants primarily based

programs of labour. It additionally provides evidence of scholars learning and teacher


Service.Marzano et al (2001) averted that behind the schoolroom door the key consider

the success of a lesson , in confirm whether or not the scholars really learn on thing that matters ,

is that the inventive ability of the lectures their ability to mix theory and sensible schoolroom

expertise. Theory alone won’t end in effective teaching .vital to the present method is that the

lectures information of the topic content and his/her ability to implement her ways ,to develop

effective performance tasks ,to style applicable assessment tools , and tool deal with the students

learning designs very little of this could be accomplished if lectures don’t seen to be

knowledgeable of latest analysis and determined to implement it .

In keeping with Clemana and Acosta (2006),the role and importance of analysis in regard to

alternative HEIs function should be specific within the policies and concretely understood by

college .This additionally involves role modelling for addition lecturer to work out the worth of

man of science ,the lycee college ought to translate their engagement in a very kind of

encouragement to others to pursue analysis.

Student.In moving towards an innovative knowledge –based economy ,Asian country has

recognized the importance of getting addition data staff to support the technology-based work

method in industries ,rising productivity and continued to draw n foreign direct investment

(Fong,2006;Asian country; 2002,2001a,b;Tan&Gill,2000).


Initially Thomas (2000) cited that kids and students square measure lifeblood of any new

plan. Students speak ,socialize and square measure typically additional willing to wade around

into the strange and unknown. A relentless communication ,interaction and sensible relationship

the scholars and lecturers. Is an association a between the 2 that provides a more robust

atmosphere for a classroom surroundings As a part teaching role ,teacher should know the way to

retort quickly and in a well –mannered way the requirements of scholars. Its happens reception

or within the faculty and is initialized by either folks or lecturers.

Candillo(2009). Additionally cited that parental involvement will embrace observation

and serving to the faculty connected home activities ,reading with their kid , educated connected

communication ,A folks academics expectations their youngster and doing inventive activities

along .faculty based mostly parental involvement includes human activity with lecturer and

faculty personnel ,support folks worksheet or coaching .Parent involvement is additionally

related to promoting lecturers understanding of the family cultural with promoting

understanding of the family cultural background and expectation and data concerning the

scholars .

In step with Brown (2000) one quite parental involvement is school based and includes

collaborating in parent –teacher conference and functions and receiving and responding to

communication educational accomplishment and students performance and behaviour square

measure influenced by the standard of the teacher and students relationship. The additional the

lecturers connect or communicate together with his or her students ,the additional seemingly the

desire be ready to facilitate students learns at a high level and achieve quickly .Therefore ,those

lecturers in their schoolroom (Frankley,M.2002)


Conceptual Framework

Independent Variable Dependent Variable

Demographic Profile Technical Vocational



Teaching Learning

Figure 1 . The Conceptual Framework of Variables in the study.

Significance of the Study

In this section researcher mentions the beneficial of the following :

Students. this study will help the students to gain awareness about their right and

responsibilities to achieve quality education and to improve their academic performance

Teachers. It will help the teachers to determine the different factors that may cause the

low academic performance of their students and to find way to improve and to have techniques

that may help the way they teach.

Parents. The study will help the parents to motivate and guide their child who

experiencing low academic performance in school. Also it will help them to understand the

situation of their children.


Scope and Limitation

This study focused on the Technical Vocational Capabilities of senior high school

students in University of Mindanao. The study is conducted in the University of Mindanao,

Matina campus. Out of 199 students of the grade 12 TECH VOC strand,one hundred twenty

three of them will be the sample size and the respondents of the study. The duration of the study

will last in the whole year.

Definiton of Term.

The following terms were given their operational definition aside from the definitions

taken from the other sources. The operational definitions were provided for deeper and common

understanding of the terms.

Technical Vocational .Vocational Skills Development is key to productivity and fight,

and it is essential for economic and social integration of teenagers. In order to be effective

vocational skills development should address the strain of labour market further because the

social and economic wants and interests of youth in an exceedingly society .Other hands, After

High School Junior colleges and specialized schools likewise offer an assortment of professional

courses and projects. Inside these projects, understudies take explicit classes identified with the

activity they're preparing for. These projects may likewise be offered in helpful preparing

positions, in which understudies work in the activity they're considering for and go to classes.

Chapter 2


In this section, the researchers discussed the methodology of how they conduct their

study in terms of the research design, research instrument, research sampling, data procedure and

the statistical treatment used.

Research Design.

In quantitative phase one ,the Research determine the perceived The Perception of Technical

Vocational Capabilities of University of Mindanao senior high school students through the use of

descriptive method.Descriptive-survey research is appropriate approach wherever the objects of

any class vary among themselves and one is interested in knowing the extent to which different

conditions obtain among these objects” (Calmorin, 2010).The purpose of this method is to find

new truths that may come in different forms such as generalization insights and increased

quantity knowledge into factors. It allowed the researchers to understand and depict the collected

factual information that describes the existing phenomenon.

Descriptive method is best suited to the study. Since the number of respondents is not

large and the measured data is already exists. The demographic profile of the respondents in term

of name, age, sex, and strand. The descriptive method used to determine The Perception of

Technical Vocational Capabilities of University of Mindanao senior high school students.


In phase two of the study, the researchers used explanatory sequential research design.

The mixed-methods consecutive informative style consists of 2 distinct phases: quantitative

followed by qualitative (Creswell , John W. 2003). In this style, a investigator initial collects and

analyzes the quantitative (numeric)data. The qualitative (text) information are collected and

analyzed second within thesequence and facilitate make a case for, or elaborate on, the

quantitative results obtained in the initial part. The second, qualitative, part builds on the

primary, quantitative,phase, and therefore the 2 phases are connected within the intermediate

stage within the study. The explanation for this approach is that the quantitative information and

their subsequent analysis give a general understanding of the analysis drawback.The qualitative

information and their analysis refine and make a case for those applied mathematics results by

exploring participants’ views in additional depth (Rossman and Wilson1985; Tashakkori and

Teddlie 1998; Creswell 2003).The strengths and weaknesses of this mixed-methods style

arewidely mentioned within the literature (Creswell, Goodchild, and Turner 1996;Green and

Caracelli 1997; Creswell 2003, 2005; Moghaddam, Walker, and Harre 2003). Its benefits

embody straightforwardness and opportunities for the exploration of the quantitative leads to a

lot of detail. This style will be particularly helpful once sudden results arise from a quantitative

study(Morse 1991). the restrictions of this style are drawn-out time and feasibleness of resources

to gather and analyze each kinds of information. . Researchers used this designed to generate

ideas of the academic performance of the senior high students of the University of Mindanao

based on the result of the interview to be conducted and evaluate what circumstances and to find

out the factors that falls under the study.


Quantitative Data Quantitative Analysis Case Study

 Mean Quantitative (132)
 Paper –pencil  Standard
Deviation Qualitative (5)
 Grade 12-  Independent
TECHVOC Sample t-test
 199 respondents

Qualitative Analysis

 Narrative
 Theoretical
Quantitative Data

 Interview


What are students definition

of term Technical
Figure2 . The Sequential Explanatory Design

Data Gathering Procedure


To get the quantitative data, the researchers undergoes a process which are the following:

Write a letter of intent. Researchers give letter of approval to the principal so

that they can conduct their survey questionnaire.

Adopt a questionnaire. Researchers look for a questionnaire that are related to

their study/topic.

Pilot Testing of questionnaire. Researchers do the pilot testing to the 10 respondents

of Grade 12, TECH VOC strand.

Validation and Reliability. After the researchers picked a questionnaire. They give it

to the principal and to another teacher to be the validators of the questionnaire. After the

validators approved the questionnaire, the researchers pass it to SPSS software to determine

whether the questionnaire is reliable or not. The result of the SPSS .968 for the Cronbach’s

alpha and .132 for the Cronbach’s alpha on standardized items.

Conduct a survey. The researchers conduct survey questionnaire to 121 students out of

199 (population) TECH VOC students, the number of sample size is 132 . They give 61

survey questionnaires for the males and another 61 survey questionnaires for the females.

In follow up qualitiative question,the following terms were observed:

Creates central question and 5 sub-questions. After the researchers create the central

question and 5 sub-questions, they validate it to the 3 validators.

SOP- interview protocol. Researchers make a protocol to guide them to the flows of the


Permission to conduct the study. Researchers asked permission to the principal to start

and conduct the interview

Conduct interview. After getting the permission, the researchers conducted the interview

to their selected respondents.

Gathered and Interpret data. Researchers interpret the data based on the answers of the


Data Analysis Procedure

The following are the statistical and analytical tools that the researchers need

to use in order to analyze and determine the data gathered:

Mean. This will illustrate the central tendency of the specified prompts in the

questionnaire. In order to determine the average, the researchers will performed

mathematical operations by adding all number of points to be divided by

the28population’s or respondents’ number in total (Lund, A & Lund, M, 2018). This

tool will help the researchers to determine the average score of the respondents responses

in the survey questionnaire containing different ratings determined by a scale.

Standard Deviation. This statistical tool will detect the dispersal rate of the

gathered data based from the mean (Lund, A & Lund, M, 2018). This tool was used

in the study to describe the distribution of the results, and to give idea on the

distinctive characteristics of the collected data.

T -test. It is used to determine whether there is a significant difference

between the means of two groups. The tool itself is a logical approximation of the

dependent variable’s likelihood of landing in a normal distribution (Gosset, 1905).

This type of statistical tool was applied since it will be the main approach to

determine whether the calculated means display statistically significant differences.

Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). It is a statistical tool that will evaluate

scale differences of the dependent variable in a nominal level. With confounding

similarities to the t-test, by applying this tool in the study, it will also be a way to

discover statistically significant differences.

Statistical Treatment

Since the study of the researchers is a quantitative, the statistical treatment of the data

they used are the following:

Mean- researches used the mean formula to know the average answers in every

questions in the indicators which are the following; attitude factor, demographic factor,

Assessment ,Service, Student, and Teaching Learning

Standard deviation-Researchers used the standard deviation to set and calculated

numbers that tells you how close, or how far, the values of that data set are in relation to the


T-test :Researchers used the t-test to compare the two unrelated variables which is the

male and female.

Ethical Considerations

In Akaranga and Makau’s (2016) and Türkkahraman’s (2013) respective research studies,

they define the following considerations that researchers should exercise when conducting

studies involving human participants:

Social Values. These are shared criteria by the society’s majority that aids in its

organization and regulation. From a research viewpoint, a researcher must possess certain

qualities, have a clear understanding of human behavior and culture, and pinpoint cultural

strengths. In this way, he or she is consciously aware of actions considered as correct behavior,

and can have a better sense of appreciating the nature of diversity in terms of race, sexual

orientation, color, cultural background, beliefs, and physical and mental status or abilities.

Informed Consent. With informed consent, researchers can legally and formally conduct

an interview. Reflective facets such as ethical principles, provision of instruction, and omission

of any biased schemes compensate for an effective consent. As established, the rights of the

respondents are to be respected, more importantly on their involvement dilemmas due to several

causes. Therefore, creating an informed consent is essential for a respondent’s participation.

Privacy and Confidentiality. Research studies are deliberately achieved, since during

research actualization, coming across key considerations such as privacy and security is

unavoidable. Privacy, in the simplest sense, is the secrecy and control of withheld information

while confidentiality is the conservation of information from informal disclosure,

unconstitutional access, and intentional exploitation. As researchers, protecting data from

malicious courses of action is obligatory to maintain the work’s integrity and reliability, and to

sustain researcher-participant relationship.

Transparency. This ethical factor is one of the stepping stones in producing researches

and dissertations. For a study to be compelling, research workers should present detailed parts of

the data developed during the span of their paper’s completion, in which their conclusion

becomes apparent. To reinforce the research’s value, more special steps are taken by researchers,

enabling result interpretations and specificity, and database authenticity regardless of its

statistical or philosophical form.

Trustworthiness of the Study

In accordance with a study by Shenton (2004), there are four criteria or constructs that

researchers must consider in gaining study trustworthiness:

Credibility. It is a trustworthiness factor that focuses on the content’s validity. This

includes the adapted theory, inclusion of supporting literatures, and the general methodology

applied in the study. A research study’s credibility is justified when conclusions made by

integrating standard procedures conform to reality, in a way that informants can acutely

distinguish facts from assumptions.

The researchers meticulously selected the participants that would greatly connect with its

outcomes and results, and would extend the variety of perspectives towards the subject. Before

conducting an interview, a letter of permission was given, which contained a brief context of

what will be the interview’s composition, and the indication of their responses’ and identities’


Transferability. It is an important criterion that deals with the study’s magnitude in being

applied to a greater capacity of population, given that the type of research mostly appeals to a

concentrated group of people. The criterion ensures a research study’s ability to surmount

restraints and to reach a far-ranging field of academic influence.


The research subject is not widely studied by other researchers or professionals, and

conducting this study may be a considerable addition to the scholarly collection of academic

studies with similar problems, reaching a broader scope in the field of research.

Dependability. Closely related to credibility, distinctions can still be set. This component

focuses on the accuracy of the whole study, where effectivity of constant participant and method

utilization is measured by a comparison of the coherence level of a previous and recent study.

Conducting qualitative research may result to an inconsistency of findings, since new data

points emerge as the research process unfolds, and in order to maintain the consistency, quality,

and accuracy of the data, interviews and re-interviews were executed by the researchers.

Confirmability. It is a criterion that acts as a proof that the results that surfaced through

the study are from the informants’ combination of knowledge and experiences, not from

subjective qualities of researchers such as personal preferences and dispositions.

The researchers used the Triangulation Method which is the use of one or more method to

strategically compile data on a topic to ensure the study’s efficacy.


Chapter 3

Results and Discussion

The problems asked in this study are answered in this chapter. The data are presented

analyzed and interpreted in response to the questions asked. It was presented in a tabular with the

aid of numerical tables. The data analyzed are quantitative through the use of statistical tools.


The discussion are arranged in the following manner: the demographic profile of the

respondents in terms of age: gender: respondents in terms of: assessment, service, students, and

teaching learning: significant difference between demographic profile and: significant

relationship between the technical vocational capabilities senior high school students. This study

has 199 respondents coming from the student senior high school in the University of Mindanao.

Demographic Profile of Respondents

Table 1.Demographic Profile according to gender



FEMALE 79 59.8
MALE 53 40.2 .40 .492

Table 1.Demographic Profile according to gender


As presented in table 1. It shows the distribution of respondents according to their sex,

and it can be identified that most of our respondents are shows the sex of our

respondents. There are 132 of our respondents are female that has a percentage of 59.8%, and 56

of our respondents are male that has a percentage of 40.2%. It can be observed that most of our

respondents are female. The table resulted to Mean= .40.2 and SD=. .492. The demographic

profile of the respondents in this study in terms of sex superiority of them are female. Villareal

(2007) explicit that the first purpose of school based assessment is you

enhance students learning and also the quality of teaching .He any explicit that

assessment may be a method that collects and evaluates proof so as to enhance teaching and

learning through the analysis of the program and also the students progress. Sensible quality

,wants primarily based programs of labour. It additionally provides evidence of scholars learning

and teacher effectiveness.Service. Marzano et al (2001) averted that behind the schoolroom door

the key consider the success of a lesson , in confirm whether or not the scholars really learn on

thing that matters , is that the inventive ability of the lectures their ability to mix theory and

sensible schoolroom expertise. Theory alone won’t end in effective teaching .vital to the present

method is that the lectures information of the topic content and his/her ability to implement her

ways ,to develop effective performance tasks ,to style applicable assessment tools , and tool deal

with the students learning designs very little of this could be accomplished if lectures don’t seen

to be knowledgeable of latest analysis and

determined to implement it .In keeping with Clemana and Acosta (2006),the role and importance

of analysis in regard to alternative HEIs function should be specific within the policies and

concretely understood by college .This additionally involves role modelling for addition lecturer

to work out the worth of man of science ,the lycee college ought to translate their engagement in

a very kind of encouragement to others to pursue analysis.

Technical Vocational Capabilities

The data placed below is the indicators that come from our questionnaire which indicate the
technical vocational capabilities.


Mean Standard Deviation N

Q1 3.78 .911 199
Q2 4.02 .851 199
Q3 3.87 .833 199
Q4 3.89 .913 199
Q5 3.83 .901 199
Q6 4.00 .865 199
Q7 4.02 .801 199
Q8 3.88 .865 199
Q9 3.86 .923 199
Q10 3.96 .930 199
Table 2 Statistical Data of the Respondents According to the Assessment.

Table 2 indicates the results from our study about Assessment. Our A1 resulted to M=

3.78 and SD=.911, Our A2 resulted to M=4.02 and SD=. 851, Our A3 resulted to M= 3.87 and

SD=.833.A4 resulted to M=3.89 and SD=.913, Our A5 resulted to M=3.83 and SD=.901 with,

Our A6 resulted to M=4.00 and SD=.865, Our A7 resulted to M=4.02 and SD=.801, Our A8

resulted to M=3.88 and SD=.865, Our A9 resulted to M=3.86 and SD=.923, A10 resulted to

M=3.96 and SD=.930.

As you can see in the result of the data A2 and 7 got the highest mean which resulted to

M= 4.02, which means that many of our respondents agreed from our first question that says

" I feel that I can take responsibility for my own learning “and “Students are given the chance to

participate in classes”. Therefore, in terms of assessment it helps them to increase their ability by

the help of their teacher making their learning more enjoyable. On the other hand,A1got the

lowest mean that results to M=3.78, for that reason few of our respondents agree on the question

"I have developed my ability to make judgements about alternative perspectives" from that

matter that explains that their teacher to judge the lesson.


Mean Standard Deviation N

Q11 3.92 .870 199
Q12 .820
Q13 3.97 .895 199
Q14 4.14 .915 199
Q15 3.95 .824 199
Q16 4.02 .935 199
Table 3 Statistical Data of the Respondents According to the Students.

Table 3 presents the results from our study of the Students. S11 resulted to M= 3.92 and

SD=.870. S12 resulted to M=4.02 and SD= .820. S13 resulted to M=3.97and SD=.895. Our S14

resulted to M=4.14 and SD=.915. S15 resulted to 3.95 and SD=.824. S16 resulted to M=4.02

and SD=.935.

It can be observed that the highest mean resulted was S14 with the mean of 4.14. It

answers the question "I Always I do my best on assignment and exams. respondents agreed that

their teacher respects them as an individual which helps them to increase their self-esteem as a

student. Nevertheless, S11 got the lowest mean which resulted to M=3.92, it answers the

question "I believe that was prepared had sufficient previous knowledge when I started to study"

it describes that their classroom wasn't that organized, that it is difficult for them to find their

things that they needed.


Mean Standard Deviation N

Q17 3.88 .817 199
Q18 3.98 .839 199
Q19 3.89 .902 199
Q20 3.94 .983 199
Q21 4.02 .870 199
Q22 4.08 .897 199
Q23 4.07 .893 199
Q24 4.01 .883 199
Q25 4.01 .989 199
Table 4 Statistical Data of the Respondents According to the Service.

Shown by Table 4 the results from our study of Service. Our S17 resulted to

M=3.88 and SD= .817, S18 resulted to M=3.98 and SD= .939, S19 resulted to M= 3.89 and

SD= .902 , S20 resulted to M=3.94 and SD=.983, S21 resulted to M=4.02 and SD= .870, S22

resulted to M=4.08 and SD=.897 with the skewness of -.690, S23 resulted to M= 4.07 and SD=..

S25 resulted to M=4.01 and SD=.883, S25 resulted to M=4.01 and SD=.989.

As we noticed the highest mean from the results is S22 with the mean of 4.08. It has a

question of "Students feel comfortable in school”, which means that students feel like they do

really belong from their class and helps them increase their ability as a student. Somehow, the

lowest mean from the result is S17 that only resulted to M=3.88, that has a question of "I think

that I am successful students" therefore it only explains that they don't really agree that their

teacher knows what their life are outside the school and it lessen their ability from not being able

to express their mind.

Learning Resources

Mean Standard Deviation N

Q26 3.88 .933 199
Q27 3.95 .881 199
Q28 3.88 .933 199
Q29 3.98 .895 199
Q30 3.92 .930 199

Table 4 Statistical Data of the Respondents According to the learning Resources

Table 4 shows the result from our study oflearning Resources. Our LR26 resulted to M=

3.88 and SD= .933, LR 27 resulted to M= 3.95 and SD= .881, LR 28 resulted to M= 3.88 and

SD= .933, LR 29 resulted to M= 3.98 and SD= .895 LR 27 resulted to M= 3.92 and SD= .930

It can be seen that the highest mean from the result is RL 29 which resulted to M=3.98 , It

has a question of "My teacher ask question If we understand what has been taught " most of our

respondents agree from that statement which explains that they knows how to respect each of

their differences and that increases in each other’s self-esteem for they feel accepted from their

differences. Nonetheless, the lowest mean resulted was RL 26 and 28 with the mean of 3.88, It

has a question of "My teachers use a Variety of Classroom activities and resources, And My

Teacher Encourage us to look at problem in new ways and find ways to solve " and everyone

does not agree with that which actually means that it decreases their skills for they only neglect

their studies and didn't realize their consequences.

Variable Mean Sd Levene’s test Equality of

For Equality means
of variance
Assessment .369 .514

Female 4.54 5.483

Male 3.99 .678
Service .612 .913

Female 3.99 .743

Male 4.00 .674
Students .805 .213

Female 3.85 .771

Male 4.03 .781
Learning .955 .553
Female 4.00 .868
Male 4.10 .823
TOTAL .524 .679
Female 4.13 1.499
Male 4.03 .673

The table above shows that majority of the respondents of Senior High School indicates the

results from our study about Technical Vocational Capabilities . Our Assessment resulted to M=

4.54 and SD=.5.483 with the results of Levene’s test For Equality of variance is .369 and

Equality of means is 514, male resulted to M=3.99 and SD=. 678, Our Sevice resulted to

M=3.99 and SD=.743with the results of Levene’s test For Equality of variance is .612 and .

913 .male resulted to M=4.00 and SD=.674with the results of Levene’s test For Equality of

variance is.805 , Our Teachings learning resulted to M=3.85and SD=.868 with the results of

Levene’s test For Equality of variance is. 955 Equality of means result is .553,lastly Students,

resulted to M=3.83 and SD=.771 with the results of Levene’s test For Equality of variance is .

805, Our A7 resulted to M=4.02 and SD=.801, Our A8 resulted to M=3.88 and SD=.865Equality

of means result is .213.


This is a combined research method case study exploring Technical Vocational Capabilities of

Senior High School at University of Mindanao. Data were generated through research surveys,

and series of interviews were conducted. All the chapters in this research paper, including this

one, provide the basis for this conclusion. The aim of the conclusions is to summarize the

discussion presented in this chapter: Firstly, the data presented shows that gender. By the

Cronbach alpha value, we arrived to a verdict that there is the null hypothesis is accepted,

meaning that there is no significance difference in technical Vocational Capabilities between

Demographic profile.

This study has improved the understanding of the researchers by to improve their skill

and knowledge, as defined by the syllabus objectives. Overall, the research acknowledged that

Additionally, these is the shortage of trained staff in some disciplines and equipment and

physical facilities need to upgrade. Some of the problems in this sub-sector and lack of trained

staff. Everyone should have opportunity to receive vocational education. Article 14 of the charter

of fundamental right to have access for vocational and contributors of this modern institution,

teachers, parents’ students should understand processes of school organization. The nature of

process and important dimension of student interaction, parents’ participants, school and

transmission of knowledge. Furthermore, the basic statistics that observed for those who enrolled

in public it has enrolled 4,791,069 (79%) while the private it has enrolled 1,241,371 (21%). The

total of enrolled almost 6,032,440.

However to the idea of Crushman (2001) .every school in the country is focusing its

efforts towards the improvement students achievement in every content area and in every grade

level .Each day in school educators use diverse tool of school improvement to help make

progress for students .In the Philippines ,students ,also have a very clear expectation around the

value of technology as it relates to their future job or career and believe that developing good

technology skills are important for finding a good job in today’s economy and over two-thirds of

their parents and teacher holds that same value ( Salandanan,2000).

for the same reason Lapus (2007), the National Career Aptitude Examination is designed

to assess the abilities of the students which have been developed over the years. said examination

will also serve as a guide in choosing an appropriate career path after graduation. He added, that

the Department of Education desires to minimize ,the mismatch in career choice vi-a-via skills

and inclinations ,among high school students .However ,the results of NCAE revealed a high

Aptitude of students for technical vocational courses but if the students opted to enrolled there is

a prevailing problem that the schools may face such the number of teacher, availability of

classroom, instructional program and facilities.


Based on the finding and conclusions, the following recommendation are given to have

the students to increase their ability.

Students.It is recommended to the students to interact in other people or fellow

classmate and to cooperate in any activities that'll happen in school or in a classroom to

lessen their shyness and to develop their ability. The more they hear a compliment from

other people, the more it increases their self-esteem to do things that are difficult.

Parents.It is also recommended that as a parent or a guardian they should give

their child a freedom to do things they want to do but they still need to guide them.

Parents should let their child enhance their skills and still trust them. Parents should

always tell their child how proud they are to them and also to appreciate their


Teachers.similar to parents let them do the things they want to do. Appreciate

their achievements and encourage them to develop the skills they have. Teachers

shouldn't belittle their students just because of their mistake because that will decrease of

a students' ability.

Future Researchers. It is recommended for the future researchers to get the

accurate source to put in their study in which it can help them to have a reliable

study by getting the accurate details from our study or another study.


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Appendix B: Questionnaire

Title of Research: Technical Vocational Capabilities of SHS Students

Demographic Profile:

To the Evaluator: Please check the appropriate box for your ratings.
Point Equivalent: 5 – Excellent 2 – Fair
4 – Very Good 3 – Good 1 – Poor


1. I have developed my ability to make judgements about

alternative perspectives.
2. I feel that I can take responsibility for my own learning.

3. I have become more confident of my ability to pursue

further learning.
4. I have improved my ability to use knowledge to solve
problems in my fields of study.
5. I am able to bring information and different ideas together
to solve problem.
6. I have learn to become an effective team or group
7. Students are given the chance to participate in classes.

8. The communication between teaching staff and students is


9. I found teaching staff helpful when asked questions.

10. My teacher tell us how we can use what we have already

learned to learn new things

11. I think that I am a successful student.

12. When I work hard in school, I do better in school.

13. I believe I can learn most things well.

14. My teacher give assignment related to what we are

15. I am confident that I can learn.

16. Students feel comfortable in this school.

17. Students and teachers work together at our school.

18. Students are involved in the decision-making concerning

the curriculum.
19. This school has high expectations for all students.



21. My teachers use a variety of classroom activities and

22We work in different groups depending upon the activity
in which we are involved.
23. My teacher encourage us to look at problems in new
ways and find ways to solve
24. My teachers ask question if we understand what has
been taught.
25. My teachers give feedback about my performance.


26. I believe that I was prepared and had sufficient previous

knowledge when I started to study.
27. I fully engage into my learning and study to really learn
new knowledge.
28. I study as little as possible, only to pass the courses.

29. I always do my best on all assignments and exams.

30. I am persistent and hard working also in the toughest

situations in my studies.
31. I like and look for challenges that develops me
personally or professionally.
32. I personally am responsible to make sure that I go
through my educations.
33. If there possibilities in the education to take own
initiatives, I take that possibility.
34.. I make more effort in course that I find interesting and
less effort in courses I find less interesting.

Appendix C: Interview Script

Central Question:
How do Senior High School students describe Technical Vocational?
Sub – Questions:
Q1. How do you describe Technical Vocational Strand?
1.1 What are the qualities of Students enrolled in this strand?
1.2 Does SHS enrolled in this strand capable of employment/unemployment?
If Yes, If No
1.2.1 How do you describe their 1.2.2 What are the possible
qualities?reason of being unqualified?
Processed Q2
Q2. What are these skills needed of Technical Vocational strand to be employed?
2.1 How can you describe these qualities?
Q3. What are the reason of students default for employment?
3.1 How can you describe these difficulties?
Q4. How can you describe the ways to improve their skills?
Q5. What other possible ways to improve their skills?

Appendix D: Validation Sheets

Senior High School Department


1stFloor, Embassy Area

Bolton Street, Davao City

April 3,2019

Carl Daniel R. Ganal

Senior High School Department
University of Mindanao
Bolton, Davao City

Dear Sir:

You are chosen as one of the expert validators of the interview protocol of our research study
entitled"Technical Vocational Capabilities of Students.”

We would like to request if you can rate the content of our interview protocol and share to us
your comments, suggestions and recommendations to improve the same.

We appreciate your favorable response to this request.



Researcher Researcher


Researcher Reseacher



Noted by: Accepted by:

MARRY JOY A. VITO, LPT Carl Daniel R.Ganal
Research Instructor Validator
Appendix E: Reliability Result (Cronbach Alpha)

Appendix F: Informed Consent


University of Mindanao
Informed Consent Form (ICF)

University of Mindanao Ethics Review Committee

Matina, Davao City

Informed Consent Form Technical Vocational Capabilities Senior High Students at University of
Name of the Researcher(s):Honey Lieca Balolong, Chamey kayle C. Aya-ay, Christine
Louise Nalugon , Aeriel Blaze Villabito and Leah Mae Tangcalangan
Institution: University of Mindanao


You are invited to participate in a research study conducted by, Honey Lieca Balolong,
Chamey kayle C. Aya-ay, Christine Louise Nalugon , Aeriel Blaze Villabito, Leah Mae
Tangcalangan at the University of Mindanao, because you fit in inclusion criteria for
information of our study.

Your participation is completely voluntary, Please read the information below, and ask
questions about anything you don't understand, before deciding whether to participate.
Please take as much time as you need to read the consent form. You may also decide to
discuss participation with your family or friends.

If you decide to participate, you will be ask to sign this form. You will be given a copy of
this form.


This study aims to determine the Capabilities that can affect the students' Technical
vocational in the University of Mindanao.

If you volunteer to participate in this study, you will be asked to participate by answering
to our queries through a one-on-one interview which will be done in less than 10


You may feel discomfort during the course of the interview because of the sensitive
nature of the topic being studied. You may opt not answer questions which make you

feel any psychological and emotional distress or you can withdraw as a participant of the
study if you feel that you cannot discuss the information that is asked of you. The
researchers value your participation and will place your welfare as their highest priority
during the course of the study.

We will keep your records for this study confidential as far as permitted by law, Any
identifiable information obtained in connection with this study will remain confidential,
except if necessary to protect your rights or welfare. This certificate means that the
researcher that resist the release of information about your participation to people who
are not connected with the study. When the results of the research are published or
discuss in conferences, no identifiable information will be used.


Your participation is voluntary. Your refusal to participate will involve no penalty or loss
of benefits to which you are otherwise entitled. You may withdraw your consent at any
time and discontinue participation n this research study.


If you have questions or concerns about the research, please feel free to contact the
researcher at the University of Mindanao, Davao City through mobile number
09483682388 or through email at; or if you need to see
her, she can be located at the room Tec - 112 of the University of Mindanao, Matina


If you have questions, concerns, or complaints about right as a research participant or
the research in general and are unable to contact the research team, or if you want to
talk to someone independent of the research team, please contact the University of
Mindanao Professional Schools at 305-06-45


I have read the information provided above. I have been given a chance to ask
questions. My questions have been answered to my satisfaction, and I agree to
participate in this study. I have been given a copy of this form. I can withdraw my
consent at any time discontinue participation without penalty.

Signature above Printed Name of Participant Date Signed

To be accomplished by the Researcher obtaining consent:


I have explained the research to the participant and answered all of his/her questions.
I believe that he/she understands the information described in this document and
freely consents to participate.

Name of Person Obtaining Consent Date Signed


Appendix G. Response Matrix

Central Question P1 P2 P3 P4

Roniel Recafuente Mary Rose D. Jandug Sophi Y. Lastimado


How do Senior High Q1. It is more on For me the Technical Technical Ang technical Vocational
School students describe skill then Vocational in Senior High Vocational is parasaako Kay more on
Technical Vocational? Academic School is a kind of course focusing on the buhatdilinakokailangannga I
that Develop your skills skills of every lesson parihassa TESDA
like cooking etc. because students rather than
this Technical Vocational academics
helps more students in
knowing their skills. Q1. For me, Q1.More on performance na
Sub – Questions: Q1. Technical Vocational technical vocational pariahas sa NC2
Q1. How do you describe Strand is a kind of strand program is more one
Technical Vocational that helps you in any kinds skills where we can
Strand? of skills and to improve enhance our skills
your knowledge. through training and

1.1. What are the qualities The Qualities in every 1.1 .The students 1.1Para ma enhance ilang
of Students enrolled student in this strand is enrolled in this skill sa pagluto(Bread and
in this strand? To be a good having more skills and strand have a Pastry)
employee and have a unique idea to do potential to enhance
good server in the more challenges. its skills.
1.2.Does SHS enrolled in YES, because they have a Yes, because YES , Because daghan naga
this strand capable of 1.2Yes, because good qualities like a good earning an NC2 will hiring sa mga hotel
employment/unemployme after student skills in work. help a student in the
nt? graduate at SHS near future to be
they have a qualified in hotel
training like OJT Industry.
after they

Q2. What are these skills They have a good skills in The skills that are More on performance na
needed of Technical Be an Automotive work and being needed for this pariahs sa NC2
Vocational strand to be Service responsible. strand to be
employed? employed is first we
must have the skills
in baking, cooking,
serving other
2.1 I can describe these people.
2.1 How can you describe Because of qualities of students in a 2.1 For me, if you For me , To Develop my
these qualities? machine the kind of their performance have the skills like skills
producer and that, if will be easy

endorser and good skills. for you to enhance

and know more
about it.

Q3. What are the reason of Some of them Q3. The reason is many of Q3. The reason why
students default for cannot decide them having not enough students easily get a
employment? what course they skill for being qualified in job, first is they Unskilled
get or some of employment. need extra money
them have no because of financial
experience crisis

3.1 How can you describe

these difficulties? 3.1 Yes, in the 3.1 Yes, because their 3.1 Financial crisis
training need to qualities is good like a is very difficult and
be a responsible, good skills in this it is not easy that’s
producing idea vocational studies why other students
and more on team really want to get a Less Experience
work. job to help their

Q4. How can you describe Q4. Get more on Q4. They way to improve Q4. There’s a lot of More Experience
the ways to improve their training, and their skills is having a ways we can
skills? discipline good confidence. improve our skills. I
can say that the
ways to improve
skills is really
helpful for every
Q5. What other possible Q5. Be serious on Q5. The possible way to Q5. There’s a lot of More Study And Self
ways to improve their the job. improve their skills is have possible ways to Confidence
skills? enough knowledge and improve their skills,
learning. first, they will give
you enough
knowledge to know
the things they will
help us in our skills
and also there’s an
actual ways where
they will let you
cook, bake and

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