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Shortstop for short-stays

The use of short-stay holiday easier to manage a building with a clear list l noise limitations
of short-term properties compared to one l maximum number of people allowed per
letting and homestay services where tenants are hiding their purposes facility or residence
is now a commonplace from the building staff. And where the l whether or not pets are permitted
responsible person or business is specified, l smoking laws
accommodation option facility managers can easily contact them l flying limitations for drones, and
for tourists, but it can be if needed. In addition, short-stay operators l the ultimate responsibility towards
could be informed immediately if there is an imparting owners’ corporation regulations
a cause for concern for emergency related to the building or their to their guests.
facility managers. ARIAN managed apartment. If these rules are breached, the facility
Providing a clear guideline about what is manager will request the owners’ corporation
BAHRAMSARI looks at requested from guests is the next suggestion. to send a breach notice to the owner of the
strategies for managing These guidelines would explain some critical lot directly.
points, such as: Increasing security awareness in the
short-stay holiday letting in l check-in and checkout requirements building is also imperative. All short-letting
residential buildings. l where to pick up and drop off keys rental owners need to know about any theft
l how to access the car park, and (including identity), security and access
l who to contact in urgent situations; for issues and any other potential associated
example, if they lose their keys. risks with short-stay residents. They can
A high percentage of short-stay problems be advised to stop or divert their mail while
in buildings stem from mismanagement

and a lack of directive. There are numerous
he short-term rental accommodation cases mentioned by building managers in
concept, through companies such which they have encountered situations where
as Airbnb, has made its way into guests of Airbnb (or other short-term letting
the facility management area companies) had no clear instructions. Guests
recently, leaving building managers with a have gone to the wrong apartment, parked
new challenge. Short-stay rental properties in a wrong car park bay, didn’t know what to
are expanding their shares in residential do with the key or even asked managers for
apartment buildings every day. While it can be extra towels etc.
scary in some owners’ eyes, others may see Clarifying the building manager’s role and
short-term letting as an opportunity. Here are the responsibilities of building management
the current best practices to deal with short- staff to residents and visitors is key to
term visitors to residential buildings. reducing confusion. Many short-term
residents may not know that facility managers
WHEN SHORT-STAYS ARE are responsible for common areas and for
WELCOME providing services to permanent residents
In some apartments, facility managers and in the building. This clarification can be as
residents’ committees have concluded that simple as placing a sign at the concierge
they have no issue with opening the building desk or on the building manager’s office door,
doors to host short-term rentals. This could stating something along te line of, ‘During
present a challenge to the managers of your stay, concierge and building staff are
these properties. not responsible for non-permanent residents.
Building managers can be proactive and Please contact your host if required’.
consider implementing procedures to ensure Education and communication are
smooth management of their short-stay vital parts of ensuring smooth short-stay
apartment building. They can encourage transactions. Residents participating as
everyone in the building to be open and short-stay operators should be aware of the
transparent when their apartment is being building’s rules and guidelines.
used for short-stay letting. It would be much These can include:


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short-stay renters are using their property, DISINCLINATION FOR
or change the locks once they’re using the SHORT-STAYS
apartment on a long-term basis again. There are many buildings that prefer not to
A high percentage of
Short-stay operators could take accommodate short-term residents in their short-stay problems
advantage of technology to manage their facility. To avoid legal repercussions, facility in buildings stem from
Airbnb-listed apartment. For example, managers can orient their building towards
sending automated reminders and more permanent residents by applying some
mismanagement and
instructions before guests arrive or simple strategies. lack of directive.
during their stay, and using sound control Equipping the building with a biometric
technology devices before excessive noise access control system such as fingerprint
becomes a problem, can be beneficial. access technology is highly recommended.
There are some remote noise-monitoring Some of these technologies are quite
technologies that can be advantageous in flexible and can provide swipe access for
these types of properties, which do not permanent residents and ask for biometric if a residential apartment is being used as
record anything, but simply monitor the access for others. In this case, building a commercial lot. By reporting short-stay
sound level. Once the noise has exceeded managers may choose which residents visitors to the lot owners, agents or other
a certain level, the operator will receive a are required to access the building using parties, unwelcome and non-legitimate
notification via text message. However, these biometric technology and who can enter short-term visitors can be removed from
technologies must be assessed for legal use with a swipe only. the building. As an example, some owners
within Australia. Implementing compulsory induction for lease their apartment to a long-term renter,
the use of amenities such as the gym, pool and if they are notified that their property has
and spa is also advised. When compulsory been subleased to Airbnb, they may wish put
induction is utilised, all users are required to a stop to it.
123RF’s register, attend the induction session and There are other strategies building
Nikom Khotjan.
obtain the manager’s approval to access managers can put in place to deter or
the facilities. Inductions can be conducted minimise short-stay visitors’ disturbance to the
either online or in person and run regularly building and its residents. These include:
– once a month, for example. Certain areas l securing the mailbox area with a swipe
of the facility may not be compatible with an access system
induction process, such as a barbecue area, l limiting amenity access time on swipes,
and in these instances FMs may decide to and
lock the unit. This then requires residents l limiting the number of issued access
to visit the management office to pick up tokens for residents.
the key and sign the register log when they Airbnb and short-stay lettings are used all
wish to use the appliance or area. By over the world and it’s an FM’s building owner
doing this, building managers will know and owners’ corporation that will determine
who will be using the facility and can rest the facility’s stance on short-stays. It is also
assured that users have been informed worth mentioning that, in any scenario, facility
about the rules and safety. managers are required to have the full support
Short-stay properties could be reported of their owner’s corporation and executive
to their owners, the owners’ corporation, their committee to handle short-stay related issues.
real estate agents, taxation office, council
or anyone else who is supposed to be aware There are several short-stay letting
of the business activity in that lot. In many companies, but Airbnb has been referenced in
cases, owners and property managers are this article, as it is one of the most popular for
not even aware that their apartment has been all short-stay users. l
subleased to short-term renters.
The Australian Taxation Office also has > Arian Bahramsari is a facility manager at
a special interest in the income sources. Facility Management Victoria Pty Ltd, based
The Council similarly requires notification in Docklands, Melbourne. JUNE | JULY 2019 FM

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