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Male and female students in school organization

Reprado,Cedric F.

 To properly define the meaning of survey, gender, and a school organization.

 To prove which gender is more dominant on school organizations.


Survey represent as one of the common types of quantitative, social science

research. In a survey research, the researcher selects a sample of respondents from
a population and gives a questionnaire with a common interest to the population.
The questionnaire, or survey, can be a written document that is answered by the
person being surveyed, an online poll or online questionnaire, a face-to-face
interview, or a telephone interview. By using surveys, it is possible to collect data
from large or small population or a group.

Gender is a socially constructed definition of a woman and men. Gender

inequalities are even in the past exist as a problem. In present time, male and female
is viewed to compete on several aspects of dominating competition, respect and on

School organization refers to how schools arrange the resources of time,

space, knowledge, social life, and personnel for maximum effect on student learning.

School organizations are groups of students that build their social skills, technical
skills, and to help each other on studies and life.
DATA GATHERED: No. of Respondents: 30 people

Question 1: What is your degree of education?


Senior high school 7 votes

College 22 votes

Graduate 1 vote

Question 2: What is your gender?


Male 18 votes

Female 12 votes
Question 3: Which School department or strand are you in?


EECE 8 votes ABM 1 vote

MME 5 votes HUMSS 2 votes

CEGE 4 votes CBM 1 vote

IE-EMG-SEM 7 votes STEM 1 vote

Question 4: Which school organization are you in?


EIR-AS 14 votes PIIE 1 vote

CEGE thinkers 7 votes HSM 1 vote

NONE 3 votes JMA 1 vote

Entrep Society 1 vote Campus Ministry 1 vote

Question 5: Which gender is the most elected student office in your organization?


Male 22 votes

Female 8 votes

*People with no school organization answered for their friends’ organization.


 Which gender is more dominant on school organizations?


Null Hypothesis: H0: μ1 > μ2

o Male is the dominant gender on school organizations.

Alternative Hypothesis: H1: μ1 < μ2

o Female is the dominant gender on school organizations.



Male = 22 n1=22 1=22/30= 0.73 s21= √222/30= 4.02

Female = 8 n2=8 2=8/30= 0.27 s22= √82/30= 1.46

Using a 5% level of significance: α=0.05

Sp=√ = 1.8385

1. H0: μ1 > μ2
H1: μ1 < μ2

2. α=0.05

3. t(Tab) = t = -1.701

4. t(Comp) =

t= 1 1
1.8385√ +
0.73 0.27

t = 0.1110

5. 0.1110 > -1.701 , ∴ We Accept Ho: μ1 > μ2

∴ Male is the dominant gender on school organizations.


Based on the conducted survey to which is more dominant gender in a school

organization, the result was male has more number of data gathered.

Furthermore, this proves that men can be more active in participating on school
organizations maybe because of their personalities, social skills, and culture.


The collection of surveyed questionnaires establishes the claim and proven by

calculating and accepting of the null hypothesis which is male is the dominant on
school organizations for the respondents of thirty people.

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