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「中国日报」一周热词( 2018.6.2-2018.6.

8 )

1. 上合组织峰会
Shanghai Cooperation Organization summit

上 海 合 作 组 织 发 展 现 状 和 前 景 (the current and future development of the

新形势下各领域合作 (cooperation in all areas under the new situation)
重大国际和地区问题 (major international and regional issues)
青岛宣言 (Qingdao Declaration)
10 余 份 安 全 、 经 济 、 人 文 等 领 域 合 作 文 件 (a dozen agreements on security
and economic cooperation, and people-to-people exchanges)
永 久 性 政 府 间 国 际 组 织 (permanent inter-governmental international

成员国 (member states)

观察员国家 (observer states)
对话伙伴国 (dialogue partners)
成员国元首理事会 (the Council of Heads of State)
常设机构 (permanent bodies)
上海合作组织秘书处 (the Secretariat of the SCO)
地区反恐怖机构 (the Regional Anti-Terrorist Structure, RATS)
上海精神 (Shanghai Spirit)

上合组织框架内合作的特点是 " 互信、互利、平等、协商、尊重多样文明,谋求

共同发展 " 。
The cooperation within SCO is distinguished by its spirit of mutual trust,
mutual benefit, equality, mutual consultations, respect for cultural diversity
and aspiration for common development.

这些被称作 " 上海精神 " 的原则今后仍然是上合组织成员国关系的基础。

These principles, known as Shanghai Spirit, will continue to serve as the
basis for the relations between the SCO member states.

[ 相关词汇 ]
国际合作平台 international cooperation platform
区域贸易 regional trade
互联互通 connectivity
产能合作 production capacity cooperation
战略伙伴关系 strategic partnership

2. 高考
national college entrance exam

一次决定成败的机会 a make-or-break opportunity

婴儿潮 the "baby boom"
千禧年 the millennium
参加考试 (sit for the exam)
8 年来人数最多的一年 (the highest number in eight years)
通常持续两天 (generally last two days)
最重要的时刻 (the most important moment)
高 考 分 数 将 在 很 大 程 度 上 决 定 他 们 能 否 上 大 学 , 上 哪 所 大 学 (scores largely
decide whether they can go to college and which college they can attend)
决定他们未来的职业前景 (determine their future career prospects)

00 后 (post-2000s generation)
门户网站 (portal website)
高考并非通向美好未来的唯一途径 (the national college entrance exam is not
the only route to a promising future) 。
丰富人生经历的一次机会 (an opportunity to enrich life experiences)
" 改变命运 (life-changing)"
海外求学 (pursue degrees overseas)
参加自主招生入学考试 (attend independent college admission tests)
报考艺术专业 (apply for art majors)
已 有 明 确 的 大 学 或 专 业 目 标 (have a clear picture for which university or
majors they wanted to apply for)

[ 相关词汇 ]
模拟考试 practice tests
毕业班 senior/graduating class
考试作弊 exam cheating
录取分数线 enrollment mark
高校扩招 enrollment expansion of colleges
重点大学 key universities

3. 燃油附加费
fuel surcharge
国航 (Air China)
春秋航空 (Spring Airlines)
西部航空 (West Air)
燃油附加费 (fuel surcharge)
800 公里 ( 含 ) 以下及 800 公里以上航线每人收取燃油附加费 10 元 (charge an
additional 10 yuan for each adult ticket on routes both shorter and longer
than 800 km)

航空公司内部人员 (airline company insider)

国际油价高企 (high international oil prices)
航空公司成本增加 (airlines' increasing costs)
燃油附加费停止征收 (the end of fuel surcharges)
民航航空煤油基础价格 (base price of aviation kerosene for civil airlines)
国内航空煤油综合采购成本超过每吨 5000 元时,航空公司可收取燃油附加费
(when the jet fuel price surpasses 5,000 yuan per ton, airlines could levy a
new surcharge)

[ 相关词汇 ]
机场税 airport tax
国际原油价格 world crude oil prices
价格形成机制 pricing mechanism
油品升级 petrol quality upgrade

4. 共享护士
nurse sharing

分享经济 (sharing economy)

线上预约 (make appointment online)
线下服务 (offer service offline)
打针输液 (injection and intravenous fluids)
静脉采血 (blood draw)
外科伤口换药 (wound dressing change)
灌肠 (coloclysis)
吸痰导尿 (aspiration of sputum and urethral catheterization)
鼻饲 (nasal feeding)
普查报告 (census report)
居家在线服务 (home-care online services)
医患纠纷 (medical disputes between doctors and patients)
服务提供者的资质 (qualifications of providers)
[ 相关词汇 ]
上门服务 door-to-door service
居家护理 home-based health care
医疗纠纷 medical dispute
医保 medical insurance
医事服务费 medical service fee

5. 逃税
tax evasion

通过签订阴阳合同逃税 (evade paying tax through only reporting a fraction of

one's total income as stated on a payment contract)
文化评论人士 (cultural critic)
前央视主持人 (former CCTV anchor)
上传了 " 范冰冰 4 天片酬合同 " 的照片 (post photos of the contract for a four-day
shoot involving Fan)
通 过 私 下 签 订 的 合 同 支 付 (be paid through separate privately-signed
逃税 (avoid tax payment)
阴阳合同 (yin yang contracts)
国家税务总局 (the State Administration of Taxation)
从未签过 " 阴阳合同 "(have never signed double contracts)
崔永元怒撕范冰冰 (Cui Yongyuan bombarding Fan Bingbing)
冰山一角 (a tip of the iceberg)
个案 (single case)
普 遍 存 在 的 演 艺 界 的 " 潜 规 则 "(broad hidden rule in the film and television
滞纳金 (delaying payment)
涉嫌犯罪 (be suspected of crimes)
移送公安机关进行进一步调查 (be sent to police for further investigation)

[ 相关词汇 ]
增值税 value-added tax
重复征税 duplicated taxation
税制 taxation system
税负 tax burden
税收倒置 tax inversion
零容忍 zero-tolerance
「中国日报」一周热词( 2018.6.9-2018.6.15 )

1. 上海精神
the Shanghai Spirit

进一步弘扬 " 上海精神 " ,破解时代难题,化解风险挑战 (further carry forward

the Shanghai Spirit to surmount difficulties, defuse risks and meet
提倡创新、协调、绿色、开放、共享的发展观 (uphold innovative, coordinated,
green, open and inclusive development)
实 现 各 国 经 济 社 会 协 同 进 步 (achieve coordinated social and economic
progress of various countries)
解 决 发 展 不 平 衡 带 来 的 问 题 (resolve issues caused by unbalanced
缩 小 发 展 差 距 , 促 进 共 同 繁 荣 (bridge the gap in development and promote
shared prosperity)
践 行共 同、 综合 、合 作、 可持 续的 安全 观 (pursue common, comprehensive,
cooperative and sustainable security)
摒 弃 冷 战 思 维 、 集 团 对 抗 (reject the Cold War mentality and confrontation
between blocks)
反 对 以 牺 牲 别 国 安 全 换 取 自 身 绝 对 安 全 的 做 法 , 实 现 普 遍 安 全 (oppose the
practices of seeking absolute security of oneself at the expense of the
security of other countries, so as to achieve security of all)
秉 持 开 放 、 融 通 、 互 利 、 共 赢 的 合 作 观 (promote open and inclusive
cooperation for win-win outcomes)
拒绝自私自利、短视封闭的狭隘政策 (reject self-centered, short-sighted and
closed-door policies)
维 护 世 界 贸 易 组 织 规 则 , 支 持 多 边 贸 易 体 制 , 构 建 开 放 型 世 界 经 济 (uphold
WTO rules and support the multilateral trading system so as to build an
open world economy)
树 立 平 等 、 互 鉴 、 对 话 、 包 容 的 文 明 观 (Equality, mutual learning, dialogue
and inclusiveness between cultures should be championed)
越 (overcome cultural misunderstanding, clash and supremacy through
exchanges, mutual learning and coexistence)
坚 持 共 商 共 建 共 享 的 全 球 治 理 观 , 不 断 改 革 完 善 全 球 治 理 体 系 (adhere to
extensive consultation, joint contribution and shared benefits in global
governance, steadily reform and improve the global governance system)
推 动 各 国 携 手 建 设 人 类 命 运 共 同 体 (push all countries to jointly build a
community with a shared future for humanity)
" 上海精神 " 是我们共同的财富,上海合作组织是我们共同的家园 (the Shanghai
Spirit is our shared asset, and the SCO is our shared home)
构 建 上 海 合 作 组 织 命 运 共 同 体 (to build an SCO community with a shared
( 携手迈向 / 构建 ) 持久和平、普遍安全、共同繁荣、开放包容、清洁美丽的世界
(build an open, inclusive, clean and beautiful world that enjoys lasting
peace, universal security, and common prosperity)

凝聚团结互信的强大力量 (build up strength of unity and mutual trust)

筑 牢 和 平 安 全 的 共 同 基 础 (strengthen the foundation for shared peace and
打 造 共 同 发 展 繁 荣 的 强 劲 引 擎 (build a powerful engine to achieve common
拉紧人文交流合作的共同纽带 (forge closer ties through people-to-people and
cultural exchanges)
共 同拓 展国 际合 作的 伙伴 网 络 (expand partnership networks of international

[ 相关词汇 ]
青岛宣言 the Qingdao Declaration
共同繁荣 shared prosperity
冷战思维 Cold War mentality
文明隔阂 cultural misunderstanding
狭隘政策 closed-door policies
伙伴网络 partnership network

2. 首次会晤
the first-ever meeting

进行 40 分钟的单独会晤 (hold a 40-minute one-on-one meeting)

进行大范围会谈 (proceed to an expanded meeting)
关系很好 (excellent relationship)
过去的偏见和惯例 (old prejudice and practices)
预言此次会晤会很成功 (predict a tremendous success of the summit)
很荣幸能够与金正恩进行面对面会晤 (it was "an honor" to meet face-to-face
with Kim)
特别好的关系 (a terrific relationship)
我们会一起努力解决问题 (working together, we will get it taken care of)
他和金正恩会解决 " 重大问题和主要困境 "(he and Kim will solve "a big problem
and a big dilemma")
" 与特朗普总统合作解决即将到来的挑战 (cooperate with President Trump to
resolve the challenges ahead)"
( 解 决 ) 对 关 于 此 次 会 晤 的 质 疑 和 猜 测 (overcome the skepticism and
speculations about their summit)
" 全世界将会看到巨大的变化 (the world will see a major change)"
" 决定放下过去 (decide to leave the past behind)"
战俘 / 失踪人口 (POW/MIA)
意义,就是在创造新的历史 (it is important and positive for the top leaders of
the two countries to sit down and conduct equal talks, which is creating a
new history)
性 步 伐 (result in substantive steps toward denuclearization and the
establishment of a peace mechanism on the Korean Peninsula)
中方也将继续发挥建设性作用 (China will continue to play a constructive role
in this regard)

[ 相关词汇 ]
美国在任总统 a sitting US president
朝美会晤 DPRK-US summit
和谈 peace talk
无核化 denuclearization
朝鲜半岛形势 the situation of the Korean Peninsula
联合军演 joint drill/exercise
军售 arms sale

3. 空气污染防控督查
air pollution control inspection
" 蓝天保卫战 (Blue Sky Protection Campaign)"
京津冀地区 (Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region)
汾谓平原 (Fenhe and Weihe plains)
长三角地区 (the Yangtze River Delta)
空气质量最差 (the worst air quality)
优良天气 (fairly good air quality)
产业结构 (industrial structure)
能源结构 (energy structure)
运输结构 (transportation structure)
用地结构 (land use structure)
" 散乱污 " 企业 (poorly managed - and polluting - small enterprises)
清洁取暖 (clean energy heating)
燃煤替代 (coal substitution)
[ 相关词汇 ]
可吸入颗粒物 inhalable particulate
灰霾污染日 haze pollution day
工业粉尘 industrial dust
扬尘污染 dust pollution
空气污染防治 air pollution control
废物管理 waste management
环境监测 environmental monitoring

4. 四价流感疫苗
four-strain flu vaccine

国家药监总局 (the National Drug Administration of China)

四价流感疫苗 (four-strain flu vaccine)
病株 (virus strain)
三价 ( 流感 ) 疫苗 (three-strain vaccine)
流感优势毒株 (dominant flu strain)
主要亚型 (main subtypes)
疾病防控 (disease prevention)
国内公司 (domestic companies)
疫苗生产商 (vaccine producer)
适用于成年人及 3 岁以上的儿童 (be used on adults and children aged three
years and above)
甲型 H1N1 和 H3N2 流感 (H1N1 and H3N2 of Influenza A)
乙型 Victoria 和 Yamagata 流感 (Victoria and Yamagata lineages of Influenza
人流感病毒的常见菌株 (common strains of human flu viruses)
预防流感和流行病最有效的方法 (the most effective way to prevent infection
and guard against an epidemic)

[ 相关词汇 ]
抗病毒治疗 antiviral treatment
个人防护措施 personal protective measure
季节性流感病毒 seasonal influenza virus
病原 pathogen
传播力 transmissibility

5. 世界杯
World Cup
在此前进行的 7 场比赛中无一获胜 (have not won in their past seven matches)
卢日尼基体育场 (Luzhniki Stadium)
俄罗斯对阵沙特阿拉伯易如反掌 (Russia had little trouble against the Saudis)
帮助祖国赢得出线小组赛的机会 (help Russia's chances of qualifying from the
group stage)
" 揭幕战东道主不败 (host nation not losing the opening match)"
俄 罗 斯 将 迎 战 萨 拉 赫 领 衔 的 埃 及 队 (Russia will play Egypt led by Mohamed
Salah next)
收获开门红 (win the first game)

[ 相关词汇 ]
点球决胜 penalty shootout
断球 intercept
任意球 free kick
技术犯规 technical foul
越位 offside
假摔 fake a fall/an injury

「中国日报」一周热词( 2018.6.16-2018.6.22 )

1. 个人所得税法
individual income tax law

起征点提高 raise the threshold

专项附加扣除 special expense deductions
税率变化 changes in tax rates
综合征税 comprehensive income taxation
工资薪金 (salary)
劳务报酬 (remuneration for personal service)
稿酬 (remuneration)
特许权使用费 (royalty)
反避税条款 anti-tax avoidance clause

[ 相关词汇 ]
起征点 tax exemption threshold
九级征税级别 nine-bracket system
课税负担 tax burdens
收入分配 distribution of income
纳税人 taxpayer
中低收入人群 medium and low-income population
累进税制 progressive taxing mechanism
减少税级 downsizing tax brackets
税收 tax revenue
实得工资 take-home pay
全额工资 gross income
营业税 business tax
企业所得税 income tax for enterprises
避税 tax avoidance
逃税 tax evasion
代扣代缴 withhold and remit tax
税收优惠 tax preference

2. 中国农民丰收节
Chinese Farmers' Harvest Festival

" 中国农民丰收节 "Chinese Farmers' Harvest Festival

秋分 (autumn equinox)
最能体现丰收 (it's the best time to celebrate the harvest)
我国各地收获的时节有所不同,但多数地方都在秋季 (Although climates and
crops differ in various parts of China, most crops mature in autumn)
少 数 民 族 有 庆 祝 丰 收 的 传 统 节 日 (ethnic groups in China have their own
festivals at harvest time)
有 利 于 促 进 中 华 民 族 大 家 庭 的 和 睦 团 结 和 发 展 (to enhance harmony and
development of the Chinese nation)

[ 相关词汇 ]
乡村治理体系 rural governance model
农业农村现代化 modernization of agriculture and rural areas
" 三农 " 问题 ( 农业农村农民问题 ) issues relating to agriculture, rural areas, and
rural people
产业兴旺、生态宜居、乡风文明、治理有效、生活富裕 to build rural areas
with thriving businesses, pleasant living environments, social etiquette and
civility, effective governance, and prosperity

3. 超级高铁
super high-speed train

2018 世界交通运输大会 the World Transport Convention 2018

高速磁悬浮轨道交通 (high-speed magnetic suspension rail transport)
比例模型车试验线 (scale model train test line)
" 高 温 超 导 磁 悬 浮 真 空 管 " 技 术 (high-temperature superconductivity magnetic
suspension plus vacuum valve technology)
超高速磁悬浮列车 (ultrahigh-speed maglev)
运营里程 (operating mileage)
设计速度 (design speed)

[ 相关词汇 ]
真空管 vacuum tube
减少摩擦和阻力 reduce friction and resistance
超高速磁悬浮列车 ultrahigh-speed maglev
缩短行程 cut the journey

4. 中央调剂制度
central adjustment system

养 老 保 险 基 金 中 央 调 剂 制 度 (a central adjustment system for basic pension

对各省份养老保险基金进行适度调剂 (a central adjustment fund will be set up
to regulate pension funds in various provincial regions)
确保基本养老金按时足额发放 (help guarantee timely and complete payments
to retirees)
中 央 调 剂 基 金 由 各 省 份 养 老 保 险 基 金 上 解 的 资 金 构 成 (the adjustment fund
draws a certain portion from the provincial capital pool)
中央调剂基金实行以收定支 (distribution of the adjustment fund will be based
on scale of the capital pool)
中 央 调 剂 基 金 纳 入 中 央 级 社 会 保 障 基 金 财 政 专 户 (the adjustment fund is
managed by a special account of the central social security fund)
现行中央财政补助政策和补助方式不变 (the central government will continue
supporting local governments in pension distributions)

[ 相关词汇 ]
商业保险 commercial insurance
养老保险 endowment insurance
社会保障体系 social security system
社会安全网 a net for social security
养老金投资 pension funds investment
居家养老服务 home-based elderly care services

5. 第一宝宝
First Baby

在任内生育 (give birth while in office)

休产假 (take maternity leave)
充任代总理 (serve as acting prime minister)
被推选为 ( 新党首 )was propelled into the job
凭借成功组阁 (through a coalition deal)
( 新 西 兰 ) 历 史 上 第 三 位 女 总 理 (the third woman to be the country's prime
现代历史上第二位在任内诞下宝宝的政府首脑 (the second leader in modern
times to give birth while in office)
一直工作到孕晚期 (work until late into her pregnancy)
抚摸她隆起的肚子 (touch her stomach)
" 连体衣 (onesies)"
" 迷你版雨靴 (miniature gumboots)"

[ 相关词汇 ]
孕产期福利 maternity benefits
怀孕歧视 pregnancy discrimination
阻碍事业发展 hinder career progression
度过试用期 pass probation period


1. 国际商事法庭
international commercial court

介绍新型国际商事争端解决机制和机构 (the introduction of a new international

commercial disputes resolution mechanism and institutions)
最高法审判委员会 (SPC Judicial Committee)
国际商事法庭 (international commercial courts)
跨境商事纠纷案件 (cases of international commercial disputes) 。
" 一带一路 " 倡议 (Belt and Road Initiative)
法治营商环境 (legal business environments)
中央全面深化改革领导小组 (the Central Leading Group for Comprehensively
Continuing Reform) 基本原则 (basic principles)
牵 头 组 建 国 际 商 事 专 家 委 员 会 (call for the establishment of an International
Commercial Expert Committee)
不同法系 (different legal systems)
起 草 ( 国 际 商 事 专 家 委 员 会 ) 成 员 选 拔 的 标 准 和 流 程 (draft the standards and
procedures for selecting the members)
明 确 国 际 商 事 专 家 委 员 会 的 运 行 机 制 (clarify the operational mechanisms of
the ICEC)
新机制和机构与现有的并不冲突 (the new mechanism and institutions will not
conflict with the existing ones)

[ 相关词汇 ]
国际法庭 international tribunal
国际仲裁 international arbitration
国际影响力 international influence
争端解决机制 dispute settlement system

2. 学历学位认证费
fees authenticate graduation and degree certificates

对学历学位进行认证 (authenticate graduation and degree certificates)

电子注册制度 (electronic registration system)
认证服务 (authentication service) 。
中 国 高 等 教 育 学 生 信 息 与 职 业 中 心 (the China Higher Education Student
Information and Career Center)
学历认证报告 (verification report on a graduation certificate)
中 国 学 术 学 位 和 研 究 生 教 育 发 展 中 心 (the China Academic Degrees and
Graduate Education Development Center)
自 7 月 1 日起这 ( 两 ) 笔收费将正式取消 (the fees will be scrapped from July 1)

[ 相关词汇 ]
学历造假 fabricate academic credentials
考试作弊 cheat in an exam
野鸡大学 diploma mill
身份认证 identity authentication
实名制 real-name registration system

3. 禁游令
sightseeing bans

自然景观 (natural attractions)

对中外游客来说都是热门的旅游目的地 (a popular sightseeing destination for
tourists from home and aboard)
数量日益增多的游客 (the ever-growing number of visitors)
正 给 景 区 的 生 态 环 境 带 来 越 来 越 大 的 压 力 (put increasing pressure on the
scenic areas' ecosystems)
青海湖景区 (Qinghai Lake Scenic Area)
暂时关闭二郎剑和鸟岛等景区 (temporarily close areas such as Erlangjian and
Bird Island)
年保玉则国家公园无限期关闭 (Nianbaoyuze National Park closed indefinitely)
黄河源头 (the Yellow River source region)
景区禁游令 (sightseeing bans of scenic areas)
禁止一切单位和个人进入扎陵湖、鄂陵湖等源头保护地观光或开展探险活动 (all
the institutions and individuals are prohibited from entering the source
region, including Zhaling Lake and Eling Lake for sightseeing or
禁游面积 (the forbidden area)
均地处 ( 青海高原 ) 生态系统极为敏感的区域 (be all located in the regions with
extremely sensitive ecological environments)
维 护 青 藏 高 原 生 物 多 样 (maintenance of biodiversity in the Qinghai-Tibet
保障珍稀物种栖息地 (protect the habitat of rare species)
是 保 护 重 于 开 发 (protection takes precedence over development)

[ 相关词汇 ]
生态健康 ecological health
绿色发展 green development
固体废物污染 solid waste pollution
生态保护红线 red lines for ecological protection

4. 网红粉丝
fans of online celebrities

网红经济 (online celebrity economy)

中国网红粉丝 (fans of online celebrities, followers of internet celebrities)
呈上升趋势 (maintain an upward trend)
61% 的新浪微博用户属于同样的年龄层 (61% of Sina Weibo users were also of
the same age group)
一二线城市 (first and second-tier cities)
粉丝规模在 10 万人以上的网红 (online celebrities who had more than 100,000
拥有更高的学历 (have a higher education background)
拥有硕士及以上学历 (have master's degrees or above)
时尚和泛娱乐行业 (fashion and pan-entertainment sectors)
在教育、食品、健康、育儿和儿童保育这些领域中越来越具有影响力 (build a
growing influence in areas of education, food, fitness, parenting and child

[ 相关词汇 ]
追星族 groupie
网络直播 live video streaming
直播经济 live stream economy
粉丝经济 fan economy
新媒体 new media

5. 小龙虾剥虾师
crayfish peeler

如今,小龙虾在国内很受欢迎 (crayfish are popular in China these days)

处理麻烦的小龙虾壳 (handle the nasty crayfish shells)
把美味的虾肉送到你面前 (hand you the succulent flesh)
小龙虾剥虾师 (crayfish peeler)
很乐意为你代劳 (be glad to take care of the dirty work)
剥小龙虾确实是件很烦人的事 (peeling crayfish is actually quite an annoying

引进了专业小龙虾剥虾师 (introduce professional crayfish peelers here)

每 个 月 可 获 得 上 万 元 的 可 观 收 入 (earn a nice monthly salary of over 10,000
服装设计专业的大四学生 (a fourth-year university student majoring in fashion
赚到五位数的月薪 (earn five-figure salaries every month)
和 各 种 各 样 的 人 交 流 (interact with all kinds of people)

[ 相关词汇 ]
餐饮业 catering business
夜宵 midnight snack
大闸蟹 Shanghai hairy crab
桂林米粉 Guilin rice noodles
臭豆腐 stinky tofu
鸭血粉丝汤 duck blood soup with vermicelli

「中国日报」一周热词( 2018.6.30-2018.7.6 )
1. 贸易战
trade war

违反世贸规则 (violates the World Trade Organization rules)

贸易霸凌主义 (a typical "trade bully"
严 重 危 害 全 球 产 业 链 和 价 值 链 安 全 (pose a grave threat to the security of
global industry and value chains)
阻碍全球经济复苏步伐 (hamper global economic recovery)
引发全球市场动荡 (trigger global market turmoil)
波及全球更多无辜的跨国公司、一般企业和普通消费者 (deal a blow to many
multinationals, enterprises and ordinary consumers)
承诺不打第一枪 (vowed not to fire the first shot)
为了捍卫国家核心利益和人民群众利益,不得不被迫作出必要反击 (is forced to
stage counter-attacks to protect the core national interests and interests of
its people)
维护自由贸易和多边体制 (defend free trade and multilateral mechanisms)
深化改革 (deepen reform)
扩大开放 (expand opening-up)
保护企业家精神 (protect entrepreneurship)
强化产权保护 (strengthen protection of intellectual property rights)
有 关 企 业 所 受 影 响 , 采 取 有 效 措 施 帮 助 企 业 (assess the impact on affected
companies and take effective measures to offer them support)

[ 相关词汇 ]
采取对策 take countermeasures
切实行动 tangible action
全球金融体系 global financial system
保护主义 protectionism

2. 垃圾计量收费
garbage charged by weight

《关于创新和完善促进绿色发展价格机制的意见》 (guidelines on innovating

and improving the price mechanism aimed at promoting green
全 面 建 立 覆 盖 成 本 并 合 理 盈 利 的 固 体 废 物 处 理 收 费 机 制 (build a nationwide
solid waste disposal charging mechanism that fully covers the cost and
allows reasonable profit for waste processing companies)
垃圾分类 (garbage classification)
城镇生活垃圾处理 (urban domestic garbage disposal)
危险废物处置 (hazardous waste disposal)
全 面 建 立 生 活 垃 圾 处 理 收 费 制 度 (a comprehensive charging system for
collecting and processing household waste)

[ 相关词汇 ]
sustainable development 可持续发展
shortages of natural resources 自然资源短缺
curb environmental damage 遏制环境破坏
harmless disposal of garbage 垃圾无害化处理
recycling of garbage 垃圾循环利用

3. 无人岛
uninhabited/unpopulated island
单位或个人 (entity or individual)
无居民海岛 (uninhabited islands)
申请书 (application)
具体方案 (development plans)
项目论证报告 (project appraisal reports)
合理确定建筑物、设施的建设总量、高度以及与海岸线的距离 (the heights of
buildings and facilities, as well as their distance from the coastline should
be reasonable)
监测站 ( 点 )(monitoring stations)
成破坏 (wastewater, gas, residue, dust and radioactive substances must not
damage the ecosystems of the islands and their surrounding waters)
业用岛四十年;港口、修造船厂等建设工程用岛五十年 (The regulation sets a
limit of 15 years for aquaculture uses, 25 years for tourism and
entertainment, 30 years for salt and mining industries, 40 years for public
welfare purposes and 50 years for ports, shipyards and other construction
申请续期 (apply for renewal)
缴纳 ( 续期的无居民海岛 ) 使用金 (pay the lease fee)
《海岛保护法 (Island Protection Law of the People's Republic of China)
无居民海岛属国家所有,由国务院代表国家行使无居民海岛所有权 (uninhabited
islands belong to the state, and the State Council shall exercise the
ownership of uninhabited islands on behalf of the state)

[ 相关词汇 ]
近海岛屿 offshore island
开发利用 development and utilization
海洋生态 ocean ecology
专属经济区 exclusive economic zone

4. 自动驾驶巴士
self-driving bus
AI 开发者大会 (artificial intelligence developer conference)
L4 级自动驾驶巴士 (level-4 self-driving bus)
" 阿波龙 "(Apolong)
没有驾驶位、方向盘、油门及刹车踏板 (It has no driver's seat, steering wheel
or pedals)
由电力驱动 (runs on electric power)
充电 2 小时后最多能行驶 100 公里 (can travel up to 100 km after a two-hour
超高度自动驾驶 (highly automated driving) 级别
在大多数环境下由系统独自完成所有的驾驶操作 (systems can cope with most
driving conditions)
可扩展到所有驾驶场景 (extends to all driving scenarios)
泥路 (dirt roads)
异常天气条件 (unusual weather conditions)
2018 年 将 是 自 动 驾 驶 产 品 化 元 年 (2018 marks the first year of
commercialization for autonomous driving)
廉价商品 (cheap commodities)
人工智能技术 (AI technology)
此 类 交 通 工 具 比 自 动 驾 驶 小 轿 车 更 有 可 能 被 公 众 接 受 (such vehicles have a
greater chance of public acceptance than self-driving cars)

[ 相关词汇 ]
人工干预 manual intervention
自动变道 auto lane change
避障 obstacles avoidance
找车位 hunt for a parking spot

5. 3D 录取通知书
3D admission/acceptance letter

由清华大学师生共同打造 (made by faculty and students at Tsinghua)

部件 (components)
通过激光雕刻技术制作的拼插结构 (interlocking structures created using laser
cutting technology)
跃然纸上 (pops out from the page)
传 递 着 历 史 的 端 庄 与 厚 重 (convey its elegance and solemnity throughout
承 载 着 新 时 代 中 的 另 一 番 意 味 : 灵 感 与 智 慧 、 青 春 与 未 来 (carry other
meanings in the new era: inspiration and wisdom, youth and the future)
" 当你在盛夏八月穿过这座 ' 二校门 ' ,一个全新的世界将在你面前徐徐铺开,一个
崭新的清华将等待你探索与创造。 "(When you cross the Old Gate in August,
a new world will emerge in front of you, and a brand-new Tsinghua awaits
your discovery and creation.)

[ 相关词汇 ]
准考证 exam attendance docket
报志愿 college application
高考状元 gaokao top scorer
学生手册 student guidebook
新生报到 registration for freshmen

「中国日报」一周热词( 2018.7.7-2018.7.13 )

1. 战略伙伴关系
strategic partnership

阿拉伯国家是 ( 共建 " 一带一路 " 的 ) 天然合作伙伴。

"Arab states are natural partners of China,"
garner great support
China will help Arab states with transportation infrastructure, speed up
cooperation in oil and gas, finance, high-tech fields, the digital economy
and artificial intelligence.
China will also build financial platform for industrial cooperation.
未来 5 年,中国将从阿拉伯国家进口超过 8 万亿美元商品,这将给阿拉伯国家带
China plans to import goods worth over $8 trillion from Arab states in five
years and this would bring huge opportunities to Arab states.
中国将推进同阿拉伯国家的自由贸易区谈判。未来 3 年,中国将再从阿拉伯国
China will press ahead with FTA talks with Arab states and invite hundreds
of Arab elites to China over the next three years.

[ 相关词汇 ]
" 一带一路 " 倡议 the Belt and Road Initiative
天然合作伙伴 natural partner
金融平台 financial platform
数字经济 digital economy

2. 贸易霸凌主义
trade hegemony and bullying

美国贸易代表办公室 (Office of the US Trade Representative)

猫狗粮 (cat and dog food)
电子元件 (electronic components)
消费电子产品 (consumer electronics)
以 加 速 升 级 的 方 式 公 布 征 税 清 单 (publish a tariff list in a way that escalates
为 了 维 护 国 家 核 心 利 益 和 人 民 根 本 利 益 (to defend the core interests of the
nation and its people)
一如既往 (as always)
不得不作出必要反制 (be forced to impose necessary countermeasures)
呼 吁 国 际 社 会 共 同 努 力 (call on mutual efforts from the international
维护自由贸易规则和多边贸易体制 (maintain the practice of free trade and the
multilateral trading system)
贸易霸凌主义 (trade hegemony and bullying)
就美方的行为向世界贸易组织追加起诉 (tack on the case to its suit against the
US at the World Trade Organization)

[ 相关词汇 ]
贸易战 trade war
贸易保护主义 trade protectionism
反倾销 anti-dumping
反补贴 anti-subsidy
市场情绪 market sentiment

3. 自助游产品
self-guided tour products
做好暑期旅游安全工作 (ensure summer travel safety)
紧急通知 (urgent circular)
在 泰 国 普 吉 岛 附 近 海 域 发 生 倾 覆 (capsize in a storm off the coast of Phuket
Island in Thailand)
开展安全隐患排查治理 (carry out security checks against hidden risks)
加 强 与 气 象 、 海 洋 、 国 土 资 源 等 部 门 的 联 系 (strengthen connections with
meteorological, ocean, land and resources and other departments)
及 时 、 准 确 地 预 测 预 报 严 重 水 情 及 恶 劣 天 气 (deliver accurate forecasts and
timely alerts for severe water and weather conditions)
在线旅游企业和平台 (online travel agencies and platforms)
下架不合格的自助游产品 (suspend unqualified self-guided tour products)
在 线 旅 游 企 业 和 平 台 、 产 品 供 应 商 (online travel companies, platforms and
product suppliers) Copy from
加强风险提示 (better inform travelers of risks)
完善出境自助游应急机制 (improve their emergency response mechanisms)
明确相关责任 (clarify responsibilities) 。

[ 相关词汇 ]
散客 individual traveler
自由行 independent travel
跟团游 package tour
深度游 in-depth travel
自驾游 self-driving tour
旅游保证金 travel deposit

4. 通信账单管理
management of telecommunication charges

" 垃圾短信 " Spam: unwanted e-mail(usually of a commercial nature sent out
in bulk) ,即 ( 出于商业目的批量发送的 ) 收件人不想要的邮件,也就是 " 垃圾邮
" 骚扰电话 " Nuisance phone calls / nuisance calls / unwanted calls
垃圾短信 nuisance texts / spam
立即纠正错收费行为 (immediately correct mistaken charges)
从 下 月 起 以 短 信 方 式 按 月 向 用 户 推 送 通 信 账 单 信 息 (send detailed billing
information to users through SMS beginning next month)
短信端口 (SMS portals)
关 停 涉 嫌 营 销 扰 民 的 电 话 号 码 及 关 联 号 码 82 个 (shut down 82 telephone
numbers linked to harassing calls)
堵塞管理漏洞 (plug up loopholes in management rules)
提升运营服务水平 (strengthen telecom services and management)
[ 相关词汇 ]
群发短信 mass texting
短信诈骗 SMS phishing
伪基站 pseudo base station
电信诈骗 telecom fraud
响一声就挂的电话 abandoned calls

5. 转会

C 罗与尤文图斯签约至 2022 年 6 月底,为期 4 年 (the contract for Ronaldo is

for four years, until the end of June 2022)
年薪 (annual salary)
支付等额的税款 (pay the same amount in tax)
转会的总价 (the total cost of the transfer)
转会费 (transfer fee)
职业足球运动员 (professional soccer player)
转会 transfer / join / sign(a contract)
转学也可用 transfer 来表达
球员转会期 transfer window
国际足联 (Federation Internationale de Football Association, FIFA)
(C 罗 )2008 年以 8000 万英镑转会费从曼联转会皇马,创下当时的最高转会费纪
录 (join Real from Manchester United in 2008 for a then world record of 80
million pounds)
皇马史上的最佳射手 (Real's record scorer)
帮助俱乐部两次获得西甲联赛冠军, 4 次欧冠冠军 (help the team win two La
Liga titles and four Champions League trophies)
国际足联金球奖 (FIFA Ballons d'Or)
金靴奖 (Golden Boots) 。

[ 相关词汇 ]
世界杯 World Cup
意大利足球甲级联赛 Serie A
欧洲冠军联赛 UEFA Champions League
顽强拼搏的精神 the spirit of indomitable struggle
中国足协 Chinese Football Association
足球改革 soccer reform
「中国日报」一周热词( 2018.7.14-2018.7.20 )

1. 催生二孩
encourage families to have a second child

全面二孩政策 (universal two-child policy)

育龄人群 (couples of childbearing age)
经济上负担不起两个孩子 (cannot afford the economic burden of raising two
" 二孩奖励政策 (two children incentive policies)"
全国规定的 98 天产假 (the 98 days of nationally-mandated maternity leave)
延长产假 (extend the maternity leave)
陪护假 (paternity leave)
生育津贴 (childbirth allowance)
奶粉补贴 (subsidies for baby milk formula)
生殖医疗服务补贴 (subsidized reproductive medical services)

[ 相 关 词 汇 ]
产 前 假 pre-natal leave
延 长 哺 乳 假 extended breastfeeding leave
妇 产 医 院 maternity hospital
婴儿潮 baby boom

2. 小学课程
primary-school-level lessons

( 幼 儿 园 ) 教 授 小 学 课 程 内 容 (teach lessons intended for primary school

社会培训机构 (private training institutions)
幼 儿 园 将 以 游 戏 为 基 本 活 动 (playing games will be the basic activity in
创设开放的、多样的区域活动空间 (open and multi-purpose areas for different
教师资格证 (teaching certificate)
竞赛成绩及证书作为招生依据 (admission to primary school should not refer
to any test or contest result)
[ 相 关 词 汇 ]
学 龄 儿 童 school-age children, children of school age
早 期 教 育 early education
课 外 培 训 机 构 after-school training institutions
学 生 减 负 reduce students' excessive academic burden
超 纲 教 学 teaching beyond the syllabus
就近入学 be admitted to neighborhood primary schools

3. 黄金签
golden visa

" 黄金签 (golden visa)"

" 一级投资签证 (tier 1 investor visa)"
在英国投资 200 万英镑或以上资产,以换取在英国居住和工作的权利 (invest
£ 2m or more for the privilege of living and working in the UK)
全球超级富豪 (the global super-rich)
围 绕 对 美 投 资 者 签 证 的 政 治 不 确 定 性 (political uncertainty surrounding
investor visas in the US)
高净值人士 (HNWIs, high net worth individuals)
在 2019 年 3 月 正 式 脱 欧 之 后 收 紧 签 证 规 定 (may tighten visa rules after the
formal Brexit date in March 2019)

[ 相 关 词 汇 ]
最 低 投 资 门 槛 minimum investment threshold
签 证 申 请 visa application
申 请 永 久 居 住 权 apply for permanent residency
授予公民身份 grant citizenship

4. 小程序
mini program, applet

小程序 (mini programs, applet)

在主程序内运行的应用程序 (apps that only work within a master app)
省去了用户安装、退出或进入不同应用程序的麻烦 (save users the hassle of
installing, and exiting and entering different apps)
重 返 中 国 消 费 市 场 的 最 新 尝 试 (the latest step in Google's tiptoe back into
China's consumer market)
" 猜画小歌 (Guess the Sketch)"
按照要求画出一些日常用品 (doodle an assigned everyday item)
对画作的内容进行猜测 (throw out its best guesses of the subject)
进入下一轮 (advance the next round)
这 款 游 戏 背 后 的 神 经 网 络 技 术 有 超 过 5000 万 个 手 绘 素 描 的 数 据 群 支 持 (the
neural networking behind this game is powered by a dataset of 50 million
hand-drawn sketches)
展 现 了 谷 歌 人 工 智 能 在 计 算 机 视 觉 方 面 的 发 展 (showcase Google AI's
advances in computer vision)

[ 相 关 词 汇 ]
第 三 方 应 用 商 店 third-party app store
计 算 机 插 画 艺 术 家 computer sketch artist
快 捷 图 标 short-cut icon
消息推送 push notifications

5. 最烧钱影片
most expensive movie ever made

《阿修罗 (Asura) 》
《指环王 (The Lord of the Rings) 》
奇幻系列电影 (fantasy franchise)
糟 糕 的 票 房 是 蓄 意 破 坏 的 结 果 (blame the abysmal box office showing on
指 控 有 人 涌 入 移 动 售 票 平 台 猫 眼 电 影 发 表 负 面 评 论 (trolls had flooded the
mobile-ticketing platform Maoyan with negative reviews)
观众评分 (audience scores)
拙劣的营销 (poor marketing)
喜剧电影 (comedy-drama)
《我不是药神 (Dying to Survive) 》
令人震惊的 1.06 亿美元的亏损 (a staggering $106 million loss)
《辛巴达七海传奇 (Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas) 》
史上最失败的影片 (the biggest flop ever)
与《阿修罗》有一拼的美国影片 (a close analog to Asura in the US)
科幻喜剧 (sci-fi comedy)
《星际冒险王 (The Adventures of Pluto Nash) 》

[ 相 关 词 汇 ]
大 制 作 电 影 high-budget film
暂 停 全 国 放 映 suspend the national release
提 高 行 业 门 槛 raise the bar for the industry
奇幻片或科幻片 fantasy or sci-fi films
「中国日报」一周热词( 2018.7.21-2018.7.27 )
1. 金砖峰会
BRICS Summit

顺 应 时 代 潮 流 实 现 共 同 发 展 (Keeping Abreast of the Trend of the Times to

Achieve Common Development)
" 金砖 国家 在非 洲: 在第 四次 工业 革命 中共 谋包 容增 长和 共同 繁荣 (BRICS in
Africa: Collaborating for Inclusive Growth and Shared Prosperity in the 4th
Industrial Revolution)"
让美好愿景变为现实 (Turn Our Vision into a Reality)
持 久 和 平 、 普 遍 安 全 、 共 同 繁 荣 、 开 放 包 容 、 清 洁 美 丽 的 世 界 (an open,
inclusive, clean and beautiful world that enjoys lasting peace, universal
security and common prosperity)

[ 相 关 词 汇 ]
金 砖 合 作 BRICS cooperation
战 略 伙 伴 关 系 strategic partnership
金 色 十 年 Golden Decade
紧 密 伙 伴 关 系 网 络 a network of closer partnerships
金砖 + BRICS Plus

2. 疫苗事件
vaccine case

性质恶劣,令人触目惊心 (hideous and appalling)

注: CNN 、 AFP 等外媒译为: vile and shocking

此次疫苗事件突破人的道德底线,必须给全国人民一个明明白白的交代。 The
vaccine case crossed a moral line, and the nation deserves a clear
对 长 春 长 生 生 物 科 技 有 限 责 任 公 司 开 展 检 查 (launch an investigation of
Changchun Chang-sheng Bio-tech Co)
" 冻干人用狂犬病疫苗 (freeze-dried rabies vaccines for human use)"
不合格的无细胞百白破疫苗 (substandard DTaP vaccine) 。
25.26 万 支 效 价 指 标 不 合 格 的 无 细 胞 百 白 破 疫 苗 (252,600 doses of the
substandard DTaP vaccine that couldn't meet the standard of immunity
免疫效果 (immune effects)
不会对人们的健康构成威胁 (pose safety threats to people's health)
全 面 排 查 高 风 险 药 品 企 业 (look into all other high-risk pharmaceutical
收 回 长 春 长 生 狂 犬 病 疫 苗 药 品 GMP 证 书 (revoke Changchun Changsheng's
drug GMP certificate for rabies vaccines)
停止该企业(狂犬病疫苗)生产及销售 (halt their production and sale)
暂停该企业所有产品批签发 (suspend the approval of the company's all sorts
of products)
刑事拘留 (criminal detention)
对可能存在的腐败问题展开调查 (conduct inspections regarding any possible
corruption problems)

[ 相 关 词 汇 ]
伪 造 fabricate
狂 犬 病 rabies
白 喉 diphtheria
百 日 咳 pertussis
破伤风 tetanus

3. 世贸组织改革
reform of the World Trade Organization/WTO reform

世 界 贸 易 组 织 World Trade Organization (WTO).

缓解贸易摩擦 (mitigate trade tensions)
世贸组织改革 (WTO reform)
照 顾 大 多 数 成 员 关 切 , 反 映 大 多 数 成 员 诉 求 (address the concerns of most
members and reflect their needs)
美欧达成的贸易共识 (the trade consensus reached between the US and the
不打贸易战是好事,不仅对欧美,对全世界都是如此 (it's not only good for the
EU and the US, but good for the whole world)
关注双方声明能否得到真正落实 (pay attention to whether the statement will
渐进式改革 (gradual reform)
确保世贸组织基本宗旨不变 (the primary purpose of the WTO should remain
基本原则不受挑战 (its fundamental principle should not be challenged)
增 强 世 贸 组 织 的 权 威 性 和 领 导 力 (strengthen the authoritativeness and
leadership of the WTO)
强 化 自 由 贸 易 原 则 与 多 边 贸 易 体 制 的 基 本 功 能 和 作 用 (consolidate the basic
functions and role of free trade principle and multilateral trading system)
促 进 全 球 自 由 贸 易 和 经 济 全 球 化 (promote global free trade and economic

[ 相 关 词 汇 ]
区 域 自 由 贸 易 regional free trade
经 济 全 球 化 economic globalization
区 域 经 济 一 体 化 regional economic integration
多边贸易体制 multilateral trading regime

4. 虚拟电信网络服务经营牌照
licenses to run virtual telecom network services

移动通信转售业务 (mobile communication resale business)

虚拟网络运营商 (virtual network operator)
没有电信基础设施 (do not own the telecommunication infrastructure)
电信运营商 (telecommunications suppliers)
购买网络服务 (buy network services)
管理服务提供商 (provider of management services)
民间资本 (private capital)
虚拟(运营商)试点牌照 (pilot operation licenses)
虚拟网络服务用户 (virtual network service subscribers)
创造了近 6 万个工作岗位 (create nearly 60,000 jobs)
获 得 牌 照 的 15 家 企 业 (15 companies that have got the licenses from the
首批与中国联通签署合作协议的企业 (the first batch of players that have inked
cooperation agreements with China Unicom)

[ 相 关 词 汇 ]
移 动 通 信 网 络 mobile communication network
公 用 电 话 pay phone
话 费 账 单 phone bill
资 费 套 餐 payment scheme
隐 性 收 费 hidden charge
流量不清零服务 rollover data service
5. 网店
online store

大 英 博 物 馆 The British Museum

网店 (online store)
手机壳 (mobile phone shell)
罗塞塔石碑 (Rosetta stone)
埃及木乃伊 (Egyptian mummy)
" 神奈川冲浪里 (The Great Wave off Kanagawa)"
刘易斯岛象棋 (the Isle of Lewis chess pieces)
首批发售的 20 款产品 (first launched 20 items)
已暂时售罄 (temporarily sold out)
吸引了 3 万多粉丝 (attract over 30,000 followers)
故宫 (Palace Museum)
月销量超过 1 万件 (register monthly sales volume of more than 10,000)
文创产品 (cultural and creative products)
中国国家博物馆 (National Museum of China)

[ 相 关 词 汇 ]
热 卖 sell like hot cakes
走 红 go viral
商 机 business opportunity
文化影响力 cultural influence

「中国日报」一周热词( 2018.7.28-2018.8.3 )

1. 纯母乳喂养
exclusive breastfeeding

世界母乳喂养周 (World Breastfeeding Week)

母乳 (breast milk)
全球性的活动 (global campaign)
基本纯母乳喂养 (predominant breastfeeding)
纯母乳喂养 (exclusive breastfeeding)
糖浆 (syrup)
不给宝宝喂母乳之外的任何液体和食物,水也不例外 (giving a baby no other
food or drink - not even water - except breast milk)
世界卫生组织 (World Health Organization, WHO)
联合国儿童基金会 (United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund,
UNICEF)( 原名:联合国国际儿童紧急救助基金会 )
营 养 充 分 和 安 全 的 辅 食 (nutritionally adequate and safe complementary
远低于 2020 年的目标值 (far from the 2020 goal)
将 六 个 月 以 下 婴 儿 纯 母 乳 喂 养 率 提 高 至 50%(raise the rate of exclusive
breastfeeding in the first six months of life to 50%)
公 共 和 工 作 场 所 缺 乏 相 关 设 施 (a lack of facilities in public areas and
产假落实不力 (poor implementation of maternity leave)
未 严 格 遵 守 《 国 际 母 乳 代 用 品 销 售 守 则 》 (poor compliance with the
International Code of Marketing of Breast-milk Substitutes)

[ 相关词汇 ]
配 方 奶 喂 养 formula-feeding
母 乳 代 用 品 breast-milk substitutes
母 乳 银 行 breast milk bank
乳 制 品 dairy products
儿 童 期 肥 胖 症 childhood obesity
食物不耐受 food intolerance

2. 假货
counterfeit goods, fake commodities

要求拼多多停止所有假冒创维产品的销售活动 (demand that Pinduoduo stop

selling counterfeit versions of its products on the platform)
假货 (counterfeit good)
消费降级 (consumption downgrading)
制 售 假 冒 伪 劣 商 品 (the manufacture and sale of fake or inferior-quality
商标侵权 (the infringement on trademarks)
相关虚假宣传和违法广告 (relevant false propaganda and illegal advertising)
网络交易平台经营者 (operators of online trading platforms)
履行法定义务 (fulfill their legal obligations)
( 切实 ) 维护商标权利人和消费者的合法权益 (protect the legitimate rights and
interests of trademark owners and consumers)
积 极 配 合 市 场 监 管 部 门 开 展 相 关 专 项 治 理 (actively cooperate with market
regulatory authorities to carry out special rectification)

[ 相 关 词 汇 ]
在 线 折 扣 平 台 online discount platform
山 寨 商 品 copycat commodity, knockoff
产 业 升 级 industrial upgrading
第三方供应商 third-party vendor

3. 电子运单
digital waybill

更加环保 (environmentally friendly)

纸质快递运单 (paper courier/express waybill)
电子运单 (digital waybill)
只需要一小张纸 (only require one small piece of paper)
产生了 800 万吨废弃物 (generate 8 million tons of garbage)
生活垃圾 (domestic garbage)
新能源汽车 (new energy vehicle)
快递企业 (express delivery firm)

[ 相 关 词 汇 ]
绿 色 包 装 green packaging
可 降 解 塑 料 袋 degradable plastic bag
拉 链 式 封 装 zipper packaging
中转袋 plastic bags for transit purposes

4. 致癌杂质
cancer-causing impurity

缬沙坦 (valsartan) 原料药

"N- 亚硝基二甲胺 "(NDMA)
可致癌杂质 (carcinogenic/cancer-causing impurity)
高血压 (hypertension, high blood pressure) 的治疗
正 常 情 况 下 不 该 含 有 这 种 杂 质 (valasartan normally contains no such
几 乎 没 有 证 据 表 明 其 对 人 类 也 有 致 癌 性 (there is little evidence showing it
causes cancer in humans)
腌制食物 (salted foods)
药企 (pharmaceutical company)
已召回相关产品 (recall the involved products)
使 用 含 其 他 药 企 生 产 的 缬 沙 坦 的 药 品 (use drugs containing other makers'
为患者开具其他药物 (prescribe different drugs for patients)
[ 相 关 词 汇 ]
重 要 原 料 key ingredient
生 产 工 艺 manufacturing techniques
一 级 致 癌 物 level 1 carcinogen
加工肉制品 processed meat

5. 胡同游
hutong tourism

意见征求 (solicitation of opinions)

胡同游 (hutong tourism)
风俗人情 (folk customs)
文化展示 (cultural display)
胡同游客接待量应与经营总体规模相匹配 (hutong should not be able to accept
more people than they can handle)
夜间营业的胡同,公共场地应有充足的灯光照明和应急照明设施 (hutong that
are open during the night should be equipped with sufficient lights and
emergency power supplies in public areas)
胡同应有不少于 2 个主要出入口 (each hutong should have at least two entry
or exit points)
环保型代步工具 (eco-friendly transportation methods)
无障碍设施 (barrier-free facilities)
主要出入口附近宜设置机动车和非机动车停车场地 (parking for cars and non-
motor vehicles should be placed at main entrances)
明码标价 (mark the price clearly)
无交叉污染 (cross-contamination)
公共卫生间 (public toilet)
胡同商户卫生间应向游客免费开放使用 (all the toilets in businesses along the
hutong should be open to tourists for free)
提供一种以上外语服务 (provide services in more than one foreign language)
影响周边居民的正常生活 (disturb daily life of residents living nearby)

[ 相 关 词 汇 ]
胡 同 文 化 hutong culture
四 合 院 quadrangle, or Siheyuan
旅 游 厕 所 革 命 tourist toilet revolution
旅 游 专 列 tourist train
可 持 续 旅 游 sustainable tourism
红色旅游 red tourism

「中国日报」一周热词( 2018.8.4-2018.8.10 )
1. 续种补种方案
follow-up inoculation plan

接 种 过 长 春 长 生 狂 犬 病 疫 苗 且 尚 未 完 成 整 个 接 种 程 序 者 (those who have

received the vaccines from Changchun Changsheng Bio-tech Co but have
not gone through the entire inoculation procedure)
已完成接种程序者 (those who have completed the procedure)
有补种意愿 (still want reinoculation)
接种单位在告知防控知识、疫苗的保护作用、接种后注意事项等内容后 (being
informed by vaccination institutions about prevention and control, the
functions of the vaccines and post-inoculation tips)
可免费补种 (get vaccines for free)
狂犬病潜伏期 (the incubation period of rabies)
提 供 跟 踪 观 察 和 咨 询 服 务 (provide tracking, observation and advisory
异常情况 (abnormalities)
向社会公开联系方式 (make contact information public)
定点医疗机构 (designated medical institution)
专家组 (expert panel)
临床研究 (clinical studies)
疾病预防控制 (disease prevention and control)

[ 相 关 词 汇 ]
静 脉 注 射 intravenous injection
皮 下 注 射 hypodermic injection
疫 苗 注 射 vaccination/vaccine injection
注射死刑 execution by lethal injection

2. 信息公开
disclose information, information disclosure

慈善组织 (charities/charity groups)

信息公开 (information disclosure)
施行 (go into effect)
依法 (in accordance with the law)
年度工作报告和财务会计报告 (yearly work and financial accounting reports)
公开募捐 (public fundraising)
慈善信托 (charitable trust)
重大资产变动 (major asset changes)
关联交易 (connected transactions)
出国 ( 境 ) 经费 (expenditure for overseas trips)
差旅费用 (travel expenses)
不 得 有 虚 假 记 载 、 误 导 性 陈 述 或 者 重 大 遗 漏 (any false records, misleading
statements, or major omissions are not allowed)
新闻发布 (news release)
慈善组织不及时公开信息 (fail to disclose information in a timely manner)
公开的信息不真实的 (disclose false information)
民政部门 (civil affairs authorities)

[ 相 关 词 汇 ]
募 捐 raise donations
财 务 透 明 度 financial transparency
社 会 组 织 social organization
援 助 机 构 aid agency/organization
食 物 银 行 food bank
义卖会 bazaar

3. 亚运会会徽
Asian Games emblem

杭 州 2022 年 第 19 届 亚 运 会 会 徽 (the emblem for the 19th Asian Games

Hangzhou 2022)
互联网符号 (internet icon)
亚奥理事会 (the Olympic Council of Asia, OCA)
主办城市 (host city)
江 南 人 文 意 蕴 (the cultural heritage unique to the southern regions of the
Yangtze River)
体育竞技 (sports competitions)
会徽的形象核心 (the core elements of the emblem)
山水城市 (a city of natural landscapes)
展 示 杭 州 亚 运 会 理 念 和 中 国 文 化 的 重 要 载 体 (major carrier to showcase
Hangzhou's visions of the Asian Games and the Chinese culture)
会 徽 设 计 富 有 时 代 气 息 , 符 合 奥 林 匹 克 精 神 (the emblem embodies the
character of our times and the Olympic Spirit)
构 建 亚 洲 和 人 类 命 运 共 同 体 (build a community of a shared future for Asia
and mankind)

[ 相 关 词 汇 ]
体 育 赛 事 sports event
吉 祥 物 mascot
田 径 运 动 track and field
电 子 竞 技 e-sports
打破世界纪录 break/beat/shatter the world record

4. 非法代写服务
illegal ghostwriting services

减负 (burden alleviation)
努力减少学生的家庭作业 (try to cut back on homework for students)
家 长 却 往 往 利 用 假 期 等 课 余 时 间 安 排 孩 子 上 课 外 辅 导 班 (parents tend to
arrange their children's spare time, including vacations, for extracurricular
无法负荷学校和补习班两方面的作业 (cannot bear the homework form by both
the school and the cram school)
商机 (business opportunity)
代写行业的服务链 (the chain of the ghostwriting industry)
联系客服 (contact customer service)
告知要求 (tell the requirements)
确定价格 (set the price)
邮寄作业 (mail the notebook)
支付议价 (pay the agreed fee)
收到成品 (get the returned manuscript)
电商平台 (e-commerce platform)
代写主力军 (the main force of the ghostwriters)
渴望挣零花钱 (desire to earn pocket money)

[ 相 关 词 汇 ]
抄 袭 plagiarism
欺 诈 行 为 an act of fraud
写 作 软 件 writing software
课 业 负 担 homework loads
教育改革 education reform

5. 精芬
spiritually Finnish
" 精神上的芬兰人 "

一个典型的芬兰人,喜欢平静、安静,享受个人空间 (a stereotypical Finn who

appreciates peace, quiet and personal space)
" 内向 的芬 兰人 跟你 说话 的时 候看 着自 己的 鞋子 (an introverted Finn looks at
his shoes when talking to you) ,外向的芬兰人跟你说话的时候看着你的鞋子
(an extroverted Finn looks at your shoes)
马 蒂 努 力 践 行 己 之 所 欲 亦 施 于 人 的 待 人 之 道 (Matti tries his best to do unto
others as he wishes to be done unto him)
无意义的闲谈 (unnecessary chit chat)
时 时 处 处 都 觉 得 不 自 在 的 人 (be the kind of perpetually uncomfortable
不 喜 欢 被 特 别 对 待 , 哪 怕 是 表 扬 也 不 行 (hate being singled out, even for
跟别人搭档工作 (work in pairs)
引起了许多中国读者的共鸣 (strike a chord with many Chinese readers)
社交恐惧 (social anxiety disorder)
精神上的芬兰人 (spiritually Finnish)
自我认同 (self-identification)
群居动物 (social animal)
自我空间 (personal space)
个人隐私 (individual privacy)

[ 相 关 词 汇 ]
宅 男 homebody
私 人 空 间 private space
无 谓 的 社 交 unnecessary socializing
大众生活 public life

「中国日报」一周热词( 2018.8.11-2018.8.17 )
1. 嫦娥四号
the Chang'e 4

探月工程 (lunar exploration program)

着陆器 (lander)
探测器 (probe)
月球背面 (far side of the moon)
软着陆 (soft landing)
巡视勘察 (patrol survey)
基本继承了 " 玉兔号 " 的外形和状态 (largely keep the shape and conditions of
its predecessor, Yutu, or Jade Rabbit)
中继通信 (relay communication)
科学目标实际需要 (the actual needs of the scientific objectives)
( 有效 ) 载荷配置 (payload configuration)
测月雷达 (lunar penetrating radar)
第一幅月球背面剖面图 (first geologic cross-section of the moon's far side)

[ 相 关 词 汇 ]
无 人 月 球 探 测 器 unmanned lunar probe
月 球 表 面 moonscape
设 计 寿 命 design life
空 间 站 space station
载人飞行 manned flight

2. 生育基金
childbirth fund

生育基金 (childbirth fund)

家庭在生育第二胎时,可申请取出生育基金,作为育儿贴补 (families having a
second baby are allowed to draw money from the fund as subsidy for their
child rearing)
如公民未生育二孩,账户资金则待退休时再行取出 (if a family does not have a
second child, it can withdraw the money deposited in the fund upon

引发了网友和学者们的一致抨击 (draw a wave of criticism from internet users

and scholars)
独立人口学者 (demographer)
已 缴 纳 了 较 高 的 社 保 费 (pay a relatively high level of social insurance

[ 相 关 词 汇 ]
房 贷 housing mortgage
车 贷 car mortgage
低 生 育 率 low fertility rate
育 龄 妇 女 women of child-bearing age
断 崖 式 下 跌 drop dramatically
减轻家庭经济负担 ease financial burdens on families

3. 七夕节
Qixi Festival

传统文化 (traditional culture)

" 中国情人节 (Chinese Valentine's Day)"
七夕节 (Qixi Festival)
旅游产品 (tourism product)
在线旅行社 (online travel agency)
95 后群体 (those born after 1995)
酒店预订量 (hotel bookings)
贡献了近半数的预订量 (contribute to nearly half of the reservations)
主题酒店 (theme hotel)
社交网络 (social networks)
境外目的地 (outbound destination)
免签或落地签政策 (visa-free or visa-on-arrival policy)

[ 相 关 词 汇 ]
一 见 钟 情 fall in love at first sight
公 开 恋 情 go public with one's romance
节 日 消 费 holiday spending
办 公 室 恋 情 office romance
网恋 online romance

4. 天价片酬
sky-high remuneration of stars

天价片酬 (sky-high remuneration of stars)

主要演员的不合理片酬 (unreasonable payment of lead actors and actresses)
挤压了影视剧的其他制作费用 (squeeze the money spent on other production
烂片 (flop)
为 演 员 片 酬 设 定 了 上 限 (stipulate the maximum paychecks actors and
actresses can receive)
总预算 (overall budget)
主要演员 (starring actors and actress)
对单个演员的片酬设限 (set salary caps on the remuneration of a single actor
or actress)

[ 相 关 词 汇 ]
艺 人 entertainer
逃 税 tax evasion
金 钱 崇 拜 money worship
制 作 成 本 production costs
在线流媒体平台 online media streaming platform
5. 外挂

" 外挂 (plug-in)"
改 变 车 辆 在 滴 滴 出 行 应 用 上 的 正 常 导 航 和 行 驶 路 线 (change the vehicles'
normal orientations and driving courses)
通 过 设 定 具 体 的 出 发 或 目 的 地 对 订 单 进 行 筛 选 (filter orders by specific
departures or destinations)
作弊器 (cheating program)
上 线 了 反 作 弊 策 略 来 识 别 作 弊 应 用 (launch a counter-measure system for
detecting the cheating app)
一旦确认使用外挂立即封号处理 (block any accounts identified to be using the
绝不姑息 (zero tolerance)
网络黑产 (black industry)

[ 相 关 词 汇 ]
网 约 车 online car-hailing
叫 车 软 件 car-hailing app
拼 车 carpooling
抢 票 插 件 ticket-buying plug-in
宰客 overcharge

「中国日报」一周热词( 2018.8.18-2018.8.24 )

1. 无人时代
unmanned era

北极科学考察队 (Arctic expedition team)

我国自主研发的 (independently developed by China)
无人冰站系统 (unmanned ice station system)
无人时代 (unmanned era)
海洋、海冰、大气 (the ocean, the sea ice and the atmosphere)
无人值守观测 (unattended observation)
利用破冰船考察北极 (use icebreakers to explore the Arctic)
研究北极海冰变化和海-冰-气相互作用 (research on the changes in sea ice
and air-sea-ice interactions in the Arctic) 机理
科考船 (scientific expedition vessel)
补充 (supplement)
极地科考 (polar expedition)
水下观测 (underwater observation)
恶劣的自然环境 (harsh natural environment)
样机 (prototype)
在国际上并无先例 (unprecedented in the world)
核心技术 (core technology)
海冰内部光辐射长期观测 (long-term observation by light radiation inside sea

[ 相 关 词 汇 ]
北 极 圈 Arctic Circle
极 光 aurora, polar lights
海 冰 减 少 sea ice loss/decline
冰 上 融 池 melt pond
冰 裂 缝 ice crack
观 测 数 据 observation data
气候变化 climate change

2. 网民
online users

我国网民规模达 8.02 亿 (the number of China's online users hit 802 million) 用
手 机 上 网 (use mobile phones to surf the internet) 互 联 网 普 及 率 (internet
availability rate) 国 际 互 联 网 网 关 带 宽 (international internet gateway

我国网络购物用户和使用网上支付的用户占总体网民的比例均为 71%(online
shopping and online payment users both accounted for 71% of China's total
online users)
网民的互联网理财服务使用率 (the percentage of internet users using online
financial services)
我国在线政务服务用户 (users of China's online government services)
经 过 新 浪 平 台 认 证 的 政 务 机 构 微 博 (verified Sina Weibo microblog accounts
run by government agencies)

[ 相 关 词 汇 ]
互 联 网 产 业 internet industry
网 购 狂 欢 节 online shopping spree
网 络 生 态 online ecosystem
网络霸权 internet hegemony

3. 性别平等教育
gender equality education

中小学 (primary and middle schools)

性别平等教育 (gender equality education)
学生需求 (student needs)
心理健康 (mental health)
文化活动 (cultural activities)
试点城市 (pilot city)
教学大纲 (syllabus)
性别平等意识 (awareness of gender equality)
保护自己的身体隐私 (protect their physical privacy)
性骚扰 (sexual harassment)
性侵害 (sexual assault)
性别特点 (gender traits)
生涯规划 (career planning)
偏见和误解 (prejudice and misunderstanding)
2011 年中国妇女发展计划 (2011-2020) 通过后,中国的性别平等教育才开始发
展 (gender equality education in China only gained ground after the Program
for the Development of Chinese Women (2011-2020) was passed in 2011)
性 别 平 等 涉 及 男 性 与 女 性 的 合 法 权 益 和 社 会 地 位 (gender equality involves
legitimate rights, interests and the social status of men and women)
(that's why it should be taught in schools to expose students to it at a very
young age)

[ 相 关 词 汇 ]
男 女 平 权 equal rights for men and women
性 别 歧 视 gender discrimination
性 别 收 入 差 距 gender pay gap
性 别 刻 板 印 象 gender stereotype
玻 璃 天 花 板 glass ceiling
新生儿男女比例 male to female ratio at birth
4. 热门外语
popular foreign language

现代语言 (modern language)

( 汉语 ) 逆转了现代语言受欢迎程度下降的趋势 (bucked the trend of the fall in
popularity of modern languages)
因为德国经济的重要性 (because of the importance of the German economy)
被大力鼓励学习德语 (be strongly encouraged to study German)
全球发展最快的经济体 (the fastest growing economy in the world)
对在 A-level 考试中报考汉语的人数增加表示欢迎 (welcome the rise in Chinese
A-level entries)
整体呈下降趋势 (overall downward trend)
年轻人可以充满热情地学习语言 (our young people can be enthused to study
languages) 。
全球地位 (global standing)
Copy f
[ 相 关 词 汇 ]
教 育 改 革 education reform
课 业 负 担 homework loads
招 生 制 度 enrollment system
教育强国 education power

5. 共享保姆

共享民宿 (sharing home)

共享汽车 (shared car)
共享保姆 (nanny-sharing)
保 姆 定 期 照 顾 来 自 两 个 家 庭 的 孩 子 (a nanny cares for children from two
families on a regular basis)
雇得起一个保姆 (afford a nanny)
提升保姆的经济收益 (lift nannies' economic fortunes)
推出共享保姆服务 (roll out its nanny-sharing service)
把共享经济带到儿童保育领域 (bring the sharing economy to child care)

[ 相 关 词 汇 ]
保 姆 荒 nanny shortage
共 享 护 士 nurse sharing
分 享 经 济 sharing economy
共享平台 sharing platform

1. 养老支出
expenditures on caring for the elderly

个人所得税法 (individual income tax law)

个税起征点 (threshold for personal income tax exemption)
税率 (tax rate)
赡养老人的支出 (expenses for elderly care)
专项附加扣除 (special additional deduction)
子女教育 (children's education)
继续教育 (continuing education)
大病医疗 (treatment for serious diseases)
劳务报酬所得 (remuneration for personal services)
稿酬所得 (authors' remuneration)
特许权使用费 (royalties)
公益慈善事业 (philanthropy)
应纳税所得额 (taxable income)
扣除 (deduction)

[ 相关词汇 ]
增值税 value-added tax
企业所得税 enterprise income tax
免税 tax exemption
减税 tax reduction, tax cut
收入分配 distribution of income
避税地 tax haven

2. 消费降级
consumption downgrading

消费降级 (consumption downgrading)

家庭收支压力大 (household budgets are under pressure)
减少消费 (spending is being reduced)
榨菜 (pickle)
便宜白酒 (cheap baijiu)
方便面 (instant noodles)
消费升级 (consumption upgrading)
商 品 支 出 减 少 , 但 服 务 支 出 增 加 (less spending on products and more on
给国人带来最大满足 (bring the most satisfaction to people in China)
低价产品 (products with lower prices)
消费理念 (consumption concept)
消费心理 (consumer psychology)

[ 相关词汇 ]
扩大内需 expand domestic demand
消费机制 consumption mechanism
优化消费结构 optimize the consumption structure
个性化消费 personalized consumption
多样化的消费诉求 diversified consumption demands

3. 顺风车业务
hitch riding services

面对面约谈 (face-to-face meeting)

责 令 其 立 即 对 在 线 顺 风 车 业 务 进 行 全 面 整 改 (order the company to rectify
problems with its online hitch riding services)
加强安全举措 (enhance security measures)
及 时 向 社 会 公 布 有 关 整 改 情 况 (release timely updates of its progress to
correct the situation with the public)
从滴滴平台叫车后失联 (go missing after hailing an auto from Didi)
承认了强奸和谋杀行为 (confess to rape and murder)
空姐 (female flight attendant)
搭乘滴滴顺风车时被司机杀害 (be murdered by her hitch driver)
重 大 经 营 管 理 漏 洞 和 安 全 隐 患 (great management loopholes and safety
严 重 威 胁 乘 客 安 全 和 权 益 (seriously threaten passengers' safety, rights and
社会影响非常恶劣 (cause severe negative social impact)
在全国范围内下线顺风车业务 (suspend its hitch riding services nationwide)
重新评估业务模式 (re-evaluate its business model)
安全隐患 (potential safety hazards )
整改升级客服体系 (the company's customer service system will be upgraded)
开 拓 平 台 用 户 紧 急 情 况 报 警 通 道 (launch a service to allow users to contact
the police in case of emergencies)
完 善 配 合 公 安 机 关 证 据 调 取 机 制 (improve the mechanism of providing
evidence for the police)

[ 相关词汇 ]
专车服务 tailored taxi service
快车 fast ride
人身安全 physical safety
平民伤亡 civilian casualty
紧急求救电话 emergency call

4. 电竞

亚运会 (Asian Games)

电竞 (electronic sports, e-sports)
《英雄联盟 (League of Legends) 》
《皇室战争 (Clash Royale) 》
表演项目 (demonstration sports/exhibition event)
体育赛事 (sporting event)
正式比赛项目 (official/medal event)
奖牌总数 (medal tally)
电竞产业 (esports industry)
黄金时代 (golden age)
电竞入奥 (e-sports' Olympic inclusion)
用户规模 (user base)
销售收入 (sales revenue)

[ 相关词汇 ]
国家队 national team
电子竞技比赛 e-sports tournament
电竞选手 e-sports player
电子竞技运动与管理 electronic competitive sports and management
电子竞技世界杯 Electronic Sport World Cup

5. 客户信息
client information

" 暗网 " 论坛 ("dark web" forum)

私人信息 (private information)
比特币 (Bitcoin)
门罗币 (Monero)
遭泄露的信息 (leaked information)
注册资料 (registration information)
酒店开房记录 (record of hotel stay)
登录账号密码 (login account and password)
详细数据 (detailed data) 。
聘 请 了 专 业 人 员 对 " 相 关 个 人 信 息 " 是 否 来 源 于 华 住 集 团 进 行 核 实 (hire
professionals to determine if the "relevant private information" came from
the company)

[ 相关词汇 ]
隐私威胁 privacy threat
信息安全 information security
身份认证 identity authentication
网络诈骗 cyber fraud
「中国日报」一周热词( 2018.9.1-2018.9.7 )

1. 科学素质
scientific literacy
改革开放 (reform and opening up)
科学素质 (scientific literacy)
" 十三五 " 规划 (13th Five-Year Plan)
解决生活和工作中的问题 (solve issues in life and at work)
基础科学知识 (basic science knowledge)
对于重要科学问题的看法 (opinions on key scientific issues)
通 过科 学做 决定 和解 决问 题的 能力 (ability to use science to make decisions
and solve problems)
科技先行国家 (technologically advanced countries)
进入创新型国家行列 (become innovation powerhouses)
公民具备较高科学素质的比例最少也要 10%(at least 10% of their population
is scientifically literate)
重要。这将是一个长期和充满挑战的过程,但我们有信心克服难关。 (Improving
scientific literacy, upholding the scientific spirit, and spreading the use of
scientific methods are crucial in eliminating superstitions and false rumors.
This will be a long and challenging process, but we are confident in
overcoming the issues.)

[ 相 关 词 汇 ]
综 合 素 质 comprehensive quality
创 新 能 力 innovation capacity
科 技 实 力 technological strength
国际竞争力 international competitiveness

2. 正当防卫
justifiable defense

无效死亡 (died despite treatment)

正当防卫 (justifiable defense)
防卫过当 (excessive defense)
暴力犯罪 (violent crime)
( 造成 ) 不法侵害人 (unlawful infringer)
不负刑事责任 (shall not bear criminal responsibility)
撤销 (withdraw)
符合法律规定 (be in accordance with the law)
严重危及于海明人身安全 (seriously endanger Yu's personal safety)
不法侵害 (unlawful infringement)

[ 相 关 词 汇 ]
行 凶 commit physical assault or murder
管 制 刀 具 restricted knives
持 刀 袭 击 knife attack
人身安全 personal safety

3. 性侵案
sexual assault case

尚未对其发出正式指控 (no formal charges have been filed)

交易日 (trading day)
市值 (market value)
一级性犯罪 (criminal sexual conduct in the first degree)
强奸既遂 (rape-complete)
初犯 (first offense)
登记收押 (take into custody)
保释金 (bail)
遭遇不实性侵指控 (be falsely accused of sexual assault)
不当行为 (misconduct)
发布了虚假或具有误导性的声明 (make false or misleading statements)
集体诉讼 (class action lawsuit)

[ 相 关 词 汇 ]
性 骚 扰 sexual harassment
性 暴 力 sexual violence
性 别 平 等 gender equality
轻 罪 misdemeanor
重罪 felony

4. 播放量
view counts

播放量 (view counts)

网页的浏览量 (page view , PV)
点击量 (hits/clicks)
独立访客数 (unique visitor , UV) 等
" 流 量 明 星 "online celebrity with a huge fan base/online celebrity , social
media star
基于播放时间的行为数据 (behavioral data based on viewing time)
互动数据 (interaction data)
分享行为数据 (sharing behavioral data)
唯播放量论 (making view counts the sole criterion)
扭 曲 了 创 作 和 宣 传 的 初 心 (distort the original purposes of creation and
刷量等违法行为 (illegal acts like faking view counts)
大 量 优 质 作 品 因 为 缺 乏 综 合 客 观 的 评 价 体 系 而 埋 没 (good contents were
flooded out of public sight due to the lack of comprehensive and objective
assessment system)
得不到有效的参考目标 (no helpful reference is available)
广告主也无法对营销投放效果做出合理评估 (advertisers are unable to make
sound assessment on marketing effect)

[ 相 关 词 汇 ]
流 量 数 据 traffic data
流 媒 体 stream media
网 剧 online series
弹 幕 bullet screen
价值导向 value orientation

5. 匿名高官
anonymous senior official

无道德 (amorality)
保护我们的民主制度 (preserve our democratic institutions)
阻 挠 特 朗 普 更 多 的 错 误 冲 动 , 直 到 他 下 台 (thwart Trump's more misguided
impulses until he is out of office)
这个胆小的匿名人士 (the gutless anonymous person)
立即将他或她移交给政府 (turn him/her over to government at once)
仍 在 政 府 中 任 职 是 在 选 择 " 欺 骗 " 总 统 (choose to "deceive" the president by
remaining in the administration)
这个懦夫应该做正确的事情,那就是辞职。 (The coward should do the right
thing and resign.)
可悲、鲁莽和自私的专栏文章 (a pathetic, reckless, and selfish op-ed)
一个《纸牌屋》式的阴谋 (a "House of Cards"-style plot)
政圈内部人士 (political insiders)
揭开作者的神秘面纱 (scramble to unmask the writer)
《恐惧:特朗普在白宫 (Fear: Trump in the White House) 》

[ 相 关 词 汇 ]
阻 止 议 程 frustrate agenda
假 媒 体 phony media outlets
加 入 谴 责 join the denunciations
掀起轩然大波 send shockwaves

「中国日报」一周热词( 2018.9.8-2018.9.14 )

1. 就业力

2019 年 QS 毕 业 生 就 业 力 排 名 榜 (the QS Graduate Employability Rankings

2019) 依 据 5 项 指 标 编 制 了 这 份 榜 单 (use five indicators to compile the
ranking) 雇主评价 (employer reputation) 校友成就 (alumni outcomes) 大学与雇
主 合 作 关 系 (partnerships with employers) 、 雇 主 与 学 生 关 系
(employer/student connections) 毕业生就业率 (graduate employment rate)

占 据 排 行 榜 前 四 位 的 都 是 美 国 大 学 (American universities take the top four

首 次 名 列 全 球 毕 业 生 就 业 力 排 名 榜 榜 首 (have been crowned the best
university in the world for graduate employability for the first time)
是最抢手的 (the most sought after)

[ 相 关 词 汇 ]
就 业 创 业 employment and entrepreneurship
慢 就 业 delayed employment
自 由 职 业 者 freelancer
自 主 创 业 self-employment
就业压力 employment pressure

2. 传承计划
succession plan

Alibaba Chairman Jack Ma announced a succession plan on Monday to

hand the reins of his sprawling empire to a new generation of leaders.
阿里巴巴董事会主席马云 10 日宣布传承计划,计划将其庞大商业帝国的领导权
卸任 (step down)
阿里巴巴董事会成员 (board member of Alibaba)
阿里巴巴年度股东大会 (annual general meeting of stockholders)
合伙人机制 (co-partnership system)
领导人传承 (leader succession) 问题
文化传承 (culture succession)
以 制 度 和 人 、 文 化 的 完 美 结 合 , 让 公 司 得 以 健 康 持 续 发 展 (enable the
company's healthy development by combining together the system, the
people, and the culture)
阿已经有足够的自信和能力迎接董事局主席的交接 (have enough confidence
and ability to handle the transfer of power)
依靠个人特质的企业 (an individual-dependent enterprise)
杰出商业领袖 (an outstanding business leader)"
现在最应该做的最正确的决定 (the right decision at the right time)

[ 相 关 词 汇 ]
卓 越 的 才 华 superb talent
商 业 头 脑 business acumen
坚 定 沉 着 的 领 导 力 determined leadership
坚 信 使 命 愿 景 hold dear our mission and vision
勇于担当 embrace responsibility with passion

3. 评书艺术家
pingshu artist

一个曲艺世家 (a family of Chinese Quyi aritists)

中国评书 (pingshu, or storytelling)
国 家 级 非 物 质 文 化 遗 产 继 承 人 (inheritor of national intangible cultural
中国传统艺术形式 (traditional Chinese art form)
说书人必备的道具只有一方醒木、一把折扇和一块手帕 (a block of wood known
as xingmu, a folding fan and a handkerchief are the only requisites of a
pingshu performer)
中式长衫 (Chinese-style gown)
长篇大书 (long stories)
朝代更迭 (the rise and fall of dynasties)
因病退学 (drop out of college)
开始了他的评书表演生涯 (launch his career as a pingshu performer)
首次登台表演 (make his stage debut)
宣布收山 (announce his retirement)
终身成就奖 (Lifetime Achievement Award)
评书艺术家 (pingshu artist)

[ 相关词汇 ]
说 书 人 pingshu performer, storyteller
相 声 cross talk
评 弹 storytelling and ballad singing
舞 台 道 具 stage props
民 间 艺 术 folk art
地方戏曲 local operas

4. 双卡双待
dual-SIM dual standby

去年推出的 iPhone X 的升级版 (successor to last year's iPhone X)

( 相对 ) 廉价 (affordable)
新机 (new models)
双卡双待 (dual-SIM dual standby, DSDS)
实体 SIM 卡 (physical SIM card)
特殊版本 (special edition)
双 SIM 卡 (dual SIM cards)
预购 (preorder)
第三方渠道 (third-party channel)

[ 相 关 词 汇 ]
硬 件 升 级 hardware upgrading
处 理 器 processor
操 作 系 统 operating system
解 锁 unlock
人 脸 识 别 face recognition
可穿戴设备 wearable device

5. 娘炮之风
feminization trend

After the broadcast of a TV program called "First Class for the New
Semester" featuring feminine-looking male celebrities, many think the
feminization trend has gone too far and that androgynous men - derided as
"little fresh meats" - are poisoning China's youth.
为娘炮之风太盛,这些不男不女的 " 小鲜肉 " 正在毒害中国的青少年。
呼 吁有 关部 门封 杀这 些娘 娘腔 明星 (call on authorities to ban the effeminate
以防下一代有样学样 (in case the next generation would adopt their example)
性别刻板印象 (gender stereotyping)
对 于 男 性 之 美 或 阳 刚 之 气 不 应 只 有 一 种 标 准 (there should not be only one
standard on male beauty or masculinity)
多样使世界美好 (diversity makes the world beautiful)
效仿这些流行偶像的言语或衣着方式 (follow the way these pop idols speak or
阳刚危机 (a crisis of masculinity)
贬损性的说法 (derogatory terms)
通过品行而非外形 (judge by their virtue rather than their appearance)
在 青 少 年 中 有 着 广 泛 影 响 的 明 星 们 (celebrities who boast influence among
更加积极、向上的形象 (more positive and upbeat image)

[ 相关词汇 ]
娘 娘 腔 sissy pants
妆 容 精 致 wear delicate makeup
主 流 审 美 mainstream aesthetic
少年娘则中国娘 If a teenager is sissy, then the country is sissy.


1. 在线开方
issue prescriptions online

The National Health Commission recently released a notice saying

informatization of medical institutions should be further advanced so that
doctors can issue prescriptions online to treat some common diseases and
chronic diseases as long as they know the patient's entire medical history
and physical traits.

执业资质 (practicing certificates)

临床工作经验 (clinical experience)
仅可在线开具常见病、慢性病的处方 (only prescriptions for common illnesses
and chronic diseases are allowed to be issued online)
病历 (medical history)
实体医疗机构 (brick-and-mortar medical institutions)
麻醉药品 (narcotic drugs)
精神药品 (psychotropic drugs)
监护人 (guardian)
为 许 多 慢 性 病 患 者 带 来 便 利 、 为 他 们 节 省 时 间 (bring convenience and save
time for many patients with chronic diseases)
使医疗服务更有效率 (make medical services more efficient)

[ 相关词汇 ]
慢性病 chronic diseases
急性病 acute diseases
遵医嘱 follow the doctors' advice
在线开药 prescribe medicines online
互联网医疗咨询市场 online medical consulting market

2. 网络文学
online literature

The number of China's online literature readers has increased to 406

million this year, almost half of the country's total online population,
according to a new industry report.
一份新的行业报告显示,我国网络文学读者数量今年增至 4.06 亿,约占全国网

第二届中国 " 网络文学 +" 大会 (the 2nd China Online Literature+ Conference)
数字出版 (digital publishing)
网络文学作品 (online literature works)
现实题材 (non-fiction)
营收 (revenue)
驻站创作者 (registered writers)
全职作家 (full-time writer)
网络文学读者 (online literature readers)
影视剧 (movies and TV series)
无 不 脱 胎 于 热 门 网 络 小 说 (all based on/adapted from popular novels on the

[ 相关词汇 ]
在线阅读平台 online reading platform
文学阅读 literary reading
类型小说 genre fiction
网络文化 internet culture
电子书阅读器 ebook reader
阅读习惯 reading habits

3. 首位月球旅客
first Moon trip passenger

SpaceX announced Monday that Japanese billionaire Yusaku Maezawa will

become the aerospace company's first Moon trip passenger.
17 日,太空探索技术公司 (SpaceX) 宣布,日本亿万富翁前泽友作将成为这家航

绕 月 飞 行 之 旅 的 首 位 私 人 乘 客 (first private passenger to take a trip around

the moon)
大型猎鹰火箭 (Big Falcon Rocket, BFR)
近 50 年 来 人 类 的 首 次 月 球 之 旅 (the first lunar journey by humans in nearly
half a century)
美国宇航局的阿波罗 17 号任务标志着人类最后一次登陆月球 (NASA's Apollo
17 mission in December 1972 marked the last time humans landed on the
在线零售商 (online retailer)
收藏家 (collector)
创 下 了 美 国 艺 术 家 作 品 的 拍 卖 价 格 纪 录 (set a record price for an American
artist at auction)
定金 (down payment)
邀请 6 至 8 位来自世界各地的艺术家同行 (invite 6 to 8 artists from around the
world to join him on the trip)
国际空间站 (International Space Station)

[ 相关词汇 ]
探月任务 lunar mission
月球背面 far side of the moon
近地轨道 low Earth orbit
太空探索 space exploration
可重复使用的火箭 reusable rocket
重型运载火箭 heavy-lift carrier rocket

4. 学习之道
study tips

Sophia Chua-Rubenfield, daughter of writer Amy Chua who is also known

as "The Tiger Mom", has shared some study tips in a blog post. Sophia
graduated from Harvard University with a degree in Philosophy in 2015.
Just recently, she finished her Juris Doctor program at Yale University.
作家蔡美儿的女儿索菲亚 · 蔡 - 鲁本菲尔德 ( 中文名:蔡思慧 ) 近日在博客上分享了
一些学习之道,蔡美儿以 " 虎妈 " 的称呼为人熟知。索菲亚 2015 年从哈佛大学哲

强迫她尽可能地获得学业上的成功 (push her to be as academically successful

as possible)
私人博客 (private blog)
如何像哈佛学生一样学习 (how to study like a Harvard student)
苦役 (slave labor) 。
这样的话所有事 情都会容易很多 (everything will make a lot more sense that
用手记笔记 (take notes by hand)
让知识刻进大脑 (carve the knowledge into your memory)
没收你的手机 (confiscate your phone)
需要歇会儿 (need a break)
理解自己所读的内容 (understand everything that you read)
考试一定会考 (it will definitely be on the exam)
给自己一些激励 (give yourself incentive)
做完所有练习题 (do all the practice problems)
这一点真的很虎妈 (this one is totally tiger mom)
做一个聪明的读者,而不是机器人 (be a smart reader, not a robot)
论证的逻辑脉络 (the logical progression of the argument)
解释一个很难的概念 (explain a difficult concept)
弄明白一个具体概念是你所学课程整体的哪个部分 (figure out where a specific
concept fits into the course as a whole)

[ 相关词汇 ]
死记硬背 rote learning
要点 bullet points
背诵公式 memorize formulas
自己考自己 quiz yourself
重构作者的观点 reconstruct the author's argument

5. 大白兔奶糖味润唇膏
White Rabbit candy-flavored lip balms

A total of 920 White Rabbit candy-flavored lip balms, jointly produced by

Maxam and White Rabbit, were sold out within seconds after officially going
on sale online at 10 am on Thursday.
20 日上午 10 点,由美加净和大白兔联合出品的总共 920 支大白兔奶糖味润唇
大白兔奶糖味润唇膏 (White Rabbit candy-flavored lip balm)
延 续 了 大 白 兔 奶 糖 的 经 典 形 象 (adopt the classic package of White Rabbit
乳木果油 (sheanut oil)
橄榄油 (olive oil)
甜杏仁油 (sweet almond oil)
牛奶精华 (milk lipids)
两大国货品牌 (two major brands of homegrown products)
鉴于网上反响热烈 (given the demand that they're seeing online)
在 9 月 20 日 安 排 了 一 次 限 量 发 售 (arrange for a limited number to be
launched on Sept 20)
正式上市日期 (official launch date)
以礼盒形式发售 (be sold in a special gift box)
老字号 (time-honored brand)
卸妆油 (makeup removal oil)
花露水味的鸡尾酒 ("Florida Water" cocktail)

[ 相关词汇 ]
口红 lipstick
粉底霜 foundation
洁面乳 face wash
国产品牌 domestic brand
水货 pirated product
假货 counterfeit product


1. 预算绩效管理
budget performance management

China is aiming to establish a performance management system for

budgets of governments at all levels in the next three to five years to
enable better budget management and policy implementation, according to
a guideline published on Tuesday.
25 日发布的一份意见指出,我国力争用 3-5 年时间建成覆盖各级政府的预算绩

预算绩效管理体系 (budget performance management system) 。

全面实施预算绩效管理 (comprehensively managing budget performance)
各级政府 (governments at all levels)
政府预算 (government budget)
部门和单位预算 (department and institution budgets)
政策和项目预算 (policy and project budgets)
预算编制、执行和监督 (budget preparing, execution and supervision)
事前绩效评估 (pre-performance evaluation)
公共预算 (public budgets)
政府性基金 (government managed funds)
国有资本经营 (State capital operations)
社会保险基金 (social insurance funds)
投融资 (investment and financing)
强 化 预 算 绩 效 管 理 约 束 (strengthen constraint on budget performance
对 重 大 项 目 的 责 任 人 实 行 预 算 绩 效 终 身 责 任 追 究 制 (those in charge of key
projects will take lifelong responsibility for the budget performance)

[ 相关词汇 ]
现代财政制度 modern fiscal system
财税改革 fiscal and taxation reform
国家治理体系 national governance system
优化财政资源配置 optimize fiscal resource distribution
提升公共服务质量 improve public service quality

2. 双创升级版
upgraded mass entrepreneurship and innovation

The State Council recently issued a document on promoting high-quality

and upgraded mass entrepreneurship and innovation. The move is aimed at
further optimizing the business environment, lowering the cost of
entrepreneurship and innovation, enhancing the leading role of technology
and innovation in the economy, and improving the service capacity of
supporting platforms.
国务院近日发布关于推动创新创业高质量发展打造 " 双创 " 升级版的意见,此举旨

创 新 创 业 服 务 全 面 升 级 (upgrade service capacity in mass entrepreneurship

and innovation)
创业带动就业能力明显提升 (mass entrepreneurship will be upgraded to drive
up employment)
科技成果转化 (transformation of scientific achievements)
高 质 量 创 新 创 业 集 聚 区 (high-quality innovation and entrepreneurship
价值链 (value chain)
简 政 放 权 (administration will be further streamlined and more power will be
delegated to lower level departments)
释放创新创业活力 (inject vitality into innovation and entrepreneurship)
放 管 结 合 (keep a right balance between delegation and the exercise of
公平市场环境 (fair market environment)
加大财税政策支持力度 (supportive fiscal policy will be strengthened)
" 互联网 +" 创新创业 (Internet Plus innovation and entrepreneurship)

[ 相关词汇 ]
质量强国、制造强国 manufacturer of advanced and quality products
众筹平台 crowdfunding platform
普惠金融 inclusive finance
大众创业、万众创新 mass entrepreneurship and innovation
精准扶贫脱贫 targeted poverty alleviation

3. 富时罗素指数
FTSE Russell index

China A shares will soon be added to FTSE Russell's global indexes,

another step in the country's efforts to internationalize its capital markets.
中国 A 股很快将纳入富时罗素全球指数,中国在推动资本市场国际化方面再迈

入摩 (MSCI inclusion)
全 球 第 二 大 指 数 服 务 提 供 商 (the world's second-largest index service
富时全球股票指数体系 (FTSE Global Equity Index Series, GEIS)
次级新兴市场 (Secondary Emerging Market)
以富时罗素指数为基准 (be benchmarked to FTSE Russell indexes)
大、中、小股票 (large-, mid- and small-cap stocks)
在 富 时 罗 素 新 兴 市 场 指 数 占 比 约 5.5%(comprise about 5.5% of the FTSE
Emerging Index)
100 亿 美 元 的 净 被 动 管 理 资 金 流 入 量 (net passive inflows of $10 billion of
assets under management)
观察名单 (watch list)
海外资金 (overseas capital)
外资 (foreign capital/investment)
险资 (insurance funds)
公募基金 (public offering fund)
Copy from
[ 相关词汇 ]
债券指数 bond indexes
国际投资者 global/international investor
沪港通 Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect
资金流出 capital outflow
市场波动性 market volatility

4. 地球卫士奖
Champions of the Earth Award

Zhejiang province was recognized with a Champions of the Earth Award,

the United Nation's highest environmental honor, at the UN headquarters in
New York on Wednesday.
26 日,浙江省在纽约的联合国总部荣获 " 地球卫士奖 " ,这是联合国的最高环境

地球卫士奖 (Champions of the Earth Award)

政策领导力 (policy leadership)
科学与创新 (science and innovation)
激励与行动 (inspiration and action)
终身成就 (lifetime achievement)
浙江 " 千村示范万村整治 " 工程 (Zhejiang's Green Rural Revival Program)
水 资 源 管 理 、 废 物 管 理 以 及 循 环 利 用 (water resource management, waste
management and recycling)
改造该省环境 (transform the environment in the province)
昔日污染严重的河流 (once-heavily polluted rivers)
极 度 成 功 的 生 态 恢 复 项 目 (the exceptionally successful eco-restoration
变革性力量 (transformative power)
国际太阳能联盟 (International Solar Alliance)
对 环 境 保 护 合 作 行 动 的 推 广 (promote cooperative action on environmental
获得 " 政策领导力奖 "(be recognized in the "Policy Leadership" category)
科钦国际机场 (Cochin International Airport)
商界卓识奖 ("Entrepreneurial Vision" award)
全球最杰出的环境和原住民权利捍卫者之一 (one of the world's most prominent
defenders of environmental and Indigenous rights)

[ 相关词汇 ]
自然环境 natural environment
绿色产业 green industry
绿色能源 green power/energy
生态文明 ecological civilization
环境污染 environmental pollution
环保意识 environmental awareness
低碳生活方式 low-carbon lifestyle

5. 最佳外语片
Best Foreign Language Film

Chinese blockbuster "Operation Red Sea" has been chosen to represent

Hong Kong, China for the Best Foreign Language Film honor at the 91st
Academy Awards, the film's official Sina Weibo account announced on
24 日,国产大片《红海行动》官方微博宣布,该片将代表中国香港角逐第 91 届

也门内战 (the civil war in Yemen)

中 国 公 民 和 外 国 民 众 撤 离 (evacuation of Chinese citizens and foreign
动作大片 (blockbuster action movie)
共计取得 36.5 亿元的票房 (rake in 3.65 billion yuan)
截 至 目 前 2018 年 中 国 的 电 影 票 房 冠 军 (the country's top earner of 2018 so
国内有史以来票房第二高的影片 (the second highest grossing film of all time
in China)
亚洲影片 (Asian films)
《小偷家族》 (Shoplifters)
《燃烧》 (Burning)
《大佛普拉斯》 (The Great Buddha+)
奥斯卡最佳外语片 (the Best Foreign Language Film)

[ 相关词汇 ]
原著 original work
动作片 action movie
武侠片 swordsmen film, martial-arts movie
音乐歌舞片 musical
古装剧 costume drama
催泪片 tear-jerker

「中国日报」一周热词( 2018.10.6-2018.10.12 )

1. 准备金率
requirement reserve ratio, RRR

The People's Bank of China decided on Sunday to cut the requirement

reserve ratio (RRR) for RMB deposits by one percentage point starting from
Oct 15.
中国人民银行 7 日决定,自 10 月 15 日起,下调人民币存款准备金率 1 个百分

股份制商业银行 (share-holding commercial bank)

城市商业银行 (city commercial bank)
非县域农村商业银行 (non-county rural commercial bank)
外资银行 (foreign bank)
人民币存款准备金率 (requirement reserve ratio for RMB deposits)
到期 (mature)
中期借贷便利 (medium-term lending facility, MLF)
增量资金 (incremental capital)
降准 (RRR cut)
通过降准置换 MLF(use RRR cut to replace MLF operation)
实施稳健中性的货币政策 (implement a prudent and neutral monetary policy)
不 搞 大 水 漫 灌 , 注 重 定 向 调 控 , 保 持 流 动 性 合 理 充 裕 (refrain from using a
deluge of stimulus and focus on targeted adjustment to maintain sound and
sufficient liquidity)
货币信贷和社会融资 (monetary credit and social financing)
供给侧结构性改革 (supply-side structural reform)
弥补银行体系流动性缺口 (fill in the liquidity gap of banks)
不会对人民币形成贬值压力 (put no downward pressure on the yuan)

[ 相关词汇 ]
定向降准 targeted RRR cut
注入流动性 inject liquidity
货币政策工具 monetary policy tools
公开市场操作 open market operation, OMO
逆回购 reverse repurchase agreement, reverse repo

2. 影视行业税收
tax payment in the film and TV industry

China has decided to initiate a campaign to regulate tax payment in the film
and TV industry and promote its healthy development, according to a notice
from the State Administration of Taxation.
税务机关 (taxation authorities)
影视制作公司 (film and television production companies)
经纪公司 (talent agencies)
演艺公司 (performing companies)
明星工作室 (celebrities' studios)
自查自纠 (conduct self-inspection)
补缴税款 (make remedial tax payments)
免 予 行 政 处 罚 , 不 予 罚 款 (be exempt from administrative punishment and
对经提醒自我纠正的纳税人,可依法从轻、减轻行政处罚;对违法情节轻微的 ,
可 免 予 行 政 处 罚 (those who conduct self-correction after targeted reminder
will be given a mitigated punishment or be exempt from administrative
对个别拒不纠正的 [ 影视行业企业及从业人员开展重点检查,并 ] 依法严肃处理
(those who refuse to take action will be severely punished)
税款及罚款 (tax and fines)
《大轰炸 (Unbreakable Spirit) 》

[ 相关词汇 ]
阴阳合同 dual contract
个人所得税 personal income tax
劳务报酬 remuneration for personal service
收入分配 distribution of income
逃税 tax evasion
避税 tax avoidance

3. 霸座
refuse to move after taking other people's seats

From December, high-speed train passengers in Guangdong province who

refuse to move after taking other people's seats will face fines ranging from
500 to 2,000 yuan, according to a new regulation.
根据一项新规,自 12 月起,广东省有 " 霸座 " 行为的高铁旅客将面临 500 至 2000

高铁乘客均需对号入座 (take their seats according to their seat numbers)

霸座 (refuse to vacate other people's seats)
信用信息管理制度 (credit information management system)
铁路运输安全管理规章制度的失信行为进行记录 (keep a record of behaviors
that may disturb railway transportation order and safety, have negative
impact and seriously violate railway safety rules and regulations)
推 送 全 国 和 地 方 信 用 信 息 共 享 平 台 (publish on national and regional credit
information sharing platforms)

[ 相关词汇 ]
餐车 food trolley
餐车车厢 dining carriage
行李架 baggage storage
坐席 seat
卧铺 sleeper
商务座席 business seat
一等座 first class seat
二等座 second class seat

4. 紧急着陆
(make an) emergency landing

An astronaut from the US and another from Russia are safe after making an
emergency landing in Kazakhstan on Thursday following the failure of a
Russian booster rocket that was supposed to propel them toward the
International Space Station.
11 日,本应将一名美国宇航员和一名俄罗斯宇航员送往国际空间站的俄罗斯助

运载火箭 (carrier rocket)

发射逃逸系统 (launch escape system)
乘 员 舱 与 发 生 故 障 的 火 箭 脱 离 (crew capsule separates from the
malfunctioning rocket)
紧急着陆 (emergency landing)
短暂的失重 (a brief period of weightlessness)
重力加速度 (gravitational acceleration)
美国国家航空航天局 (NASA)
情况良好 (in good condition)
加加林宇航员训练中心 (Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Center)
俄罗斯将暂停所有载人航天发射 (all Russian manned space launches will be
" 联盟号 " 飞船 (Soyuz spacecraft)
向 国 际 空 间 站 输 送 宇 航 员 的 唯 一 运 输 工 具 (the only vehicle for ferrying
astronauts to the International Space Station)

[ 相关词汇 ]
载人空间站 manned space station
安全着陆 land safely
助推火箭 booster rocket
发射中止系统 launch abort system
发射场 launch site
可重复使用运载火箭 reusable carrier rocket

5. 数字搜身
digital strip searches

New Zealand launches "digital strip searches". Travelers who refuse to

surrender passwords, codes, encryption keys and other information
enabling access to electronic devices could be fined up to N$5,000 in New
Zealand, according to new customs rules.
新西兰近日启动 " 数字搜身 " 。根据该国的海关新规,拒绝交出密码、代码、加密
密钥等解锁电子设备所需信息的旅客或被罚款 5000 新西兰元。

数字设备 (digital equipment)

《海关和消费税法》 (Customs and Excise Act)
还 必 须 交 出 个 人 科 技 设 备 的 密 码 (access to personal technology equipment
must be handed over as well)
拒绝交出密码或用指纹等生物数据解锁设备的旅客 (those who refuse to give
over their passwords or unlock their devices with biometric data such as
没收设备作进一步检查 (confiscate devices for a further examination)
被复制、审查或评估 (be copied, reviewed or evaluated)
隐私侵犯 (privacy encroachment)

[ 相关词汇 ]
强密码 strong password
加密术 encryption
侵入式搜身 invasive searches
机密信息 confidential information
一次性手机 burner phone

「中国日报」一周热词( 2018.10.13-2018.10.19 )

1. 医闹
illegal acts targeting medical staff and institutions

People who attack medical staff will be placed on a blacklist, according to a

circular released by the National Development and Reform Commission on
Tuesday that is designed to deter illegal acts targeting medical staff and
国家发改委 16 日印发文件打击针对医务人员和医疗机构的违法行为 (" 医闹 ") 。

联合惩戒 (joint punishment)

因实施或参与涉医违法犯罪活动 (perform or be involved in illegal acts related
to medical staff or institutions)
行政拘留 (administrative detention)
刑事责任 (criminal liability)
在医疗机构内故意伤害医务人员、损毁公私财物 (purposefully injure medical
staff or damage public and personal property in hospitals)
非 法 限 制 医 务 人 员 人 身 自 由 (illegally restrict personal freedom of medical
非 法 携 带 枪 支 、 弹 药 、 管 制 器 具 或 危 险 物 品 进 入 医 疗 机 构 (carry guns,
ammunition, restricted tools or hazardous items into hospitals illegally)
侮辱恐吓医务人员 (insult and threaten medical staff)
限制补贴性资金支持 (restrictions in getting government subsidies)
列车软卧 (soft sleepers on trains)
高消费 (high-end consumption)
全国信用信息共享平台 (national credit information sharing platform)

[ 相关词汇 ]
医患关系 patient-doctor relation
医暴 violence against medical staff
医疗纠纷 medical dispute
改善医疗服务 improve healthcare services
门诊 outpatient service

2. 积分落户
point-based household registration

Around 6,000 non-natives of Beijing will be able to get the city's hukou, or
household registration status, through a new point-based household
registration system.
约 6000 名非京籍人士将依靠新的积分落户制度拿到北京市户口。

积分落户 (point-based household registration)

人口调控目标 (population control target)
名单 (name list)
受益者 (beneficiary)
年龄跨度大 (a broad age spectrum)
获得奖励加分 (get bonus points)
试行期间 (pilot period)
年 度 落 户 规 模 将 保 持 在 6000 人 (quota for new hukou holders will be set at
6,000 each year)
在线申报 (online application)
居住证 (residence permit
法定退休年龄 (legal retirement age)
社会保险 (social insurance)
无刑事犯罪记录 (without a criminal record)

[ 相关词汇 ]
常住人口 permanent population
流动人口 migrant population
人口承载能力 population capacity
稳定就业 stable employment
外地人 non-native

3. 人造月亮
man-made moon

China's man-made moon conception is expected to be realized in 2022, the

Science and Technology Daily reported.
据《科技日报》报道,我国 " 人造月亮 " 的设想有望于 2022 年得以实现。

人造月亮 (man-made moon)

携带大型空间反射镜 (carry a huge space mirror)
将太阳光反射到地球上 (reflect the sun light to the Earth)
研发计划 (research plans)
发射 (launch)
入轨 (orbit injection)
展开 (unfolding)
照明 (illumination)
调控 (adjustment and control)
等分 360 度的轨道平面 (divide the 360-degree orbital plane)
对同一地区 24 小时不间断照射 (illuminate an area for 24 hours continuously)
预计其光照强度最大将是月光的 8 倍 (the illumination intensity is expected to
be up to eight times that of the moon light)
在民用领域用处格外大 (be especially useful in civil areas)
可节约电费开支约 12 亿元 (save about 1.2 billion yuan of electric charge)
空间能源应用 (space energy application)
技术攻关 (tackle key technical problems)
夜间活动 (nighttime activities)

[ 相关词汇 ]
空间站 space station
近地轨道 low-Earth orbit
探月任务 lunar probe mission
月球表面 moonscape
太空垃圾 space debris

4. 种族歧视
racial discrimination

A lawsuit alleging racial discrimination against Asian-Americans in Harvard

University's admissions process headed to trial in Boston's federal court
哈佛大学被指在招生过程中对亚裔美国人存在种族歧视一案 15 日在波士顿联邦

开庭陈述 (opening statement)

使用模糊不清的 " 个人评价 " 来拒绝亚裔美国申请人而照顾其他种族背景的学生
(use a vague "personal rating" to reject Asian-American applicants in favor
of students from other racial backgrounds)
亚裔美国申请人的学习成绩优于其他任何一个种族 (Asian-American applicants
bring stronger academic records than any other race)
他们的录取率最低 (they are admitted at the lowest rate)
给他们的个人评价分数较低 (give them lower scores on the personal rating)
种族仅仅是考虑因素之一 (race is just one factor that's considered)
对其他数十所美国高校具有重大意义 (carry weighty implications for dozens of
other US colleges)

[ 相关词汇 ]
大学招生 college admission
种族偏见 racial bias
受欢迎程度 likeability
个人特质 personal traits
平权法案 Affirmative Action

5. 人生模拟游戏
life simulation game

"Chinese Parents", a new life simulation game in Mandarin, is gaining

popularity and praise among players for its mirroring of real life.

这款游戏的主线任务 (main task of the game)

头等大事 (top priority)
艰巨的挑战 (demanding challenge)
最大亮点 (the biggest draw)
中国特色 (Chinese characteristics)
许多情节都取自日常生活 (many episodes are inspired by daily life)
" 挣面子 " 、 " 给面子 "("saving" and "giving" face for parents)
红包 (red envelope)
心机 (strategy)
自身的经历 (personal experiences)
网络直播 (live video streaming)
网游平台 (online game platform)
玩家好评度达 88%(get likes from 88% of players)
手游分享社区 (mobile game sharing community)
预约它的手游版本 (make reservations for the game's mobile version)
许 多 国 人 对 其 中 的 亲 子 关 系 产 生 了 共 鸣 (the child-parent relationship in the
game strikes a chord with many Chinese)
游戏本身制作精良 (the game also is well made)

[ 相关词汇 ]
电子游戏 video game
网络游戏 online game
游戏成瘾 game addiction
防沉迷系统 anti-addiction system
电子竞技 electronic sports, e-sports

「中国日报」一周热词( 2018.10.20-2018.10.26 )

1. 核心舱
core module

A model of the core module of China's Tianhe space station is to be

exhibited at the 12th China International Aviation and Aerospace Exhibition
in Zhuhai, Guangdong, on Nov 6-11, the China Manned Space Agency said.
中国载人航天工程办公室称,我国 " 天河 " 号空间站核心舱的模型将于 11 月 6 日
至 11 日在广东珠海举行的第十二届中国国际航空航天博览会上展出。

我国 " 天河 " 号空间站核心舱 (core module of China's Tianhe space station)

这 是 我 国 空 间 站 工 程 首 次 对 公 众 开 放 (this is the first time China's space
station program is being shown to the public)
实验舱 (lab module)
节点舱 (connecting section)
生活控制舱 (life-support and control section)
资源舱 (resources section)
对接口 (docking hatch)
停泊口 (berthing location)
货运飞船 (cargo spacecraft)
航天员出舱活动 (astronauts' extravehicular activities)
空 间 站 的 统 一 控 制 和 管 理 (unified control and management of the space
长期自主飞行 (long-term autonomous flight)
空间科学实验 (space science experiment)
初样 (prototype)
组装建造 (assembly and construction)

[ 相 关 词 汇 ]
载 人 空 间 站 manned space station
空 间 实 验 室 space lab
在 轨 加 注 in-orbit refuelling
交 会 对 接 rendezvous and docking
运载火箭 carrier rocket

2. 港珠澳大桥
Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge

The Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge, the world's longest cross-sea bridge,

opened to public traffic at 9 am Wednesday.
世界最长的跨海大桥——港珠澳大桥 24 日上午 9 时正式通车。

港珠澳大桥 (Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge)

边检站 (boundary checkpoint)
跨海大桥 (cross-sea bridge)
海底隧道 (undersea tunnel)
沉管隧道 (immersed tube tunnel)
穿梭巴士 (shuttle bus)
跨境货运车辆 (cross-boundary cargo vehicles)
私家车 (private cars)
限速 (speed limit)
车辆都会靠右行驶 (vehicles will keep to the right of the road)
电子不停车收费 (electronic toll collection, ETC)
人工收费 (manual toll collection, MTC)
电子支付 (e-payment)
过桥费 (bridge tolls)
私家车收费标准为 150 元 / 车次 (the toll rate for private cars is 150 yuan per
vehicle per trip)
" 一站式 " 通关 (one-off customs clearance)
出入境手续 (exit and entry procedures)

[ 相关词汇 ]
大 湾 区 Greater Bay Area
广深港高速铁路 Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong Express Rail Link
自 助 出 境 通 关 self-service outbound customs clearance
通 关 时 间 customs clearance time
收 费 站 toll gate
电子护照 electronic passport

3. 炸弹包裹
package/mail bomb

Former US president Barack Obama and former secretary of state Hillary

Clinton were among the targets of suspected package bombs delivered to
several high-profile Democrats and CNN, which the FBI said it was
investigating as an act of terrorism.

可疑包裹 (suspicious package)

疑似爆炸装置 (suspected explosive device)
炸弹包裹 (package bomb)
在 送 到 预 期 的 收 件 人 手 中 之 前 被 截 获 (be intercepted before reaching any
intended recipients)
右翼批评人士 (right-wing critics)
奥斯卡影帝 (Oscar-winning actor)
这些包裹无一被引爆 (none of the packages detonated)
中期选举 (midterm elections)
将决定民主党能否挑战特朗普总统所属的共和党目前在国会的多数党地位 (will
decide whether Democrats can challenge the majorities now held by
President Donald Trump's Republicans in Congress)

[ 相 关 词 汇 ]
防 爆 小 组 bomb squad
邮 包 分 发 中 心 mail distribution center
管 式 炸 弹 pipe bomb
恐 怖 行 径 act of terror
直言批评特朗普的人 outspoken critic of Trump

4. 古画音乐专辑
music album inspired by ancient paintings

The Palace Museum in Beijing has teamed up with Chinese internet giant
Tencent to launch its first music album, which is inspired by ancient
paintings in the museum's collection.

文创产品 (creative cultural product)

古画 (ancient paintings)
数字音乐专辑 (digital music album)
11 幅院藏名画 (11 famous paintings in the museum's collection)
歌曲创作 (songwriting)
历史文化背景 (historical and cultural background)
资深音乐人 (veteran musician)
建立合作伙伴关系 (form a partnership)
传 统 文 化 与 数 字 创 意 的 结 合 (integration of traditional culture and digital
表情 (emoji)
传统服饰 (traditional costume)

[ 相关词汇 ]
文 化 传 统 cultural tradition
文 化 遗 产 cultural relics
皇 宫 imperial palace
古装剧 costume drama

5. 摔跤之星挑战
Falling Stars Challenge

The latest online craze, "Falling Stars Challenge," has reportedly developed
into a trend of showing off personal hobbies and professional talent instead
of a simple wealth flaunt in China.
据报道,最新网络热潮 " 摔跤之星挑战 " 在我国发展成为炫耀 " 个人爱好 " 和 " 专业技
能 " ,而非单纯 " 炫富 " 的潮流。

摔跤之星挑战 (Falling Stars Challenge)

炫富潮 (wealth flaunt trend)
冰桶挑战 (Ice Bucket Challenge)
布置好的场景中 (a staged setting)
周围散落着个人物品 (be surrounded by personal items)
假摔照 (photos of their best fake fall)
豪车 (luxurious cars)
接地气 (down-to-earth)
向别人展示自己的职业和自己多年来取得的成就 (tell others what they do for a
living, and all the achievements they've made through the years)
专用车辆 (special vehicles)
专业设备 (professional gear)
荣誉证书 (certificates of honor)
铁路员工 (railway staff)
公务员 (civil servants)
专业书籍 (professional books)
一堆日常文件 (piles of routine documents)
参考书 (reference books)

[ 相 关 词 汇 ]
个 人 爱 好 personal hobbies
专 业 才 华 professional talent
物 质 化 的 生 活 materialistic life
豪 华 游 艇 plush yacht
让人翻白眼 ( 鄙视 ) 的行为 eye-roll inducing behavior

「中国日报」一周热词( 2018.10.27-2018.11.2 )

1. 黑名单制度
blacklist system

China will introduce a blacklist system to ensure implementation of its

policy on social insurance funds, according to a draft by the Ministry of
Human Resources and Social Security.

社保制度 (social insurance system)

" 五险 " :五种强制保险计划 (five mandatory insurance plans)
养老保险 (endowment insurance)
医疗保险 (medical insurance)
失业保险 (unemployment insurance)
工伤保险 (employment injury insurance)
生育保险 (maternity insurance)
" 一金 " :住房公积金 (housing provident fund) 。

未参加社会保险 (failure to pay social insurance)

伪 造 证 明 材 料 骗 取 社 会 保 险 待 遇 (social insurance fraud through forgery of
certification materials)
非法出售社会保险相关个人数据 (illegally sell personal data related to social
不端行为 (misconduct)
将被有关部门列入黑名单 (be blacklisted by authorities)
招投标 (bidding)
生产许可 (production license)
融资贷款 (financing loans)
市场许可 (market access)
税收优惠 (tax preference)
黑名单机制 (blacklist system)
保证公平公正 (ensure fairness and justice)
按时足额缴费 (pay in full and on time)
对职工权益的保障 (protect the rights and interests of employees)
减税降负 (ease burden of taxes and fees)

[ 相关词汇 ]
相互保险 mutual insurance
人寿保险 life insurance
社会保险法 Social Insurance Law
医疗支付系统 medical payment system
养老金投资 pension funds investment
行政处罚 administrative punishment

2. 武侠小说泰斗
grandmaster of wuxia novels
Louis Cha Leung-yung, one of the most influential Chinese novelists, and
better known under the pen name Jin Yong, died on Tuesday afternoon in
Hong Kong Sanatorium and Hospital. He was 94. Readers across China
pay tribute to the grandmaster of wuxia, or martial arts and chivalry, novels.
中国最有影响力的小说家之一、武侠小说泰斗金庸 ( 原名查良镛 ) 于 10 月 30 日下
午在香港养和医院逝世,享年 94 岁。国内读者纷纷缅怀金庸。

武侠小说 (martial arts and chivalry novels)

华语世界 (Chinese-speaking world)
《书剑恩仇录》 (The Book and the Sword)
《鹿鼎记》 (The Deer and the Cauldron)
在这位文坛巨匠去世之后,人们纷纷表达了缅怀之情 (tributes poured in after
the literary giant's passing)
致以深切慰问 (express deep condolences)
" 中国的莎士比亚 (China's Shakespeare)"
中国编剧界的 " 泰斗 "(the "grandmaster" of Chinese screenwriters)

[ 相关词汇 ]
集体回忆 collective memories
侠骨柔情 chivalrous tenderness
武林 the overall world of the martial artists
侠义 chivalric code and righteousness

3. 过劳状态

More than 80% of employees are overworked and under mental and
physical stress at an average or higher level, according to a survey by a
team at Wuhan University of Science and Technology.
武汉科技大学一团队进行的一项调查显示,逾 8 成劳动者承受着一般或更高的

劳动经济研究所所长 (director of the Institute of Labor Economics)

关 于 职 场 行 为 与 疲 劳 状 况 的 调 查 报 告 (survey on workplace behavior and
平 均 周 加 班 时 间 超 过 10 小 时 (work an average of more than 10 hours of
overtime a week)
工作到深夜 (work late at night)
工作时间不规律 (irregular work hours)
承 受 着 一 般 或 更 高 的 精 神 压 力 (be under mental stress at an average or
higher level)
近 4/5 的 劳 动 者 每 周 体 育 锻 炼 时 间 低 于 5 个 小 时 (nearly four-fifths of
employees exercise less than five hours a week)
超 过 一 半 的 劳 动 者 平 均 每 天 的 体 育 锻 炼 时 间 不 足 1 个 小 时 (more than half
exercise less than one hour a day on average)
过度劳动 (overwork)
" 过劳死 (overwork deaths, karoshi)"
劳动强度 (work intensity)
改善用工方式 (improve modes of employment)

[ 相关词汇 ]
过劳肥 obesity due to overwork
久坐 excessive sitting
睡眠不足 insufficient sleep
慢性疲劳 chronic fatigue
职业危害 occupational hazards
职业病 occupational disease

4. 数字服务税
digital services tax

The UK is to hit tech giants such as Google, Facebook, Amazon and Apple
with a new digital services tax from 2020.
2020 年起,英国将向谷歌、脸书、亚马逊和苹果等科技巨头征收一项新税:数

英国财政大臣 (UK Chancellor of the Exchequer)

年度预算讲话 (annual budget speech)
科技巨头 (tech giant)
" 数字服务税 (digital services tax)"
在英国赚取的收入 (revenues earned in the UK)
转嫁到用户头上的在线销售税 (online sales tax that would be passed down to
初创企业 (startup)
全球年收入 (worldwide annual revenues)
税率 (tax rate)
财政收入 (fiscal revenue)
数字税 (digital tax)
在经济活动日益向线上转移之际从数字服务中获得收入 (capture revenue from
digital services as economic activity increasingly shifts online)
将应税利润转移到低税率国家 (shift taxable profits to lower-tax countries)
税收损失 (losses in tax revenue)
对企业利润的双重征税 (double taxation of corporate profits)

[ 相关词汇 ]
公司所得税 corporate income tax
纳税申报单 tax returns
税单 tax bill
退税 tax rebate
减税 tax break

5. 声音商标
sound trademark

The Higher People's Court of Beijing Municipality ruled recently that the
audio notification on instant messaging service QQ could receive its own
trademark in the country's first sound trademark lawsuit.
近日,北京市高级人民法院判决,即时通讯服务 QQ 的提示音可以注册商标,

声音商标 (sound trademark)

具有显著特征 (possess distinctive traits)
简单、普通的音符 (simple and common notes)
缺乏显著性 (lack distinctiveness)
商标评审委员会 (Trademark Review and Adjudication Board)
行政诉讼 (administrative litigation)
较高的知名度 (high popularity)
标识服务来源 (identify the origin of services)
向 北 京 市 高 级 人 民 法 院 提 出 上 诉 (appeal to the Higher People's Court of
Beijing Municipality)
即时通讯软件 (instant messaging app)
维持原判 (uphold the conviction)
终审判决 (final ruling)
发布初步审定公告 (publish preliminary approval notice)

[ 相关词汇 ]
音符的重复 a repetition of notes
上线提示音 online notification sound
下线提示音 offline notification sound
商标申请 trademark application
商标注册 trademark registration


1. 中国国际进口博览会
China International Import Expo, CIIE

中国国际进口博览会 (China International Import Expo, CIIE)

世 界 上 第一 个以 进口 为主 题的 国家 级 展 会 (the world's first import expo
held at the national level)
展会 (exhibition)
论坛 (forum)
国家展 (exhibition of countries)
企业展 (exhibition of businesses)
虹桥国际经贸论坛 (Hongqiao International Economic and Trade Forum)

新时代,共享未来 (New Era, Shared Future)

展 览 总 面 积 达 30 万 平 方 米 (with a total exhibition area of 300,000
square meters)

The China International Import Expo is a "trail-blazing" move in the

history of international trade development. The CIIE is the first-ever
import-themed national-level expo.
All countries should be committed to opening-up and oppose
protectionism and unilateralism in a clear-cut stand.
All countries should stick to innovation and accelerate the transition
with traditional growth drivers being replaced by new ones.
All countries should uphold the principle of inclusive development and
shared benefits, in order to realize common development.
China will not close its door to the world and will only become more
and more open.

2. 世界互联网大会
World Internet Conference

The fifth World Internet Conference kicks off in Wuzhen, Zhejiang

province on Wednesday. Fifteen cutting-edge technologies
achievements were released at the conference.
7 日,第五届世界互联网大会在浙江省乌镇开幕, 15 项前沿科技成果在大
会 上 发 布 。

创造互信共治的数字世界——携手共建网络空间命运共同体 (Creating a
Digital World for Mutual Trust and Collective Governance - Towards a
Community with a Shared Future in Cyberspace)
围绕多个议题开展丰富多样的活动和论坛 (host diversified activities and
forums on various topics)
金 融科 技与 信用 社会 建设 (FinTech and Construction of a Social Credit
大 数 据 时 代 的 个 人 信 息 保 护 (Protection of Personal Information in the
Age of Big Data)
工 业 互 联 网 的 创 新 与 突 破 (Innovation & Breakthroughs in Industrial
Internet) ;
网 络 反 恐 国 际 合 作 (International Cooperation in Countering Cyber-
terrorism) ;
物 联 网 : 连 接 无 处 不 在 (The Internet of Things: Towards a Connected
World) ;人工智能:融合发展新机遇 (AI: New Opportunity for Integration
and Development)

互联网领先科技成果 400 余项 (more than 400 leading internet scientific

and technological achievements)
基础理论 (fundamental theory)
技术创新 (technological innovation)
产品加工与装配 (product process and assembly)
商业模式 (business model)

以下 15 项互联网科技成果从全球征集的数百项成果中脱颖而出:
(1) 微信小程序商业模式创新
WeChat mini-program business model innovation
(2) 华为昇腾 310 芯片
Ascend 310, a program AI processor developed by Huawei

(3) 蚂蚁金服自主可控的金融级商用区块链平台
Proprietary financial-grade blockchain platform of Ant Financial
(4) 破解信息孤岛的接口高效互操作技术与燕云 DaaS 系统
Highly efficient Interoperability technology for opening information
islands and YanCloud DaaS system
(5) 亚马逊全托管平台
Amazon SageMaker
(6) 360 安全大脑 - 分布式智能网络安全防御系统
360 brain of security-distributed intelligent cybersecurity protection
(7) 京东智能供应链技术服务平台
Smart supply chain technology service platform developed by JD
(8) 百度 Apollo 自动驾驶开放平台
Baidu's Apollo autonomous driving platform
(9) 安谋中国全新人工智能平台周易
Arm China AI platform Zhouyi
(10) 特斯拉智能售后服务
Tesla smart post-sales service
(11) SupET 工业互联网平台
SupET industrial internet platform
(12) 全球首款全集成 5G 新空口毫米波及 6GHz 以下射频模组
5G NR millimeter wave&sub-6 GHz RF modules
(13) CPU 硬件安全动态监测管控技术
Dynamic check and control technology for CPU hardware security

(14) AzureSphere- 基于微控制器的物联网安全解决方案

AzureSphere – A security solution of IoT based on MCU
(15) 小米面向智能家居的人工智能开放平台
Xiaomi's AI open platform for smart homes

3. 中期选举
mid-term elections

[ 相关词汇 ]
候选人 candidate
胜选演讲 victory speech
跛脚鸭政府 lame duck government
竞选活动 election campaign
选民登记 registration of voters

4. 新职业人群
new occupation population

According to a report, the academic background of the new occupation

population is considerably high due to the requirements of the service
industries, with more than 60% of those in new types of occupation
having a junior college degree or above.
高,超过 60% 的新兴职业从业者具有大专及以上学历。

新职业 (new occupations)

新职业人群 (new occupation population)
在线招聘平台 (online recruiting platform)
订餐企业 (meal-ordering company)
拥有大专及以上学历 (have a junior college degree or above)
拥有大学本科以上学历 (have a bachelor degree or above)
早教师 (early childhood educator)
密室游戏指导员 (room escape game instructor)
健身教练 (fitness coach)
宠物医生 (veterinarian)
调酒师 (bartender)
经济转型升级 (economic restructuring and upgrading)
高技能人才 (highly skilled personnel)

[ 相关词汇 ]
私人旅行定制师 personal travel designer
度假房产咨询师 vacation home consultant
电竞游戏指导 e-game coach
运动治疗师 exercise therapist
时尚买手 fashion buyer
共享单车运维员 shared bike maintenance personnel
网络营销专员 internet marketing specialist

5. 年度词汇
word of the year

Widespread concern about environmental degradation caused by

discarded plastics has led Britain's Collins Dictionary to name "single-
use" as its English-language word of the year for 2018.
废弃塑料导致的环境退化引发广泛担忧,这促使英国柯林斯词典将 "single-
use( 一 次 性 的 )" 评 为 其 2018 年 年 度 英 语 词 汇 。

年度词汇 (word of the year)

single-use 是描述用完即丢的一次性用品 (one-use-only item) 的形容词。
政治议题 (political agenda)
无节制的泛滥 (unchecked proliferation)
破坏环境 (damage the environment)
食物链 (food chain)
语料库 (word corpus)
词典编撰人员 (lexicographer)
候选词 (nominated words)
反 映 出不断 发展的文 化及 其使用 者 关注的事 物 (reflect an ever-evolving
culture and the preoccupations of those who use it)
vegan( 素食主义者 )
plogging( 跑步捡垃圾 )
Backstop( 后备方案 ) 指在没有其他安排的情况下将会生效的体制
英 国 和 欧 盟 未 能 达 成 " 分 手 协 议 " 的 情 况 下 的 B 计 划 (Plan B that would
result if the UK and EU fail to reach a divorce deal)
Gammon 原 指 腌 猪 腿 , 现 在 则 成 了 对 支 持 英 国 脱 欧 者 的 贬 义 称 呼
(derogatory term for pro-Brexit supporters)
gaslight( 煤气灯操纵,即通过不断向他人灌输错误的信息、直到对方开始
怀疑自己的心智健康状态来试图操纵对方 )
whitewash( 洗白,即由白人演员饰演少数族裔角色 )
MeToo(" 我也是 " 运动 )
floss( 牙线舞 )
旧 词 重 新 流 行 、 衍 生 新 义 (the rise of new words and the revitalization
and adaptation of old ones)
凸显出一个两极化的世界 (highlight a world at extremes)
严肃的社会和政治关切 (serious social and political concerns)
更轻松有趣的活动 (more light-hearted activities)
fake news( 假新闻 )
Brexit( 英 国 脱 欧 )

[ 相关词汇 ]
流行词汇 buzzword
生造词 coinage
抛弃型社会 throw-away society
一次性筷子 disposable chopsticks
白色污染 white/plastic pollution

「中国日报」一周热词( 2018.11.10-2018.11.16 )

1. 2030 年愿景
Vision 2030
China and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)
adopted Wednesday the China-ASEAN Strategic Partnership Vision
2030, widely seen as an ideal model for cooperation in the Asia-Pacific
中 国和 东南 亚国 家联 盟 ( 东盟 )14 日 正 式 通过 《 中 国 - 东盟 战略 伙伴 关系
2030 年愿景》。这一愿景被普遍认为是亚太地区理想的合作模式。

坚 定 反 对 日 益 上 升 的 保 护 主 义 和 逆 全 球 化 思 潮 (firm opposition to the

growing protectionist and anti-globalization sentiments)
实现经济可持续增长 (realize sustainable economic growth)
减少社会不平等 (reduce social inequality)
更美好生活 (a better life)
双 方 贸 易 、 投 资 和 旅 游 往 来 继 续 强 劲 快 速 增 长 (continued strong and
rapid growth of trade, investment and tourism flows between them)
东盟一体化和共同体建设 (ASEAN integration and community-building)
以互利共赢方式促进区域各互联互通战略的对接 (synergize the various
connectivity strategies in the region in a manner that would be
mutually beneficial)
3+X 合作框架 (3+X Cooperation Framework)
以政治安全合作、经济合作、人文交流为三大支柱 (the three major pillars
of political-security cooperation, economic cooperation, people-to-
people exchanges)
以双方同意的合作领域为支撑 (be supported by mutually agreed areas of
地区和平、稳定与繁荣 (regional peace, stability and prosperity)
最 具 实 质 性 、 最 具 活 力 和 互 利 共 赢 的 关 系 之 一 (one of the most
substantial, dynamic and mutually beneficial relationships)

[ 相关词汇 ]
区域合作 regional cooperation
反全球化 anti-globalization
经济增长 economic growth
社会进步 social progress
贸易保护主义 protectionism
区域一体化 regional integration

2. 学前教育
preschool education

About 85% of preschoolers in China, aged between three and six, will
be enrolled in certified kindergartens by 2020, according to a
document jointly issued by the Communist Party of China Central
Committee and the State Council Thursday.
根据中共中央和国务院 15 日联合发布的一份文件,到 2020 年,全国 3-6
岁学龄前儿童进入有资质幼儿园的比例将约达 85% 。

By 2035, preschool education, which lasts for three years, will be

available for all children of the appropriate age, with a national
preschool network set to be established.
到 2035 年,我国将建成全国性学前网络,使所有适龄儿童都能接受为期 3

学前教育行动计划 (preschool education action plan)

农村地区 (rural areas)
脱贫 ( 攻坚 ) 地区 (poverty alleviation areas)
国有企事业单位 (State-owned enterprises and public institutions)
普惠性学前教育 (affordable preschool education)
高 收 费 民 办 园 占 比 过 高 (the proportion of expensive private
kindergartens is too high)
公办园 (public kindergarten)
幼 儿 园 教 师 培 养 体 系 (system for the cultivation and training of
kindergarten teachers)
培 训 150 万 名 左右 幼 儿 园园 长、 教师 (train about 1.5 million preschool
principals and teachers)
社会地位 (social status)
教师职业吸引力有所增强 (make teaching a more attractive profession)

[ 相关词汇 ]
早期教育 early education
义务教育 compulsory education
师德 teachers' ethics
课外培训机构 after-school training institution
学生减负 reduce students' excessive academic burden
超纲教学 teaching beyond the syllabus

3. 生物支付

As high as 60.3% of payments made via Alibaba's T-mall and Taobao

during the recent Singles Day shopping frenzy were verified by users
scanning their fingerprints or faces instead of entering passwords,
according to the e-commerce giant. Bio-payments are gradually
replacing passwords to become the primary means of payment in
电商巨头阿里巴巴表示,刚过去的 " 双 11" 购物节期间,其旗下天猫和淘宝
上高达 60.3% 的支付通过指纹、人脸识别完成,而不是输入密码完成。生

" 双 11" 购物节 (Singles Day shopping spree)

总 成 交 额 达 到 了 2135 亿 元 (the gross value of merchandise sold hit
213.5 billion yuan)
刷新多项纪录 (smash/break several records)
突破 100 亿元大关 (cross the 10 billion-yuan threshold)
物流订单 (logistics order)
指纹和刷脸支付 (fingerprint payment and face scan payment)
生物支付 (bio-payment)
生物识别 (biological recognition)

[ 相关词汇 ]
剁手党 shopaholics
购物狂欢 shopping spree
大减价 slash prices
限时优惠 limited time offer
熬到最后一刻才出手的购物者 last-minute shopper

4. 英国脱欧协议
Brexit deal

UK Prime Minister Theresa May vowed to fight for her draft Brexit deal
with the European Union on Thursday after the resignation of her
Brexit secretary and other ministers put her strategy and her job in
英国首相特雷莎 · 梅 15 日誓言要为她同欧盟达成的英国脱欧协议草案抗争

英国脱欧协议 (Brexit deal)

英 国 脱 欧 进 程 中 " 决 定 性 的 一 步 "(a "decisive step" in the progress of
符合整个英国的最佳利益 (be in the best interests of the entire UK)
已同意协议条款 (agree to the terms of the deal)
英国脱欧事务大臣 (Brexit minister)
次大臣 (junior minister)
大臣助理 (ministerial aide)
多名内阁成员的离职 (multiple Cabinet resignations)
给梅带来巨大打击 (deal a huge blow to May)
" 无协议脱欧 (no deal Brexit)"
下台 (step down)
疑欧派 (Eurosceptics)
不信任投票 (a vote of no confidence)
召开特别峰会 (convene a special summit)
硬脱欧派 (hard Brexiters)
欧 ; 甚 至 举 行 另 一 场 公 投 (scenarios include May's deal ultimately
winning approval; May losing her job; Britain leaving the bloc with no
agreement; or even another referendum)

[ 相关词汇 ]
硬脱欧 hard Brexit
少数派政府 minority government
紧急内阁会议 emergency cabinet meeting
硬边界 hard border
单一市场 single market
反对党议员 opposition lawmaker

5. Marvel Comics creator


Marvel Comics creator Stan Lee - famous for giving the world beloved
superheroes including Spider-Man, Iron Man and the Incredible Hulk -
died Monday. He was 95.
漫威漫画公司创始人斯坦 · 李 12 日逝世,享年 95 岁。斯坦 · 李因创作蜘蛛

传奇漫画家 (legendary comic book author)

《美国队长》 (Captain America)
《神奇四侠》 (Fantastic Four)
《蜘蛛侠》 (Spider-Man)
《钢铁侠》 (Iron Man)
《雷神托尔》 (Thor)
《绿巨人》 (Incredible Hulk)
漫威漫画公司 (Marvel Comics)
在巅峰时期 (in its heyday)
黑豹 (Black Panther)
奇异博士 (Doctor Strange
银影侠 (Silver Surfer)
X 战警 (X-Men)
赋予超级英雄人性弱点 (introduce human frailties in superheroes)
为漫画界带来了一场革命 (revolutionize the comic world)
DC 漫画公司 (Detective Comics)
他改变了我们看待英雄的方式 (he changed the way we look at heros)
自恋狂 (narcissist)

[ 相关词汇 ]
漫威宇宙 Marvel Universe
创意天才 creative genius
漫画编辑 comics editor
流行文化之父 father of pop culture
最后的作品 swansong
客串演出 make a cameo

「中国日报」一周热词( 2018.11.17-2018.11.23 )

1. 分娩镇痛
pain relief during labor and delivery

China's National Health Commission has released a work plan for the
nationwide promotion of pain relief during labor and delivery.

旨 在 减 少 因 不 能 耐 受 分 娩 疼 痛 而 选 择 剖 腹 产 的 产 妇 数 量 (make fewer
mothers turn to C-sections to escape unbearable labor pain)
提高自然分娩率 (increase rates of natural childbirth)
降低剖腹产率 (lower rates of cesarean delivery)
从产科病房跳楼身亡 (jump to her death in a maternity ward)
难忍疼痛 (be in unbearable pain)
无痛自然分娩 (pain-free natural labor)
成为人们的关注焦点 (come into the spotlight)

试点分娩镇痛服务 (pilot labor pain relief services)

在 腰 麻 、 硬 膜 外 麻 醉 和 腰 硬 联 合 麻 醉 辅 助 下 进 行 的 分 娩 (deliveries
completed with the help of spinal or epidural anesthesia, or a
combination of both)
麻醉人才短缺 (shortage of anesthetists)
有关分娩镇痛方法的谣言广泛传播 (widespread myths surrounding labor
pain relief methods)
无痛分娩在我国尚未普及 (painless delivery is yet to become common in

[ 相关词汇 ]
分娩围观 crowd-birthing
妊娠纹 stretch mark
羊水栓塞 amniotic fluid embolism
产后抑郁症 post-natal depression
代孕 surrogacy

2. 种族歧视

Italian fashion house Dolce and Gabbana (D&G) is facing a large-

scale backlash not only from Chinese e-commerce platforms and
consumers but also from Chinese working and studying in Italy, after
the brand was accused of racism in its promotions for a fashion show
in Shanghai.
意大利时尚品牌杜嘉班纳 (D&G) 在上海的一场时装秀的宣传活动被指涉嫌

时装秀 (fashion show)

起筷吃饭 (Eating with Chopsticks)
宣传片 (promotional video)
小棍子形状的餐具 (the little stick-shaped cutlery)
歧视华人 (discriminate against Chinese)
辱华言论 (insulting comments on China)
对该品牌予以抵制 (boycott the brand)
敷衍、毫无诚意的回应 (halfhearted and insincere response)
账号被盗 (accounts are hacked)
不幸 (unfortunate)
" 我 为 只 看 到 事 情 一 面 的 人 感 到 很 遗 憾 (I'm so sorry for people who
always see the half of the empty glass)"
D&G 滚出中国 (D&G, get out of China)
D&G 辱华 (D&G insulting China)
品牌大使 (brand ambassador)
与该品牌终止合作 (terminate their contracts with the brand)
线 下 门 店 (offline store) 和 代 购 处 已 有 客 户 因 此 退 货 。 在 线 上 销 售 方 面 ,
D&G 也遭到了中国电商平台 (e-commerce platform) 的集体抵制,天猫、
京东、苏宁易购、网易考拉、洋码头等均已下架所有 D&G 品牌产品 (take
all D&G products off the shelves) 。业内人士称,该事件也许会使 D&G

[ 相关词汇 ]
登上热搜榜 hit the ranks of hot searching
聊天记录 chat record
火上浇油 add fuel to the fire/flames
陷入争议泥沼 be mired in controversy
不真诚的道歉 insincere apology
舆论压力 public pressure

3. 工资帽
salary cap

China will introduce a series of new regulations including a salary cap

and a bonus cap in the Chinese Super League and lower professional
leagues from 2019.
我国将出台一系列新规,包括自 2019 年起在中超联赛以及较低级别的职
业联赛中设置 " 工资帽 "和 " 奖金帽 "。

推 动 《 中 国 足 球 改 革 发 展 总 体 方 案 》 (overall reform plan to boost the

development of soccer in China)
俱乐部投入限额、球员工资限额、奖金限额和转会费限额 (caps on capital
injection into clubs, player salaries, bonuses and transfer fee)
治理高价引援和球员收入过高等问题,抑制俱乐部非理性投资 (irrational
investment) ,全面降低俱乐部办足球成本,促进职业联赛健康、可持续发
展 (promote healthy and sustainable development of professional
职业足球俱乐部 (professional soccer club)
盲目投资 (blind/haphazard investment)
天价转会费 (sky-high transfer fee)
阴阳合同 (dual contract)
逃避税款 (tax evasion)
中超 (Chinese Super League)
中甲 (China League)
中乙 (China League Two)
所有国内球员将根据新规签订新合同 (all domestic players will sign a new
contract under the new regulations)
外籍球员 (foreign player)
国内球员 (domestic player)

[ 相关词汇 ]
足球强国 soccer powerhouse
职业足球运动员 professional soccer player
足球投资 soccer investment
国际足球联盟 Federation Internationale de Football Association, FIFA

4. 拼妈

Yu Minhong, the founder of English-language training giant New

Oriental, sparked controversy by saying the moral degeneration of
women has led to the current degeneration of the country. But by
saying that mothers play a decisive role in bringing up children he also
put his finger on why "mompetition" is so fierce in China.
英语培训巨头新东方创始人俞敏洪因 " 现在中国是因为女性堕落导致整个国
家堕落 " 的言论引发争议,但说出 " 女性在育儿方面起到了决定性作用 " 的他
也明确指出了 " 拼妈 "在中国如此激烈的缘由。

女性堕落 (moral degeneration of women)

一 个国家的 女性的水平, 就代 表了国家的水平 (the level of women in a
country represents the level of the country)
女 性 素 质 高 , 母 亲 素 质 高 , 就 能 够 教 育 出 高 素 质 的 孩 子 (well-educated
women and mothers can cultivate well-educated children)
育儿重担 (burden of raising kids)
毋 庸 置 疑 , 在 孩 子 的 成 长 过 程 中 , 母 亲 的 影 响 力 最 为 深 远 (there is no
denying that the influence of mother is the most profound in a child's
拼妈 (mompetition)
教育理念 (education ideas)
综合软实力 (comprehensive soft power)
减负 (burden alleviation)
高度介入 (high involvement)

[ 相关词汇 ]
玻璃天花板 glass ceiling
全职妈妈 stay-at-home-mother
亲子关系 parent-child relationship
家庭教师 home tutor
输在起跑线 lose ground at the start
早教课程 early education courses
5. 黑色星期五
Black Friday

Cross-border e-commerce platforms are betting big on Black Friday,

the US shopping spree that starts after Thanksgiving, as more and
more middle and high-income shoppers in China target high-quality
goods from overseas.

黑色星期五 (Black Friday)

打折和优惠活动 (sales and discounts)
圣诞节购物季 (Christmas shopping season)
海淘 (cross-border online shopping)
进口商品 (imported goods)
跨境电商网站 (cross-border e-commerce site)
开 启 其 史 上 最 大 规 模 的 黑 五 促 销 活 动 (kick off its biggest-ever Black
Friday promotion)
亚马逊美国、英国、日本和德国四大海外站点 (Amazon's four overseas
sites in the US, the UK, Japan and Germany)
国际品牌 (international brand)
优质商品 (quality products)
进博会 (China International Import Expo)
最 受 跨 境 网 购 用 户 关 注 的 年 终 购 物 节 (the most popular year-end
shopping festival for cross-border online shoppers)
轻奢商品 (entry lux)

[ 相关词汇 ]
购物狂 shopaholic
网络星期一 Cyber Monday
消费升级 consumption upgrade
购物清单 shopping list
实体零售商 brick-and-mortar retailer
只逛不买 window shopping


1. 藏医药浴法
Lum medicinal bathing of Sowa Rigpa
The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
(UNESCO) inscribed on Wednesday China's Lum medicinal bathing of
Sowa Rigpa on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural
Heritage of Humanity.
28 日,联合国教科文组织将中国 " 藏医药浴法 " 列入人类非物质文化遗产代

人 类 非 物 质 文 化 遗 产 代 表 作 名 录 (Representative List of the Intangible

Cultural Heritage of Humanity)
续 关 系 的 积 极 例 证 (underline the importance of traditional knowledge
concerning nature and the universe and offer a positive example of the
sustainable relationship between humans and their environment)
康和疾病防治的传统知识和实践 (traditional knowledge and practices of
bathing in natural hot springs, herbal water or steam to adjust the
balance of mind and body so as to ensure one's good health or treat
索瓦日巴 (Sowa Rigpa, Tibetan Medicine)
与中国藏族民众的日常生活息息相关 (have an important bearing on the
everyday life of the Tibetan people in China)
防 病 、 疗 疾 的 民 间 经 验 (folk experience in disease prevention and
传统藏医理论 (traditional Tibetan medicine theories)
促 进 不 同 民 族 关 于 生 命 健 康 和 尊 重 自 然 的 对 话 (encourage dialogue on
health and respect for nature between different ethnic groups)

[ 相 关 词 汇 ]
非 物 质 文 化 遗 产 intangible cultural heritage
藏 族 文 化 Tibetan culture
生 命 观 life view
水 疗 hydrotherapy
文 化 多 样 性 cultural diversity
传统文化教育 traditional culture education

2. 基因编辑婴儿
gene-edited baby

Scientists and bioethics experts have reacted with shock and anger to
a Chinese researcher's claim that he helped make the world's first
genetically edited babies.

网络视频 (online video)

试管内授精 (in vitro fertilization, IVF)
世界首批免疫艾滋病的基因编辑婴儿 (the world's first gene-edited babies
immune to AIDS)
基因编辑工具 (gene-editing tool)
入侵人体细胞 (invade human cells)
引发了巨大的争议 (spark a huge controversy)
有 关 该 研 究 的 伦 理 审 查 报 备 (ethical assessment application for the
先决条件 (prerequisite)
对这一项目并不知情 (it was not aware of the research)
严重违背了学术伦理和学术规范 (seriously violate academic ethics and
强烈谴责这一研究 (strongly condemn the research)
缺乏有效的伦理监管 (lack effective ethics oversight)
相当于拿人类做实验 (amount to human experiments)
类胚胎基因编辑的临床应用 (be firmly against any clinical application of
gene editing of human embryos by anyone or any organization in
circumstances relying on immature theories and technologies)
要 求 相 关 单 位 暂 停 相 关 人 员 的 科 技 活 动 (order relevant authorities to
suspend all scientific activity of people involved with the case)
做出查处 (mete out punishment)

[ 相 关 词 汇 ]
试 管 婴 儿 test-tube baby
基 因 操 纵 genetic manipulation
基 因 突 变 gene mutation
评 估 收 益 与 风 险 assess gains and risks
普 遍 共 识 universal consensus
精子洗涤 sperm washing

3. 电子客票

China plans to roll out e-tickets for high-speed trains across the
country in 2019, said Lu Dongfu, general manager of China Railway
Corp. Passengers will be able to tap their ID cards against a card
reader at the ticket barrier to enter the station, Lu said.

环岛高铁线路 (island-looping high-speed line)

纸质车票 (paper ticket) 。
二代身份证 (2nd-generation ID card)
有效身份证件 (valid identity document)
购票信息单 (ticket notice)
人脸识别 (facial recognition)
外国人居留证 (residence permit for foreigners)
港 澳 居 民 来 往 内 地 通 行 证 (Mainland Travel Permit for Hong Kong and
Macau Residents)
台湾居民来往大陆通行证 (Mainland Travel Permit for Taiwan Residents)
报销凭证 (reimbursement voucher)
自助售票机 (self-service ticket vending machine)

[ 相 关 词 汇 ]
网 络 购 票 buy/purchase tickets online
订 票 取 票 ticket booking and pickup
囤 票 hoard tickets
倒 票 ticket scalping
春 运 火 车 票 train tickets for the Spring Festival travel rush
黄牛 scalper

4. 上海大都市圈
Shanghai metropolitan region

Shanghai is planning to launch collaborative spatial planning for the

Shanghai metropolitan region with Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces.

上海大都市圈 (Shanghai metropolitan region)

以上海为中心、具备有竞争力的产业链以及成熟城市社区的城市群 (a city
cluster centered on Shanghai with a competitive industrial chain and
mature urban communities)
常住人口 (permanent resident population)
交通一体化 (traffic integration)
市政基础设施统筹 (overall planning of municipal infrastructure)
绿色网络 (green network)
产业协调发展 (coordinated development of industries)
合 作 机 制 保 障 与 创 新 (support and innovation of the cooperative
加 强 在功 能、 交通、 环境 、设 施方 面的衔接 (strengthen connections in
terms of functions, transportation, the environment and facilities)
促进区域空间协同和一体化发展 (enhance regional spatial synergy and
integrated development)
充分发挥其中心城市作用 (fully play its role as a center city)
加 强 与 周 边 城 市 的 分 工 协 作 (enhance collaboration with surrounding
构 建 上 海 大 都 市 圈 , 打 造 具 有 全 球 影 响 力 的 世 界 级 城 市 群 (build the
Shanghai metropolitan region into a world-class city cluster with global

[ 相 关 词 汇 ]
协 同 规 划 collaborative planning
优 化 空 间 利 用 optimize the use of space
长 三 角 地 区 Yangtze River Delta region
京津冀协同发展 coordinated development of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei
国家战略 national strategy

5. 互联网保险
online insurance

Online insurance is gaining popularity in China, driven by an

increasing number of young people looking to cover themselves using
quick, low-cost, social media-powered apps, according to a new
industry report.

互联网保险门户网站 (online insurance portal)

互联网保险的主力买家 (the main buyers of online insurance)
80% 的 互 联 网 保 险 投 保 人 是 80 后 、 90 后 (80% of online insurance
applicants were born in the 1980s and 1990s)
更 简 单 、 便 捷 、 有 趣 的 保 险 产 品 (more simple, convenient and
interesting insurance products)
网购老手 (online shopping veteran)
购买体验 (shopping experience)
保险经纪人 (insurance agent/broker)
保险服务 (insurance service)
更多普惠选择 (provide more beneficial choices)
在互联网的陪伴下长大的 (grow up with the internet)
驱动力 (driving force)

[ 相 关 词 汇 ]
投 保 人 policyholder
保 险 费 premium
最 高 赔 偿 金 额 the maximum payout
保 险 凭 证 certificate of insurance
保额 sum insured


1. 抢票

A new ticket-grabbing function of China's official train ticket booking

website is expected to boost buyers' chances of obtaining a ticket
during the upcoming Spring Festival travel rush, according to a report
by China Central Television.

抢票 (ticket-grabbing)
黄牛 (scalper)
抢票软件 (ticket-snatching software)
春运 (Spring Festival travel rush)
技术带头人 (technical head)
预付 (pay in advance)
退票 (canceled ticket)
余票 (extra ticket)
全额返还给旅客 (offer passengers a full refund)
让 旅客省 去不断 刷新 12306 网站等 待退票 的 麻烦 (save passengers the
trouble of refreshing the website repeatedly to wait for canceled
[ 相 关 词 汇 ]
囤 票 hoard tickets
减 价 票 discounted ticket
列 车 时 刻 表 train schedules
实 名 购 票 real-name ticket purchasing
梯次退票方案 tiered ticket refund policy

2. 加权赋分
score weighting

The top two Chinese education officials in Zhejiang province were

sacked on Wednesday after weighted scoring of an English test in the
national college entrance examinations commonly known as gaokao.
5 日被免职。

与 估 分 相 比 差 距 较 大 (score unexpectedly low or high than what's

未 能 体 现 其 真 实 能 力 水 平 (fail to reflect the actual performance of the
exam-takers' capacities)
今年英语考试部分试题难度较往年偏大 (level of difficulty for part of the
test questions of this year's English exam was higher than previous
阅读理解 (reading comprehension)
语言运用 (linguistic performance)
加权 赋分 (give extra weighting)
评分规则 (the principle behind the grading method)
决 策 依 据 不 充 分 、 决 策 严 重 错 误 (a serious mistake without sufficient
basis for decision-making)
导 致 结 果 不 公 正 、 不 合 理 (lead to unjustified and irrational testing
取消这次考试的加权赋分 (the weighted scores will be canceled)
恢复原始得分 (the original scores will be reinstated)
被免职 (be removed from their posts)

[ 相 关 词 汇 ]
开 放 式 提 问 open-ended question
作 文 essay
客 观 题 objective question
多 选 题 multiple choice
负 分 negative score
难 度 系 数 difficulty level
未经充分评估 lack adequate assessment

3. 国葬
state funeral

Americans observed a National Day of Mourning and bade farewell to

its 41st president on Wedneday as a state funeral for former US
president George H.W. Bush took place at the Washington National
5 日,美国举行全国哀悼日,送别已故的第 41 任总统乔治 · 赫伯特 · 沃克 · 布
什 ( 老布什 ) 。老布什的国葬仪式当日在华盛顿国家大教堂举行。

国家哀悼日 (National Day of Mourning)

降半旗 (flags flying at half-mast)
国葬 (state funeral)
悼词 (eulogy)
为 人 子 女 者 可 以 拥 有 的 最 棒 的 父 亲 (the best father a son or daughter
could have)
致悼词 (deliver a eulogy)
致以最后的敬意 (pay their last respects)
私人葬礼 (private funeral)
老友 (longtime friend)
现场表演 (live performance)
家族墓园 (family plot)

[ 相 关 词 汇 ]
公 职 生 涯 career in public service
国 旗 覆 棺 flag-draped casket
外 交 手 腕 diplomatic skills
国 际 政 要 international dignitaries
吊唁信 letter of condolence
4. 巨婴
grown-up baby

The term "grown-up baby" made it into this year's top 10 Chinese buzz
words released by literary periodical Yaowenjiaozi.
文学期刊《咬文嚼字》近日公布 2018 年十大流行语, " 巨婴 "一词入选。
以自我为中心 (self-centred)
缺乏规则意识 (disregard for rules)
情绪失控 (lose temper)
非理性行为 (irrational behavior)
高铁霸座 (refuse to move after taking other people's seats)
巨婴现象 ("grown-up baby" phenomenon)
流行语 (buzz word)
命运共同体 (a community with a shared future)
锦鲤 (koi fish)
官宣 (officially announce)
退群 (withdraw/leave from a group)
佛系 (Buddha-like)
杠精 (an argumentative person, a habitually bickering person) 。
国际重大事件 (major international events)
对美好生活的向往 (aspiration to live a better life)
负面事件 (negative event)

[ 相 关 词 汇 ]
年 度 词 汇 word of the year
旧 词 新 意 old words with new meanings
网 络 流 行 语 internet buzz word
行 话 jargon
俚语 slang

5. 黄金签证
"gold-plated" visa

London is suspending its so-called "gold-plated" visa program in an

attempt to crack down on financial crime and corruption.
英国将暂停所谓的 " 黄金签证 "项目,以打击金融犯罪和腐败。

黄金签证 ("gold-plated" visa )

Tier 1 投资签证 (Tier 1 Investor visa)
非欧盟国家的有钱人 (wealthy people from outside the European Union)
快 速 走 完 英 国 签 证 流 程 并 定 居 在 英 国 (navigate their way through the
UK's visa system and settle in Great Britain)
永久居留权 (indefinite leave to remain)
申请永久居留权 (apply for permanent residence)
受到全球超级富豪的欢迎 (be welcomed by global super-rich)
洗黑钱 (launder illicit money)
金融和商业受益 (financial and business interests)
确 保 申请 者即 将投资到 英 国的 资金 已在 其控制 下满两年 (they have had
control of the assets they will be investing for at least two years)
为合法所得 (they were legally obtained)
申 请 者 不 得 投 资 英 国 政 府 债 券 (no longer be allowed to invest in
government bonds)
必须将资金投入到正常运营的英国企业 (plow their money into active and
trading UK companies)

[ 相 关 词 汇 ]
免 签 政 策 visa-free policy
落 地 签 证 visa on arrival
企 业 家 签 证 Entrepreneur visa
杰出人才签证 Exceptional Talent visa

「中国日报」一周热词( 2018.12.8-2018.12.14 )

1. 近月制动
braking at perilune

China's Chang'e 4 robotic probe completed its braking at perilune and

entered lunar orbit on Wednesday, marking a major step in its mission
to make a soft landing on the moon's far side.
12 日,我国的嫦娥四号机器人探测器完成近月制动,进入环月轨道,这是

完成首次近月制动 (complete its first braking at perilune)

进入距月面约 100 公里的椭圆形环月轨道 (enter an elliptical lunar orbit
about 100 km above the surface)
地月转移轨道 (Earth-Moon transfer orbit)
减速 (decelerate)
绕月飞行 (orbit around the moon)
发射升空 (lift/blast off)
实施了一次轨道修正 (the trajectory of the spacecraft was adjusted)
确 保 其 不 偏 离 前 往 月 球 的 正 确 轨 道 (make sure it remains on the right
track toward the silver sphere)
高度和倾角 (altitude and angle)
与中继星的中继链路 (data links with the relay satellite)
导航敏感器 (navigation sensors)
实施月球背面软着陆 (make a soft landing on the moon's far side)

[ 相关词汇 ]
着陆器 lander
探月工程 lunar exploration program
在轨测试 in-orbit test
公转周期 period of revolution
自转周期 rotation period
一手资料 first-hand information

2. 校外培训机构
after-school training institution

China has been carrying out comprehensive inspections of all after-

school training institutions to ensure that those not meeting
government standards make corrections by the end of this year, the
Ministry of Education said on Thursday.
教育部 13 日表示,我国已针对所有校外培训机构开展全面排查,以保证不

全 国 共 排 查 校 外 培 训 机 构 40 万 余 所 (more than 400,000 after-school

training institutions from across the country had been inspected)
不符合标准 (be not up to the standards)
解决问题必须标本兼治 (address both its symptoms and root causes)
完善治理 (improve governance)
建立长效机制 (build long-term mechanism)
教育教学改革 (education reform)
专项治理 (special rectification)
禁 止 中 小 学 生 招 生 与 培 训 结 果 挂 钩 (the training results from these
institutions are banned from using as criteria for enrollment in primary
and middle schools)
满足学习需求 (meet their learning needs)
立 全 国 校 外 培 训 机 构 数 据 库 (build a database of after-school training
institutions across the country)
黑白名单制度 (blacklist and white list system)
加大对违规行为惩治力度 (reinforce punishment against irregularities)

[ 相关词汇 ]
学生减负 reduce students' excessive academic burden
教学大纲 teaching syllabus
超纲教学 teaching beyond the syllabus
招生对象 enrollment targets
课外活动 extracurricular activities
应试教育 exam-oriented education

3. 不信任投票
vote of no confidence

Theresa May is to continue as British prime minister after surviving a

vote of no confidence in her leadership from members of her own
Conservative Party.
特蕾莎 · 梅在挺过由其所在的保守党的成员对其领导力发起的不信任投票后,

不信任投票 (no-confidence vote, vote of no confidence)

议会制国家 (countries with a parliamentary system)
政局动荡不安 (political upheaval)
不信任案 (no-confidence motion)
不记名投票 (secret ballot)
议员 (Member of Parliament, MP)
对梅与欧盟达成的脱欧协议不满 (be dissatisfied with the Brexit deal May
has struck with the EU)
背离了 2016 年公投的结果 (betray the 2016 referendum result)
付出了代价 (come at a price)
她承诺将在计划于 2022 年举行的下一次英国大选前下台 (May promised
she would step down by the next election scheduled for 2022)
脱 欧 协 议 议 会 表 决 (a vote in Parliament on whether to approve her
Brexit deal)

[ 相关词汇 ]
分手协议 divorce deal
支持英国脱欧者 pro-Brexit supporter
疑欧派议员 Eurosceptic MP
硬边界 hard border
北爱尔兰保障协议 Northern Irish backstop
否决 veto
4. 年度人物
Person of the Year

Time magazine has chosen "The Guardians," a group of journalists

who have been targeted for their work, as Person of the Year.
《时代》周刊将 " 守护者 "—— 一群因自己的工作而成为受攻击目标的记者

年度人物 (Person of the Year)

守护者 (Guardians)
该杂志首次将这一荣誉授予逝者 (this is the first time Time has given the
accolade to someone no longer alive)
《 首府 新 闻 报》 五 名 员工 在枪 击 案 中 遇 害 (five members of the Capital
Gazette staff were killed in a shooting)
被以逃税罪名逮捕 (be arrested on tax evasion charges)
报道罗兴亚穆斯林大屠杀 (report on a massacre of Rohingya Muslims)
总编爱德华 · 费尔森塔尔 (editor-in-chief Edward Felsenthal)
疾呼,所以这些 " 守护者 " 当选年度人物 (for taking great risks in pursuit of
greater truths, for the imperfect but essential quest for facts that are
central to civil discourse, for speaking up and for speaking out, the
"Guardians" are the Person of the Year) 。
在过去一年中对新闻和世界产生重大影响的个人或群体 (an individual or
group of people who most influenced the news and the world during
the past year)
掀 起 反对性 骚扰 的 #MeToo 运动 (trigger the #MeToo movement against
sexual harassment)
" 打破沉默者 (Silence Breakers)"
埃博拉病抗击者 (Ebola Fighters)

[ 相关词汇 ]
现场报道 field reporting
调查性报道 investigative reporting
操纵和滥用真相 manipulation and abuse of truth
言论自由 free speech
战地记者 war correspondent
新闻编辑室 newsroom

5. 口红系列
lipstick collection

On Sunday, the Palace Museum released its new series of product -

limited edition of a lipstick collection in six colors on T-mall, provoking
excitement among netizens and fashion lovers.
9 日,故宫在天猫上发布新产品系列——限量版六色口红系列,令网友和

口红系列 (lipstick collection)

郎窑红 (Lang Yao glaze red)
玫紫色 (rose-purple)
豆沙红 (bean paste red)
碧玺色 (tourmaline purple)
枫叶红 (maple red)
变色人鱼姬 (mermaid pink)
口红管外观设计则从清宫后妃服饰的颜色和图案上汲取灵感 (be inspired
by colors and patterns of clothes belonging to empresses and imperial
concubines of the Qing Dynasty)
最受青睐的郎窑红 (the most favored Lang Yao glaze red)
吉祥图案 (patterns symbolizing good fortune)
3D 打印科技 (3D printing technology)
呈现出刺绣的质感 (present the texture of embroidery)
有效帮助改善唇纹 (help relieve wrinkles on lips)
预订数已超过 3000 支 (have more than 3,000 orders)

[ 相关词汇 ]
文创产品 cultural and creative product
衍生品 derivatives
配饰 accessory
中国传统文化 traditional Chinese culture
文化遗产 cultural heritage


1. 改革开放 40 周年大会

Hunger, shortage and poverty that plagued Chinese people for
thousands of years have been generally left behind.
40 年来取得的成就不是天上掉下来的,更不是别人恩赐施舍的,而是全党
What we have achieved in the past 40 years is not a godsend, still
less a gift from others. It comes from the hard work, wisdom and
courage of all members of the Party and the people of all ethnic
groups in China.
In considering and introducing a policy, we must first and foremost
ensure the backing, approval and endorsement of the people. We
must act in line with our people's aspirations, respect their views and
ideas, care about their worries and concerns and commit to improving
their livelihood.
在中国这样一个有着 5000 多年文明史、 13 亿多人口的大国推进改革发展,
There is no textbook or golden rule to follow for reform and
development in China, a country with over 5000 years of civilization
and more than 1.3 billion people. No one is in the position to dictate to
the Chinese people what should or should not be done.
With firm political resolve and strong capability to uphold national
sovereignty and territorial integrity, we will never allow any of our
sacred territory, not even an inch, to be separated from the
A great dream will not come true through waiting or chanting slogans;
it can only be fulfilled with hard work and perseverance. We are now in
a state very much like sailing to the midstream of a river or climbing
halfway up a mountain, as the goings get tough, we must press ahead
and there's no turning back.
Conviction, commitment and confidence matter at all times. With these
traits, an individual, a group or a political party, a people, or even a
country, would always emerge stronger from setbacks. But without
them, one would easily give up and lose the courage to fight.
The untold sufferings, heavy sacrifices, and heroic struggles of the
Chinese people and Chinese nation have fostered a mighty energy
over a long course of history. Today, such an energy has been brought
out and offers an irresistible driving force for our national rejuvenation.
Turning China into a great modern socialist country and achieving
national rejuvenation is like a relay race, in which the baton is passed
on from generation to generation. Every generation must strive for a
good score for the sake of future ones.
We will stay committed to the reform and opening-up and see that our
people realize their aspirations for a better life. In this way, we will
create new and even greater miracles of the Chinese nation in the new
era, miracles that will truly impress the world!

2. 年度汉语字词
Chinese Character and Word of the Year

"Striving" and "the 40th anniversary of reform and opening-up" have

been respectively chosen as the Chinese Character and Word of the
Year 2018 in China.
" 奋 "和 " 改革开放四十年 "分别当选年度国内字、国内词。

由 国 家 语 言 资 源 监 测 与 研 究 中 心 (National Language Resource

Monitoring and Research Center)
" 退 (exit/quit)"
国际字和国际词 (international Chinese Character and Word of the Year)
振奋人心 (inspiring)
奋发图强 (striving to be strong)
奋勇拼搏 (pressing ahead)
奋不顾身 (courageous and daring)
我国在各方面取得了伟大成就 (China has made significant achievements
in various fields)
改革开放只有进行时,没有完成时 (reform and opening-up is an ongoing
process and we will never stop)
伊朗核协议 (the Iran nuclear deal)
联合国人权理事会 (the United Nations Human Rights Council)
英国脱欧协议 (the Brexit deal)
美国对中国商品加征关税 (impose additional tariffs on Chinese goods)
经济全球化是大势所趋,和平与发展是民心所向 (Economic globalization
is the trend of the times, and peace and development represent the
shared aspiration of all peoples)
共赢才能通向更好的未来 (only a win-win approach will lead to a better
用一个字、一个词描述当年的中国和世界 (describe China and the world
over the past year in a single Chinese character or word)
社会变迁 (social change)
[ 相关词汇 ]
年度词 word of the year
流行词 buzzword
社交媒体词汇 social media vocabulary
表情包 emoji package
缩写 abbreviation

3. 累计预扣法
cumulative withholding method

A new system for calculating individual income tax will take effect from
Jan 1, the State Administration of Taxation said Thursday. For
residents, tax will be assessed by the cumulative withholding method
and paid monthly.
国家税务总局 20 日表示,新的个人所得税计算方式将从 1 月 1 日起实施。

劳务报酬 (remuneration for labor services)

稿酬所得 (income from author's remuneration)
特许权使用费 (loyalties)
个人所得税 (personal income tax)
累计预扣法 (cumulative withholding method)
年度预扣预缴税额 (the amount of tax paid in advance)
税务机关 (tax authority)
应缴税额 (tax payable)
大 部 分 只 有 一 处 工 资 薪 金 所 得 的 纳 税 人 (most taxpayers with only one
source of income of wages and salaries)
非居民 (non-resident)
应纳税所得额 (the amount of taxable income)
收 入 减 除 20% 的 费 用 后 的 余 额 (the balance of income after deducting
20% of expenses)

[ 相关词汇 ]
专项附加扣除 special additional deduction
个税起征点 personal income tax threshold
可支配收入 disposable income
双重征税 double taxation
源泉扣缴 withholding of tax at source
优惠税率 preferential tax rate
4. 加息
rate hike
The US Federal Reserve raised interest rates on Wednesday and said
it was keeping the core of its plan to tighten monetary policy intact
even as central bank officials said they would likely slow the pace of
further rate increases next year.
美国联邦储备委员会 ( 美联储 )19 日加息,并表示将维持收紧货币政策计划

将 联 邦 基金 利率 目标 区间 再上 调 25 个 基点 (lift the target range for the

federal funds rate by another quarter point)
美联储今年内的第四次加息 (the Fed's fourth rate hike this year)
货币政策正常化 (monetary policy normalization)
其对 2019 年美国经济增速的预测 (their forecast for US economic growth
in 2019)
联邦基金利率的预估中值 (median forecast for the federal funds rate)
估计明年将加息两次 (envision two rate hikes next year)
减少货币政策给经济带来的提振 (reduce the boost that monetary policy
gives to the economy)
全球经济放缓 (the global economy slows)

[ 相关词汇 ]
货币政策 monetary policy
经济温和扩张 moderate economic expansion
存款准备金率 required reserve ratio
贷款基础利率 Loan Prime Rate, LPR
利率 interest rate
市场波动 market volatility

5. 退押金
deposit refund

Over 12 million users of bike-sharing firm Ofo have requested deposit

refunds as of Friday, with the company possibly owing in excess of 1
billion yuan to its riders.
截至 21 日,逾 1200 万用户已向共享单车企业 Ofo 申请退押金, Ofo 待退
押金可能超过 10 亿元。

退押金 (deposit refund)

Ofo 公司北京总部数百名用户排队退押金 (hundreds of users lined up at
Ofo's Beijing headquarters to get their deposits refunded)
假 装 外 国 人 Ofo 秒 退 押 金 (pretend to be foreigners and Ofo returns
deposits in seconds)
退押金新政 (new deposit return policy)
所有退押金申请,无论线上线下,都将统一进行收集和审核 (all deposit
refund applications, online or offline, will be collected and reviewed)
按 申 请 顺 序 退 还 押 金 (the deposit will be refunded in order of
畅通退押金渠道 (smooth channels to return deposits)
加快退款进度 (speed up refund procedures)
保障用户合法权益 (protect the legitimate rights and interests of users)
深陷困境的 (beleaguered, in hot water)
收到了法院颁出的限制消费令 (be issued consumption restrictions by a
不得坐飞机及软卧 (be forbidden from taking an airplane as well as the
soft berths in trains)

[ 相关词汇 ]
双标处理 two-faced treatment
极速退款 speedy refund
临时服务器迁移 temporary server migration
联合收购 joint buyout
预付费 pre-payment


1. 全球服务
global services

China's Beidou Navigation Satellite System has started providing

global services, the program's head said on Thursday.
我国北斗卫星导航系统负责人 27 日表示,北斗系统已开始提供全球服务。

提供全球服务 (provide global services)

北斗卫星导航系统 (Beidou Navigation Satellite System)
北 斗 三 号 基 本 系 统 完 成 建 设 (the primary system's construction of
Beidou's third-generation network has finished)
迈入全球时代 (enter the global era)
泛在、融合、智能的 (ubiquitous, integrated and smart)
定位导航授时 (Positioning, Navigation and Timing, PNT)
中 国 自 主 建 设 、 独 立 运 行 (independently constructed and operated by
全球定位系统 (global positioning system, GPS)
格洛纳斯 (GLONASS)
的伽利略 (Galileo)
全 球 定 位 精 度 达 10 米 , 亚 太 地 区 的 定 位 精 度 达 5 米 (the positioning
accuracy of the system has reached 10 meters globally and five
meters in the Asia-Pacific region)
测速精度为 0.2 米每秒;授时精度为 20 纳秒 (its velocity accuracy is 0.2
meters per second, while its timing accuracy stands at 20
公交车 (bus)
邮政和快递车辆 (postal and express delivery vehicles)
内河导航设施 (inland river navigation facilities)
港珠澳大桥 (Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge)
形变监测 (deformation monitoring)
智能驾驶 (intelligent driving)
国际组织 (international organization)

[ 相关词汇 ]
卫星导航系统 satellite navigation system
卫星搜救 satellite-based search and rescue
星间链路 inter-satellite link
海上导航 marine navigation
原子钟 atomic clock
兼容性 compatibility

2. 保健品
health product

A post widely circulated on the social media has put the Tianjin-based
Quanjian Group, a health product company, in the center of a storm of
public criticism, as it exposes that the group's "secret anti-cancer
recipe" medicine led to the death of a cancer patient in the Inner
Mongolia autonomous region three years ago.
为公众批评风暴的中心。该帖揭露,三年前权健集团的 " 抗癌秘方 " 药导致

抗癌秘方 (secret anti-cancer recipe)

中止化疗 (suspend chemotherapy)
" 高科技 "鞋垫 ("high-tech" insoles)
" 负离子 "卫生巾 ("negative ions" sanitary towels)
保健品 (health product)
传销 (pyramid selling)
火疗法 (fire therapy)
诽谤中伤 (defamation)
要求撤稿并道歉 (demand a retraction and apology)
" 不会删稿,对每一个字负责 (we are responsible for every single word)"
下架权健商品 (remove products of Quanjian)
市值 (market value)
营业额 (turnover)

[ 相关词汇 ]
虚假宣传 false advertising
直销 direct selling
民间秘方 secret folk recipe
天价 exorbitantly high prices

3. 个人所得税应用
individual income tax app

A new personal income tax app, developed by the State Administration

of Taxation, will be up and running next week to help taxpayers
receive additional deductions.

子女教育 (children's education)

继续教育 (continuing education)
大病医疗 (healthcare treatment for serious diseases)
房贷利息 (mortgage interest)
住房租金 (home rent)
赡养老人 (the livelihood of elder people)
专项附加扣除 (special additional deduction)
纸质表格 (paper form)
简化手续 (simplify the procedures)
实名注册 (real-name registration)
税收优惠 (tax preference)
个税改革 (reform of personal income tax)
个税起征点 (personal income tax threshold)

[ 相关词汇 ]
扫描二维码 scan a QR code
填写电子表格 fill in digital forms
减轻纳税人负担 reduce the burden on taxpayers
促进消费 boost consumption
稳定经济增长 stabilize economic growth
4. 懒人经济
lazy economy
According to a report issued recently by China's major e-commerce
platform Taobao on so-called lazy person's consumption statistics, this
year Chinese people spent 16 billion yuan purchasing commodities
and services online. The amount was 70% more than that of 2017.
国内主要电商平台淘宝近日发布的有关所谓 " 懒人 " 消费数据的报告显示,
2018 年中国人花 160 亿元在线购买商品和服务,较去年增长 70% 。

懒人经济 (lazy economy)

一种新型消费需求 (a new type of consumption demand)
省时省力 (time-saving and labor-saving)
生活节奏的加快 (the pace of life accelerates)
人 们 把 越 来 越 多 的 时 间 花 在 了 工 作 、 通 勤 和 社 交 生 活 上 (People spend
increasingly more time on work, commuting and social life)
实体店买东西 (brick-and-mortar shopping)
居家用品 (household items)
高科技电子设备 (high-tech electronic devices)
扫地机器人 (floor mopping robot)
自动擦窗机 (automatic window cleaner)
多 样 化 和 不 断 增 长 的 消 费 需 求 (diversified and ever-increasing
consumption demands)
消费的持续升级 (ongoing consumption upgrading)

[ 相关词汇 ]
不合理消费 unreasonable consumption
新零售 new retail
量入为出 live within one's means
可持续消费 sustainable consumption
绿色消费 green consumption
消费革命 consumer revolution
消费主义 consumerism

5. 政府停摆
government shutdown

Both chambers of the US Congress convened for only a few minutes

late on Thursday but took no steps to end a partial federal government
shutdown before adjourning until next week.
美国国会两院 27 日晚只开了几分钟的会议,未采取任何措施结束联邦政府

美国政府部分停摆 (partial US government shutdown)

为大约 20% 受影响的政府机构恢复拨款 (restore funding for the roughly
20% of the government affected)
修筑美墨边境墙 (build a border wall with Mexico)
众议院和参议院 (the House and the Senate)
休会 (adjourn)
维持政府运转 (keep the government running)
有力行动 (firm action)
接管众议院的多数控制权 (take over majority control of the House)
影响有限 (have a limited impact)
部分原因是受影响的 80 万名左右联邦政府工作人员正在休假 (partly due
to holiday vacations being underway for the 800,000 or so federal
workers affected)

[ 相关词汇 ]
政治僵局 political impasse
悬浮议会 hung parliament
少数派政府 minority government
支持率 approval rating

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