Water Treatment Knowledge

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Most McQuay water-cooled condensers used with comfort cooling and

industrial processes are applied with a type of system that is called an “open
system”. They are “open” because they use a cooling tower to reject the heat
from the condenser water. The cooling tower uses fans to draw air directly thru
the water, which is falling as droplets thru the cooling tower. The use of a
cooling tower makes a condenser water system VERY vulnerable to corrosion
and fouling.

The air contacting the water in a cooling tower will contain a wide variety of
dust and dirt particles, depending on the local environment. The re-circulating
water to the condenser then becomes contaminated with this debris, and
depending on the type and severity of the debris you can get scale, corrosion,
and organic contamination of the system.


Scale is the dissolved solid matter that reappears in its solid state after water is
heated or evaporated. At higher temperatures water can hold less scale
forming compounds than water at lower temperature can. This is why warm
condensers can form scale very quickly.

Scale or fouling on the inside surfaces of a condenser will create a loss of heat
transfer efficiency, and can also lead to under-deposit corrosion.

¾ Scale in a condenser tube can usually best be removed by mechanical
cleaning using a powered rotating brush.

¾ Some types of scale (calcium etc.) may be more difficult to remove and
may require the use of chemicals or acids to loosen them. The type and
amount of acid required should be determined by a qualified water
treatment specialist after their analysis of the scale and water from the
system. After a chemical or acid method of tube cleaning is used, it MUST

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be followed immediately with a mechanical tube cleaning, flushing, and


¾ Some types of scale (usually silica type fouling) may be difficult to remove
by mechanical or chemical means, in these cases a “Hydro-Blast”
(high-pressure water jet) cleaning may be effective. A contractor
specializing in this type of cleaning procedure should be consulted.
※No matter what kind of method to remove scale, there should be no
damage to copper tube.

¾ Ensure the tower ‘bleed-off’ is correctly operating and is correctly adjusted.
The amount of tower bleed required may vary according to local water
conditions. A water treatment specialist should be consulted to determine
the amount of bleed required. Tower bleed-off is also called “blow-down”.

¾ Implement a properly designed chemical treatment program. A water

treatment specialist should analyze the local conditions in which the
system will operate (for example: raw water quality, air quality, air
temperature and humidity, materials of construction, etc.), and should
recommend the appropriate chemicals and treatment method that will
keep the contaminants suspended in solution and prevent scale from

¾ Regular testing of the condenser water, timely drain out, and observation
of the condition of the equipment is necessary to maintain adequate
chemical levels and to ensure prompt action in case problems occur.


Corrosion in a condenser can occur as a direct result of acidic attack on the

materials. Low pH in water is an indication of acid caused by gases,
particularly oxygen, dissolved in the water. The cooling tower continually
introduces dissolved oxygen into the water, which makes the water conditions
ideal for corrosion to occur.

Cooling towers are also very effective “air-scrubbers” and will catch large
portions of city or industrial air pollution contaminants including dirt, soot,
fly-ash, and sulfur dioxide. Sulfur dioxide in water causes an aggressively low

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pH value. The dirt and soot particles collected by the cooling tower can end up
as suspended solids in the system, and can lead to a failure type called
“erosion-corrosion”. The dirt and soot can also deposit in the condenser tubes,
causing severe under-deposit corrosion.

Excessive scale formation in condenser tubes can also result in the formation
of under-deposit corrosion. Under-deposit corrosion is also frequently found
under algae, fungi, or bacteria deposits inside the condenser system. As part
of their method of propagation, some organisms can also directly attack and
consume the iron in tubesheets and water boxes, giving the appearance and
effect of corrosion. See the following discussion on organic contaminants.

¾ Start with a clean system. Before commissioning, most condenser loops
contain dirty water and large amounts of rust, slag, and mill scale. Clean,
flush, and inhibit the system using a purging compound designed for the
purpose by your water treatment company.

¾ Implement a properly designed chemical treatment program. A water

treatment specialist should analyze the local conditions in which the
system will operate (for example: raw water quality, air quality, air
temperature and humidity, materials of construction, etc.), and should
recommend the appropriate corrosion inhibitors. The correct corrosion
inhibitors should be maintained at a constant level at all times.

¾ Regular testing of the condenser water and observation of the condition of

the equipment is necessary to maintain adequate chemical levels and to
ensure prompt action in case problems occur.

¾ The installation of a sidestream filter can be effective at reducing the

amount of suspended solids in circulation in the condenser water. This can
reduce the amount of tube fouling, under-deposit corrosion, and
erosion-corrosion that occurs. Back-washable sand filters are most
common for cooling tower applications.

¾ Drain and clean the cooling tower on a regularly scheduled basis, at least
annually. More often if environmental conditions at the site are poor. Wear
proper protective gear when working in the tower sump.


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Since towers contain warm water, are open to sunlight, and easily trap a
variety of life forms and nutrient sources, they are perfect breeding grounds for
algae, fungi, and bacteria. Some of these forms circulate throughout the
condenser system, while others attach themselves to surfaces like the
condenser tubes and the cooling tower sump. Corrosion is frequently found
under these deposits as a result of under-deposit corrosion or as a result of a
direct attack from a species that consumes iron in order to propagate.

Because cooling towers are excellent breeding grounds for bacteria, serious
diseases such as “Legionella Pneumophila” (Legionnaires Disease) can be
formed. This is a potentially fatal disease thought to be transmitted to humans
via airborne water droplets. The forced air design of cooling towers creates
droplets of small size that can be easily drawn into fresh air ducts and
transported to the occupied spaces.


¾ Implement a properly designed chemical treatment program. A water
treatment specialist should analyze the local conditions in which the
system will operate (for example: raw water quality, air quality, local
vegetation, air temperature and humidity, materials of construction, etc.),
and should recommend the appropriate biocides. While corrosion and
scale inhibitors should be maintained at constant levels at all times,
biocides may work best if applied in “slug” doses and if alternated with
another type of biocide.
¾ Drain and clean the cooling tower on a regularly scheduled basis, at least
annually. More often if environmental conditions at the site are poor. Wear
proper protective gear when working in the tower sump.


At least once a year, or more often if indicated by measurements of the

condenser performance, remove the water boxes and visually inspect the
piping, water boxes, tube sheets, and tubes for corrosion, fouling, and debris.
Brush clean or chemically clean the tubes if required. Remember that
whenever a chemical method of tube cleaning is used, it MUST be followed
immediately with a mechanical tube cleaning, flushing, and inspection.

Once every three years, have a non-destructive tube test (Eddy Current)
performed to detect signs of condenser tube pitting or corrosion.

Engineered for flexibility and performance TM


Drain and clean the cooling tower on a regularly scheduled basis, at least
annually. Clean the tower more often if environmental conditions at the site are

Pressure Wash all accumulated dirt and organic fouling from the sump, walls,
baffles, and distribution decks.

Wear rubber boots, rubber gloves, and a filter mask when working in the
cooling tower, to protect against organic contamination that may be present.

If the condenser water is discolored or cloudy, drain and purge the system.

Check the fan system as per the tower manufacture’s recommendations.

Lubricate all bearings, motors etc. Check belts for condition and tightness.
Check all electrical connections for tightness and corrosion. Check fan blades
for cleanliness and condition.

If the tower is to be left off for an extended period of time, like for a winter
shutdown, it can be left dry. Temporary covers can be fitted to the tower
openings to prevent dust and dirt from entering.

If the tower and condenser water system is to be placed back in immediate

operation, it should be refilled and immediately charged with scale and
corrosion inhibitor and with a biocide.

Condensers and cooling towers that are to be inactive but still charged with
water are very vulnerable to corrosion damage. This is because the
concentration of inhibitor is quickly depleted in areas where corrosion is active;
resulting in corrosion that grows much faster. To prevent this, it is important
that the correct concentration of corrosion inhibitor is present in the condenser
water, AND the condenser water must be circulated frequently. Even on a

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system that is off, the condenser pumps should be run for 5 minutes a day to
keep the inhibitor equally distributed thru the system.


Most of the water systems that McQuay evaporators (and some condensers)
are installed in use a design called a “closed system”. A closed system is
sealed off from the atmosphere and circulates the same body of fluid all of the
time. However, because it is sealed does not mean that it does not need water

Much of the water used in the world to fill closed loops contains large amounts
of dissolved oxygen and may be acidic. These two agents will quickly cause
the iron and steel in the chiller and water piping to corrode. If uncorrected, the
corrosion will release small abrasive rust particles into the circulating water
system, causing general erosion of the chiller and water piping system and
quickly damaging pump shaft seals etc.

In an ideal closed system the acid and oxygen would quickly be used up and
the corrosion damage would stop or become very slow to occur. However,
most chilled water systems are NOT truly closed. To compensate for
pressure changes and water losses most systems have an expansion tank and
relief valve, and are connected to a make-up water supply with a pressure
reducing valve (PRV).

By their design, expansion tanks usually have a volume of air trapped above
the water. The oxygen in the air dissolves in the water and is then circulated
throughout the system. Also, if the system has any water leaks, or if air is being
bled from the system, make-up water to replace it will be provided by the PRV.
The make-up water from the PRV is a small but consistent source of fresh acid
and dissolved oxygen, and the corrosion will continue. As an example, a
simple leak in a pump seal that allows 1 gallon (3.78 liters) per hour to leak out
can result in a requirement for up to 8,700 gallons (33,000 liters) per year of
oxygen-rich make-up water from the PRV. Because the PRV function is
usually automatic, even large leaks or problems may go unnoticed by the
customer for a long time, allowing the corrosion to become severe.

As corrosion in the loop continues, heat transfer surfaces in the evaporator can
become coated and efficiency losses will occur. Excessive corrosion debris in

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the system can cause under-deposit corrosion, which can quickly cause pitting
or other damage to the evaporator tubes. The impact of debris in the system
can also cause “erosion-corrosion” in softer metals in the system, typically in
the copper evaporator tubes.

How can a technician tell if an evaporator has a water problem?

¾ Check the color and clarity of the evaporator water from the evaporator
water box. It should be clear and colorless. Dark brown or black water
indicates there is a corrosion problem. There should be very few solid
particles collecting at the bottom of the sample container.

¾ Have the water treatment company test a sample of the water. If the
sample contains more than 1 ppm of dissolved iron the system is

¾ Once a year, remove the water boxes and visually inspect the piping,
water boxes, tube sheets, and tubes for corrosion and debris. Brush clean
the tubes if required.

¾ Once every three years, have a non-destructive tube test (Eddy Current)
performed to detect signs of evaporator tube pitting or corrosion.

To protect a typical closed evaporator system we recommend:

¾ Start with a clean system. Before commissioning, most evaporator loops
contain dirty water and large amounts of rust, slag, and mill scale. Clean
and flush the system using a purging compound designed for the purpose
by your water treatment company.

¾ Install a filter. In addition to the strainer that is normally installed on a

piping system, we recommend the use of a “sidestream” filter to help
remove smaller corrosion debris from the closed loop. Inspect the filter
element regularly.

¾ Check the system often for leaks. Installation of a water meter on the
make-up water line to the PRV can provide early indication of leaks.

¾ Inspect the equipment. A defective expansion tank, relief valve, bleed

valve, PRV, etc. could let oxygen into the system. They should be repaired
or replaced as quickly as possible.

¾ Maintain a pH between 7.5 and 8.5. Have the water treatment company
sample the water and recommend a suitable pH adjustment additive.

Engineered for flexibility and performance TM

¾ Use an oxygen scavenger. Have the water treatment company sample the
water and recommend a suitable oxygen scavenger additive.

¾ Use a corrosion inhibitor. The internal surfaces of the equipment should be

coated by a protective film. Have the water treatment company sample the
water and recommend a suitable corrosion inhibitor. Most chiller
evaporators are constructed of copper, cast iron, and steel.

¾ Measure the chemical concentrations in the evaporator loop regularly. The

inhibitors or additives cannot do their jobs if they are being continually
diluted by system leaks or by draining parts of the system for maintenance.


Sacrificial anodes may be desired if the water within a system is determined to

have the properties of a corrosive electrolyte. This is most common with the
use of seawater as a condensing medium (not covered here), but can occur
elsewhere in extreme applications.

When correctly applied, the introduction of the anode to the system will create
a galvanic cell in which the magnesium or zinc will go into solution (be
corroded) faster than the surrounding metals of the water box and tubesheet.
This sacrificial action imparts a cathodic (negative) charge to the surrounding
metals, and prevents or slows their corrosion.

Again, consult your water treatment specialist to determine if sacrificial anodes,

and what type of sacrificial anodes, are needed in a system.


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