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Team 8 Work Plan

This is a detailed plan that shows tasks, deliverables, weeks in which work is done, and
completion/due dates for all team and individual assignments for the semester. During initial
assignment meetings, deliverables and tasks will be divided between team members according
to Role. Some tasks/deliverables are clearly defined within a given week, while others stretch
over several weeks to complete. All tasks and deliverables will be completed as the members of
Team 8 agree. Each individual is responsible to the team for completion of all tasks and
deliverables assigned.

Assignment Type Task Deliverable Week Due Date

Individual Reading 1&2 6/23 11:55 PM

Statement of Understanding
Self-Assessment surveys

Team Bi-weekly Zoom Meetings 2 6/17 7:00 PM

(Team Web Site & Charter) 6/20 7:00 PM

Individual Individual Assignments Team Web Site & Charter 2 As Agreed

Due 6/23 11:55 PM

Team Team Web Site 1&2 6/23 11:55 PM

Team Team Charter 1&2 6/23 11:55 PM

Individual Reading 1,2,3 6/30 11:55 PM

Prepare for Week 3
knowledge check

Individual Week 3 knowledge check 3 6/30 11:55 PM

View Video
TKI Exercise
FIRO-B Exercise
Team Functioning Survey #1
Prepare for Ch 4 knowledge

Team Bi-weekly Zoom Meetings 3 6/24 7:00 PM

(Infomercial Project) 6/27 7:00 PM

Individual Individual assignments Project: 3,4,5,6 As Agreed

Management Infomercial
Due 7/21 11:55 PM

Team Send Industry selections to 3 6/30 11:55 PM

Dr. T

Team Consensus Exercise Zoom Complete Consensus 4 7/1 7:00 PM

Meeting Exercise
Due 7/3 11:55 PM

Team Holiday Week Zoom Meeting 4 7/2 7:00 PM

(Infomercial Project)
Individual Ch. 4 Knowledge Check Consensus Exercise 4 7/7 11:55 PM
Reading Debrief
Listening Styles Survey
Prepare for Ch.7 knowledge

Individual Individual Assignments Project: 4,5,6 As Agreed

Management Infomercial
Due 7/21 11:55 PM

Team Bi-weekly Zoom Meeting 5 7/8 7:00 PM

(Infomercial Project)

Individual View Video 5 7/10 11:55 PM

Using Assertiveness…
Team KSS Exercise
Post answers to KSS

Team Bi-weekly Zoom Meeting Complete Exercises: 5 7/11 7:00 PM

(Team Exercises) -Using Assertiveness
Due 7/14 11:55 PM
-Team KSS Exercise

Individual Ch.7 Knowledge Check 5 7/14 11:55 PM

Prepare for Ch.10 knowledge

Individual Individual Assignments Project: 5&6 As Agreed

Management Infomercial
Due 7/21 11:55 PM

Team Bi-weekly Zoom Meetings 6 7/15 7:00 PM

(Infomercial Project) 7/18 7:00 PM

Team Zoom Meeting 6 7/19 7:00 PM

Final Team Review of
Management Infomercial

Team Submit Project: 6 7/20 11:55 PM

Management Infomercial

Individual Ch.10 Knowledge Check 6 7/21 11:55 PM

View Video
Complete Emotional
Intelligence Survey

Individual Read: 7 7/28 11:55 PM

-Understanding your team…
-Instructions for Evaluating...
Complete Team Functioning
Survey #2
Team Development Exercise
Read and Review IDP
Questions for next week

Team Zoom Meeting Complete Radio Infomercial 7 7/27 7:00 PM

Infomercial Reviews Team Rating Form
Due 7/28 11:55 PM

Individual Individual Development 8 8/4 11:55 PM

Teammate Evaluations

Team Zoom Meeting Complete Team Self 8 7/29 7:00 PM

Team Self-Analysis Report Analysis Report
Due 8/4 11:55 PM

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