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John Christian M.

11 MAD 2

Self and Intersubjectivity

What happens when you connect with someone? You have that special
connection between each other that’s different from the rest. Every time you meet, the
interaction and closeness may either grow or deplete depending on one’s choices. We
present different personas and personalities with different audiences which overall, when
combined, makes a part of ourselves connected. Regardless of being social, a human
being also has its flaws and vulnerabilities hidden from most, which can be seen by few
closest to you.

We have developed a connection – something in-between which represents our

proximity with others. On that distance we may either grow are diminish our established
connection in someone’s point of view. Some people think of us as a highly respected
figure while some see us hated or imperfect with flaws which reduces differently from
what we really are.

We are more than what others think. In fact, we know ourselves more than others
do, and we must not limit ourselves in that aspect. We may present different personas,
egos, and personalities but it only presents a part of us, but not the entirety of our being.

We see ourselves social because of our connection with others. We have

closeness and share within each other – ourselves in exchange. Therefore it makes us
open to show different sides in different people. Whatever we think of each other must
not be solely based on emotions since we are limitless and unbound as a human person.

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