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1.1 Background

Technological innovation is disrupting the business environment across all

industries. New technologies that are more efficient and cheaper are being introduced
into the market faster than ever before. The wave of innovation has had its impact in
the financial services industry and in particular, the banking sector. Banks have
operated across the globe for many decades. In some countries, banks have been in
existence for hundreds of years. The traditional bank operated from a brick and mortar
premises, typically a branch (Laukkanen, 2007). In order to access the services of the
bank, the customer had to physically appear at the branch to access services like
deposits and withdrawals. The disrupting nature of technology means that customers
no longer have to physically visit a brick and mortar branch. They can access the
same services either online or through their mobile phones. This means that measures
that banks put in place to offer customer satisfaction also have to be revised to take
consideration of the use of mobile banking services (Lee & Chung, 2009). For
instance, having seats in the banking hall will not lead to better service for people
using mobile banking.
Mobile banking is safe, fast, and cheap to operate which are qualities that have
led to its success globally. All these innovations in the mobile banking space have the
customer at core and it would be prudent to establish their effect on the customer
value proposition. Banks that offer their customers an additional, secure, and easy
way to use a banking channel that provides a unique experience and a sense of
constant control over financial assets are expected to benefit from improvements in
customer satisfaction and loyalty (Mehmet, 2016).
According to Sylvie & Xiaoyan (2005), China adopted mobile and Internet
banking strategies earlier. China Merchant Banks did this in 1997 and the use of its
product spread rapidly throughout the population. No transaction lacks a digital trail
and cash transactions require the inclusion of an agent. This makes mobile and digital
banking considerably safer than unchecked digital money transfers do. This has
created unmatched customer satisfaction, which is the main reason for its speedy
growth in user numbers and adoption for large transactions. However, despite this

growth, Tommi & Vesa (2010) point out that there are numerous barriers hampering
continued growth and customer value creation in mobile banking platforms. These
include usage, risk, value, traditional, and image barriers. It is important to note that
this barriers shape consumer perception and satisfaction, as well as, the uptake of such
technologies. As Ayo, Oni, Adewoye, & Eweoya (2016) espouse, these barriers are
critical in shaping the consumer attitudes.
With increased adoption of mobile banking strategies in the Kenyan-banking
sector, it is important to determine the different factors that affect customer
satisfaction. Kabukuru (2010) shows that people of all ages and from all occupations
have adopted the use of mobile money transfer. It is now used by most businesses,
large and small to carry out their day-to-day financial transactions. One issue that has
slowed its adoption is the issue of digital proficiency. Most people lack the skills
required to use of modern digital devices like mobile phones and computers have
generally warmed up slowly to this modern financial innovation. According to Carlos
& Tiago (2016), the lack of proper proficiency can lead to customer dissatisfaction
with a particular product. This is attributable to the fact that proficiency is a
performance measure.
Mobile banking services are designed to offer convenience to customers. This
means that customers can have control over their bank accounts without having to
physically visit a bank branch. However, it is clear that most banks offering mobile
banking services have simply transferred the same services they offer in physical
branches to a mobile platform that can be accessed through any time (Sylvie &
Xiaoyan, 2005). Although the number of features or different types of transactions
that a mobile platform can accommodate contributes greatly to customer satisfaction,
it mainly contributes towards utility. The fact that a service is available does not
necessarily mean that a customer will be satisfied with the service. This is mainly
because of poor user interfaces of the mobile devices used in mobile banking. These
include small screens, uncooperative keypads, communication bandwidth and other
constraints (Carlos & Tiago 2016). Similarly, Ayo, Oni, Adewoye, & Eweoya (2016)
agree that user experience greatly affects customer satisfaction. This is mainly
because prior user experience creates consumer perceptions, which have an effect on
satisfaction. According to Minjoon & Sergio (2016), consumers need easy to use tools
when it comes to mobile banking.

The dependent variable in this study is customer satisfaction. Raja, Bourne,
Goffin, Çakkol, & Martinez (2013) hold the view that customer satisfaction is based
on the utility a customer draws from a product or service. It plays a major role in the
business. If customers are not satisfied with the offerings of the business, they can
choose not to bring their business there and the impact will be felt by the business.
Problems with customer satisfaction are therefore very significant to the business.
This paper proposes the use of integrated products and services to increase customer
satisfaction. When exploited properly, they give additional value to the customer for
the original products or services sought. Customers will be willing to pay for these
additional services because of the additional value they will get. This gives the
company an opportunity to earn additional revenue (Raja et al., 2013). However, it is
important to understand customer experience. This paper looks at various ways of
understanding customer experience and therefore customer satisfaction. It is important
to differentiate between good quality products and services with customer experience.
Good quality products and services contribute a great part towards customer
satisfaction but they are only part of the experience (Klaus & Maklan,2013).
The aim of any company should be to deliver value to its customers in order to
increase satisfaction. However, in the global marketplace, there are many companies
offering similar products and therefore targeting the same markets or customers. The
company therefore has to come up with a general product that caters for all the
customers (Torres & Kline, 2013). This means that the general product will cater for
the specific needs of each individual. This lack of specialized products or each
customer leads to less customer satisfaction (Rego et al., 2013). Company will
therefore need to understand the factors that contribute to customer satisfaction in its
industry (Torres & Kline, 2013). Many things that affect customer satisfaction are not
directly related to the product itself. Both quality and experience will play a part
towards customer satisfaction. It is therefore important for the company to understand
how to measure customer experience in order to increase customer satisfaction. This
will help the company achieve its goal to using customer satisfaction to increase
revenues (Klaus & Maklan, 2013).
Across the globe, but specifically in Nepal, current trend in private banking
has been the consumer movement from traditional branch banking to more stand-
alone banking. In other words, a move towards using e-delivery channels such as the

Internet, telephone and mobile phones. Many banks are beginning to deliver credit
and deposit products electronically. As banks venture into the electronic arena,
however, they are finding new opportunities with new operational and strategic risks.
Banking industry of Nepal has been taking rapid strides in the advancement of
technology and aggressive infusion of information technology in the functioning of
the banks. The industry has not only kept pace with technological developments but
has also forced the computer industry to continuously keep pace and innovate
products to suit its needs. Banks are using information technology to gain competitive
advantage. There is not abundant research on implications of E-banking by Nepalese
financial institutions. The paper, which is focused on analyzing the prospects and
challenges of e-banking, would be helpful and useful to those financial intermediaries
who are conducting and who want to conduct E-banking (Banstola, 2007).
Mobile banking is the form of advanced banking facilities given to the
customers of financial institution to conduct a number of financial transactions like
bill payment, money transfer, account enquiry etc. m-Banking is the new term for
Nepali market and growing day by day. Some Nepali banks are using these services
(Kumari Bank, Kist Bank, Global IME Bank, Bank Of Asia, Nabil Bank, Siddhartha
Bank, NCC Bank etc.). Most of the banks are using services being provided Focus 1
International. In Nepal, altogether 19 Banks and Financial Institutions are providing
e-Banking facilities. Services Provided in e-Banking includes ATMs, Cash
Withdrawal, Balance Inquiry, Account Status check, Balance Inquiry, Fund Transfer
within accounts (within the bank), balance statement online and pay bills online
(Banstola, 2007).
In May 2012, Laxmi Bank Limited launched the very first mobile banking
in Nepal with its product Mobile Khata. Mobile Khata ran on a third-party platform
called Hello Paisa that was interoperable with all the telecoms in Nepal viz. Nepal
Telecom, NCell, Smart Tel and UTL, and was also interoperable with various banks in
the country. The initial joining members to the platform after Laxmi Bank Limited
were Siddartha Bank, Bank of Kathmandu, Commerz and Trust Bank Nepal and
International Leasing and Finance Company. Such a platform that is interoperable
between multiple banks and multiple telecoms is the first of its kind in the world
of Mobile Banking so far. Mobile banking has until recently (2010) most often been
performed via SMS or the mobile web. Apple's initial success with iPhone and the

rapid growth of phones based on Google's Android (operating system) have led to
increasing use of special client programs, called apps, downloaded to the mobile
device. With that said advancements in web technologies such as HTML5, CSS3 and
JavaScript have seen more banks launching mobile web based services to
complement native applications (Michael, 2015).
1.1.1 Mobile Banking and Customer Satisfaction
The basic idea of mobile services is to improve the access of information
services when travelling. It also can be described as the latest way of bring
transactions through E-commerce and it gives facilities to mobile handsets so that it is
possible to get transactions done through wireless telecommunication and E-
commerce technology. At present, the available mobile service delivery platform
provides various services such as Multimedia Messaging Services (MMS), Short
Messaging Services (SMS), online games, news alerts and emails. In addition to those
there are many other services such as weather forecasts, location based services such
as Global Positioning Services (GPS), etc. All these can be collectively described as
Mobile commerce (M-commerce) which facilitate easy way of passing messages in
buying and selling activities of products and services through mobile devices. These
services can be accessed by customers very easily at anytime anywhere based on the
availability of mobile network services. According to research the major factors that
influence the success of implementation of M-commerce services are convenience,
trust, ubiquity and ease of use (Gordon and Gutierrez, 2006).
The use of mobile services by customers are highly sensitive to the distance of
the location where the services are provided and the amount of time saving that can be
gained by customers. The handset gives all the facilities required to access mobile
networks, central processing and enable to carryout database access in Mobile
commerce transactions. Hence, M-commerce can facilitate access to databases with
adequate security for networks and embedded systems access. All these transactions
could be done swiftly and instantly by transmitting data back and forth between
servers and the handset. Further, whenever a customer needed to pass sensitive
information, having high security connection between a consumer and seller is very
essential. Specially, in financial services, privacy and information protection are the
key successful factors of the industry. Therefore, information security is a critical

success factor that leads to establish trust on the systems and platforms among
consumers (Herath and Wijayanayake, 2010).
Mobile banking is considered to be one of the most value added services in
banking. Facilities provided by mobile baking services have helped financial
institutions to reduce traditional face to face banking transactions through automated
services where ever possible. Furthermore, when mobile phones become more
popular, it is expected that whatever the banking transactions that has been done
through online fixed terminals should be migrated to mobile based technologies.
According to Lee and Chung, mobile banking would completely change the way that
customers do bank transactions when electronic banking systems start providing
efficient automated banking services through wireless networks. Mobile banking has
the ability to redesign and also redefine total area of the business and business models
of financial services sector. In the current business world, customers expect services
twenty four hours a day and three hundred sixty five days per year. All these will
become a reality due to higher ownership of mobile phones than the personal
computers. Hence, majority of transactions between banks and customers will be
through mobile phones in the near future (Dholakia and Rask, 2001)
According to Cruz and Laukkanen, mobile phone would be a frontline
technology in banking as it provides consumers facilities to get done their banking
services through electronic channels. There are many different mobile banking
facilities such as account balance retrieval, transaction history retrieval, transfer of
funds between an individual’s own accounts or third party accounts, stock trading,
portfolio management, and bill settlements, etc.. There are many advantages that
mobile banking brings to customers. Among those benefits, ease of use, low cost,
privacy and convenience are the factors that lead to fruitful implementation of mobile
banking requests. It has also been said that mobile banking services can be accepted
as a powerful marketing tool to keeps close connections between the customer and
management in financial institutions. Nevertheless, research has found that main
reasons for internet banking users to switch into mobile banking are processing
power, screen size, speed and security of mobile baking services. When considering
mobile banking in western countries, it can be said that the industry is at its’ highest
expectations. Therefore, it is very important to identify the factors that affect poor

customer satisfaction which prevents more adoptions by consumer (Koennig-Lewis,
Palmer, Moll, 2010).
Customer satisfaction measures how well a product or a service supplied by a
firm meets customer expectation. Ease of use, security, low transaction costs, and
wide applicability of the solutions increase perceived customer value and should be
managed by mobile payment solution provider. Numerous researchers have
investigated perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use as a valid construct to
measure customer satisfaction level. Mobile banking is adapted by the banks as means
to provide customers swift and easy access to their bank accounts. Customers adopt a
technology when they find it easy to understand and implement. Perceived usefulness
has a positive effect on the behavioral intention to use mobile banking (Aldas-
Manzano, 2009).

1.2 Justification of the Study

Studies have shown that the adoption of mobile banking has been steadily
growing with increased innovation and product offerings (Tommi & Vesa, 2010). The
adoption has depended on the spread of mobile phones, which has created a
worldwide accessibility of the services, security reliability, and effectiveness of
mobile money transfer. According to Minjoon & Sergio (2016), the adoption of
mobile money is steadily growing in businesses. Most businesses now carry out large
financial transactions via mobile banking platforms. However, one of the key issues
evident it the cost of setting up mobile money services for organizations.
There are many studies conducted on impacts of mobile banking on customer
satisfaction. But still, knowledge gaps exist since there are numerous factors that
affect customer satisfaction when using mobile banking that have yet to be identified.
One of the major gaps is the number of features that a mobile banking application has.
The more the number of features that a mobile banking application has, the more
transactions that a customer can carry out and therefore they are likely to be more
satisfied with the product. Reliability is another major gap not examined in the
previous research that affects customer satisfaction in mobile banking. Although
mobile banking products are available from many providers, their reliability is usually
questionable. Most mobile platforms have experienced outages of some sort, which
can be very inconveniencing for customers.

Another gap is communication problems. Communication problems between
the application and the bank’s servers can sometimes also be unreliable
inconveniencing users in the process. As observed, most of the studies carried out in
this area have focused on the adoption of mobile banking technologies by the
population. Previous authors have conducted studies regarding the factors that affect
the adoption of mobile banking. For instance, in its infancy, the few banks offering the
service limited adoption of mobile banking. Security concerns have also affected the
adoption of mobile banking. However, few if any studies have been carried out to
determine the customer satisfaction when using these services.
This study is, therefore, significant in defining the adoption of the mobile
banking in Birendranagar of Surkhet, from the fact no studies have been conducted in
explaining its impact on customer satisfaction. The design of mobile banking
applications is another gap in research that also plays a major role in customer
satisfaction. The applications have to be intuitive and easy to use. It is important to
consider that most of these applications will be used on mobile devices with small
screens. Many mobile banking applications also have features that do not work
properly or not at all. This is a result of poor design and implementation of the
application. Many mobile banking applications although convenient for the customer
can be difficult to use. Even though a customer is able to use the application, the
experience itself will not be satisfying to the customer. It is therefore important to
interrogate the factors since they directly contribute to ease of use of mobile banking
products, e-service quality, technological proficiency, and consumer attitudes, which
in turn affect customer satisfaction when using mobile banking services and
applications. This study, thus tends to find out the types of banking services that the
customers are using on mobile and their satisfaction towards these services.

1.3 Objectives of the Study

The main objectives of this study are as follows:
1. To find out the customer satisfactions on security of mobile banking service
provided by banks.
2. To analyze the customer satisfactions on privacy and trust towards mobile
banking service.
3. To identify the different types of mobile banking services provided by banks.
4. To find out the impacts of mobile banking service on lifestyle of customers.

5. To analyze the satisfaction of customers towards mobile banking services.

1.4 Research Questions of the Study

This study has tried to find out the answers of the following questions:
1. Is the mobile banking service secured?
2. Is the mobile banking service trustworthy and private?
3. What types of mobile banking services are used by the customers?
4. Has the mobile banking service any impacts on lifestyle of customers?
5. Are the customers satisfied with mobile banking service?

1.5 Conceptual Framework of the Study

A conceptual framework for this study has been developed which is as

- Privacy and trust
- Cost and time saving Customer Satisfaction
- Suitability and usability
- Bill payment
- Balance inquiry
- Balance transfer
- Speed transaction
Privacy and trust
Mobile banking services rely on high-security mechanisms to protect the
privacy and financial information from login to logout. Transactions are processed
behind firewalls used throughout and user identity is verified through multiple factors.
The interfaces are designed keeping in mind that the customers can use their device in
public places. The customers' account and credit card numbers are never displayed,
account nicknames are available and sessions are automatically timed-out.
Cost and Time Saving
Mobile banking service provides low cost and time saving transaction to the
customers. The customers can use mobile banking service in a short time and in a
single touch. Mobile banking service can be utilized from anywhere and at anytime.
Mobile banking saves time and is cheap too.

Suitability and Usability

Mobile banking service is suitable for every class of people and it can be use
by all. The customers who have accounts in the banks and have android mobile
phones can use mobile banking service. This is possible only if the banks are
providing such services. The customers want to use the banking services through
mobile phones if the services are suitable and usable for them. The banks have to
provide suitable services as per the needs of the customers.
Bills Payment
Customers can pay their internet, telephone, water, cable and other bills
through mobile banking provided that the services are available in the area. Instant
Bill Payments is a real-time, instant, interbank account-to-account electronic fund
transfer service, available 24/7/365, secure transaction posting and immediate
notification features within seconds of payment initiation. Through mobile banking
services, customers can easily pay the bill of electricity, telephone, internet, water, etc.
This is possible only if the customers have android mobile phones and accounts in the
concerned bank.
Balance Inquiry
The customers can inquire about their accounts through mobile phones in a
single touch and know the detail about their accounts and the transactions. The
customers can inquire about their accounts from anywhere and at anytime. This is
possible only if the customers have accounts in the banks and the banks should have
provided the mobile banking services.
Balance Transfer
Through mobile phones, one can transfer the amount into another's account.
For this, there is the need of mobile banking services which should be provided by the
bank and the customers should have android mobile phones. This system helps for the
convenience of customers as they can know about their account balance from
anywhere and at any time.
Speed Transaction
The transactions can be performed through mobile phones in a short period of
time. The speed of mobile banking service is fast and easy. Through mobile banking,
the banking transactions are very quick. Balance transfer, bills payment, account
information, etc. are possible if the banks have provided the mobile banking services.

It takes only a second for the customers to take the above mentioned services in a very
fast speed.

1.6 Limitations of the Study

The study was limited within the following points:
1. The study was limited within Birendranagar Municipality of Surkhet district.
2. The universe of the study was limited within the entire number of customers
who use mobile banking service from different banks in Birendranagar
Municipality of Surkhet district.
3. The study was limited within the impact of mobile banking service on
customer satisfaction and result may not be generalized in other aspects.
4. This study was mainly based on primary data.
5. Only 60 customers of mobile banking service were selected for the study.

1.7 Organization of the Study

This study will be organized within the following chapters:

Chapter I: Introduction

Chapter I includes the background of the study, justification of the study,

objective of the study, research question of the study, conceptual framework of the
study, limitations of the study, research methodology and operationalization of

Chapter II: Data Presentation and Analysis

Second chapter includes the presentation and analysis of data. This chapter
also includes the findings of the results.

Chapter II: Summary, Conclusion and Recommendations

Third chapter includes the summary, conclusion and recommendations.

1.8 Research Methodology

This section was included the detail of research methodology that has been
used in this study. It was concerned with formulating the plans and procedures,
measurement instrument development, methods for data collection, analysis and
interpretation. The chapter deals with justification the methodology used for finding
solutions to the research problems. The strategy of sampling design (i.e. universe of
population, sampling frame, and sample selection technique and sample size) has also

been discussed in this chapter. It was described the participating organization and
outlines the methods gathering the data, characteristics of data and statistical tools to
be used to analyze the data.

1.8.1 Research Design

Research design is a master plan specifying the methods and procedures for
collecting and analyzing the needed information. It consists of the structure for the
collection, measurement and analysis of the research data and aims at allocation of
limited resources for the crucial choices in the methodology. Research design includes
structure of the research problems and the plans of investigation in order to obtain
empirical evidences to prove relationship between variables of research. The research
design that the researcher adopted in this study was the survey research design.
Survey refers to the collection of data through different methods such as interview or
questionnaire. This method is widely used in research process. With the help of
survey, one can easily analyze the individual’s opinion on certain topics. A survey
may focus on opinions or factual information depending on its purpose, but all
surveys involve administering questions to individuals. Survey research design is an
efficient method for systematically collecting data and generalization the result.

To ensure the desired goals and objectives, a survey type of research was carried out
because the study is concerned with the collection of data for the purpose of
describing and interpreting the customer satisfaction towards mobile banking services.
1.8.2 Sampling Design

Sampling method is one of the important processes of sample selection during

survey. In statistics, sampling describes the process of selecting sample elements from
target population in order to conduct survey. In survey process, sampling helps to
describe and analyze the characteristics, attitudes of the target population. The
purpose of sampling is to secure a representative group which enables the researcher
to gain information about an entire population when faced with limitations of time,
funds and energy. Simple random sampling method was used to select the sample.
The information was collected from 60 customers who use mobile banking.

1.8.3 Sources of Data

For this study, both the primary and secondary sources were used for data
collection. The data were both the quantitative as well as qualitative in nature.

Primary Data

The primary data has been collected through questionnaire with the respondents.
The questionnaire includes the questions related to the personal information of the
customers and satisfaction of customers towards mobile banking.

Secondary Data

The secondary data were collected through different websites, articles,

journals, reports, etc. which were related to the present study.
1.8.5 Questionnaire Development for Interview

The questionnaire was developed in Nepali language because all the customers
were not able to understand English. Some questions were self-developed, and some
were adopted from previous researchers. Some of the questions were formulated in
closed ended pattern using ranging from highly satisfied to highly dissatisfied. To
collect the personal information of the customers, background related questions were
included in the questionnaire. Some questions were related to the independent
variables and the remaining questions were related to dependent variable. Some
questions were developed in yes and no pattern.
1.8.6 Questionnaire Administration of Instrument and Method of Data
Sixty copies of the questionnaires for customers were prepared. The
questionnaire was produced and administered by the researcher to the randomly
selected customers in Birendranagar of Surkhet. To minimize errors in the completion
of the questionnaire, difficult items on the questionnaires were explained by the
to the respondents. The filled copies were collected immediately and were kept safe to
avoid loss in transit.
1.8.7 Study Area

Birendranagar is the study area. From Birendranagar, 60 customers were selected

for the study.

1.8.8 Data Analysis Tools

This research used self-design interview schedule for the data collection. The
survey questionnaires were justified because it was affordable and effective way of
collecting information from a population in a short period of time and at a reduced
cost. The questionnaires also facilitated easier coding and analysis of data collection.
The closed ended questions ensured that the respondents were restricted to certain
categories in their responses. Thus, the major information of this research was
collected through primary source.


This chapter includes data presentation, analysis of data and findings. The
demographic information of the customers and presentation of data is done using
tables, figures and percentages. This study used the primary data collected by the
questionnaires provided at annex. The questionnaires were asked with the customers
of different banks in Birendranagar of Surkhet who used mobile banking services.

2.1 Age Status of the Respondents

This question was designed to measure the age of the respondents. To collect
the information from the respondents, 0-20 years, 21-40 years and 41years and above
options were used. The following table shows the detail information of the
respondents on the basis of age.
Table 1: Age of the Respondents
Variable Frequency Percent
0-20 years 13 21.67
21-40 years 31 51.67
41 years and above 16 26.67
Total 60 100.00
Source: Field Survey, 2075
Table 1 shows the age of status of respondents based on different age gap
options. So, out of the total respondents, 21.67 percent were found having the age
between 0-20 years, 51.67 percent were found the age between 21-40 years and the
rest 26.67 percent respondent found the age between 41-above.
The age of the respondents is also presented in figure which is as follows:

Figure 1: Age of the Respondents

2.2 Gender Status of the Respondents

This question was designed to measure the gender status of the customers
mobile banking services. To collect the information from the respondents, male and
female option was used. The following table shows the detail information of the
customers based on gender.

Table 2: Gender of the Respondents

Variable Frequency Percent

Male 36 60.00
Female 24 40.00
Total 60 100.00
Source: Field Survey, 2075
Table 2 shows the gender status of respondents based on male and female
options. So out of the total respondents 60 percent respondents found having the male
and 40 percent respondents found the females.

The gender of the customers is also presented in the figure which is as follows:

Figure 2: Gender of the Customers

2.3 Marital Status of the Respondents

This question was designed to measure the marital status of the respondents.
To collect the information from the respondents, unmarried and married options were
used. The following table shows the detail information of the respondents on the basis
of marital status.

Table 3: Marital Status of the Respondents

Variable Frequency Percent

Unmarried 21 35.00
Married 39 65.00
Total 60 100.00
Source: Field Survey, 2075
Table 3 shows the marital status of respondents based on unmarried and
married options. So, out of the total respondents 35 percent of the respondents were
unmarried and 65 percent of the respondents were married.
The above data is also presented in figure as follows:

Figure 3: Marital Status of the Respondents

2.4 Family Status of the Respondents

This question was designed to measure the type of family of the respondents.
To collect the information from the respondents, nuclear and joint options were used.
The following table shows the detail information of the respondents on the basis of
type of family.
Table 4: Family Status of Respondents
Variable Frequency Percent
Nuclear 46 76.67
Joint 14 23.33
Total 60 100.00
Source: Field Survey, 2075
Table 4 shows the family status of respondents based on types of family. So
out of the total respondents 76.67 percent of the respondents belonged to nuclear
families whereas 23.33 percent of the respondents belonged to joint families.
The type of families of the respondents is also presented in figure which is as

Figure 4: Type of Family

2.5 Educational Status of the Respondents

This question was designed to measure the educational status of the
respondents. To collect the information from the respondents, literate, primary,
secondary and higher options were used. The following table shows the detail
information of the respondents on the basis of educational status.
Table 5: Educational Status of the Respondents
Variable Frequency Percent
Literate 5 8.33
Primary 7 11.67
Secondary 11 18.33
Higher 37 61.67
Total 60 100.00
Source: Field Survey, 2075
Table 5 shows the educational status of respondents based on different level of
educations. So out of the total respondents 8.33 percent of the respondents were
literate, 11.67 percent were primary level educated, 18.33 percent were secondary
level educated and 61.67 percent were higher level educated.
The educational status of the respondents is also presented in figure which is
as follows:

Figure 5: Educational Status of the Respondents

2.6 Occupational Status of the Respondents

This question was designed to measure the occupation of the respondents. To
collect the information from the respondents, service, business, students, agriculture
and others options were used. The following table shows the detail information of the
respondents on the basis of occupational status of the respondents.
Table 6: Occupational Status of the Respondents
Variable Frequency Percent
service 16 26.67
Business 17 28.33
Students 13 21.67
Agriculture 9 15.00
Others 5 8.33
Total 60 100.00
Source: Field Survey, 2075
Table 6 shows the occupational status of respondents based on different types
of occupations. So out of the total respondents 26.67 percent of the respondents were
involved in service, 28.33 percent were involved in business, 21.67 percent were
students, 15 percent were involved in agriculture and 8.33 percent were involved in
other occupations.
The occupation of the respondents is also presented in figure which is as

Figure 6: Occupational Status of the Respondents

2.7 Utilization of Mobile Banking Service

This question was designed to measure the utilization of mobile banking
service by the respondents. To collect the information from the respondents, yes and
options were used. The following table shows the detail information of the
respondents on the basis of utilization of mobile banking service.
Table 7: Utilization of Mobile Banking Service
Variable Frequency Percent
Yes 60 100.00
No 0 0.00
Total 60 100.00
Source: Field Survey, 2075
Table 7 shows that all of the respondents of the sample were using mobile
banking service and no any respondent found who did not used mobile banking

2.8 Safeness of Mobile Banking Service

This question was designed to measure the safeness of mobile banking service.
To collect the information from the respondents, yes and no were used. The following
table shows the detail information of the respondents on the basis of safeness of
mobile banking service.

Table 8: Safeness of Mobile Banking Service

Variable Frequency Percent
Yes 54 90.00
No 6 10.00
Total 60 100.00
Source: Field Survey, 2075
Table 8 shows that according to 90 percent of the respondents, the mobile
banking service is safe but 10 percent of the respondents said that the mobile banking
service is not safe.
The above data is also presented in figure as follows:

Figure 7: Safeness of Mobile Banking Service

2.9 Secretness of Mobile Banking Service

This question was designed to measure the secretness of mobile banking
service. To collect the information from the respondents, yes and no options were
used. The following table shows the detail information of the respondents on the basis
of secretness of mobile banking service.
Table 9: Secretness of Mobile Banking Service

Variable Frequency Percent

Yes 56 93.33
No 4 6.67
Total 60 100.00
Source: Field Survey, 2075
Table 9 shows that according to 93.33 percent of the respondents, the mobile
service is secret but 6.67 percent of the respondents said that the mobile banking
service is not secret.
The above data is also presented in figure as follows:

Figure 8: Secretness of Mobile Banking Service

2.10 Belief on Mobile Banking Service

This question was designed to measure the belief of respondents on mobile
banking service. To collect the information from the respondents, yes and no were
used. The following table shows the detail information of the respondents on the basis
of belief on mobile banking service.
Table 10: Belief on Mobile Banking Service
Variable Frequency Percent
Yes 57 95.00
No 3 5.00
Total 60 100.00
Source: Field Survey, 2075
Table 10 shows that out of total respondents, 95 percent of the respondents
believed on mobile banking service but 5 percent of the respondents did not believe
on mobile banking service.
The above data is also presented in figure as follows:

Figure 9: Belief on Mobile Banking Service

2.11 Cost of Mobile Banking Service than Others

This question was designed to measure the cost of mobile banking service than
other banking services. To collect the information from the respondents, less,
minimum, no difference and more options used. The following table shows the detail
information of the respondents on the basis of cost of mobile banking service than
other banking services.
Table 11: Cost of Mobile Banking Service than Others
Variable Frequency Percent
Less 11 18.33
Minimum 16 26.67
No difference 21 35.00
More 12 20.00

Total 60 100.00
Source: Field Survey, 2075
Table 11 shows that according to 18.33 percent of the respondents, the
investment in mobile banking service is lesser than other banking services, 26.67
percent said that the investment in mobile banking is minimum, 35 percent said that
the investment in mobile banking is not different than investment in other banking
service and 20 percent said that there is more investment in mobile banking than other
banking services.
The above data is also presented in figure as follows:

Figure 10: Investment in Mobile Banking Service than Others

2.12 Savings of Time due to Mobile Banking Service

This question was designed to measure the savings of the time due to mobile banking
services. To collect the information from the respondents, yes and no options used.
The following table shows the detail information of the respondents on the basis of
savings of time due to mobile banking service.
Table 12: Savings of Time due to Mobile Banking Service

Variable Frequency Percent

Yes 58 96.67
No 2 3.33
Total 60 100.00
Source: Field Survey, 2075
Table 12 shows that according to 96.67 percent of the respondents, mobile
banking saves time than other banking services but 3.33 percent of the respondents
said that there is no savings of time in mobile banking than other banking services.
The above data is also presented in figure as follows:

Figure 11: Savings of Time due to Mobile Banking Service

2.13 Appropriateness of Mobile Banking Service

This question was designed to measure the appropriateness of mobile banking
service. To collect the information from the respondents, yes and no options were
used. The following table shows the detail information of the respondents on the basis
of appropriateness of mobile banking service.

Table 13: Appropriateness of Mobile Banking Service

Variable Frequency Percent

Yes 51 85.00
No 9 15.00
Total 60 100.00
Source: Field Survey, 2075
Table 13 shows that according to 85 percent of the respondents, mobile
banking service is appropriate but 15 percent of the respondents said that mobile
banking than other banking service is not appropriate.
The above data is also presented in figure as follows:

Figure 12: Appropriateness of Mobile Banking Service

2.14 Information on Bank Accounts through Mobile Banking Service

This question was designed to measure the information on bank accounts
through mobile banking services. To collect the information from the respondents, yes
and no options were used. The following table shows the detail information of the
respondents on the basis of information through mobile banking services.
Table 14: Information on Bank Accounts through Mobile Banking Service

Variable Frequency Percent

Yes 57 95.00
No 3 5.00
Total 60 100.00
Source: Field Survey, 2075
Table 14 shows that 95 percent of the respondents take information on bank
accounts through mobile banking service but 5 percent of the respondents do not take
information on bank accounts through mobile banking service.
The above data is also presented in figure as follows:

Figure 13: Information on Bank Accounts through Mobile Banking Service

2.15 Recharge of Mobile Phone through Bank Account using Mobile


This question was designed to measure the recharge of mobile phone through
mobile banking services. To collect the information from the respondents, yes and no
options used. The following table shows the detail information of the respondents on
the basis of recharge of bank accounts through mobile banking services.
Table 15: Recharge of Mobile Phone through Bank Account using Mobile Banking
Variable Frequency Percent
Yes 52 86.67
No 8 13.33
Total 60 100.00
Source: Field Survey, 2075
Table 15 shows that 86.67 percent of the respondents recharge their bank
account through mobile banking service but 13.33 percent of the respondents do not
recharge their bank account through mobile banking service.
The above data is also presented in figure as follows:

Figure 14: Recharge of Bank Account through Mobile Banking Service

2.16 Payment of Bills through Mobile Banking Service

This question was designed to measure the payment of telephone and internet
bills through mobile banking services. To collect the information from the
respondents, yes and no options were used. The following table shows the detail
information of the respondents on the basis of payment of telephone and internet bills
through mobile banking services.
Table 16: Payment of Bills through Mobile Banking Service

Variable Frequency Percent

Yes 11 18.33
No 49 81.67
Total 60 100.00

Source: Field Survey, 2075
Table 16 shows that 18.33 percent of the respondents pay their telephone and
internet bills through mobile banking but 81.67 percent of the respondents do not pay
their bills through mobile banking service.
The above data is also presented in figure as follows:

Figure 15: Payment of Bills through Mobile Banking Service

2.17 Promptness of Banking Transaction through Mobile Banking

This question was designed to measure the promptness of banking transaction
through mobile banking services. To collect the information from the respondents,
yes, no and no difference options were used. The following table shows the detail
information of the respondents on the basis of promptness of banking transaction
through mobile banking services.
Table 17: Promptness of Banking Transaction through Mobile Banking Service

Variable Frequency Percent

Yes 32 53.33
No 19 31.67
No difference 9 15.00
Total 60 100.00
Source: Field Survey, 2075
Table 17 shows that according to 53.33 percent of the respondents, mobile
banking service is prompt, 31.67 percent said that mobile banking service is not
prompt and 15 percent of the respondents said that there is no different between
mobile banking service and other banking services.
The above data is also presented in figure as follows:

Figure 16: Promptness of Banking Transaction through Mobile Banking Service

2.18 Types of Services through Mobile Banking

This question was designed to measure the types of services through mobile
banking services. To collect the information from the respondents, balance transfer,
information on bank accounts, bills payment and all of the above options used. The
following table shows the detail information of the respondents on the basis of types
of services through mobile banking services.
Table 18: Types of Services through Mobile Banking

Variable Frequency Percent

Balance transfer 14 23.33
Information on bank accounts 22 36.67
Bills payment 11 18.33
All of the above 13 21.67
Total 60 100.00
Source: Field Survey, 2075
Table 18 shows that 23.33 percent of the respondents transfer their balance
through mobile banking service, 36.67 percent of the respondents get information on
bank accounts through mobile banking service, 18.33 percent of the respondents pay
bills through mobile banking service and 21.67 percent of the respondents transfer
balance, take information on bank account and pay bills through mobile banking
The above data is also presented in figure as follows:

Figure 17: Types of Services through Mobile Banking

2.19 Impacts of Mobile Banking Service on Lifestyle

This question was designed to measure the impacts of mobile banking services
on lifestyle. To collect the information from the respondents, very good impact,
normal impact, neutral and no impacts options used. The following table shows the
detail information of the respondents on the basis of impacts of mobile banking
services on lifestyle.
Table 19: Impacts of Mobile Banking Service on Lifestyle

Variable Frequency Percent

Very good impact 28 46.67
Normal impact 21 35.00
Neutral 3 5.00
No impacts 8 13.33
Total 60 100.00
Source: Field Survey, 2075
Table 19 shows that according to 46.67 percent of the respondents, there is
very good impact on life style due to mobile banking service, 35 percent said that
there is normal impact, 5 percent of the respondents were neutral and 13.33 percent of
the respondents said that there is no impacts of mobile banking service on lifestyle.
The above data is also presented in figure as follows:

Figure 18: Impacts of Mobile Banking Service on Lifestyle

2.20 Satisfaction towards Mobile Banking Service

This question was designed to measure the satisfaction of customers towards
mobile banking services. To collect the information from the respondents, very
satisfied, satisfied, neutral, dissatisfied and very dissatisfied options were used. The
following table shows the detail information of the respondents on the basis of
satisfaction towards mobile banking service.

Table 20: Satisfaction towards Mobile Banking Service

Variable Frequency Percent

Very satisfied 26 43.33
Satisfied 23 38.33
Neutral 6 10.00
Dissatisfied 3 5.00
Very dissatisfied 2 3.33
Total 60 100.00
Source: Field Survey, 2075
Table 20 shows that 43.33 percent of the respondents were very satisfied,
38.33 percent were satisfied, 10 percent were neutral, 5 percent were dissatisfied and
3.33 percent were very dissatisfied with the mobile banking service.
The above data is also presented in figure as follows:

Figure 19: Satisfaction towards Mobile Banking Service

2.21 Findings
On the basis of presentation of data, the following findings are drawn:
2.21.1 Personal Information of the Customers

1. The study found that 21.67 percent of the respondents were 0-20 years of age,
51.67 percent were 20-40 years of age and 26.67 percent were 40 years and
above of age.
2. The study found that the number of customers based on gender. The table
shows that out of total percent, 60 percent were males and 40 percent were

3. Among the respondents 35 percent were unmarried and 65 percent of the

respondents were married.
4. The study found that 76.67 percent of the respondents belonged to nuclear
families whereas 23.33 percent of the respondents belonged to joint families.
5. The study found that 8.33 percent of the respondents were literate, 11.67
percent were primary level educated, 18.33 percent were secondary level
educated and 61.67 percent were higher level educated.
6. Among the respondents, 26.67 percent of the respondents were involved in
service, 28.33 percent were involved in business, 21.67 percent were students,
15 percent were involved in agriculture and 8.33 percent were involved in
other occupations.
2.21.2 Mobile Banking Service and Customer Satisfaction
1. All of the respondents were using mobile banking service.

2. According to 90 percent of the respondents, the mobile banking service is safe
but 10 percent of the respondents said that the mobile banking service is not
3. According to 93.33 percent of the respondents, the mobile banking service is
secret but 6.67 percent of the respondents said that the mobile banking service
is not secret.
4. The study found that 95 percent of the respondents believed on mobile
banking service but 5 percent of the respondents did not believe on mobile
banking service.
5. According to 18.33 percent of the respondents, the investment in mobile
banking service is lesser than other banking services, 26.67 percent said that
the investment in mobile banking is minimum, 35 percent said that the
investment in mobile banking is not different than investment in other banking
service and 20 percent said that there is more investment in mobile banking
than other banking services.
6. According to 96.67 percent of the respondents, mobile banking saves time
than other banking services but 3.33 percent of the respondents said that there
is no savings of time in mobile banking than other banking services.
7. According to 85 percent of the respondents, mobile banking service is
appropriate but 15 percent of the respondents said that mobile banking than
other banking service is not appropriate.
8. The study found that 95 percent of the respondents take information on bank
accounts through mobile banking service but 5 percent of the respondents do
not take information on bank accounts through mobile banking service.
9. The study found that 86.67 percent of the respondents recharge their bank
account through mobile banking service but 13.33 percent of the respondents
do not recharge their bank account through mobile banking service.
10. The study found that 18.33 percent of the respondents pay their telephone and
internet bills through mobile banking but 81.67 percent of the respondents do
not pay their bills through mobile banking service.
11. According to 53.33 percent of the respondents, mobile banking service is
prompt, 31.67 percent said that mobile banking service is not prompt and 15

percent of the respondents said that there is no different between mobile
banking service and other banking services.
12. The study found that 23.33 percent of the respondents transfer their balance
through mobile banking service, 36.67 percent of the respondents get
information on bank accounts through mobile banking service, 18.33 percent
of the respondents pay bills through mobile banking service and 21.67 percent
of the respondents transfer balance, take information on bank account and pay
bills through mobile banking services.
13. According to 46.67 percent of the respondents, there is very good impact on
life style due to mobile banking service, 35 percent said that there is normal
impact, 5 percent of the respondents were neutral and 13.33 percent of the
respondents said that there is no impacts of mobile banking service on
14. The study found that 43.33 percent of the respondents were very satisfied,
38.33 percent were satisfied, 10 percent were neutral, 5 percent were
dissatisfied and 3.33 percent were very dissatisfied with the mobile banking

3.1 Summary

The topic of this study was "Customer Satisfaction towards Mobile Banking:
A study in Birendranagar of Surkhet." The purpose of this study was to measure the
satisfaction of customers towards different mobile services. The population of this
study was the customers of mobile banking in Birendranagar Municipality associated.

To measure the satisfaction of customers towards mobile banking, different variables

were used such privacy and secrecy, cost and time saving, suitability and usability,
bills payment, balance inquiry, balance transfer and speed transaction.

This study was divided into three chapters with different sub-topics. The required data
were collected through primary and secondary sources. Primary data were collected
through the survey questionnaire and the secondary data were collected from previous

researches, journals, books, articles and newspapers. To collect the primary data,
survey questionnaire has been used. Questionnaire consisted of the questions related
to the personal information of the customers and the questions on the customer
satisfaction towards mobile banking service. Some questions were formulated in
closed-ended pattern ranging from highly satisfied to highly dissatisfied. Some
questions were constructed in yes/no pattern.

Simple random method was used to select the sample for this study. The
purpose of sampling is to secure a representation group which enables the researcher
to gain information about the whole population when faced with limitations of time,
fund and energy. The information was collected from the customers in Birendranagar
Municipality of Surkhet. The data were analyzed using different tables and figures to
find out the satisfaction of customers towards mobile banking service. After analysis
and presentation of data, the conclusion has been made.

The present study has analyzed customer’s satisfaction of mobile banking

quality. The article concludes that increase in service quality of the mobile banking
can satisfy and develop customer satisfaction that ultimately retains valued customers.
Customer selection factors include convenience, service facilities, reputation and
interest rates. In mobile banking, users are specially concern with security issues like
financial frauds, account misuse and user friendliness issue. In the remembering the
different codes for different types of transaction, application of software installation
and updating due to lack of standardization. Customers, even technologically
optimists, they have refrained from using technology aided solutions at mobile
banking services. There are many reasons why technology has not been able to ride
the acceptance wave and cross the hurdle and become an acceptable feature in

3.2 Conclusion
The study concludes that the customers were using mobile banking services.
Modern financial institutions are utilizing technologies to render better service to their
customers. Today banking industry focuses on Mobile banking technologies to
provide branchless banking service to the customers. Mobile banking provides
convenient, speedy and dependable service to the customers. Mobile banking service
is a type of E-banking service which has become very popular among bank customers
in the recent years. Mobile banking means providing banking service by mobile

technology devices. Mobile banking customers get different banking and financial
facilities such as funds transfer, savings product, insurance products, paying fees of
different forms, receiving payments through their mobile service technology. At
present, mobile banking service is very popular among all classes of people in
Birendranagar of Surkhet. Mobile banking service has begun recently. In the
beginning, the primary goal was to provide banking service to the unbanked
population. The research design is quantitative. The data gathered is tabulated into a
sheet for bank customers. This data is analyzed by using statistical tools like numerals
and percentages. The current study used a mixture of statistical techniques to achieve
the intended objective. First, descriptive statistics were employed to analyze the
profile of the respondents and dimensions of customer satisfaction, which is necessary
in analyzing the result.

It can be concluded from the study that customers are highly satisfied with
mobile banking system due to several reasons. Customers can avail various types of
facilities through the mobile banking system. They can check the account balance and
transfer balance. Customers are also highly satisfied because of the ease of transfer of
payments. The customers used to stand a long queue in banks to deposit money to the
accounts. The customer’s feelings, complaints and the feedback cannot be accessed
to directly facing the services. It has been positive impact on behavioural intentions of
customers’ acceptance of the mobile banking.

3.3 Recommendations
On the basis of the summary and conclusion of the study, following
recommendations are made:
1. Banks have to provide facilities to their customers whenever they are in need
and wherever mobile banking.
2. The time saved can be effectively utilized in business development and cost
3. It is customized for each bank that provides mobile banking service to its
4. The study recommends that the user interface of customers’ mobile banking
application ought to be properly designed in a way that the buttons in the
mobile banking application perform the same function always.

5. The study recommends that mobile banking application should responds
quickly to user inputs and transactions initiated.
6. Mobile banking applications should be designed in an easy to understand way
since they can be used by users with low levels of technology proficiency.
7. Banks should advertise their online capabilities on various media platforms
and implement changes to the mobile banking application based on customer
8. The study was only carried in banking sector in Birendranagar of Surkhet.
Further researches about effect of mobile technology on customer satisfaction
should be carried on in other industries like insurance, national government,
transport, and agricultural.
9. The study encourages future scholars to assess the factors that enhance
effective implementation of mobile technology in different industries to
enhance customer satisfaction.


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