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HOFEM: EM finite element method simulator

using GiD

D. García-Doñoro1, A. Amor-Martin2, L. E. García-Castillo2 and T. K. Sarkar3 1Xidian University,

2University Carlos III of Madrid, 3Syracuse University

HOFEM is a high-performance in-core and out-of-core parallel simulation software

based on Finite Element Method able to solve a wide range of electromagnetic (EM)
problems such as the scattering analysis of complex structures, the analysis of
large antennas, the EMC analysis of vehicles and devices or the analysis of many
types of microwave circuits.
HOFEM employs GiD® as base for its graphical user interface. GiD® has been
completely customized creating almost from scratch a new graphical aspect for the
software. This customization has been done by using the TCL-TK programming
language in its version 8.6. New features are also added to GiD® such as a new
navigation tree, truncation tools to facilitate the creation of truncation volumes or
new visualization options. Everything to provide an easy and simple access to all the
geometric and meshing tools existing in GiD®.

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