Techniques in Language Teaching

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Development Plans for Centre- 6 (First Semester)

Development of the Students

By the end of September, all the beginner students will be able to communicate in English by using simple
classroom language such as take out your books and etc. 60% of the beginner level students (especially B2)
will be able to ask for permission by using Can I….?/ May I…? and introduce themselves (name, age,
parents’ name, like and dislike). All the students will have confidence in communicating in English and all
of them will no longer hesitate to give response to the teachers and their peers as well. For social skills,
100% of the students will be able to take care of their personal hygiene both at school and at home. Apart
from it, they will also be able to take turns when doing something and share their things with their peers.

F1- By October, 90% of the students will be able to ask and answer personal questions (such as what’s your
name?, where do you live and what grade are you in?), use prepositions in the daily conversations, give
short response to yes/no questions. Students will use polite order using “please” in their daily
communication. As for their social skills, 100% of the students will be able to take care of their personal
hygiene both at school and at home. They will also be able to take turns when doing something and share
their things with their peers. For 10% of the students who are a bit weak, they will be able to recognize and
spell the vocals from super minds- 1 (till unit 5). The rest of the student will be able to communicate by
using these vocals. 20% of the students will be able to communicate and present confidently and fluently at
least with ten sentences in front of the public. The rest 80% will communicate fluently but not with several
relates sentences, just 4 or 5.

F2- 90% of the students will be able to give simple and short instructions by using imperatives. 85% of the
students will be able to ask and answer the questions about time by using expressions like “what’s the time?,
It’s half past…, It’s ….o’ clock. They will also be able to talk about food and animals they like and they
don’t like. For lifeskill, Ss will be able to take care of their personal hygiene and personal glooming both at
home and at school. Moreover, all of the students will be aware of the advantages of teamwork and they all
will enjoy working in teams.

F3- 80% of the students will be able to communicate in their daily life by using common grammar points
they have learnt. For some new students who are 20% of the student, by the end of first semester, they will
start communicating with everyone confidently by using several simple sentences. However, the rest of them
will be able to present their ideas clearly and fluently by using several related sentences. For lifeskill, Ss will
be able to take care of their personal hygiene and personal glooming both at home and at school. Moreover,
all of the students will be aware of the advantages of teamwork and they all will enjoy working in teams.

F4- By October, 80% of the students will be able to use the conjunctions such as “but, and, but, because” in
producing sentences with complex grammar. Moreover, they will also be able to ask and give polite requests
for some daily activities such as drinking water or going out. In reading, thy will also be able to guess the
context by looking at the pictures as they will gain familiarity with the characters from the book. For the
weak 30% of the students, they will be able to recognize and spell the vocals from their lessons (unit 5)
whereas the rest 70% are communicating by using these vocabs and clarify their meaning in the way they’ve
understood. All of the students will be able to make about ten to fifteen sentences for a particular topic. For
lifeskill, Ss will be able to take care of their personal hygiene and personal glooming both at home and at
school. Moreover, all of the students will be aware of the advantages of teamwork and they all will enjoy
working in teams.

F5- By the end of October, the students will not be hesitating to communicate not only with those in class
but also with everyone in their environment. To be so, the teacher will provide much more time in using
effective production activities. 85% of the students will be able to talk about the finished actions they’ve
done in the past by using past simple and talk about rules and regulations of school and some public places
by using the expression “have to.” Moreover, they will also be able to talk about large numbers such as
thousand, ten thousands, a million and a billion. For lifeskill, Ss will be able to take care of their personal
hygiene and personal glooming both at home and at school. Moreover, all of the students will be aware of
the advantages of teamwork and they all will enjoy working in teams.

Step- up
By the end of September, strong students (70% of the students) will be able to describe a person’s
appearance by the use of descriptive adjectives. (While weak Ss are able to describe the person by using
simple sentences such as she has got long hair or she has got straight hair, strong Ss will be able to make
sentences with the correct adjective order such as she has got long straight hair.) All Ss will be able to talk
about the quantity of things by the use of quantifiers such as many, much, some and any. Ss will be able to
talk Moreover, Ss will also be able to talk about their daily routines and after school activities by the use of
present simple. All of the students will be able to communicate by using the functions such as asking for
clarification, asking and giving permission, ordering food. As for their social skills, all of the students will
be able to differentiate good and bad table manners when they are having meals with friends, family and
elders. They will also be able to act appropriately when having meals and take care of their hygiene.

Personal Development
By the end of October, I will have finished reading The ELL Teacher's Toolbox: Hundreds of Practical Ideas
to Support Your Students (The Teacher's Toolbox Series). As for English Proficiency, I’ll try to take CAE by
the end of October. Moreover, I will also read the books concerning coaching (7 Habits of Highly Effective
People, Conversational Intelligence: How Great Leaders Build Trust and Get Extraordinary Results, Primal
Leadership: Realizing the Power of Emotional Intelligence, Collaborative Leadership: Six Influences That
Matter Most) and make my leadership skills improved especially in dealing with time management, listening
to others and providing developmental feedback, dealing with co- workers concerning rules and regulations,
deciding on actions to improve motivation, ensuring participating and helping to minimize stress.

Personal Development Plan for Teachers

For a better reflection after the teaching process, I’ll provide some teaching reflection forms so that I can
provide effective advice and techniques to those who are in need.
For the development of English language proficiency, there will be a test once in two months (FCE). Based
on the target points that are set, all trs will do self- study.
For workshop, all the class teacher will take turns to lead the workshop.

Workshop for Every Saturday

Month Topics Outcomes

By the end of June, teachers will
How to serve the customers (how
be able to deal with the customers
to do in welcome and bye- bye
to their satisfaction, contributing
duties, how to deal with the
June the image of the school.
customer complaints or inquiries)
Teachers will also be able to
Classroom management
monitor the students effectively.
By the end of July, teachers will be
able to deal with different
classroom situations such as
preparing materials, dealing with
How to support the teachers and
July unexpected problems, checking the
the students
course books systematically,
helping the students both with
academic and social cases (i.e.
interaction with peers).
By the end of August, teachers will
be able to analyze and aware of
different types of learners and they
August Types of learners
will also be able to provide
different support to each individual
who are in need.
By the end of September, teachers
will be able to learn how they
interact with their peers and
recognize the weakness and
September Child psychology
strength of each student. They will
also have some knowledge about
what to avoid when dealing with
each student.
Trs will be able to write a
complete set of lesson plan and
October Lesson Planning
conduct a teaching by using TTT,
ESA and PPP.
Trs will be able to write and
November Lesson Planning conduct a teaching by using TTT,
ESA and PPP.
Trs will be able to give effective
December How to give feedback to students content and language feedback
based on students’ errors.
Trs will do TP and feedback will
January TP
be offered.
Trs will do TP and feedback will
February TP
be offered.

Workshop for Every Sunday

Month Topics Outcomes

Class trs will share some teaching
tips and strategies for starters. All
trs will have a clear conception
Sharing knowledge and micro
about how to conduct a good
June teaching for Cambridge Exam
Cambridge Exam Preparation
Preparation (Starters)
Class. Every section would include
the micro- teaching of assistant
Class trs will share some teaching
tips and strategies for movers. All
trs will have a clear conception
Sharing knowledge and micro
about how to conduct a good
July teaching for Cambridge Exam
Cambridge Exam Preparation
Preparation (Movers)
Class. Every section would include
the micro- teaching of assistant
Class trs will share some teaching
tips and strategies for flyers. All trs
Sharing knowledge and micro will have a clear conception about
August teaching for Cambridge Exam how to conduct a good Cambridge
Preparation (Flyers) Exam Preparation Class. Every
section would include the micro-
teaching of assistant teachers.
Class trs will share some teaching
tips and strategies for KET. All trs
Sharing knowledge and micro will have a clear conception about
September teaching for Cambridge Exam how to conduct a good Cambridge
Preparation (KET) Exam Preparation Class. Every
section would include the micro-
teaching of assistant teachers.
Class trs will share some teaching
tips and strategies for PET. All trs
Sharing knowledge and micro will have a clear conception about
October teaching for Cambridge Exam how to conduct a good Cambridge
Preparation (PET) Exam Preparation Class. Every
section would include the micro-
teaching of assistant teachers.

Trs will have some good creative

games concerning the skills and
systems mentioned.
Creating Games and Activities Trs will be able to take
(Vocabulary, listening, reading and responsibility and get more control
November phonics) over their life.
7 habits of highly effective people Trs will be able to set their life-
goal, mission and vision which
will help them develop into a
better person.
Trs will have some good creative
games concerning the skills and
systems mentioned.
Creating Games and Activities Trs will improve their time
(Grammar, speaking, writing, management skills as they plan
December function) and differentiate major and minor
7 habits of highly effective people cases in their life.
Trs will be able to find “wins” for
everyone and build effective
relationship with their co- workers.
Trs will have some good creative
games concerning the skills and
systems mentioned.
Creating Games and Activities Trs will be able to communicate
(Vocabulary, listening, reading and more effective at work as they start
January phonics) to practice empathetic listening
7 habits of highly effective people and seek to be understood.
Trs will be able to solve problems
create exciting new ideas for their
Trs will have some good creative
Creating Games and Activities
games concerning the skills and
(Grammar, speaking, writing,
systems mentioned.
February function)
Trs will have a better awareness of
7 habits of highly effective people
themselves and balance their life.

References: Conscious Discipline: Building Resilient Classrooms, Practice of English Language Teaching,
Learning Teaching, English for Primary teacher, High Expectations Teaching: How We Persuade Students to
Believe and Act on "Smart Is Something You Can Get”, Teaching through the Heart, CELTA Handbook,
Evaluation form.

Development of the School

During the recent summer course, there’re a number of accidents at school. However, during this regular
English program, I’ll make the safety of the students as the student as the priority. Then, I’ll listen to the
feedback of the parents while at the gate and keep in touch with them. Another thing is satisfaction of the
quality of the lessons delivered to students. Especially for new co- class teachers, I’ll always keep my eyes
on them and provide some support in their teaching and learning process. In my personal point of view, the
school seems to be a bit in a mess especially in the kitchen, the ladder and some classrooms. I’ll discuss with
information staff and make changes at least one thing a week (such as cleaning the spiderweb). Every week,
there’ll be some sharing programs to promote Ss’ interest in reading. (Example- the oldest students will be in
charge of sharing the knowledge about the books they’ve read to the kids in different levels.) We’ll provide
some creative activities and extra- curricular activities for special days. And I will also ask the teachers to
tell the students to have the mindset of taking care of the school things as if they were theirs. As there are
some dirty areas on the wall, we’ll try to cover up them with some quotes that are effective for teachers and

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