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The Case of the Recurrent Chalazion

fter returning from a beach diagnosis of chalazion. With a small, 1
getaway, Carol Cooke,* a white, postprocedural subconjunctival
35-year-old woman, felt lesion in the setting of a biopsy that
irritation and a gritty sensation in her was negative for malignancy, our work-
left lower eyelid. Remembering that a ing diagnosis was a scar. We discussed
chalazion had been removed in that lo- with Ms. Cooke that a scar should
cation 6 months previously, she booked improve or at least remain unchanged
an appointment for a chalazion consul- over time. We arranged for follow-up
tation with our oculoplastics service. in a few weeks, with plans for repeat
biopsy if the lesion had grown larger.
We Get a Look However, she returned 2 weeks later
Ms. Cooke’s first visit with us was complaining of a rapidly enlarging
uneventful. Apart from the gritty sen- mass with yellow crusting and dis-
sation and chalazion removal, she had charge. The mass was now 1.3 × 1.0 cm
GROWING QUICKLY. The second time
no ocular symptoms and no significant in the anterior orbit, eroding through
we saw Ms. Cooke, we had to rethink
ocular or medical history. Her medica- the conjunctiva. Her bulbar conjunc-
our initial working diagnosis. The mass
tions included sumatriptan, as needed, tiva was now edematous and injected
had grown, and her bulbar conjunctiva
for migraine and oral contraceptives. (Fig. 1). Her motility remained full, and
had become edematous and injected.
Uncorrected visual acuity was 20/20 in there was no globe displacement.
each eye. Her pupils were equal, round,
and reactive. There was no afferent Differential Diagnosis neoplasia (OSSN), the most common
pupillary defect. Her ocular movements Given the atypical presentation and malignant neoplasm of the conjunctiva;
were full and without pain. Intraocular rapidly progressive nature of the lesion, however, the orbital location was quite
pressure was 18 mm Hg in each eye. our concern was for an aggressive atypical, as intraorbital spread is an un-
On slit-lamp examination, her right neoplasia, although an infectious or common initial presentation. Another
eye was normal. Her left eye showed inflammatory process was also in the possibility was lymphoma, in which the
mild meibomian gland disease and a differential. Her history of chalazion tumors are typically salmon colored
3-mm subconjunctival white lesion in and the lesion’s proximity to the lid and can be a sign of systemic lympho-
the fornix. The overlying conjunctiva margin made us consider sebaceous ma. Finally, vascular tumors may occur
was intact. No ulcerations or discharges cell carcinoma, although the intact after chalazion excision.
were seen. The rest of her left eye exam eyelid margin made it less likely. There
was unremarkable. were no eyelid or local skin lesions to A Repeat Biopsy
suggest basal or squamous cell carcino- An incisional biopsy of the mass
Initial Misdiagnosis ma of the eyelid. If the primary tumor showed moderately differentiated
At the time of her chalazion removal had arisen from the conjunctiva, the squamous cell carcinoma (Fig. 2A).
6 months earlier, the outside physician ulcerated lesion would certainly raise Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of
F. Lawson Grumbine, MD

ordered a biopsy, which confirmed the concerns for ocular surface squamous the orbits with contrast was ordered to
define the extent of the lesion (Fig. 2B).
This demonstrated a 1.5 × 1.0 × 0.7–
BY EVA DEVIENCE, MD, AND F. LAWSON GRUMBINE, MD. EDITED BY STEVEN cm contrast-enhancing mass abutting
J. GEDDE, MD. the globe. Given that HIV/AIDS is a

risk factor for OSSN, we ordered an
2A 2B
HIV test, which was negative.

A few days later, we performed an
anterior orbitotomy for tumor excision
with margins. While excising margins,
it was noted that the tumor was tightly
adherent to the eyelid, so we also per-
formed a wedge resection of the piece
of eyelid at the anterior margin, fol-
lowed by a membrane graft reconstruc-
tion. Ms. Cooke’s pathology revealed
a 1.3 × 0.9 × 0.3–cm gross squamous WE GATHER THE EVIDENCE. (2A) A biopsy revealed keratinizing squamous
cell carcinoma specimen, most likely of cells invading the underlying stroma. (2B) An MRI scan demonstrated a contrast-
conjunctival origin. All of her margins enhancing intraconal lesion (arrow) adjacent to the inferior left globe.
(including her eyelid) were negative.
Postoperatively, we had extensive lesion involves the full thickness of the Patient’s Progress
discussions with Ms. Cooke about epithelium. Ms. Cooke chose to undergo electron
the next steps. Although her tumor • Grade 3, squamous cell carcinoma: beam radiation adjuvant therapy after
was completely excised with negative Invasive disease is present. excision, and she has done well thus far.
margins, we were concerned about mi- Presentation. The most common She developed mild radiation derma-
croscopic residual tumor cells, because presentation of OSSN is an elevated, titis of the eyelid, but her vision has
it had already seeded deeper into the vascularized lesion in the limbal region remained 20/20 and her oral mucous
anterior orbit by the time she presented of older patients. Ms. Cooke’s orbital membrane graft has remained intact.
to us. After a multidisciplinary tumor mass was an unusual presentation. There have been no signs of recurrence.
board discussion with radiation on- Treatment. OSSN is typically treated She is also undergoing a genetics con­
cology, we offered Ms. Cooke electron with wide surgical excision and, to sultation, given her relatively young age
beam radiation as adjuvant therapy. reduce recurrence, adjunctive tech- at the time of diagnosis.
This has a shallower penetration than niques (e.g., application of alcohol or Reviewing her outside hospital
conventional X-rays, affording the abil- cryotherapy). One should refrain from records, we wondered whether she had
ity to deliver high-dose radiation to the direct manipulation of the tumor to had a chalazion at all. We obtained her
anterior orbit while sparing the retina avert microscopic seeding to other ocu- initial pathology slides, which were first
and optic nerve. Based on pretreatment lar structures (“no touch” technique). read by a general pathologist. A second
simulations, the predicted side effects Recently, there has been a paradigm evaluation by an ocular pathologist
were dermatitis, conjunctival scarring, shift in the treatment approach to was read as conjunctival squamous
and cataract that may occur 2 to 3 years OSSN.2 Clinicians may now use topical cell carcinoma. Most likely, the “chal-
afterward. Her visual acuity should be chemotherapy as both adjunctive and azion” removal seeded this carcinoma
otherwise preserved. primary therapy. Topical mitomycin into the deeper orbit where it grew into
C, 5-fluorouracil, and interferon alfa an orbital mass. Ms. Cooke’s case is a
About the Diagnosis have been shown to be effective. Galor reminder to question a prior diagnosis
A wide spectrum of disease. OSSN et al. advocated adjuvant interferon if the presentation is atypical or there is
is an umbrella term for a spectrum therapy in patients with high-risk concern for a malignant lesion.
of dysplastic and malignant epithelial characteristics after surgery—namely,
lesions of the conjunctiva and cornea. positive margins, tarsal involvement, or * Patient name is fictitious.
OSSN lesions involving only the epithe- recurrent disease.2 Radiation therapy or
1 Kim JW, Abramson DH. Clin Ophthalmol. 2008;
lium may be termed conjunctival squa- enucleation remains reserved for those
mous neoplasia.1 Risk factors include with intraocular or orbital invasion and
2 Galor A et al. Ophthalmology. 2012;119(10):
ultraviolet light exposure, human pap- systemic metastasis, which fortunately
illoma virus (type 16) infection, HIV/ are uncommon in OSSN.1
3 Erie JC et al. Ophthalmology. 1986;93(2):176-
AIDS, and xeroderma pigmentosum. Recurrence. Positive surgical mar-
Histology determines the OSSN gins have long been identified as a risk
F. Lawson Grumbine, MD

spectrum: factor for recurrence, with some series Dr. DeVience is a second-year ophthalmology
• Grade 1, conjunctival epithelial dys- showing that excised lesions with neg- resident and Dr. Grumbine is an oculoplastics
plasia: Dysplastic cells are confined to ative surgical margins had a recurrence surgeon and assistant professor; both are at the
the basal layers of the epithelium. rate of 5%, compared with 53% for University of Maryland in Baltimore. Relevant
• Grade 2, carcinoma-in-situ: The those with positive margins.3 financial disclosures: None.

42  •   M A Y 2016

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