Operating Systems Solved Mcqs Lecture Wise With Reference

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Operating Systems Solved MCQs Lecture Wise With Reference

1. TLB stands for……………..

Translation look-aside buffer Lec#33 p#166

2. TLB has ……………… entries

Ans: 64-1024 Lec#33 p#166

3. Effective Memory access Time on hit is equal to ……………..

Ans: (Tmem + TTLB) Lec#33 p# 166

4. Effective Memory access Time on miss is equal to ……………..

Ans: (2Tmem + TTLB) Lec#33 p# 166

5 If MR is mean ratio and HR is hit ratio then Effective Memory access Time is equal to

Ans: Teffevtive = HR (TTLB + Tmem) + MR (TTLB + 2Tmem) Lec#33 p# 166

6. Protection bit is associated with each page in …………………

Ans: Paging Lec#34 p#169

7. A logical address space can be ………………….. Large depending upon page size

Ans: 32 or 64 bit large Lec#34 p#170

8. Modern Computers support ……………… logical address space

Ans: Large (usually 32 or 64 bit) Lec#34 p#170

9. Level of paging having 10 bit page number and 10 bit page offset is called…………….

Ans: Two Levels Paging Lec# 34 p# 170

10. Hashed page table approach is used to handle logical address space larger

Ans: 32 Bits Lec#34 p#172

11. For less amount of physical memory to be consumed use……………….

Ans: Inverted page table Lec#34 p#172

12. Paging allows……………

Ans: Sharing of common code Lec#35 p#174

13. Logical address space is collection of ……………….

Ans: Segments Lec#35 p#175

14.……………….. Is a logical unit

Ans: Segment Lec#35 p#175

15. …………………. Indicates no of segments used by a program

Ans: Segment Table Length Register Lec#35 p#175
16………………. Indicates table location in the memory

Ans: Segment Table Base Register Lec#35 p#175

17 Segmentation is associated with the protection of……………….

Ans: Segments Lec#35 p#177

18 If validation bit is 0 it indicates……………….

Ans: illegal segment Lec#35 p#177

19. We divide every segment in fixed sized pages in………………

Ans: Paged segmentation Lec#36 p#179

20………………… is the finest operating system

Ans: MULTICS Lec#36 p#180

21. Physical address is of………………….

Ans: 20 bits Lec#36 p# 183

22. Effective address is of…………….

Ans: 16 bits Lec#36 p# 183

23………………… is separation of logical memory from physical memory

Ans: Virtual memory Lec# 37 p# 185

24…………….. Never swaps a page into memory unless the page will be needed

Ans: Lazy Swapper Lec#37 p#186

25. Access to page marked invalid causes ……………..

Ans: Page Fault trap Lec#37 p#188

26. Effective access time in demand paging is calculated as…………

Ans: EAT = (l-p)* ma + p* page fault time Lec#37 p# 189

27 when there is no free frame available…………………. Is required

Ans: Page replacement Lec#38 p# 192

28 ……………… is used when files may include binary executable

Demand paging Lec#38 p# 193

29 Fork ( ) system call uses…………….

Ans: Copy on write Lec#38 p# 193

30. Only that pages that may be modified are marked………

Ans: Copy on write Lec#38 p# 193

31. A variation of fork system call is………………….

Ans: Vfork ( ) Lec#38 p#193

32………………… does a not use copy on write

Ans: Vfork ( ) Lec#38 p#193

33 In LINUX shared pages are marked read only after ………………………

Ans: Fork ( ) Lec#38 p#194

34 in UNIX………………….. is used to request an operating system to memory map an

opened file

Ans: Mmap ( ) Lec#38 p#195

35 We can reduce overhead in page replacement by using…………………

Ans: Modify bit Lec#39 p#197

36 Modify bit is also called …………………..

Ans: Dirty bit Lec#39 p#197

37 FIFO page replacement suffers from…………………..

Ans: Balady Anomaly Lec#39 p# 198

38 as the no of frames available increases, page faults………………

Ans: Decreases Lec#39 p# 198

39 Simplest page replacement algorithm is ……………..

Ans: FIFO replacement algorithm Lec#39 p#198

40………………. Algorithm has lowest page fault rates

Ans: Optimal algorithm Lec#39 p# 199

41 Optimal algorithm is mostly used for……………………

Ans: Comparison Lec#39 p#199

42 LRU stands for…………………..

Ans: Least recently used algorithm Lec#39 p#199

43 ……………… types of implementations are feasible with LRU algorithm

Ans: Two (Counter based & stack based implementations) Lec#39 p# 200
44 in Belady Anomaly as the no of frames allocated increases, page fault rate

Ans: increase Lec#40 p# 202

45 ………………Algorithm is based on locality of reference concept

Ans: Least frequently used algorithm Lec#40 p#203

46 In ………………. Frames are equally divided among processes

Ans: Fixed allocation Lec#4 p# 204

47 In………………. no of frames is proportional to its size

Ans: Proportional allocation Lec#40 p#204

48 Priority based proportional allocation is……………..

Priority allocation Lec#40 p#205

49 The condition in which a process spends more time in paging than executing is
known as……………….

Ans: Thrashing Lec#40 p#2065

50 …………………….. Replaces the pages regardless of the process they belong

Ans: Global page replacement algorithm Lec#41 p#207

51 as system does paging, CPU utilization plunges to almost………………………..

Ans: Zero Lec#41 p#207

52 as a process executes, it moves from ……………. To ……………

Ans: Locality to locality Lec#41 p#208

53 ………………….. Is a set of pages that are actively used together?

Ans: Locality Lec#41 p#208

54 A program is generally composed of several different ……………… which may


Ans: Localities Lec#41 p#208

55……………….. Is based on assumption of locality

Ans: Working set model Lec#41 p#209

56 Working set model uses a parameter ………………..to define working set window

Ans: Delta Lec#41 p#209

57 Set of pages in most recent page references is called……………………….

Ans: Working set Lec#41 p#209

58 accuracy of working set model depends upon ……………….

Ans: Selection of delta Lec#41 p#210

59………………… method is used to control thrashing

Ans: Page fault frequency Lec#41 p#210

60 …………………….has high fault rate

Ans: Thrashing Lec#41 p#210

61 ……………………. Is transparent to user program

Ans: Demand paging Lec#41 p# 212

62 ………………….. Is sequence of words, bytes
Ans: File Lec#42 p#214

63 File attributes are stored in …………………………

Ans: Directory (Directory structure) Lec#42 p# 215

64 There is a ……………… directory for each user

Ans: Separate Lec#42 p#219

65 there are …………….. Types of directories

Ans: Three Lec#42 p#219

66 ……………… has tree like structure (tree like directory)

Ans: Tree directory Lec#42 p#220

67 Every file in the system has unique……………..

Ans: Path name Lec#42 p#220

68 A shared file is………………. As two copies of files

Ans: Not same Lec#43 p#222

69…………………. Allows directories to have shared subdirectories and files

Ans: Acyclic graph Lec#43 p# 222

70 only………………. Actual copy of file exists

Ans: One Lec#43 p#222

71 UNIX supports ………………types of links

Ans: Two (Hard Links, Soft Links) Lec#43 p# 223

72 …………….. Makes file systems, files, directories, devices available for use at
particular location

Ans: Mounting Lec#43 p# 225

73…………………Is actual location from which the file is accessed and mounted

Ans: Mount Point Lec#43 p# 225

74 Mount points are of……………… types

Ans: Two (Local and Remote Mounts) Lec#43 p#225

75 ……………… are done on local system

Ans: Local Mounts Lec#43 p#225

76 ………………… are done on remote system for data transmission

Ans: Remote Mounts Lec#43 p#225

77 ………………….. Command is used for mounting in UNUIX

Ans: Mount Command Lec#43 p#226

78 ……………………. Is a way to make connection b/w file and directory for data
sharing? Ans: Link Lec#43 p#228

79 ………………… are symbolic links

Ans: Soft Links Lec#43 p# 228

81 UNIX recognizes ………………… modes of access

Ans: Three (Read, Write, Execute) Lec#44 p#229

82……………….. Is the owner of file

Ans: User Lec#44 p# 229

83 User access to file can be specified by an ……………… digit

Ans: Octal digit Lec#44 p# 229

84. Default permission on UNIX/LINUX is…………….. For exe files

Ans: 777 Lec#44 p#230

85. Default permission on UNIX/LINUX is…………….. For text files

Ans: 666 Lec#44 p#230

86 we can use……………… command to set permission bits on newly created files and
directories to 1

Ans: Umask Lec#44 p#230

87 You can use……………….. Command to set permission on existing files and


Ans: Chmod Lec#44 p#230

88 ……………………. Is memory data structure that contains attributes of a file?

Ans: FCB (File Control Block) Lec#44 p# 232

89 in ………………………. Allocation method each file occupies a set of contagious

blocks on the disk

Ans: Contagious Allocation Lec#44 p#234

90 ………………. Is needed to be used to remove external fragmentation

Ans: Disk Defragmenter utility Lec#44 p#234

91 Each file is………………. Of disk blocks

Ans: Linked List Lec#44 p#234

92……………………. Allocation brings all the pointers to the block together into the
disk block

Ans: Indexed Allocation Lec#44 P#235

93 Each file has its own ……………… block

Ans: Indexed block Lec#44 P#235

94 A …………………. Is normally one disk block

Ans: Indexed Block Lec#45 p# 236
95 ……………….block is read or written directly by itself

Ans: Indexed block Lec# 45 p#236

96 …………………. Is required in order to handle multiple index blocks

Ans: Maintenance of multilevel indexing Lec#45 p#237

97 FAT stands for…………………….

Ans: File Allocation Table Lec#45 p#238

98 Disk space is ………………

Ans: Limited Lec#45 p#239

99………………… provides bulk of secondary storage

Ans: Disk Lec#45 p#242

100 Size of s logical block is usually …………….

Ans: 512 bytes Lec#45 p# 242

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