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CODE_BRIGHT-GiD: Finite Element Modelling for

Geo-environmental coupled problems involving


Sebastia Olivella, Jean Vaunat, Alfonso Rodriguez Dono

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

CODE_BRIGHT is a finite element program to simulate thermo-hydro-mechanical

problems in soils and rocks. A number of constitutive equations are used to calculate
deformations, mass and energy fluxes and storage terms. Applications range from
engineered barriers for spent fuel disposal in the underground including specific
studies for clay based materials (buffer and pellets), carbon dioxide sequestration, and
geotechnical problems in civil engineering like for instance earth dams. The complex
nature of the coupled equations which are highly nonlinear and are controlled by
different characteristic times as different processes requires suitable time step
prediction methods. As the program is used by several professional and academic
institutions at the level of workstations, a parallel version of the program is available
for Windows® OS.
1.E+08 Personal Computer Windows
Option 0 Intel Visual Fortran with OpenMP
Option 7
1.E+06 Option 8 Cpu time
Option 9 Cpu time solver only
1.E+05 5.4E+04
Dtime (s)

Wall clock time

Time (s)

1.E+02 1.8E+04
1 2 4 6 8
1.E+01 1.E+03 1.E+05 1.E+07 1.E+09
Time (s) Number of Cores

Time step evolution during a THM modelling CPU time and Wall clock time for a 3D THM
depending on the time step prediction based model representing a borehole disposal in
on error control. Option 7,8,9 depend on target a rock (20000 d.o.f. and 500 years)
relative error of 0.001, 0.0001, 0.00001

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