ICJ-Paper - On Crack in Metro Segment

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THE INDIAN CONCRETE JOURNAL PUBLISHED BY ACC LIMITED Founded in 1927 Published by ACC Limited, LB. Shesti Road, Near Teen Hoath Nako, Thane (W) 400604, ‘The contents of this journal are canteibutions of individual outhors, and reflect their independent opinions, findings, conclusions and recommendations and do not necesearly imply thot they reflect the views of the Publisher, ACC Limited. The Publishers are not liable for any may have acted on the information contained in the publication ‘The Indian Concrete Journal, ISSN 0019-4565 Copyright © 2018 ACC Limited ‘ACC Limited -Reaistered Office Cement House, 121, Maharshi Karve Road, Mumbai 400 020. ‘The copyright, database rights ond similar rights in all materials published in The Indian Concrete Journal are owned by ACC Limited. None of this material may be used for any comm: ‘or public use, other than for the purpose of fair dealing, research or private study or review of the contents of the journal, in part or in whole, and ray nol be reproduced or sored in any media for ‘maze circulation without the prior writen concent of the publisher. PUBLISHING / EDITORIAL / ADVERTISEMENT & CIRCULATION OFFICE The Indian Concrete Journal ACC Limited LLB. Shastri Road, Near Teen Haath Nake Nox! fo Eternity Mall, Thane (Wee!) 400 604, ‘Maharashtra, INDIA Tol: 00.91-22-33027646 Website: wwriejonline.com E-mail: info@icionline.com ‘ei@ocelimited.com Editor: Ashish Poti Feitorial Toom: Uthas Femondes Cover images source: 1, Vector-comp- Freepikcom 2 Afcons 7 ‘THE INDIAN CONCRETE JOURNAL March 2018, Volume 92, Number 3 TECHNICAL PAPERS Characterization of Indian fly ashes using diferent 10 | experimental techniques GME Bhogath Singh and Kollar VL. Subromeniam A scientific approach lo measure the workability of concrete using concrete shear box Girish S., Aioy N, Girish Kumar S. ond Hrushikesh MA Kade Verkats Roma ied DSR Muri, Influance of fineness of fly ash on compressive strength and microstructure of bottom ash admixed geopolymer mortar 36 | Shear strength of high volume fly ash coment concrete beams | Shivaprasad K.N,, BB. Das and Renjith R FEATURES 04 | EDITORIAL 06 | ewes A | DISCUSSION FORUM: Residential! masonry consrutons and their earthquake safely in the rural area of Mandi distri POINT OF VIEW: Analysis of cracks in metro segment using 63 | FeMirectfcation methods proposed and associated cost saving, points to ponder for young designers YViekeAbhyankar and Kavita Kilo miata name A Analysis of cracks in metro segment using FEM, rectification methods proposed and associated cost saving, points to ponder for young designers Vivek Abhyankar ard Raviteja Kilaparthi ‘One of the Elevated Metro Rail Viaduct projects near Kolkata reported micro cracksin specific type of segments (62 Type which had opening in a deck), repeatedly. The problem persisted for more than one year or so due to lenient approach from the owner, consultant and the contractor. But after some time when the supervision agency noticed it, they almost stopped the work with an explanation as “poor workmanship by the contractor”. ‘Then the construction team referred this problem to the authors of present paper. Authors tried to investigate the matter in detail including QAQC programs, designs, safoly procautions ote. and came up with a possible cause. of cracks as ‘deficient reinforcement detailing around the ‘opening in the deck slab’ and not the workmanship. To le this issue and to yeta third party proof checking certificate from one of the eminent institutes in India (.¢. IIT) the authors performed detail 2D analysis and then 3D finite element analysis. The analysis was done using a good software, Figure 1 shows model of $2 segment with the stress contours. Various techniques ‘were adopted so as to simulate the real behaviour in the computer model. Later, the analysis was cross checked by other software programs and similar conclusions were derived. To complete the whole modelling, analysis, design and verification it took some time, during, which many innovative thoughts and tachniquos wore tried / adopted by the authors, which helped to establish the Figure 1. Showing a model of S2-segment with the stress contours mrieca nnd waco A

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