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Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila

(University of the City of Manila)

Gen. Luna, cor. Muralla Sts., Intramuros, Manila
College of Nursing

Maternal and Child Nursing II

(Related Learning Experience)

Submitted by:

Julia Michal P. Angeles

BS Nursing II-2
Group D1

Submitted to:
Prof. Lady Anne De Jesus

The case presents, Patient LO, a forty-four-year-old Filipino Catholic woman who

was born in Manila city on March 5, 1972. She is a high school graduate. She works as

a manicurist and has a husband who works at a factory in Makati. They have four

children and they are currently living in Cavite city.


“Sobrang sakit nung sa may bandang puson ko” As verbalized by the patient.


Three days prior to confinement, the patient had noted pain on the hypogastric

region with a pain scale of 5/10. She also noted vaginal bleeding and said that she had

consume 2-3. On the day of confinement (December 5, 2016), the patient said that she

experienced abdominal (belly) pain with pain scale of 7/10 and her vaginal bleeding

became heavy.


The patient has no known diseases and positive allergies to food or

medications. She had measles when she was 9-year-old, mumps when she was 7-year-

old and chicken pox when she was 10-year-old. She has not been involved into major

injuries or accidents and the patient’s past hospitalizations include her labor and

delivery to her four children.


The patient’s parents are still living. The patient has no family history of genetic

history of hypertension, asthma, heart diseases, diabetes mellitus and blood dyscrasia.


The patient is 44 years old. She is living together with her husband and their four

daughters. They are residing at Dasmarinas, Cavite. Her daily activities were doing

household chores before going to work. she and her husband are the one who budgets

their money in order for them to survive the daily livings of life. The patient finished 4 th

year high school. She discovered she was pregnant when she suddenly felt sick and

weak, she seems to be sleepy and tired at all times and she was a month and a half

delayed. Because of the symptoms, she felt, she bought a pregnancy test and the result

were positive. She said that despite of being not a well-off family she is happy that she

is going to have a baby again. The patient is a cigarette smoker and consumes 1-2

sticks/day, she said that it is her stress reliever. She does not drink nor do drugs.


The patient had her first menstruation or menarche at the age of 11 years old, her

menstruation has a regular or monthly interval and it often lasts for 5days. She also

consumes approximately 4 pads a day and. She does not experience dysmenorrhea
whenever she has her period. Her first sexual intercourse was when she was 20 years old

and she had 1 sexual partner. The patient’s last menstrual period was October 8, 2016.

She is in her 8th week of gestation. She had her labors in the 1996, 1999, 2001, 2004 all

full term via normal spontaneous delivery at Fabella Hospital. She said that with her current

pregnancy, she did not attend any pre-natal check-up.


Health Pattern Before Admission After Interpretation

Health Perception – Health Management Pattern
How do you describe your “saktuhan lang, okay na hindi” as verbalized by the “ewan ko,
health? patient parang di
okay” as
verbalized by
the patient
How do you improve or “kumakain naman ako nang maayos tyka mahilig ako “inumin ko
maintain your health? sa gulay at prutas” as verbalized by the patient mga gamot
na binigay
sakin” as
verbalized by
the patient
How do you link lifestyle “di ko maiwasan di mag-yosi eh, lalo na kapag stressed “dahil siguro
choices and health? ako.” as verbalized by the patient sa lifestyle ko
sakin to” as
verbalized by
the patient
How big is the problem in “medyo mahirap kaya nga kahit taga Cavite kami dito “panibagon
financing health care for you? ako nagpaadmit.” as verbalized by the patient g gastos
by the
Can you name Medications “Multivitamins na lang ata ang iniinom ko ngayon.” as
you are taking and their verbalized by the patient

Nutritional – Metabolic Pattern

What is your usual diet? “Gulay lang pati minsan karne ng baboy, manok, isda,
prutas na din” as verbalized by the patient
How’s your appetite? “nung sumakit na yung sa may puson ko medyo “wala ako
nawalan ako gana kumain eh” as verbalized by the ganang
patient kumain” as
verbalized by
the patient
Can you recall the highest “Hindi ko na maalala eh, pero dati pa ‘to 60 kg ako.”
weight you have? as verbalized by the patient
Elimination Pattern
Usual bowel pattern? “Normal pa rin naman, isang beses araw-araw.” as
Frequency? Color? verbalized by the patient
Do you experience any “Wala naman akong nararamdaman sa pagihi.” as
discomforts: pain, burning, verbalized by the patient
and difficulty voiding? How do
you manage it?
Do you experience any “oo, nagkaron ako ng bleeding, medyo kinabahan na
discomforts diarrhea, nga ako” as verbalized by the patient
constipation, bleeding?
Activity - Exercise Pattern
How do you describe your “gawa ng gawaing bahay, kapag may customer edi
weekly pattern of activity and lakad dito, lakad dun” as verbalized by the patient
leisure, exercise and
Do you have any disease that The patient denies any disease affecting the cardio-
affects cardio-respiratory respiratory and musculo-skeletal system.
system or musculo-skeletal
Do you experience “nakakapagod syempre” as verbalized by the patient
fatigue/weakness, pain after
the activity?
Sleep – Rest Pattern
Describe your sleep pattern? “Medyo hirap ako matulog, putol putol ba.” as
verbalized by the patient
Do you feel tired upon waking “Minsan, parang kulang sa tulog.” as verbalized by the
up? patient
Cognitive – Perceptual Pattern
Do you have sensory deficits “Wala naman, di naman Malabo ang mata ko, hindi rin
(sight, smell, auditory, taste mahina ang pandinig ko.” as verbalized by the patient
and vision)? Are they
Do you experience pain? “oo sumakit yung sa may puson ko talaga.” as
How do you manage it? verbalized by the patient
Self- Perception – Self- Concept Pattern
Do you think that there is “Wala naman, ganyan talaga pag tumatanda
anything unusual about your nagbabago ang katawan” as verbalized by the patient
appearance and self?
How are you feeling? “natatakot ako tyaka nalulungkot: as
verbalized by the patient
Role – Relationship Pattern
How do you describe various “Isa akong ina at asawa.” As verbalized by the “ina at
roles in life? patient asawa, isang
kapatid din”
as verbalized
by the patient
Which relationship is most “Yung pagiging asawa at nanay sa mga anak “pagiging
important to you? ko” as verbalized by the patient
ina” as
verbalized by
the patient
Sexuality – Reproductive Pattern
Can you say that you are “sakto lang, kami ng asawa ko.” As verbalized by the “ayoko na”
sexually active? patient as verbalized
by the patient
Do you use birth control “Hindi eh, hindi kami gumagamitng contraceptives.” “hinde” as
method? As verbalized by the patient verbalized by
the patient
Coping – Stress Tolerance Pattern
Have you experience any “Oo, pero katuwang ko naman ang asawa ko.” as “eto ang
discomforts in life? What verbalized by the patient sakit para
condition brought it? sakin, ang
mawalan ng
anak” as
verbalized by
the patient
How do you usually cope with “Tinutulungan ako ng asawa ko sa mga problema ko.” “pinaguusap
problems? as verbalized by the patient an namin ng
asawa ko” as
verbalized by
the patient
To whom would you go if you “Sa asawa ko or sa magulang ko” as verbalized by the “asawa at
have problems? patient magulang”
as verbalized
by the patient
Value – Belief Pattern
What support systems do you “Yung asawa ko at mga magulang ko syempre pati “pamilya ko,
have? mga anak ko” as verbalized by the patient mga anak ko
magulang ko
din” as
verbalized by
the patient


Constitutional “Tumaas timbang ko sa pregnancy na ‘to” as verbalized by the client.
HEENT “Maayos pa naman ang mata ko” as verbalized by the client.
Integumentary The client denies rashes or itching.
Cardiovascular The client denies any shortness of breath, cough or pleuritic chest pain.
Respiratory “Normal naman paghinga ko, nagkaubo lang ako nung last week” as verbalized by the
Gastrointestinal “Masakit yung sa may puson ko” as verbalized by the client.

Genitourinary The patient does not have any dysuria, frequency or urgency.
Neurological The patient denies any weakness, dizziness, or headache.
Musculoskeletal “Wala naming masakit sa akin” as verbalized by the client.
Hematologic The patient denies any bleeding or bruising.
Lymphatic “Wala naman akong nakakapang mga kulani” as verbalized by the client.
Endocrine The patient denies excessive sweating, polyuria, heat or cold intolerance.
Allergies The patient denies history of asthma, hives, eczema or rhinitis.


General Survey: Seen lying on bed, awake, conscious, coherent and communicative.

Normal Findings Actual Findings

 Inspect skin color. Varies from light to deep brown; from ruddy Brown skin
pink to light ink
 Inspect uniformity of skin color. Generally uniform except in areas exposed to Generally uniform skin color
the sun; are of lighter pigmentation in dark-
skinned people.
 Assess edema, if present. No edema No edema
 Inspect, palpate, and describe Freckles, some birthmarks, some flat and No freckles, has some
skin lesions. raised nevi; no abrasions or other lesions birthmarks
 Observe and palpate skin Moisture in skin folds and the axillae Not excessively dry
 Palpate skin temperature. Uniform; within normal range Within normal range
 Inspect the evenness of growth Evenly distributed hair Evenly distributed hair
over the scalp
 Inspect the thickness or Thick hair Thickness of hair
 Inspect hair texture and oiliness. Silky, resilient hair Silky and resilient
 Inspect amount of body hair. Variable Variable
 Inspect fingernail plate shape to Convex curvature; angle of nail plate about Convex
determine its curvature and 160o
 Inspect fingernail and toenail Highly and pink in light-skinned clients; dark- Pink nail bed color
bed color. skinned clients may have brown or black
pigmentation in longitudinal streaks
 Inspect tissues surrounding nails Intact epidermis Intact epidermis
 Perform the blanch test of Prompt return of pink or usual color (less than Returned to usual color after 3
capillary refill. 4 seconds) seconds
Skull and Face
 Inspect the skull for size shape Rounded; smooth skull Rounded; smooth skull
and symmetry.
 Palpate the skull for nodules or Smooth, uniform consistency; absence of Smooth; no presence of
masses and depressions, nodules or masses nodules or masses
 Inspect the facial features. Symmetric or slightly asymmetric facial Symmetric facial features
features; palpebral fissures equal in size
Eyes and Visual Acuity
 Inspect the eyebrows for hair Hair evenly distributed; skin intact Evenly distributed; intact skin;
distribution and alignment and Eyebrows symmetrically aligned; equal eyebrows are aligned
akin quality and movement. movement symmetrically
 Inspect the eyelashes for Equally distributed; curled slightly outward Equally distributed, slightly
evenness of distribution and curled outward
direction of curl.
 Inspect bulbar conjunctiva. Transparent, capillaries sometimes evident; White sclera
sclera appears white
 Inspect pupils color, shape, and Black in color; equal in size; normally 3-7 mm Black pupils; equal size; 4mm
symmetry of size. in diameter in diameter
 Inspect PERRLA. Pupil’s equal, round, reactive to light, PERRLA
 Pupil’s direct and consensual Both illuminated and non-illuminated pupil Direct and consensually
reaction to light. constricts reactive to light
Ears and Hearing
 Inspect the auricles for color, Color same as facial skin Uniform in color, symmetrical
symmetry of size and position. Symmetrical
 Palpate the auricles for texture, Mobile, firm, and not tender; pinna recoils Firm and not tender, pinna
elasticity, and areas of after it is folded recoils after it is folded
 Assess the client’s response to Normal voice tones audible Able to hear normal voice
normal voice tones. tones
Nose and Sinuses
 Inspect the external nose for any Symmetric and straight Nose are symmetric, no
deviations in size, shape, or No discharge or flaring discharges or flaring, color is
color and flaring or discharge Uniform color same as other body parts
from the nares.
 Determine the patency of both Air moves freely as the client breathes Breathes normally and freely
nasal cavities. through the nares through the nares
 Palpate the maxillary and frontal Not tender Not tender
sinuses for tenderness.
Mouth and Oropharynx
 Inspect outer lips for symmetry Uniform pink color Pink in color, dryness
of contour, color, and texture. Soft, moist, smooth texture

 Inspect the tongue movement. Moves freely; no tenderness Moves freely; no tenderness
 Inspect the hard and soft palate Light pink, smooth, soft palate Light pink in color, soft palate
for color, shape, texture and he Lighter pink hard palate, more irregular is smooth; hard palate with
presence of bony prominences. texture texture
 Inspect the tonsils for color, Pink and smooth posterior wall Pink and smooth
discharge, and size.
 Inspect the neck muscles for Muscles equal in size; head centered Muscles are equal, head is
abnormal swellings or masses. positioned in the center
 Palpate the entire neck for Not palpable Not palpable
enlarged lymph nodes.
 Inspect the thyroid gland. Not visible on inspection Thyroid gland not visible
Thorax and Lungs
 Inspect the shape and symmetry Chest symmetric Chest symmetric
of the thorax.
 Inspect breath patterns. Quiet, rhythmic, and effortless respirations Quiet, rhythmic, and effortless
 Palpate the carotid artery, using Symmetric pulse volumes Symmetric pulse volumes
extreme. caution. Quality remains same when client breathes
 Auscultate the carotid artery. No sound heard on auscultation No sound heard on
Breast and Axillae
 Inspect the breasts for size, Rounded shape; slightly unequal in size; Rounded; slightly unequal;
symmetry, and contour or shape. generally symmetric engorgement
 Palpate the axillary, No tenderness, masses, or nodules No tenderness, masses, or
subclavicular lymph nodes. nodules
 Palpate the breast for masses, No tenderness, masses, nodules, or nipple Breasts are engorged
tenderness, and any discharge discharge
from the nipples.
 Inspect the abdomen for skin Unblemished skin Presence of striae and incision
integrity. Uniform color wound
 Inspect the abdomen for contour Flat, rounded, or scaphoid Rounded
and symmetry.
 Palpate the uterus The uterus should be contracted Contracted uterus
Genitals– The patient refused to assess her genitals


Assessment Nsg Diagnosis Planning Intervention Rationale

S Activity intolerance Within 2 hours Adjust activities To prevent over

- “Kumikirot yung within patient’s exertion
related to pain of nsg
tahi ko” ROM
intervention the
Assist the To protect client and
O client will be
patient with her prevent from further
- post-op pt able to do her activities injury
- facial grimace
- frequent touching daily activites Administer To help the patient
of the incision mefenamic acid relieve or lessen the
with less or no
- weakness as ordered pain

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