Democratization and Stabilization

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Abuat, Aleah Jehan D.

Tuesdays and Thursdays (7:30-9:00)

GED0107-SEC 33
Reading Material: Democratization and Stabilization in the Philippines

The US Government played

The ballot or the right to vote as a significant extension of
became the epitome of governance in the Philippine
democracy and civilian political landscape.
The Philippine political
landscape was a series of
interchanging intervals
between stability and
The nature of democracy in
Democratization and
Philippine politics blinded
Stabilization in the Philippines
the Filipino people into
believing that they are
living in a free society.

Between Military rule and

Elite Democracy, Filipinos
preferred to settle for the
latter as better alternative.
The political interregnum
between stability and
instability suggested that
Building linkages, bonds, and
Philippine government was
interpersonal connections in a
vulnerable and fluctuating.
democratic country was
intrumental in establishing a
strong political base
1st Synthesis:

Democracy in the Philippines became a means of political enrichment. Because of the country’s weak political arrangement, the perpetuation of
regional elites into the government was made easier. Democracy became an epitome of political game and political manipulation. Filipinos were blinded by the
illusion of living in a free society. Democracy became an intrument of covert mass manipulation concealed by sugar-coated political smiles and overly unrealistic
promises to capture the hearts of the Filipino people. They were gullible enough to be swayed by the sweet talks of politician wishing to run in public offices for
obvious self-interests. This resulted to political elites that soon etched their names in government office as if it’s their home.

2nd Synthesis:

Politics in Philippines largely operated through the mechanics of building linkages, bonds, and interpersonal connections. It was an effective tactic
towards consolidating power. Ferdinand Marcos took advantage of the country’s frail democratic nature to rise into power. Building alliances was Marcos’
carefully devised scheme to sucessfully monopolize power. He demonstrated how dispensing his cronies all over the state was a huge contributing factor in the
success of declaring martial law. Essentially, the military became a superior entity over the civilian.

3rd Synthesis:

The fluctuating political landscape of the country suggested that the government was weak, vulnerable, and unstable. Stability was never guaranteed.
This was demonstrated by the county’s changing intervals from elite democracy to Martial law which went back to elite democracy once again. This instability
was heightened by frequent supremacy threats from the military. Moreover, revolts and uprisings were pervasive which placed the government in a very
delicate position.

4th Synthesis:

The US government played as a significant extension of governance in the Philippine political landscape. The strong historical relationship of the
Philippines and the United States of America has attached the Philippines to the latter. The US government was a huge influence in Philippine governance. The
USA has the freedom to intervene, arbitrate, and mediate in the country’s affairs. This was best demonstrated during the cries for restoration of elite democracy
wherein USA involved itself in the promotion of Corazon Aquino as the face of a true democracy. The close relationship of the Philippine and USA was clearly
inescapable and persistent even during the Marcos regime.

5th Synthesis:

The right to vote became the badge of democracy among the people. The ballot was a double-edged sword serving as the emblem of free choice, and at
the same time, an instrument of covert manipulation by the political elites. The paradoxical nature of democracy placed the government in a fluctuating
conditions marked by a series of political interregnum.

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