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International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping 85 (2008) 620–627

Allowable local thickness of wall-thinned straight pipes

in ASME Code Case N-597-2
Jai Hak Parka,, Kyu In Shina, Chi Yong Parkb, Sung Ho Leeb
Department of Safety Engineering, Chungbuk National University, Cheongju, Chungbuk 361-763, Republic of Korea
Korea Electric Power Research Institute, Yusonggu, Daejun 305-380, Republic of Korea
Received 6 February 2007; received in revised form 11 July 2007; accepted 10 August 2007


The wall-thinning problem has become a hot issue in the assessment of the structural integrity of pipes and pipe items. A criterion is
necessary to determine the possibility of continuing use for the wall-thinned pipes detected by non-destructive inspection. The American
Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Boiler & Pressure (B&PV) Vessel Section XI, Div. 1, Code Case N-597-2 [Requirements for
analytical evaluation of pipe wall thinning, 2003] provides the criterion. But the code case has several limitations and difficulties for
application and sometimes gives non-consistent allowable local thickness values. So works are in progress to modify and extend the code.
For that purpose, it is also necessary to understand fully the technical bases of the code case.
In Code Case N-597-2, the allowable local thickness of a thinned straight pipe is given through three different methods. Because of
different technical bases, each method gives different thickness values and sometimes gives contradictory values. So, in this paper,
attempts were made in order to propose a unified rule for the allowable local thickness and in order to remove or relax the restrictions on
the application of the code case. For this purpose, elastic stress analyses were made using the finite element method and the stress results
were examined. Based on the obtained bending stress results, a very simple procedure was proposed to obtain the consistent allowable
local thickness for the thinned straight pipes.
r 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction compared with the plastic collapse moments based on the

net-section stress approach. Kim et al. [4] proposed an
The wall-thinning problem has become a hot issue in the analytical method to evaluate the local allowable wall
assessment of the structural integrity of pipes and pipe thickness and compared it with other pipe wall thickness
items. A considerable amount of related works has been criteria. Park et al. [5] reviewed and compared the existing
published to develop acceptance criteria for locally thinned strength evaluation methods such as Hitachi model, JAERI
pipes and pipe components. model and American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Miyazaki et al. [2,3] conducted monotonic bending tests (ASME) Code Case (CC) N-597 and proposed a new
without internal pressure with locally thinned pipes in criterion. Gerber et al. [6] provided guidance and an
order to evaluate the structural integrity of a power plant. acceptance criterion for the evaluation of carbon steel pipes
The maximum moments obtained from the tests were also with erosion–corrosion wall thinning. Zheng et al. [7]
proposed a modified net-section collapse failure criterion
Abbreviations: ANSI, American National Standards Institute; ASME,
for locally wall-thinned pipe under pure bending using 3D
American Society of Mechanical Engineers; B&PV, Boiler and Pressure finite element analysis. Krishnaswamy et al. [8] reviewed
Vessel; CC, Code Case; EPRI, Electric Power Research Institute; JAERI, existing analysis procedures to evaluate thinned pipes and
Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute; JIS, Japanese Industrial compared analytical predictions with experiment data from
Standards published literature. Netto et al. [9] conducted a burst
Corresponding author. Tel.: +82 43 261 2460; fax: +82 43 264 2460.
E-mail addresses: (J.H. Park), pressure test with pipes with external corrosion defects and (K.I. Shin), (C.Y. Park), proposed a simple procedure to estimate the burst pressure (S.H. Lee). of corroded pipes by using a nonlinear numerical analysis.

0308-0161/$ - see front matter r 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
J.H. Park et al. / International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping 85 (2008) 620–627 621

Nomenclature M applied moment (N m)

p inner pressure (MPa)
A1 area associated with material loss (mm2) R mean radius of piping item (mm)
A2 area associated with reinforcement (mm2) Rmin mean radius of piping item based on the
2C circumferential defect length (degree) nominal outside radius and the minimum wall
I moment of inertia of cross-sectional area (mm4) thickness (mm)
L maximum extent of a local thinned area with Rnom nominal outside radius of piping item (mm)
p thickness less than tnom (mm)
ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi Sm maximum allowable stress (MPa)
L1 Rmin tmin (mm) taloc allowable wall thickness (mm)
LA length of reinforcement area (mm) tmin minimum wall thickness required by the con-
Lm maximum extent of a local thinned area with struction code (mm)
wall thickness less than tmin (mm) tnom nominal thickness of pipe (mm)
Lm(a) maximum axial extent of a local thinned area Z pipe length (mm)
(mm) sb bending stress (MPa)
Lm(t) maximum transverse extent of a local thinned
area (mm)

Ahammed [10] developed a deterministic model to evaluate Method C is for unlimited transverse extent. Details of the
the remaining strength of a corroded steel pipeline over derivation of each method can be found in the EPRI report
time and also evaluated the maximum allowable failure [6] and Ref. [12]. In this paper, the bases of each method
pressure. are explained briefly again.
Nuclear industries need a code, which can be used to
decide promptly whether repair or replacement is necessary 2.1. Method A: Limited transverse extent
or not when wall-thinned pipes are found. For this
purpose, ASME CC N-597 [1] was made for the acceptance Method A was designed using the criteria in the ANSI/
criteria when wall thinning is found in pipes. But until now ASME B31G code. The B31G code was designed based on
the code is not approved by the regulatory agency, and the pipe rupture experiments conducted by Kiefner et al.
sometimes gives too conservative or non-conservative [13,14] with inner pressure as external force. And the code
values. So it is necessary to make a revised or a new code provides methods for determining the minimum strength of
for the wall thinning of pipes. corroded pipelines without restrictions on the transverse
In this paper, backgrounds for the allowable local extent of the thinning defect [13]. But since nuclear plant
thickness of straight pipes in CC N-597-2 were briefly pipelines may include more bending loads than usual
reconsidered. And a new procedure for the allowable local pipelines, the transverse thinning extent is limited to less
thickness was suggested based on the elastic stress results of than Rmin tmin in CC N-597-2, where Rmin is the mean
the finite element analysis. Some stress results and radius of the piping item based on the nominal outside
proposed allowable local thickness values were presented radius and the minimum wall thickness and tmin is the
in the previous work [11]. In the previous work, however, minimum wall thickness required by the construction code.
the proposed allowable local thickness values were This restriction is so strictly enforced that usual dimensions
calculated based on only one case of pipe geometries and of thinning regions go beyond the restriction and this
material properties. In this paper, two more cases of pipe reduces the applicability of Method A.
geometries and material properties were considered in the
stress analysis. It is noted that the proposed allowable local 2.2. Method B: Limited axial and transverse extent
thickness values are affected by the pipe geometries and
material properties, so the obtained allowable local Method B was based on guidelines for the design of
thickness values are somewhat increased compared with branch connections. The guidelines include the rules for
the previous values [11]. compensating for the material lost in making the branch
opening. The allowable local thickness can be derived
2. ASME Code Case N-597-2 considering the required excess material located near the
thinned zone. Fig. 1 shows the concept of area reinforce-
CC N-597-2 provides three different methods for ment for local thinning wall loss. The detailed derivations
determining the allowable local thickness of thin-walled can be found in Refs. [6,11,12].
straight pipes. For convenience, let the three different In order to obtain the bending stress in the thinned zone,
methods be Method A, Method B and Method C. Method a circular flat plate with the diameter of Lm subjected to
A can be applied for local thinning with limited transverse uniform pressure was considered. With the clamped
extent. Method B is for limited axial and transverse extent. boundary conditions, the maximum stress is expressed as
622 J.H. Park et al. / International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping 85 (2008) 620–627


tp A1
1/2A2 1/2A2 tmin


Fig. 1. Concept of area reinforcement for local thinning wall loss.


Central node


Fig. 2. Schematic diagram of thin-walled pipe.

follows: Fig. 2. Thus the circumferential thinning extent is 3601 in

the model. Only internal pressure is applied as external
3 pL2m
ðsr Þmax ¼ , (1) force. An axisymmetric thin shell equation was formulated
16 t2aloc and solved to obtain the membrane stress in the locally
where taloc and p are the thickness and the pressure, thinned region. The allowable local thickness was obtained
respectively. Since the stress on the plate is bending stress, for the given Lm(a) under the condition that the hoop
the stress is limited to 1.5 times the allowable primary stress membrane stress limit is 1.5 Sm provided that the hoop
limit. Then the following relation can be obtained: stress does not exceed 1.1 Sm over a distance Rtmin .
Method C gives the allowable local thickness without
3 pL2m pRmin
p1:5 . (2) restriction on the transverse extent. But it gives larger
16 taloc tmin allowable local thickness compared with Method A.
This equation is reduced to the following condition given in
CC N-597-2: 3. Finite element analysis
taloc 0:353Lm
X pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi . (3) As stated above, the restriction on the transverse
tmin Rmin tmin thinning extent was imposed in Method A since nuclear
plant pipelines may include more bending loads than usual
pipelines. Thus, it is necessary to analyze the effect of the
2.3. Method C: Unlimited transverse extent transverse thinning extent on the stress increment of a wall-
thinned pipe subjected to bending moment. Using the stress
Method C was made using the rules for design by analysis results a new method for the allowable local
analysis given in ASME Sec. III, NB-3200. The rule allows thickness will be introduced.
a local primary stress limit of 1.5 Sm on hoop stress The effects of longitudinal length and circumferential
provided pthat the hoop stress does not exceed 1.1 Sm over a
ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi length of a thinned zone on the strength of a pipe were
distance Rtmin . Here Sm is the design stress intensity in examined using finite element analysis. The finite element
ASME Sec. III. model is composed of 8-node shell elements. Fig. 2 shows a
For stress analysis, an infinitely long pipe with a mean schematic diagram of a wall-thinned pipe. The finite
radius R and a wall thickness tmin was considered in the element model was nearly the same as that used in
Method C. The pipe is thinned locally to wall thickness taloc Ref. [5] to derive Method C in CC N-597-2. However,
within the range of ðLmðaÞ =2ÞpzpðLmðaÞ =2Þ as shown in the thickness of an intact pipe is different from the model in
J.H. Park et al. / International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping 85 (2008) 620–627 623

Table 1 In order to check the accuracy of the model, bending stress

Pipe properties used in the analysis [12] was obtained for an intact pipe and compared with the value
Case Burst test Surry-2
calculated from the engineering formula. When the outer
CS-13 field failure radius of a pipe is 82.6 mm, the thickness is 10.9 mm and the
applied moment
pffiffiffiffi is 23.9 kN m, the obtained stress is
Material STPT 370 A106B
116:7 MPa m from the finite element analysis. It must be
Nominal pipe outer radius, Rnom (mm) 82.6 229 noted that the stress is not the maximum stress but the mean
Nominal wall thickness, tnom (mm) 10.9 12.7 stress of two stresses ponffiffiffiffi the inner and outer pipe surfaces.
Code minimum allowable wall thickness, tmin 5.08 8.89 The value 116:7 MPa m is the same as the value obtained
Pipe mean radius, Rmin, based on tmin (mm) 80.0 224
from the engineering formula, sb ¼ MR/I. Here M is the
Code allowable stress (MPa) 124.8 103.4 applied moment, R is the mean radius and I is the moment of
inertia of cross-sectional area.
Fig. 3 shows a variation of bending stress as a function
of the longitudinal defect length. As shown in Fig. 3(a),
bending stress decreases as the circumferential defect length
Ref. [5] and the circumferential defect length can have an decreases for the same longitudinal defect length. In the
arbitrary value. The thickness of an intact pipe is assumed case of small circumferential defect length (2C ¼ 151
to be tnom instead of tmin. and 451), bending stress is greatly affected by the long-
In the previous stress calculation given in Ref. [11], the itudinal defect length. But bending stress shows a constant
model has geometries of the nominal outer radius value when the circumferential defect length is 3601 and
Rnom ¼ 200 mm, the minimum wall thickness tmin ¼ 18.63 mm it is also independent of the longitudinal defect length.
and the nominal wall thickness tnom ¼ 20 mm. The ratio of the Figs. 3(b) and (c) show the same tendency.
minimum thickness to the nominal thickness is somewhat large Fig. 4 shows a variation of bending stress as a function
compared with other cases. In this paper, we considered other of the remaining thickness. As shown in Figs. 4(a)–(c),
pipe geometries as given in Table 1 [12]. In the model, the pipe bending stress decreases as the remaining thickness
length Z is 4500 mm and the symmetric boundary conditions increases. And Fig. 4(a) shows that for the small long-
are applied in the z and y directions. itudinal defect length, the effect of the circumferential
In this study, the longitudinal defect length ratio defect length is very small when taloc =tmin 40:3.
(Lm(a)/L1) was assumed to have values of 0.2, 0.4, 2, 6 Fig. 5 shows a variation of bending stress as a function
and 12 and the defect depth ratio (taloc/tmin) was assumed of the circumferential defect length. As shown in Fig. 5(a),
to have values of 0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 0.75 and 1.0. Here
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi when the thickness in the thinned region is very small,
L1 ¼ Rmin tmin . The circumferential defect length, 2C, bending stress increases as the circumferential defect length
was assumed to have values of 151, 451, 901, 1801 and 3601. increases. But for other thickness values the bending stress
Elastic bending stresses of wall-thinned pipes were calcu- shows nearly a constant value when the longitudinal defect
lated on the inside and outside surfaces of a pipe and mean length is small. The effect of the longitudinal defect length
stress value was obtained. on bending stress increases as it increases. Bending stress
Bending moment was applied at the end of the pipe. The increases to the bending stress at 2C ¼ 3601 as the
nodes on the pipe end were coupled to the central node and longitudinal defect length increases.
the bending moment was applied at the central node. The From the elastic stress analysis we can find the following
central node is the point located at the center of the pipe on features:
the pipe end plane as shown in Fig. 2. The pipe length was
taken to be long enough so that the stresses were (a) Bending stress decreases as Lm(a) increases when pure
independent of the details of the pipe end. bending moment is applied.
Bending stresses of wall-thinned pipes were obtained for (b) When 2C ¼ 3601, bending stress is constant regardless
specified values of the longitudinal defect length ratio of Lm(a). The constant value scf can be calculated from
(Lm(a)/L1), the defect depth ratio (taloc/tmin) and the the following simple equation:
circumferential defect length 2C for the material and
geometrical data given in Table 1. The stress results were
tabulated so that bending stress for an arbitrary size of scf ¼ , (4)
defect can be obtained using the linear interpolation. Part pR2min taloc
of the bending stress results for the data of the burst test
CS-13 in Table 1 are given in Figs. 3–5. The bending stress where M is the applied bending moment.
is the mean of two stresses on the inner and outer pipe (c) As Lm(a) decreases, bending stress increases to the value
surfaces. In the figures, the stress values are divided by when 2C ¼ 3601.
sbðno flawÞ , the stress for an intact pipe. The stress sbðno flawÞ (d) When Lm(a) is small and taloc =tmin 40:3, bending stress
is also the mean of two stresses on the inner and outer is nearly constant regardless of 2C except the case when
surfaces and obtained from the finite element analysis. the thickness is very small.
624 J.H. Park et al. / International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping 85 (2008) 620–627

25 25
20 2C=45ο 20
σb(flaw)/σb(no flaw)

σb(flaw)/σb(no flaw)
15 15 2C=180ο
10 10

5 5

0 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2
Lm(a)/L1 taloc / tmin

15 15
10 2C=180ο 10
σb(flaw)/σb(no flaw)

σb(flaw)/σb(no flaw)


5 5

0 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2
Lm(a)/L1 taloc / tmin

10 10
2C=45ο 2C=15ο

2C=90ο 2C=45ο

2C=180ο 2C=90ο
σb(flaw)/σb(no flaw)
σb(flaw)/σb(no flaw)

2C=360ο 2C=180ο

5 5 2C=360ο

0 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2
Lm(a)/L1 taloc / tmin

Fig. 3. Variation of bending stress as a function of the longitudinal defect Fig. 4. Bending stress as a function of the remaining thickness when
length when (a) taloc/tmin ¼ 0.1, (b) taloc/tmin ¼ 0.3 and (c) taloc/tmin ¼ 0.5. (a) Lm(a)/L1 ¼ 0.2, (b) Lm(a)/L1 ¼ 1.0 and (c) Lm(a)/L1 ¼ 6.0.
J.H. Park et al. / International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping 85 (2008) 620–627 625

find the allowable local thickness when Lm(a) and Lm(t)

25 (or 2C) are given. When the stress from pressure is much
larger than the bending stress, correction is not necessary.
20 Method A may be used regardless of the circumferential
defect length. When the bending stress is not small
σb(flaw)/σb(no flaw)

compared with other stresses, the allowable local thickness

15 can be obtained using the following procedures:
10 (a) The problem is to obtain the allowable local thickness
Lm(a)/L1=1.0 taloc when LmðaÞ ¼ ðLmðaÞ Þgiven and LmðtÞ ¼ ðLmðtÞ Þgiven .
Lm(a)/L1=3.0 (b) Assuming small Lm(t) (or 2C), obtain the allowable
5 Lm(a)/L1=6.0 local thickness ðtaloc Þs usingMethod A in CC N-597-2
Lm(a)/L1=12.0 for the given Lm(a).
0 (c) Using the elastic bending stress results, obtain the
0 90 180 270 360 bending stress (sb)s when LmðtÞ ¼ L1 , LmðaÞ ¼
2C(degrees) ðLmðaÞ Þgiven and thickness is ðtaloc Þs . If necessary, the
linear interpolation is used. Here L1 is the upper limit
of the circumferential defect length for which Method
Lm(a)/L1=0.2 A can be applied.
Lm(a)/L1=0.4 (d) Using the elastic bending stress results, obtain the
8 Lm(a)/L1=1.0 thickness that gives the same bending stress (sb)s when
LmðaÞ ¼ ðLmðaÞ Þgiven and LmðtÞ ¼ ðLmðtÞ Þgiven .
σb(flaw)/σb(no flaw)

(e) The thickness obtained in step (d) is the allowable local
thickness, taloc, when LmðaÞ ¼ ðLmðaÞ Þgiven and LmðtÞ ¼
ðLmðtÞ Þgiven .
The idea of this proposal is as follows. When
ðLmðtÞ Þgiven 4L1 , Method A cannot be used to obtain the
allowable local thickness. So, first it is assumed that
LmðtÞ ¼ L1 , then the allowable local thickness can be
0 obtained from Method A. And bending stress is calculated
0 90 180 270 360 from the stress results table. Let the stress be (sb)s. If Lm(t)
2C(degrees) increases from L1, the bending stress also increases from
(sb)s. In order to maintain the same stress as (sb)s, the
Fig. 5. Bending stress as a function of the circumferential defect length
when (a) taloc/tmin ¼ 0.1 and (b) taloc/tmin ¼ 0.5.
thickness must be increased. The proposed allowable local
thickness is the thickness with which the stress becomes
(sb)s when LmðtÞ ¼ ðLmðtÞ Þgiven . During the whole procedure
Lm(a) maintains the constant value as LmðaÞ ¼ ðLmðaÞ Þgiven .
(e) The effect of Lm(a) on bending stresses depends on the The allowable local thickness was obtained using the
ratio taloc =tmin . The effect of Lm(a) increases as the ratio proposed method. Since the allowable local thickness
taloc =tmin decreases. depends on the pipe geometry and material properties,
the data sets in Table 1 and Ref. [11] gave different
Here descriptions from (a) to (d) are for the case when the allowable local thickness values. The data of the burst test
defect thickness is fixed. CS-13 in Table 1 gave the largest allowable local thickness
values compared with two other cases. Since the allowable
4. Proposed allowable local thickness local thickness values depend on the geometrical and
material data, it is possible for other data sets to give larger
Method A in CC N-597-2 gives the allowable local thickness values than those of the burst test CS-13.
thickness when 2C is small, but there is a restriction on 2C. However, since the data set of the burst test CS-13 has a
This is because nuclear plant pipelines may include more very small tmin =tnom value, the allowable local thickness
bending loads than usual pipelines. It is well known that values obtained from the burst test CS-13 can be used as
the effect of 2C is very small when only inner pressure is reference values.
applied as external load. So the maximum effect of 2C may The obtained allowable local thickness values are
be the case when only bending moment is applied as the compared with the values obtained from other methods.
external force. Fig. 6 shows the obtained results for the case when
A very simple method was proposed in order to remove tmin ¼ 5.08 mm, Rmin ¼ 80.0 mm and Lm(a) ¼ 20 mm and
the restriction on Lm(t) in Method A. The objective is to the longitudinal defect length, 2C, varies from 11 to 701.
626 J.H. Park et al. / International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping 85 (2008) 620–627

1.0 1.0

0.8 0.8

0.6 0.6
taloc / tmin

taloc / tmin
0.4 0.4

Method A
Method B Method A
0.2 0.2
Method C Method C
Prop. Method Prop. Method
0.0 0.0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 0 10 20 30 40 50
2C(degrees) 2C(degrees)

Fig. 6. Allowable local thickness when Lm(a) ¼ 20 mm. Fig. 7. Allowable local thickness when Lm(a) ¼ 50 mm.

Method A
The shape of the defect region was assumed to be Method C
rectangular on the y–z plane. So the maximum extent of 2C=20°
local thinned area, Lm, was obtained from L2m ¼ 0.8 2C=30°
L2mðaÞ þ L2mðtÞ . The allowable local thickness values calcu- 2C=60°
lated using other methods are also given in the figure. As 2C=90°
taloc / tmin

indicated by Park et al. [5], the allowable local thickness 0.6

shows discontinuity between the methods and shows a
contradiction that the allowable local thickness decreases 0.4
as 2C increases within a certain range of 2C. The values
from the proposed method, which are denoted as ‘‘Prop.
Method’’, are also given in the figure. It can be noted that 0.2
the proposed method gives thickness less than the values
from Methods B and C when 2C is small. But it gives larger
thickness than Method C when 2C is greater than 431. And 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
the proposed method gives continuously growing thickness Lm(a) / L1
values as 2C increases.
Fig. 7 shows another result when Lm(a) ¼ 50 mm. The Fig. 8. Proposed allowable local thickness.
values of tmin and Rmin are the same as those in Fig. 6. It
can be noted that the thickness obtained using the
proposed method increases continuously from the value 5. Conclusions
of Method A to the value of Method C.
Fig. 8 presents the allowable local thickness values A new simple method to obtain the allowable local
obtained from the data of the burst test CS-13 as a function thickness of wall-thinned straight pipes was suggested
of Lm(a)/L1. When Lm(a)/L1 and 2C values are given, the based on the elastic bending stress results of the finite
allowable local thickness can be obtained from Fig. 8 element analysis.
without any other calculation. For comparison, those
values from Method A and Method C are also denoted in 1. General allowable local thickness values are presented
the figure. as curves. Using the curves the allowable local thickness
Excluding the case when Lm(a)/L1 is very small, the can be obtained beyond the restriction on defect
proposed allowable local thickness has the value between transverse extent in CC N-597-2. The curves give non-
the two values from Method A and Method C for the given contradictory smooth thickness values as the transverse
Lm(a)/L1 when 2C is less than 301. When Lm(a)/L1 is very extent of a local thinned area increases.
small, the proposed allowable local thickness has greater 2. When simple bending moment is applied on the pipe,
values than those from Methods A and C. And it can be bending stress decreases as the longitudinal defect length
noted that there is a range of Lm(a)/L1 where the proposed increases for the same circumferential defect length.
allowable local thickness has greater value than that from 3. When simple bending moment is applied on the pipe,
Method C when 2C is greater than 601. bending stress increases as the circumferential defect
J.H. Park et al. / International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping 85 (2008) 620–627 627

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