HEI (EJE) - Critical Air Flow

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The air equivalent of the 200 lbs per hour of mix- HEI flow nozzles per Figure 19 provide the basis
ture is igg (from Figure 16) ;:;: 435 lbs per hour. for all calculations in this standard. At the manufac-
turers option either critical flow or subcritical flow,
If the temperature of the 200 lbs per hour of or both, may be used. See paragragh 2.1 for a defini-
mixture is 400 degrees, the 70°F air equivalent is tion of critical and subcritical flow.
9~~15% (from Figure 15) = 4721bs per hour. Critical Flow
5.3.5 Mixtures of Gases Including Steam With critical flow, the air flow rate through these
When the specified mixtures of gases include HEI type flow nozzles shall be calculated by using
steam, the 70°F air equivalent of the steam compo- the following equation:*
nent is calculated as indicated in paragraph 5.3.2 W ;:;: 1503 CDn 2P I (1)
above; and, the 70°F air equivalent of the other gases
is calculated as indicated in paragraph 5.3.4 above; a YT I
and, the two 70°F air equivalents are added. where:
The ejector may be tested with dry air at normal w ;:;: Air flow rate, lb/hr
room temperature or with steam at any convenient
temperature or with a mixture of dry air at normal C = Nozzle coefficient
room temperature and steam at any convenient tem-
perature, at the manufactureris option. The 70°F D'n = Diameter of nozzle throat, in.
air equivalents of the test capacities established are PI ::: Upstream static pressure, psia
then calculated by the methods outlined in para-
graphs 5.3.1, 5.3.2, or 5.3.3 above. TI = Upstream temperature, OR

5.4 Test Loads

5.4.1 Number of Test Points
Before readings are taken, the ejector shall be run * For gases which follow perfect gas laws, the basic equa-
until steady state conditions are reached so that no tion for critical flow through a nozzle is:
systemic changes occur in the instrument readings
during the test.
The relation of the test load at the design point to
W, ; 1890 CD.' Z' '\IT sp

the design capacity shall be determined as follows:

(a) By establishing not less than three load values
spaced to bracket the design capacity within plus or Wa = Flow rate, Ib/hr
minus 20%. C = Nozzle coefficient
(b) Making all necessary corrections to test load Dn ;:;: Diameter of nozzle throat, in
values to convert them to 70°F air equivalent values.
p1 = Upstream static pressure, psia
(c) Plotting these 70°F air equivalent values versus
suction pressure and discharge pressure and drawing T1 = Upstream temperature, OR
a curve through them similar to that shown in Figure Vsp ;:;: Upstream specific volume, ftHlb
Z I = Expansion factor
5.4.2 Dry Air Tests

The device employed to measure the flow rate of
air handled by the ejector will vary between equip- _ 2 ) k : l (._ k
ment manufacturers, but the approved flow mea- ( k+l k+l
surement devices are listed and shall reference the
appropriate standard for calibration. Orifice meth-
od; HEr, AS ME and Square Edge Orifices can be
Z' ; [1- ~4 (k:1) k:1] V,
employed. Flow meter method; rotary piston or tur- where:
bine type offlow meter canbe employed.
k = Ratio of specific heats
13 = Ratio of nozzle diameter to pipe diameter
. T1 .
For dry au V ;:;: - - - and k = 1.400.
lIP 2.699P l
With the critical flow testing arrangement recommended,
13 approaches zero so the Z' is equal to 0.484 and equation
(2) reduces to equation (1).


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