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Lactobacillus reuteri DSM 17938 in Infantile Colic: A Randomized, Double-Blind,

Placebo-Controlled Trial
Francesco Savino, Lisa Cordisco, Valentina Tarasco, Elisabetta Palumeri, Roberto
Calabrese, Roberto Oggero, Stefan Roos and Diego Matteuzzi
Pediatrics 2010;126;e526; originally published online August 16, 2010;
DOI: 10.1542/peds.2010-0433

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published, and trademarked by the American Academy of Pediatrics, 141 Northwest Point
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of Pediatrics. All rights reserved. Print ISSN: 0031-4005. Online ISSN: 1098-4275.

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Lactobacillus reuteri DSM 17938 in Infantile Colic: A
Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial
WHAT’S KNOWN ON THIS SUBJECT: This article reports a clinical AUTHORS: Francesco Savino, MD, PhD,a Lisa Cordisco,
research on infantile colic and it’s an eagerly awaited follow-up PhD,b Valentina Tarasco, MD,a Elisabetta Palumeri, MD,a
to an article published in Pediatrics in 2007. The earlier study Roberto Calabrese, BSc,a Roberto Oggero, MD,a Stefan
generated interest among physicians but had the weakness of Roos, PhD,c and Diego Matteuzzi, PhDb
aDepartment of Pediatrics, Regina Margherita Children Hospital,
not being a double-blind, placebo-controlled study.
University of Turin, Turin, Italy; bDepartment of Pharmaceutical
Sciences, University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy; and cDepartment
WHAT THIS STUDY ADDS: Data are presented from a of Microbiology, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences,
prospective, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study Uppsala, Sweden
in breastfed colicky infants. The benefit of supplementation with KEY WORDS
L reuteri DSM 17 938 was clearly demonstrated, and Lactobacillus reuteri, infantile colic, FISH, gut microflora,
microbiological analysis of the infants’ feces revealed a Escherichia coli
modification in gut microbiota. ABBREVIATIONS
FISH—fluorescence in situ hybridization
IQR—interquartile range
This trial has been registered at www.clinicaltrials.gov
(identifier 00893711).
abstract Dr Savino had primary responsibility for protocol development
as principal investigator, and he wrote the manuscript; Dr Cor-
OBJECTIVE: To test the efficacy of Lactobacillus reuteri on infantile disco performed the microbiological analysis, in particular the
colic and to evaluate its relationship to the gut microbiota. analysis of bacterial groups by FISH technique and of fecal am-
monia; Dr Tarasco participated in the development of the proto-
STUDY DESIGN: Fifty exclusively breastfed colicky infants, diagnosed col and in writing the manuscript and she was responsible for
according to modified Wessel’s criteria, were randomly assigned to the screening of patients, enrollment, and outcome assessment;
receive either L reuteri DSM 17 938 (108 colony-forming units) or pla- Dr Palumeri participated in the development of the protocol and
in writing the manuscript; Mr Calabrese performed the final
cebo daily for 21 days. Parental questionnaires monitored daily crying data analysis; Dr Oggero contributed to writing the manuscript;
time and adverse effects. Stool samples were collected for microbio- Dr Roos performed the microbiological analysis, in particular
logic analysis. the analysis of fecal L reuteri DSM 17 938; and Dr Matteuzzi had
primary responsibility for microbiological analysis and contrib-
RESULTS: Forty-six infants (L reuteri group: 25; placebo group: 21) uted to writing the manuscript.
completed the trial. Daily crying times in minutes/day (median [inter- www.pediatrics.org/cgi/doi/10.1542/peds.2010-0433
quartile range]) were 370 (120) vs 300 (150) (P ⫽ .127) on day 0 and doi:10.1542/peds.2010-0433
35.0 (85) vs 90.0 (148) (P ⫽ .022) on day 21, in the L reuteri and placebo
Accepted for publication May 27, 2010
groups, respectively. Responders (50% reduction in crying time from
Address correspondence to Francesco Savino, MD, PhD,
baseline) were significantly higher in the L reuteri group versus pla- Department of Pediatrics, Regina Margherita Children Hospital,
cebo group on days 7 (20 vs 8; P ⫽ .006), 14 (24 vs 13; P ⫽ .007), and 21 Piazza Polonia, 94 10126 Turin, Italy. E-mail: francesco.savino@
(24 vs 15; P ⫽ .036). During the study, there was a significant increase unito.it
in fecal lactobacilli (P ⫽ .002) and a reduction in fecal Escherichia coli PEDIATRICS (ISSN Numbers: Print, 0031-4005; Online, 1098-4275).
and ammonia in the L reuteri group only (P ⫽ .001). There were no Copyright © 2010 by the American Academy of Pediatrics
differences in weight gain, stooling frequency, or incidence of consti- FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE: The authors have indicated they have
pation or regurgitation between groups, and no adverse events related no financial relationships relevant to this article to disclose.

to the supplementation were observed.

CONCLUSION: L. reuteri DSM 17 938 at a dose of 108 colony-forming
units per day in early breastfed infants improved symptoms of infantile
colic and was well tolerated and safe. Gut microbiota changes induced
by the probiotic could be involved in the observed clinical improve-
ment. Pediatrics 2010;126:e526–e533

e526 SAVINO et al
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Infantile colic, defined as paroxysmal, unwanted plasmid-borne resistances. the start, and written informed con-
excessive, and inconsolable crying The daughter strain retained the probi- sent was obtained from parents be-
without an identifiable cause in an oth- otic properties and its safety and fore inclusion of the infants.
erwise healthy newborn infant, is com- tolerance in adults.11 The present
mon in the first 3 months of life.1,2 The randomized, double-blind, placebo- Study Objectives and Outcomes
classic definition of infantile colic is controlled study was designed to con- Primary outcome was defined as a re-
based on the rule of threes: fussy cry- firm this clinical finding and relate it duction of average crying time to ⬍3
ing that lasts for ⱖ3 hours per day; for to changes in fecal microbiologic hours a day (the cutoff proposed by
ⱖ3 days per week; and for a minimum profiles. Wessel) on day 21. Secondary outcome
of 3 weeks.3 Colic affects 3% to 28% of was defined as the number of respond-
infants, causing considerable stress MATERIALS AND METHODS ers in each group on days 7, 14, and 21.
and concern for parents,4 and the Subjects Responders (defined in the protocol)
pathogenesis of the condition remains were those who experienced a de-
This randomized, controlled, double- crease in the daily average crying time
elusive, although evidence suggests
blind study was performed on 50 of 50% from baseline. In addition, the
multiple independent causes.2 The role
breastfed infants (29 boys) who were intestinal microflora of the infants was
of an aberrant intestinal microflora
consecutively recruited from general analyzed to determine the effect of the
has recently been reproposed to affect
pediatricians and outpatients at the probiotic on selected intestinal micro-
gut motor function and gas production
Department of Pediatrics, University of biota (E coli, Clostridium butyricum,
that lead to colicky behavior.5 In-
Turin (Regina Margherita Children Lactobacillus, and Bifidobacterium),
creased presence of hydrogen gas Hospital) between March 2008 and Au-
produced by anaerobic Gram-negative by using fluorescence in situ hybridiza-
gust 2009. All infants were diagnosed tion (FISH).
bacteria and lower counts and specific with infantile colic according to the fol-
colonization patterns of intestinal lac- lowing modified Wessel’s criteria: epi- Study Design and Sample
tobacilli have been found in colicky in- sodes of fussy crying that lasted ⱖ3 Collection
fants.6,7 Recently, coliform bacteria, hours a day and episodes that lasted
particularly Escherichia coli, were Colicky infants were randomly as-
for ⱖ3 days in the 1 week before en- signed to receive L reuteri DSM 17 938
found to be more abundant in the feces rollment. All were born at term, ade- or placebo by using a computer-
of colicky infants, suggesting a role for quate for gestational age (birth generated randomization list created
coliform colonic fermentation and con- weight: 2500 – 4000 g), and aged 2 to 16 by an independent departmental
sequent excessive intraintestinal air weeks at recruitment. Only exclusively statistician (Mr Calabrese). Random-
production, aerophagia, and pain, typ- breastfed infants were enrolled to pre- ization was performed by the random-
ical in crying infants.8 Rhoads et al9 vent variability in the intestinal micro- digit method, based on computer-
demonstrated elevated levels of fecal biota caused by diet. At enrollment, generated numbers. We used a
calprotectin and a higher levels of mothers were encouraged to avoid 2-treatment randomization scheme
Klebsiella in these patients, further cow’s milk in their diet, and adherence with random block of varying size
supporting a role of the microbiota. was confirmed during the follow-up (Stata 9 [Stata Corp, College Station,
Previously, in a prospective random- visit. Exclusion criteria were clinical TX] Ralloc procedure). The pediatri-
ized study, supplementation with the evidence of chronic illness or gastroin- cian allocated the next available prod-
probiotic Lactobacillus reuteri ATCC testinal disorders, any intake of probi- uct on entry into the trial, and each
55 730 improved colicky symptoms in otics and/or antibiotics in the week patient received the study product di-
breastfed infants within 1 week of preceding recruitment, and any rectly from the department. Active
treatment compared with treatment formula-feeding. Because gastro- study product consisted of a suspen-
with simethicone.10 Recently, this esophageal reflux was an exclusion sion of freeze-dried L reuteri DSM
strain was found to carry specific, un- criterion, no acid blockers were used 17 938 in a mixture of sunflower oil and
usual, potentially transferable resis- in any of the infants who completed medium-chain triglyceride oil supplied
tance traits for tetracycline and linco- this study. in a 5-mL dark bottle fitted with a drop-
mycin, which led to the development of The study was approved by the local per cap. The placebo was identical in
a new daughter strain, L reuteri DSM ethics committee (Comitato Intera- appearance and taste but without the
17 938 derived from L reuteri ATCC ziendale AA.SS.OO. O.I.R.M./S. Anna- live bacteria. Both formulations were
55 730 by the natural removal of these Ordine Mauriziano di Torino) before administered in 5 drops, once a day, 30

PEDIATRICS Volume 126, Number 3, September 2010 e527

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minutes before the feed in the morn- Analysis of Bacterial Groups by Statistical Analysis
ing, for 21 days. During the study, par- FISH The sample size was calculated to find
ents were instructed to refrigerate the Intestinal bacterial groups were enu- a clinically relevant difference in the
product when it was not in use. The merated using specific FISH commer- reduction in daily average crying time
bottles were coded and blinded by cial kits (Microscreen B.V.; Microbial of 50 minutes between groups. With
the study statistician for both the par- Diagnostics, Groningen, Netherlands) ␣ ⫽ .05, ␤ ⫽ 0.20, and an estimated SD
ticipants and for the physicians, and for the Lactobacillus group (Lactoba- within groups of 55 minutes, 20 pa-
the code was revealed to the investi- cillus 10-ME-H006), the Bifidobacte- tients were needed per group. Twenty-
gators once recruitment, data collec- rium genus (Bifidobacterium 10-ME- five subjects per group were enrolled
tion, and all laboratory and statistical H001), E coli group (Escherichia 1 coli to allow for a 20% dropout rate.
analyses were complete. 10-ME-H004), and C butyricum (C bu- Data are shown as mean ⫾ SD or me-
At enrollment (day 0), parents were in- tyricum 10-ME-H009). Slides were enu- dian and interquartile range (IQR) for
terviewed about gestational age, type merated in triplicate using a Nikon continuous variables as appropriate
of delivery, birth weight, presence of Eclipse E-600 epifluorescence micro- and as number and percentage for cat-
gastrointestinal disease, and crying scope equipped with a mercury arc lamp egorical variables. Differences be-
time. Medical examinations were per- (HBO, 100 W [Nikon, Tokyo, Japan]) tween groups were evaluated by Stu-
formed, and growth parameters were and the fluorescein isothiocyanate– dent’s t test for independent samples
recorded at baseline and day 21. Par- specific filter Nikon BA 520. Depending or by Mann-Whitney test as appropri-
ents were asked to fill in a structured on the number of fluorescent cells, ate, and associations between cate-
diary to record the daily crying time 30 to 100 microscopic fields were gorical variables were evaluated by
(minutes), stool characteristics and counted and averaged in each slide. Fisher’s exact test. The Wilcoxon test
frequency, and any adverse effects ob- and Friedman test were used to evalu-
served (constipation, vomiting, and cu- Analysis of Fecal L reuteri DSM ate differences between paired sam-
taneous reactions) on each day of the 17 938 ples for continuous variables when ap-
study. To assess tolerance, growth pa- Fecal samples were thawed at room propriate. Differences in the bacterial
rameters (weight gain per day), stool- temperature, and 0.3 to 0.5 g was sus- concentrations between day 21 and
ing characteristics (frequency and pended in a peptone water (10% wt/vol) day 0 were analyzed by using the
consistency), symptoms of digestive solution. This suspension was further di- Mann-Whitney test. Responder data
intolerance (constipation, regurgita- luted 1:10 in peptone water and plated also were analyzed on an intention-to-
tion, or vomiting), and frequency of ad- on Rogosa agar (Oxoid, Cambridge, treat basis, in which the infants who
verse events during the treatment pe- United Kingdom]) supplemented with 2 dropped out all were regarded as re-
riod were evaluated. Adverse events, ␮g/mL ampicillin (Sigma-Aldrich, Stock- sponders because all belonged to the
defined as illnesses, signs, or symp- holm, Sweden]) to selectively grow L re- placebo group. All reported P values
toms that occurred or got worse dur- uteri strains with ampicillin resistance. are 2-sided, and differences were con-
ing the course of the study, were as- Plates were incubated at 37°C for 48 sidered to be significant when P ⬍ .05.
sessed through parental interview in hours anaerobically (AnaeroGen, Cam- Data were analyzed by using SPSS 16
their daily records. A general linear brigde, United Kingdom]). Colonies (5 (SPSS Inc, Chicago, IL), and sample size
model for repeated measures was per plate) were analyzed using strain- calculation was performed by NCSS-
used to assess differences in growth specific polymerase chain reaction as- PASS 2000 (Number Cruncher Statisti-
parameters between groups at the dif- says as described by Egervärn et al,12 cal Systems, Kaysville, UT).
ferent time points (day 0 –21). with the modification that the DreamTaq
Follow-up visits were performed by the green PCR master mix kit (Fermentas,
same pediatrician on day 7 and 21. Burlington, Ontario, Canada) was used. Efficacy
Feces samples (10 –15 g) for microbi- A total of 126 infants were eligible for
ologic analysis were collected by the Analysis of Fecal Ammonia inclusion. Subjects whose parents did
investigators from each subject, di- Fecal ammonia was determined colori- not give informed consent (n ⫽ 30)
rectly from the diaper or anus, at en- metrically according to Searcy et al13 and those who did not meet the inclu-
rollment and on day 21. Samples by using an enzymatic colorimetric sion criteria (n ⫽ 46) were excluded.
(blinded) were immediately placed at test (Urea/BUN—Color [BioSystems The remaining 50 breastfed colicky in-
⫺20°C and stored until analyzed. S.A., Barcelona, Spain]).14 fants were equally distributed be-

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tween the L reuteri and placebo TABLE 1 Baseline Characteristics of Participants in the Study Groups
groups by the randomization proce- Variable Placebo (N ⫽ 25) L reuteri (N ⫽ 25) P
dure (Fig 1). Four patients (all in pla- Type of delivery (cesarean), n (%) 6 (25) 13 (52) .079a
cebo group) were excluded from the Male, n (%) 14 (56) 15 (60) .999a
Age at entry, median (IQR), d 28.5 (21) 32.5 (21) .382b
analysis for the following reasons: fe- Family history of gastrointestinal diseases (yes), n (%) 8 (32) 6 (24) .754a
ver (1 patient); failure to complete the Family history of atopy (yes), n (%) 9 (36) 12 (48) .567a
diary (2 patients); and gastroesopha- Entry weight, mean ⫾ SD, g 4378.5 ⫾ 795.0 4418.4 ⫾ 723.6 .854c
Entry length, mean ⫾ SD, cm 54.4 ⫾ 2.4 54.4 ⫾ 2.6 .999c
geal reflux (1 patient). Forty-six infants Entry head circumference, mean ⫾ SD, cm 37.3 ⫾ 1.5 36.9 ⫾ 1.4 .286c
completed the study (25 in the L reuteri Entry stool frequency, median (IQR) 4.8 (2.4) 3.5 (3.1) .146b
group and 21 in the placebo group). a Fisher’s exact test.
b Mann-Whitney test.
There were no withdrawals attribut- c Student’s t test.

able to any adverse effect related to

the trial.
There were no significant differences between the groups: 370 (IQR: 120) vs with placebo: 35 (IQR: 85) vs 90.0 (IQR:
between the groups regarding type of 300 (IQR: 150) in the L reuteri and pla- 148) minutes/day, respectively (P ⫽
delivery, gender, age on entry, family cebo groups, respectively (P ⫽ .127). .022) (Table 2). At enrollment, all in-
history of gastrointestinal diseases or Among colicky infants who received fants had ⬎180 minutes crying per day
atopy, or growth parameters (Table 1). the probiotic there was a significant in both groups as defined by the inclu-
At enrollment, there was no difference reduction in daily crying time at the sion criteria. By day 21, the number of
in median crying time (minutes/day) end of the study (day 21) compared subjects that had crying times ⬎ 180
minutes was significantly lower in the
L reuteri group compared with the pla-
cebo group (4 vs 12, respectively; P ⫽
There was a significantly higher num-
ber of responders in the probiotic
group compared with placebo on days
7 (20 vs 8; P ⫽ .006), 14 (24 vs 13; P ⫽
.007), and 21 (24 vs 15; P ⫽ .036) (Fig
2). Intention-to-treat analysis revealed
that the number of responders in the L
reuteri group was always significantly
higher than in the placebo group (day
7: 21 vs 11; P ⫽ .007; day 14: 24 vs 16;
P ⫽ .011; day 21: 24 vs 18; P ⫽ .049).

TABLE 2 Crying Time in the L reuteri and

Placebo Groups
Day L reuteri Placebo Pa
of (N ⫽ 25), (N ⫽ 21),
Study Median Median
(IQR), min/d (IQR), min/d
0 370 (120) 300 (150) .127
7 95 (85) 185 (149) .082
14 60 (70) 150 (145) .099
21 35 (85) 90 (148) .022
Crying time was assessed by using daily parental report-
FIGURE 1 ing in structured diaries.
Patient enrollment and study progress. a Mann-Whitney test.

PEDIATRICS Volume 126, Number 3, September 2010 e529

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Safety and Tolerance
Growth was significant in both groups
as shown by weight, length, and head
circumference (P ⬍ .001) (Table 5),
with no significant differences be-
tween the groups, and average weight
gain was similar between the L reuteri
and placebo groups (median g/day
were 34.3 (IQR: 16.1) and 29.9 (IQR:
19.4), respectively; P ⫽ .140). Gastroin-
Effectiveness (number of responders) of L reuteri versus placebo during the study. Infants were testinal function was similar between
classified as responders if they experienced a decrease in the daily average crying time (in minutes) the groups (Table 6). Adverse events
of 50% from the baseline measurement. The bars show the percentage of responders in each group
on days 7, 14, and 21 of supplementation. Statistical analysis was performed by using the Mann- reported during the study were rhini-
Whitney test. a Day 7, P ⫽ .006; b day 14, P ⫽ .007; and c day 21, P ⫽ .036. tis (L reuteri group, n ⫽ 1), eczema
(placebo group, n ⫽ 1), fever (placebo
Microbiologic Analysis of Fecal Analysis of Fecal L reuteri DSM 17 938 group, n ⫽ 1), otalgy (placebo group,
Cultures n ⫽ 1), and gastroesophageal reflux
Fecal samples were analyzed in 26 of
(placebo group, n ⫽ 1). All were
Microbial Groups in Fecal Cultures the 50 infants (13 from each group,
deemed unrelated to study product.
when samples were available). Twelve
Fecal counts of Lactobacillus, bi-
fidobacteria, and Clostridium butyri- of the 13 infants who were given the
cum species were similar between the probiotic were found to have fecal L
reuteri DSM 17 938 on day 21 (Fig 3), Increasing evidence of efficacy from
groups, but the levels of E coli were
whereas none of the infants who re- well-controlled clinical trials with cer-
higher in the L reuteri group at the be-
ceived placebo had detectable L reuteri tain probiotic lactic acid bacterial
ginning of the study (Table 3). There
DSM 17 938. The mean level of L reuteri strains is leading to extended use of
was a significant reduction in E coli in
the probiotic group compared with the DSM 17 938 in these infants was 2.8 ⫻ these dietary supplements in clinical
placebo group (⫺6.55 ⫻ 107 [IQR: 4.87 104 colony-forming units per g of feces. practice. Recent demonstration that
⫻ 108] vs 4.30 ⫻ 105 [IQR: 4.35 ⫻ 107], the gut microbiota and exogenous pro-
respectively; P ⫽ .001) during the Fecal Ammonia Concentration biotics have a strong influence on gut
course of the study. Lactobacilli were Fecal ammonia concentration (mg/L function, through immunophysiologi-
found to be significantly increased in reuteri) on day 0 was 1.44 (IQR: 3.15) cal regulation in the intestinal mucosal
the L reuteri versus placebo group and 2.59 (IQR: 2.56) in the placebo and L barrier, opens new perspectives in nu-
(4.07 ⫻ 105 [IQR: 4.98 ⫻ 106] vs 0 ⫻ 100 reuteri groups, respectively (P ⫽ trition.15 For infants, the aim of probi-
[IQR: 3.27 ⫻ 104]; P ⫽ .002). There were .064). There was a significant reduc- otic supplementation is to provide a
no observed differences for Bifidobac- tion in fecal ammonia in the probiotic safe yet sufficient microbial stimulus
teria (P ⫽ .907) or C butyricum (P ⫽ group during the study compared with for the immature immune system,
.458) (Tables 3 and 4). the placebo group (Tables 3 and 4). which contributes to the anti-

TABLE 3 Bacterial Species per Gram of Feces and Ammonia Concentrations at the Start and End of the Study
At Day 0 At Day 21
Placebo L reuteri Placebo L reuteri
Median (IQR) P Median (IQR) P Median (IQR) P Median (IQR) P
Bacteria/variable, species
per g
E coli 2.49 ⫻ 106 (4.53 ⫻ 107) .006 1.54 ⫻ 108 (6.61 ⫻ 106) .006 2.85 ⫻ 107 (1.78 ⫻ 108) .181 2.70 ⫻ 107 (4.19 ⫻ 108) .181
C butyricum 1.84 ⫻ 106 (6.79 ⫻ 107) .562 4.26 ⫻ 106 (2.62 ⫻ 107) .562 2.70 ⫻ 105 (7.79 ⫻ 106) .377 1.96 ⫻ 106 (4.83 ⫻ 107) .377
Lactobacillus 8.20 ⫻ 103 (2.10 ⫻ 105) .988 8.40 ⫻ 103 (3.00 ⫻ 105) .988 9.99 ⫻ 102 (7.00 ⫻ 105) .015 4.15 ⫻ 105 (7.21 ⫻ 106) .015
Bifidobacteria 2.28 ⫻ 109 (6.20 ⫻ 109) .638 2.26 ⫻ 109 (4.60 ⫻ 109) .638 2.85 ⫻ 109 (9.80 ⫻ 109) .717 3.19 ⫻ 109 (4.70 ⫻ 109) .717
Ammonia, mg/L 1.44 (3.15) .064 2.59 (2.56) .064 1.65 (3.12) .665 1.05 (1.74) .665
Fecal bacteria genus and species were analyzed by using FISH. The number of fecal samples for each analysis was 2. P was calculated by using the Mann-Whitney test.

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TABLE 4 Bacterial Species per Gram of Feces and Ammonia Concentration Variation From 21 to 0 analysis of responders revealed that
Day in the Study Groups
the effect was observed at least at day
Difference Between Days 21 and Day 0, Median (IQR) P
7, although significance was not quite
Placebo L reuteri reached when compared with actual
Bacteria/variable, species crying times before day 21, which also
per g
E coli 4.30 ⫻ 105 (4.35 ⫻ 107) ⫺6.55 ⫻ 107 (4.87 ⫻ 108) .001
confirms earlier observations.10
C butyricum ⫺1.00 ⫻ 100 (5.91 ⫻ 106) 0.00 ⫻ 100 (1.52 ⫻ 107) .458 Possible mechanisms of the action of L
Lactobacillus 0.00 ⫻ 100 (3.27 ⫻ 104) 4.07 ⫻ 105 (4.98 ⫻ 106) .002
Bifidobacteria 0.00 ⫻ 100 (3.09 ⫻ 109) 2.19 ⫻ 108 (2.52 ⫻ 109) .907
reuteri include an improvement in gut
Ammonia, mg/L 0.33 (0.81) ⫺1.10 (1.60) ⬍.001 motility and function17 and direct ef-
The number of fecal samples for each analysis was 2. P was calculated by using the Mann-Whitney test. fects on visceral pain,18,19 both of which
may induce a calming effect and re-
duced crying in infants. IKunze et al18
hypothesized that probiotic effects could
be mediated by their action on colonic
intrinsic sensory neurons. They demon-
strated in animal models that L reuteri
ingestion increased myenteric AH neu-
ron (an enteric neuron with an afterhy-
perpolarizing potential following an ac-
tion potential) excitability while reducing
the size of slow afterhyperpolarization,
mediated through intermediate conduc-
tance calcium-dependent K⫹ channel
opening. n addition, Wang et al19 demon-
strated that L reuteri ingestion could
enhance tonic inhibition of rat colon
contractile activity by acting via the inter-
mediate conductance calcium-
dependent K⫹ channel current in myen-
teric AH cells. They speculated that
modulation of motility via AH cell excit-
L reuteri DSM 17 938 colonies recovered from feces of infant in the L reuteri DSM 17 938 –supple- ability could be a pathway through which
mented group. Shown are colonies of L reuteri DSM 17 938 recovered from the feces sample from an probiotics influence extrinsic sensory
infant in the L reuteri group on day 21. The colonies were grown on Rogosa agar supplemented with neurons and thus central nervous sys-
2 ␮g/mL ampicillin to selectively grow L reuteri strains with ampicillin resistance. Colonies were
confirmed as L reuteri DSM 17 938 by analysis using strain-specific polymerase chain reaction. tem activity.
Despite the significantly different re-
TABLE 5 Growth Parameters in the Study Groups
sponse of the infants supplemented with
Variable At Entry, Mean ⫾ SD After 1 wk, Mean ⫾ SD After 3 wk, Mean ⫾ SD
probiotics, those who received placebo
Placebo L reuteri Placebo L reuteri Placebo L reuteri
thrived and had reduced crying time by
Weight 4379 ⫾ 795 4418 ⫾ 724 4619 ⫾ 844 4678 ⫾ 727 5079 ⫾ 864 5177 ⫾ 648
the end of the study. Thus, placebo treat-
Length 54.4 ⫾ 2.4 54.4 ⫾ 2.6 NA NA 55.3 ⫾ 2.5 55.2 ⫾ 2.6
Head circumference 37.3 ⫾ 1.5 36.9 ⫾ 1.4 NA NA 38.1 ⫾ 1.5 37.7 ⫾ 1.3 ment elicited a considerable effect,
There were no significant differences between the groups. NA indicates not available. which has been seen in previous studies
on infantile colic. The placebo response
could be elicited by the mother’s cow’s-
inflammatory tone of the intestinal this probiotic on colic symptoms in milk-free diet, suggested by Hill et al,20 or
milieu.16 breastfed infants in a double-blind, more likely by physiologic maturation
In the present study, colicky infants randomized, placebo-controlled proto- that ultimately resolves colic during nor-
who received L reuteri DSM 17 938 col. The primary outcome showed sig- mal development.
showed significant reduction in daily nificant effect of the supplementation FISH analysis demonstrated a signifi-
crying time, confirming the effects of with L reuteri DSM 17 938 at day 21, but cant increase in fecal lactobacilli after

PEDIATRICS Volume 126, Number 3, September 2010 e531

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TABLE 6 Parameters of Gastrointestinal Function in the Study Subjects tivity through the reduction of E coli
Variable Placebo (N ⫽ 25) L reuteri (N ⫽ 25) P and other members of the gut micro-
Stool frequency at entry, median (IQR), d 4.8 (2.4) 3.5 (3.1) .146a biota and more rapid trapping of lumi-
Stool frequency at 1 wk, median (IQR), d 4.0 (1.4) 4.0 (2.6) NS
Stool frequency at 3 wk, median (IQR), d 3.0 (1.9) 3.5 (2.1) .906a
nal NH3 as NH⫹4 .
Constipation reported among infants, n (%) 11 (46) 8 (31) .383b L reuteri has been used widely in foods
Regurgitation reported among infants, n (%) 2 (8) 4 (15) .669b
and supplements for children and in-
NS indicates not significant.
a Mann-Whitney test. fants with good tolerance in both clin-
b Fisher’s exact test.
ical trials10,29,30 and in clinical use with
no adverse events reported in the liter-
supplementation with L reuteri, and lar E coli, in colicky infants compared ature. Our observations in healthy,
importantly, by using strain selective with healthy counterparts, implicating breastfed infants younger than 2
analysis, the administered bacterial E coli in infantile colic.8 This, together months confirm the good tolerance of
strain was recovered only in these in- with the present finding that fecal E the new strain.
fants. The ability of L reuteri DSM coli levels were significantly reduced
17 938 to resist the harsh gastric during L reuteri, but not during pla- CONCLUSIONS
acidic conditions and temporarily col- cebo supplementation, suggests that L Administration of L reuteri DSM 17 938
onize the entire human gastrointestinal reuteri promotes gut health through a to colicky infants is well tolerated and
tract after oral ingestion has been dem- reduction of E coli colonization. improves symptoms of infantile colic
onstrated11,21,22 and likely contributes to Proteolytic bacteria, such as fusobac- compared with placebo, and this effect
its ability to influence human physiology. teria, propionibacteria, and clostridia, may be related to induced changes in the
E coli is a member of the normal intes- mainly ferment amino acids, which re- fecal microbiota, particularly E coli.
tinal microflora of humans but has tra- sults in the production of several toxic These findings provide important in-
ditionally been viewed as a common metabolic end-products, including am- sights into the role of an aberrant bacte-
cause of gastrointestinal disease23,24 monia and indole.27 Thus, coliform rial flora in the pathogenesis of infantile
and extraintestinal infections, such as growth and carbohydrate fermenta- colic and the potential to overcome this
urinary tract infection25 and neonatal tion affect ammonia absorption and with probiotic supplementation.
sepsis.26 We hypothesized an associa- urea nitrogen recycling and excretion.
tion between the abundance of coli- Heavey et al28 reported that fecal am-
form species and decreases in other monia concentrations are significantly
beneficial bacteria and considered the different in breastfed and formula-fed This study was funded by BioGaia AB
role of colonic E coli fermentation in infants particularly in the preweaned (Stockholm, Sweden).
excessive intestinal air-load and con- period. The observed reduction in fecal We thank Francesca Verna and Eman-
sequent pain, typical of infantile colic. ammonia concentrations in breastfed uela Locatelli for collecting fecal sam-
We recently reported the higher prev- infants given L reuteri could be related ples and Cecilia Petrén and Klara Båth
alence of coliform bacteria, in particu- to modification of bacterial enzyme ac- for analyses of fecal L reuteri.
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PEDIATRICS Volume 126, Number 3, September 2010 e533

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Lactobacillus reuteri DSM 17938 in Infantile Colic: A Randomized, Double-Blind,
Placebo-Controlled Trial
Francesco Savino, Lisa Cordisco, Valentina Tarasco, Elisabetta Palumeri, Roberto
Calabrese, Roberto Oggero, Stefan Roos and Diego Matteuzzi
Pediatrics 2010;126;e526; originally published online August 16, 2010;
DOI: 10.1542/peds.2010-0433
Updated Information & including high resolution figures, can be found at:
Services http://pediatrics.aappublications.org/content/126/3/e526.full.h

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