Special Lectures On Election Laws: Atty. Voltaire G. San Pedro

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Suffrage is the right to vote in the election of
ELECTION LAWS officers chosen by the people and in the
determination of question submitted to the people.
It includes election, plebiscite, initiative and
by: Atty. Voltaire G. San referendum.

Pedro Under our Constitution, suffrage is both a right and

a privilege.

1 2

Article V, Section 1 of the Constitution Section 9 of R.A. 8189 (Voter’s Registration Act of 1996)
To exercise the right of suffrage, a person must Any person, who, on the day of registration may not have
reached the required ageor period of residence but who, on
be (1) a Filipino citizen; (2) at least 18 years of the day of the election, shall possess such qualifications,
age; (3) a resident of the Philippines for at least may register as a voter
one year; (4 ) a resident of the place where he
proposes to vote for at least six months; and
(5) not otherwise disqualified by law. No
literacy, property, or other substantive
requirement shall be imposed o n the exercise
of suffrage.

3 4

Citizenship Qualification Residence

v Naturalized or native born. v It imports not only the

intention to reside in fixed
v Burden of proof is in the voter. place, but also personal
presence in that place
coupled with the conduct
indication of such intention.

5 6


Determination of Permanency Residence vs. Domicile

vPundaodaya v. COMELEC (G.R. No. 179313, 2009)

v It is not necessary that there vThe petitioner filed a disqualification case against her
opponent on the ground that the latter lacked the
be an intention to remain residency qualification. In election cases, the Court treats
domicile and residence as synonymous terms. Both
permanently at the chosen impart not only an intention to reside in a fixed place but
also personal presence in that place, coupled with
domicile, it is sufficient that conduct indicative of such intention. Domicile denotes a
the place is for the time being fixed permanent residence to which, when absent for
business, pleasure, or like reasons, one intends to return.
the home of the voter to the The Court found that petitioner’s opponent had indeed no
residency qualification since he had not abandoned his
exclusion of the other voter. domicile of origin for his present residence.

7 8

Persons Disqualified for Voting b) Convicted of a crime involving

(Sec. 118, Omnibus Election Code) disloyalty to the duly constituted
a) Conviction of a crime – more government i.e. rebellion,
than 1 year sedition, violation of anti-
subversion and firearms law,
Exceptions: crime against national security.
1) plenary pardon or granted
c) Insane or incompetent persons as
2) after 5 years from service of
sentence (automatic).
declared by competent authority.

9 10

How can a voter reactivate his registration? When should the application be filed?

nHe may file with the Election Officer a sworn application for nNot later than 120 days before a regular election and 90 days
registration in a form of an affidavit stating that the grounds for before a special election.
deactivation no longer exist.

11 12


Who shall decide this? Who may file a petition for inclusion?

nThe Election Officer shall submit such application to the nAny person whose application for registration has been
Election Registration Board for appropriate action. (Sec. 28, disapproved by the Board or whose name has been stricken out
R.A. 8189) from the list may file with the court a petition to include his
name in the permanent list of voters in his precinct at any times
except 105 days prior to a regular election or 75 days prior to a
special election.

13 14

Who may file a petition for inclusion? Who may file a petition for exclusion?

nIt shall supported by a certificate of disapproval of his nAny registered voter, representative of a political party or the
application and proof of service of notice of his petition upon Election Officer, may file with the court a sworn petition for the
the Board. The petition shall be decided within 15 days after its exclusion of a voter from the permanent list of voters giving the
filing. (Sec. 34, R.A. 8189) name, address and the precinct of the challenged voter at any
time except 100 days prior to a special election.

15 16


Who may file a petition for exclusion? PROCEEDINGS
nThe petition shall be accompanied by proof of notice to the nThe Municipal Trial Court and the Metropolitan Trial Courts shall
Board and to the challenged voter, and shall be decided within have original and exclusive jurisdiction in their respective cities and
10 days from its filling. (sec. 35, R.A. 8189) municipalities
nRTC appealate jurisdiction. The RTC shall decide it within 10 days
from receipt of appeal.

17 18



v Composition: The Comelec sitting en banc does
v1 Chairman, and 6 Commissioners NOT have the requisite authority
vQualifications to hear and decide election cases in
vNATURAL-BORN Citizen the first instance. This power
vAt the time of their appointment, at least 35 years of
age pertains ot the divisions of the
vHolder of a College Degree Commission. Any decision by the
vMust n ot have been candidates for an y elective En Banc as regards election cases
position in the preceding elections decided by it in the first instance is
vMajor ity, including the Chairman, shall be a
member of the Bar who has been engaged in the
null and void
practice of law for at least 10 years

19 20


1. Purely administrative, and not The SC has the power to review any
quasi-judicial cases. decision, order or rulin g of the
2. When the required number of vote s COMELEC, but limits su ch powe r
is not reached in the division. to a final resolution of the Comelec
3. Estoppel en banc.
4. Petitions for postponement,
declaration of failure of election,
and the calling of special elections.
5. Prosecution of election cases.

21 22

v Note: In order that a qualified
v Registration - refers to act of accomplishing and filing a elector may vote in any election,
sworn application for the registration by a qualified voter
before the election officer of the City or Municipality wherein he plebiscite or referendum, he must
resides and including the same in the book of registered voters
upon approval by the Election Registration Board (R.A. 8189,
be registered in the permanent list
Voter's Registration Act of 1996, Sec. 3 (a)) of voters for the city or
municipality in which he resides.

23 24


System of Continuing Registration

Akbayan Youth vs. COMELEC
v The personal filing of voters shall be conducted daily in the
March 26, 2001
office of the election officer during regular office hours.
v Petitioner requested for two
v No registration shall, however, be conducted during the period
starting 120 days before a regular election and 90 days before a (2) additional registration days
special election.
(Voter's Registration Act of 1996,
in order to enfranchise more
Sec. 8, R.A. 8189) than 4 million youths between
the ages 18-21 who failed to
register on or before December
27, 2000.
25 26

v Held: Petition was denied. The law

was simply followed by the COMELEC, v“Elector” - citizen having
and it is an accepted doctrine in constitutional and statutory
administrative law that determination of qualifications that enable or
administrative agencies as to the
operation, implementation and entitle him to vote.
application of a law is accorded great
weight, considering that these specialized v “Voter” - an elector who
government bodies are, by their nature actually exercises the privilege
and functions, in the best to know what of voting.
they can possibly do or not do under
prevailing circumstances.
27 28

Where to Register?
Election Registration Board
v Registration with Election v There shall be in each city and municipality as many Election
Registration Board (ERB). Registration Boards as there are election officers therein.
v No member of the Board shall be related to each other or to
any incumbent city or municipal elective official within the
fourth civil degree of consanguinity or affinity.
v “There shall be in each city and (Sec. 15, R.A. 8189)

municipality as many as ERB …

to act on all applications for
29 30


Composition of ERB Challenges to Right to Register

(Sec. 18, R.A. 8189)
Chairman 1) Any voter, candidate, or
2) PUBLIC SCHOOL OFFICER - representative of a registered
Member political party may challenge in
3) LOCAL CIVIL REGISTRAR - writing any application for
Member registration, stating the grounds
therefor. the challenge shall be under
4) MUN./CITY TREASURER – oath and be attached to the
Member application, together with the proof
of notice of hearing to the challenger
and the applicant. 32

2) Oppositions to contest a registrant's application for inclusion

in the voter's list must, in all cases, be filed not later than the
second Monday of the month in which the same is scheduled
Deactivation of Registration
to be heard or processed by the Election registration Board. (Sec. 27, R.A. 8189)
3) The hearing on the challenge shall be heard on the third
Monday of the month and the decision shall be rendered
before the end of the month.
The registration of the following
(Sec. 18, R.A. 8189) persons
may be deactivated:
a) Any person who has been sentenced
by final judgment to suffer
imprisonment for not less than one
(1) year, such disability not having
been removed by plenary pardon or
33 34

b) Any person who has been adjudged by c) Any person declared by competent authority to be insane or
incompetent unless such disqualification has been
final judgment by a competent court subsequently removed by a declaration of a proper authority
that such person is no longer insane or incompetent.
or tribunal of having
caused/committed any crime d. Any person who did not vote in the two successive preceding
regular elections as shown by their voting records. For this
involving disloyalty to the duly purpose, regular elections do not include the Sangguniang
constituted government such as Kabataan (SK) elections.

rebellion, sedition, violation of the

anti-subversion and firearms laws, or
any crime against national security,
unless restored to his full civil and
political rights in accordance with law.

35 36


e) Any person whose Reactivation of Registration

(Sec. 28, R.A. 8189)
registration has been v Any voter whose registration has been deactivated may file with
the ERB a sworn application for reactivation of his registration in
ordered excluded by the the form of an affidavit stating that the grounds for the
deactivation no longer exist any time but not later than 120 days
Court; and before a regular election and 90 days beforea special election. The
Election Officer shall submit said application to the ERB for
appropriate action.

f) Any person who has lost

his Filipino citizenship.

37 38

Local and Overseas Absentee Exceptions:

Voting v Members of the BEI
v General Rule: A person must v Any person who by reason of public
be physically present in the functions and duties, is not in his
place of registration on election
polling place whereof he is a day, may vote in the
registered voter to be able to city/municipalit y where he is
vote. assigned, provided that he is a duly
registered voter.
v Overseas Absentee Voter (RA 9189)

39 40

INCLUSION AND EXCLUSION b) Notice of the place, date and

(Sec. 32, R.A. 8189) time of the hearing of the
v Common Rules Governing Judicial Proceedings in
petition shall be served upon
the Matter of Inclusion, Exclusion and Correction of
Names of Voters:
the members of the Board and
the challenged voter upon the
a) Petiti on for inclusion, exclusi on or filing of the petition.
correction of name s of voters shall be
filed during office hours. c) A petition shall refer only to 1
precinct and shall implead the
Board as respondents.

41 42


d) No costs shall be assessed against any f) The decision shall be based on the
party in these proceedings. Howeve r, if evidence presented and in no case
the court should find that the rendered upon a stipulation of facts.
application has been filed solely to If the question is whether or not the
harass the adverse party and cause him voter is real or fictitious, his non-
to incur expen ses, i t shall order the
culpable party to pay the costs and appearance on the day set for
incidental expenses. hearing shall be prima facie
e) Any voter, candidate or p olitical party evidence that the challenged voter is
who may be affected by the fictitious.
proceedings may intervene and present
his evidence.
43 44

g) The petition shall be heard and Jurisdiction in Inclusion and Exclusion

decided within 10 days from the date Cases
of its filing. Cases appealed to the
RTC shall be decided within 10 days vOriginal and Exclusive
from receipt of the appeal. In all Jurisdiction: The Municipal
cases, the court shall decide these and Metropolitan Trial Courts
petitions not later than 15 days shall have original and exclusive
before the election and the decision jurisdiction over all cases of
shall become final and executory. inclusion and exclusion of voters
in their respective cities or
45 46

v Appeal: Decisions of the MT Cs may v Note: It is not within the competence of the trial court, in
exclusion proceedings, to declare the challenged voter as a
resident of another municipality. The jurisdiction of the trial court
be a ppealed to the RT C within 5 days is limited only to determining the right of the voter to remain in
from receipt of notice thereof. the list of voters or to declare that the challenged voter is not
qualified to vote in the precinct in which he is registered,
Otherwis e, said decision shall become specifying the ground for the voter's disqualification. (Domino vs.
COMELEC, G.R. No. 134015, July 19, 1999)
final and ex ecutory. RT C shall decide
the appeal within 10 days from the
time it is received and the decision
shall imm ediately become fina l and
executory. No motion for
recons ideration shall be entertained.
(Sec. 33, R.A. 8189)
47 48


PETITION FOR PETITION FOR Time of Anytime except one Anytime except one
Filing hundred five (105) days hundred days(100)
prior to a regular prior to a regular
(Sec. 34 R.A 8189) (Sec. 35, R.A 8189) election or seventy-five election or sixty-five
Prayer Any person whose Any registered voter, (75) days prior to a (65) days before a
application for representative of a special election special election
registration has been political party or the
disapproved by the Election Officer, may
Board or whose name file with the court a
Accom- 1. Certificate of Proof of notice to the
has been stricken out sworn petition for
panying Disapproval of his Board and to the
from the list may file the exclusion of
Docu- application challenged voter.
with the court a petition voters giving the
ments 2. Proof of service of
to include his name in name, address and
the permanent list of precinct of the notice of his petition
voters in his precinct challenged voter upon the Board
Period Within 15 days after its Within 10 days
to filing from its filing 49 50



v Any organized group of persons v To acquire juridical personality;
may register as a party, vTo entitle it to rights and
organization or coalition for privileges grated to political
purposes of the party-list system parties; and
by filing with the COMELEC a vTo participate in the party-list
petition stating its desire to system
participate in the party-list system.

51 52


v It is a religious denomination or sect, organized for
v Religious denominations or sects; election purposes;
v Citizen’s arm accredited by the Commission; vAdvocates violence/unlawful means to seek its goal;
v Those whic h cannot ha ve no platfor m or vReceiving support from FOREIGN: government,
program of government political party, foundation, organization, whether
v Those who s eek to achi eve their goals directly or indirectly;
through violence or unlawful means; vViolates or fails to comply with election laws
v Those who r efus e to uphold and adhere to the vCeased to exist for at least 1 year
constitution vDeclares unlawful statements in its petition
v Those supported by foreign governments. vFails to participate in the last 2 preceding elections or
fails o obtain at least 2% of the votes cast under the
party-list system in the 2 preceding elections.
53 54



(G.R. No. 203766, 2013) REPRESENTATIVES

nThis case stemmed from 54 petitions for certiorari from Atong The party-list representatives shall
Paglaum, Inc. and 51 other parties who were disqualified by the
COMELEC in May 2013 as party-list for not being qualified as constitute 20% of the total number of
repres entatives for marginalized or underrepresented sectors. representatives, including those under the
R.A. 7941 does not require national and regional parties or
organizations to represent the marginalized and underrepresented party-list system.
sectors. The phrase “marginalized and underrepresented” should
refer only to those sectors in Section 5 that are, by their nature,
economically marginalized and underrepres ented. The nominees
of the sectoral party either must belong to the sector, or must
The Party-list system is a mechanism of
have a track record of advocacy for the s ector repres ented. proportional representation of
National, regional, and sectoral parties or organizations shall not
be disqualified if some of their nominees are disqualified, representatives to the House of
provided that they have at least one nominee who remains Representatives
55 56


Every voter shall be entitled to 2 votes:
1. 20% allocation
1. For a candidate for member of the House
2. A guaranteed seat for a party-list
of Representatives in his legislative
organization garnering 2% of the total
district; and
votes cast
2. For the party, organizations, or coalition
3. Proportional representation
he wants represented in the House of
Representatives (Section 10, Party-List 4. Three-seat cap
System Act)

57 58


v Who is a Candidate? "any person
aspiring for or seeking an elective VICE-PRESIDENT
public office, who has filed a 1) Natural-born citizen 1) Natural-born citizen
Certificate of Candidacy (COC) by 2) At least 40 years old on the 2) At least 35 years old on
himself or through an accredited day of the election
3) Able to read and write
the day of the election
3) Able to read and write
political party, aggroupment, or 4) Registered voter
4) Registered voter
coalition of parties." (Section 79 5) Resident of the Philippines
for at least 10 years 5) Resident of the
(a) Omnibus Election Code) immediately preceding the Philippines for not less
day of the election (Sec. 2 Art. than 2 years immediately
VII, Constitution) preceding the day of the
59 election (Sec. 2 Art. VI) 60


Governor/Vice-Governor Mayor/Vice-Mayor
LOCAL Punong Barangay/ Sanggunian Members
DISTRICT REPRESENTATIVE 1) Citizen of the Philippines
2) Registered voter in the Barangay, municipality, city or province, or, in
case of a member of the SG panlalawigan, panlungsod, or bayan, the
district where he intends to vote.
1) Natural-born citizen 3) Resident therein for at least 1 year immediately preceding the
2) Registered voter in the district in which he
4) Able to read and write Filipino or any other local language or dialect.
shall be elected
5) On election day, age must at least be :
3) Resident of the same district of not less than 1 a) 23 years - Governor, Vice-Governor, Member of the SG Panlalawigan,
year immediately preceding the day of election. Mayor, Vice-Mayor, Member of the SG Panlungsod of Highly Urbanized
4) Able to read and write b) 21 years - Mayor or Vice-Mayor of ICC, CC, or municipalities
5) At least 25 years old on the day of election c) 18 years - member of the SG panlungsod, or SG bayan, or Punong
Barangay or member of the SG barangay but not more than 18 years -
(Sec. 6, Art. VI) SK (Sec. 39, R.A 7160)
61 62

(174 SCRA 245) under the OEC
v Qualifications prescribed by law 1) declared as insane or
are continuing requirements and incompetent by a competent
must be possessed for the duration
of the officer 's active te nure. Once
any of the re quired qualif ication is
lost, his title to the office may be 2) a permanent resident to or
seasonable challenged. immigrant to a foreign
country unless he waives such
63 64

3) sentenced by a final judgment for any DISQUALIFICATIONS

of the following offenses: under the LGC
a) subversion, insurrection, rebellion, or
1) sent enced by final judgm ent for an
b) offen se for which he has been sen tenced
offens e punis hable by 1 yr. or more of
to a penalty for more than 18 months.
imprisonm ent or wit hin 2 yrs. after
c) crime involving moral turpitude. (i.e.
issuing of a bouncing checks with out service.
sufficient funds, (Villaber vs.
COMELE C, Nov. 15, 2001, G.R. 2) remove from office as a res ult of a n
148326). administrative case.

65 66


3) convicted by final judgment 5) fugitive from justice.

for violating the oath of
allegiance to the Republic of
the Philippines. 6) permanent residence in a
foreign country.
4) those with dual citizenship.

67 68

1) appointive officials, v Is it required that before he files
2) active members of the AFP, and COC, he should resign first his
appointive office?
3) officers and employees of the
- shall be ipso facto resigned
from his office upon the filing of v That is not required.
the COC.
69 70

v Elective official, whether SUBSTITITION OF CANDIDATES

national or local - no longer vIf after the last day for the filing of
deemed resigned when he files COCs, an official candidat e of a
a COC for the same or other registered accredited political parti
elective office or position. (Sec. 14, DIES, WIT HDR AW S, or is
Fair Election Act expressly DISQUAL IFIED for any cause, only a
repealed Sec. 67 of BP 881.) pers on belonging to, and cert ified by,
the sam e political party m ay file a
COC to replace the candidate NOT
LATER T HAN m id-day of the day of
71 election. 72


v No substitute shall be allowed for Question:

an independent candidate. v Can there be a valid substitution
of candidates even on the day of
vA candidate whose COC has been the election itself?
cancelled or not given due course Answer:
cannot be substituted by another v Yes. only on death and
belonging to the same political disqualification shall substitution
party. may take place upon the start of
the campaign period until mid -day
of the elections.
73 74

v If the death or disqualification

should occur between the day before RECEIVE CERTIFICATES
the election and mid-day of election v When a candidate files his COC, the COMELEC
day, the substitute candidate may has only a ministerial duty to receive and
acknowledge its receipt pursuant to Sec. 76 of the
file his COC with any Board of OEC, (Luna vs. COMELEC April 24, 2007)
Election Inspectors in the political v The receiving officer shall have the ministerial
subdivision where he is a candidate, duty to receive and acknowledge receipt of the
certificates of candidacy/nomination by registered
provided that the substitute and political parties or coalition of political parties on
the substituted candidate have the or before the deadline for filing of certificates of
candidacy, provided said certificates are under
same surnames. (Sec. 15, Res. No. oath and contain all the required data in the form
prescribed by the commission. (Sec. 8 Comelec
9518) Resolution 8678)
75 76

v Instances when COMELEC may

go beyond the face of NUISANCE CANDIDATES
Certificate of Candidacy
1) Nuisance Candidate v COMELEC may motu propio
2) Petition to deny due course or to or upon a verified petition of
cancel a certificate of candidacy an interested party, refuse to
3) Filing of a disqualification case on
any of the grounds enumerated in
give due course to or cancel a
Sec. 68, OEC COC if it is shown that said
certificate was filed:
77 78


1) to put the election process in Mockery or disrepute; PETITION TO DENY OR CANCEL

2) to cause Confusion among voters by similarity of the names of
registered candidates;
vA verified petition seeking to
3) by other circumstances or acts which demonstrate that a
candidate has no bona fide intention to run for the office
for which the certificate of candidacy has been filed, and thus
prevent a faithful determination of the true will of the electorate. deny due course or to cancel a
COC may be filed by the person
exclusively on the ground that
any material representa-
tion contained therein as
required under Sec. 74, OEC is
false. (Sec. 78, OEC)
79 80

Who may file this petition and on what

When it may it be filed?
ground may it be filed?
v Itmay be filed by any person v Itmay be filed at any time not
exclusively on the ground that later than 25 days from the time
any material representation of the filing of the certificate of
contained in the certificate of candidacy and shall be decided,
candidacy is false. after due notice and hearing,
not later than 15 days before the

81 82

1) Before Election, pursuant to
Section 78, OEC (material
vThere are two instances where a
petition questioning the
representation contain in
qualifications of a registered the COC is false): and
candidate to run for the office for 2)After Election, pursuant to
which his COC was filed can be Section 253, OEC (Petition
raised under the Omnibus for quo warranto), viz:
Election Code, to wit:
83 84


“Petition for quo warranto. Any voter Example of material representation

conte sting the election of any LOONG vs. COMELEC, 216 SCRA 760,
(Member of the Batasang Pambansa,) (False age requirement)
regional, provincial, or city officer on Facts:
the ground of ineligibility or of
disloyalty to the Republic of the Candidates for Vice-Governor of the
Philippines shall file a sworn petition ARMM. Ele ction took place and
for quo warranto with the pending promulgation of the winning
commission within 10 days after the candidate, a petition was filed seeking
results of the ele ction. (Sec. 253, to cancel the COC on the ground of
OEC.)" material representation (Loong was
85 under age). 86

(Residency Requirement)

Petition denied because it vThe critical issue is the

was filed out of time. It presence of deliberate
must be filed not later than false material
25 days from the filing of representation to
the COC. deceive the electorate.
87 88

v The Maligaya Feedmill v The Supreme Court foun d in the

building could not have been present case t hat Mitra did n ot
Mitra’s residence because it is deliberately misrepresent his
cold and utterly devoid of any Aborlan residence to deceive or
indication of Mitra’s personality mislead the Palaw an electorate
and that it lacks loving since he in fact adduced positive
evidence of transfer of residence
attention and details inherent
which the private respon dents
in every home to make it one’s
failed to sufficiently controvert.
89 90


v In this regard, the Supreme Court

noted with emphasis that Mitra 3) the transfer of registration as
undertook “incremental moves” to a voter in March 2009;
his new domicile in Aborlan as
evidenced by the following:
4) his initial transfer through a
1) his expressed intent to transfer to a
residence outside Puerto Princesa City leased dwelling at Maligaya
to make him eligible for a provincial Feedmill;
2) his preparatory moves starting in

91 92

5) the purchase of a lot for his EFFECTS OF DISQUALIFICAT ION

permanent home; and v Any candidate who has been
declared by final judgment to
6) the construction of a house be disqualified shall not be
on the said lot which is voted for, and the votes cast
adjacent to the premises he for him shall not be counted.
was leasing pending the
completion of his house. (Sec.6, R.A. No. 6646)

93 94

v Nevert heless,if for any reason, a

candidat e is not declared by final
v Any person who has filed a Certificate
judgment before an election to be
disqualified and he is voted for and of Candidacy may, at any time before
receives the winning num ber of votes in election day, file personally a
such elect ion, his vi olati ons of the Statement of Withdrawal under oath.
provisi ons of the pr ecedin g v No Statement of Withdrawal shall be
secti ons shall not pr event his accepted if filed by a person other than
proclama tion and ass umption to the candidate himself or if filed by
office. (New) mail, electronic mail, telegram or
facsimile. (Sec. 14, Res. No. 9518)
95 96


vA person who has

v The filing of a withdrawn his COC for a
withdrawal of a COC shall position shall not be
not affect whatever civil, eligible, whether as a
criminal or administrative substitute candidate or not,
liabilities a candidate may for any other position. (Sec.
have incurred. 14, Res. No. 9518)
97 98

v In Monsale vs. Nico, (83 CAMPAIGN

Phil, 758), the withdrawal What is an Election Campaign or Partisan Political

of the withdrawal for the vIt is an act designed to promote the election or defeat of
a particular candidate/s to a public office.
purpose of reviving the
COC, must be made within
the period provided by law
for filing the COC.
99 100

Who are the Persons Prohibited from

vMembers of the Board of Election Inspections v General Rule:
vCivil Service officers or employees
vMembers of the military
Any election campaign or
vForeigners, whether judicial or natural partisan political activity for or
agaist any candidate outside of
the campaign period is
prohibited and shall be
considered as an election offense.

101 102


PRE-MATURE CAMPAIGNING In Penera v. COMELEC, at the time the

supposed premature campaigning took
v Exception: place, Penera was not officially a
Political parties may hold “candidate” although she already filed
political conventions to nominate her certificate of candidacy. Under
their official candidates within Section 15 of R.A. 9369, a person who
30 days before the start of the files his certificate of candidacy is
period for filing a certificate of considered a candidate only at the start
candidacy. of the campaign period, and unlawful
acts applicable to such candidate take
effect only at the start of such campaign
103 104

v In Lanot vs. COMELEC, A

nThus, a candidate is liable for an
person who files a certificate
election offense only for acts done of candidacy is not a
during the campaign period, not candidate until the start of
before. Before the start of the the campaign period.
campaign period, such election
offenses cannot be committed and
any partisan political activity is
105 106

Prohibited Contributions
I. a) Public/Private Financial Institution
v Presidential and VP - 90 days b) Natural/Juridical person operating public
v Senatorial, Congressional, Provincial
c) N/J person hold contracts to supply the
and City/Municipal - 45 days government
v Barangay - 15 days d) N/J person who was granted franchise
e) N/J person granted loan by government
N.B. Period of time within the election P100,000.00
period specified by law when candidates f) Education Institution revive public funds
g) Employees/Officials Civil Service/Armed
can legally conduct election activities. Forces
II. Foreign Nationals
III. Fund Raising (Lotteries, dances, contest,
107 108



vIt shall be unlawful for any person to hold dances, lotteries,
cockfights, games, boxing bouts, bingo, beauty contests,
vIt shall be unlawf ul for any person, enter tainmen ts, or cinematographic, theatrical or other
performances for the purpose of raising funds for an election
including a polit ical party or public campaign or for the support of any candidate from the
or private entit y to solicit or receive, commenc emen t of th e el ection p eriod up to and including
election day; or for any person or organization, whether civi c or
direct ly or indirect ly, a ny aid or religious, directly or indirectly, to solicit and/or accept from
contribut ion of whatever form or any candidate for public of fice, or from his campaign manager,
agent or represen tative, or any p erson acting in their behalf,
nature from any foreig n, national, any gift, food, transportation, contribution or donation in cash
or in kind from the comm encem ent of the elec tion period up to
gover nm ent or entit y for the and including election day; Provided, That normal and
pur poses of influencing t he r esults of customary religious stipends, tithes, or collections on Sundays
and/or other designated collection days, are excluded from this
the election. prohibition.
109 110

Fair Election Act of 2001 Published or Printed

(R.A. No. 9006)
Lawful Election Propaganda Election Propaganda
1) Written/printed materials (8 1/2 inches x 14
2) Handwritten/printed letters
3) Posters not exceeding 2 x 3 feet
v “Paid for by”
4) Print ads (1/4 page in broadsheets, and 1/2 page
for tabloid, published thrice a week)
5) Broadcast ads on TV and Radio v “Printed by”
a) National position - 120 minutes for TV, 180
minutes for radio
b) Local position - 60 minutes for TV and 90 minutes
for radio
111 112

Prohibited Form of Limitations on Expenses/

Election Propaganda Lawful Expenditures
I. for candidates
v Is this provision a violation of the
freedom of expression under the vPresident and Vice-President - P10/voter
constitution? vOther candidate, if with party - P3/voter
vOther candidate, if without party -
v No. The prohibition against certain II. for political parties
forms of election propaganda was
upheld as a valid exercise of the vP5.00 - every voter currently registered in
the constituency or constituencies where
police power. it has official candidates.
113 114


Statement of Contribution and

Expenses Effect of Failure to file statement:
Every candidate and treasurer of a
political party shall file: nNo person elected to any
v In duplicate with the COMELEC public office shall enter upon
v The full, true and itemized statement of
all contributions and expenditures in
the duties of his office until he
connection with the election. has files the statement of
v Within 30 days after the day of the contributions and
election expenditures.
115 116

Board of Election Inspectors

Are candidates who withdraw after the filing
of certificate of candidacies required to v They are frontline election
comply with the filing of the said statement officers. They perform such duties
of all contributions and expenditure?
and discharge such responsibilities
that make them, in the real sense,
Yes, as decided in Pilar vs COMELEC, foot soldiers who see to it that
245 SCRA 759. elections are free, honest and
orderly. (Sumulong vs. COMELEC,
70 Phil. 703)
117 118

v R.A. 8436 – An act authorizing the

COMELEC to use Automated Election
System (AES), amended some GENERAL (R.A. 9369)
1) For Senators and Party-List Representatives
provisions of BP 881.
v The National Board of Canvassers for
v Section 164 (B.P. 881) Senators and Party-list Representative s
Ø Composition: A Chairman and two shall be the Chairmen and the members of
the COMELEC si tting en banc. It shall
(2) members; one will be designated canvass the results by consolidating the
as the poll clerk. = All shall be public certificates of canvass electronically
school teachers. At least 1 shall be an transmitted. Thereafter, the national board
information technology capable shall proclaim the winning candidates for
person certified by the DOST senators, and party-list representatives.
(Sec. 22, RA 9369)
119 120


2) For President and Vice-President

b) Opening of Certificates of
a) Transmission of Returns - The National Board of Canvassers Canvass - Upon receipt of the
for President and Vice-President is the Congress. The Certificate of
canvass for President and Vice-President duly certified by the certificates of canvass, the
board of canvassers of each province or city shall be electronically
transmitted to the Congress, directed to the President of the President of the Senate shall, not
later than thirty (30) days after the
day of the election, open all the
certificates in the presence of the
Senate and the House of
Representatives in joint public
121 122

d) Proclamat ion - the person having

the highest number of votes shall be
c) Canvass of the votes by proclaimed elected. (Sec. 28, RA 9369)
Congress - upon determination of
e) In case of tie - In case two or more
the authenticity and the due shall ha ve an equal a nd hig hest
execution of the COC's in the number of votes, one of them s hall
manner provided by law, the forthwit h be chosen by a vot e of a
Congress shall canvass all the majority of all t he m embers of
results for president and vice- Congress.

123 124

f) Congress and the Commission en WATCHERS

banc shall determine the v Who are entitled to watchers?
authenticity and due execution of 1) Every registered political party, coalition of
the certificate of canvass for the political parties and every independent
candidate shall each be entitled to 1
president and vice-president and WATCHER in every polling place and
senators, respectively as canvassing center.
accomplished and transmitted by 2) Candidates of Sanguniang Panlalawigan,
the local board of canvassers. Panglungsod or Bayan belonging to the
same ticket shall collectively be entitled
(Sec. 37 RA 9369) only to 1 WATCHER . (Sec. 26, R.A. No.
125 126


Rights and Duties of Watchers 4) To file protest against any

1) To stay in the space reserved irregularity or violation of law;
for them inside the polling 5) To be furnished with the
place; Certificate of Number of Votes
2) Witness and inform themselves cast for each candidate;
of the proceedings of the BEI; 6) To read the ballots after they
3) Take notes and photographs of shall have been read by the
the proceedings; Chairman of the BEI.
(Sec. 179, OEC)

127 128

Qualifications of Watchers
1) Qualified voter of the City and Municipality;
2) Good reputation;
3) Shall not have been convicted by any final
judgment of any election offense or of any REMEDIES AND
other crime;
4) Know how to read and write Filipino, JURISDICTION
English, Spanish or any of the prevailing
local dialects;

5) Not related within the 4th civil degree of
consanguinity or affinity to the
parties/candidates etc.; (Sec. 178, OEC)
129 130

REMEDIES AND JURISDICTION IN Grounds for Cancellation of Certificate of

ELECTION LAW: Candidacy:
1. Petition Not To Give Due Course To Or Cancel A
Certificate Of Candidacy nFalse material representation in
2. Petition for Disqualification
3. Petition to Declare Failure of Elections
Certificate of Candidacy
4. Pre-Proclamation Controversy nIf the certificate filed is a
5. Election Protest
6. Quo Warranto substitute Certificate of
Candidacy, when it is not a
proper case of substitution
under Section 77 of BP 881
131 132


What is the Nature Who may file?

of the Proceeding? nAny Person
Summary in Nature nIf brought under Sec. 69 OEC
(Nuisance Candidates), any
registered candidate.

133 134

When filed? The Decision must

nAt any time not later than 25 be made:
days from the time of the filing nNot later than 15 days before
of the certificate of candidacy. election.
n-If brought under Sec. 69
OEC(Nuisance Candidate), filing nIf brought under Sec. 69 OEC
(Nuisance Candidate), within 5 days
must be within 5 days from the
from receipt of Commission of the
last day of filing the CoC recommendation of the hearing
135 136

Petition for Disqualification:

Where to file?
Who may File?
§ Any citizen of voting age, or

any duly registered political Law Department of

party, organization or the COMELEC
coalition of political parties

137 138


When to file? What is the Period to Decide for Petition for

nAt any day after the last
day for filing of certificates nThe Commission and the courts
shall give priority to cases of
of candidacy, but not later disqualification by reason of
than the date of violation of this Act to the end that
a final decision shall be rendered
proclamation. not later than seven days before the
election in which the
disqualification is sought. 140

Any candidate who has been declared by final vIf a candidate is not declared by final judgmentbefore any election to be
judgment to be disqualified: disqualified and he is voted for and receives the winning number of votes
in such election, the Court or COMELEC shall continue with the trial and
hearing of the action, inquiry, or protest and upon motion of the
complainant or any intervenor, may during the pendency thereof, order
the suspension of the proclamation of such candidate whenever the
nShall not be voted for evidence of his guilt is strong.

nThe votes cast for him shall not

be counted

141 142

Where a Similar Complaint/Petition is filed:

nBefore the election and proclamation of the respondent and the case
is not resolved before the election - the trial and hearing of the case
shall continue and be referred to the Law Department for preliminary
vIn either case, if the evidence
investigation. of guilt is strong, the COMELEC
n After the election and before the proclamation of the respondent -
the trial and hearing of the case shall be suspended and referred to
the Law Department for preliminary investigation.
may order the suspension of
the proclamation of
respondent, and if proclaimed,
to suspend the effects of
proclamation. 144


Petition to Declare Failure of Elections: Grounds for Failure of Election:

What Constitutes an Election? In any of such cases the failure or suspension of election must affect
the result of the election
§ Election in any polling place has not been held on the date fixed due
§Plurality of votes sufficient for: to force majeure, violence, terrorism, fraud, or other analogous
(1)a choice conditioned on the § Election in any polling place had been suspended before the hour
fixed for the closing of the voting due to force majeure, violence,
plurality of valid votes or terrorism, fraud, or other analogous causes.

(2)a valid constituency regardless

of the actual number of votes
145 146

Grounds for Failure of Election: Jurisdiction:

§After the voting and during the nCOMELEC, sitting en
preparation and transmission of the
election returns or in the custody or banc, may declare a failure
canvass thereof such election of election by a majority
results in a failure to elect due to vote of its members.
force majeure, violence, terrorism,
fraud or other analogous causes.
147 148

Requisites for Failure of Pre-proclamation

election: Controversy
nNo voting has taken place in the n it is a proceedings of the board of
precincts concerned on the date canvassers which may be raised by
fixed by law, or even if there was any candidate or by any registered
voting, the election nonetheless political party or coalition of
resulted in a failure to elect; and political parties, or by any
n The votes cast would affect the accredited and participating party
results of the election. list group, before the board or
directly with the Commission.
149 150


Pre-proclamation Pre-proclamation Controversy

n COMELEC Resolution No. 8804 It is any question or matter pertaining to
applies to election disputes or affecting:
under the Automated Election n the proceedings of the board of
canvassers, or
System (AES) using the Precinct nany matter raised under Sec. 233-236
Count Optical Scan (PCOS) and of BP 881 (infra) in relation to the
shall cover pre-proclamation preparation, transmission, receipt,
controversies and election custody and appreciation of the election
protests. 151
returns. [Sec. 241, BP 881] 152

v Summary in nature consistent with the
nCOMELEC has exclusive jurisdiction over pre-proclamation cases. It
may order, motu proprio orupon written petition, thepartial or total law’s desire that the canvass and
suspension of the proclamation of any candidate-elect or annul
partially or totally any proclamation, if one has been made.
proclamation be delayed as little as
nCOMELEC has exclusive jurisdiction in pre-proclamation
controversies arising from national, regional or local elections.
v That is why such question as those
involving appreciation of ballots, conducts
of the campaign and balloting, which
require more deliberate and necessary
longer consideration, are left for
examination in the Election Protest.
153 154


ALL PRE-PROC. CONT. v Pre-proc. Cont. not allowed in
election for :
1) President
v (Modified by Section 15 of
RA 7166) – No Pre- 2) Vice-President
Proclamation in election of 3) Senator
National officials. 4) Members of the House of

155 156



jurisdiction of all pre
proclamation controversies. Its 1) Illegal composition or proceedings of the
decision becomes executory a) BOC not constituted in accordance with,
after the lapse of 5 days from is not composed of those enumerated by
receipt by the losing party of
b) Transacted business without a quorum;
the decision unless restrained c) Transacted business without business
by SC. without due notice to the members.
v Acts of the BOC is illegal and null and 158


2) Grounds under 233, 234, 235, 236

“Obviously manufactured returns”
v 234 – Material defects in the returns
– some requisite of forms or date has 1) Where no elections at all were
been omitted. held;
v Ex. Names and/or corresponding 2) Where the BOC stated that
votes of a candidate. they never served and did not
3) ER prepared under duress, threats, participate in the election;
coercion, intimidation, obviously
manufactured or not authentic. 3) Where returns show great
excess of votes that could have
been legally cast.
159 160


(Amended by Sec. 17, Art. VI Constitution)
a) President/Vice President - SC
vNature - special summary b) Senator – Senate Electoral Tribunal
proceedings the object of which is to c) Congressman-HR
expedite the settlement of controversies d) Regional/Province/City - COMELEC
between candidates as to who received e) Municipal - RTC
the majority of the legal votes. f) Barangay - MTC
v Purpose - to ascertain the true will of N.B. - Presumption that the above elective officials has been proclaim.
the people and due elected officers, and
this could be achieved by throwing wide
open the appeal before the court.
161 162



(After Proclamation) v Grounds
b) QUO WARRANTO 1) Fraud
v ISSUES: 2) Terrorism
1) Casting and Counting of votes 3) Irregularities or Illegal acts committed before,
2) Qualification during or after the casting and counting of
3) Return votes
4) Eligibility, disloyalty of winning candidate Time to file:
5) Fraud Within ten days from proclamation
6) Terrorism
Who may file:
7) Irregularities/illegal acts
v Committed before, during or after casting and counting may be file by any candidate who has filed a
votes. COC.
163 164

vN.B. – Election Protest and Quo
v Grounds Warranto may not be availed of
jointly and in the same proceedings.
1) Ineligibility
v They can be separately filed with the
2) Disloyalty to the Republic second and the later case suspended
Time to file: until the earlier one is resolved.
Within ten days from v An action for quo warranto cannot
proclamation. be converted into an election protest.
Who may file: (Asunsion vs. Legarda 129 SCRA
by any registered voter 729)
165 166

v N.B. -The death of the QUO WARRANTO IN
protestant does not I. ELECTIVE OFFICE
extinguished an election v The issue is eligibility of the officer
elect. The court or tribunal cannot
protest (De Castro vs. declare the protestant as having been
806) v The issue is the legality of the
appointment the court determines who
of the parties has legal title to the office.
167 168


Prohibited Acts 6) Coercion of election officials and employees

SECTION 261 7) Appointment of new employees, creation of
new position, promotion or giving salary
1) Vote-buying and Vote-selling increases.
2) Conspiracy to bribe voters a) Applies only to appointment covered by
the civil service law and not those covered
3) Wagering upon results of the by special law like local Government Code.
election 8) Transfer of officers and employees in the
4) Coercion of subordinates civil service
5) Threats, intimidation, terrorism, 9) Intervention of public officers and employees
10) Undue influence
use of fraudulent device, or other
forms of coercion
169 170

11) Unlawful Electioneering

12) Prohibition against dismissal of employees, laborers, or tenants
16)Deadly weapons – within 100 meters
13) Appointment of special use of policemen, special agents, 17)Carrying firearms outside residence
confidential agents or the like.
14) Illegal release of prisoners before and after election.
or place of business
15) Use of public funds, money deposited in trust, equipment, 18)Use of armored land, water or air
facilities owned and controlled by the government for an election
campaign. craft
19)Wearing of uniforms and bearing
20)Policemen and provincial guards
acting as bodyguards and security

171 172


not a defense. Election v The COMELEC has exclusive jurisdiction to investigate and
prosecute cases involving violation of election laws (Article IX-C Sec,

offenses are generally 2(6)

v But it may validly delegate the power to the Provincial Prosecutor

mala prohibita.
(Reso. No. 1862, March 2, 1987)
v See 43 RA 9369
v Conduct preliminary investigation

v Proof of criminal v Prosecute the same

intent is not necessary.

173 174



v RTC – Exclusive original
jurisdiction violation of election
law, v Five (5) years from the
v MTC – Offense relating to date of its commission.
failure to register or vote.
from date of commission.
175 176


nDeployment and retrieval of AES machines and
INSPECTORS (BEIs) WHOSE REGISTRATION RECORDS WERE INADVERTENTLY nDelivery and retrieval of official ballots, ballot boxes,
DEACTIVATED election documents and other paraphernalia;
nThis activates the registration records of public school teachers who were duly
appointed to serve as Board of Election Inspectors (BEIs) but whose registration nFinal testing and sealing of PCOS machines; and
records were deactivated in connection with the May 13, 2013 National and Local nVoting and canvassing centers, in connection with the May
13, 2013 synchronized national and local elections

177 178

Prosecution of Election Offenses

§COMELEC has exclusive jurisdiction to investigate and nIn the case Kilosbayan v.
prosecute cases involving violation of election laws.
§ However, it may validly delegate the power to the
COMELEC, it is not the duty of
Provincial Prosecutor or to the Ombudsman. the COMELEC, as investigator
§In the event that the COMELEC fails to act on any and prosecutor, to gather proof
complaint within 4 months from its filing, the
complainant may file the complaint with the fiscal or in support of a complaint filed
the Department of Justice, if warranted. before it.

179 180



nGeneral Rule: RTCs have exclusive
original jurisdiction to try and nThe investigating o fficer shall resolve
the case within 5 days from submission.
decide any criminal actions or
proceedings for violation of election nThe courts sh all give pr eferenc e to
election c ases o ver all other c ases
laws. except p etitions for writ o f h abeas
nException: MTCs exercise corpus.
jurisdiction only over offenses
relating to failure to register or to vote
181 182

Election Offenses
Election Offenses
i. REGISTRATION (1) Continued misrepresentation or holding out as a
(1) Failure of the Board of Election Inspectors to post thelist of voters in candidate of a disqualified candidate or one declared by
each precinct.
final and executory judgment to be a nuisance candidate
(2) (2) Change or alteration or transfer of a voter's precinct assignment
in the permanent list of voters without the express written consent (2) Knowingly inducing or abetting such misrepresentation
of the voter. of a disqualified or nuisance candidate
(3) Coercing, bribing, threatening, harassing, intimidating,
terrorizing, or actually causing, inflicting or producing
violence, injury, punishment, torture, damage, loss or
disadvantage to discourage any other person or persons
from filing a certificate of candidacy in order to eliminat e
all other potential candidates from running in a special
183 184

Election Offenses Election Offenses

(1) Vote-buying and vote-selling
(1) Appointment or use of special policemen, special (2) Conspiracy to bribe voters [Sec. 261b, B.P. 881]: A disputable
agents or the like during the campaign period presumption of a conspiracy to bribe voters is created when
(2) Use of armored land, water or aircraft during the there is proof that at least 1 voter in different precincts
representing at least 20% of the total precincts in any
campaign period municipality, city or province has been offered, promised or
(3) Unlawful electioneering given money, valuable consideration or other expenditure by
(4) (4) Acting as bodyguards or security in the case of a candidate's relatives, leaders and/or sympathizers for the
purpose of promoting the election of such candidate.
policemen and provincial guards during the
campaign period (3) Coercion of subordinates to vote for or against any candidate
(4) Dismissal of employees, laborers, or tenants for refusing or
(5) (5) Removal, destruction, obliteration, or tampering failing to vote for any candidate
of lawful election propaganda, or preventing the (5) Being a flying voter
distribution thereof



Election Offenses
1. Tampering, increasing, decreasing votes, or refusal to correct tampered Election Offenses
votes after proper verification and hearing by any member of the board
of election inspectors [Sec. 27b, R.A. 6646] A special election offense to
be known as electoral sabotage and the penalty to be imposed shall be vi. CANVASSING
life imprisonment. nAny chairperson of theboard of canvassers who fails to givenotice of
2. Refusal to issue to duly accredited watchers the certificate of votes cast meeting to other members of the board, candidate or political party
and the announcementof the election, by any member of the board of as required
election inspectors

187 188

Election Offenses Election Offenses

(1) Appointment of new employees, creation of new positions,
promotion, or giving salary increases within the election period (1) Coercion of election officials and employees
(2) Transfer of officers and employees in the civil service within the (2) Threats, intimidation, terrorism, use of fraudulent
election period without the prior approval of the COMELEC
devices or other forms of coercion
(3) Intervening of public officers and employees in the civil service in
any partisan political activity (3) Use of undue influence
(4) Use of public funds for an election campaign (4) Carrying deadly weapons within the prohibited area
(5) Illegal release of prisoners before and after election (5) Carrying firearms outside residence or place of business
(6) Release, disbursement or expenditure of public funds during the (6) Organization or maintenance of reaction forces, strike
prohibited period forces, or similar forces during the election period
(7) Construction of public works, etc. during the prohibited period
(8) Suspension of elective local officials during the election period
without prior approval of the COMELEC
189 190

Election Offenses
(1) Unauth ori zed p rint ing of offic ial ba llo ts and e lecti on retu rns wit h p rin ting
establishments that are not under contract with the COMELEC
(2) Wagering upon the results of elections
(3) Sale, etc. of intox icating liq uor o n the day fixed by law for t he regi strat ion of
voters in the polling place, or the day before the election or on election day
nOnly upon a warrant of arrest
(4) Opening booths or stalls within 30 meters of any polling place issued by a competent judge after
(5) Holding fairs, cockfights, etc. on Election Day
(6) Refusa l to carry el ectio n m ail dur ing the e lecti on pe rio d [Sec. 261 dd (4) , B.P.
all the requirements of the
881]. In add iti on to th e pre scribe d pena lty, s uch refu sal con stit ute s a gro und
for cancel lati on or revocat ion of cer tificate of pub lic conve nie nce or
Constitution have been strictly
franchise. complied with.
(7) Discrim inat io n in t he sa le of a irt ime [Sec. 2 61d d ( 5), B.P. 8 81] In add iti on to
the pre scri bed p ena lty, s uch refu sal co nst itute s a gro und fo r cancel lati on or
revocation of the franchise.
vNote: Good faith is not a defense, as election offenses
are generally mala prohibita. 191 192



nFive years from the date of their nAny person guilty of violations of Sec. 261a (Vote-
commission. If the discovery of the buying and vote-selling) and 261b (Conspiracy to bribe
voters) of BP 881 who voluntarily gives information and
offense be made in an election willingly testifies on any violation of said sections in any
contest proceeding, the period of official investigation or proceeding shall be exempt
from prosecution and punishment for the offenses with
prescription shall commence on the reference to which his information and testimony were
date on which the judgment in such given, without prejudice to his liability for perjury or
proceedings becomes final and false testimony.
193 194

PROHIBITED ACTS UNDER RA 9369 n(2) Interfering with, impeding, absconding for purpose of gain,
preventing the installation oruse of computer counting devices and the
n(1) Utilizing without authorization, tampering with, damaging, destroying processing, storage, generation and transmission of election results,
or stealing: (a) Official ballots, election returns, and certificates of canvass data or information
of votes used in the system; and (b) Electronic devices or their n(3) Gaining or causing access to using, altering, destroying ordisclosing
components, peripherals or supplies used in the AES such as counting any computer data, program, system software, network, or any
machine, memory pack/diskette, memory pack receiver and computer computer-related devices, facilities, hardware or equipment, whether
classified or declassified

195 196

n(4) Refusal of the citizens' arm to present for perusal its copy of
election return to the board of canvassers n(7)The failure to post the voters' list
n(5) Presentation by the citizens' arm of tampered or spurious
election returns
within the specified time, duration
n(6) Refusal or failure to provide the dominant majority and dominant and in the designated location shall
minority parties or the citizens' arm their copy of election returns
and constitute an election offense on
the part the election officer

197 198


nThose convicted of thecrimeof electoral sabotage, which includes acts or
PENALTIES offenses committed in any of the following instances:
(1) National elective office
When the tampering, increase and/or decrease of votes
General Rule: perpetrated or the refusal to credit the correct votes or
1. Imprisonment of 8 years and one day to 12 years without to deduct tampered votes is/are committed in the
possibility of parole election of a national el ective office which is voted upon
2. Perpetual disqualification to hold public and any non-elective nationwide and the tampering, increase and/ or
public office and decrease of votes or refusal to credit the correct votes or
3. Deprivation of the rightof suffrage. to deduct tampered votes, shall adversely affect the
results of the election to the said national office to the
extent that losing candidate/s is /are made to appear
the winner/s;

199 200

(3) Any and all other forms or tampering increase/s and/ or decrease/s of
(2) Regardless of the elective office involved votes perpetuated or in cases of refusal to credit the correct votes or
When the tampering, increase and/ordecrease of votes committed or the deduct the tampered votes, where the total votes involved exceed 10,000
refusal to credit the correct votes or to deduct tampered votes
perpetrated is accomplished in a single election document or in the
transposition of the figure / results from one election document to vAny and all other persons orindividuals determined to bein conspiracy
another and involved in the said tampering increase and/or decrease or or in connivancewith themembers of the BEIs orBOCs involved shall be
refusal to credit correct votes or deduct tampered votes exceed 5,000 meted the same penalty of life imprisonment.
votes, and that the same adversely affects the true results of the election.

201 202




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