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Similes Meaning
As agile as a monkey The active boy as agile as a monkey.
As bitter as gall He refused to eat medicine because it was as bitter as gall.
As busy as bee Her father was as busy as a bee.
As blind as a bat She was as blind as a bat without her glasses. as clear as crys
As cheerful as a bird He was as cheerful as a bird when he heard the good news.
As clear as crystal The water at the waterfall was as clear as crystal.
As easy as ABC The test was as easy as ABC to him.
As faithful as dog The servant was as faithful as a dog towards his master.
As graceful as a swan The dancers dance as graceful as a swan during the performance.
As hungry as a wolf He was as hungry as a wolf after coming back from the trip.
As happy as a king She was as happy as a king when she won the singing
As light as a feather He could carry the bag easily because it was as light as a feather.
As mischievous as a monkey The naughty boy was as mischievous as a monkey.
As playful as a kitten The toddler was as playful as a kitten.
As quiet as a moue He tiptoed in to the room as quiet as a mouse.
As quick as a lightning He ran as quick as lightning when he saw the dog.
As still as a statue He stood there as still as a statue.
As stubborn as a mule He refused to listen because he was as stubborn as a mule.
As vain as a peacock No one wanted to befriend the girl who was as vain as a peacock.
As wise as an owl The old man was as wise an owl.

Idioms Meaning
By hook or by crook He knew he had to finish the task by hook or by crook.
(By fair or foul means)
By leaps and bounds HIs perfomance in school improved by leaps and
( with remarkable speed) bounds because he worked very hard.
Caught red-handed The thief was caught red-handed by the police.
(caught while commiting a crime)
Fair and square All his friends like him because he is fair and square.
(with justice and honesty)
Fit as a fiddle He was as fit as a fiddle till he fell sick.
(in very good health)
Get into hot water He is very naughty and mischievous, so he always
(get into trouble) gets into hot water.
In the nick of time He managed to save the boy from drowning in the
(just before its too late) nick of time.
Keep an eye His mother asked him to keep and eye on his sister
(watch carefully) while she was away.
Let the cat out of the bag He finally let the cat out of the bag and his parents
(tell what should be kept a screen) forgave him.
Once in a blue moon He only visited his parents once in a blue moon.
(rarely, once in a long time)
Pass with flying colours She was happy to pass the test with flying colours.
(to do very well in test)
Raining cats and dog It was raining cats and dogs the whole day.
(raining heavily)
Spick and span The village became spick and span after the “gotong-
(neat and clean) royong”.
To get to the heart of the matter He was determined to get to the heart of the matter.
(to find out the source of the matter)
To lend a hand Halim decide to lend a hand to Ali.
(to help)
To live from hand to mouth The poor boy and his family lived from hand to mouth.
(to live only for today without thought
for tommorow)
Fall on deaf ears All his parents advice to him falls on deaf ears.
(to be ignored)

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