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I S S U E N O .

3 2 • J U N E 4 , 2 019

T H E O F F I C I A L B U L L E T I N O F T H E R O TA R Y C L U B O F M A K AT I R I D I S T R I C T 3 8 3 0 P H I L I P P I N E S


Welcome to the Annual Members’

Meeting of the Makati Rotary Club
Foundation Inc.—MRCFI.
Today we shall hear reports on the
activities of the Foundation in the past
year as well as on its finances.
As you all know, the members of the
Rotary Club of Makati are also mem-


bers of the Foundation. Virtually an ex-
tension of the Club, the Foundation is

actually the Club’s funding arm, its rai-
son d’etre being to provide funds for the
humanitarian projects of the Club. The
Foundation is the Club’s rich younger
brother. Its wealth lies in three pieces

T HE Supplemental Feeding Pro-

gram under long-time chairman
PP Freddie Borromeo ended its
of real estate in prime locations: one, a
2-hectare property along South Super
Highway in Paranaque City donated by
2018-2019 run with a bang – a three-in- Fedders Koppel; two, a 6-hectare prop-
one program conducted on Friday, May erty in Las Pinas, donated by Rohm and
31. On top of the usual launch of a sup- Haas Company; and the property in
plemental feeding module, it threw in Guadalupe Viejo on which stands the
two more activities: donation of bicycles MRCFI Building that houses the RC
to 25 students and another donation of Makati Clubhouse, a donation from
school supplies to 200 students. Ayala.
The program took place at the Sto. Rental payments on the Paranaque
Domingo Elementary School in Bay, and Las Pinas properties are the sources
Laguna, with three project partners: of the Foundation’s revenues, which in
the Rotary Club of Bay led by Pres. turn fuel the Club’s projects.
Eric Peralta and PE Deo Alcantara, Without meaning to pre-empt my-
the Municipality of Bay, and our long- self, allow me to give you the highlights
time partner, Kabisig ng Kalahi led by of the reports you will be hearing in the
to page 03
to page 05

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02 03


04 05

01 Ana Maria Tabunda (Guest Speaker) 02 Fred

M ANNY Padiernos began the
meeting with a prayer thanking
God Almighty for gathering us for the
tritious meals prepared by their moth-
ers for only P15/meal, has scored a
success rate of close to 90%.
Pascual (President) 03 Dir. Philip Soliven (Moderator) meeting and for the opportunity to lis- PP Freddie also announced that
04 Manny Padiernos (Invocator) 05 Howie Calleja ten to the guest speaker, Ms. Ana Ma- graduates of the feeding program were
(Introducer) 06 Exchange of banners with RC
ria Tabunda, analyse for us the pro- competing in the Math and Spelling
Ibushuki Kagoshima, Japan
ceedings of the mid-term elections. He Quiz Bee throughout the country last
also asked the Lord to allow us to Serve May 31.
Above Self and, following the RI theme He also mentioned the Bikes to
for the year, “Be the Inspiration” to so- School Project under Hiro Oba, un-
ciety. der which boys from poor families, who
Club Functions and Committee lack even transportation money, are
Announcements. IPP Jun Jun Day- given bicycles to transport them to and
rit called attention to an item in March from school. The bikes are donated by
2019 issue of “The Rotarian” – “an in- charitable institutions in Japan.
teresting article” titled “The Four-Way On today’s elec t ion for a new
Test in a post-truth era.” Board of Trustees, IPP Jun Jun Day-
PP Freddie Borromeo announced rit, in his capacity as chairman of the
the last event of the Supplemental Makati Rotary Club Foundation Inc.
Feeding Program which he chairs: the (MRCFI), reminded everyone that
launch of two feeding modules, with that day, May 21, was the last day for
30 kids per module, in partnership the nomination of candidates. He also
with RC Bay in Laguna,“ a wonderful informed that the ballot box was to be
club with a lot of heart-warming and kept open last Friday, May 31, by the
hardworking people,” as PP Freddie Election Committee composed of PDG
described it. The program, which pro- Tony Quila, Louie Aseoche and PP
vides malnourished children with nu- to page 03

2 KAUNLARAN • JUNE 4, 2019

Chaiirman’s Message . . . from page 01
course of today’s meeting. MRCFI General Membership Meeting
This year, the Foundation allocated nearly P23 million to Tuesday, 4 June 2019
support the programs of the Club. This amount included the The Conservatory, The Peninsula Manila
P10 million we budgeted for the Partnership in Service Project
(PSP) under which we provided grants to finance the service
projects of other Rotary Clubs, notably those in our District
For the upcoming RY that starts on July 1, we have ap- • Call to Order ................. IPP JunJun Dayrit
proved the release of P11 million so that PE Bimbo Mills can • MRCFI Chairman
start implementing his projects and hit the ground running. • Invocation ................ Mundy Gonzalez
In Property Management, we signed last December 2018 a • National Anthem ................ RCM Chorale
lease contract with Fortune Packaging for the lease of 12,000 • RC Makati Hymn
sqms of the Paranaque property. We will sign another lease • Proof of Notice of Meeting
contract with HMR Auctions on June 14 for the lease of the • and Determination of Quorum .. PP Reggie Nolido
remaining 8,000 sqms. The Las Pinas property is covered by a • Approval of the Minutes of
long-term lease with Rohm and Haas which will end on 2023 • Last Year’s Membership Meeting
As owner of the MRCFI Building, the Foundation is re- • Matters Arrising from the Minutes
sponsible for the upkeep of the building. We have repainted • of Last Year’s Membership Meeting
both the exterior and interior of the building, from the ground • History of MRCFI ....... PRID Paing Hechanova
floor to the third, and have undertaken repair and maintenance • Report of the Chairman .... IPP JunJun Dayrit
of all the air-conditioning units. We have also purchased two • Report of the Treasurer ... Freddie Placino
sets of computers and printer/copiers for the use of the Founda- • Election of Trustees
tion secretariat. • Ratification of all acts and resolutions
Today, we shall be electing a new set of trustees to handle • of the Board during FY2018-19
the management and administration of the MRCFI in the • Appointment of an External Auditor
coming year. Pres. Fred Pascual will succeed me as chairman, for FY2018-19
following a provision in our By-Laws to the effect that the • Adjournment
Club’s immediate past president automatically becomes chair- •
man of the Foundation. PP Reggie Nolido
Quick reminder: Please do not forget to cast your ballot. Moderator

Flashback . . . from page 02

Cesar Campos. He also reminded those who cannot make

it to today’s meeting to accomplish a proxy form and submit
it to the Election Committee.
President’s Time. Pres. Fred Pascual announced that
there would be no meeting on May 28, it being the Tuesday
of Service Project Week. The next meeting, he said, would be
today for the Annual Members’ Meeting of MRCFI and the
election of a new set of Foundation trustees. He urged every-
one to cast their votes today, and for those who cannot make
it, to fill up a proxy form to make sure that we shall have a
quorum for this very special meeting. He reminded everyone
that it is from the Foundation that we get our funds for all our
humanitarian projects.
He informed that we have been invited to the 68th Instal-
lation of our sister club, the Rotary Club of Kota Kinabalu,
on June 29, a Saturday, at the Hyatt Kinabalu Regency. PP He also announced two upcoming events: one, the Fri-
Sonny & Terry Tambunting, and their son Sonny Jr., day Night Lights on May 24 at the RCM Clubhouse, the last
have confirmed their attendance at the event. Others who FNL for the year, with the May and June birthday celebrants
may want to go are requested to inform the secretariat so banding together as joint hosts; and two, the Club Awards
they can advise the host club ASAP. to page 06

KAUNLARAN • JUNE 4, 2019 3

Rotary Ann
Rose Galvez, 8 June JUNE 4
M Y Fellow Rotarians,
It is w it h a heav y
heart that I announce my resig-
Johnny & Nancy Sy, 4 June
MRCFI’s Annual
Members Meeting
nation as the president-nominee PP David & Mache Ackerman, 7 June and Election of
of Rotary International. While Dick & Terri Robbins, 8 June New Trustees
it was my dream to serve as your Mark & Marilyn Oba, 9 June
president, my health prevents
me from giving my absolute ATTENDANCE REPORT JUNE 22
best to you and the office of the May 7, 2019 District Awards,
president at this time. I believe Regular Non-Exempt 39
1PM, Insular Life,
Rotary deserves nothing less Members in Attendance Filinvest
than that from those elected to represent this great organiza-
Honorary and Exempt Members / 17
tion of ours.
Visiting Rotarians and Guests
I have made this difficult decision after much soul JUNE 25
searching and conferring with my family. This is not only a Total Attendance 56
Club Awards, 12
disappointment for us, but I am also keenly aware that this Make-Ups 5 Noon, Rigodon I,
will be a disappointment for many Rotarians in India who
Total Attendance Credit 44 Peninsula Manila
were so proud to see someone from our country again named
as president. I know that this is what is best for Rotary Inter- Total Regular 106
Non-Exempt Members
I have been a Rotarian for more than 40 years and it has Exempt Members 20 JUNE 29
given me everything I could ask for. I can think of no higher Total Membership to date 126
D3830 Handover,
honor than to have been selected by the Nominating Com- 4PM, Marriott
mittee as president of Rotary for the 2020-21 Rotary year. I Honorary Members 15 Grand Ballroom,
will continue to proudly serve as a Rotary member and pur- Attendance Percentage 41.15% Resorts World
sue some major initiatives that I wanted to accomplish during MAKE UPS:
my year as president, because I know that we are poised to 1. IPP JunJun Dayrit 4. PP Carlo Rufino
achieve more great things in the future. 2. PN Peter Manzano 5. Bom Villatuya
I wish nothing but the best to the candidate who suc- 3. Andrew Prieto
ceeds me as president and thank you all for the support and
encouragement you have shown me in the past year.
-Sushil Gupta ident-nominee if no other candidates challenge him by 31
HOLGER KNAACK SELECTED To build a stronger membership, Knaack says Rotary
must focus on increasing the number of female members and
TO BE 2020-21 ROTARY transitioning Rotaractors into Rotarians.
Knaack believes that the People of Action campaign of-
INTERNATIONAL PRESIDENT fers new public awareness possibilities for Rotary. “This
campaign conveys our global image while still respecting dif-
ferences in regions and cultures,” he says.

H OLGER Knaack, a mem-

ber of the Rotary Club
of Herzog tum L auenburg-
A Rotary member since 1992, Knaack has served Rotary
as treasurer, director, moderator, member and chair of sever-
al committees, representative for the Council on Legislation,
Mölln, Germany, has been se- zone coordinator, training leader, and district governor.
lected to serve as president of He is an endowment/major gifts adviser and co-chair of
Rotary International in 2020- the Host Organization Committee for the 2019 Rotary Inter-
21. national Convention in Hamburg.
The Nominating Com- Knaack is the CEO of Knaack KG, a real estate com-
mittee’s decision follows the pany. He was previously a partner and general manager of
resignation last month of Pres- Knaack Enterprises, a 125-year-old family business.
ident-nominee Sushil Gupta He is a founding member of the Civic Foundation of the
due to health reasons. Knaack
to page 05
will officially become pres-
4 KAUNLARAN • JUNE 4, 2019
01 02

01 Turnover of bicycles
02 Signing of MoA for
the feeding program 03
Distribution of school
supplies 04 Lunch hosted 03 04
by RC Bay

3-in-1 . . . from page 01 September 2018 to March 2019, ben- ing contributed in a large measure to
efited 60 kids. the dramatic reduction of the school
its executive director, Ms. Vicky Wie- This year also marks the most num- drop-out rate among students in Bay
neke. Also in attendance were Rtn. ber of modules done in one year since The Club also gave 200 third-,
Ferdie Ordoveza, First Ann Men- the start of the program in 2004-2005. fourth-, fifth- and sixth-grade students
chu Pascual, Ann Jojo Borromeo, A total of 146 modules covering 4,497 from Brgy. Sto. Domingo school sup-
and members of RC Bay. malnourished children have since been plies –notebooks, pencils, ball pens,
Two feeding modules with 60 kids completed. crayons, pencil sharpeners, ruled pad,
(30 kids per module) were started; the The Committee, working with the and scissors in a string bag. The stu-
feeding will run for the standard six- Bikes to School Project chaired by Hiro dents also received books from our
month period, to wrap up in November. Oba, gave away 25 bikes to as many Books Across the Seas Project. The
This launch brings to 15 the number of students, among them five PWDs. The school supplies and books made a time-
modules started this RY and to 474 the Bikes-to-School Project receives bike ly gift, coming so close to the reopening
number of children treated for malnu- donations from charitable institutions of classes this month.
trition in the same period. It is also the in Japan and donates them to Filipino As in every Rotary event, the activ-
second feeding program launched in students from poor families. The pro- ity culminated with a fellowship lunch
Bay this year. The first, which ran from ject has been hailed by RC Bay as hav- hosted by RC Bay.

Holger Knaack. . . from page 04 Kanagawa, Japan; Manoj D. Desai, Ro- Noord), Netherlands; Sam Okudzeto,
tary Club of Baroda Metro, Gujarat, Rotary Club of Accra, Ghana; José
India; Shekhar Mehta, Rotary Club of Ubiracy Silva, Rotary Club of Re-
City of Ratzeburg and served as presi- Calcutta-Mahanagar, West Bengal, cife, Pernambuco, Brazil; Bradford
dent of the Golf-Club Gut Grambek. India; John G. Thorne, Rotary Club of R. Howard, Rotary Club of Oakland
Knaack is also the founder and chair of North Hobart, Tasmania, Australia; Uptown, California, USA; Michael
the Karl Adam Foundation. Guiller E. Tumangan, Rotary Club of D. McCullough, Rotary Club of Tren-
Knaack and his wife, Susanne, are Makati West, Makati City, Philippines; ton, Michigan, USA; Karen K. Wentz,
Major Donors to The Rotary Founda- Juin Park, Rotary Club of Suncheon, Rotary Club of Maryville, Tennes-
tion and members of the Bequest Soci- Jeonranam, Korea; Elio Cerini, Rotary see, USA; Michael K. McGovern,
ety. Club of Milano Duomo, Italy; Gide- Rotary Club of South Portland-Cape
The members of the Nominating on M. Peiper, Rotary Club of Ramat Elizabeth, Maine, USA; and John C.
Committee for the 2020-21 President Hasharon, Israel; Per Høyen, Rotary Smarge, Rotary Club of Naples, Flor-
of Rotary International are Kazuhiko Club of Aarup, Denmark; Paul Knijff, ida, USA.
Ozawa, Rotar y Club of Yokosuka, Rotary Club of Weesp (Vechtstreek-
KAUNLARAN • JUNE 4, 2019 5

T HE last FNL for the RY 2018-2019

took place on the last Friday of the
year’s penultimate month, May 24.
As in past FNLs, there was singing,
the karaoke way, an open invitation to
anyone with a melodious voice to share.
Joining hands as hosts were the
bir t hday celebrators for May and
June—Wash Lou, Boy Arteche and
Kiel del Rio for May, IPP Jun Jun
Dayrit for June. Wash brought a le-
chon, Taba Samson brought his signa-
ture dinuguan, with green mangoes/
bagoong, while IPP Jun Jun, Glen Ga-
tuslao, PE Bimbo Mills, and PP Ed-
die Yap brought wine, while the four
celebrators chippid in for the food—
baked prawns, baked salmon, beef cal-
dereta, grilled ribs, sotanghon guisado
(vermicelli), lumping shanghai, roast,
and a cake.
The turnout was good, with 24 Ro-
tarians and Rotary Anns: Pres. Fred
Pascual , PP Felix & Tessie Am-
paro, Boy Arteche, PDG Pepito
Bengzon, Chito Cantada, IPP Jun
Jun & Cecille Dayrit, Ai-Ai & Rose
Galvez, Glenn Gatuslao, PP Rene Peter & Pam Manzano, PE Bim- Mita Soliven, Johnny Sy, Derrick
Limjoco, Wash & Pizza Lou, PN bo Mills, Taba Samson, Philip & Tan, PP Eddie & Dellie Yap.

Flashback . . . from page 03 preference and the final count including

ground work, advertising, intensified The 4 Way Test
of what we think,
on June 25, the last fellowship meeting smear campaigns, command votes (in-
of the year which he hopes will draw a cluding those of Iglesia ni Kristo and El
good turnout of club members and Ro-
tary Anns.
Shaddai), endorsements, vote buying,
harassment of voters and poll watchers,
say or do!
Ana Maria Tabunda, Ph. D, re- and conditions in the precincts on elec-
search director of Pulse Asia Research tion day.
and guest speaker, made a presentation She made an analysis of the strength
1. Is it the TRUTH?
on an analysis of the national midterm of President Duterte’s endorsement or 2. Is it FAIR to All
election that took place on May 13. “indictment” of the Hugpong senato-
Showing data on the results of sur- rial slate, as well as the impact of the
veys in the lead-up to the election, she so-called narco list on the vote. She 3. Will it Build
concluded that the survey rankings then remarked on the fate of a number
were not inconsistent with the Comelec of political families, notably the Estra-
GOODWILL and Better
tally of the results for the senatorial can- das of San Juan, the Binays in Makati, Friendships?
didates. She explained that the numbers and the Eusebios of Pasig, who suffered
illustrate the power of probability sam- stunning losses at the polls. Finally, she
4. Will it Be BENEFICIAL
pling. She also spoke of the many fac- proffered a teaser on the possible con- to All Concerned?
tors that influence voter turnout, voter tenders for the presidency in 2020.

6 KAUNLARAN • JUNE 4, 2019

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