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Application manual
SafeMove2 PROFIsafe for IFWC Version 2
Application manual

SafeMove2 PROFIsafe for IFWC Version 2

IFWC 6.05.0144

Document ID: 3HUB502765-0001

Revision: D

© Copyright 2017 ABB. All rights reserved.

SafeMove2 PROFIsafe for IFWC Version 2


IFWC software package comes with template for PROFIsafe/SafeMove Pro safety setup. It also
comes with UAS settings template. These files are preconfigured for a typical IFWC ABB robot


The following RobotWare (RW) options are required in customer’s controller license in order to make
PROFIsafe/SafeMove Pro functional:

· 996-1 Safety Module

· 997-1 PROFIsafe F-Device (or 998-1 PROFIsafe F-Host and Device)
· 888-2 PROFINET Controller/Device (or 888-3 PROFINET Device)
· 1125-2 SafeMove Pro
· DSQC1015 Safety module hardware

This document is assuming Safety module DSQC1015 hardware is already fully installed in

Installing SafeMove Pro/PROFIsafe into ABB IRC5 Controller

Once the IRC5 controller is booted up with the correct customer license and IFWC, the following
steps will allow user to install predefined components into the robot.

Action Illustration
1. With the controller connected to
RobotStudio (RS), click on “Request
Write Access”. Then click on
“Authenticate” button, and select “Edit
User Account”.

2. Click on “Import”.

3. Browse to “uas_usergroups_template”
in IFWC software package. Then click
Click on “Delete existing users and
groups before importing”. Enter
Password: 007 Safety Users and
Groups should become enabled in
controller. Then login as Safety User
and type in password 007.

SafeMove2 PROFIsafe for IFWC Version 2

4. Click on “Safety” button. And then

select “Visual SafeMove”. A default
safety configuration will pop open.

5. Click on “File” and then “Open”. Say

“No” to “Do you want to save current

6. Browse to
in IFWC software package. Select
folder for either “RW6.05.00.x” or
“RW6.06.0x or newer” and click “Ok”.
7. Preconfigured safety profile should now
be loaded in RobotStudio environment.
Click on “Online Monitor” button.

8. A robot model with SafeMove zones

should appear. Make the necessary
adjustments to suit your robotic cell’s
setup, by changing the dimensions.
Don’t forget to update your
synchronization position. Note that this
is a sample setup.

9. In the Controller tab, click on Request
Write Access.

10. In Visual SafeMove tab, click on

“Controller” and then click on “Write

11. A safety file/report should be

generated. You can save or print the
report here. When ready, click on “Ok”
button to initiate download of safety
configuration to controller.

12. This popup indicates that safety was

successfully downloaded and a warm
start of controller will complete the
loading process. Click “Yes”. Controller
will reboot.

SafeMove2 PROFIsafe for IFWC Version 2

13. Assuming safety interface from safety

PLC is not fully established with ABB
controller, click on “Log Off Default

14. Login as Safety User (Password of

template UAS is 007)

15. Click on “SafeMove Visualizer”

16. Click on button shown, which will take
you to safety controller’s Control Panel

17. Click on “Mode” tab

18. Select “Commissioning Mode”. A

warning popup will appear. Click “Yes”

SafeMove2 PROFIsafe for IFWC Version 2

19. Click on “Synchronization” tab. Make

sure robot is at sync position—Sync
and Actual values should be the same.
Click on “Synchronize”. Note: there is
no need to click on enable button on
flex pendant to get Motors On.

20. Successfully synchronized popup

should appear.

21. Click on “CBC” tab. Depress enable

button on flex pendant to get Motors
On. Click on “Execute” button and hold
enable button depressed until brake
check is finished.

22. Successful brake check.

23. Under “Mode” tab, select “Safety

Supervision Mode”

24. Login as “Default User” by clicking

where the arrow is.

SafeMove2 PROFIsafe for IFWC Version 2

Safe Signals

The following Safe signals are preconfigured within file called


Safe Inputs Bit No. Description

fdiSYS_SafetyEnable 0 Safety is enabled from safety PLC
fdiSYS_SafetyReset 1 Safety Reset requested from safety PLC
fdiSYS_GeneralStop 2 General Mode Stop triggered by safety PLC
fdiSYS_AutoStop 3 Auto Mode Stop triggered by safety PLC
fdiSYS_04 4
fdiSYS_05 5
fdiSYS_06 6
fdiSYS_07 7
fdiSYS_08 8
fdiSYS_09 9
fdiSYS_10 10
fdiSYS_11 11
fdiSYS_12 12
fdiSYS_13 13
fdiSYS_14 14
fdiSYS_15 15
fdi_16 16
fdi_17 17
fdi_18 18
fdi_19 19
fdi_20 20
fdi_21 21
fdi_22 22
fdi_23 23
fdiR01_EnableZone1 24 SafeZone1 for R1 Enabled by Safety PLC
fdiR01_EnableZone2 25 SafeZone2 for R1 Enabled by Safety PLC
fdiR01_EnableZone3 26 SafeZone3 for R1 Enabled by Safety PLC
fdiR01_EnableZone4 27 SafeZone4 for R1 Enabled by Safety PLC
fdiR01_EnableZone5 28 SafeZone5 for R1 Enabled by Safety PLC
fdiR01_EnableZone6 29 SafeZone6 for R1 Enabled by Safety PLC
fdiR01_EnableZone7 30 SafeZone7 for R1 Enabled by Safety PLC
fdiR01_EnableZone8 31 SafeZone8 for R1 Enabled by Safety PLC
fdiR02_EnableZone1 32 SafeZone1 for R2 Enabled by Safety PLC
fdiR02_EnableZone2 33 SafeZone2 for R2 Enabled by Safety PLC

Safe Inputs Bit No. Description
fdiR02_EnableZone3 34 SafeZone3 for R2 Enabled by Safety PLC
fdiR02_EnableZone4 35 SafeZone4 for R2 Enabled by Safety PLC
fdiR02_EnableZone5 36 SafeZone5 for R2 Enabled by Safety PLC
fdiR02_EnableZone6 37 SafeZone6 for R2 Enabled by Safety PLC
fdiR02_EnableZone7 38 SafeZone7 for R2 Enabled by Safety PLC
fdiR02_EnableZone8 39 SafeZone8 for R2 Enabled by Safety PLC
fdi_40 40
fdi_41 41
fdi_42 42
fdi_43 43
fdi_44 44
fdi_45 45
fdi_46 46
fdi_47 47
fdi_48 48
fdi_49 49
fdi_50 50
fdi_51 51
fdi_52 52
fdi_53 53
fdi_54 54
fdi_55 55
fdi_56 56
fdi_57 57
fdi_58 58
fdi_59 59
fdi_60 60
fdi_61 61
fdi_62 62
fdi_63 63

SafeMove2 PROFIsafe for IFWC Version 2

Safe Outputs Bit No. Description

fdoSYS_0 0
fdoSYS_EStopStatus 1 Robot Estop status
fdoSYS_DriveEnable 2 Robot Drive Enable status
fdoSYS_RunChain 3 Robot RunChain status
fdoSYS_GeneralStop 4 Robot General Mode Stop echo
fdoSYS_AutoStop 5 Robot Auto Mode Stop echo
fdoSYS_AutoMode 6 Robot in Automatic key-switch Mode
fdoSYS_TeachMode 7 Robot in Teach key-switch Mode
fdoSYS_ServiceMode 8 SafeMove in Service mode
fdoSYS_CommissionMode 9 SafeMove in Commission mode
fdoSYS_SafetyOperational 10 SafeMove Safety operational
fdoSYS_SafetyConfigLocked 11 SafeMove Safety configurations locked
fdoSYS_12 12
fdoSYS_13 13
fdoSYS_14 14
fdoSYS_15 15
fdoR01_SyncStatus 16 R1 Sync Status
fdoR01_GTSP 17 R1 Safe Tool Speed sample
fdoR01_GWTP 18 R1 Safe Tool Position sample
fdo_19 19
fdo_20 20
fdo_21 21
fdo_22 22
fdo_23 23
fdoR01_SafeZone1 24 R1 Clear of Zone 1
fdoR01_SafeZone2 25 R1 Clear of Zone 2
fdoR01_SafeZone3 26 R1 Clear of Zone 3
fdoR01_SafeZone4 27 R1 Clear of Zone 4
fdoR01_SafeZone5 28 R1 Clear of Zone 5
fdoR01_SafeZone6 29 R1 Clear of Zone 6
fdoR01_SafeZone7 30 R1 Clear of Zone 7
fdoR01_SafeZone8 31 R1 Clear of Zone 8
fdoR02_SyncStatus 32 R2 Sync Status
fdoR02_GTSP 33 R2 Safe Tool Speed sample
fdoR02_GWTP 34 R2 Safe Tool Position sample
fdo_35 35
fdo_36 36
fdo_37 37

Safe Outputs Bit No. Description
fdo_38 38
fdo_39 39
fdoR02_SafeZone1 40 R2 Clear of Zone 1
fdoR02_SafeZone2 41 R2 Clear of Zone 2
fdoR02_SafeZone3 42 R2 Clear of Zone 3
fdoR02_SafeZone4 43 R2 Clear of Zone 4
fdoR02_SafeZone5 44 R2 Clear of Zone 5
fdoR02_SafeZone6 45 R2 Clear of Zone 6
fdoR02_SafeZone7 46 R2 Clear of Zone 7
fdoR02_SafeZone8 47 R2 Clear of Zone 8
fdo_48 48
fdo_49 49
fdo_50 50
fdo_51 51
fdo_52 52
fdo_53 53
fdo_54 54
fdo_55 55
fdo_56 56
fdo_57 57
fdo_58 58
fdo_59 59
fdo_60 60
fdo_61 61
fdo_62 62
fdo_63 63

The following Function Mapping of safe signals are preconfigured with IFWC SafeMove Pro template
called “SafeMove_configuration_template.xml”

SafeMove2 PROFIsafe for IFWC Version 2

SafeMove Safety Controller Checksum

If SafeMove Pro option is installed in an IFWC robot system, eight (8) hex values are broadcast on specific
sets of group outputs. A PLC can capture these values and display them on, for example, HMI.

The last eight hex values of SafeMove’s safety checksum string will be captured and broadcast. This happens
every time robot controller equipped with SafeMove Pro is rebooted (warm-started).

Example of a checksum set:

6 7 6 9 3 8 4 E

will yield:

6 7 6 9 3 8 4 14

The signals being used in IFWC to allow this are:

From the flex pendant, SafeMove checksum can be viewed by browsing to following location: ABB
menu/SafeMove Visualizer/Safety Controller Control Panel button (left-most button at
bottom)/View/SafetyConfiguration/ConfigurationSeal. Example of checksum in flex pendant is shown
below. Note the highlighted portion is what would be tracked and broadcast.

Also note that SafeMove checksum can also be obtained from safety report which was generated when
SafeMove was downloaded to controller.

Example below shows how SafeMove safety checksum may look like look when presented on an HMI via

SafeMove2 PROFIsafe for IFWC Version 2

RAPID components of IFWC

IFWC provides to the user file called r1smptemp.mod. It is located within controller at:
IFWC/home/t_rob1/ r1smptemp.mod.

User can load manually load this file to the controller. SafeMove functions, such as Cyclic BrakeCheck,
could be programmed in this RAPID module. User can rename file to, for example, R1SAFEMOVE.mod

Note that this file will only become available if SafeMove Pro option is available in robot controller options

Related Information

Reference Document Id

1. Application manual Functional safety and SafeMove 3HAC052610-001 Revision D

SafeMove2 PROFIsafe for IFWC Version 2


Reference Document Id

Added on Pg. 5 info in regards to 2 sample safety files: (1) RW6.05.00.x, (2)
RW6.06.x and newer


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