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On multiple meanings of mat: activity of drinking, in this case

- why would you decide to go visit your family yet there is merry-making (wedding ceremony) in
the Lango village where there is more "myel, mat kede mwodo, MMM" ? Why would you skip the
important event in Ibuje?

Date: Tue, 26 Aug 2014 14:12:28 -0400


Dear Old Boy Mr. Tonny Okori,

You will excuse me for appearing to be a little skeptical (if at all this incident happened).
Perhaps, the sad story was written in hurry - so allow me seek clarity before I convey my

On Tue, Aug 26, 2014 at 8:25 AM, Tonny Okori <> wrote:

Dear Brothers and Friends

1. I trust you are all well. Am fine

For one, I am fine save for the usual and mundane struggles of life. Allow me ask the following
questions - line by line.

2. On Friday of
22nd August 2014 at around 5:30, a friend of mine whom I had trusted with my Premio
car UAT 573Z to go and drive the Groom and the Bridegroom at Ibuje Church of
Uganda on Saturday of 23rd August 2014, never reached the decoration ground in
Ibuje. He instead branched off to Alado road for his personal reason following a newly
constructed road. He overturned the car and left the car in a sorry state.
I suppose there is a road somewhere between Kungu - Masindi Port (where you gave the car to
the friend of yours) and Alado Road, where the friend "branched off". [Forgive me I don't know
the geography of the places here. I don't know where Kungu - Masindi Port is. Neither do I know
Alado and the distances between the places in question.

Also, I suppose the new Road is Alado itself.

3. While the accident happens, I was already on my way to visit my family in Kampala.
I got the news before reaching Kla that the man whom I gave the car at Kungu -
Masindi Port got an accident and died. It was the worst moment in my life.

Now, you said you were already on your way to Kampala when the accident happened. And I
suppose that that must have been between 22nd August 2014 at around 5:30 (am or pm?) and
early morning of 23rd August 2014 (say, latest, 6:00 am?- or 9 am ?- in time to drive the brides)
assuming it takes all that long to drive from Kungu - Masindi Port to Alado Road., where the
accident is alleged to have taken place.

Further, I assume that it takes more than that that long (above) for you to travel from Kungu -
Masindi Port to Kampala. [Unless there were some delays, or depending on the transport mode:
did you travel by bus, bicycle...?].

4. The victim was rushed to Ibuje health center III, then to Apac hospital then to Lira
referral hospital where he is recovering from. He was unconscious for three nights but
as I write, he is recovering.

You stated in 3 that you "got the news" before reaching Kampala that "the man whom I gave
the car at Kungu - Masindi Port got an accident and died". How then could he have
been transported from health center to health center.... and "he is recovering"- and how
far are these hospitals (assuming they are different from the ones I know of). Did he
resurrect from death? Even if that were true, the time intervals don't add up for you "got
the news that he died" before you reached Kampala.... [Well, the story of resurrection
could somewhat be plausible if you were using a slower means of transport, e.g. riding
a bicycle to Kampala or walking on foot... but again, I need to know the distance from
Kungu - Masindi Port to Kampala for me to try to think some supernatural intervention
occurred and the man rose from the dead as you "delayed" on your way to Kampala.
Suppose these were true, I would want to know the type of people who kept on moving
the dead body from Alado (new road?) to Ibuje health center to Apac hospital to Lira
referral hospital]......

Numerous (if not infinite) philosophical (and not only legal) questions could be asked down
to the beliefs of the world we are talking about. In any case,
- why would you decide to go visit your family yet there is merry-making (wedding ceremony) in
the Lango village where there is more "myel, mat kede mwodo, MMM" ? Why would you skip the
important event in Ibuje?

- Yes, so you live out of town/Kampala. Why would you choose the lend the car to the friend at
Kungu - Masindi Port ? Where were you coming from, or where was your friend coming from?
Did you arrange to me your friend at Kungu - Masindi Port ? Why? Did you have some motive....
on this friend of yours?

- How did you know that the friend whom you lent the car "branched off to Alado Road for
personal reasons". Of course, the time he died was not given... but many things need to be
clarified. If he died on the spot, then how can you posit that he branched off for personal reasons.
How did you know that he (and not some hijacker at all) overturn the car.. leaving it in a sorry

- How did you get the news (while you were still on your way to Kampala)? Telephone call?

- The above, I suppose are mostly legal questions. [I am by no means knowledgeable in that
area,... but I am using common sense.. so legal experts here will forgive me for meandering

- etc

5. It is a trying moment for me and I want you to put us in your prayers.

But for simplicity, let me assume the vague description matches my knowledge of the real world
of Uganda (and no paranormal in play), then, OB, I think yin ite itemo bedo okora....!

I will save my condolence until you rephrase the announcement - providing utmost clarity!

I will call [on telephone] you in a bit, nonetheless.

The pictures you provided are a necessary but not sufficient condition to the truth of the narrative.


Caesar Ogole

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