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Designating Connectors with Entry Port Parameters Page 1 of 2

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Concept: Designating Connectors with Entry Port

Designating Connectors with Entry Port Parameters
Use parameters on Entry Ports for quicker designation.

Parameters can be defined on the connector Csys in the 3-D model to simplify designation when autodesignating
using logical data, or when manually designating components.

Figure 1 – Connector Csys Entry Ports

Autodesignating Using Logical Data

The Creo Schematics user no longer has to define all of the required parameters on the ports in the 2-D symbol
to drive Cabling in Creo Parametric.

Instead, the Creo Parametric Cabling user can create specific parameters in the entry port Csys features within
the 3-D model. All that is required of the Creo Schematic user is to specify the model name of the 3-D component
using the model_name parameter.

This lessens the administration within Creo Schematics and makes the transfer of data between the schematic
and 3-D model easier.

Manually Designating Components

Predefining the parameters on the Csys reduces the number of clicks when manually designating components,
since grouping type and internal length are defined from the Csys parameters.

Required Parameters
To use this technique, the following parameters are required on the Csys of the connector model: 01-11-2017
Designating Connectors with Entry Port Parameters Page 2 of 2

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Figure 2 – Designate Components

• entry_port – (YES NO)


◦ NO

• grouping – (STRING)



• internal_len (REAL)
◦ 1.0

◦ 1.50

◦ 2.75

◦ and so forth

• pins (STRING)
◦ “1”

◦ “1,3” 01-11-2017

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