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próxima centauri b
possibly this is the most realistic and effective exoplanet for humans and we
will explain how and when this could de possible, we will give you
information about the planet that will be explained like (proxima centari b)
and what does they contain, such as their mass, diameter, radius, amount of
water, gravity, etc… and the deformities or different things that it have unlike
the earth and how could we can solve this problems.

First lets start with the information about the temperature, this planet is
blocked by the tide, that is, the face of the planet will always be looking
towards its star, that will make one side have a very hot temperature and in
another it is very cold, but this is very news positive since the proxima
centauri b will level its temperature and in the middle of the two hemispheres
of cold and heat there will be a temperature of 22ºc where it is not perfect but
it is good for plants and water, speaking of water the proxima centauri b has a
small percentage of liquid water. now we will talk about the mass, this is a
little lighter than the earth with a 1.27 in size are almost exactly the same

The proxima centauri b has a lot of positives things, lets start with the
temperature this is too close to the temperate of the earth and this make that in
there we can stablish water and plants, and it would be the perfect temperature
for the humans but with a little bit of heat, something that could be better too
is that have water so before the humans go to the proxima centauri b we do
experiment with monkeys and we see if this resist the temperature and heat of
the planet and the monkey show us that it was too hard to walk and the
monkey was on the ground in all the experiment so we see about what was
happening with the gravity and the effect that can make the humans so here is
when it comes the bad thing of the planet proxima centauri b
This planet is too similar to the earth so it doesn’t have a lot of problems so
first let’s start with the atmosphere that is weakened but the solution is by
reacting hydrogen with carbon dioxide by Sabatier's reaction, methane and
water would be produced. The methane could be released into the atmosphere
where it would complement the greenhouse effect. Presumably, hydrogen
could be obtained, in quantities, from gaseous giants or extract it from objects
in the outer solar system that have compounds rich in hydrogen, although the
amount of energy needed to transport the necessary amount would be large.
Now we have a problem that we call it the monkey gravity, when we found
that the monkey in the planet doesn’t stand up and die we deduce that the
gravity force is too strong and the aproximedly is a 13.5 m/s2, if we see it in
difference with the earth this is too strong and humans could not resist the
gravity force, so we thing about ideas if the gravity is stronger we can make
humans too so we invented the EXO this give you the quarter of your
strongest and this is like jumping the double that you can but in the earth so if
you like and example jump in a tall site it would happen nothing to you
because the stronger that the EXO give you. This planet more than the 64% is
flat so this is too positive of people that live there because all the erurorian
people are farmers so they could have a lot of green zone to cultive their one
food for theme

The idea and the goal is try to make something better than the earth,
something in where anything is dangerous, because when we send the people
with the EXO this was too important because the EXO has a connection with
your blood so the EXO can see if you have an sickness and if you have one I
am sorry but if these doesn’t have cure you could not go because we are
warning with all sickness to don’t have any problem in the proxima centauri b

The conclusion is that these planet is earth or can have thing better than earth,
when we live the earth some people ae going to stay and try to take all
materials from earth and send it in ships to the proxima centrauri b, the most
difficult is the trip because we try with an astronaut that was a professional,
know we have the enough technology to go to the speed of light but we
experiment with humans and when we travel in speed of light we disintegrate
like going to an black hole so we go to an speed that in a little bit less to go
fast and aproximedly it takes 17-18 years to go there but to send minerals it
takes 16-17 years
The best solution is the proxima centauri b because as it was explained the
proxima centauri b is like the 2 earth or better so you have to choose the best
solution that you can choose and if you are the first person
when you get there we give you a house and a garden for you and you kid

Investin in future of our planet…

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